PE & Nutrition Trivia QuestionsKindergarten Trivia based on CATCH lessons:Can you name a GO food snack? What would be a WHOA food snack? ALMOST LIMITLESS ANSWERS HERE Name a GO food for each of the following colors: red, green, yellow and white. LOTS OF OPTIONS HEREName a GO food fruit that you can eat the outside and the inside. APPLES, PEACHES, GRAPES, Name 3 GO activities you can do inside? Outside? LIMITLESS OPTIONSCan you name a fruit that is purple in color? E.g. GRAPESWhat does 100% mean when it’s on the label of a can or bottle of fruit juice? ALL THE JUICE CAME FROM THE FRUIT. THERE IS NO ADDED SUGAR.Appropriate questions that are not part of the CATCH lessons:Name 3 GO veggies. LOTS OF OPTION Name 3 GO fruits LOTS OF OPTIONS Is cauliflower a veggie or a fruit? CAN BE ANY FRUIT OR VEGGIE – SIMPLY REINFORCING THE CHILDREN’S KNOWLEDGE AND CONFIDENCE THAT THEY KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.Is cauliflower a GO or WHOA food CAN BE ANY GO OR WHOA FOOD. REINFORCING KNOWLEDGE AND APPLICATION OF CONCEPTThe best drink for your body when you are hot and thirsty from playing is: Kool Aid, Gatorade, Soft drink or WATER? WATERFirst GradeTrivia based on CATCH lessons:Which drink has more added sugar? 100% apple juice or Gatorade energy drink? GATORADECan you name a “body cue” you might feel when you play a GO activity? RAPID/HEAVY BREATHING, SWEATING – FEELING HOT, FAST HEARTBEAT/PULSEName a part of your body that gets stronger when you play GO games and activities every day? LOTS OF OPTIONS. VIRTUALY ALL BODY PARTS GET STRONGER AND/OR HEALTHIER. What do you call all the time you spend watching TV, playing video games and searching the internet? SCREEN TIMEHow many minutes should you play GO games or activities every day? AT LEAST ONE HOURName a GO food and explain how to make it a WHOA food. POTATO – FRENCH FRIES, APPLE – APPLE PIE, SKIM MILK – ADDED SUGAR AND CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRIES – ON TOP OF AN ICE CREAM SUNDAEAppropriate questions that are not part of the CATCH lessons:I am a fruit that is yellow and very sour. What am I? Banana, Squash, Grape, LEMON.What is the average size of your heart? A tennis ball, Football, YOUR CLENCHED FIST, or your foot?I am made by drying grapes. I am full of iron, potassium, vitamin B and fiber. Am I a Papaya, Apricot, Date, RAISINWhat veggie is green and looks like a tree? BROCCOLISecond GradeTrivia based on CATCH lessons:What does energy balance mean? MAKING SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY EACH DAY TO DO THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DOWhat are the two kinds of energy Gus said you should keep in balance? THE ENERGY YOUR BODY GETS FROM FOOD AND THE ENERGY YOUR BODYS USES TO GROW AND BE ACTIVEWhat’s one way to know if a fat is healthy or unhealthy? HEALTHY FATS ARE LIQUID AND UNHEALTHY FATS ARE SOLIDWhat do unhealthy fats do to the arteries in your heart? THEY CLOG THEM UP AND MAKE THEM HARDName two things in foods that make your body get out of energy balance. UNHEALTHY FATS AND ADDED SUGARSCan you name a food that is processed and contains lots of sodium? CHIPS, BEEF JERKY, SALTED PEANUTS AND PRETZELSWhat is sodium? SALT THAT IS USED TO COOK AND SEASON FOODName a GO activity that helps your bones get stronger. JUMP ROPE, RUNNING, SKIPPING, JUMPING JACKS, GYMNASTICSCan you name a common barrier to doing GO activities that many boys and girls sometimes use when they don’t want to play? I’M TIRED, I WANT TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES, IT’S