
|Сборник рефератов статей сотрудников РФЯЦ-ВНИИЭФ, опубликованных в иностранных журналах и российских журналах, выпускаемых на английском языке в 2014 г. |

| |Gorbatenko M.V., Neznamov V.P.,Equivalence and hermiticity of Dirac Hamiltonians in the Kerr gravitational field // Annalen der Physik, 2014, |

| |V.526, №11-12,Pp.491-498 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |In the paper, for the Kerr field, we prove that Chandrasekhar's Dirac Hamiltonian and the self-adjoint Hamiltonian Hηwith a flat scalar product |

| |of the wave functions are physically equivalent. Operators of transformation of Chandrasekhar's Hamiltonian and wave functions to the η |

| |representation with a flat scalar product are defined explicitly. If the domain of the wave functions of Dirac's equation in the Kerr field is |

| |bounded by two-dimensional surfaces of revolution around the z axis, Chandrasekhar's Hamiltonian and the self-adjoint Hamiltonian in the η |

| |representation are Hermitian with equality of the scalar products, (ψ, Hψ) = (Hψ, ψ). |

| |V. Della Corte a, S. Ivanovski b, F. Lucarelli a, A. Rotundi a, V. Zakharov c,d, M. Fulle e, A.V. Rodionov f, J.F. Crifo g, N. Altobelli h, E. |

| |Mazzotta Epifanib, Simulated measurements of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko dust coma at 3 AU by the Rosetta GIADA instrument using the GIPSI tool// |

| |Astronomy and Computing, 2014, Vol. 5, Pp. 57–69 |

| |a Università Parthenope, Dip. Scienze Applicate, Naples, Italy |

| |b INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy |

| |c Gordien Strato S. A. R. L., Guyancourt, France |

| |d LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France |

| |e INAF - OsservatorioAstronomico di Trieste, Trieste, Italy |

| |f Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |g LATMOS, CNRS/UVSQ, Guyancourt, France |

| |h ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain |

| |GIADA (Grain Impact Analyzer and Dust Accumulator) is an in situ instrument, on board the Rosetta spacecraft, designed to measure the dynamical |

| |properties of the dust grains emitted by the comet 67P/Churiumov–Gerasimenko (hereafter 67P/C–G). It consists of three subsystems able to measure|

| |the mass and speed of single dust grain and dust mass flux. Once the orbit and the attitude of a spacecraft are defined, it is needed to simulate|

| |the performances of an in situ instrument. We present simulated GIADA performances to evaluate its capability in fulfilling its scientific |

| |objectives along specific orbits. In order to perform these simulations, because of the lack of real data on near-nucleus cometary environment, |

| |it is necessary to use a modeled dust coma along the spacecraft (S/C) orbits. We developed GIPSI (GIADA Performance Simulator), a simulation tool|

| |conceived to replicate the GIADA capability in detecting coma dust features through the dust abundances, mass and velocity dust distributions |

| |measurements. Using state-of-the-art coma modeling, we evaluated three different Rosetta orbit mission scenarios. We outline the optimalS/Corbit |

| |for GIADA by means of achievable dust coma evolution description, number of collected particles and grain velocity measurements. The quasi |

| |circular orbit with a 5 km peri-center radius and a 10 km apo-center radius, during the pre-landing close observation phase is the best suited |

| |for the GIADA instrument. |

| |V. F. Kolesov, V. Kh. Khoruzhii, S. V. Vorontsov, A. A. Devyatkin, M. I. KuvshinovandV. V. Sazhnov,NeutronCharacteristics of the Two-Section BIGR|

| |+ UFN-P Complex // Atomic Energy, 2014, Vol. 115, № 6, Pp.367-374 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |The basic design was developed for a two-section pulsed complex BIGR + UFN-P, which is supposed to be the main unit of an irradiation system with|

| |a multifunctional circuit loop for testing NPP fuel with different coolants under nonstandard conditions, and a series of calculations of the |

| |static and dynamic neutron parameters was performed. Computational studies substantiated the possibility of developing a laboratory irradiation |

| |facility with neutron fluence to 1.3·1016 cm –2 and duration ≥90 msec in a 100 cm high and 15 cm in diameter cavity with radial fluence |

| |nonuniformity factor ≤10%. |

| |Shanenko A.K.,Possibility of using nuclear explosions to prevent the asteroid Apophis from colliding with Earth // Atomic Energy, 2014, Vol. 116,|

| |No.1, P.64-71 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |The possibility of using nuclear explosions to prevent dangerous space objects, specifically, the asteroid Apophis, from colliding with our |

| |planet is evaluated. Two variants are considered: delivery of an impulse capable of deflecting the trajectory to a safe distance from Earth or |

| |fragmentation by means of a powerful explosion into fragments small enough not to cause a catastrophe during an encounter with Earth. The |

| |dynamics of the destruction of the asteroid is examined. The fragment size distribution after a nuclear explosion with a definite energy release |

| |is presented. It is concluded that to prevent a dangerous collision between our planet and the asteroid Apophis the nuclear explosions must be |

| |applied well ahead of time. |

| |Dubinov A.E., Kitayev I.N.,Exact Solutions of the Kompaneets Equation for Photon “Comptonization” Kinetics // Astrophysics, 2014, Vol. 57, No.3, |

