“Snapshot Research” on “Mathematics in Real Life”

(This assignment will answer the TEDIOUS questions that students ask over and over again,

“Why do I need to know this? When will I ever use this?”)


Mathematical Skill / Concept

Basic Arithmetic



Simple Interest

Compound Interest






Parallel lines / Perpendicular Lines

Algebra, in general




Unit Multiplier

Value of Money over Time

Mean, Median, Mode, Range


Powers / Roots

Circles, Arcs, Semi-circles

Number Systems (Hindu-Arabic, Roman, etc.)

Lots of other concepts - email me if you have a concept not listed above

Explain how 1 of the concepts is used in a real-life job / career. On your google doc you will write:

- The Saint Rita School Heading

- Math skill / concept

- The Job Title / Career Name

- Perhaps a picture to make it interesting

- 5+ bullet points that will cover the following

o Explain the math skill / concept; you can (and should) explain it in general terms as best you can if it is something we have not learned – no problem with that (

- What does the person do? Explain so we can understand.

- Explain how the skill is used / applied in that job – as specific as you can. Remember: we will not understand Trigonometry at a detailed level or how it is used – just the best summary you can give it simple terms

Your goals:

- Submit your HW on time – a google doc on Friday, April 3 by 3 pm

- Prove your understanding of the math skill / concept

- Prove that math is used in ALL of life (almost, if not all)

- Make your presentation interesting and informative and COOL – as best you can!

- Make your large presentation card “hallway worthy” – even though we are not here! (

- Pique the interest of your classmates by selecting jobs/careers that perhaps we never knew involved math (a “not” obvious connection for most), OR, selecting really cool jobs/careers to prove how important math is in EVERYTHING!

- Once and for all, put to rest the TEDIOUS student questions,

“Why do I need to know this?

When will I ever use this?”

Please note: NO ONE may use the job of “CASHIER” – it is obvious how and why this job uses math - we all understand. Pick different, NOT obvious, jobs and careers that use Math. Talk to your parents. Have fun with this. Do lots of research.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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