TOO HOT, COLD, THERE IS NOT ENOUGH TIME, I’M NOT GOOD AT PLAYING GAMES.Can you name two kinds of whole grains? CORN, WHEAT, RICE, OATSAppropriate questions that are not part of the CATCH lessons:What does the blood do when it’s in the lungs? IT PICKS UP OXYGENWhich food is orange and good for your eyes? Pumpkin, Carrot, Apricot, ALL OF THE ABOVEHow many fruits and veggies should you eat each day? 5 OR MOREWhat is the only fruit to have seeds on the outside? STRAWBERRIESThird GradeTrivia based on CATCH lessons:Name the two kinds of blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen throughout the body. VEINS, ARTERIESWhat is the most important muscle in our body? HEARTWho are the three friends of Hearty Heart who travel with him to Earth from Planet Strongheart? DYNAMITE DIET, FLASH FITNESS, SALLY SLEUTHWhat is the most important meal of the day? Why? BREAKFAST. IT HELPS YOU BODY BEGIN USING THE ENERGY FROM THE FOODS YOU WILL EAT THROUGHOUT THE DAYCan you describe the difference between GO, SLOW and WHOA foods? GO FOODS HAVE VERY LITTLE FAT OR ADDED SUGAR AND SALT, SLOW FOODS HAVE MORE FAT AND ADDED SUGAR AND SALT THAN GO FOODS. WHOA FOODS HAVE LOTS OF FAT, ADDED SUGAR AND SALT. GO FOODS ARE USUALLY EATEN IN THEIR NATURAL STATE. WHOA FOODS ARE OFTEN PROCESSED AND PREPARED WITH UNHEALTHY FATS, SUGARS AND SALT. What does “being sedentary” mean? NOT BEING ACTIVE OR PLAYING GAMES. SITTING DOWN TOO MUCH. BEING LAZY.What is the difference between whole grains and refined grains? REFINED GRAINS HAVE BEEN PROCESSED AND THE VITAMINS AND OTHER HEALTHY PARTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AWAY. WHOLE GRAINS CONTAIN ALL THE HEALTHY PARTS THAT ARE GOOD FOR YOUWhen buying food at the supermarket, how can you tell if the food is made with whole or refined grains? LOOK AT THE FOOD INFORMATION LABEL ON THE PACKAGE. LOOK FOR THE WORD “WHOLE.” LIKE WHOLE WHEAT OR WHOLE GRAINSWhat is Flash Fitness’ favorite fast food? TRAIL MIX THAT SHE CAN FIX HERSELFWhat is the best GO beverage you can drink? WATERAppropriate questions that are not part of the CATCH lessons:What kind of squash begins with the letter Z? ZUCCHINIHow much of your plate should you fill with fruits and veggies? 1/3, 1/2 , Most of the plateI am good in coleslaw and an excellent source of vitamin C. Am I: Carrots, CABBAGE, Brussels sprouts, broccoli?How many times does the heart beat each day? 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000?Fourth Grade Trivia based on CATCH lessons:What two things can you do each day to stay healthy? EAT HEALTHY FOODS AND BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVEWhat is a calorie and how many calories do kids like you need each day to stay healthy? A CALORIE IS A MEASURE OF FOOD ENERGY. KIDS YOUR AGE WHO ARE ACTIVE NEED ABOUT 2000 CALORIES EACH DAYWhat happens when you get more calories from the foods you eat than your body uses each day? YOU GAIN WEIGHTHow can you tell whether a fat comes from an animal or from a plant? AT ROOM TEMPERATURE, ANIMAL FATS WILL REMAIN SOLID AND PLANT FATS WILL BE IN LIQUID FORM. How many grams of sugar are in one teaspoon? ABOUT 4 GRAMSWhat is the recommended amount of sugar in kid’s diet? ABOUT 25 GRAMSHow many milligrams of salt do most people need each day? ABOUT 500What is a whole food? A FOOD THAT CAN BE EATEN IN ITS NATURAL STATE (BANANAS, PEPPERS, NUTS, ETC, ETC)What is a “trans fat?” A?