
NEWS BRIEFS – September 21ST, 2020 Tonight’s Theme: HIStory Lincoln’s proclamation is relevant for today… though first given back in 1863. (pages 245 & 246 of The Harbinger II ) Result: History changed. 1980 another sacred assembly… where? National Mall in Washington… They read 2 Chronicles 7:14 throughout that day over and over again, as well as Lincoln’s call for prayer and repentance. On the eve of the 1980 election, Reagan gave a speech outlining his vision for America. (page 250-251 in The Harbinger II) He reminded the nation of a sacred calling long forgotten. He was calling America back to God, to the vision of its founding. The day after he gave that speech, there was a revolution in the polls, a landslide that swept Reagan into office, along with others who had pledged to uphold Biblical values. Result: History changed.History proves that everything goes back to HIM. The entire age is timed to the reckoning of His birth, every human event, every moment of our lives. Even America –it was founded because of Him and dedicated to His purposes. ….. Ahead of us lies eternity, an eternity with God or an eternity without Him. It is the necessity of God to bring evil into judgment. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time on the ancient Biblical calendar appointed for judgment. It is then when all eyes turn to God. And it’s then when one must take account of one’s life because the time is coming when one must stand before God. The Days of Awe, the Days of Repentance, the Days of Return are upon us. Now it is time to finish the course and fulfill our calling. The trumpet has sounded… And by the way… HIS timing is perfect. YES… We are still here… there must be a reason… This coming Saturday, September 26th is our time to join in the sacred assembly with thousands of others meeting on the National Mall. For more info: Franklin Graham’s prayer march is also this Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. EST , starting at the Lincoln Memorial ()*************Speaking of history… calendars and such… We have just entered into the year 5781 on the Hebrew calendar. It’s an interesting study should you be interested in doing a little research.We are all aware that Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away this past Friday on the first day of the Feast of Trumpets. . Looks like President Trump will announce his candidate later this week after Ginsberg’s funeral. It is President Trumps’ duty to fill the vacant SCOTUS seat ! There is nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his 4th year. (Justice Ginsberg said in a 2016 interview.) To say the emotions are running high is a huge understatement. In fact, I read that the Democrats are threatening violence if the GOP fills the SCOTUS vacancy. I will attach to my notes some official responses to the death of R.B.C. IE: Dr. Michael Brown, Jeremiah Johnson, Sean Feucht and Johnny Enlow to name a few. These responses reflect some of my thoughts extremely well. I hope you’ll read these once posted on the website. *************** Love that Sean Feucht continues his LETUSWORSHIP march !! The move is unstoppable. There is an outbreak of singing, dancing, salvations, healings and breakthrough… miracles all over the US !! He posted on Facebook yesterday… 11 cities in 10 days and tonight was the exclamation point at the end of this run! Every night I ask the Lord while testimonies pour in “Can this get any better?” and then it just KEEPS GETTING BETTER! The resistance, sacrifice, weariness are all NOTHING compared when He shows up and saves, heals and lights our hearts on Fire! THIS IS NOT POLITICAL. THIS IS SIMPLY BIBLICAL He’s worth the worship of these cities! It’s what the church has been doing for 2000+ years. We love you King Jesus!!*******************************President Trump on Thursday said he will be signing an executive order to create a “national commission to promote patriotic education.” The project will be called “The 1776 Commission.” This is most excellent !!U.S. officially reimposed sanctions On Iran! Honduras has decided to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem! This is amazing news! World Health organization Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declared that finding a vaccine for COVID-19 is not the final goal. No, the ultimate aim is the “reordering of society.” Russia has signed a deal to sell the Russian vaccine (Spudnik) to Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia and Mexico. They will be exporting over 1 billion doses which they hope will give Moscow great political and economic leverage. NYCity was among 3 cities labeled “anarchist jurisdiction” by the Justice Dept. on Sunday. The 3 cities (including Portland and Seattle) are targeted to lose federal money for failing to control protestors and defunding the police. Were you aware?? Unfortunately, the Cameron Peak Fire is flaring up again and evacuations are being implemented. And the fires continue in CA… 3 million acres have already burned. Just the other day, southern California was jolted by a 4.5 magnitude earthquake.. another worry after raging wildfires. Keep your eyes on the uptick of natural disasters. On Wednesday, Ohio’s Republican governor Mike DeWine signed a new bill into law prohibiting public officials from shutting down houses of worship across the state despite the COVID-19 pandemic… which by