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|( The Ward M. Canaday Center ( |

|for Special Collections |

|The University of Toledo |

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|Finding Aid |

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|(Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers, 1879-2001( |

|MSS-189 |

Size: 78 linear feet

Provenance: Gift of Sheila Chandrasekhar, San Diego, California, 2002

Access: open

Copyright: The literary rights to this collection are assumed to rest with the person(s) responsible for the production of the particular items within the collection, or with their heirs or assigns. Researchers bear full legal responsibility for the acquisition to publish from any part of said collection per Title 17, United States Code. The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections may reserve the right to intervene as intermediary at its own discretion.

Completed by: Kimberly Brownlee, David Chelminski, Mary Koslovsky, & Bea

Bridenbaugh, 2002-2007

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Table of Contents


Biographical Sketch 1

Brief Chronology of Dr. Chandrasekhar's Life 3

List of Family Members 6

Scope and Content Note 7

Conservation Note 11

Series Descriptions 12

Box and Folder Inventory 19


General/Professional, arranged chronologically 19

General/Professional, arranged by subject 28

Personal/Family 29

Notable Correspondents 30

Biographical files

Press clippings 32

Press releases 33

Events 33

Awards, certificates, honorary degrees, and other honors 34

Curriculum vitae 34

Travel material 35

Miscellaneous biographical and personal material 35

Autobiographical material 36

Works of Dr. Chandrasekhar

Papers, articles, speeches, manuscripts 39

Book reviews, press summaries, and publishers' blurbs 62

Photographs, Photographic Materials, & Audio-visual material

Photographs 63

Photo albums 70

Audio-visual material 70

Printed Material

Newspaper clippings 71

Newsletters 78

Pamphlets and booklets 84

Reprints 89

Government publications 92

Conference materials 96

Journals and magazines 102

Newspapers 105

Maps 105

Foreign language material 106

Career Files 106

Indian Institute for Population Studies and Population Review 107

Research Files

Abortion 109

Alaska 109

Birth Control and Family Planning 110

Hindu View of Population 112

India 113

Indian Diaspora 115

Miscellaneous subject files 116

Population (general) 119

Women 121

Ann Downes Chandrasekhar's papers 125

Exhibit Material 126

Bibliography of Dr. Chandrasekhar's writings 127

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Biographical Sketch

Dr. Sripati Chandrasekhar was a well-known international demographer, economist, sociologist, and scholar. He spent his life advocating population control for his native India, because he believed that was the best way to improve the country's economy and protect its fragile hold on democracy. He struggled to educate the Indian people on family planning methods, particularly striving to spread the word to the remote villages throughout the country. He supported abortion for women and sterilization for men, and promoted artificial birth control methods and the use of contraceptives such as the pill and IUD. Many of his views were considered controversial, and he often faced considerable opposition, particularly in rural areas of the country where large families were seen as an economic necessity.

Chandrasekhar, or Chandra as he was known to friends, was born in 1918 in Rajahmundry, India, one of six children of Sripati Sarangapani and Bavanula Rajamma Rao. He attended Vorhees High School in Vellore, India, and Madras Presidency College, where he wrote his first paper on India's population problems. "From then on," Chandrasekhar said, "I lived and breathed demography." In 1938 he graduated with a B.A. in economics, followed by an M.A. the next year. In 1940 he traveled to New York City and attended Columbia University and New York University, where he studied demography, sociology, and statistics. In 1944 he earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from New York University, having written his dissertation on India's population problems.

After completing his education, he lectured on India's economic and social problems at The University of Pennsylvania, and in 1945 worked as an expert in Indian demography for the U.S. Office of Strategic Services. From 1945 to 1947 he traveled around the U.S. promoting India's political independence from Great Britain. In June 1947 he married Ann Downes, an American Quaker from New Jersey, and shortly thereafter returned to India to accept an appointment as professor and chair of the Economics Department at Annamalai University. In 1948 he went to Paris and served as director of demographic research for UNESCO. In 1950 he started the Indian Institute for Population Studies (IIPS) and from 1951 to 1955 was professor and chair of the Economics Department at the University of Baroda. Beginning in 1953, Chandrasekhar spent two years at the London School of Economics as a Nuffield Fellow in demography, and attended international conferences. From 1956 to 1957 he focused his efforts again on the IIPS, and the next year traveled through communist China studying its population and social and economic trends. From 1959 to 1960, Chandrasekhar lectured in various countries around the world, returning to the United States as a visiting professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh in 1961, and lecturing across the country in 1962. From 1964 to 1965 he served as visiting professor of Demography at the University of California-Riverside and delivered National Science Foundation lectures.

In April 1964, Chandrasekhar was elected to the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of India's parliament) as a member of the Indian National Congress Party representing Madras. In this capacity he was able to promote population control measures on the parliamentary level. He was so successful in getting his message heard that three years later Prime Minister Indira Gandhi appointed him Union Minister of Health and Family Planning. As Minister he launched a massive campaign to promote smaller families and proposed a "cafeteria approach" to birth control for women. Eventually his campaign included advocating for compulsory sterilization for men with large families, but this measure was unsuccessful as it was considered too drastic. He also advocated delaying the age of marriage, improving education for girls, and letting women join the workforce.

Chandrasekhar often met with world leaders to discuss and advise them on the issues of population control, and to gain support for India's programs. In January 1968 he met with U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, who assured him that although the country was cutting back on foreign aid, it would continue to support India's family planning program. That same year he was elected chairman of the International Association for Voluntary Sterilization.

From 1971 to 1975 Chandrasekhar taught sociology and demography at various U.S. institutions, including the University of California-Los Angeles. In 1975, he returned to India and became Vice Chancellor of Annamalai University. He spent the last 20 years of his life traveling around the world teaching, lecturing, and attending conferences on population control.

For his life's work, Chandrasekhar saw the average number of babies born to Indian women reduced from six to three, but better living conditions and improved health care resulted in longer life spans, effectively nullifying the reduction in the birth rate. Today, India's population level remains dangerously high.

Chandrasekhar died June 14, 2001, in San Diego, California.


Brownlee, K., & Johnson, D. (2004). The papers of Dr. Sripati Chandrasekhar. Population Review, 43(2).

Chandrasekhar, Sripati. (September 2001). Current Biography, 62(9), 86.

Martin, D. (23 June 2001). Sripati Chandrasekhar, Indian demographer, dies at 83.

New York Times (Late New York Edition), pp. A11.

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Brief chronology of Dr. Chandrasekhar's life

Nov. 1918 Born, Rajahmundry, India.

1938 Graduated, Madras Presidency College with a BA in economics.

1939 Graduated, Madras Presidency College with an MA in economics.

1940 Studied demography, sociology, & statistics at New York University and Columbia University.

1944 Earned PhD in sociology from New York University, his dissertation on India's population problems.

1944-45 Lectured on Indian economic and social problems, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania & Asia Institute in New York City.

1945 Worked for Office of Strategic Services in Washington, DC, as an expert in Indian demography.

1945-47 Traveled U.S. lecturing for India's political independence for Pearl Buck's East-West Association.

1947 Returned to India. Appointed Professor & Chair of Economics Department at Annamalai University.

1948 Directed demographic research for UNESCO in Paris, France.

1950 Returned to Annamalai University, started IIPS.

1951-55 University of Baroda, Professor & Chair of Economics Department.

1953-55 Nuffield Fellow in demography at London School of Economics Attended conferences in Sweden, Italy, Austria, & Japan.

1956-57 Directed IIPS. Traveled at home and abroad lecturing.

1958-59 Traveled through communist China, studying the population situation as well as social and economic trends.

1959 Delivered a lecture series in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

1960 Granary Fund of American Foundation sponsored lectures at universities in Middle East and Africa.

1960 Lectured in U.S.

1961 Visiting professor of economics, University of Pittsburgh.

1962 Lectured in U.S.

1964-65 Visiting professor of demography, University of California Riverside, and delivered National Science Foundation lectures. Received Watumull prize for distinguished work in demography.

Apr. 1964 Elected to the Rajya Sabha, upper house of India's parliament, as a member of the Indian National Congress Party representing Madras. Promoted population control measures to parliament.

Mar. 1967 Appointed Minister of Health and Family Planning by Indira Gandhi. Launched massive campaign to promote smaller families and proposed "cafeteria approach" to birth control to women (that is to offer them all possible means). Eventually advocated compulsory sterilization for men with large families, but this was considered too drastic. Advocated later marriage age, for education for girls, and letting women into the work force.

1967 Led Indian delegation to WHO conferences in Switzerland and Mongolian People's Republic. Addressed Public Relations World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Nov. 1967 Appointed State Minister in Ministry of Health, Family Planning, and Urban Development.

Jan. 1968 Met with U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, who promised that although the U.S. was cutting back on foreign aid, it would continue to support India's family planning program.

1968 Elected Chairman of the International Association for Voluntary Sterilization.

1969 Received Kaufman Award. Addressed International Red Cross conference in Switzerland. Received M.D. honoris causa, Academy of Medical Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

1970 Addressed Second World Food Conference in the Netherlands.

1971 Appointed Distinguished Fellow, Battelle Memorial Research Center, Seattle, Washington. Lectured in U.S. and Canada.

1972-73 Appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor of Sociology, California State University, San Diego, California.

1974 Addressed United Nations Third World Population Conference, Bucharest, Rumania.

1974-75 Appointed Visiting Professor of Health and Family Planning, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles.

1975 Appointed Vice Chancellor, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India. Appointed Regents Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Spoke at Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo.

1976-78 Attended conference in New Zealand, and delivered lectures in Hawaii and Malaysia.

1979 Held joint appointment as Visiting Professor, University of California School of Public Health, Berkeley, and Department of Sociology, California State University, Hayward.

1980 Appointed Lucie Stern Trustee Professor of Sociology, Mills College, Oakland, California.

1984-85 Appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor of Asian Demography, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

1985-86 Appointed Visiting Professor of Sociology, University of Texas, El Paso.

1987-88 Lectured in Mauritius and Ireland.

1989-90 Appointed Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, India.

1991-92 As Chairman of the Indian Medical Education Association in the U.S., traveled to Nepal with a delegation of Indian physicians resident in the U.S. to "gift-invest" a medical college for Nepal.

1994-96 Appointed Visiting Distinguished Professor of Demography and Sociology, University of North Texas, Denton.