| |pp 401-407 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |The nonlinear Kompaneets equation for the evolution of the spectrum of a photon gas with Compton scattering in a rarefied nonrelativistic |

| |electron plasma (i.e., the “comptonization” of the radiation) is examined. Exact solutions of this equation are obtained by separation of |

| |variables. The solutions are expressed in terms of transcendental Heun and Bessel functions. |

| |Yu.B. Kudasov1, D.A. Maslov2, ChargeorderingofLuFe2O4electronicmultiferroic // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2014, Volume|

| |78, Issue 1, pp 21-25 |

| |1Sarov Physics and Technology Institute, National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), Sarov, Russia |

| |2Russian Federal Nuclear Center–VNIIEF and Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology, Sarov, Russia |

| |Charge ordering of iron ions in LuFe2O4 frustrated electronic ferroelectric with variable valence is considered. Charge degrees of freedom are |

| |described in frameworks of Ising model with Coulomb interaction between sites. Mean field approximation is used to find free energies of the most|

| |probable structures. Phase diagrams of a single triangular bilayer and a system of triangular bilayers are plotted. A partially disordered dimer |

| |structure is proposed as a 2D high temperature phase. The transition from 2D to 3D ordering associated with a drop in temperature and the |

| |formation of spontaneous dipole moments is discussed. |

| |V.N. Piskunov, D.V. Tsaplin, R.А. Veselov,Simulation of particle ejecta effects from the surface under impulse action// Communications in |

| |Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2014,Volume 19, Issue 3, Pр. 638–648 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center–VNIIEF and Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology, Sarov, Russia |

| |This paper presents research results of ejecta due to plane shock wave arrival at a free smooth surface of a homogeneous pattern in the cluster |

| |dynamics (CD) simulation. Provided are 3D simulation results illustrating that ejecta effect is not only due to the physical reasons but also due|

| |to the side computation effects. One-dimensional model is developed to study the problems of cluster motion. This model was used to analyze the |

| |cluster behavior when a shock wave arrives at the boundary of the pattern. The oscillation character of the near-boundary clusters was analyzed |

| |as well as the impact of the interaction potential anharmonicity. It is shown that the most high-frequency mode of oscillations of the cluster |

| |lattice defined by potential anharmonicity (with neighbors moving in opposite phase) plays an important role in side ejecta effects. Hence, the |

| |criteria was developed to define the threshold loading velocity associated with ejecta in 3D problems. |

| |The method is suggested to eliminate the ejecta computation effects using the modification of cluster motion equations. The efficiency of this |

| |method is verified in a number of 3D simulations. It is shown that the suggested approach eliminates the side ejecta effects and keeps the |

| |fundamental physical regularities of loading and further motion of the pattern. |

| |Kuz'mitskiiI.V., Bel'skiiV.M., ShuikinA.N., ShutovV.V., IbragimovR.A., Pul' V.V., SviridovaI.A., StadnikA.L.,Energy release behind the Jouguet |

| |point during detonation of plasticized PETN from the results of experiments by the T-20 method// Combustion, Explosion and Shock |

| |Waves,2014,Volume 50, Issue 2, Pp. 235-241 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics, Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Russian Federation |

| |The trajectory of motion of a copper shell, the velocity of its flight, and the pressure of the explosion products on the inside of the copper |

| |shell were simulated. It was found that there is a significant difference in pressure behavior between experiments and calculations performed |

| |using the standard equations of state of explosives and explosion products. Most likely, there is a significant contribution of kinetic processes|

| |to the energy release behind the Jouguet point. In this case, the conversion of explosives to explosion products apparently include not only |

| |exothermic reactions but also endothermic processes. |

| |Borisenok V.A.1, Zhernokletov M.V.1,2, Kovalev A.E.2, Podurets A.M.1,2, Simakov V.G.1,2, Tkachenko M.I.2,Phase Transitions in Shock-Loaded |

| |Titanium at Pressures up to 150 GPa // Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2014, Volume 50, Issue 3, Pp. 346-353 |

| |1 Sarov Physical-Technical Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” |

| |2 Institute of Physics of Explosion, Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Federal Nuclear Center |

| |Phase transformations in VT1-0 titanium were studied. Shock profiles in the pressure range of 10-26 GPa were recorded by polyvinylidene fluoride |

| |sensors. Sound velocities in shock-compressed titanium samples were measured by two methods. At a pressure less than 30 GPa, the speed of sound |

| |in titanium was determined by the counter unloading method using Manganin gauges, and at a pressure of 30-150 GPa, it was determined by the |

| |overtaking unloading method using indicator liquids. At a pressure of 20-40 and 60-90 GPa, the pressure dependences of the speed of sound have |

| |breaks, the first of which is apparently associated with the α → ω conversion, and the second with melting. X-ray analysis revealed the presence |

| |of the ω phase in the samples in steel capsules recovered after loading at a pressure of 9-23 GPa. The dependence of the yield of the ω phase on |

| |the loading pressure has the form of a curve with a maximum at ≈15 GPa. |

| |Medvedev A.B.1,2, On the Presence of States with a Negative Grüneisen Parameter in Overdriven Explosion Products // Combustion, Explosion and |

