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Definition Matching: Personality Idioms and Behaviors

Match the word with the personality type definitions.

|a go-getter |a night owl |a social butterfly |

|a couch potato |a busybody |a cheapskate |

|a troublemaker |a chatterbox |a worrywart |

|1. ________________ |A person who is active at night and stays up late. |

|2. ________________ |A very outgoing person who likes to meet many people. |

|3. ________________ |A talkative person. |

|4. ________________ |Someone who doesn’t mind their own business. Someone who watches other people and |

| |gossips about them, |

|5. ________________ |A lazy person who watches TV all day. |

|6. ________________ |A hardworking, ambitious person. |

|7. ________________ |Someone who causes problems. |

|8. ________________ |A stingy person who doesn’t like to spend money. |

|9. ________________ |Someone who can’t have fun because they worry too much. |


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