2001 Died in San Diego, California.

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


List of Family Members

Maternal Grandfather: Bavanula Rangah Rao

Parents: Sripati Sarangapani

Bavanula Rajamma Rao

Wife: Ann Downes Chandrasekhar

Daughters: Radha Chandrasekhar Ahlstrom

Her husband: Harlow G. "Hal" Ahlstrom

Prema Chandrasekhar

Sheila Chandrasekhar

Brothers & families: Sripati Bhaskara Rao (Bacchi)

His wife: Susheela __________

S. Rammohan Rao

His daughters:



Rajyashri (Raji)

Vijayashri (Vijji)

Sripati Ranganadha (Ranji)

His wife: Sitalakshmi (Sita)

Sisters & families: Kanthi Lakshmi Reddy

Her husband: Dr. Vithal Reddy

Her daughter: Padma Kaila

Saro Shridevi ("Akka")

Ann Chandrasekhar's Anne Miller

Family: Chauncey D. (Chan) Downes

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Scope and Content Note

This collection was donated to the Canaday Center by Dr. Chandrasekhar's family in 2002. It includes correspondence, biographical files, Dr. Chandrasekhar's writings, photographs, printed material, career files, files of the Indian Institute for Population Studies (IIPS) and the journal Population Review, and research files. It also includes a small collection of the papers and personal materials of Mrs. Ann Chandrasekhar, Dr. Chandrasekhar's wife, and a small amount of material set aside for use in exhibits.

The correspondence files cover the years 1938 to 2000, with a large concentration occurring during the late 1960s and 1970s. The vast majority of the correspondence documents his day-to-day business and professional life. In addition, there is a section of personal correspondence, limited to Dr. Chandrasekhar's family members, that offers a glimpse into his personal life. Finally, because Dr. Chandrasekhar communicated with many well-known personalities during his life, a separate section was created for this material.

The biographical files contain a wide variety of material documenting Chandrasekhar's life and work, and cover the period from 1918 to 2001. This is where the researcher will find the notes, essays, and snippets he had begun recording in preparation for writing his autobiography. Material such as press clippings and releases, and his curriculum vitae, provide additional detail. Items such as his awards and honorary degrees, diaries, appointment calendars, travel itineraries, and mementos allow a personal and sentimental glimpse into his life.

Throughout his entire life Chandrasekhar was a prolific writer, publishing over 30 books and hundreds of articles. The collection’s series of Dr. Chandrasekhar's works contains a large amount of this material, some of it in published and printed format, while some remains in typescript and manuscript format. In addition to book manuscripts and articles, this section contains the text of speeches and addresses, conference papers, and other material he wrote during the years 1937 to 1996. It also includes books reviews, press summaries, and publishers' blurbs about his writings. Much of his written work covers the topics of population control, family planning, and birth control. However, he also wrote about many other subjects, including migration, Indian culture and history, environmental and health issues, and food production and nutrition. There is a tribute to Indira Gandhi, an article about Chandrasekhar's meeting with Mahatma Gandhi, several articles on China's population, and even a typescript of a short article he submitted to Reader's Digest's "Life in These United States."

The photographs and photographic materials include numerous images of Chandrasekhar at various ages, and recall some of the major events in his life, people he met, and places he visited. Friends, family, and acquaintances are also represented here, including several well-known personalities. In addition to photographs of his wife, children, and siblings, there is a photograph of Chandrasekhar's father, Sripati Sarangapani Naidu. Among the significant events in his life documented here are his meeting with President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968, receiving the Kaufman Award and his visit to Hungary, both in 1969, and numerous speeches and addresses he delivered. Well-known personalities represented in the photographs include Indira Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Zakir Husain (autographed), Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Margaret Sanger, and former Michigan Governor George W. Romney. The series also contains photo albums documenting special events in his life. The Audio-visual material contains a reel of 16 mm film showing Chandrasekhar's February 12, 1969, appearance on the Today Show, during which Joe Garagiola and Hugh Downs interviewed him on the subject of India's family planning program. This section also contains a reel-to-reel audio recording of his speech at the Population Crisis Committee, held in Washington, DC, on January 12, 1968.

The printed material is composed of published and professionally printed matter Chandrasekhar gathered in the course of his research. This section includes newspaper clippings, newsletters, newspapers, article reprints, pamphlets, government publications, conference materials, journals and magazines, and maps, and covers a range of subjects too numerous to list.

The career files series contains various files from Dr. Chandrasekhar's terms as Union Minister for Health and Family Planning, Vice Chancellor of Annamalai University, and Member of India's Parliament. It covers the period from 1968-1979, and includes correspondence, committee and association files, and files on scattered topics pertinent to his various positions.

The series on the Indian Institute for Population Studies (IIPS) and Population Review document the history of IIPS from 1950-1981, and the journal for the years 1949-1950, and 1955-2000. It is composed of editor's files, office files, correspondence, and government reports and communiqués. This is where the researcher will find material such as unpublished manuscripts submitted to Population Review, promotional materials, and IIPS membership lists.

The research files are composed of research notes and remnants of material not placed elsewhere in the collection. This material was divided into the following topics: Abortion, Alaska, Birth Control and Family Planning, Hindu View of Population, India, Indian Diaspora, Population (general), and Women. There is also a section of Miscellaneous subjects containing notes and remnants on various topics.

The series of Ann Downes Chandrasekhar's papers includes a small amount of personal correspondence not associated with her in her capacity as secretary for the IIPS. It also includes a fragment of her written autiobiography; and a section of personal material composed of a small amount of poetry, and a single "diary" that served more as a daily appointment calendar and record of household finances.

Finally, the Exhibit material series is composed of items set aside for use in future exhibits. It contains two issues of Population Review, several of Dr. Chandrasekhar's books, and labels used in past exhibits. Research copies of all of these items, excluding the labels, can be found elsewhere in the library's collections.

There is much overlap in this collection, so researchers will want to look at all areas of the finding aid in order to determine whether they are seeing all that it contains on a particular subject of interest. For example, a researcher interested in abortion should not only check the "Research Files" section on "Abortion," but also the subsections on "Birth Control and Family Planning" and "Miscellaneous Subject Files," as well as the series "Printed Material."

In addition to Dr. Chandrasekhar's personal papers, his family donated his extensive personal library. These books are currently being evaluated and cataloged.

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Conservation Note

The majority of this collection is in good condition, however, there are a few conservation issues. Much of the material was kept in binders held with metal clips that, in some cases, rusted onto the paper and caused staining and tearing when removed. In order to bind the material, Dr. Chandrasekhar punched holes in the papers and the punches were sometimes made irrespective of critically important text and printed date. A small portion of the material sustained water damage and there is a small amount of damage due to prior rodent and insect infestation. Some papers are fragile simply due to age, and illegible handwriting is also an occasional problem. Finally, there is evidence of general wear and tear from the papers being moved around as Dr. Chandrasekhar relocated from India to America and back several times.

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Series Descriptions

|S1 |Correspondence |

| |1938-2001 |

| |16.5 linear ft. |

| | |

| |Researchers should be aware that small amounts of correspondence also exists in other series in the collection, such as the |

| |series on the Indian Institute for Population Studies and Population Review, and Career Files. This series occasionally contains|

| |the correspondence of others that Dr. Chandrasekhar, for whatever reason, acquired. A small amount of the correspondence is |

| |written in the languages Tamil and Teluga. |

| | |

| |Subseries A: General/Professional correspondence |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Documents Dr. Chandrasekhar's daily business and professional life. These files frequently contain various types of material in |

| |the form of attachments to the correspondence. This subseries is further subdivided into two sections. The first, and largest |

| |section, is arranged chronologically. The second section is arranged by subject. The researcher should know that there may be |

| |additional correspondence on these subjects interfiled in the chronologically-arranged section of General/Professional |

| |correspondence. |

| |Subseries B: Personal correspondence |

| |Arranged alphabetically by correspondent's last name |

| | |

| |Contains letters and greeting cards to and from Dr. Chandrasekhar's immediate family members. Immediate family members include |

| |Mrs. Chandrasekhar, his children, his siblings and their spouses, and his nieces. There is a small amount of correspondence from|

| |persons who are possible, but unconfirmed, relatives at the end of this subseries. |

| | |

| |Subseries C: Notable correspondents |

| |Arranged alphabetically by correspondent's last name |

| | |

| |Dr. Chandrasekhar communicated with many well-known personalities, and this subseries contains their correspondence. Represented|

| |here are communications between Dr. Chandrasekhar and such noteworthy figures as Indira Gandhi, Zakir Husain, Jawaharlal Nehru, |

| |Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Henry Kissinger, Pearl Buck, Margaret Sanger, and Al Gore. Also represented here are organizations |

| |such as the Ford, Rockefeller, and Watumull Foundations. |

| | |

|S2 |Biographical material |

| |1937, 1941-2000 |

| |8 linear feet |

| | |

| |Subseries A: Press clippings |

| |1948-88, 1990, 1992-97, and undated |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains newspaper clippings that mention Dr. Chandrasekhar personally. |

| | |

| |Subseries B: Press releases |

| |1952, 1959-71, 1973-78, 1981, 1984-85, 1993, and undated |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains press clippings that mention Dr. Chandrasekhar personally |

| | |

| |Subseries C: Events |

| |1941-47, 1951-98, and undated |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains invitations, announcements, flyers, posters, programs, etc., relating to Dr. Chandrasekhar's speeches, lecture tours, |

| |and other events he was asked to attend. |

| | |

| |Subseries D: Awards, certificates, honorary degress, and other honors |

| |1942, 1958, 1963, 1965, 1967-70, 1976-78, & miscellaneous |

| |Arranged alphabetically by title of award or honor |

| | |

| |Contains awards bestowed upon Dr. Chandrasekhar during his lifetime. |

| | |

| |Subseries E: Curriculum Vitae |

| |ca. 1949, 1974, ca. 1977-79, 1990, 1995, 1999-2000, and undated |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains copies of Dr. Chandrasekhar's curriculum vitae through the years of his career. |

| | |

| |Subseries F: Travel material |

| |1943, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1965-71, 1975-78, 1983, 1988-96, and undated |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains travel itineraries and schedules. Neither the itineraries nor the schedules are complete. |