| |Shock, 2014, Volume 50, Issue 4, Pp.463 |

| |1 Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |2 Sarov Physical-Technical Institute |

| |Experimental data on the properties of explosion products in overdriven detonation for 50/50 TNT/RDX and PBX-9502 explosives indicate conditions |

| |characterized by a negative Grüneisen parameter. Given a possible relationship of this anomaly with the properties of explosion product |

| |components, available experimental data for nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water are analyzed. The first three of these (carbon |

| |dioxide specifically) are capable of manifesting a negative Grüneisen parameter at pressures and temperatures characteristic of the anomaly of |

| |overdriven explosion products. |

| |Medvedev A.B.ab, Wide-range multiphase equation of state for iron // Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2014, Volume 50, Issue 5, Pp. 582-598|

| |aInstitute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Russian Federation |

| |b Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute, Department of the National Research Nuclear University (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), |

| |Sarov, Russian Federation |

| |A semi-empirical equation of state for iron with allowance for five condensed phases (α, γ, δ, ε, and liquid phases), evaporation, and thermal |

| |ionization is derived. As a whole, results of model calculations are consistent with static and dynamic experimental data in the pressure range |

| |from the atmospheric value to ≈10 TPa and in the temperature range from room temperature to ≈105K. The viscosity of liquid iron under conditions |

| |typical for the Earth core is estimated on the basis of the liquid model. |

| |Kayakin A.A., Gudarenko L.F., Gordeev D.G.,Equation of state of compounds of lithium isotopes with hydrogen isotopes // Combustion, Explosion and|

| |Shock Waves, 2014, Volume 50, Issue 5, Pp. 599-611 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |A semi-empirical wide-range equation of state of compounds of lithium isotopes with hydrogen isotopes is proposed. This equation allows |

| |thermodynamic properties to be calculated both in the range of comparatively small densities, pressures, and energies available for experimental |

| |studies and in the range of superhigh densities, pressures, and energies where the states can only be estimated at the moment by calculations in |

| |accordance with theoretical models. The equation of state contains empirical functions, which allow the composition of the isotopes and the |

| |influence of the hydroxide admixture on the compound properties to be taken into account. The capabilities of the equation of state are |

| |demonstrated by an example of the description of experimental and numerical data characterizing thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of |

| |several compounds of lithium and hydrogen isotopes. |

| |Bragunets V.A.a, Kondrokhina I.N.a, Podurets A.M.ab, Simakov V.G.a, Tereshkina I.A.ab, Tkachenko M.I.a, Trunin I.R.ab, Experimental study and |

| |mathematical modeling of spall fracture and aluminum compaction //Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2014, Volume 50, Issue 6, Pp. 720-724 |

| |a Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Russian Federation |

| |b Sarov Physico-Technical Institute, Branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Sarov, Russian |

| |Federation |

| |Variants of experiments in which prefractured samples (in tests on spall fracture) are further compacted by shock reloading are considered on the|

| |example of aluminum. The results of the experimental-computational study and metallographic analysis of recovered samples in the tests are used |

| |to determine the pressure of compacting aluminum, which is ≈2 GPa. |

| |Babich L.P., Loiko T.V., Rodigin A.V., Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation of a runaway electron subnanosecond pulse generated by discharge in the open |

| |atmosphere // Doklady Physics, 2014, Volume 59, Issue 8, Pp. 351-354 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |Results of pioneering observations of VCR pulses from high energy runaway electrons (RE) generated by an electric discharge in such a dense |

| |medium as air at atmospheric pressure are presented. The RE current pulse was detected using a collector, which was an aluminum disk 20 mm in |

| |diameter located outside the gas discharge diode at a distance of 7 mm away from the anode. The collector signal was conveyed directly to an |

| |oscilloscope input using an RF cable 8 m long. A high voltage pulse with a subnanosecond front triggers multiple over voltages on a gas discharge|

| |diode in the open atmosphere, leading to the development of a discharge, in which a subnanosecond RE pulse with an energy of hundreds of |

| |kiloelectron volts is generated. A cathode configuration consisting of a set of emitting blades made it possible to enhance the RE yield due to |

| |discharge in the open atmosphere by a factor of four or five in comparison with the yield detected experimentally with our traditional cathode |

| |configuration. |

| |Budnikov D., Demanov V., Filchagin S., Ilkaev R., Korneev A., Kuryakin A., Mamonov A., Naumov N.P., Nazarenko S., Nazarov G., Punin V., Puchagin |

| |S., Strabykin K., Sukhorukov M., Tumkin A., Vikhlyantsev O., Vinogradov Y., Vyushin A., Zaviyalov N. et al., Neutron emission from |

| |electromagnetic dissociation of PB nuclei at √SNN= 2.76 TEV measured with the ALICE ZDC // EPJ Web of Conferences, "1st International Conference |

| |on New Frontiers in Physics, ICFP 2012" 2014. P. 00073. |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |The ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeter system (ZDC) is composed of two identical sets of calorimeters, placed at opposite sides with respect to the |

| |interaction point, 114 meters away from it, complemented by two small forward electromagnetic calorimeters (ZEM). Each set of detectors consists |

