
|9:15 – 10:15 |

|Transitioning Military Personnel to Post-Service Success |Convention Center |Room 5 |

|Segment 1: |David M. DuBois |

|Partnerships In Action – Empowerment Through Teamwork: |Director, Transition Assistance Program Operations |

|Military personnel have been transitioning from the Military service |Deputy Under Secretary of Defense |

|since the Revolutionary War, and programs to assist them have evolved |Office of Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy |

|over every war era. In this portion of the presentation, Defense | |

|leaders will highlight the assistance to Warfighters as they move from|Ronald L. Horne |

|an environment of combat to the corporate sector, college campus, or |Director, Transition Assistance Program Policy |

|community service. Learn about the Transition Assistance Program |Deputy Under Secretary of Defense |

|(TAP) and the efforts to guide America’s Heroes to successful careers |Office of the Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy |

|after military service. | |

| | |

|Segment 2: | |

|The Military Millennial – The Transformation of Transition for the New| |

|Generation: | |

|As our next generation of Service members begin the process of | |

|transitioning to civilian life, it is incumbent upon us to provide | |

|them with new and innovative tools that enable them to plan a smooth | |

|and successful transition; a journey that begins the very day they | |

|become a member of the Armed Forces. This segment will showcase how | |

|the Department of Defense plans to transform TAP with a 21st Century | |

|Roadmap to navigate the terrain associated with the Military | |

|Lifecycle. | |

|Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Information Technology |Convention Center |Room 3 |

|Initiatives | | |

|This session will provide a brief overview of the CCAF model and the |Dr. James Larkins, Dean of Academic Affairs, Community College of the |

|innovative, technology-based initiatives the college implemented to |Air Force (CCAF) |

|support educational opportunities for enlisted members through its | |

|worldwide, multi-campus operations.  Presenters will discuss the |Mr. William W. Nicholas, IV, Associate Dean, Campus Relations, CCAF |

|college’s management of 67 AAS degree programs, professional | |

|certifications, the Air University Associate-to-Baccalaureate |Mr. Breeding, Director, Credentialing Programs, CCAF |

|Cooperative (AU-ABC) and General Education Mobile (GEM) initiatives.  | |

|Mr. Nicholas, Associate Dean for Campus Relations, will detail |Ms. Bettie Varnado, Chief, Media and Distance Learning, CCAF |

|processes used to manage 100+ affiliated schools and 6K+ faculty | |

|members. | |

|AI Portal - Leveraging Technology Between the Air Force and Civilian |Convention Center |Room 11 |

|Institutions | | |

|The Air Force's Academic Institution (AI) Portal assists partner |Michael Allen |

|academic institutions to communicate all the data requirements levied |Director, Customer Support and Training Systems |

|on them by Service rules.  The AI portal facilitates online business |BAM Technologies |

|transactions between academic systems and the Air Force systems by | |

|allowing the following data flow:  military tuition assistance | |

|requests, processing of grades and invoices, access to academic degree| |

|programs, registration to AU-ABC and GEM programs, and degree | |

|completion reporting. | |

|What Would Disney Do? Eight Strategies that Pixie-dust your |Convention Center |Room 6 |

|Presentations | | |

|Walt Disney was a master showman and an amazing teacher. Years after |Lenn Millbower |

|his death, Disney team members would still ask, “What would Disney |The Learnertainment(r) Trainer |

|do?” When entertainment and learning align the result is magical; |Offbeat Training LLC |

|learners pay attention, absorb information, and change behavior. In | |

|this insightful and engaging presentation, Lenn Millbower, The | |

|Learnertainment(ρ) Trainer, shares the ways entertainment principles | |

|apply to learning. He will answer the question, “What would Disney do | |

|to make your brief more successful?” | |

|Advisory Councils on Military Education: Yes You Can |Convention Center |Room 9 |

|The format of the panel will be a brief presentation and then |Mr. Gary A. Woods (moderator) |

|question, answers and discussion. It will emphasize (1) specific |Vice Chancellor, Military and Veterans Programs |

|parameters for participation in ACMEs and similar national |Brandman University |

|organizations by government representatives, (2) update participants | |

|on the status of the DoD letter of clarification that is to be |Ms. Carolyn Baker |

|released to the Services defining how government employees can |Chief, DoD Continuing Education Programs |

|participate, and then (3) brainstorm ways state and federal leadership|Department of Defense |

|can proactively and effectively encourage participation of government | |

|representatives so that this important cog in the equation is there to|Mr. Billy Wells (President, OMEGA) |

|help the institutions and the states deliver the best and most |Liaison ACME President to CCME and DoD |

|affordable program possible to the military community. |Executive Assistant to the President |

| |North Georgia College & State University |

| | |

| |Dr. Randy Plunkett (President, Illinois ACME) |

| |National Manager, Government Programs |

| |Capella University |

| | |

| |Ms. Amy Moorash (Armed Services CCME Liaison) |

| |Chief, Advising Programs |

| |Fort Lewis WA |

|Lessons Learned from setting up the Virtual Education Center |Convention Center |Room 7 |

|Commanding Officer, Center for Personal and Professional Development |Moderator: |

|(CPPD) decided to establish the Virtual Education Center (VEC)- a |Mary Redd-Clary, Ph.D. |

|state of the art call center that provides one-stop education services|Director Navy Voluntary Education Program, Center for Personal and |

|to Sailors and Marines worldwide. Building the VEC from the ground up |Professional Development |

