
Big Spring ISD Teacher Incentive Allotment FAQs(below are a list of questions asked directly by BSISD teachers concerning BSISD’s TIA proposal)Who/what groups qualify:Addition of AP teachers, US History, 8th grad history, do the co-teachers of the subjects qualifyANSWER: AP teachers, US History, and 8th grade history are NOT included in the 2021-2022 proposal because we do not have an outside, objective assessment developed to measure student growth. AP teachers whose subjects align with an NWEA tested subject such as English 1, English 2, and/or Biology would be included since we will testing those students using the NWEA assessment.If you are a National Board Certified teacher but not in one of the groups mentioned do you still qualify for TIAANSWER: YES!!!! Any teacher who earns a National Board Certification AUTOMATICALLY qualifies for a “Recognized” designation regardless of what subject the instructor teaches. Ask me about TEA reimbursement of National Board Certification fees if interested!How does TIA affect the co-teach classroom? Will inclusion and dyslexia teachers be eligible for TIA designation.ANSWER: Inclusion/Dyslexia teachers will pull student assessment scores based on their assigned caseload for the year. This list might be comprised of students from several content teachers’ classrooms. The inclusion/dyslexia teacher will be eligible for the TIA based on the same requirements as outlined for classroom teachers in the TIA Handbook.What happens if a teacher qualifies for a TIA designation in one area but then later requests a transfer to a different subject or campus?ANSWER: If a teacher qualifies for TIA as a 3rd grade reading teacher but then moves into a different teacher position (not in the TIA plan), they WILL still get the TIA funds for the next 5 years.HOWEVER,If a teacher qualifies for a TIA designation and sometime in the next 5 years they move into an instructional coaching role, counselor, AP, etc, they will forfeit the extra funds that come with the designation.How TIA and TTESS go together:Evaluation processRequirements—TTESS is very subjective so maybe a training with these teachers over what you are looking for in a classroom for each of the categories?ANSWER: TTESS was designed with a very detailed rubric to make it as close to an objective assessment instrument as possible. All TTESS administrators must recalibrate individually every year for the first 3 years and then again once every 3 years. BSISD administrators meet every summer to refresh TTESS expectations and recalibrate as an administrative team in order to ensure common understandings and alignments.Someone indicated that T-TESS is supposed to evaluate the “lesson”. How exactly is this tied into the TIA as a tool to measure the designation level? ??ANSWER: BSISD has asked for administrators to conduct a minimum of 20 instructional walkthroughs in addition to the 45 minute formal evaluation to gather an overall accurate picture of the teacher’s effectiveness and eliminate the “one and done dog/pony show” as well as give the teacher multiple opportunities to demonstrate their instructional skills in a variety of methods and at different times throughout the year. The use of T-TESS (or another approved teacher evaluation system) is required by TEA as found here: only TTESS be used even during walk through?ANSWER: BSISD has asked that ONLY the TTESS walkthrough instrument be used for TIA eligible teachers and that all walkthroughs be linked to the final evaluation in order to accurately assess teachers over the entire school year rather than a one and done 45 min evaluation. BSISD has also asked that administrators conduct a minimum of 20 walkthroughs for all teachers over the course of a school year.Who does the evaluation?ANSWER: BSISD has a board approved list of certified TTESS administrators (usually campus principals but may also include Central Office personnel as well) approved every year at the August board meeting. Typically the campus principal assigns teachers to principals for the formal evaluation, but walkthroughs should be conducted by a culmination of several administrators either on site or throughout the district.Will this person be the same for all teachers on TIA for consistency? ANSWER: The Texas Center for Educator Excellence (TXCEE) in Austin has recommended that teachers are evaluated by more than one administrator over the course of a school year for accurate results reflective of multiple perspectives across several walkthroughs and/or observations.Will there be a team of evaluators who will be doing walkthroughs other than the designated admins per campus? A few years ago there was team who would go school to school to do walkthroughs. This was back when Sean Cain came into the picture and there was a familiar incentive program in place at the time. ANSWER: This has been discussed BRIEFLY here at CO, but nothing definite yet. TXCEE has encouraged teachers to have multiple evaluators over the course of a year in order to maintain calibration/consistency throughout our evaluation team and eliminate bias. However, we also know that constructive criticism/feedback is best received between two individuals with a strong relationship. BSISD does not want that “team” to be seen as the “doom/gloom” team that shows up once/twice a month and inadvertently cause more stress on teachers/principals. At a minimum, teachers should have multiple observations/walkthroughs posted in DMAC from a variety of certified administrators (evaluators) assigned to their current campus.What metrics will be used:As far as what I understand the metrics that will be used for this incentive allotment is our NWEA scores. Specifically the Percentage of Students who Met or Exceeded their Projected RIT. The score needs to be at least 54%. That’s what I recall from our staff meeting last week. Will there be any other metrics going into the incentive allotment? When will this be implemented at BSISD?ANSWER: This is outlined in great detail on page 3 in the BSISD TIA handbook. TEA is very specific that an approved teacher evaluation instrument (TTESS) and a growth measure (minimum of 55%) must be used. Districts may then use other pieces that they deem important for their own district to be successful. HOWEVER, this question made me add the calculation rubric, scale and examples on pages 4-5 of the BSISD TIA handbook. The 2021-2022 TIA application is due by April 15, 2021, but notifications of approvals will not be sent out until August 2021.Since my campus is only K-2nd, will that 3rd grade achievement score apply to our campus? ANSWER: YES!!!? Because of HB3 and School Board goals directly related to building early childhood foundations in Reading and Math, BSISD has determined that foundational skills taught well at the K-2 campuses will directly correlate to the student’s ability to be successful on the state assessment the following year. BSISD wants our campuses working together to vertically align instruction for the overall benefit to the student. Washington’s achievement score would affect teachers at Moss and Marcy by 20% as noted on p.3 of the TIA Handbook.Is NWEA going to be used at all campuses as a measuring tool for growth/qualification even campuses who do not currently use NWEA.ANSWER: ALL teachers who fall in this category will be scored on the following criteria:Group 2: 4th-EOC Reading, Math and grades 5th & 8th Science, BiologyInstructional Practices (T-TESS)30%NWEA Teacher Growth (subject specific)50%Teacher Student Achievement (Avg M, M, A,) 10%Campus Subject Specific Student Achievement (Avg M, M, A)10%BSISD has been using NWEA to measure student growth for grades K-6 in Math and Reading since 2017. BSISD students are very familiar with the assessment and BSISD Curriculum will provide training for teachers on campuses new to NWEA.Teacher Certification:“I noticed under the Timeline heading in the document you attached that data would start being collected between Aug-June 2021-2022. Will I need to have my certification completed before August of this year to qualify or will I qualify throughout that designation period since I’ll receive my cert during that timeframe?”ANSWER: In order to qualify for the BSISD TIA designation, classroom teachers must be highly qualified and certified in the subject area where they are teaching by the end of the school year in which the data is being collected. ................

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