| |of a neutron (ZN) and a proton (ZP) ZDC. They are placed at zero degrees with respect to the LHC axis and allow to detect particles emitted close|

| |to beam direction, in particular neutrons and protons emerging from hadronic heavy-ion collisions (spectator nucleons) and those emitted from |

| |electromagnetic processes. For neutrons emitted by these two processes, the ZN calorimeters have nearly 100% acceptance. During the √sNN= 2.76 |

| |TeV Pb-Pb data-taking, the ALICE Collaboration studied forward neutron emission with a dedicated trigger, requiring a minimum energy deposition |

| |in at least one of the two ZN. By exploiting also the information of the two ZEM calorimeters it has been possible to separate the contributions |

| |of electromagnetic and hadronic processes and to study single neutron vs. multiple neutron emission. The measured cross sections of single and |

| |mutual electromagnetic dissociation of Pb nuclei at √sNN= 2.76 TeV, with neutron emission, are σsingle EMD= 187:4 ± 0.2 (stat.)-11.2+13.2(syst.) |

| |b and σmutual EMD= 5.7 ± 0.1 (stat.) ±0.4 (syst.) b, respectively [1]. This is the first measurement of electromagnetic dissociation of208Pb |

| |nuclei at the LHC energies, allowing a test of electromagnetic dissociation theory in a new energy regime. The experimental results are compared |

| |to the predictions from a relativistic electromagnetic dissociation model. |

| |B.P. Kosyakov, Thepedagogicalvalueofthefour-dimensionalpicture: I. Relativisticmechanicsofpointparticles // European Journal of Physics, 2014, |

| |Volume 35, Number 2, Р.025012 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center–VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |In this paper we outline two subjects of relativistic mechanics: (i) the set of allowable world lines, and (ii) the origin of the relativistic |

| |law of dynamics governing point particles. We show that: (i) allowable world lines in the classical theory of particles and fields are quite |

| |simple geometric objects as opposed to their associated three-dimensional trajectories; and (ii) Newton's second law requires neither |

| |modification nor generalization, it should only be smoothly embedded in the four-dimensional geometry of Minkowski spacetime to yield the |

| |dynamical law for relativistic particles. |

| |B.P. Kosyakov, The pedagogical value of the four-dimensional picture: II. Another way of looking at the electromagnetic field// European Journal |

| |of Physics, 2014, Volume 35, Number 2, Р.025013 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center–VNIIEF Sarov, Russia |

| |A definition of the electromagnetic field can be neatly formulated by recognizing that the simplest form of the four-force is indeed feasible. We|

| |show that Maxwell's equations almost entirely stem from the properties of spacetime, notably from the fact that our world has dimensiond= 4. |

| |Their complete reconstruction requires three additional assumptions that are seemingly divorced from spacetime properties but which may, in fact,|

| |have much to do with their geometry. |

| |Budnikov D., Filchagin S., Ilkaev R., Kuryakin A., Mamonov A., Nazarenko S., Punin V., Tumkin A., Vinogradov Y., Vyushin A., Zaviyalov N. et al.,|

| |Neutral pion production at midrapidity in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN TeV// European Physical Journal C, Volume 74, Issue 10, Article number |

| |3108 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |Invariant yields of neutral pions at midrapidity in the transverse momentum range (Formula presented.)c measured in Pb–Pb collisions at (Formula |

| |presented.) TeV are presented for six centrality classes. The pp reference spectrum was measured in the range (Formula presented.)c at the same |

| |center-of-mass energy. The nuclear modification factor, (Formula presented.), shows a suppression of neutral pions in central Pb–Pb collisions by|

| |a factor of up to about (Formula presented.) for (Formula presented.) ≤ (Formula presented.)c. The presented measurements are compared with |

| |results at lower center-of-mass energies and with theoretical calculations. |

| |BudnikovD., FilchaginS., IlkaevR., KuryakinA., MamonovA., NazarenkoS., PuninV., TumkinA., VinogradovY., VyushinA., ZaviyalovN. |

| |etal,.Event-by-event mean pT fluctuations in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC // European Physical Journal C, 2014, Volume 74, Issue 10, |

| |Article number 3377 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |Event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum of charged particles produced in pp collisions at 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV, and Pb–Pb |

| |collisions at 2.76 TeV are studied as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity using the ALICE detector at the LHC. Dynamical fluctuations|

| |indicative of correlated particle emission are observed in all systems. The results in pp collisions show little dependence on collision energy. |

| |The Monte Carlo event generators PYTHIA and PHOJET are in qualitative agreement with the data. Peripheral Pb–Pb data exhibit a similar |

| |multiplicity dependence as that observed in pp. In central Pb–Pb, the results deviate from this trend, featuring a significant reduction of the |

| |fluctuation strength. The results in Pb–Pb are in qualitative agreement with previous measurements in Au–Au at lower collision energies and with |

| |expectations from models that incorporate collective phenomena. |

| |MokrushinV.V., TsarevM.V., KorshunovK.V., PostnikovA.Yu., TsarevaI.A., Resistometryandimpedancespectroscopyforcharacterization of powders used in|

