CV - University of Arizona

Alexandria S. pech


John & Doris Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences

The University of Arizona

650 N. Park Ave., PO Box 210078

Tucson, AZ 85721-0078



Ph.D. Family Studies and Human Development, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Expected Spring 2019

M.S. Family Studies and Human Development, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Thesis: Associations Among Parental Depressive Symptoms, Coparenting and Behavior Outcomes in Young Children with Previously Incarcerated Fathers

Committee: Melissa A. Curran, PhD, Melissa Barnett, PhD and Katherine Paschall, PhD

December 2016

B.A. Psychology and Human Development , Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

May 2014

Honors and Awards

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Master’s Level Meritorious Graduate Teaching Award

December 2016

The University of Arizona Centennial Achievement Graduate Student Award

Honoring high academic achievement, scholarship, resilience and integrity; $500

December 2015

Western Users of SAS Software Student Scholars Program

September 2015

Graduate and Professional Student Council Travel Grant

Fall 2015; $400

Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences Travel Grant

Fall 2015; $300

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduate Fellowship


Graduate Access Fellowship

$10,000 from University of Arizona; August 2014

University of California at Santa Barbara Academic Research Consortium Scholar

June-August 2013

Research Interests

• Behavior development in children and adolescents with incarcerated parents

• How family systems adapt to structural inequalities within the criminal justice system

• Resilient family processes


National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

Predicting Child Outcomes by Analyzing Risk and Protective Factors in Children of Incarcerated Parents. Honorable Mention. Fall 2014

Research Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, Dr. Sheri Bauman and Dr. Mike Sulkowski

(Spring 2016, School Safety Project Plus)

o Data collection (i.e., administer surveys to middle and high school students)

o Analyze data in SPSS to create 21 school reports

o Submit conference proposals

o Train undergraduate students to use SPSS

Graduate Research Assistant, Drs. Melissa Barnett and Melissa Curran

(Fall 2015, Families and The Environment)

o Data collection (i.e., Saliva samples, surveys)

o Scheduling and conducting child and family interaction video-taped manipulation tasks

o Supervise and train 6 undergraduate research assistants

o Lead weekly lab meetings with undergraduate research assistants

o Train undergraduates to submit abstracts for conference presentations

Graduate Research Assistant, Dr. Melissa Curran

(Fall 2015, Funded by Graduate Access Fellowship)

o Schedule FSHD 492 lab meetings

o Acquire statistical knowledge of SAS software program

o Design research lab website

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Dr. Laura Naumann

Sonoma State University Psychology Department, Spring 2013

o Transcription and coding of qualitative interviews

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Dr. Melissa-Morgan Consoli

UC Santa Barbara Counseling psychology department, Summer 2013

o Create reference list for Endnote software

o Conduct extensive literature reviews on resilience


Pech, A., & Bloom, B. E. (2015). Children of incarcerated parents: Problems and resilience. In McShane, M. D., & Cavanaugh Jr, M. R. (Eds.), Understanding juvenile justice and delinquency (pp.122-139). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.


Pech, A., Curran, M. A., Colacicco, R., Paschall, K., & Barnett, M. A. (2017, April). Associations among parental depressive symptoms, coparenting and behavior in young children with previously incarcerated fathers. Submission accepted for the Society of Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.

Pech, A. & Bloom, B. (2016, November). Moderating the collateral consequences of mass incarceration on children of incarcerated parents. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Pech, A. & Bloom, B. (2016, February). The Collateral Consequences of Mass Incarceration on Imprisoned Mothers and their Children. Paper presented at the Western Society in Criminology Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Dacquisto, J., Lebsack, L., MacKenzie, E., Pech, A., Roberts, H., Sebring, J., Ward, K. (2015, October). Families and the environment. Poster presented at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Poster Forum, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Pech, A., & Bloom, B. (2015, October). The ties that bind: Enhancing relationships among incarcerated mothers and their children. Workshop presented for the Bi-annual Adult and Juvenile Female Offender Conference, Hartford, Connecticut.

Gonzalez, H., Pech, A., & Barnett, M. A. (2015, November). Predictors of relationship continuity in families with incarcerated fathers. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Akçabozan, N. B., Chavez, C., Pech, A., & Curran, M. A. (2015, November). Actor and partner attachment styles and relationship quality for cohabitors. Poster presented for the meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Pech, A. (2014, April). Exploring the role of resilience in the life experiences of children of incarcerated parents. Poster presented at the Sonoma State University Annual McNair Symposium, Sonoma, CA.