|involved a number of issues and considerations before bringing the VEC| |

|online.  Issues included locating and establishing the workspaces, |Ms Sharen Richardson |

|determining the size and composition of the staff, hiring and training|VEC Supervisor, Center for Personal and Professional Development |

|the staff members, implementing the IT and telecom systems, and | |

|developing business practices and operations policies - all in sixty |LCDR Walter Rogers |

|days. This session will cover the lessons learned in the start up of |CPPD HQ VEC Liaison, Center for Personal and Professional Development |

|the CPPD VEC. | |

|SOC Tools for Advising and Decision Making |Marriott Hotel |Room C |

|This session, designed for education center and DNS college staff, |Judith Loomer, SOCAD Project Director |

|presents practical applications of Servicemembers Opportunity |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

|Colleges' tools for academic advising and evaluation of | |

|non-traditional credit, highlighting SOC's new Web tool for course |Dawn Light, SOC Degree Network System Project Director |

|articulations; use of college information in SOC publications; and |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

|mapping military experience to degree requirements. | |

| |Joyce Larson, SOCNAV Project Director |

| |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

| | |

| |Margaret Cotroneo, SOCCOAST Project Director |

| |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

| | |

| |Jeff Jarosz, SOCMAR Project Director |

| |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

|Are You Ready to Serve Student Veterans?  |Marriott Hotel |Room 5 |

|Penn State has a long history of serving the education needs of our |Ginny Newman, Assistant Director |

|Armed Forces.  Anticipating enrollment growth due to the Post 9-11 |Military Education, Penn State |

|G.I. Bill, the University initiated a review on how the institution | |

|was serving this audience and made recommendations on needed | |

|improvements to serve their needs with continued consistent high | |

|quality.  This session will provide a model for institutions to | |

|evaluate their own readiness to serve veterans and the findings of | |

|this review. | |

|Life Planning and Academic Credit for Returning Veteran Students |Marriott Hotel |Room 2 |

|The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is a full partner|Dr. Steven Frantz |

|in the groundbreaking veterans reintegration program called “Beyond |Director, Veterans Re-Entry Education Program, |

|the Yellow Ribbon.” Through this statewide partnership and |Office of the Chancellor, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities |

|facilitated by a federal grant, the system along with the Minnesota | |

|Department of Veterans Affairs and the Minnesota National Guard have |MAJ Ann Chilson |

|developed innovative technologies to provide information on credit |Education Services Officer, Minnesota National Guard, |

|awards for military learning, career and life planning and benefit and| |

|resource information for servicemembers, veterans and their families. | |

| |Donal Pfeffer, MA |

| |Director, Higher Education Veterans Program, |

| |Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs |

| | |

| |Gina Sobania, MA |

| |Military Education Academic Credit Director |

| |Office of the Chancellor, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities |

|Creating Learning Environments that Foster the Healing of Body, Mind, |Marriott Hotel |Room 3 |

|and Spirit: A Best Practice Model for Recruitment and Retention of our| | |

|Wounded Servicemembers | | |

|This interactive session shares the pilot program, the Park Warrior |Roxanne Gonzales |

|Center (PWC), and explores the integration needed to develop and |Dean of Distance Learning |

|implement a best practices model in the delivery of degrees and |Park University |

|student services to recruit and retain the wounded. PWC’s goal is to | |

|provide a secure learning environment while ensuring that student |Stephen Terry |

|supports are in place to retain the wounded in college as a means |Program Manager, Park Warrior Center |

|towards a career from three perspectives: body, mind, and spirit. |Park University |

|Successfully Addressing Complex Challenges: New Skills for a New Era |Marriott Hotel |Room 7 |

|United States military members must be able to deal effectively with |Kari Granger |

|non-routine or complex challenges under ever-changing conditions and |Performance Consultant |

|with the world watching.  As military educators, we must find new ways|Sunergos, LLC |

|of supporting our constituents to meet these challenges. This session | |

|distinguishes between informative and transformative learning, |Doug Hanover |

|provides underlying principles of transformative learning, and |Principal |

|demonstrates an application of transformative learning in addressing |Sunergos, LLC |

|one of the greatest complex challenges of our time – reintegration | |

|after hardship deployments.  | |

|Customer Service For Military Students: Building And Managing |Marriott Hotel |Room 11 |

|Relationships | | |

|From readmission to college due to military service, to aggressive |Marcy Shapiro |

|marketing practices, Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) has |SOCGuard Project Director |

|been involved in hundreds of troubleshooting cases affecting |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

|Servicemembers. During this session we will share with you the | |

|background, research, and resolution of some of those cases as they | |

|relate to SOC's Military Student Bill of Rights, its guidelines | |

|regarding support and services for military students, and the language| |

|of relevant legislation. | |

|Ready to Become a New Sponsored NTC? Learn How! |Marriott Hotel |Room 4 |

|Learn from the experts during this panel session that will provide |Georgi Cody |

|useful information for base representatives and colleges interested in|Sr. Director, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) |

|entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a |The College Board |

|base-sponsored testing site for the delivery of CLEP, DSST, Excelsior,| |

|and Pearson VUE examinations. Currently, 150 college test centers |Barry Nelson |

|offer CLEP and DSST testing at military installations and 140 DANTES |DANTES Education Programs |

|and base-sponsored test centers deliver Pearson VUE exams. Many | |

|additional sites testing sites are currently in the process of |Jennifer Molesevich |

|converting to base-sponsored sites. Find out how your base or college |Product Sales Manager |