| | |

| |Subseries G: Miscellaneous biographical and personal material |

| |Scattered dates |

| |Arranged alphabetically |

| | |

| |Contains miscellaneous personal items such as Dr. Chandrasekhar's Parliamentary Railway Pass; a record of his meeting with U.S. |

| |President Lyndon B. Johnson; his |

| | |

| |address books and rolodex; a survey map of his land in Madras, India; business cards, biographical sketches and poems, |

| |testimonials, etc. |

| | |

| |Subseries H: Autobiographical material |

| | |

| |Section 1. Appointment calendars and personal diaries |

| |1937, 1954, 1956-57, 1960-61, 1964-82, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1992-95, and 2000 |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains Dr. Chandrasekhar's daily appointment calendars and personal diaries |

| | |

| |Section 2: Autobiographical notes and essays |

| |Scattered dates |

| |Arranged alphabetically by topic |

| | |

| |Contains notes, "snippets," autobiographical essays, and other material Dr. Chandrasekhar collected in preparation for writing |

| |his autobiography. Includes both manuscript and typescript material. Arranged alphabetically by the heading Dr. Chandrasekhar |

| |assigned to the material, with the exception of two large sections of "miscellaneous" and "typescript" material. |

| | |

|S3 |Works of Dr. Chandrasekhar |

| |1937-47, 1949-71, 1974-82, 1974-87, 1994, 1996-97, and undated |

| |7.5 linear feet |

| |Arranged alphabetically by title of work |

| | |

| |Contains copies of many of Dr. Chandrasekhar's writings, and includes papers, articles, speeches, and book drafts. Also includes|

| |reviews, press summaries, and publishers' blurbs of some of his books. |

| | |

|S4 |Photographs, Photographic Materials, and Audio-visual material |

| |1925, 1930's-1990's, and undated |

| |3.75 linear feet, plus 4 reels and 3 VHS videotapes |

| | |

| |Subseries A: Photographs |

| |1925, 1930's-1990's, and undated |

| |Arranged alphabetically by subject |

| | |

| |Contains numerous photographs of Dr. Chandrasekhar throughout his lifetime. Also includes photographs of family members |

| |(including his father, Sripati Sarangapani Naidu), friends, and acquaintances. Among the notable people represented in this |

| |series are Indira Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Zakir Husain, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, and Margaret Sanger. The photographs also |

| |cover many of the events in Dr. |

| |Chandrasekhar's life and places he visited. Unfortunately, a good many of the photographs are unidentified. |

| | |

| |Subseries B: Photograph albums |

| |1967-70, 1977-78, and 1992 |

| |Arranged chronologically |

| | |

| |Contains photo albums documenting special events in Dr. Chandrasekhar's life |

| | |

| |Subseries C: Audio-visual material |

| |1968-69; 4 reels plus 3 VHS videotapes |

| | |

| |Contains a reel of 16 mm film showing Chandrasekhar's February 12, 1969, appearance on the Today Show, and three copies of the |

| |recording on VHS videotape. Also contains three reel-to-reel audiotapes that record his speech at the Population Crisis |

| |Committee, held in Washington, DC, on January 12, 1968. |

| | |

|S5 |Printed material |

| |1931-32, 1934, 1937-38, 1941-2000 |

| |18 linear feet |

| | |

| |Subseries A: Newspaper clippings |

| |1941-2000 and undated |

| |Arranged alphabetically by subject |

| | |

| |Contains clippings on subjects of interest to Dr. Chandrasekhar. Many items are undated and from unidentified sources. Also |

| |contains scattered magazine articles. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings |

| | |

| |Subseries B: Newsletters |

| |1879-82, 1931-32, 1934, 1938, 1941, 1944, 1949-2000 |

| |Arranged alphabetically by title |

| | |

| |Contains newsletters from various organizations and on various topics. |

| | |

| |Subseries C: Pamphlets and Booklets |

| |Various dates |

| |Arranged alphabetically by subject |

| | |

| |Contains pamphlets and booklets on subjects of interest to Dr. Chandrasekhar |

| | |

| |Subseries D: Reprints |

| |Various dates |

| |Arranged alphabetically by subject |

| | |

| |Contains reprints on subjects of interest to Dr. Chandrasekhar. Also includes some magazine articles. |

| | |

| |Subseries E: Government Publications |

| |1955-56, 1958-59, 1961-66, 1968-79, 1986-87, 1992, 1996, and undated |

| |Arranged alphabetically by title |

| | |

| |Includes publications from the governments of India, Australia, and the United States |

| | |

| |Subseries F: Conference Materials |

| |1937-38, 1940, 1944, 1949, 1952-78, 1980, 1984, 1968-88, 1992, 1994, 1996, and undated |

| |Arranged alphabetically by name of conference |

| | |

| |Contents of folders vary. Includes materials such as proceedings, reports, information bulletins, addresses, papers presented, |

| |lists of participants, programs, constitutions, brochures, registration material, schedules, resolutions, notes, and minutes. A |

| |special notation is made to indicate in which of the conferences Dr. Chandrasekhar was a participant. |

| | |

| |Subseries G: Journals and Magazines |

| |1948-49, 1951, 1955-63, 1966-81, 1983-86, 1988-94, 2000, and undated |

| |Arranged alphabetically by name of journal or magazine |

| | |

| |Contains issues of various journals and magazines that Dr. Chandrasekhar saved. |

| | |

| |Subseries H: Newspapers |

| |1965-66, 1972-76, 1981, 1985, 1991-93, 1997-99, and undated |

| |Arranged alphabetically by name of newspaper |

| | |

| |Contains scattered issues of various newspapers that Dr. Chandrasekhar saved. |

| | |

| |Subseries I: Maps |

| |No dates |

| |Arranged alphabetically by subject of map |

| | |

| |Contains various maps that Dr. Chandrasekhar saved. |

| | |

| |Subseries J: Foreign Language Material |

| |No dates |

| |Arranged alphabetically by type of material |

| | |

| |Primarily consists of material written in the Indian languages Tamil and Teluga, but also includes scattered material written in |

| |various other languages. Additional foreign language material in other places in the collection because, for various reasons, it|

| |was possible to file it in its appropriate place. For example, foreign language correspondence that had a discernable date was |

| |filed chronologically with general correspondence if there was a discernable date written on it |

| | |

|S6 |Career files |

| |1968-79 |

| |Arranged alphabetically |

| | |

| |Contains various files from Dr. Chandrasekhar's terms as Union Minister of State for Health and Family Planning, Vice Chancellor |

| |of Annamalai University, and Member of India's Parliament. Includes correspondence, committee and association files, and files |

| |on other scattered topics. |

| | |

|S7 |Indian Institute for Population Studies (IIPS) and Population Review files |

| |1949-2000 |

| |Arranged alphabetically by subject |

| | |

| |Contains editor's files, office files, correspondence, and government reports and communiqués. Includes unpublished manuscripts,|

| |promotional material, and membership lists. The interested researcher should also check the general correspondence files for |

| |material related to this series. |

| | |

|S8 |Research files |

| |No dates |

| |22 linear feet |

| |Arranged alphabetically by topic within the individual subseries |

| | |

| |Contains notes, working drafts, typescripts, photocopies of articles, and other miscellaneous research materials on the following|

| |topics/subseries: |

| | |

| |A. Abortion |

| |B. Alaska |

| |C. Birth control and family planning |

| |D. Hindu view of population |

| |E. India |

| |F. Indian Diaspora |

| |G. Miscellaneous subject files |

| |H. Population |

| |I. Women |

| | |

|S9 |Ann Downes Chandrasekhar's papers |

| |1947, 1952, 1954-56, 1958-59, 1961-75, 1977-78, 1980-85, 1987-89, 1993, 1997-2000, and undated |

| |.5 linear feet |

| |Arranged chronologically (correspondence) |

| | |

|S10 |Exhibit material |

| | |

| |Contains examples from the collection set aside for use in future exhibits, as well as labels from past exhibits |

