Missouri Assistive Technology Council MeetingDecember 7th, 2018Independence, MOI.Call to OrderA. IntroductionsThe meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. by Council Chairperson Aaron Luna. Members in attendance: Chip Hailey, Andrew Lackey, Steve Hathaway, Shari LaRoussa, Jennifer Kixmiller, Cindy Wininger-Watson, Pam Arbeiter, Kelly Cook, Samantha Marsicovetere, Mary Secora, Gary Wunder and Shelly Summers (via speaker phone). Staff in attendance: Brenda Whitlock, Eileen Belton, Stacy Brady, Kris Rooff, Felicia George, Kristy Summers and David Baker. Guests: Casey Guernsey, Bob Collier and Cathee Wolford. B. Approval of the AgendaThe meeting agenda was approved by a unanimous voice vote (Motion: Hailey; Second: LaRoussa)C. Approval of MinutesThe minutes of the September meeting were approved by a unanimous voice vote (Motion: LaRoussa; Second: Wunder). At this time a deviation from the agenda occurred as Andrew Lackey was awarded with a plaque for his service as chairperson of the Council during the past year. II.ReportsA. Executive Board/Director1. Council Membership & Financial DisclosureIt was announced that Jennifer Kixmiller will be resigning from the Council as a result of a recent promotion within Rehabilitation Services for the Blind. Dolores Sparks has recently retired and also announced her resignation. Due to other obligations, Senator Schupp notified the Council that she, too, was resigning from the Council.David will reach out to Rehabilitation Services for the Blind to find a replacement for Jennifer and will also seek a replacement from the Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities to fill Dolores’s slot. Letters will be written to both the Senate Pro Tem and the Speaker of the House seeking appointees from the Senate and the House. In the latter case, the Missouri House slot is vacant due to Jeannie Lauer terming out. Contact continues with the Governor’s Boards and Commissions Office related to getting new appointments and making re-appointments. Members officially appointed by the Boards and Commissions Office were reminded that each year they are required to fill out a financial disclosure. Notifications about this obligation should be received in January and are due not later than May 1st. 2. Annual Letter to the GovernorThe Council is required via state statute to submit an annual letter to the governor outlining its accomplishments during the past year and define its focus for the upcoming year. A draft of the letter was shared with the membership for review. Via unanimous voice vote, the letter was approved by the membership (Motion: LaRoussa; Second: Cook). 3. State FY’18 Annual ReportAccompanying the letter to the governor will be MoAT’s annual report for state fiscal year 2017, a rough draft of which was in the Council packets. The annual report highlights program outcomes and data, along with stories of consumers assisted. Emphasis was placed on highlighting how MoAT’s programs result in a return-on-investment. 4. Federal FY’18 Report to ACLEach December, all Tech Act Programs are required to submit a performance report to the Administration for Community Living (ACL) within the federal department of Health and Human Services. The individual state reports are compiled into a single report presented to Congress. Staff is currently compiling data and preparing Missouri’s report. A copy of the final report will be shared upon completion. 5. Moving March Meeting to Power UpThe decision was made at the September meeting to push the March meeting to April and hold it in conjunction with Power Up. Members were surveyed and it was decided that the Council meeting will be held over the lunch break on the first day of the conference. Additional information will be provided closer to the meeting. The Executive Board meeting will be done remotely on the Friday prior to Power Up. 6. ATR Program to Include State SchoolsThis year, the Assistive Technology Reimbursement Program is providing an option by which students in Missouri’s state schools can benefit from the program. 7. Demo Day 2018The September meeting/community event held in Kirksville was reviewed. Despite aggressive marketing by MoAT and the event’s host, RAIL, attendance was less than expected. Members discussed alternative ways of holding Demo Day. Staff will discuss the ideas and explore options for doing Demo Day differently starting in 2020. 8. TAP-T RFPAfter being re-written, distributed, reviewed and a vendor selected, the renewal of the TAP-T contract for another five years is a signature away from being completed. B. Policy/Technical Assistance/Agency Updates1. Partner Update Casey Guernsey from Accessibility Medical provided an overview of their activities under the contract MoAT has with them to provide AT/DME recycling services. He went on to share with the members their work establishing a partnership of distributers, wholesalers and manufacturers that provides reasonably priced new durable medical equipment to the public. Casey also spoke about Accessibility Medical’s work toward becoming a Medicare certified provider and their innovative partnership with the Dept. of Corrections to provide a work release program employing inmates. He also mentioned their on-line sales presence. Accessibility Medical’s future plans include establishing two satellite locations in N.W. Missouri and work on a rental and repair program. 