|can become part of this growing trend. |DSST/Prometric |

| | |

| |Andrew Sherman |

| |Testing Program Manager, DANTES Program |

| |Excelsior College |

| | |

| |Sue Jackson |

| |Director of Market Development, Government |

| |Pearson VUE |

|10:45 – 11:45 |

|How to become a Navy Distance Learning Partner? |Convention Center |Room 5 |

|The Navy designed the Navy College Program Distance Learning |Ronald C. Smith |

|Partnership (NCPDLP) for the main purpose of advantaging Sailors in |Navy Voluntary Distance Education Program Manager |

|their pursuit of their Associate and/or Bachelor degrees. The program |Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) |

|has evolved over time as the needs of the Navy and Sailors have | |

|changed. Based on changes in policy the desire to offer degree | |

|programs outside of their chosen field has enabled the expansion of | |

|the program. | |

|Airmen Credentialing: Another Element of Air Force Professional |Convention Center |Room 3 |

|Development | | |

|CCAF provides credentialing opportunities to Air Force enlisted |Mr. Breeding, Director, Credentialing Programs, CCAF |

|personnel.  This session will focus attention on the growing | |

|importance and presence of credentialing within the DoD and civilian | |

|industry communities; demonstrate the CCAF Credentialing and Education| |

|Research Tool (CERT); discuss processes in awarding collegiate credit | |

|for professional credentials; and explore future credentialing | |

|initiatives and opportunities.  Also, new credentialing programs | |

|offered by CCAF will be discussed, such as: Professional Manager | |

|Certification Program and CCAF Instructor Certification Program. | |

|Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Program |Convention Center |Room 11 |

|The Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) program is the |Patrick M. Shanaghan |

|DoD funded financial assistance part of the comprehensive Military |Program Analyst |

|Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program. After a |Office of Family Policy/Children and Youth |

|year of operation, in February 2010, MyCAA was paused for a complete |Military Community and Family Policy |

|review, due to system overload and threatened breach of financial |Office of Secretary of Defense |

|thresholds. It was reopened to the 136, 853 previously registered | |

|spouses on March 13, 2010. On October 25, 2010, the MyCAA program | |

|opened under revised guidelines restricting eligibility to spouses of | |

|active duty members in the grades of E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2 and a cap| |

|of $4000 per eligible spouse. | |

|A New Ecology of Learning |Convention Center |Room 6 |

|This session will outline the key issues facing higher education and |Peter Smith |

|how they relate to military and veteran education. The presenter will|Senior Vice President of Academic Strategies and Development |

|outline key elements which can be undertaken to develop a new ecology |Kaplan Higher Education |

|for learning that can enable us to harness the resources we have | |

|within our military, veterans and civilian population. This session | |

|will promote dialog and collaboration between academic institutions | |

|and/or the military educational community. | |

| | |

|National Testing Centers and Proctoring: An Institutional Perspective |Convention Center |Room 9 |

|With Test Examiner staff reductions at Education Offices worldwide and|Joel Menges – Pensacola, FL.  Master Site Administrator, Coastline |

|the continued need for institutions to proctor exams, National Testing|Community College |

|Centers which administer CLEP/DSST/Pearson Vue testing are | |

|increasingly being approached about shouldering the burden of |Mike Randerson – VP of Adult Higher Ed, Columbia College |

|proctoring exams.  This panel of experts will discuss the potential | |

|pitfalls of these added duties, possible first steps toward building a|Mai Miller – Bremerton, WA Site Director, Vincennes University |

|program to proctor each other's exams and the general infrastructure | |

|needed to establish such a program.  |Ed Gall - Coordinator, SOC Programs, Thomas Edison State College |

| | |

| |Amaya Davis - Associate Dean – Military, Public Safety and Security |

| |Division – Florida State College |

|Connecting and Collaborating: The Opportunities and Benefits of |Convention Center |Room 8 |

|Educators Using Social Networking to Engage Learners, Build | | |

|Relationships and Enhance Military Education | | |

|This presentation will examine how social networking can be employed |Margaret C. Stewart, M.A. |

|by military educators as a valuable platform to engage learners. |Doctoral Candidate, Communications Media & Instructional Technology |

|Relationship-building is a cornerstone of military learning and using |Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Communications Media|

|social networking sites as learning platforms can yield cohesion and | |

|collaboration among students. The innovation of social networking is | |

|often categorized as a purely social outlet; however, when leveraged | |

|in a learning environment it presents many opportunities for | |

|collective interaction beyond the physical and/or virtual classroom. | |

|The Navy’s Credentialing Program: Promoting Personal and Professional|Convention Center |Room 7 |

|Development while Enhancing Mission Readiness | | |

|With the globalization of the world’s economy, it is imperative that |Keith Boring |

|employers have a common nomenclature to assess the competencies of |Program Manager |

|prospective employees. Employers increasingly rely on credentialing |Navy's Credentials Program Office |

|to do this. The military also recognizes credentialing as a means of |   |

|communicating the transferability of military training and experience |Lisa Lutz |

|to the civilian workplace. This session will provide an overview of |President |

|credentialing and present how the Navy uses it to promote professional|Solutions for Information Design (SOLID) |

|growth and help ensure seamless transitions to the civilian workforce.| |

|Army National Guard Benefit Programs and Services Provided by the |Marriott Hotel |Room C |

|Counseling Support Team | | |

|This presentation includes an overview of Army National Guard |Art Richards |

|Education Benefits and includes some of the differences between Active|Project Manager, Counseling Support Team |

