Viva Voce Recipient’s

Viva Voce Recipients

Episcopal Church Women Diocese of Virginia


Viva Voce- “By word of mouth”

Giving to this fund is one of the oldest continuing acts in the history of the Episcopal Church Women. The objective was “to implement the missionary work of the Church”. In our continuing “Call to Action”, helping women and children in crisis, the following have been selected to share the Viva Voce contributions collected at the 2012 ECW Annual Meeting.

|I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. |

|I was naked and you gave me clothing…Matt: 25-36 (RSV) |

TRINITY SCHOOL OF EARLY LEARNING (Region III) Trinity School is a Christ-centered Episcopal school nurturing a diverse community of multiple faiths and nationalities, ages 2½-5.. Their program provides a creative and developmentally appropriate environment to promote the social, emotional, spiritual, cognitive and physical growth of their students. TSEL remains a non-profit organization and missionary outreach ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church. Contact: The Rev. Kim L. Coleman, Trinity School of Early Learning, 2217 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: (703) 920-8695 Fax: (703) 920-5560 director@

BETHANY HOUSE OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA (Region VI) Bethany House is a private, non-profit organization, sponsored by grants and tax-deductible donations from individuals, congregations, organizations and businesses. Established in 1979, Bethany House was organized to help women and their children who have suffered from domestic violence regain health and dignity and become re-established in their community by providing temporary housing and support. Contact: Catherine Hassinger, Executive Director, 6121 Lincolnia Rd. Suite 303, Alexandria, VA 22312 Phone: 703 658-9500 info@

WOVEN (Women Of Value in Every Nation) WOVEN through encouragement, information and inspiration, helps women and children discover their true value, develop their interests and abilities, discover the purpose and plan their lives in making the contributions for which they are destined. In addition to providing inspirational luncheons, practical workshops and training, one of WOVEN's most powerful projects is to provide Value Kits for children (without mothers to care for them), who have been beaten, neglected and abandoned. The kits are filled with items that bring hope, comfort and a sense of being special, to these children, when their world is unstable at best and unbearable at worst. The WOVEN metaphor hopes to communicate that as we are woven into the lives of others to help them fulfill their destiny of greatness, we are fulfilling ours. Contact: Renee Cobb, WOVEN, P.O. Box 29253, Henrico, VA 23242 Phone (804) 938-0693 info@

GERTRUDE MITCHELL HOUSE (Region XV) The Gertrude Mitchell House is owned by Trinity Episcopal and operated as transitional housing for battered women. With support from other Episcopal churches and the Shelter for Help in Emergency, Trinity has been able to help women rebuild their families and their futures. Generally the families stay there for six to eighteen months as they regain control of their lives. The Shelter for Help in Emergency oversees the placement and on-going programmatic support of the families. Mitchell House has truly saved lives and given women and their children new futures. Contact: Rev. Cass Bailey, Trinity Episcopal Church, 1042 Preston Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Phone: 434-293-3157 or 434-220-7477 trinepch@

ANNA JULIA COOPER EPISCOPAL SCHOOL: (Region IX) The Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School is an independent, tuition-free, faith-based middle school for students of limited resources primarily from Richmond’s East End neighborhood. Through a program focused on academic, social, and spiritual development, help students set their sights on college and responsible citizenship. Parents and volunteers are integral to success both as a School and a community of affection. Helping to ensure that students are on a path toward a full and decent life is fundamental reason for being Contact: Laura McGowan, communications & development, Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School, 2124 N. 29th Street, Richmond, VA 23223 Phone: (804) 822-6610 Fax: (804) 447-5784 mcgowanl@

Patricia W. Hardy, ECW Committee Chair, (804) 221-1789, ecwpat@



Please detach and bring this form to the Annual Meeting with your check payable to the Episcopal Church Women, Diocese of Virginia, designated with “Viva Voce” on the memo line. Place it in the collection plate at the Holy Eucharist service or mail to

ECW Treasurer: Rose Mary Zellner, 514 James Road, King and Queen Courthouse, VA 23085

NAME OF CHURCH / INDIVIDUAL ___________________________________________________________

LOCATION ________________________________________________________________________________

REGION _______ AMOUNT ENCLOSED $__________________________

ECW/August 2012


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