Sripati Chandrasekhar Papers


Box and Folder Inventory

|Box |Folder |Arrangement |

| | | |


| | | |

| | |A. General/Professional Correspondence |

| | | |

|1 |1 |1938-40 |

| |2 |1941-42 |

| |3 |1943 (includes application materials for admission to Oxford) |

| |4 |1944-45 |

| |5 |1946 |

| |6 |1947 |

| |7 |1948-49 |

| |8 |1950, January-June |

| |9 |1950, July-December |

| |10 |1951 |

| |11 |1952 |

| |12 |1953, January-June |

| |13 |1953, July-December |

| |14 |1954, January-March |

| |15 |1954, April-June |

| |16 |1954, July-September |

| |17 |1954, October-December |

| |18 |1955, January |

| |19 |1955, February |

| |20 |1955, March |

| |21 |1955, April |

| |22 |1955, May |

| |23 |1955, June |

| |24 |1955, July |

| |25 |1955, August |

| |26 |1955, September |

| |27 |1955, October |

| |28 |1955, November |

| |29 |1955, December |

| |30 |1956, January-March |

| |31 |1956, April-June |

| |32 |1956, July-September |

| |33 |1956, October-December |

| |34 |1957, Jaunary-March |

|2 |1 |1957, April-June |

| |2 |1957, July-September |

| |3 |1957, October-December |

| |4 |1958, January-March |

| |5 |1958, April-June |

| |6 |1958, July-September |

| |7 |1958, October-December |

| |8 |1959, January-March |

| |9 |1959, April-June |

| |10 |1959, July-September |

| |11 |1959, October-December |

| |12 |1960, January |

| |13 |1960, February |

| |14 |1960, March |

| |15 |1960, April |

| |16 |1960, May-June |

| |17 |1960, July-August |

| |18 |1960, September-October |

| |19 |1960, November-December |

|3 |1 |1961, January |

| |2 |1961, February |

| |3 |1961, March |

| |4 |1961, April |

| |5 |1961, May |

| |6 |1961, June |

| |7 |1961, July |

| |8 |1961, August |

| |9 |1961, September |

| |10 |1961, October |

| |11 |1961, November |

| |12 |1961, December |

| |13 |1962, January |

| |14 |1962, February |

| |15 |1962, March |

| |16 |1962, April |

| |17 |1962, May |

| |18 |1962, June |

| |19 |1962, July |

| |20 |1962, August |

| |21 |1962, September |

| |22 |1962, October |

| |23 |1962, November |

| |24 |1962, December |

| |25 |1963, January-February |

| |26 |1963, March-April |

| |27 |1963, May-June |

| |28 |1963, July-August |

| |29 |1963, September |

| |30 |1963, October |

| |31 |1963, November |

| |32 |1963, December |

|4 |1 |1964, January |

| |2 |1964, February |

| |3 |1964, March |

| |4 |1964, April |

| |5 |1964, May |

| |6 |1964, June |

| |7 |1964, July |

| |8 |1964, August |

| |9 |1964, September |

| |10 |1964, October |

| |11 |1964, November |

| |12 |1964, December |

| |13 |1965, January |

| |14 |1965, February |

| |15 |1965, March |

| |16 |1965, April |

| |17 |1965, May |

| |18 |1965, June |

| |19 |1965, July |

| |20 |1965, August |

| |21 |1965, September |

| |22 |1965, October |

| |23 |1965, November |

| |24 |1965, December |

| |25 |1966, January |

| |26 |1966, February |

| |27 |1966, March |

| |28 |1966, April |

| |29 |1966, May |

| |30 |1966, June |

| |31 |1966, July |

| |32 |1966, August |

| |33 |1966, September |

| |34 |1966, October |

| |35 |1966, November |

| |36 |1966, December |

|5 |1 |1967, January |

| |2 |1967, February |

| |3 |1967, March |

| |4 |1967, April |

| |5 |1967, May |

| |6 |1967, June |

| |7 |1967, July |

| |8 |1967, August |

| |9 |1967, September |

| |10 |1967, October |

| |11 |1967, November |

| |12 |1967, December |

| |13 |1968, January |

| |14 |1968, February |

| |15 |1968, March |

| |16 |1968, April |

| |17 |1968, May |

| |18 |1968, June |

| |19 |1968, July |

| |20 |1968, August |

|6 |1 |1968, September |

| |2 |1968, October |

| |3 |1968, November |

| |4 |1968, December |

| |5 |1969, January |

| |6 |1969, February |

| |7 |1969, March |

| |8 |1969, April |

| |9 |1969, May |

| |10 |1969, June |

| |11 |1969, July |

| |12 |1969, August |

| |13 |1969, September |

| |14 |1969, October |

| |15 |1969, November |

| |16 |1969, December |

| |17 |1970, January |

| |18 |1970, February |

| |19 |1970, March |

| |20 |1970, April |

| |21 |1970, May |

| |22 |1970, June |

| |23 |1970, July |

| |24 |1970, August |

| |25 |1970, September |

| |26 |1970, October |

| |27 |1970, November |

| |28 |1970, December |

|7 |1 |1971, January |

| |2 |1971, February |

| |3 |1971, March |

| |4 |1971, April |

| |5 |1971, May |

| |6 |1971, June |

| |7 |1971, July |

| |8 |1971, August |

| |9 |1971, September |

| |10 |1971, October |

| |11 |1971, November |

| |12 |1971, December |

| |13 |1972, January |

| |14 |1972, February |

| |15 |1972, March |

| |16 |1972, April |

| |17 |1972, May |

| |18 |1972, June |

| |19 |1972, July |

| |20 |1972, August |

| |21 |1972, September |

| |22 |1972, October |

| |23 |1972, November |

| |24 |1972, December |

| |25 |1973, January |

| |26 |1973, February |

| |27 |1973, March |

| |28 |1973, April |

| |29 |1973, May |

| |30 |1973, June |

| |31 |1973, July |

| |32 |1973, August |

| |33 |1973, September |

| |34 |1973, October |

| |35 |1973, November |

| |36 |1973, December |

|8 |1 |1974, January |

| |2 |1974, February |

| |3 |1974, March |

| |4 |1974, April |

| |5 |1974, May |

| |6 |1974, June |

| |7 |1974, July |

| |8 |1974, August |

| |9 |1974, September |

| |10 |1974, October |

| |11 |1974, November |

| |12 |1974, December |

| |13 |1975, January |

| |14 |1975, February |

| |15 |1975, March |

| |16 |1975, April |

| |17 |1975, May |

| |18 |1975, June |

| |19 |1975, July |

| |20 |1975, August |

| |21 |1975, September |

| |22 |1975, October |

| |23 |1975, November |

| |24 |1975, December |

| |25 |1976, January |

| |26 |1976, February |

| |27 |1976, March |

| |28 |1976, April |

|9 |1 |1976, May |

| |2 |1976, June |

| |3 |1976, July |

| |4 |1976, August |

| |5 |1976, September |

| |6 |1976, October |

| |7 |1976, November 1-14 |

| |8 |1976, November 15-30 |

| |9 |1976, December 1-14 |

| |10 |1976, December 15-31 |

| |11 |1977, January |

| |12 |1977, February |

| |13 |1977, March |

| |14 |1977, April |

| |15 |1977, May |

| |16 |1977, June |

| |17 |1977, July |

| |18 |1977, August |

|10 |1 |1977, September |

| |2 |1977, October |

| |3 |1977, November |

| |4 |1977, December |

| |5 |1978, January |

| |6 |1978, February |

| |7 |1978, March 1-14 |

| |8 |1978, March 5-31 |

| |9 |1978, April |

| |10 |1978, May |

| |11 |1978, June |

| |12 |1978, July |

| |13 |1978, August |

| |14 |1978, September |

| |15 |1978, October |

| |16 |1978, November |

| |17 |1978, December |

|11 |1 |1979, January |

| |2 |1979, February |

| |3 |1979, March |

| |4 |1979, April |

| |5 |1979, May |

| |6 |1979, June |

| |7 |1979, July |

| |8 |1979, August |

| |9 |1979, September |

| |10 |1979, October |

| |11 |1979, November |

| |12 |1979, December |

| |13 |1980, January |

| |14 |1980, February |

| |15 |1980, March |

| |16 |1980, April |

| |17 |1980, May |

| |18 |1980, June |

| |19 |1980, July |

| |20 |1980, August |

| |21 |1980, September |

| |22 |1980, October |

| |23 |1980, November |

| |24 |1980, December |

| |25 |1981, January |

| |26 |1981, February |

| |27 |1981, March |

| |28 |1981, April |

| |29 |1981, May |

| |30 |1981, June |

| |31 |1981, July |

| |32 |1981, August |

| |33 |1981, September |

| |34 |1981, October |

| |35 |1981, November |

| |36 |1981, December |

| |37 |1982, January |

| |38 |1982, February |

| |39 |1982, March |

| |40 |1982, April |

| |41 |1982, May |

| |42 |1982, June |

| |43 |1982, July |

| |44 |1982, August |

| |45 |1982, September |

| |46 |1982, October |

| |47 |1982, November |

| |48 |1982, December |

| |49 |1983, January |

| |50 |1983, February |

| |51 |1983, March |

|12 |1 |1983, April |

| |2 |1983, May |

| |3 |1983, June |

| |4 |1983, July |

| |5 |1983, August |

| |6 |1983, September |

| |7 |1983, October |

| |8 |1983, November |

| |9 |1983, December |

| |10 |1984, January |

| |11 |1984, February |

| |12 |1984, March |

| |13 |1984, April |

| |14 |1984, May |

| |15 |1984, June |

| |16 |1984, July |

| |17 |1984, August |

| |18 |1984, September |

| |19 |1984, October |

| |20 |1984, November |

| |21 |1984, December |

| |22 |1985, January |

| |23 |1985, February |

| |24 |1985, March |

| |25 |1985, April |

| |26 |1985, May |

| |27 |1985, June |

| |28 |1985, July |

| |29 |1985, August |

| |30 |1985, September |

| |31 |1985, October |

| |32 |1985, November |

| |33 |1985, December |

| |34 |1986, January |

| |35 |1986, February |

| |36 |1986, March |

| |37 |1986, April |

| |38 |1986, May |

| |39 |1986, June |

| |40 |1986, July |

| |41 |1986, August |

| |42 |1986, September |

| |43 |1986, October |

| |44 |1986, November |

| |45 |1986, December |

| |46 |1987, January-June |

| |47 |1987, July-December |

| |48 |1988, January-June |

| |49 |1988, July-December |

|13 |1 |1989, January-June |

| |2 |1989, July-December |

| |3 |1990, January-June |

| |4 |1990, July-December |

| |5 |1991, January-June |

| |6 |1991, July-December |

| |7 |1992, January-June |

| |8 |1992, July-December |

| |9 |1993, January-March |

| |10 |1993, April-June |

| |11 |1993, July-September |

| |12 |1993, October-December |

| |13 |1994, January-March |

| |14 |1994, April-June |

| |15 |1994, July-September |

| |16 |1994, October-December |

| |17 |1995, January-June |

| |18 |1995, July-December |

| |19 |1996, January-March |

| |20 |1996, April-June |

| |21 |1996, July-September |

| |22 |1996, October-December |

|14 |1 |1997, January-June |

| |2 |1997, July-December |

| |3 |1998, January-June |

| |4 |1998, July-December |

| |5 |1999 |

| |6 |2000 |

| |7 |2001 |

| |8 |Undated |

| |9 |Undated |

| |10 |Undated |

| |11 |Undated |

| |12 |Undated greeting cards |

| |13 |Undated greeting cards |

| | | |

| | |Correspondence by subject and correspondent |

| | | |

| |14 |Asia's Population Problems (book) |

| |15 |Aspen Institute |

| |16 |Baroda University, Professor of Economics |

| |17 |Bowling Green-Toledo visit, December 1975 |

| |18 |Burma |

| |19 |Center for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library |

| |20 |China visit |

| |21 |Colloquial Tamil Self Taught (book) |

| |22 |Dunedin, New Zealand, meeting |

| |23 |Gauhati University |

| |24 |The Granary Fund, 1958-1962 |

|15 |1 |International Seminar on Fertility Control |

| |2 |Kaufman Award, July-November 1969 |

| |3 |Lecture tour, 1942-43 |

| |4 |Letters for novel |

| |5 |Magsaysay Award (also includes application and informational materials) |

| |41 |Meeting with U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1968 |

| |6 |Nagarathar Endowment Memorial Lectures, University of Malaya, August 2, 1978 |