| |SHS reactions |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center–VNIIEF and Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology, Sarov, Russia |

| |Presented are some examples of successful application of dc resistometry and impedance spectroscopy to characterization of micro and nano powders|

| |commonly used in SHS technology. |

| |KantsyrevA.V.a[pic], GolubevA.A.a, BogdanovA.V.a, DemidovV.S.a, DemidovaE.V.a, LadyginaE.M.a, MarkovN.V.a, SkachkovV.S.a, SmirnovG.N.a, |

| |RudskoyI.V.a, KuznetsovA.P.a, KhudomyasovA.V.a, SharkovB.Yu.ab, DudinS.V.c, KolesnikovS.A.c, MintsevV.B.c, NikolaevD.N.c, TernovoiV.Ya.c, |

| |UtkinA.V.c, YurievD.S.c, ShilkinN.S.c, FortovV.E.c, TurtikovV.I.d, BurtsevV.V.e, ZhernokletovM.V.e, ZavialovN.V.e, KartanovS.A.e, MikhailovA.L.e,|

| |RudnevA.V.e, Tatsenko, M.V.e, VarentsovD.V.f, ShestovL.M.f,TWAC-ITEPprotonmicroscopyfacility // InstrumentsandExperimentalTechniques. 2014. Т. |

| |57. № 1. Рр. 1-10. |

| |a Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow Russian Federation |

| |b Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Europe GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany |

| |c Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russian Federation |

| |d Center for Elaboration and Commercialization of New Technologies, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |e Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast, Russian Federation |

| |f GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany |

| |A proton radiography facility with the use of magnetic optics (PUMA proton microscope) has been developed at the TWAC-ITEP |

| |accelerator-accumulator facility (the ITEP terawatt accumulator) for measuring the substance density distribution inside static and dynamic |

| |objects using the proton beam with an energy of 800 MeV. The proton radiographic image of an object of investigation placed in the object plane |

| |of the setup is formed in the plane of the detector with magnification K = 4 with the aid of the magneto-optical system consisting of four |

| |quadrupole lenses on permanent magnets. The PUMA facility is intended for measuring objects with an areal density of up to 20 g/cm2with a field |

| |of vision as large as 20 mm in diameter. The spatial resolution of radiographic images depends strongly on the areal density of the object of |

| |investigation. For the PUMA facility, the spatial resolution varies from 60 to 115 μm at an areal density of 0.46-17 g/cm2, respectively. The |

| |dynamical state of substance can be investigated in four consecutive radiographic images, since the time structure of the proton beam consists of|

| |four pulses, each with a duration of 47 ns (full width at half maximum (FWHM)) and an interval of 250 ns between them. This article is devoted to|

| |the description of the proton microscope construction. The main metrological characteristics of the facility are described using experiments with|

| |static and dynamic objects as an example. |

| |MaslovV.V., RumyantsevV.G., BasmanovV.F., BudnikovD.V., GarinA.V., DrozdovI.Yu., ErshovD.A., KorkinD.S., MakeevN.G., MolodtsevD.A., MoskvinN.I., |

| |NazarenkoS.T., PetrushinO.N., FalinA.P., YukhnevichV.A., AKPU-200 movablecapacitorinstallation// |

| |Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014, Volume 57, Issue 2, Pр. 131-134 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation |

| |A movable electrophysical capacitor installation with a 250-kJ maximum bank energy, which generates intense neutron pulses, is described. A |

| |current pulse generator with a capacitive energy storage forms the basis of the installation. When the initial voltage at the capacitor bank is |

| |up to 35 kV, the installation ensures a flow of current pulses with amplitudes of up to 2 MA in a gas-discharge plasma-focus chamber, which is |

| |filled with an equal-component deuterium-tritium (DT) mixture. Under these conditions, the chamber is capable of repeatedly generating single |

| |fast-neutron pulses with an energy of 14.1 MeV, a duration of -70 ns, and an integral yield over 1013 neutrons/pulse. |

| |Kornienko D.S., Kravchenko A.G., Litvin D.N., Mis'Ko V.V., Rukavishnikov A.N., Senik A.V., Starodubtsev K.V., Tarakanov V.M., Chaunin A.E., |

| |Streak cameras for laser fusion experiments // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014,Т. 57. № 2.Рр. 165-175. |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation |

| |Results of the streak camera development for the new laser facility UFL-2M are presented. This streak camera can be used for diagnosing laser |

| |beams and plasma parameters. Its main characteristics are as follows: the maximum temporal resolution is ≤5 ps, the spatial resolution is ≥20 |

| |line pairs/mm, and the dynamic range is ≥1000. |

| |Kravchenko A.G., Litvin D.N., Mis'Ko V.V., Senik A.V., Starodubtsev K.V., Tarakanov V.M., Investigation of the optical characteristics of laser |

| |plasma by photochronography methods// Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014, Т. 57. № 2. Рр. 176-182. |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |An investigation is made of the dynamics and visible-range luminosity of the plasma cloud produced behind the front of a shock wave in air at a |

| |pressure of 1 Torr. The shock wave was produced on introducing the radiation of the twelve-channel Iskra-5 laser facility with a total energy of |

| |~2300 J into a hollow spherical plastic target of mass ~10-4 g. Experimental data are compared with simulations. |

