
[pic] [pic]

[pic] Read the article.

|5 |Cheaper by the Dozen |

|10 |Today, reality television has made big families famous. But long before the Kardashians, a family on reality TV, there was a |

|15 |real family called the Gilbreths who were made famous in a book. This family was the subject of the biography Cheaper by the |

|20 |Dozen. No reader of this book will ever forget the Gilbreths ‒ the dozen red-haired children who were always in trouble, their |

|25 |crazy father and their brilliant mother! As you read the book, you fall in love with Frank Gilbreth and his unique family. |

|30 |Frank Gilbreth and his wife Lillian were efficiency experts. Together, they invented the field of “motion study1”. They could |

| |study any activity or task and find a way to do it more efficiently. Their methods were quite revolutionary and were used to |

| |improve working conditions in homes, factories, and offices in the early 20th century. |

| |Lillian designed the first modern kitchen with cupboards and counters. Frank developed touch typing2 and many other systems |

| |still used in factories today. In the Gilbreth home, no one was allowed to waste a moment. Frank believed, “What works in the |

| |factory, works at home.” So he used his scientific methods to organize his large family. There were no fights over homework or |

| |chores. Frank put up a chart for each child. The children signed the charts to show they did their homework, had a bath or |

| |brushed their teeth. If you were caught “cheating”, for example, you didn’t brush your teeth, you were punished. Frank also |

| |played language records in the bathrooms so the children could learn French and German while taking a bath. |

| |Lillian and Frank believed they had the smartest children in the world. In a time when children were expected to listen and |

| |obey, their children were encouraged to speak. Dinnertime in the Gilbreth home was a time of discussion and debate. Any topic |

| |could be discussed as long as it was interesting to everyone. The children also helped manage the family. Once a week there were|

| |meetings, and each person would vote on important decisions such as where to go on vacation or how to divide the housework. |

| |However, despite Frank Gilbreth’s efforts to be efficient, the Gilbreth children were the terror of teachers, babysitters and |

| |neighbors. No matter what they did, their father was their champion. In public, Frank Gilbreth believed his kids could do no |

| |wrong. Frank Gilbreth was a big man who was larger than life. He was loud, annoying and embarrassing, but his family adored him.|

| |Two of the Gilbreth children wrote the book Cheaper by the Dozen to immortalize their story. |

1 motion study חקר התנועה / دراسة الحركة 2 touch typing הקלדה עיוורת / الطباعة باللمس

[pic] Answer the questions.

1. Tick (() the TWO correct answers. (2 x 2 = 4 points)

What facts do we learn about the Gilbreths in lines 1-6?

…… a. How many members of the family there were.

…… b. What the children were called.

…… c. How the family became known.

…… d. What their father did for a living.

…… e. Where the family lived.

…… f. What they liked to.

2. Why does the writer compare the Kardashians to the Gilbreths? (lines 1-6) (4 points)

3. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth’s “methods were quite revolutionary”. (line 9) (2 x 3 = 6 points)

Give TWO examples from the article of things they invented.

1) ……………………………… 2) ………………………………

4. The main subject of lines 11-19 is (-). (4 points)

a. why it was important for the family to be efficient

b. what the children learned in the bathrooms

c. how the Gilbreths organized their family to function efficiently

d. how Frank taught the children to do their chores

5. The Gilbreth children differed greatly from children of that time. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

Give TWO examples to show this.



6. We can infer from lines 20-25 that dinnertime at the Gilbreths (4 points)

was probably very (-).

a. efficient b. confusing c. noisy d. organized

7. What new information do we learn about the children in lines 26-31? (4 points)

a. Teachers and babysitters were afraid of the children.

b. Frank punished the children when they were bad.

c. The children were always well behaved.

d. They were all excellent students.

8. a. Circle the correct answer. (2 x 2 = 4 points)

The writer’s opinion of the book is positive / negative.

b. Copy the words from the article that helped you answer.

[pic] Why do you think the book is called Cheaper by the Dozen? (4 points)

[pic] [pic]

[pic] Circle the correct answer. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. You are corresponding / confusing me! Please speak slowly and clearly.