2. Power Up Conference and Expo 2019 Brenda updated everyone on preparations for Power Up 2019, April 1st and 2nd in Columbia. The sessions are nearing completion, an exhibitor blast has been distributed and marketing is underway. Online registration should be ready to go prior to the end of the year. The musical talent of CC Rhythm, a stomp-like group of musicians with developmental disabilities, is this year’s opening talent. And the closing keynote will be given by Kelsey Tainsh, a dynamic young individual who will share her insights on persistence and perspective through the lens of having experienced a debilitating stroke at the age of 27. 3. Money Follows the Person Assistive Technology Project Due to an unexpected event, Rhonda was unable to provide an update on Money Follows the Person. 4. Fresh Start Program Eileen reviewed her creative work on marketing the Fresh Start program across the state noting her efforts to work through local newspapers, contacting rural banks, etc. to find individuals that can benefit from the program. Her goal is to have six to eight participants by the end of March5. Vocational Rehabilitation ReportKelly Cook presented an update on activities within Vocational Rehabilitation. She shared that since April 1st, VR has been on an order of selection, which creates a waiting list for services. VR has been working diligently to reduce the waiting list as federal funds become available. Kelly went on to talk about VR’s Pre-Employment Transition Services activities. She noted that 700 students from 158 school districts participated in the recent summer work experience opportunities. Also mentioned was the job shadowing experience offered to students in February. MoAT is lined up to provide a job shadowing opportunity to a student in February of 2019. Cathee Wolford provided an update on some of the training she’s been doing that touches on AT and related topics. 6. Legislative Updatea. FederalThe federal budget for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was passed prior to the start of the new fiscal year. The federal Tech Act Program dollars are part of the HHS budget. That the budget was passed prior to the start of the new fiscal year ensures for the first time in many years that all of MoAT’s federal funds are available on day one of the fiscal year and will not be subjected to any continuing resolutions. b. Statei. Principal Dwellings Tax Credit for Renovations for Disability Access.Residents of Missouri who undertake accessibility renovations to their homes have the option of applying for a tax credit through the state’s department of revenue. The tax credit, though, sunsets at the end of this year unless renewed by the Missouri legislature. The Multiple Sclerosis Society is undertaking an effort to get the tax credit renewed and reached out to MoAT as part of their effort. December 1st marked the beginning of pre-filing of bills in the Missouri House and Senate. Staff will monitor the bills as they are filed for bills that may touch on AT and/or related disability topics. At this time the floor was opened to members who wished to speak on other federal and/or state legislation that they are monitoring. Chip provided information on President Trump signing the Mauritius Treaty Implementation Act. The Act removes the copyright constraints on printed materials, documents, books and other print materials allowing people with visual and other print disabilities not only access to them, but the ability to share them globally. Also mentioned by Chip was the continuing issue of addressing the need for accessible voting machines for all elections so that individuals are able to vote privately and independently. Gary spoke on the Affordable Technology Accessibility Act that would provide on the national level a tax refund for individuals who purchase their own assistive technology. He also talked about efforts to work with the automated car industry to build-in disability-friendly features and accessibility, and work to assure that medical equipment that is digital is also accessible. 7. AT Spotlight – Give the Gift of ATThe AT Spotlight this meeting was focused on the idea of gifts to consider for those people on your shopping list who just happen to have a disability. A variety of devices from home automation to recreation to aids-to-daily living were presented by Kris, Kristy, Felicia, Stacy and Brenda. C. Program Data and UpdatesIndividual staff updates on their programs were not provided this meeting due to time constraints. Members were reminded that program data was included in the Council packet. 1. ATR and ETC 2. TAP for Telephone and Wireless 3. TAP for Internet / Deaf-Blind Equipment Program 4. Show-Me Loans / KAT 5. Demonstration & Recycling 6. Information and Referral & Training III. Member ReportsNoneIV. Unfinished BusinessNoneV. New BusinessNoneVI. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned by unanimous voice vote (Motion: LaRoussa; Second: Lackey). ................

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