|Army and Army National Guard Education Benefits, including Federal and|Army National Guard |

|State Tuition Assistance Programs, four different G.I. Bill Programs, | |

|Loan Repayment, Bonuses, and other Army National Guard Benefits. A |CW2 Jeffrey C. Haycraft |

|comprehensive evaluation of military training and experience is |National Guard Bureau |

|available to Soldiers, spouses, and civilian employees of the Army |Army National Guard Directorate |

|National Guard, and provided by a Counseling Support Team. |Tuition Assistance Special Projects Officer Education, Incentives, & |

| |Employment Division (NGB-EDU) |

|Educational Program for Post-deployment Issues in the Classroom |Marriott Hotel |Room 5 |

|(EPPIC) | | |

|This project will provide an overview of a |Tamara Woods |

|college-based course/intervention co-developed by the authors to |Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology |

|address key problem issues frequently seen among OIF/OEF veterans |University of Iowa |

|returning to, or starting post-secondary education.  Common problems | |

|include PTSD, exposure to one or more possible traumatic brain |Dr. Hall |

|injuries, depression, difficulty adjusting back into civilian life, |Neuropsychologist and Co-Director of the Polytrauma Support Clinical |

|relationship problems and substance use/abuse.  These newly acquired |Team |

|cognitive and affective difficulties are hindering success within the |Iowa City VA Medical Center |

|academic arena. This study will address the efficacy of this course in| |

|mediating key objectives in order to increase success among returning | |

|student veterans. | |

|Accountability in the Online Classroom: Approaches to Student Identity|Marriott Hotel |Room 2 |

|Authentication and Academic Integrity | | |

|The session provides institutions, faculty, and staff with an overview|Moderator – Greg von Lehmen |

|of new regulations governing the authentication of student identity in|Provost, UMUC |

|online courses; guidance on developing an overall strategy that builds| |

|a culture of academic integrity institution-wide; and tools for |Shirley Adams |

|evaluating technologies that offer identity authentication and |Provost, Charter Oak State College |

|electronic proctoring. | |

| |(unconfirmed) Jo Kroll, Dean, Graduate Studies, Missouri Southerm |

| |State University |

| | |

| |(unconfirmed) Kenneth Sagendorf, Ph.D. US Air Force Academy |

| | |

| |Matthew Prineas |

| |Assistant Provost |

| |Academic Partnerships |

| |UMUC |

|Tench-hut! A showcase of innovative online learning technologies |Marriott Hotel |Room 3 |

|Want to see some cool new ways to engage online learners?  Curious |Kristin Bittner |

|about how students can work together at a distance?  Want to see how |Instructional Designer, The Pennsylvania State University |

|students can be tutored online?  This session will showcase various | |

|ways Penn State University is using innovative technologies such as |Sonya Leitzell |

|iTunes U, VoiceThread, Elluminate Live!, Google Apps, Kryterion, and |Sr. Program Manager, The Pennsylvania State University |

|more to enhance online instruction.   | |

|Servicemember Success via CRM Solutions |Marriott Hotel |Room 7 |

|This concurrent session will be an interactive panel discussion on |Moderator - Philip Platt, Managing Partner, Vantage Point Consulting, |

|strategic planning and implementation of CRM software solutions that |Inc |

|aid in the recruitment and retention of postsecondary learners. | |

|Participants include four colleges – Baker College Online, Central |Julia Teahen, DBA, President, Baker College Online |

|Texas College (CTC), Coastline Community College, and Thomas Edison | |

|State College (TESC) – along with Hobsons (software vendor), and |Bill Alexander, Deputy Chancellor, Distance Learning and Texas Campus |

|Vantage Point, Inc. (higher-education consultancy). |Operations, Central Texas College |

| | |

| |Joycelyn Groot, Dean of Military/Corporate Contract Education |

| |Programs, Coastline Community College |

| | |

| |Louis Martini, Director of Military & Veteran Education, Thomas Edison|

| |State College |

| | |

| |Jeffrey Carpenter, Co-founder and Vice President, Vantage Point |

| |Consulting, Inc |

| | |

| |James Stoffer, EMT Sales Manager, Hobsons |

|Wounded Warriors & Transition to College: A Panel of Experts in |Marriott Hotel |Room 11 |

|Meeting Their Needs | | |

|This panel, comprised of experts from higher education, disability |Kelly Hermann |

|services and accommodations, will share insights, lessons learned, |Director, Office of Collegewide Disability Services |

|tips and strategies from their experiences working with wounded |Empire State College |

|warriors transitioning from military services to college. Panel | |

|members will illustrate the rights and responsibilities of wounded |Dinah F. B. Cohen |

|warriors in college, the issues of transition and the services |Director, Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) |

|available. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and|Department of Defense |

|will leave with resources they can use in their own practice. | |

| |Mary Lee Vance, Ph. D |

| |Director, Office of Disability Services |

| |University of Montana |

| | |

| |Paul Grossman, J.D. |

| |Adjunct Professor of Disability Law, |

| |Hastings College of Law |

| | |

| |Wayne Miller, ABD |

| |University of Connecticut |

| |Co-Chair, Wounded Warrior Special Interest Group, Association for |

| |Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) |

|11:45 – 13:00 (During Lunch Break) |

|DoD Standardized MOU Session |Marriott Hotel |Grand Salon E |

|The revision to the DoD Instruction 1322.25, Voluntary Education |Ms. Carolyn Baker |

