Trump Administration Accomplishments Economy Under President Trump we ...

Trump Administration Accomplishments Updated: October 7, 2020

Economy Under President Trump we achieved record economic success and will do so again. ? Our Great American Comeback is under way and President Trump is the man to lead it. ? In September, a strong 661,000 jobs were added back to the economy. ? In the last 5 months over 11.4 million jobs were added back to the economy.

o We have averaged a monthly job gain over 1.3 million over past 3 months. o 52% of the jobs lost due to the virus have been recovered. ? Key sectors saw job gains in September: o 66,000 manufacturing jobs were added. o A gain of 26,000 construction jobs. o Nonfarm payroll for women increased by 286,000 in September. ? The unemployment rate dropped in September (7.9%). o Economists predicted we wouldn't reach 7.9% unemployment until the end of

next year. o The women's unemployment rate decreased to 7.7%. o The Black unemployment rate decreased to 12.1%. o The Hispanic American unemployment rate dropped to 10.3%. o The Asian American unemployment rate dropped to 8.9%. ? This year, the NASDAQ hit a record high, topping 10,000 for the first time ever. ? In 2019, 2.1 million new jobs were created. o In 2019, 1.5 million jobs were added for women. This accounts for more than

50% of total jobs for the first time ever. ? Under President Trump, 5.6 million people have come off food stamps. ? Since President Trump took office 2.4 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. ? 1.4 million American children have been lifted out of poverty. ? The stock market has reached record highs under President Trump. ? Under President Trump's leadership, Congress passed historic tax cuts and relief for

hard-working Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the first major tax reform signed in 30 years and the largest tax reform package in history. ? As a result of the historic tax cuts, nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones were created in all 50 states, DC, and 5 territories. Opportunity Zones will spur $100 billion in private capital investment and impact nearly 35 million Americans. ? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the Child Tax Credit.

o In tax year 2019, nearly 40 million families benefitted from the child tax credit (CTC), receiving an average benefit of $2,200 - totaling credits of $88 billion.

o In tax year 2019, nearly 6 million families benefitted from the child and dependent care tax credit (CDCTC), receiving an average benefit of $551 totaling credits of $3 billion.

? President Trump has rolled back unnecessary job-killing regulations at a historic pace.


o The Administration has cut nearly 8 regulations for every new rule. o This far exceeds the promise made to cut 2 regulations for every 1 regulation

added. o Regulatory costs have been slashed by nearly $50 billion and have saved

taxpayers $220 billion once actions are fully implemented. o The deregulation efforts will save American households an estimated $3,100 per

year. o President Trump took action to increase transparency in Federal agencies and

protect Americans from administration abuse. o The Administration formed the Governors' Initiative on Regulatory Innovation

which aims to better align state and Federal efforts to cut additional unnecessary regulations and costs.

Coronavirus Response President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force are leading an unprecedented, comprehensive, and aggressive whole of America approach to slow the spread of the virus. ? The Administration's response to the novel coronavirus began early. On January 31,

President Trump declared the coronavirus a public health emergency and suspended entry into the U.S. to help stop the spread. ? President Trump established the Coronavirus Task Force and remained in constant communication with state and local officials. ? On March 13, President Trump declared a national emergency which granted access to $42 billion to fight the coronavirus.

o For the first time, President Trump declared that a major disaster existed within all 50 states at once.

? The White House announced President Trump donated his fourth quarter salary to fight the coronavirus.

? On March 27, President Trump signed the bipartisan $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law. The CARES Act provided much needed relief to our small businesses and workers and helped stabilize the economy. Highlights: o Direct assistance to families and workers through recovery checks. Individuals were eligible for checks up to $1,200 and married couples filing jointly are eligible for checks up to $2,400, with an extra $500 for each child. Over 159 million of Americans received Economic Impact Payment checks totaling over $265 billion in assistance. o The CARES Act strengthens and expanded unemployment insurance for Americans who could not work due to the pandemic. o Included in the CARES Act was the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a billiondollar program that provides 8 weeks of cash flow assistance to small businesses. The PPP has provided more than $521 billion in forgivable loans to more than 5 million businesses. The PPP has protected more than 51 million jobs.


159 million Americans have received coronavirus relief payments, totaling $265 billion.

o Additional funding in the CARES Act: $17 billion in small business debt relief. $45 billion for the FEMA disaster relief fund. $19 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs to support our veterans. $100 billion for hospitals and health care providers. $16 billion for personal protection equipment (PPE), ventilators, and medical supplies. $4.3 billion for the CDC.

? In August, President Trump took additional action to provide families with support from the pandemic. Actions included: o Temporary payroll tax relief. o Unemployment benefits in $400 per week for those who lost their job due to the pandemic. o Relief from residential eviction or foreclosure. o Student loan relief.