Pech, A. (2014, February). Exploring the role of resilience in the life experiences of children of incarcerated parents. Paper presented at the Western Society in Criminology Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hi.

Pech, A. (2013, April). Factors that promote resiliency in children of incarcerated parents. Poster presented at the Sonoma State University Annual McNair Symposium, Sonoma, CA

Pech, A. (2013, August). Components that predict and foster resilience in children of incarcerated parents. Poster presented at the UC Santa Barbara Academic Research Consortium, Santa Barbara, CA.

Pech, A., Eagan, S., Wirkkala, A. (2013, December) The waiting game: A new perspective on the bystander study. Paper presented at the Sonoma State University psychology colloquium, Sonoma, CA.

Guest Lectures

Pech, A. (2016, November). Feminism. FSHD 487: Advanced Family Relations, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Pech, A. (2016, October). Social Exchange Theory. FSHD 487: Advanced Family Relations, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Pech, A. (2016, October). Personality. FSHD 117: Life Span Human Development, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Pech, A. (2016, April). Queer theory and families. FSHD 117: Life Span Human Development, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Pech, A. (2016, March). Incarcerated Mothers and their Children. FSHD 247: Dynamics of Family Relationships, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Pech, A. (2015, May). Families in Diverse Settings. FSHD 323: Infancy/Child Development, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Pech, A. (2014, May). Exploring the role of resilience in the life experiences of children of incarcerated parents. Child Studies and Urban Education Department, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.

Invited research trainings

Fragile Families 2016 Summer Data Workshop

The Columbia Population Research Center hosted the Fragile Families Summer Data Workshop from June 15-17, 2016, at Columbia University in New York City. The workshop was targeted toward early-career scholars from social science disciplines and was designed to familiarize participants with the data available in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a national study following a birth cohort of (mostly) unmarried parents and their children.


Beginning Fall 2014, I have mentored Olivia Moncibaez and ReAnne Colacicco, both FSHD seniors, as part of FSHD 492 Directed Research. Olivia and ReAnne have were my research assistants for up to two semesters. I continue to advise them on graduate school applications and post-undergraduate career plans. Olivia is pursuing her teaching credential at Grand Canyon University. ReAnne is a recent graduate, who won the Outstanding Senior Award in Family Studies and Human Development and is applying to doctoral programs in Applied Developmental Science. Specific to ReAnne, I trained her in R statistical software to recode variables and learn how to run correlations.

Teaching Experience

Course Co-instruction

Life Span Human Development (FSHD 117); Online; Summer 2015

• Teaching Effectiveness: 4.4/5

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Fall 2016

Teaching Assistant, FSHD 487 Advanced Family Relations

• Grade exams and research papers for 49 students

• Provide students with extensive feedback on group work assignments

• Provide guest lecture on social exchange theory

• Deliver guest lecture on feminism

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Spring 2016

Teaching Assistant, FSHD 117 Lifespan Human Development

• Grade exams, research papers and in-class assignments for 80 students

• Guest lecture on at least one course topic

• Maintain student grades via online grading system

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Fall 2015

Teaching Assistant, FSHD 427C Problems in Child and Adolescent Development

• Grade exams, research papers and in-class assignments for 80 students

• Facilitate course curriculum in the absence of the professor

• Maintain student grades via online grading system

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Fall 2014 to Spring 2015

Teaching Assistant, FSHD 323 Infant and Child Development

• Grade exams, research papers and in-class assignments for 100 students

• Facilitate course curriculum in the absence of the professor

• Guest lecture on one course topic

• Maintain student grades via online grading system

Professional Affiliations

Western Society of Criminology,

Student member; Fall 2013-Present

Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology

President and Vice President, Spring 2012-Fall 2013


Vice President and Social Liaison,

Family Studies Student Round Table (Family Studies and

Human Development, University of Arizona); Fall 2016.

Graduate Admission and Recruitment Representative,

Family Studies Student Round Table (Family Studies and

Human Development, University of Arizona); Spring 2015.

Community Service

Arizona’s Children’s Association K.A.R.E Center

(Lead Youth Support Volunteer), Tucson, AZ, Spring 2014-Present

• Facilitate developmentally appropriate activities with youth ages 7-17

• Provide emotional support for children who are being raised by their grandparents due to parental incarceration

• Teach curriculum designed specifically for children of incarcerated parents


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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