|Programs, includes an appendix containing a template for the DoD |Chief, Voluntary Education |

|Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |Educational Opportunities, OUSD (P&R) Military Community and Family |

|between DoD (OUSD, Personnel & Readiness) and Educational |Policy |

|Institutions. All institutions providing high school completion and | |

|post-secondary education programs through the DoD TA Program must have|Ms. Kerrie Tucker, |

|this signed MOU on-file with DoD to receive TA payments funded by each|Program Analyst |

|of the Services. This concurrent session will provide highlights of |Educational Opportunities, OUSD (P&R) Military Community and Family |

|the MOU, process for signing the MOU and provide information on the |Policy |

|web-based database that will house all of the signed DoD MOUs. | |

|13:00 – 14:00 |

|Too many choices? What are acceptable " rules of engagement" in the |Convention Center |Room 5 |

|increasingly competitive military voluntary education environment? | | |

|The unprecedented growth and popularity of online degree programs have|Dr. Margaret Cotroneo |

|led to a paradigm shift in the voluntary education community. With the|SOCCOAST Project Director |

|breakdown of traditional barriers to education has come greater |Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges |

|competition for the military student population among public, private,| |

|and for-profit institutions. The panel will focus on the roles of |Jim Sweizer |

|these diverse institutions, the enrollment and marketing practices |Vice President, Military Programs |

|they deploy, the outcomes for students, the implications for the |American Military University |

|servicemember of a crowded, competitive environment, and the roles of | |

|Education Services Officers and other "community gatekeepers." |Vernon Taylor |

|Panelists will engage participants in providing insights, fresh ideas,|Associate Vice-President |

|and recommendations for best practices. |Regional Operations, Military and Veterans Programs |

| |National University |

| | |

| |Dr. Barbara (Bonnie) Kelly |

| |Career and Education Specialist |

| |United States Coast Guard |

| | |

| |Louis F. Martini |

| |Director of Military and Veteran Education |

| |Thomas Edison State College |

| | |

| |Tom Smith |

| |Education Program Coordinator |

| |Naval Education and Training Command |

|College Admissions, Applications, Financing and Success for Military |Convention Center |Room 3 |

|and Military Dependents | | |

|College Options Foundation serves as a comprehensive resource for |Terry Wilfong |

|individuals who are interested in obtaining more information about |President |

|higher education and job training skills.  |College Options Foundation |

|College Options Foundation has created published and distributed | |

|Award-winning materials (books, on-line programs and CDs/DVDs) that | |

|prepare students for performance on the SAT and ACT exams, and lead | |

|them through the admissions and financial aid process. This session | |

|will review College Financing and Admissions for Military and Military| |

|Dependents. | |

|AI Portal - Leveraging Technology Between the Air Force and Civilian |Convention Center |Room 11 |

|Institutions | | |

|The Air Force's Academic Institution (AI) Portal assists partner |Michael Allen |

|academic institutions to communicate all the data requirements levied |Director, Customer Support and Training Systems |

|on them by Service rules.  The AI portal facilitates online business |BAM Technologies |

|transactions between academic systems and the Air Force systems by | |

|allowing the following data flow:  military tuition assistance | |

|requests, processing of grades and invoices, access to academic degree| |

|programs, registration to AU-ABC and GEM programs, and degree | |

|completion reporting. | |

|Engaging Military Students with Mastery Learning |Convention Center |Room 6 |

|Implementation of technology in educational environments at home or |Abby McBride |

|abroad has proven to be a key course component in promoting student |Technical Sales Consultant |

|success. Hawkes Learning Systems’ unique approach to mastery learning |Hawkes Learning Systems |

|provides the solution to motivate students to excel. The software’s | |

|flexibility caters to any learning environment and allows it to be | |

|delivered with or without an internet connection, eliminating | |

|technical and security concerns. Come and discover why Hawkes is the | |

|leader in mastery learning! | |

|Veteran’s Panel – Transitioning to Civilian Careers |Convention Center |Room 9 |

|The "Transitioning to Civilian Careers" panel consists of information |Moderator: |

|on college innovations specifically designed to meet the needs of |Judith Reed |

|military and veteran students. These innovations were created for the |Director of Veteran Services and Outreach |

|purpose of acclimating this unique population to student resources and|Excelsior College |

|services, enhancing their college experience, and providing a strong | |

|foundation to serve them in their pursuit of educational and career |Scott Palumbo |

|goals. |National Director of Military Affairs |

| |DeVry University |

| | |

| |John Hayes |

| |Supervisor, Armed Forces and Veterans Support |

| |Capella University |

|NCPDLP / SMOLAA |Convention Center |Room 7 |

| |Ronald C. Smith |

|Navy College Program Distance Learning Partner meeting updates, |Navy Voluntary Distance Education Program Manager |

|followed by a review of the degree shopping tool that is available as |Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) |

|part of the Sailor/Marine ACE Registry Transcript (SMART) website. | |

|Topics: (1) Building templates for degrees and SOC agreements (2) |Laurine Anderson |

|using templates to build SOC agreements (3) how service members can |SMART Program Manager |

|degree shop online. This is an excellent session for those who are |NETPDTC |

|currently Navy Partners (NCPDLP), who plan to become partners or those| |

|who just want to know how the tool works. |Loueen McGrath |

| |SMART Lead Analyst |


|National Guard Transition to the GoArmyEd Portal for Tuition |Marriott Hotel |Room C |