| |7 |Nagarathars and Sri Lanka/Ceylon visit |

| |8 |National Humanities Center Fellowship |

| |9 |National Seminar, Law and Population in India |

| |10 |Nobel Peace Prize |

| |11 |Pathfinder Fund |

| |12 |Ramachandran, Tara |

| |13 |Readings in Economic Development (book) |

| |14 |Tata, J.R.D., businesses, institutes, etc. |

| |15 |Ulan Bator |

| |16 |World Assembly of Youth, July/August 1964, Amherst, MA, 1963-64 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |B. Personal/Family Correspondence |

| | | |

| |17 |Ahlstrom, Harlow G. "Hal," 1976-77 & 1980 |

| |18 |Ahlstrom, Radha Chandrasekhar, 1960-79 |

| |19 |Ahlstrom, Radha Chandrasekhar, 1982-2000 & undated |

| |20 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1947 & 1951 |

| |21 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1955 |

| |22 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1957 |

| |23 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1958 |

| |24 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1960 |

| |25 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1961 |

| |26 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1962 |

| |27 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1963-64 |

| |28 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1965 |

| |29 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1966 |

| |30 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1967-68 |

| |31 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1969 |

| |32 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1970 |

| |33 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1971 |

| |34 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1972-75 |

| |35 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1976 |

| |36 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1977-78 |

| |37 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1980-84 |

| |38 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1986-89 |

| |39 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, 1990-94 |

| |40 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, undated |

|16 |1 |Chandrasekhar, Prema, 1960-63, 1965-66, 1969, 70-71, 1975-78, 1980, 1982-84, 1986-87, 1989, 1990, 1995, |

| | |1998-99, & undated |

| |2 |Chandrasekhar, Sheila, 1965, 1969, 1971-74, 1976-78, 1980-82, 1984-85, 1987-99 & undated |

| |3 |Downes, Ann Miller, 1955-58, 1960-61, 1963, & undated |

| |4 |Downes, Chauncey B. "Chan," 1954, 1957, 1963 |

| |5 |Kaila, Padma, 1974-76, 1980, 1990, 1992-94, 1998-99, & udated |

| |6 |Rajyashri, S., 1975, 1978, 1984-85 |

| |7 |Ranganadha, Sita, 1956, 1969-72, 1974-85, 1989-90, & undated |

| |8 |Ranganadha, Sripati, 1953, 1959 |

| |9 |Ranganadha, Sripati, 1960-61, 1963, 1965, 1967-69 |

| |10 |Ranganadha, Sripati, 1970-72, 1975, 1977-79 |

| |11 |Ranganadha, Sripati, 1980-89 & undated |

| |12 |Ranganadha, Sripati, 1990-99 & undated |

| |13 |Ranganadha, Sripati, 2000-01 |

| |14 |Rao, Bhanu Shri, 1975-80, 1982-83, & 1985 |

| |15 |Rao, Leela, 1962, 1972-73, 1978, 1982, 1984, & undated |

| |16 |Rao, S. Rammohan, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1968-72, 1974-78, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1994, 2000-01, & undated |

| |17 |Rao, Sripati Bhaskara "Bachi," 1947, 1954-57, 1960-64, 1968-69 & undated |

| |18 |Reddy, Kanthi Lakshmi, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1997, 1999, & undated |

| |19 |Reddy, Vithal, 1971-72 |

| |20 |Shridevi, S., 1951-52, 1954-55, & 1957-59 |

| |21 |Shridevi, S., 1961-69 |

| |22 |Shridevi, S., 1970-79 |

| |23 |Shridevi, S., 1980-85, & 1988-89 |

| |24 |Shridevi, S., 1990-91, 1993-97, & 1999 |

| |25 |Shridevi, S., undated |

| |26 |Sripati, Vijayshri (Vijji), 1976, 1982, 1985-91, 1993-94, 1996, & 1998 |

| |27 |Sushiladevi, Sripati, 1958-59, 1967, 1969, 1975, 1978-80, 1993, & 1996 |

| |28 |Unidentified possible relatives |

| | | |

| | |C. Notable Correspondents |

| | |(Note: ^ indicates the file contains correspondence to the person only) |

| | | |

| |29 |Asimov, Isaac (American writer), 1980 |

| |30 |Buck, Pearl S. (American novelist), 1946 |

| |31 |Bunker, Ellsworth (U.S. Ambassador), 1961, 1965 |

| |32 |Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (Astrophyisicist & Nobel Prize Winner 1983), 1991, 1995, & undated |

| |33 |Church, Frank (U.S. Senator), 1965 |

| |34 |Clinton, Bill (U.S. President), (copy of 1994 letter to Dr. Krishna R. Dronamraju and thank-you note) |

| |35 |Clinton, Hillary Rodham (U.S. First Lady & Senator), 1995 ^ |

| |36 |Cranston, Alan (U.S. Senator), 1985, 1990 |

| |37 |Desai, Morarji (Prime Minister of India), 1968-69 & 1977-78 |

| |38 |Deukmejian, George (Governor of California), 1992 |

| |39 |Ford Foundation, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1965-70, 1974, 2000, & undated |

| |40 |Fuller, Buckminster (inventor, engineer, and writer), 1974 |

| |41 |Galbraith, John Kenneth (economist and American Ambassador to India), 1963 & 1984 |

| |42 |Gandhi, Indira (Prime Minister of India, also includes correspondence from Mrs. Gandhi's secretaries and|

| | |aides on her behalf), 1966-71, 1973, 1975-76, 1980, & undated |

| |43 |Gandhi, Rajiv (Prime Minister of India), 1984-85 ^ |

| |44 |Ginsburg/Gaines, Irving D. (Former student, this correspondence helps to explain a program conducted at |

| | |the University of Pennsylvania in the early 1940s in which U.S. military students were taught about |

| | |Indian language and culture. Dr. Chandrasekhar was involved in this program, and the interested |

| | |researcher will also want to consult related correspondence from Leo Schoenbrun in this collection), 1971|

| | |& 1993 |

| |45 |Giri, V.V. (Acting President of India & Vice President of India), 1968 & 1971 |

| |46 |Godfrey, Arthur (radio and television personality), 1971 ^ |

| |47 |Gore, Al (U.S. Vice President), 2000 |

| |48 |Harriman, W. Averell (American government official), 1961 |

| |49 |Husain, Zakir (President & Vice-President of India), 1953, 1956, 1958-1968 & undated |

| |50 |Huxley, Julian (Director General, UNESCO), 1954-56, 1961-62 |

| |51 |Johnson, Daniel M. (University of Toledo President, includes correspondence between Dr. Johnson and |

| | |George C. Denniston, President, Population Dynamics; Donald A. Collins, President, International Services|

| | |Assistance Fund; and G. Thomas Tanselle, Vice President, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fund. Also |

| | |includes Johnson's business card from the University of North Texas, Denton), 1993-95, 1997-2000 |

| |52 |Kaufman, A.R. (Kaufman Rubber Co., also includes correspondence with Mrs. Jean H. Kaufman and officers of|

| | |the Kaufman Rubber Co.), 1955-56 |

| |53 |Kaufman, A.R., 1957 |

| |54 |Kaufman, A.R., 1958-59 |

| |55 |Kaufman, A.R., 1960-64 |

| |56 |Kaufman, A.R., 1966-71, 1973, 1979, & 1981 |

|17 |1 |Kissinger, Henry A. (American government official), 1963 & 1968 |

| |2 |Lewis, Samuel L. (spiritual teacher, Sufi order), 1967 |

| |3 |Menon, V. Krishna (Indian politician), 1956 ^ |

| |4 |Moynihan, Daniel P. (Member, U.S. Presidential Cabinet, & U.S. Senator), 1974 |

| |5 |Narayanan, K.R. (President & Vice President of India), 1997-98 |

| |6 |Nehru, Jawaharlal (Prime Minister of India), 1959-60, 1962-63 |

| |7 |Nixon, Richard M. (U.S. President), 1972 |

| |8 |Pandit, Vigayalakshmi (Member of Indian Parliament), 1966 |

| |9 |Percy, Charles H. (U.S. Senator), 1973-74, 1981, 1983, 1990-93 |

| |10 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli (President & Vice President of India), 1947, 1949-51, 1954-56, 1959-1968 |

| |11 |Rao, P.V. Narasimha (Prime Minister of India), 1991 & undated ^ |

| |12 |Reddy, Neelam Sanjiva (President of India), 1963-64, 1977-80 |

| |13 |Richards, Ann W. (Texas governor), 1994 ^ |

| |14 |Rockefeller Foundation (includes correspondence from John D. Rockefeller & his agents), 1950, 1958, |

| | |1968-70, 1972, 1974, 1983 |

| |15 |Romney, George (Chairman of American Motors Corp., Michigan governor, U.S. presidential candidate, & |

| | |Secretary, Dept. of Housing & Urban Development), 1972 |

| |16 |Rusk, Dean (U.S. Secretary of State), 1968 & 1982 |

| |17 |Russell, Bertrand (British philosopher and peace advocate), 1962 |

| |18 |Sanger, Margaret (American women's rights activist, includes business card), 1947, 1956-56, 1958 |

| |19 |Sastri, Lal Bahadur (Prime Minister of India, includes correspondence from his secretary), 1964 |

| |20 |Schiff, Karenna Gore (daughter of former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore), 2000 |

| |21 |Schonbrun, Leon (Former student, this correspondence helps to explain a program conducted at the |

| | |University of Pennsylvania in the early 1940s in which U.S. military students were taught about Indian |

| | |language and culture. Dr. Chandrasekhar was involved in this program, and the interested researcher will|

| | |also want to consult related correspondence from Irving D. Ginsburg/Gaines in this collection), 1962, |

| | |1964-65 |

| |22 |Shekhar, Chandra (Prime Minister of India), 1991, 1995 |

| |23 |Shriver, Eunice Kennedy (American activist), undated |

| |24 |Shriver, Sargent (Director, Peace Corps), 1966 |

| |25 |Sihanouk, Monique (wife of Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian leader and representative to United Nations), 1969|

| |26 |Singh, Charan (Prime Minister of India), 1979 |

| |27 |Singh, Giani Zail (President of India), 1982 |

| |28 |Wadia, Sophia (Indian writer), 1938 & 1947 |

| |52 |Watumull Foundation (Primarily from Ellen Watumull, Co-founder, but includes scattered correspondence |

| | |from other agents of the Foundation), 1953-71 & undated |

| |29 |Wiesel, Elie (Holocaust survivor, author, and professor), 1996 & undated |