| |Repin P.B., Markevtsev I.M., Kornilov S.Yu., A fast time-response bolometer for soft X-ray radiation energy measurements in a high-current |

| |Z-pinch // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014,Т. 57. № 2. Рр. 183-188. |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |Ahigh-sensitivitybolometerwithashorttimeresponseto heating with externalradiationhas been developed. It is intendedformeasuring the integral |

| |parameters ofsoftX-rayradiationof liner plasma. Thebolometeris adapted to the conditions of explosion experiments with an increased level of |

| |electromagnetic pickups at facilities that are based on magnetic-explosion generators with megaampere currents. Thebolometerhasametal |

| |casingforimproving the noise immunity ofmeasurements.A2-?m-thick nickel foil is used as the materialforthe resistive element of the working |

| |substance of thebolometer. The choice of the material and the geometrical dimensions of thebolometerworking elements were analyzed. The ultimate |

| |thermal load on thebolometerwas determined.Atechniqueforcalibrating the working elements usingapulse current was developed. The working capacity,|

| |good noise immunity, andahigh sensitivity of thebolometerwere demonstratedinexperiments. The dynamic rangeinmeasurementsof the |

| |surfaceenergydensity ofXraysis 0.03-0.3 J/cm2. |

| |Dushina L.A., Kornienko D.S., Kravchenko A.G., Litvin D.N., Mis'Ko V.V., Rukavishnikov A.N., Senik A.V., Starodubtsev K.V., Tarakanov V.M., |

| |Chaunin A.E., A technique for studying the spectral composition and duration of radiation accompanying a shock wave at the rear surface of |

| |materials under direct laser irradiation // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014,  Т. 57. № 2. Рр. 189-194 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |A photochronographic technique for studying the spectral composition and duration of radiation that accompanies the appearance of a shock wave on|

| |the rear surface of a loaded target has been developed. The spectral resolution of this technique was evaluated. A method of the through |

| |calibration of the recording channel using radiation of a source with the known spectrum was proposed. The results of the performed calibration |

| |are used to restore the spectral distribution on the basis of the obtained spectrochronograms. |

| |Aleksandrov D.V.a, Vinogradov A.A.a, Ippolitov M.S.a, Lebedev V.A.a, Manko V.I.a, Nikulin S.A.a, Nyanin A.S.a, Sibiriak Yu.G.a, Akindinov A.V.b, |

| |Vodopyanov A.S.c, Gorbunov N.V.c, Zaporozhets S.A.c, Nomokonov P.V.c, Rufanov I.A.c, Budnikov D.V.d, Vinogradov Yu.I.d, Demanov V.A.d, Zavyalov |

| |N.V.d, Kuryakin A.V.d, Mamonov A.V.d, Nazarenko S.T.d, Punin V.T.d, Puchagin S.Yu.d, Strabykin K.V.d, Tumkin A.D.d, Filchagin S.V.d, Improving |

| |the timing resolution of an electromagnetic calorimeter based on lead tungstate crystals // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014, Volume|

| |57, Issue 3, Рр. 233-247 |

| |a National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |b Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |c Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation |

| |d All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (ARRIEP), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod Oblast, Russian |

| |Federation |

| |Results of the beam tests of the prototype photon spectrometer PHOS for the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN) are presented. |

| |The spectrometer is based on detector elements composed of lead tungstate (PbWO4) crystals with dimensions of 22 × 22 × 180 mm and Hamamatsu |

| |S8664-55 (S8148) avalanche photodiodes. The beam tests have been performed on the secondary T10 beamline of the PS proton synchrotron. The main |

| |emphasis has been placed on the possibility of improving the PHOS timing resolution. Introduction of an additional timing channel with a silicon |

| |photomultiplier (SiPM) used as a photodetector is shown to improve the timing resolution for 1-GeV deposited energy from current value σt= 3 to |

| |0.3 ns. Silicon photomultipliers of the Hamamatsu MPPC S10362-33 family with an active area of 3 × 3 mm2are used in these measurements. Using |

| |fast photomultiplier tubes with an 8-mm-diameter photocathode, the timing resolution attainable in electromagnetic shower development in a lead |

| |tungstate crystal has been measured for a large-area photodetector. The timing resolution for a deposited energy of 1 GeV is 150 ps. The effect |

| |of the detector channel temperature on the timing resolution is investigated. Cooling the crystal results in an increase both in the |

| |scintillation intensity and in the decay time of the scintillator and fails to substantially improve the timing resolution. |

| |Babich L.P., Loiko T.V., Rodigin A.V., Calibration of detectors of ionizing emissions by means of a subnanosecond runaway electron beam generated|

| |by discharge in open atmosphere at high overvoltages// Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3,Рр.248-254 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |The electric discharge in air at atmospheric pressure under the conditions of multiple overvoltages generates an electron beam of subnanosecond |

| |duration. By means of measurements of the resolution time of registration lines including different detectors of ionizing emissions, efficiency |

| |is demonstrated of the beam application for calibration of the detectors with the subnanosecond resolution. The basic advantages of such a way of|

| |calibration is the absence of the evacuated accelerating tube, small dimensions of the source, and the big resource. |