|Assistance | | |

|This session will describe the transition efforts underway to bring |Jerome S. Loring |

|the Army National Guard into the GoArmyEd portal for tuition |Education Oversight Branch Chief |

|assistance beginning on October 1, 2010. It will describe the results|National Guard Bureau, Arlington, VA |

|of the recent gap analysis that took place and the requirements that |  |

|were identified and will describe the time table for the Guard’s |Thomas E. Slaughter |

|integration into the portal, the communication strategy, and the |Senior Education Services Specialist, |

|changes in requirements for schools that have been dealing only with |Education Oversight Branch |

|the Guard and how it will impact the program. Time will be provided |National Guard Bureau, Arlington, VA |

|for Q&A. | |

| |Ela Karczewska |

| |Education Services Specialist |

| |HRC-ACES GoArmyEd Team |

| |Ft Knox, KY |

|Peterson’s Online Academic Skills Course (OASC), Overview and Benefits|Marriott Hotel |Room 2 |

|Through a partnership between DANTES and Peterson’s, the Online |Jim Holsinger |

|Academic Skills Course (OASC) was launched in October 2009 to all |Product Manager |

|active duty military members, their families and DoD civilian |Peterson’s |

|employees. Peterson’s and DANTES will present an overview of the | |

|course and its results to ensure that everyone is aware of this |Robin Pettinato |

|valuable tool and how it is helping military members, their families |Director of Government Sales |

|and DoD civilian employees. |Peterson’s |

| | |

| |Vincent Harmon |

| |Deputy Director |


|Innovative Teaching Strategies for Wounded Warriors |Marriott Hotel |Room 5 |

|Participants will be given the opportunity to develop innovative |Justin M. Smith Ph.D.  |

|teaching strategies in this workshop style theory to practice |Program Coordinator |

|session.  Discussed will be research on PTSD in the learning |University of South Dakota |

|environment and other transitional challenges. Specific focus will be | |

|given to innovative teaching strategies that overlap with best | |

|practices of successful transition, such as engagement efforts, | |

|mentoring, peer support, leadership experiences, and networking | |

|opportunities. | |

|Post 9/11 Veterans in the Classroom |Marriott Hotel |Room 6 |

|Completing a college degree in a traditional classroom environment is |Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D. |

|a rarity for service members and their families. In today’s |Clinical Director |

|multi-faceted college environment, enabling a service member to |Dothan VA Mental Health Clinic |

|successfully complete a course, let alone a complete college degree, | |

|requires an instructor’s flexibility and the use of hybrid | |

|instructional methodologies that work with the numerous demands on a | |

|military member’s time. This presentation seeks to present this | |

|instructor’s decade plus experience in developing best practices and | |

|adapting curriculum design and instruction in Economics and Statistics| |

|courses to meet the military-related learner’s aspirations. | |

|GOALS – Gaining Our Achievable LiveS |Marriott Hotel |Room 3 |

|This session will help you apply success principles to your life; both|Monique Kottwitz |

|personally and professionally to achieve your goals! Emphasis will be |Director, Fairchild Air Force Base |

|placed on the application of ideology taught (10% commitment, |Webster University |

|Minimum-Target-Outrageous-MTO, and Mind Mapping) to attain your ideal | |

|results. This session will also help you understand the following |Michelle R. Deatrick Cannon |

|principles: taking responsibility, setting and achieving defined |Director, Shaw Air Force Base |

|goals, creating action and building better relationships. |Webster University |

|Troops to Teachers |Marriott Hotel |Room 7 |

|Troops to Teachers is a national program that assists military |Ron Burton |

|personnel in making the transition into a second career in teaching |Program Manager |

|and who want to make a difference in the nation’s public K-12 |Florida Troops to Teachers |

|schools. Due to the successes of these individuals in the classroom, |Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development and Retention |

|what was supposed to have only been a five year program is now in its |Florida Department of Education |

|sixteenth year. Research shows that military personnel have a lot to | |

|offer today’s classroom. They teach high need subject areas and teach| |

|in high need schools at a higher percentage than other teachers, and | |

|data also shows they have higher student achievement than their peers.| |

|Veteran Success Jam: Insights and Innovative Ideas |Marriott Hotel |Room 10 |

|Recently, the American Council on Education (ACE), with generous |Megan Krause |

|support from The Kresge Foundation, hosted an unprecedented online |Associate Director of Military Programs |

|dialogue, the Veteran Success Jam. This three-day brainstorming event |American Council on Education (ACE). |

|brought together veterans, service members, families, campus leaders, | |

|nonprofit organizations, and government agencies in a conversation | |

|about challenges and opportunities facing veterans in higher | |

|education. Participants shared valuable resources, identified | |

|recurring barriers, and brainstormed innovative improvements to | |

|support veterans as they transition from the military through higher | |

|education. | |

|Coast Guard 201 |Marriott Hotel |Room 9 |

|This presentation will provide a brief overview of the Coast Guard |James F. Lis |

|Institute and its pivotal role in providing additional educational |Chief, Education and Professional Development, USCG |

|opportunities to Coast Guard members. Coast Guard Voluntary Education| |

|Service Chief, Jim Lis, will introduce the session and LCDR Kevin |Lieutenant Commander Kevin J. McCormack |

|McCormack, Coast Guard Institute Commanding Officer will provide an |Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Institute |

|overview of the services, outreach, and new initiatives of the Coast | |

|Guard Institute. | |

|14:15 – 15:15 |

|Transitioning Military Personnel to Post-Service Success |Convention Center |Room 5 |

