MomOf6 - Resources for Busy Moms!

2057400-228600Would you rather have to stay up until after midnight every night of the coming year or kiss someone at noon every day of the year?Would you rather make a resolution to give up sweets this year or give up showers and baths?Would you rather have to spend the next week tossing confetti over the head of every person you meet or blowing a horn and wishing them a “Happy New Year”?Would you rather make a resolution to give up Netflix for the coming year or Snapchat?Would you rather have to spend the week after the New Year dressed up as the Baby New Year or Father Time?Would you rather have to make 100 New Year’s resolutions or eat 100 cocktail meatballs?Would you rather swim in a pool of holiday punch or a pool of warm cocoa?Would you rather sing the National Anthem at a football bowl game or be the one to interview the losing quarterback?Would you rather be able to say “Happy New Year” in 100 languages or know the answer to 1000 random trivia questions?Would you rather be on the New Year’s Eve countdown show with Ryan Seacrest or appear on a float at the Rose Bowl parade?Would you rather have to wear your winter coat at the Orange Bowl game in Florida or your bathing suit in Times Square on New Year’s Eve?Would you rather be the person who makes the ball drop in Times Square or the person who sets off the fireworks over the Sydney Harbour Bridge?Would you rather have to sweep up the confetti in Times Square or the person who cleans the cages at the Bronx Zoo?Would you rather have streamers stuck in your hair or confetti stuck to your teeth?Would you rather be invited to the White House to celebrate New Year’s Eve or have a celebrity chef come to your house to make your New Year’s Eve dinner?Would you rather live in Times Square for a year or on the International Space Station?Would you rather have to kiss your dog on the lips at midnight or your least favorite teacher (or co-worker) on the cheek?Would you rather be stuck in a home that has no power on New Year’s Eve or one that has no food?Would you rather have to sing “Auld Lang Syne” on a YouTube video that everyone you know will see or appear in Diet Coke commercial on TV dressed as the Baby New Year?Would you rather have Auld Lang Syne stuck in your head for the next year or dream the very same dream about watching the ball drop every night?Would you rather wear a shirt tomorrow that lists everything you did over the holidays or everything you ate over the holidays?Would you rather have snow on January 1st or a warm 80-degree day?Would you rather spend New Year’s Day in a home with no Internet or a home without indoor plumbing?Would you rather have your favorite athlete count down the New Year at your house or your favorite TV/movie star? (And who would it be?)Would you rather have a constant itch or constant hiccups on New Years Eve?Would you rather only be able to whisper in this coming year or have to shout everything you say?Would you rather have to say everything you are thinking or never be able to speak on New Year’s Day?Would you rather have to watch all of the New Year’s Eve and Day football games or all of the parades?Would you rather be gossiped about by your family after you leave the room on New Year’s Day or have them not remember who you are?Would you rather make a resolution to complete a book every week in the New Year or to teach yourself how to play a musical instrument?Would you rather make a resolution to walk to school (or work) every day or give up junk food for the coming year?Would you rather have to go the month of January wearing earplugs or nose plugs?Would you rather make a resolution to wear your shoes on the wrong feet for the coming year or wear your pants backwards?Would you rather have to eat 12 chocolate covered earthworms at midnight or 12 raw onions?Would you rather have to read a page from your diary at midnight or share a video of your most embarrassing moment of the year?Would you rather have to make a toast to your entire school (or office) at midnight or have to sing the National Anthem at a New Year’s Day football game?Would you rather live this past year over again or skip ahead 10 years?Would you rather have to find 10 pieces of gold colored confetti on a ballroom floor after midnight or pop 1000 balloons?Would you rather have to eat 100 chocolate bars on New Year’s Day or never eat chocolate again?Would you rather make a resolution to raise and donate $1000 for your favorite charity this year or volunteer for 100 hours?Would you rather lose all of your past memories at the strike of midnight or lose the ability to make any new ones?Would you rather make a resolution to be 10 minutes late for everything this coming year or 20 minutes early?Would you rather spend New Year’s Day with the ability to be invisible or have the ability to fly?Would you rather be able to travel through time on New Year’s Day or have the ability to read minds?Would you rather celebrate New Year’s Eve in Times Square in 1850 or in 2150?Would you rather have to live the same day over and over in the coming year or give up talking to your friends and family for the next 6 months?Would you rather not be able to speak in the New Year, or not be able to sleep in the New Year?Would you rather make a resolution to give up meat for the New Year or give up drinking anything other than water?Would you rather have to eat a New Year’s Day meal prepared by your dog or have to drink from the fish tank at midnight?Would you rather be given the job to make the New Year’s ball drop or make the confetti drop? ................

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