ERASMUS Student Learning Agreement



Non-EU College-Wide Exchange LEARNING AGREEMENT

Instructions for Students 2016/17

All non-EU college-wide exchange students should complete a Learning Agreement to enable them TO GET FULL CREDIT at their home university for the work they complete at their host university.

The Learning Agreement needs at least three signatures, ie. a signature from the student, the Trinity coordinator(s) and the host university coordinator(s) and in order to complete the Learning Agreement you must:

1. List the modules/courses that you will study at the host university together with the credits that are assigned to each module/course that you plan to take. For each module, enter the number of ECTS credits and the number of credits according to the host university’s credit system in the appropriate boxes. Any questions regarding credit conversion should be directed to your TCD departmental coordinator(s).TSM students should identify the Departments/Schools to which the chosen subjects relate (Department/School 1, Department/School 2).

2. Sign the Learning Agreement.

3. Ask your TCD Departmental/School Coordinator(s) to sign the form before departure to show that you will get full credit for the modules and workload included in your Learning Agreement, provided that you pass the modules with the appropriate grades. If you are a TSM student it is essential that you obtain a signature from the Coordinator of both departments/schools as you will need the approval of both departments/schools in order to gain credit for the year. Other students studying in more than one department such as BESS or PPES students should follow the same advice.

4. Ask the coordinator at your host university to sign the form to show that the host university is in agreement with your choice of modules.

5. Return the signed Learning Agreement to by email only by 17th June, 2016 (for Full Year and MT exchanges) by Friday 18th December, 2016 for HT only exchanges.

6. Keep a copy of the Agreement in case it gets lost!


Both you and your TCD Departmental Coordinators must keep a copy of your completed Learning Agreement in case it needs to be consulted at a later stage. It is your responsibility to keep your copy safe and it is important that you have it to refer to should there be an issue when you return to Trinity with the modules you took abroad.

If you need to make any changes to your choice of modules throughout the year it is important to contact your TCD Departmental Coordinator(s) and complete the ‘Changes’ section on the second page of the Learning Agreement and obtain signatures from both your TCD Departmental Coordinators and your host university coordinators.

If you know your modules for the entire academic year you should enter them all on the Learning Agreement. If you only know your modules for the first semester at this point, you should fill those in on your Learning Agreement and have it signed, then at the start of the second semester, complete the process again using a new form.

Submit the Learning Agreement to your TCD Departmental Coordinator(s), NOT the International Admissions & Study Abroad Office

A copy should be kept by you and your Departmental Coordinator(s)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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