? The United States is the world leader in testing. Over 119 million tests have been completed, far more than any other country.

? Millions of point-of-care testing have been provided patients with rapid turnaround time.

? The FDA has authorized more than 185 tests under emergency authorities including molecular and antibody tests.

? Over 270 clinical trials are currently underway for coronavirus treatments. ? The President cut red tape and launched "Operation Warp Speed" to develop a vaccine

as quickly as possible. o The goal of OWS is to deliver 300 million doses of an effective coronavirus vaccine by early 2021. o The program has invested in 6 vaccine candidates to ensure we have a successful and safe vaccine.

? President Trump has led the largest national mobilization since World War II to deliver Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supplies. o Over 267 million face coverings. o 82 million gloves. o 42 million surgical masks. o 100 million N95 respirators. o No American who has needed a ventilator has gone without one. o The Army Corps of Engineers built temporary field hospitals including one at the Javits Center in New York City. They also constructed alternative care sites in states across the country. o The U.S. Navy deployed the USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy hospital ships. o 100 Project Airbridge flights arrived in the U.S. carrying nearly 750 million pieces of PPE and other medical supplies.


o Answering President Trump's call, private sector companies including Ford Motor Company, Apple, Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, 3M, and others stepped up to produce PPE and medical supplies.

o President Trump used the Defense Production Act 33 times to provide critical help in stopping the virus.

o We have strengthened the strategic national stockpile for any challenge. We have tripled the number of N95 masks on hand to more than 40 million. Tripled the number of gowns to 15 million. Quadrupled the number of ventilators to nearly 70,000.

? The Trump Administration distributed over $12 billion in Provider Relief Fund payments to 395 hospitals across the country.

? President Trump has taken steps to protect our nation's seniors and the most vulnerable. o The Administration raised the infectious disease standards at nursing homes. o Supplies and critical assistance continues to be delivered to our seniors. o The Trump Administration has distributed about $2.5 billion to nursing homes to assist with testing, staffing, and PPE needs.

? The USDA worked to deliver 1 million meals per week to rural kids out of school. The USDA expanded the summer program through the fall.

? As part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, Ivanka Trump and Secretary Perdue launched the $3 billion Farmers to Families Food Box program.

? SNAP benefits were expanded by 40%. o The Trump Administration ensured families had access to the SNAP Online Pilot Program.

? President Trump took important measures to secure the border and keep our nation safe. o The President quickly issued a travel notice for China and increased airport screening before there was a case in the U.S. o The Administration secured the border and issued critical travel restrictions which slowed the spread. o President Trump announced the U.S. is putting a 60 day pause on immigration to ensure our workers are protected.

? The State Department brought home more than 50,000 Americans stranded overseas as a result of coronavirus travel restrictions.

? President Trump ordered the Department of Energy to purchase oil for the strategic petroleum reserve.

? The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy announced a public-private consortium to advance coronavirus research and provide access to computing technology for researchers.

? The Trump Administration is providing health and economic support to underserved communities impacted by coronavirus. o $2 billion has been invested in community health centers.


o President Trump delivered $1 billion to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic serving institutions, and other minority serving institutions impacted by the coronavirus.

o The Federal Government is helping cover the cost of the treatment for uninsured Americans.

? President Trump announced the U.S. would withdraw from the WHO ? holding them accountable for the mismanagement of the coronavirus

? President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force released guidelines for opening America safely.

Judicial President Trump continues to reshape the Federal judiciary at a record pace and is following through on his promise to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law. ? President Trump continues to reshape the Federal judiciary at a record pace. ? President Trump has installed more federal court judges than any president in the past

four decades. ? The President is following through on his promise to appoint judges who will uphold

the Constitution and rule of law for generations to come. ? President Trump has nominated, and the Republican controlled Senate has confirmed a

grand total of 218 Article III judges. o 2 Supreme Court Justices ? Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh. o 53 Circuit Court judges. o 161 District Court judges. o 2 Court of International Trade Judges

? President Trump's judicial confirmations have "flipped" 3 ? 2nd, 3rd, 11th Circuits federal appeals courts to Republican.

? Not a single circuit court vacancy exists anywhere in the nation for the first time in at least 40 years.

? In 2018, President Trump broke the record for the most circuit court of appeals judges (29) confirmed in the first 2 years of a presidency.

Foreign Policy President Trump has restored our nation's standing in the world and is standing up to bad actors. ? The United States has successfully decimated ISIS. ? Under President Trump, the number one terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was

taken out. ? President Trump ordered the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds

Force and an evil, ruthless, and deadly terrorist. ? President Trump fulfilled his promise to name Jerusalem Israel's capital city and moved

the U.S. Embassy. ? The President removed the U.S. from the U.N. Human Rights Council due to the group's

blatant anti-Israel bias. ? President Trump released a bold vision for peace in the Middle East.



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