| |Piskunov V.N., Tsaplin D.V., Scavenging trace gases from an arbitrary dynamical source in the below-cloud layer of the atmosphere // Izvestiya - |

| |Atmospheric and Ocean Physics,2014,Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 377-384 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |We consider the scavenging of trace gases in the below-cloud layer with their evaporation from droplets and atmospheric turbulent diffusion. This|

| |problem is solved by the method of splitting into physical processes where the dynamics of scavenging of trace gases is treated separately on the|

| |background of atmospheric diffusion and transport. These processes produce a dynamical background source of trace gases. We obtain a general |

| |solution of kinetic equations of scavenging for a source with an arbitrary background distribution. This solution is analyzed for two limiting |

| |cases: slow and fast time-varying sources (compared to the process of scavenging). The results of illustrative calculations are presented and |

| |practical recommendations are given on the calculation of the scavenging rate for numerical systems. |

| |Budnikov D., Filchagin S., Ilkaev R., Kuryakin A., Mamonov A., Nazarenko S., Punin V., Tumkin A., Vinogradov Y., Vyushin A., Zaviyalov N. et al.,|

| |Measurement of visible cross sections in proton-lead collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV in van der Meer scans with the ALICE detector // Journal of |

| |Instrumentation,2014,Volume 9, Issue 11, Article number P11003 |

| |Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |In 2013, the Large Hadron Collider provided proton-lead and lead-proton collisions at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN=5.02 TeV . |

| |Van der Meer scans were performed for both configurations of colliding beams, and the cross section was measured for two reference processes, |

| |based on particle detection by the T0 and V0 detectors, with pseudo-rapidity coverage 4.6 < η < 4.9, -3.3 < η < -3.0 and 2.8 < η < 5.1, -3.7 < η |

| |< -1.7, respectively. Given the asymmetric detector acceptance, the cross section was measured separately for the two configurations. The |

| |measured visible cross sections are used to calculate the integrated luminosity of the proton-lead and lead-proton data samples, and to |

| |indirectly measure the cross section for a third, configuration-independent, reference process, based on neutron detection by the Zero Degree |

| |Calorimeters. |

| |Babich L.P.,Loiko,T.V.,Rodigin, A.V.,The First Observations of Cherenkov's Radiation of Runaway Electrons Produced by Discharge in Dense Gas |

| |Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, Vol.42, Issue 4, Pp. 948 - 952 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |For the first time, Cherenkov's radiation (CR) was detected of runaway electron (RE) pulse generated by electric discharge in open atmosphere. |

| |The measured duration of the CR pulse is Δt₀.₅≈0.4 ns, the intrinsic duration does not exceed the measured duration of the pumping RE pulse |

| |Δt₀.₅≈0.15 ns. The observations of CR, executed with Plexiglas radiator, testify that the RE spectrum is stretched above the CR threshold in |

| |Plexiglas 176.4 keV. |

| |Dubinov A.E.; Kozhayeva J.P., Generation of Nanosecond Spark Microdischarges Along the Surface of Wings of Flying Insects // IEEE Transactions on|

| |Plasma Science, 2014, Vol.42, Issue 8 Pp. 2049 – 2053 |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia |

| |A device generating spark nanosecond discharges is presented, and the effects produced by the same, which were observable on the surface of wings|

| |of flying insects, such as flies, bees, mosquitoes, and butterflies are reported for the first time. It is shown that the series of discharges |

| |having 137' problem and determining hydrogen-like energy levels// Physics-Uspekhi, 2014, Т. 57, |

| |№ 2, Рр. 189-193. |

| |Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast |

| |A new method for including finite nuclear size effects is suggested to overcome the “Z> 137 catastrophe” encountered in solving the Dirac |

| |equation for an electron in the field of a point chargeZe. In this method, the boundary condition for the numerical solution of the equations for|

| |the Dirac radial wave functions is taken to be that the components of the electron current density are zero at the boundary of the nucleus. As a |

| |result, for all of the nuclei of the periodic table the calculated energy levels practically coincide with those obtained in a standard way from |

| |the Dirac equation for a Coulomb point charge potential. ForZ> 105, the calculated energy level functionsE(Z)prove to be smooth and monotonic. |

| |The ground energy level reachesE = −mc2(i.e., the electron drops into the nucleus) at Zc= 178. The proposed method for accounting for the finite |

| |size of nuclei can be useful in numerically calculating the energy levels of many-electron atoms. |

| |Fomin V.N.a, Nikitin V.M.b, Zhbakov E.B.c, Sautkin V.A.d, And Suyazova E.K.e, Optimal processing of noisy images in a photodetector with limited |

| |dynamic range// Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2014, Т. 22, № 2, Pp. 125-131. |

| |a Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, , Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |b National Research University Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russian Federation |

| |c Moscow Humanitarian Economic Institute, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation |

| |d JSC Krasnogorsky Zavod, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation |

| |e Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation |

| |A study aimed at optimizing noisy image processing under conditions of strong additive noise has been performed. An algorithm of optimal signal |

| |processing was developed and a possibility of improving image quality due to the subtraction of excess additive noise (which limits the |

| |photodetector dynamic range) was substantiated. The possibility of technical implementation of noise subtraction due to forced recombination of |