“TRANS?FAT” IS A PROCESSED FAT. IT’S THE LEAST HEALTHY TYPE OF FAT. IT’S FORMED WHEN HEALTHY LIQUID VEGETABLE OILS ARE MADE INTO UNHEALTHY SOLID FATS BY CHEMICAL PROCESSINGHow many types of advertising techniques can you name that food companies use to get you to buy their products? Hint – there are four. APPEAL TO YOUR HEALTH (I.E., IT GOOD FOR YOU), BANDWAGON (HURRY UP AND GET YOURS BECAUSE EVERYBODY’S BUYING IT!), TESTIMONIAL (PEOPLE WHO HAVE USED THE PRODUCT TELL YOU HOW GOOD IT IS), EXAGGERATION (IT THE MOST WONDERFUL AND BEST EVER!!!)Appropriate questions that are not part of the CATCH lessons:What veggie looks like a bright red potato but is not a potato? BEETS The fruit that has the highest amount of antioxidants, or the highest fighting power against disease is: Apple, Banana, BLUEBERRY, Kiwi. The smallest blood vessels are called: Veins, Arteries, CAPILLARIES, PhalangesYour body needs this nutrient to stay warm, absorb some vitamins, and store energy - but too much can make you sick. The nutrient is: Iron, Potassium, FAT, SaltFifth Grade Trivia based on CATCH lessons:Name two common barriers that children face when trying to eat healthy foods and be physically active every day. THERE ARE MANY !!! TWO EXAMPLES: PARENTS PREPARE THE FOODS SO CHILDREN DON’T HAVE CONTROL OF THEIR DIETS. OLDER CHILDREN’S SCHEDULES ARE SO FULL WITH SCHOOL, CHURCH, CLUB, SPORTS, ETC, THAT SOME DAYS THERE JUST ISN’T ENOUGH TIME. What is a “pulse?” THE REGULAR THROBBING IN ARTERIES AS THE HEART PUMPS BLOOD THROUGH THEM; PULSE MEASURES THE BEATS OF THE HEART.Name 2 foods that are still healthy after being processed. FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGGIES, DRIED BEANS, AND OTHERSWhat does the acronym FIT stand for when playing GO activities? FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, TIME. YOU WANT TO BE PHYSCALLY ACTIVE EVERY DAY (FREQUENCY) AND BE VIGOROUSLY ACTIVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (INTENSITY) FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR (TIME)Name the 5 food groups on the My Plate diagram. PROTEINS, FRUITS, VEGGIES, GRAINS, DAIRYWhat is the best way to hydrate your body? DRINK WATER THROUGHOUT THE DAYCan you name at least three GO foods that you could eat for a healthy breakfast? FRUIT, WHOLE GRAIN TOAST, SKIM OR 1% MILK, LOW FAT YOGART, POACHED EGG, 100% FRUIT JUICE. When eating out, there are four actions you can take to make healthy choices. Which one is missing from the list? Choose – Change - ? – Decide on Little. PLAN AHEADWhat is goal setting? Does it work? DECIDING AHEAD OF TIME WHAT YOU WILL DO TO GET SOMETHING THAT YOU VALUE. SETTING A GOAL TO BE HEALTHY MEANS DECIDING AHEAD OF TIME TO ALWAYS EAT MORE GO FOODS THAN SLOW OR WHOA FOODS AND TO BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE EVERY DAY. DEFINITELY, YES IT CAN WORK IF THE PERSON SETING THE GOAL TRULY VALUES THE BENEFITS OF BEING HEATHY. Is skipping meals a good way to lose weight? DEFINITELY NO. EATING THREE HEALTHY MEALS WITH THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF CALORIES AND INCREASING YOU PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EACH DAY IS THE HEALTHY APPROACH. Questions not derived from the lessonsWhat veggie grows on a tall plant that is actually a type of grass? CORN ON THE COBWhat kind of melon is green on the inside? HONEYDEWYou need calcium to keep your teeth and bones strong. Which of these foods have the most calcium? Tortilla chips, Grapes, Potatoes, BROCCOLI Which vegetable’s name means “large pearl?” Mushroom, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout, ONION ................

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