Sun City Vistoso Genealogical Society

SUN CITY VISTOSO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETYDecember 10th, 2018 General Meeting Agenda/Minutes Welcomed One New Members Welcome One Visitors who we hope will be joining us. “Wait ‘til you hear what I found.” Minutes of November meeting, posted, any questions? Motion to approved, seconded and approved.Treasurer’s Report – Debra Dirks – November Treasurer’s report posted on the website. There being no question the report will be submitted to audit.Please remember that the SCVGC website is a blog. If you would like to receive automatic updates you will need to subscribe to the blog/website. All the new websites are up and running on the computers. Please come into the Club Library to do new research on these great new programs!Committee Reports 1. Mentoring - Help Sessions - Holly Gibson – Check calendar for her help day.Membership – Debra Dirks (175 at last count) paid members; 55 members present today.Dues – our dues drive for 2018-2019 starts this month – if you didn’t renew today, please remember to bring your checkbook next month so you can pay your dues. Thank you! Genealogy Room Photos - Mary Barr – We are always looking for more pictures. Please include a 4” by 6” copy with information about the person, how related, location and your name.SIG’s (Special Interest Groups) Legacy Family Tree - Barb Krecklow - Meets 1st Tuesday at 1 pm- WC Conference Room #1. Note: Barb will be retiring in May.DAR - Holly Gibson and Lynne BrookeDNA- Teri & Art Petty. 3rd Wed, 1 PM Genealogy Library.Family Tree – Karen Haider, 4th Tuesday, 1:30 PM, club library. Scandinavian – Joan Allen, sign-up sheet in the backProgram Committee - Have you hear a speaker you enjoyed? We are always looking for speaker recommendations, so if you have heard a good one at a conference or meeting you have attended. January and February are when we start looking for next year’s speakers. Would love to have a new member volunteer to be on this committee and have new member feedback on programs of interest to you. Monitor Training – Pat Brown – For the past month we filled 27 slots of 42 available with 17 monitors. We need to increase room usage to ensure that we will continue to have dedicated space in the future. If you are a monitor, please sign up for a time at least once a month. If you aren’t a monitor, please consider training to become one. The more our lab is open, the more our members can use the databases our dues pay for. Monitors are NOT required to help, they are there to open and close the room and report computer problems. If a monitor is available to help they will indicate it on the comment line on the club calendar.Display Case – Helen & Bob Jennette – Wedding pictures will be our next feature display. Hope you brought yours.Hospitality – Sharon Held and Suzan Peterson –- 3 dozen cookies. Signup sheet in on the sign-in table. Marketing – Holly Gibson and Lee Sopwith. There will be a flyer in the Tipster for January. Help us think of creative ways to encourage more people to join our club. Turnover rate in the community as a whole is about 50% over the last several years. We need to reach out to new community members and stimulate interest in our organization.Field Trips – Details for other presentations are available either on our website or by following links on our website to the various groups (on right side of home page) Pinal County Genealogists – Annual Workshop, Saturday, January, 26th, 2019 in Casa Grande. Their registration form, course listing, course descriptions and syllabi are all available at their website. For more details: or look at back table. Registration includes lunch. Andrea be posting the courses in the Genealogy lab and will have car pool sign-ups next month. Tucson Family History Fair – Saturday, Feb 2nd, 2019. This is an annual event at the Tucson Family History Center, 6901 E Kenyon Ave. For more details see their wiki page: ? or back table. Andrea be posting information in the Genealogy lab and will have car pool sign-ups next month. Pima County Genealogy Society – no meeting this month. See their website for more details: for future meetings.Saddlebrook Genealogy Club – Thursday, Jan 3rd, 1-3 PM in HOA#1 Coyote Room. No program posted as yet. See their website for more details Sunflower Genealogy Club – Tuesday, Dec 18th, 2-3 PM. “Collateral & Allied Research – Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins” by Edie Sly. See their website for more details: Green Valley Genealogy Society – Thursday, Nov 15th, 1-3PM. 2800 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley. Featured Program: “Newspaper Research” by Moreen Ferdie. See their website for more details The Southern Arizona Jewish Genealogy Society – Sunday, Jan 13th, 1-3 PM at Tucson Jewish Community Center. Featured Speaker: Richard Hallick, PhD, emeritus professor at UofA and expert on DNA analysis. Topic: DNA with special attention to Jewish DNA. See their