|Segment 1: |David M. DuBois |

| |Director, Transition Assistance Program Operations |

|Partnerships In Action – Empowerment Through Teamwork: |Deputy Under Secretary of Defense |

|Military personnel have been transitioning from the Military service |Office of Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy |

|since the Revolutionary War, and programs to assist them have evolved | |

|over every war era. In this portion of the presentation, Defense |Ronald L. Horne |

|leaders will highlight the assistance to Warfighters as they move from|Director, Transition Assistance Program Policy |

|an environment of combat to the corporate sector, college campus, or |Deputy Under Secretary of Defense |

|community service. Learn about the Transition Assistance Program |Office of the Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy |

|(TAP) and the efforts to guide America’s Heroes to successful careers | |

|after military service. | |

| | |

|Segment 2: | |

| | |

|The Military Millennial – The Transformation of Transition for the New| |

|Generation: | |

|As our next generation of Service members begin the process of | |

|transitioning to civilian life, it is incumbent upon us to provide | |

|them with new and innovative tools that enable them to plan a smooth | |

|and successful transition; a journey that begins the very day they | |

|become a member of the Armed Forces. This segment will showcase how | |

|the Department of Defense plans to transform TAP with a 21st Century | |

|Roadmap to navigate the terrain associated with the Military | |

|Lifecycle. | |

|Military Transcript Panel |Convention Center |Room 3 |

|Military transcripts from the different branches will be discussed.  |ACE: |

|The status of each transcript program and what the transcript provides|Cynthia Bruce |

|for |Director, Military Evaluations |

|service members and institutes.  Future updates or changes that are |American Council on Education |

|coming.  American Council on Education (ACE) representative is on the | |

|panel to assist with ACE related transcript questions.  This session |Air Force: |

|will benefit those that want to know more about the different military|Dr. James Larkins |

|transcripts and will provide a forum for questions and answers. |Dean, Community College of the Air Force              |

| | |

| |Army: |

| |Dr. Robert S. Drake |

| |AARTS Program Manager |

| |U.S. Army Human Resources Command |

| | |

| |Coast Guard:  |

| |TBD |

| | |

| |Navy/Marine Corps: |

| |Laurine Anderson |

| |SMART Program Manager |

| |Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Training |

| |Center(NETPDTC) |

|Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Program |Convention Center |Room 11 |

|The Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) program is the |Patrick M. Shanaghan |

|DoD funded financial assistance part of the comprehensive Military |Program Analyst |

|Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program. After a |Office of Family Policy/Children and Youth |

|year of operation, in February 2010, MyCAA was paused for a complete |Military Community and Family Policy |

|review, due to system overload and threatened breach of financial |Office of Secretary of Defense |

|thresholds. It was reopened to the 136, 853 previously registered | |

|spouses on March 13, 2010. On October 25, 2010, the MyCAA program | |

|opened under revised guidelines restricting eligibility to spouses of | |

|active duty members in the grades of E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2 and a cap| |

|of $4000 per eligible spouse. | |

|Innovations in Anytime Anywhere Military Education |Convention Center |Room 6 |

|Panelists will discuss innovations in military education with an eye |Dr. Janet Moore, Chief Learning Officer for Sloan-C |

|towards rapid program scalability, access, student satisfaction, | |

|faculty satisfaction and learning effectiveness. Panel members are |Dr. Phil Ice, Director of Research and Development, American Public |

|all contributors to a special issue of the Sloan-Consortium’s Journal |University System |

|of Asynchronous Learning Networks dedicated to exploring how different| |

|institutions serve military students and use creativity and technology|Dr. Kathleen Schulin, National Defense University |

|to expand access and improve processes. Audience members will be |COL (ret) Philip McNair, Vice President, Office of the Provost, |

|encouraged to contribute their own experiences to enhance the |American Military University |

|discussion. | |

| |Dr. Deb Gearhart, Director, eCampus, Troy University |

| | |

| |Dr. Fred Stielow, Dean of Libraries and Course Materials, American |

| |Military University |

| | |

| |Mr. Jim Sweizer, Vice President for Military Programs, American |

| |Military University |

|The Navy's Learning And Development Roadmaps (LaDR) Program: |Convention Center |Room 7 |

|Promoting Personal and Professional Development while Enhancing | | |

|Mission Readiness | | |

|LaDRs are a Sailor-focused tool that provides guidance along a career |Tom Smith |

|continuum to enhance a Sailor's personal and professional development.|Education Program Coordinator |

|This product is organized around significant career phases to enable |Naval Education and Training Command |

|targeted learning opportunities, sequenced to match growing and | |

|changing roles throughout a career. This session will provide an |ETCS(SW/AW) Jason Szot |

|overview on how this product first focuses on assisting Sailors to |Enlisted Education Program Coordinator |

|develop a solid technical and analytical foundation. Then, as Sailors |Naval Education and Training Command |

|advance, LaDR emphasis includes strategic perspectives, effective | |

|management and business practices often obtained through off duty | |

|education. | |

|The Operation College Promise (OCP) Collaboration |Convention Center |Room 9 |

|This concurrent session will focus on the unique composition and |Louis F. Martini, Director of Military & Veteran Education at Thomas |

|offerings of the Operation College Promise (OCP) program and its |Edison State College / Chairman Operation College Promise (OCP) |

|educational project – the Certificate for Veterans’ Service Providers | |

|(CVSP) – a 2 ½ day training to assist service providers gain the |Wendy A. Lang, Director of Policy and Programs for the New Jersey |