2. An actor must learn to recite / recur all his lines by heart.

3. We decided to differ / dine at a small restaurant by the lake.

4. Have you read this article? It’s written by a sponsor / journalist based in Paris.

5. The coach told the team that he had a lot of faith / miracles they would win.

6. This market has a huge blessing / variety of fruit and vegetables.

7. We made all the arrangements / organizations for our trip six months in advance.

8. Gail’s ancestors / relationships came from Ireland.

9. Please stop moaning / repeating. I can’t listen to you complaining anymore!

10. The police officer said the attacker had fled / gone on by the time the police arrived

at the scene of the crime.

[pic] Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

There are two extra words. Make any necessary changes.

symbol wonders of the world turn refer to legacy hand down

deserve your wishes come true theme curiosity features weep

1. If I had a magic wand, I could make all …………………………… .

2. The dove is a …………………………… of peace.

3. My granddad …………………………… 80 next week, so we’re having a big family party.

4. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven …………………………… .

5. Hannah Senesh’s poetry, songs and plays are a …………………………… of hope and love.

6. We were full of …………………… about their plans.

7. This is a watch which was …………………………… to me from my grandfather.

8. My boss spoke to me about a customer, but I wasn’t sure which person he was …………………………… .

9. The twins, Bar and Rotem, really look alike. Their facial …………………………… are very similar.

10. It’s not fair! They don’t …………………………… to win the prize because their song wasn’t original.

[pic] Write three sentences of your own, using at least TWO of the (3 x 2 = 6 points)

words or expressions in each sentence. Make any necessary changes.

accept accomplish assemble beg concerned evil justice

repetition rule slave thrive on minor generous heritage




[pic] [pic]

[pic] Circle the correct answer. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

The Brontës

Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë were sisters and writers 1. whose / who / which novels have become classics. The sisters grew up at the Haworth Parsonage 2. which / where / when is in Yorkshire. Tragically, their mother died of cancer 3. where / whose / when the children were small, so they were raised by Elizabeth Branwell

4. who / whose / that was their aunt. The girls were sent to study at the Cowan Bridge School 5. where / when / which was a charity school. Then they continued their studies at home. Alone in the Haworth Parsonage, the Brontë sisters created the Saga of Gondal 6. which / who / where was a science-fiction fantasy. Their notebooks can still be seen at the British Museum 7. where / when / who they are on display. At the time, no one suspected these three sisters would one day become famous writers.

[pic] Circle the correct answer. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

1. Alex said he had to study for the exam.

Alex said, “I … for the exam.”

a. will have to study c. have to study

b. am having to study d. had to study

2. “Were you running when you hurt your leg?” the doctor asked Sam.

The doctor asked Sam if he … when he hurt his leg.

a. is running c. had been running

b. running d. has been running

3. “Don’t touch the paintings!” said the museum guard.

The museum guard told them … the paintings.

a. don’t touch c. didn’t touch

b. doesn’t touch d. not to touch

4. Amy said she had been waiting for the train for an hour.

Amy said, “I … for the train for an hour.”

a. waited c. had waited

b. am waiting d. have been waiting

5. The teacher warned the students not to cheat on the exam.

“… on the exam,” warned the teacher.

a. Don’t cheat c. Doesn’t protect

b. Not to cheat d. Protect not

6. Jane said she had seen an accident on her way to school that morning.

Jane said, “I … an accident on my way to school this morning.”

a. see c. was seeing

b. saw d. have seen

7. Don asked, “Why do stores send me SMS messages?”

Don asked why stores … him SMS messages.

a. sent him c. had sent

b. was sending d. would send

[pic] Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar (5 x 2 = 10 points)

meaning to the first.

1. Jane asked her friends, “Will we meet tomorrow?”

Jane asked whether .

2. The policeman asked her, “Why were you talking on your cellphone while you were driving?”

The policeman wanted to know .

3. The sales assistant asked them how they wanted to pay.

The sales assistant asked them, “ ?”

4. Mom asked Dad, “Did you walk the dog this morning?”

Mom wanted to know .

5. The doctor asked me if my knee hurt.

“ ?” asked the doctor.

[pic] [pic]

Write a description of your favorite city or town in Israel.

Write 100-120 words.

Remember to include:

• what the place looks like

• the people who live and work there

• the atmosphere


Part 1


Part 2


 Reading  (40 points)


 Grammar  (24 points)

 Writing  (10 points)



Part 3



Part 4


 Vocabulary  (26 points)



Name: ………………………. Grade: …………




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