Facebook page for more details.Tour of the Tucson Family History Center (East) – Andrea is working on setting up a tour of the Tucson Family History Center (at the East facility) with Bob Black, the Director, for February. Probably the second Monday.ClassesBeginners Class – Karen Hasselbach. Sign-up sheet for next January in back. There are currently 3 open slots for the Beginners Class and we will be working in the Computer Lab with availability of MACs. Help for Beginners – See calendar for details. Love to have some more volunteer mentor monitors. Saturday Shorts – Joan Allen – Swedish or Scandinavian Research – February or MarchChristine Wortman-Engren – Publishing your Family History (based on her experiences) – February or MarchDianne Parrott – Using Microfilm in Family Search - JanuarySharon Larsen – A special topic on Family Search – February or MarchLooking for some volunteers for these topics: MyHeritage, , FindMyPast, Irish research and Roots Magic. Any volunteers?Other topics you would like to see?ILR classes – these are open to club members. If you are interested please sign up on the ILR website. Beginning Genealogy - in January, Andrea will be teaching a Beginning Genealogy class for IRL. It will be four 2 hour sessions in the computer lab. Each class will be 1 hour of lecture and one hour of hands on exercises on the computers.DNA for Beginners – Teri Petty will be teaching four 2 hour sessions in February for IRL.New Business New Software Installed – International Research – links to free websites on Canadian Research and Irish Research have recently been installed. Look for the International “fence” on the desktop.Download Fence – we have tried to set it up so if you download a document or image, it will go into the download fence – so you can find it. New batteries in wireless mice and keyboards – thanks to a generous donation of batteries, we have put all new batteries in our wireless mice and keyboards. If you have a problem with a mouse or keyboard, please let the monitor, Jon or Andrea know which one. We will know to replace it with a new one.Social Event – Save the date, Saturday, March 2nd from 4-7PM in the Auditorium in the Activity Center. Mary Barr has volunteered to chair the planning and organizing of the event. We need more volunteers to help Mary plan and organize the event. Would love more feedback on what you would like to see as far as format, program, etc.Gifting Tree – was in the back. Thank you to those of you who have started sharing with us. Suggestions range from a month of a subscription database to supplies for the computer room (ink cartridge, paper, and batteries) or for hospitality (cups, napkins, ice tea or lemonade mix, coffee or tea), or a donation towards a specific speaker. If you donate, an ornament with your name on it will be added to the tree. You may donate anonymously if you wish.Shirt Sale – there are 2 Ladies XL Genealogy Club Logo shirts for sale. Donated by a member, available at a big discount!Comment Cards and Suggestion Box – There is a suggestion box by the sign-in sheet and comment cards are by the computers or on the side of the box. We want to know what software you are using and any problems you had using it. Thank you to those of you who have made some suggestion already!Need Officers for 2019-2020 – Our Vice President, Lee Sopwith will become president, so there is a vacancy for Vice President. The terms for our Secretary, Holly Gibson and our Member-at-Large, Barbara Evans will expire in July. We need a volunteer for Vice President, Secretary and for Member-at-Large; please consider volunteering for one of these positions. Old Business New Software – reminder that we have the following new software now installed in the labs. We hope you have had a chance to try them out:Upgrade to Premium Room Security – Jon is working with Ken on a solution.Monitor Handbook – we are in the process of creating one. We would love to have your suggestions and input. If you are a monitor, especially a new monitor, please tell us what information you would like to have in the handbook.Monitors – We want everyone to come and use the room, but please remember that most monitors are only there to open the room and report any problems with the computers. If a monitor is willing to be a mentor and help out, that information will be listed on the description line. If you are interested in helping us with this, please contact Andrea Houston, Pat Brown or Lee Sopwith. Computer Replacement Plan – we want to purchase a second MAC, and possibly to look into replacing the projection system in our club library.Any others?December Speaker Moreen Ferdie “Extra, Extra, Read All About it – Newspaper Research”January Speaker Amy Urman “Paper Trail of Death”Thank you to all the volunteers… We can’t do it without you.Adjourned for refreshments.Happy Holidays!!Respectfully submitted, Holly GibsonSecretary ................

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