| | | |

| | |A. Press Clippings |

| | | |

|17 |30 |1948-57 (bound volume) |

| |31 |1941-44 |

| |32 |1946-47 & 1949-50 |

| |33 |1951-54 |

| |34 |1956-58 |

| |35 |1959-60 |

| |36 |1961 |

| |37 |1962 |

| |38 |1963 |

| |39 |1964 |

| |40 |1965 |

| |41 |1966 |

| |42 |1967, Jan.-Mar. |

| |43 |1967, Apr.-June |

| |44 |1967, July |

| |45 |1967, Aug. |

| |46 |1967, Sept. |

| |47 |1967, Oct.-Dec. |

| |48 |1968, Jan.-Mar. |

| |49 |1968, Apr.-June |

| |50 |1968, July-Sept. |

| |51 |1968, Oct.-Dec. |

|18 |1 |1969, Jan.-June |

| |2 |1969, July-Dec. |

| |3 |1970 |

| |4 |1971-75 |

| |5 |1976 |

| |6 |1977 |

| |7 |1978-80 |

| |8 |1981-85 |

| |9 |1986-88 & 1990 |

| |10 |1992-97 |

| |11 |undated |

| | | |

| | |B. Press Releases |

| | | |

| |12 |1952, 1959-66 |

| |13 |1967 |

| |14 |1968 |

| |15 |1969 |

| |16 |1970 |

| |17 |1971, 1973-75 |

| |18 |1976 |

| |19 |1977 |

| |20 |1978, 1981, 1984-85, 1993 |

| |21 |undated |

| | | |

| | |C. Events |

| | | |

| |22 |1941-47 |

| |23 |1951-60 |

| |24 |1961 |

| |25 |1962 |

| |26 |1963 |

| |27 |1964 |

| |28 |1965 |

| |29 |1966 |

| |30 |1967 |

| |31 |1968 |

| |32 |1969 |

| |33 |1970 |

| |34 |1971 |

| |35 |1972-75 |

| |36 |1976 |

| |37 |1977 |

| |38 |1978 |

| |39 |1979-89 |

| |40 |1990-98 |

| |41 |Undated |

| | | |

| | |D. Awards, certificates, honorary degrees, and other honors |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

|77* |1 |Address of Felicitation presented to Dr. Sripati Chandrasekhar by the Members of the Mylapore Academy, |

| | |April 14, 1967 |

|77* |2 |Address of Welcome to Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, J.K.K. Rangammal Higher Secondary School and Girls' High |

| | |Schools, February 23, 1978 |

|19 |1 |Alpha Kappa Delta, membership certificate, April 24, 1942 |

| |2 |Founder Fellow, Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences, 1976 |

| |3 |Greetings, Soviet Red Cross, December 16, 1968 |

| |4 |Honorary Degree, Doctor of Humane Letters, and Citation, University of Redlands, June 6, 1965 |

| |5 |Honorary Degree, Doctor of Laws, Punjabi University, March 4, 1977 |

|77* |3 |Honorary Degree, Doctor of Literature, Kurukshetra University, March 6, 1969 |

|19 |6 |Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science, University of the Pacific, February 2, 1970 |

| |7 |Indian Red Cross life membership, 1969 |

| |8 |Kaufman Trust Award, July 9, 1969 |

| |9 |Miscellaneous certificates |

| |10 |Register of Graduates, University of Madras, May 14, 1958 |

| |11 |Rotary Club of Madras, Certificate of Appreciation, May 3, 1963 |

| |12 |Watumull Memorial Prize, February 24, 1965 |

| |13 |Welcome Addresss, Government Arts College for Women, February 2, 1977 |

|77* |4 |Welcome Address, Private Medical Practitioners' Association of India, December 31, 1967 |

| | | |

| | |E. Curriculum Vitae |

| | | |

|20 |1 |ca. 1949 |

| |2 |1974 |

| |3 |ca. 1977 |

| |4 |ca. 1978 |

| |5 |ca. 1979 |

| |6 |1990 |

| |7 |1995 |

| |8 |1999 |

| |9 |2000 |

| |10 |undated |

| | | |

| | |F. Travel itineraries and tour schedules |

| | | |

| |11 |1943 |

| |12 |1957 |

| |13 |1960 |

| |14 |1962 |

| |15 |1965 |

| |16 |1966 |

| |17 |1967 |

| |18 |1968 |

| |19 |1969 |

| |20 |1970 |

| |21 |1971 |

| |22 |1975 |

| |23 |1976 |

| |24 |1977 |

| |25 |1978 |

| |26 |1983 |

| |27 |1988 |

| |28 |1996 |

| |29 |Undated |

| | | |

| | |G. Miscellaneous personal material |

| | | |

|19 |14 |Application materials |

| |15 |A Bibliography of Sripati Chandrasekhar's Writings, editorial copy |

| |16 |Biographical poems and writings |

| |17 |Biographical sketches |

| |18 |Biographical sketches |

| |19 |Biographical sketches |

| |20 |Blueprints for proposed additions to house in La Jolla, California |

| |21 |Brief record of meeting with Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson |

| |22 |Business cards & miscellaneous identification cards |

| |23 |Caricature |

| |24 |Cartoons |

| |25 |Family members, miscellaneous |

| |26 |Literary citations |

| |27 |Madras land, plot map |

| |28 |Passport (photocopy), 1984 |

| |29 |Railway Pass, Parliament of India, April 1964-April 1970 |

| |30 |Rajya Sabha Who's Who, 1968 |

| |31 |Stamp Collection |

| |32 |Studies on Demography, reviews |

| |33 |Testimonials |

| | | |

|21 | |Address books and Rolodex |

| | | |

| | |H. Autobiographical Material |

| | | |

| | |Daily appointment calendars and personal diaries |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

|20 |30 |Calendar, 1956 |

| |31 |Calendar, 1960 |

| |32 |Calendar, 1961 |

| |33 |Calendar, 1964 |

| |34 |Calendar, 1965 |

| |35 |Calendar, 1967 |

| |36 |Calendar, 1968 |

| |37 |Calendar, 1969 |

| |38 |Calendar, 1970 |

| |39 |Calendar, 1971 |

| |40 |Calendar, 1973 |

| |41 |Calendar, 1974 |

| |42 |Calendar, 1976 |

| |43 |Calendar, 1977 |

| |44 |Calendar, 1980 |

| |45 |Calendar, 1981 |

| |46 |Calendar, 1982 |

| |47 |Calendar, 1990 |

|78* | |Calendar, 1993 |

|20 |48 |Calendar, 1994 |

| |49 |Calendar, 1995 |

| |50 |Calendar, 2000 (June-Aug.) |

| |51 |Diary, 1937 |

| |52 |Diary, 1954 |

| |53 |Diary, 1957 |

| |54 |Diary, 1964-65 |

|22 |1 |Diary, 1966 |

| |2 |Diary, 1969 |

| |3 |Diary, 1970 |

| |4 |Diary, 1971 |

| |5 |Diary, 1972 |

| |6 |Diary, 1975 |

| |7 |Diary, 1976 |

| |8 |Diary, 1978 |

| |9 |Diary, 1979 |

| |10 |Diary, 1980 |

| |11 |Diary, 1984 |

| |12 |Diary, 1987 |

| |13 |Diary, 1992 |

| | | |

| | |Autobiographical Notes and Essays: |

| | | |

|19 |34 |Aging |

| |35 |Arriving in Karachi |

| |36 |Astrology |

| |37 |Baroda University |

| |38 |Bioscope |

| |39 |Canada |

| |40 |Cattle |

| |41 |Childhood |

| |42 |China |

| |43 |China trip, 1958 |

| |44 |Choking |

| |45 |Chronology, 1935-92 |

|23 |1 |Ear Boring Ceremony |

| |2 |Essays, Notes, & Snippets, 1918-1992 (bound) |

| |3 |Essays, Notes, & Snippets, 1978-1994 (spiral notebook) |

| |4 |Essays, Notes, & Snippets |

| |5 |Father |

| |6 |Father's pseudonym; attitudes on alcohol, smoking, Christianity, card playing, clothing, school, etc. |

| |7 |First Day at School |

| |8 |Flying to Kabul |

| |9 |Gandhi, Indira |

| |10 |Gandhi, Mahatma |

| |11 |Government and Birth Control |

| |12 |Great Britain |

| |13 |Harlem Church |

| |14 |Heimlich, Henry |

| |15 |Hindu boyhood |

| |16 |India history |

| |17 |India Trip, 1992 |

| |18 |Indian Political Parliamentary life |

| |19 |Indian Red Cross Society |

| |20 |India's Water Resources |

| |21 |Introduction |

| |22 |Kaufman Trust Award |

| |23 |La Jolla, California |

| |24 |Liberia visit |

| |25 |Madras City |

| |26 |Madras Presidency College, 1935-38 |

| |27 |Madras Xiam College, 1956-57 |

| |28 |Mary's Trick at Vellore Bazaar |

| |29 |Memory |

| |30 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |31 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

|24 |1 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |2 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |3 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |4 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |5 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |6 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |7 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |8 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets |

| |9 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |10 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |11 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |12 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |13 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

|25 |1 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |2 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |3 |Miscellaneous Notes and Snippets, bound |

| |4 |Mother |

| |5 |1940 |

| |6 |1970 |

| |7 |Obaidulla of Vellore |

| |8 |Our home |

| |9 |Radha |

| |10 |Railways/Railroads |

| |11 |Religious conversion |

| |12 |Role of Telegrams in Indian Life |

| |13 |School elocution prize |

| |14 |Shanghai |

| |15 |Simon Commission |

| |16 |Singh, Sadhu Sundar |

| |17 |Singh, Sirdar Jagjit |

| |18 |Student Days in Madras |

| |19 |Switzerland |

| |20 |Tables of Contents, Topic Lists, and Chapter Abstracts |

| |21 |Tamil Separatism--Tamil Tigers |

| |22 |Tokyo to San Francisco |

| |23 |Toys |

| |24 |Tribute to Mrs. Ellen Watumull |

| |25 |Typescripts |

| |26 |Typescripts |

| |27 |Typescripts |

| |28 |Typescripts |

| |29 |Typescripts |

| |30 |Typescripts |

| |31 |Vellore |

| |32 |Visitors |

| |33 |Vorhees High School |

| |34 |Wellesley College |


| | | |

| | |A. Papers, Articles, Speeches, etc. |

| | | |

|25 |35 |Abortion, undated draft and undated typescript |

| |36 |Abortion, a socio-medical problem, Hindu Sunday Magazine, June 8, 1969 |

| |37 |Abortion in Ancient India, undated typescript |

| |38 |Abortion in India, undated typscript |

| |39 |Accomplishments of India's Family Planning Programme, n.d. |

| |40 |Address: All India Local Bodies' Officers Conference, Open Session, Trivandrum, India, October 1, 1968 |