| |charge carriers in the photodetector is experimentally confirmed. The proposed approach to design processing systems makes it possible to improve|

| |the quality of recorded images under noisy conditions without any changes in the photodetector design. |

| |Brendel V.M.a, Bukin V.V.a, Garnov S.V.ab, Bagdasarov V.Kh.a, Sadovskii S.P.a, Chizhov P.A.a, Dolmatov T.V.a, Loza O.T.a, Litvin V.O.c, Tarakanov|

| |V.P.d, Terekhin V.A.e, Trutnev Yu.A.e, Superluminal source of directional pulsed wideband electromagnetic radiation// Physics of Wave Phenomena, |

| |2014, Т. 22, № 4, Pp. 219-222. |

| |a Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |b National Research Nuclear University (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |c PeoplesT Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |d Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |e Russian Federal Nuclear Center-The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod oblast, Russian Federation |

| |A photoemission source of directional pulsed wideband electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region is developed, and the time profile of the|

| |generated pulse is investigated. The source is a vacuum photodiode of a parabolic shape in which a Cherenkov radiation pulse is formed by an |

| |electron current wave excited by an incident laser pulse and propagating along the surface of the anode mesh with a phase velocity higher than |

| |the speed of light. |

| |Semena N.a, Pavlinsky M.a, Buntov M.a, Serbinov D.a, Gurova E.a, Tambov V.a, Roiz I.b, Garin M.b, Lazarchuk V.b, Zaytcev A.c, Martunov V.c, |

| |Shabarchin A.c, Sokolov A.d,ART-XC/SRG: Results of thermo-vacuum tests // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical |

| |Engineering,2014,Volume 9144, Article number 91444T |

| |a Space Research Institute, IKI, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |b Russian Federal Nuclear Center, VNIIEF, Sarov, Russian Federation |

| |c Lavochkin Association, LA, Khimki, Russian Federation |

| |d NPO Molniya, Moscow, Russian Federation |

| |ART-XC - a medium-x-ray-energy survey instrument for SRG project is being developed in Russia. Space Research institute (IKI) and Federal Nuclear|

| |Center (VNIIEF) has developed and tested the STM (Structural and Thermal Model) of ART-XC/SRG Instrument. The STM was tested in a 40 m3vacuum |

| |chamber, equipped with black cryogenic screens, cooled by liquid nitrogen. During the tests various thermal telescope modes were simulated. In |

| |particular we have simulated emergency mode, when mirrors heaters were switched-off. During the tests temperature of instrument's structure was |

| |controlled by 64 independent sensors. Stability of optical axis of mirror systems was also measured. STM test has shown that temperature of |

| |mirror system was lower than required, temperature of detectors met the requirements. The test also confirmed geometrical stability of the carbon|

| |fiber housing despite of significant temperature gradients. Additional experiments with two mirror systems, each containing a full set of simple |

| |nickel shells, were performed. In these experiments we have measured longitudinal and transverse temperature gradients of mirror systems. Next |

| |thermovacuum tests of the qualification model of the ART-XC instrument are being prepared. Results of STM tests are presented in this paper. |

| |PavlinskyM.a, AkimovV.a, LevinV.a, LapshovI.a, TkachenkoA.a, SemenaN.a, BuntovM.a, GlushenkoA.a, ArefievV.a, YaskovichA.a, SunyaevR.a, |

| |ChurazovE.a, GilfanovM.a, GrebenevS.a, SazonovS.a, RevnivtsevM.a, LutovinovA.a, MolkovS.a, KudelinM.a, DrozdovaT.a, GaraninS.b, GrigorovichS.b, |

| |LitvinD.b, LazarchukV.b, RoizI.b, GarinM.b, BabyshkinV.c, LomakinI.c, MenderovA.c, MoskvinovD.c, GubarevM.d, RamseyB.d, KilaruK.d, O'DellS.L.d, |

| |KolodziejczakJ.d, ElsnerR.de,StatusofART-XC/SRGinstrument // ProceedingsofSPIE - TheInternationalSocietyforOpticalEngineering,2014, Volume 9144, |

| |Articlenumber 91441U |

| |a Space Research Institute, Russian Federation |

| |b All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Experimental Physics, VNIIEF, Russian Federation |

| |c Lavochkin Association, Russian Federation |

| |d MPI Für Astrophysik, Germany |

| |e NASA Marshall Space Flight Ctr, United States |

| |Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) is an X-ray astrophysical observatory, developed by Russia in collaboration with Germany. The mission will be |

| |launched in March 2016 from Baikonur, by a Zenit rocket with a Fregat booster and placed in a 6-month-period halo orbit around L2. The scientific|

| |payload consists of two independent telescopes - a softx- ray survey instrument, eROSITA, being provided by Germany and a medium-x-ray-energy |

| |survey instrument ART-XC being developed by Russia. ART-XC will consist of seven independent, but co-aligned, telescope modules. The NASA |

| |Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is fabricating the flight mirror modules for the ART-XC/SRG. Each mirror module will be aligned with a focal |

| |plane CdTe double-sided strip detector which will operate over the energy range of 6â'30 keV, with an angular resolution of ................

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