
Tangerine Discussion Questions

Friday, November 24

1. Why is Mr. Fisher angry about the Thanksgiving Day Lake Windsor football game?

2. What does Mr. Fisher suspect about Brian Baylor?

3. How does Paul feel when he sees the pictures of the All-County soccer players in the newspaper?

4. Paul begins to question his father about his soccer statistics. Why?

5. How does Mr. Fisher respond when Mrs. Fisher suggests that Eric might not have a future in football?

Monday, November 27

1. What occupies Paul’s thoughts this morning?

2. What is the contrast between the lie Paul predicts Erik will tell and the truth?

3. What happens when Erik arrives home that day?

4. Kerri calls Paul. What does she invite him to do?

5. What changes to Erik’s file does Paul find on his father’s computer?

6. During the Homeowners’ Association meeting, what is Mrs. Fisher writing down?

7. Give two reasons why Mr. Costello is happy about the recent freeze.

8. Paul finally speaks up about the koi. What does he tell people at the meeting?

Tuesday, November 28

1. What shocking news does Paul receive at school?

2. According to Henry D., what do the sheriff’s deputies believe might have happened to Luis?

3. Paul tells his mother about Luis’s death. What is he tempted to tell her?

4. Paul finds a website that allows him to speak online with a nurse. What does he first ask the nurse, and what is her answer?

5. Based on the information provided by the online nurse, what does Paul infer?

6. What information about Luis’s funeral does Paul receive?

7. Paul’s mom comes into his room and asks how he is feeling. When he does not reply, she just smiles and walks out. What does this behavior indicate about Mrs. Fisher?

Wednesday, November 29

1. Theresa calls Paul. What does she tell him?

2. When Paul hangs up the phone, he has a major realization. What does he understand at that particular moment?

3. Paul goes for a walk to clear his head. What is he worried about?

4. While sitting on the bank of the pond, Paul encounters a little boy. What was their conversation?

5. Why is Paul telling the boy these stories?

Thursday, November 30

1. Describe how Paul deals with the funeral of Luis. What is symbolic about Paul handling the dirt?

2. Why do you think Paul feels like a different person now?

Friday, December 1

1. What arrives by truck to the Senior Awards Ceremony?

2. What happens when Brian Baylor and the guys try to push the trailer into the gym?

3. Why does Paul help clean up the spilled dirt?

4. What causes Paul to look “really confused?”

5. Describe what Tino does to Erik.

6. What is strange about Mr. Fisher’s reaction?

7. What happens to Arthur?

8. What does Paul do when sees Coach Warner twist Tino’s arm?

9. What is Mr. Fisher’s reaction to Paul’s behavior?

10. How does Paul get out of Coach Warner’s office?

11. Describe what happens when Erik and Arthur catch up with Paul at the Fisher’s house.

12. Why does Erik say no one will believe Paul about Luis Cruz?

13. Erik’s yelling, “Shut up, Castor!” brings back a very important memory for Paul. What is it?

14. What happens when Paul confronts his parents about Vincent Castor?

15. What does Mrs. Fisher remember about her feelings on that day?

16. What reason do the Fishers give Paul for not telling him that Erik was the cause of his vision impairment?

Saturday, December 2

1. Shandra tells Paul that someone is visiting Mr. Donnelly’s house. Who is it?

2. What does Shandra say eats away at people?

3. Shandra gives two reasons why Antoine feels bad. What are they?

4. When Coach Bright emerges from Mr. Donnelly’s house, what does she say to Paul?

5. What does Antoine tell Shandra when he comes out of Mr. Donnelly’s house?

6. What small detail does Antoine tell Paul that shows he knows more than Paul thought?

7. After Antoine remarks about the bleachers, what does Paul believe will happen?

Sunday, December 3

1. Discuss what Mr. Donnelly’s article reveals about Antoine’s place of residence and the effect of Antoine’s confession on the Seagulls.

2. What does this mean for Erik?

3. Is Antoine the only player to lie about his address to play at Lake Windsor? How do you know?

4. What does the fine porcelain plate symbolize for Mr. Donnelly?

5. What does the Sports Commission’s ruling mean for Mr. Donnelly, and how does Mr. Donnelly feel about it?

6. What strategy does Mr. Fisher decide to use to protect Erik and the Seagulls?

7. How does Paul refute his father’s assertion?

8. What is ironic about Paul’s remarks regarding his father’s inability to notice that Antoine is not a member of the Lake Windsor community?

Sunday, December 3 Later

1. What information is contained in the paper Mr. Fisher hands to the guests as they arrive for the meeting?

2. Arthur, Erik, and Paul are not sitting in the chairs set out for them beside their families. How might their refusal to sit with their families be symbolic?

3. Erik and Arthur finally come inside. Why do some of the guests gasp at them?

4. What is Mrs. Fisher’s “shocking discovery?”

5. What were Arthur’s and Erik’s roles during the burglaries?

6. What does Mrs. Fisher tell the shocked homeowners?

7. What does Mr. Fisher propose?

8. Why does Paul feel sorry for his father?

9. Who calls during the meeting, and what does he say?

10. What does Mr. Bauer offer to the conversation?

11. How does one homeowner respond to the restitution plan?

12. What ultimately happens with the restitution plan?

13. The police arrive at the Fishers’ just as Arthur is leaving. Why do they arrest him?

14. What does Arthur’s father try to tell the police?

15. Paul finally speaks up. What does he tell the police?

16. Amidst all this turmoil, Paul’s grandparents arrive. What does Paul tell his mother they must tell his grandparents, and how do his grandparents respond?

17. Mr. Fisher continues to defend Erik. What do Paul’s grandparents tell Mr. Fisher that Erik needed years ago?

18. Who calls just as Paul’s grandparents are leaving?

Monday, December 4

1. Why is Paul’s mother tense, silent, and angry as she drives to the meeting at Tangerine Middle?

2. What does Paul give to Theresa, and what is her reaction?

3. Theresa is upset with Paul for behaving so badly at Senior Awards Night. What reason does Paul give for his actions?

4. Why does Theresa keep telling Paul that he really messed up?

5. In what way does Victor try to protect Paul?

6. What advice does Tino give Paul?

7. What is the consequence of Paul’s behavior?

8. What happens to Tino and Victor?

9. The meeting is over quickly. What hits Paul “like a smack in the face”?

10. What unusual treatment does Paul receive from kids that morning?

11. Mrs. Fisher says she is glad Paul is done with Tangerine Middle. How does Paul respond?

12. For now, where will Paul attend school?

13. Why does Paul think he will be feared at his new school?

Tuesday, December 5

1. What does Mr. Fisher tell his wife about his visit to the police?

2. What answer does Paul receive when he asks about Erik’s friends?

3. Who appears worried about one of the Fisher boys, and why?

4. What good news does Tino give Paul?

5. As Paul finishes his call with Tino, what does he hear?

Tuesday, December 5 Later

1. What type of information does Paul include in his police statement?

2. What goes through Paul’s mind as he writes his account for the police?

Wednesday, December 6

1. Who drives Paul to school, and what could this symbolize?

2. What does Paul think about as they pass Mike’s tree and then head toward the citrus groves?

3. What symbolism is evident in Mr. Fisher’s statements to Paul about Mike’s tree?


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