Monday, October 3, 2016, 7:00 PM

Community Room

I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00PM Community Room


III. GUESTS: Bethany Remmers – NRPC – Capital Improvements Plan

Community Members Present: Donna LeClair, William LeClair, Al Irish, Ron Bushway, Sandra Shappy, Ron Shappy Jr., Maryellen Mercik, David Mercik, John LaBarge, Diane Cota, Shawn Mercy, Deborah S. Bedrin, Jeff Parizo, Dick Trudell, David Borthwick-Leslie, Carol Vaughn, John Vaughn, Brent Whitney, Dwight Bullis, Sullivan Crady and Rachael Griggs

Amend Agenda For Matters Not Listed:

Yacht Road Discussion: Several residents on and near Yacht Road attended the meeting to hear what the Town Attorney said about the use of Yacht Road. Adam reported that the Attorney determined that at this time (Grand Isle) Town doesn’t have an interest in this matter.

Several property owners voiced concerns of flooding if the road is to be opened. Yacht Road is a private road therefore the Selectboard doesn’t have any authority to get involved.

In order for the Town to get involved the process is to go through the DRB permitting process first.

Adam thanks everyone for coming and said if there are any more questions to see the DRB.

Bethany Remmers: Bethany Remmers from NRPC explained each part of a chart and a draft of the Town of Grand Isle Capital Improvement Program and Capital Budget that was put together by the Planning Commission and listed future needs of the Town. Shawn Mercy from Grand Island Planning Commission wanted people to know this isn’t set in stone, it is a projected “Proposed” Capital Budget Plan and items can be added and deleted easily as needed. This is a way to be transparent about the Towns needs and planning financing.

Adam thanked Bethany Remmers and the PC members for coming.

IV. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Bill makes a motion to approve the minutes of August 29, 2016 with changes. AnnaMarie seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Mark makes a motion to accept the minutes of September 1, 2016. Bill seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Bill makes a motion to approve the minutes of September 12, 2016 with corrections.

Mark seconds, all in favor, motion passes.



Budgets: Adam will be sending out memos to all department heads giving advance notice for their budgets and the dates for them to be ready for review.

U.S. Route 2 Flags: Adam said the flags on Route 2 in Grand Isle were a success and he will be removing them next weekend, with the help of Joe Clark who is from G.I.V.F.D and N. Hero and Grand Isle Rescue. Adam will look into using heaver hardware for the brackets holding the flags next year.

Transfer Station Roof: Ron Bushway, Road Commissioner, reported that the roof of the Transfer Station is leaking in several areas and needs repair. The Selectboard asked Ron to develop an RFP and put it on FPF and in The Islander. The funds for the repair will come from the Transfer Station funds.

Ron also said some work is need on the fascia and soffit on the backside of the Town Office.

Highway Department Update: Ron Bushway said more stabilization is needed on the lake side of East Shore North just before Marycrest Beach.

Ron also reported that three people have applied for the position of Highway Department Town Laborer. Ron and Brad Sheridan, Road Foreman will interview them. Before a candidate is chosen Ron and Brad will give the Selectboard an update about the candidates at the Selectboard meeting on October 17.


Fire Station Update: Bill Baron gave the Fire Station update:

1. Act 250 permit comment period ended today and might be extended a bit due to some input from Taylor Newton, N.W.R.P.C. in regard to the gravel walkway that will be behind the existing Town Garage and link to the Fire Station and to the driveway on the former Poratti property. The gravel walkway will come between the Town Office and the Fire Station onto Hyde Road.

2. Requested through the Act 250 process there will be permit language that will require easement to secure the public pathway to be sure that the public pathway is maintained in public domain if the town, for whatever reason, sells lot 2A of the former Poratti property.

3. The pathway will not be required to be maintained throughout the year.

4. Jay Buermann, Buermann Engineering, submitted an amendment to the original Act 250 application to address some issues by DEC potable water and wastewater folks and their permits.

5. Added is an in-ground propane tank to serve as backup to the primary wood pellet boiler.

6. According to Jay Buermann, Geoff Green, District Six Coordinator, may want an additional amount of time for comment period. It could be up to ten days.

7. Jay Buermann successfully addressed all potable water and waste water systems concerns and as of last week we have those permits in hand.

8. Geo-Tech boring was done on September 22 by Willis Engineering to explore the load bearing capacity of this site.


9. MOU for the construction phase between the Town and the G.I.V.F.D. is finished and has been signed by Adam White, Selectboard Chair and Todd Boutin, G.I.V.F.D. Chief. All agreed to continue working on permanent MOU that will have to take place prior to occupancy of the structure.

10. Pierson Engineering is working on mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans.

11. Bill said in conversation with Chief Boutin and Adam White the Fire Station and Town update letter will be put on hold until a start date is decided.

12. Three RFQ proposals for Clerk of the Works have been received. Interviews with representatives from all three will be conducted.

13. Bill needs to meet with Jeff Parizo, ZAO for local building permits.

14. Bond balance as of the end of August is $1,547,777.64 plus interest of approximately $2,000. Melissa Boutin, Town Clerk, has been paying bills as they have been coming in.

15. Bill spoke with Chief Boutin and he is in agreement, as is Nate Hayward, Hayward Design Build, the suggested start date will be spring 2017. Actual date will depend on the weather.

16. Final cost and contract from Hayward Design Build is needed.

17. Fire safety permit has not been received.

18. To start before November 1 and build during the winter would require winter heating. Any potential increase in cost to build in the spring would be offset by winter heating cost.

19. The second vote on the purchase of the Poratti property set us back about 6 weeks.

20. Adam said the Selectboard and Fire Department decided the joint letter would be sent out to residents after they have something definite on the start date.

Annex Update: Mark reported that he has not received a decision from the DRB to date.


VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Bill makes a motion to go into executive session at 8:59pm regarding employment of a cleaning position for the Town Office. AnnaMarie seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Bill makes a motion to come out of executive session at 9:14pm with the Selectboard deciding to offer the cleaning position at the Grand Isle Town Office to Lori Terry from Grand Isle, subject to a check on references as presented in her application.

Three in favor, AnnaMarie recuses herself from voting. Motion passes.

Mark makes a motion to go into executive session at 9:15pm to discuss personnel matters. AnnaMarie seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Bill makes a motion to come out of executive session at 9:58pm with Adam White will talk with Melissa Boutin, Town Clerk. Mark seconds, all in favor, motion passes.


IX. ADJOURNMENT: AnnaMarie makes a motion to adjourn at 10:00pm. Bill seconds, all in favor, motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ __________________________

Rachael Griggs, Selectboard Secretary Adam White, Selectboard Chair

Date: __________________________ Date: _____________________



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