| |41 |Address: Association for Moral and Social Hygiene of India, November 1968 |

| |42 |Address: Award of Diplomas to the Post-Graduates in Planning and Housing, School of Planning and |

| | |Architecture, New Delhi, April 1, 1968 |

| |43 |Address: Central Conference of Private Medical Practitioners, New Delhi, India, December 31, 1967 |

| |44 |Address: Conference of Heads of Christian Hospitals on Family Planning, New Delhi, India, February 5, |

| | |1968 |

| |45 |Address: Conference of Regional Representatives of Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, New Delhi,|

| | |June 17, 1968 |

| |46 |Address: Congress of Asian and Pacific Society of Haematology, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India, November |

| | |14, 1967 |

| |47 |Address: Decennial Celebrations of the Chromepet Public Health and Maternity Centre, Madras, December 10,|

| | |1967 |

| |48 |Address: Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Trained Nurses Association of India, New Delhi, August 1, |

| | |1968 |

| |49 |Address: Fifth Convocation of the Indian Academy of Medical Sciences, Bombay, India, December 2, 1967 |

| |50 |Address: Fifth Meeting of the National School Health Council, New Delhi, February 7, 1968 |

| |51 |Address: First All India Public Relations Conference, April 24, 1968 |

| |52 |Address: Foundation Laying Ceremony of the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre, Indian Red Cross Society, |

| | |Madras, December 19, 1968 |

| |53 |Address: Fourteenth All India Obstetrics and Gynaecological Congress, Nagpur, India, November 26, 1967 |

| |54 |Address: Fourteenth Meeting of the Central Council of Health, New Delhi, India, October 1967 |

| |55 |Address: Fourth Meeting of the Central Family Planning Council, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India, October |

| | |6-7, 1967 |

| |56 |Address: Golden Jubilee of the Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, India, October 21, 1967 |

| |57 |Address: Graduation Ceremony for the Nurses, Midwives, Laboratory and X-Ray Technicians of the Holy |

| | |Family Hospital, New Delhi, December 31, 1967 |

| |58 |Address: Inauguration of the Coimbatore Chapter of the Nutrition Society of India, Coimbatore, India, |

| | |March 14, 1968 |

| |59 |Address: Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, November 11, 1967 |

| |60 |Address: Indian Junior Chamber, Calcutta, November 7, 1967 |

| |61 |Address: International Homoeopathic Congress, New Delhi, October 22, 1967 |

| |62 |Address: Lions Club of Greater Delhi, New Delhi, July 27, 1969 |

| |63 |Address: Lions Club of Indraprastha, New Delhi, July 25, 1969 |

| |64 |Address: National Seminar on Rehabilitation of the Handicapped, Trivandrum, India, December 4, 1967 |

| |65 |Address: Red Cross & St. John Branch Secretaries' Meeting, Indian Red Cross Society, Madras, India, |

| | |December 19, 1968 |

| |66 |Address: Seminar on Hospital Administration, Vigyan Bhawan, April 6, 1967, outline |

| |67 |Address: Seminar on Organised Sector--A Most Strategic Front for India's War on Population, Indian Junior|

| | |Chamber, Calcutta, August 23, 1969 |

| |68 |Address: Seminar on the Form and Size of the Human Community, New Delhi, December 30, 1967 |

| |69 |Address: Sixth Meeting of the Central Family Planning Council, Bhopal, November 6, 1969 |

| |70 |Address: Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College, Coimbatore, India, February 26, 1978 |

|26 |1 |Address: Student Nurses Association of India, Fourth Bienniel Conference, Lady Hardinge `Medical College |

| | |& Hospital, New Delhi, October 9, 1969 |

| |2 |Address: T.B. Sanatorium, Kasauli, Founder's Day Celebrations, Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, May 21, 1969 |

| |3 |Address: Tenth All India Nature Cure Conference and Annual Session of the All India Nature Cure |

| | |Federation, Bhimavaran, May 18, 1969 |

| |4 |Address: The Tuberculosis Association of India 30th Annual General Meeting, New Delhi, India, April 18, |

| | |1969 |

| |5 |Address: Training Course Personnel of Christian Medical Association of India Family Planning Project, |

| | |reprinted from The Journal of the Christian Medical Association of India, March 1969 |

| |6 |Address: Twelfth All India Conference on Moral and Social Hygiene, Bangalore, India, November 22, 1968 |

| |7 |Address: Twenty-third National Conference on Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases, The Tuberculosis |

| | |Association of India, Bombay, January 1968 |

| |8 |Address: Twenty-eighth All India Surgeons Conference, Patiala, Punjab, India, December 27, 1967 |

| |9 |Agriculture Must Be Put on War Footing, Free India, August 30, 1964 |

|44 |53 |Alaska's Population--A Century of Growth 1880-1980 |

| |54 |Alaska's Population and Agricultural Resources |

| |55 |Alaska's Population with special reference to Eskimos and other Natives: A Demographic Study |

|26 |10 |American Friends of India: Pearl Buck's Work, The Hindu (Madras), August 25, 1947 |

| |11 |The Amery-Wavell Plan for India, Asia and the Americas (New York), August 1945 |

| |12 |The Ananda Coomaraswamy I Knew, The Hindu, August 28, 1977 |

| |13 |Anarkali: A Mughal Episode, The Hindu, August 13, 1939 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in Indian |

| | |History") |

| |14 |The Antiquity of Tamil, The Hindu, December 28, 1980 |

| |15 |Are we Ready to Declare War on Malnutrition? n.d. |

| |16 |Are World Resources Adequate? Unidentified galley proof |

| |17 |Asia, from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1974 |

| |18 |Asian Demographic Patters, undated typescript |

| |19 |Asian Migration and the Role of the Churches, address to World Council of Churches, Migration Conference, |

| | |Leysin, Switzerland, June 11-16, 1961 |

| |20 |Asia's Demography: The New Patterns, undated typescripts |

| |21 |Asia's Population |

| |22 |Asia's Population Explosion, The Illustrated Weekly of India, August 20, 1961 |

| |23 |Asia's Population Problem, chapter in Wint, G. (ed.). (1969). Asia Handbook. Hammondsworth: Penguin |

| | |Books, 1969 |

| |24 |Asia's Population Problem, undated typescript |

| |25 |Asia's Population Problems and Solutions, chapter from S. Chandrasekhar, Asia's Population Problems, 1967 |

| |26 |Attitudes of Baroda Mothers Towards Family Planning, Third International Conference on Planned Parenthood,|

| | |n.d. |

| |27 |Battle of Wandiwash, The Hindu, January 29, 1939 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in Indian History") |

| |28 |Beginnings of Indian emigration to Malaya and Singapore, undated manuscript/draft |

| |29 |Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education, Assam Tribune, August 15, 1969 |

| |30 |Besant's Pamphlet on Checking Population, The Hindu, November 16, 1980 |

| |31 |Better Nutrition for Citizens of To-morrow, The Hindu Weekly Magazine, May 4, 1969 |

| |32 |Between Two Worlds, Literary Guide: A Rational Approach to the Modern World, August 1955 |

| |33 |A Bibliography on Circumpolar Populations, n.d. |

| |34 |A Billion Indians by 2000 A.D.?, The Hindu (Madras), January, 26, 1977; unidentified newspaper or |

| | |magazine; and typescript |

| |35 |Birth Centenary I: The Philosophy of a Doctor, The Statesman (Calcutta), November 15, 1978 |

| |36 |Birth Centenary II: Annie Get Your Gun, The Statesman (Calcutta), November 16, 1978 |

| |37 |Birth Control Crusaders: The Trial and After, The Hindu, November 8, 1980 |

| |38 |Birth Control: Early Crusaders, The Hindu, November 2, 1980 |

| |39 |Birth Control in India and People's Republic of China: A Comparison of Policy, Organization, and |

| | |Communication Strategies, research proposal |

| |40 |Birth-Place of a Prophet: Sriperumbudur, The Hindu, April 6, 1939 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in |

| | |Indian History") |

| |41 |Black Hole Tragedy: Holwell and His Monument, (unidentified newspaper), September 9, 1940 |

| |42 |Book Reviews (various) |

| |43 |The Bradlaugh-Besant Trial, n.d. |

| |44 |A Brief History of Australia's Immigration Policy with Special Reference to India's Nationals, undated |

| | |typescript |

| |45 |A Brief History of Immigration from India to America, bound typescript, July 1985 |

| |46 |A Brief History of Immigration from India to America, typescript |

| |47 |A Brief History of Mauritius (1500-1985) with Special Reference to the Immigration of Indentured Laborers |

| | |from India to Mauritius (1834-1910), undated typescript |

| |48 |Call from Canada, The Hindu, June 23, 1985, (first of a three-part series on immigration from India to |

| | |Canada). |

| |49 |Can India Afford a Billion People?: India's Population Crisis, Shri D.V. Krishna Rao Endowment Lecture, |

| | |Andhra Mahila Sabha Educational Campus, Hyderabad, India, January 10, 1994; and manuscript |

| |50 |Can India be Industrialized?, undated typescript |

| |51 |Can We Afford a Billion Indians by 2000 AD? |

| |52 |Caste, Class, and Color in India, The Scientific Monthly, February 1946 |

|75 |24 |Cecil Green Lectures, synopsis, undated |

|26 |53 |Center lecture, December 8, 1970 |

| |54 |Challenge of Population Growth; Campastimes, September 1965; and Eastern Economist, June 7, 1963 |

| |55 |The Changing American Family, The Hindu, April 1978 |

| |56 |China's Blue Suits and Loudspeakers, unidentified newspaper, February 19, 1959 |

| |57 |China's Demographic Dilemma, typescript |

| |58 |China's Population: Census and Vital Statistics, manuscript, 1959 |

| |59 |China's Population: Embassy Notes, 1959 |

| |60 |China's Population Problems; Contemporary China, E. Stuart Kirby, Ed., Hong Kong University Press, 1960; |