|knowledge base necessary to support the emerging veteran population . |Association of State Colleges and Universities (NJASCU) / Director |

|The panel presentation will include presentations by founding OCP |Operation College Promise (OCP) |

|Advisory Council members highlighting the value of the program to each| |

|organization both individually and collectively. |William M. Keyes, QMC(SW) USN-RET, Outreach Coordinator War Related |

| |Illness & Injury Study Center (WRIISC) / Advisory Council Member, |

| |Operation College Promise (OCP) |

| | |

| |Jack Fanous, Executive Director, The G.I. Go Fund/Advisory Council |

| |Member, Operation College Promise (OCP) |

| | |

| |John Powers, Operation Vets LLC, Advisory Council Member, Operation |

| |College Promise (OCP) |

| | |

| |Lauren DelRicci, Certifying Official Burlington County College / |

| |Advisory Council Member, Operation College Promise (OCP) |

|Post 9/11 GI Bill Update |Convention Center |Room 10 |

|Post 9/11 GI Bill is one of the most significant education benefits |Robert E. Clark |

|every established for the military. Not only does it provide support |Assistant Director, Accession Policy Directorate Office of the Deputy |

|for the veteran and member, but allows the member to transfer his/her |Under Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy (MPP). |

|benefits to a qualified family member. During this session, we will | |

|hear from DoD on the new changes to the law as well as challenges that| |

|may be ahead. In addition, the representatives from the Services will| |

|provide a quick overview of policy and challenges. | |

|GoArmyEd: SOC Case Studies in Non-LOI Processes |Marriott Hotel |Room C |

|Case study methodology is an effective approach to understanding and |Ed Siler |

|improving processes. This session identifies challenges for Non-LOI |GoArmyEd Non-LOI School Coordinator Servicemembers Opportunity |

|colleges in managing their roles in GoArmyEd; explores options for |Colleges |

|increasing efficiencies; and explains the relationships among | |

|stakeholders. |Ela Karczewska |

|SOC staff will facilitate and draw on its academic facilitator role |Education Services Specialist |

|with Non-LOI SOC Consortium institutions. HQ ACES will provide |GoArmyEd Core Team, HQ ACES |

|updates to the GoArmyEd system. The session is designed for Non-LOI | |

|SOC college representatives and Army ESOs. | |

|“Closing the Loop:” Applying the Results of Learning Outcomes |Marriott Hotel |Room 5 |

|Assessment to Support Student Success | | |

|Presenters from multiple institutions discuss how they have met the |Moderator - Matthew Prineas, Assistant Provost |

|challenge, increasingly emphasized by accrediting bodies, of “closing |Academic Partnerships |

|the loop” on campus-wide learning outcomes assessment activities. |UMUC |

|This session will offer strategies for moving beyond planning and data| |

|gathering to the application of assessment results in support of |(unconfirmed) Bea Babbitt, Director of Academic Assessment, University|

|student success. |of Nevada, Las Vegas |

| | |

| |Douglas McElroy, Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs, |

| |Academic Enrichment and Effectiveness, Western Kentucky University |

| | |

| |Cynthia Davis |

| |Associate Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies University of Maryland|

| |University College |

|UExcel® - Turn Knowledge into Credit |Marriott Hotel |Room 2 |

| |Terri Amatuzzi, Ed. M. |

|UExcel is the new undergraduate credit-by-examination program from two|Director, Enrollment Management |

|leading education providers, Pearson and Excelsior College.  UExcel |Community College of the Air Force |

|provides service members and their families an opportunity to earn | |

|college credit in a variety of lower level courses. Credit earned is |Susan Henken, MBA |

|reported on a transcript from Excelsior College, a regionally |UExcel Brand Director - Pearson VUE |

|accredited institution of higher learning. This panel will introduce | |

|you to the benefits and advantages of ACE- accredited UExcel |Sue Jackson |

|examinations. |Director of Market Development, Government and Military - Pearson VUE |

| | |

| |Andrea Lucas, MPA |

| |Assistant Dean for Testing and Psychometric Services - Excelsior |

| |College |

|CLEP 101: What Every Military Educator Should Know |Marriott Hotel |Room 3 |

|This session will provide an overview of CLEP and ways to support |Georgi Cody |

|service members who want to earn college credit by taking CLEP exams. |Senior Director |

|Learn about the different testing options available for service |College-level Examination Program (CLEP) |

|members, tips on advising service members, CLEP publications and |The College Board |

|resources, score reporting, how to prepare for exams, and more. | |

|17:00 – 18:30 |

|DoD Standardized MOU Session |Marriott Hotel |Grand Salon E |

|The revision to the DoD Instruction 1322.25, Voluntary Education |Ms. Carolyn Baker |

|Programs, includes an appendix containing a template for the DoD |Chief, Voluntary Education |

|Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |Educational Opportunities, OUSD (P&R) Military Community and Family |

|between DoD (OUSD, Personnel & Readiness) and Educational |Policy |

|Institutions. All institutions providing high school completion and | |

|post-secondary education programs through the DoD TA Program must have|Ms. Kerrie Tucker, |

|this signed MOU on-file with DoD to receive TA payments funded by each|Program Analyst |

|of the Services. This concurrent session will provide highlights of |Educational Opportunities, OUSD (P&R) Military Community and Family |

|the MOU, process for signing the MOU and provide information on the |Policy |

|web-based database that will house all of the signed DoD MOUs. | |


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