the way is not a pandemic…. It is a contagious virus . (my words) In the UK: Newspaper headlines: ?10,000 fine 'for leaving house' and new Covid clampdown.This is how John Ioannidis, M.D., Professor of Medicine of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University School of Medicine, presents the insignificant risk posed by the “deadly and novel” virus.1) If you are between the ages of 20 and 40 your risk of dying from COVID-19 is the same as your chance of dying from playing football.2) If you’re between the ages of 15 and 24 you’re more likely to be fatally afflicted by falling down the stairs than by COVID-19.3) Kids under 15 have more chance of getting hit by lightning than of dying from COVID-19.4) Healthy women under 40 … your odds of dying from COVID-19 … are about the same as dying from a plane crash.5) “If you’re under the age of 65 the chance of dying of COVID-19 … is the same risk you face driving on your commute to work.” Many are rebelling against all the COVID 19 restrictions … just like they did in 1918 when they dealt with the Spanish Flu… which by the way … no vaccine… It eventually burned itself out. The whole goal is that the public has to buy in that there is a threat. Seems many have. ********************************Italy is looking to exit the European Union.. There may be 27 nations now in that union but the Revised Roman Empire is on the horizon… Once again scripture is being played out in front of our eyes. Keep your eyes on Turkey… even though they are part of NATO.. they hate Israel. Their leader Erdogan is a force to be reckoned with. He is colluding with Russia … Study Ezekiel 37-39 to be in the know. ?For evangelical Christians, it's difficult to look at major developments in the Middle East without wondering about biblical prophecy. Should we rejoice over the historic peace treaty between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain? Or is this leading to a dangerous, false peace that will only hasten the reign of the antichrist? After the UAE & Bahrain deal was signed, President Trump said that 7-9 other countries seek peace with Israel, including Saudi Arabia. ***************************************There is a paradigm shift… Mark Correll said that the media is a Marxist propaganda machine. They are silent about much that should be talked about. For instance, how 2 LA sheriffs are fighting for their lives after being shot. The BLM group blocked the entrance to that hospital and chanted, “I hope they die.” PLEASE do NOT get your information from main street media, most especially CNN, but not to exclude NBC, CBS and ABC. Last week we mentioned that sexual re-education is on the rise. CANCEL Netflix is now worldwide as so many are outraged by their release of the movie Cuties. We’ve talked about persecuted Christians worldwide…. those being ruthlessly killed. Hatred of Christians is rising all over the globe. Unfortunately the church in America is not strong. It seems we’ve invited the world into the church & instead of changing the world, they’ve changed the church. God, to many, is generic. Theology is not being taught. We must understand that grace and judgment are the 2 hands of God. Seems there is widespread confusion among many believers. We need to be clear and bold and know God’s WORD.. What should we do while we wait for the Rapture?Read your bible, meditate on it and pray continuouslyWork hard at your task (your calling) Get to know your neighbors and talk about the gospel with themTeach your children the Bible. Read it with them. Talk about it. Live it..Laugh moreWeep over sin and its effectsCare less about the “hot topic” of the day and more about what is eternalTalk about yourself lessConfess your sins to one another and ask for forgivenessLet yourself be inconvenienced to help othersSpend your money on things that will matter 100 years from nowHave more people sitting around your dinner table more oftenIf you feel like your life is somewhat mundane that’s okay! The world does not only need spectacular, Christian superheroes who do extraordinary things for the Kingdom. Those examples are great and we should praise God for them. But most often, God calls us to plain, ordinary faithfulness, a “long obedience in the same direction.” Being a faithful parent, member, neighbor, or employee is not often filled with lightning bolts of excitement, but slow, methodical, unimpressive little acts of faithfulness. Cleaning up after dinner; doing that thing that needs to be done that no one else will know about; apologizing for the hundredth time; giving forgiveness for the hundredth time. And remember friend, always remain in the vine, Christ Jesus, for strength and endurance. UPCOMING reminders: NO CLASS next week…. September 28th. September 26th: The Return (Jonathan Cahn) on the National Mall & the Prayer Walk in Washington DC with Franklin GrahamOctober 3rd : Dance Extravaganza with Grace and Glory Sacred Dance Ministry (Cheryl Yarusso) … a virtual event … For more info: contact Cheryl @ yarussocheryl@ or phone: 303.499.6399 or text: 206.734.8263October 15th: One Night / One Purpose virtual event to support Joshua Nations (live.) With Pastor/Dr. Russ Frase and President Jason Holland 6:30 – 8:30 Rockwall, TX time Due to restrictions in CO, they are holding the event in Texas this year. ................

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