| | |and Far Eastern Economic Review, June 4, 1959 |

| |61 |China's Population Problems: A Report, reprinted from Population Review (Madras), July 1959 |

| |62 |China's Population Problems: Laissez-Faire and its Implications, Part 2 of two-part series, Far Eastern |

| | |Economic Review, June 11, 1959 |

| |63 |China's Population Problems: Vital Statistics and the Birth Control Campaign, Part 1 of two-part series, |

| | |Far Eastern Economic Review, June 4, 1959 |

| |64 |China's Teeming Millions, Commerce Annual Number, December 1959 |

| |65 |Chronology of the History of Singapore with Special Reference to Indian Immigration and the Immigrant |

| | |Community, n.d. |

| |66 |A Chronology of the History of the Jewish Community in Palestine--Israel, from Ancient Times to the |

| | |Present with Special Reference to India and Asia, undated typescript |

| |67 |The City of Felicity: The Siege of Mangalore, The Hindu, 1940 |

| |68 |Clive at Arcot, The Hindu, May 19, 1939 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in Indian History") |

| |69 |Comment on Dr. Encke's Article, reprinted from Population Review, July 1960 |

| |70 |Communist China's Demographic Dilemma, chapter from S. Chandrasekhar, Asia's Population Problems, 1967 |

| |71 |Communist China's Hungry Millions, undated typescript |

| |72 |Communist China's Population Problems, n.d. |

| |73 |Community Development Projects: Family Planning Neglected, Commerce Annual Review, December 1953 |

| |91 |The Composition of India's Population According to the 1951 Census, Population Review, n.d. |

| |74 |Convocation Address: Demographic Training and Research Centre, Bombay, India, June 16, 1967 |

| |75 |Convocation Address: Demographic Training and Research Centre, Bombay, India, June 6, 1969 |

| |76 |Convocation Address: Institute of Home Economics and The New Delhi Polytechnic for Women, February 16, |

| | |1968 |

| |77 |Convocation Address: Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India, March 23, 1968 |

| |78 |Convocation Address: Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, October 9, 1967 |

| |79 |Convocation Address: Ninth Convocation of the Demographic Training and Research Centre, Bombay, India, |

| | |June 16, 1967 |

| |80 |Convocation Address: Punjabi University, Patiala, India, March 4, 1977 |

| |81 |Convocation Address: Sarjoninaidu Medical Hospital and College, Agra, India, February 18, 1968 |

| |82 |Convocation Address: Shrimati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University, Bombay, India, December 9, |

| | |1967 |

| |83 |Convocation Address: Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, January 11, 1976 |

| |84 |Co-operatives, Collectives and Communes |

| |85 |Cordiality in Post-War Years, The Hindu, July 7, 1985, (third of a three-part series on immigration from |

| | |India to Canada). |

| |86 |Course outline: Women, Law and Population, California State University, Hayward, California, |

| | |September-December 1979 |

| |87 |Cultural Barriers to Family Planning, The Hindu (Madras), July 28, 1957 |

| |88 |Cultural Barriers to Family Planning in Underdeveloped Countries, paper presented to the Fifth |

| | |International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Tokyo, Japan, October 1955 |

| |89 |Dance of Siva, (unidentified publication), December 18, 1938 |

| |90 |A Day with Mahatma Gandhi, n.d. |

|27 |1 |Death Control: A Short Summary of the Convocation Address, Poona, October 20, 1968 |

| |2 |Death Control in India, Sainik Samachar, September 24, 1967; press release, August 15, 1967; and |

| | |unpublished paper |

| |3 |Decline in India’s Fertility?, unidentified publication, August 3, 1969; manuscript and typescript |

| |4 |Democratization and Pursuit of Excellence, summary of Convocation address delivered at Punjabi University,|

| | |March 4, 1977 |

| |5 |Democratization of Higher Education in India, speech, n.d. |

| |6 |A Demographer Looks at Southern California, speech given at the Society for General Systems Research AAAS |

| | |Meetings, Berkeley, California, December 28, 1965 |

| |7 |Demographic Disarmament for India: A Plea for Family Planning, Presidential Address, First All-India |

| | |Conference of The Family Planning Association of India, Bombay, November 30-December 2, 1951 |

| |8 |Demographic Disarmament for India: A Plea for Family Planning, The Radical Humanist, April 6, 1952 |

| |9 |Demographic Statistics in India, reprinted from Journal of the Indian Medical Profession, January 1960 |

| |10 |Demography, undated typescript |

| |11 |Demography, Development and Ecology--India, a Case Study, The Hindu Weekly Magazine, January 24, 1971 |

|44 |56 |A Demography of Alaskan Eskimos |

|27 |12 |The Destiny of Man and the Growth of World Population, manuscript |

| |13 |Digest of Address: Summer Institute, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, May 4, 1968 |

| |14 |Dr. Chandrasekhar's Plea for Population Control, Ratnayake Memorial Inaugural Lecture, World Population |

| | |Problems with Special Reference to Sri Lanka and India, 1977. |

| |15 |Economic Planning and Population Planning |

| |16 |Economic Progress in a Free Society: Free Enterprise vs. State Enterprise, unidentified paper, n.d. |

| |17 |Economic Progress in a Free Society: The Role of Government, unidentified paper, n.d. |

| |18 |Economic Progress in India under the Plans, The Mail, n.d. (second of a three-part series entitled |

| | |"Analysis of 1961 Census"). |

| |19 |Education in China, unidentified publication, 1959 |

| |20 |Emancipation of Women and Family Planning, three part article printed in Searchlight, June 1968; and |

| | |Swasth Hind, May 1968 |

| |21 |The Emigration and Status of Indians in the British Empire, Social Forces, December 1945 |

| |22 |Enrichment of Food to Meet Nourishment Needs, The Food Industries Journal, February 1969 |

| |23 |The Ethics of Legislation, Miscellany, December 8, 1985 |

| |24 |An Exponent of the Soul of Indian Art, The Hindu, August 21, 1977 |

| |25 |Facts about India's Population, 1966 |

| |26 |Family Planning, Trayons, March 1968 |

| |27 |The Family in India, Marriage and Family Living, November 1954 |

| |28 |Family Planning: A Battle on Two Fronts, (Bombay) Economic Times, June 23, 1967 |

| |29 |Family Planning: A Resource for Economic Development |

| |30 |Family Planning and the Fourth Plan, air talk, September 1970 |

| |31 |Family Planning and the India Peasant, The Illustrated Weekly of India, December 20, 1959 |

| |32 |Family Planning: Awareness at Individual Level Must Improve, Yojana, October 13, 1963 |

| |33 |Family Planning Development and Communication Aspects, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Four-Week |

| | |Orientation Course, New Delhi, India, August 18, 1969 |

| |34 |Family Planning for Better Living, Thought, December 30, 1967 |

| |35 |Family Planning for India's Urban Population, typescript |

| |36 |Family Planning Helps Industrial Development, unidentified publication, April 1969 |

| |37 |Family Planning in an Indian Village, undated typescripts |

| |38 |Family Planning in an Indian Village: Motivations and Methods, paper presented at the Sixth |

| |39 |International Conference on Planned Parenthood, New Delhi, India, February 14-21, 1959; and The Radical |

| | |Humanist, April 5, 1959 |

| |40 |Family Planning in India, undated paper |

| |41 |Family Planning in India: Progress and Prospects, typescript of Yojana 1963 |

| |42 |Family Planning in Rural India, reprinted from The Antioch Review, Fall 1959, & undated typescript |

| |43 |Family Planning in Underdeveloped Countries, Commerce Annual Review Number, December 1955 |

| |44 |Family Planning: Inadequate Awareness, chapter in Problems in Plan Implementation |

| |45 |Family Planning Methods: Problems Posted by Indian Conditions, unidentified newspaper, n.d. |

| |46 |Family Planning Needs Vigorous Efforts, reprinted from Swasth Hind, February 1970 |

| |47 |Family Planning Priority Welcome, But…, Yojana, September 18, 1966 |

| |48 |Family Planning Programme: Philosophy and Policy, reprinted from Swasth Hind, December, 1967 |

| |49 |Family Planning: Questions and Answers, Span, March 1968 |

| |50 |Family Planning: Targets and Achievements, Tribune, December 1, 1968 |

| |51 |Family Planning: The Hindu View, The Sunday Statesman, December 1, 1985 |

| |52 |Family Planning: The Muslim View, Swasth Hind, December 1967 |

| |53 |Family Planning: The Way to Progress, July 25, 1969 |

| |54 |Farmers and Family Planning, Explosion Hunger, 1975 |

| |55 |Fifteen Million Babies Less This Year, Enlite, November 30, 1968 |

| |56 |Fight Against Malnutrition, Participant Journal, Vol. 3 no. 10, May 1969 |

| |57 |The First Indian Newspaper: Pioneer Efforts of Editor Hicky," unidentified newspaper, November 26, 1939 |

| |58 |First Motilal Nehru Memorial Lecture, The Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, New |

| | |Delhi, July 24, 1969 |

| |59 |Food and People in India and Pakistan, essay in Food and People, UNESCO Publication No. 520, The Bureau |

| | |of Current Affairs |

| |60 |Food and Population Explosion, The Economic Times, Bombay, July 29, 1963 |

| |61 |Food and Population in Asia, Asia and the Americas (New York), June 1943 |

| |62 |The Food Problem and Population Growth in India, undated typescript |

| |63 |Foreword to Main Currents in Indian Sociology, by Giri Raj Gupta |

| |64 |Foreword to My Jail Diary, by Jai Prakash "J.P." Narain, 1977 |

| |65 |Foreword to Organising Population Control Programmes The Junior Chamber Way, Indian Junior Chamber |

| | |Programme Manual, November 1967 |

| |66 |Foreword to Our Population Problem by Jayaprakash Narayan |

| |67 |From India to America, bound revision copy, n.d. |

| |68 |From India to Israel, bound typescript, 1996 |

| |69 |From India to Singapore, n.d. |

| |70 |Giving Women the Right to Avoid Childbirth: The Role of Abortion in Population Control, The Mail, June 9,|

| | |1966 |

| |71 |A Global War on the Population Front: The Key to World Peace & Prosperity, Bombay Junior Chamber |

| | |International Conference, Bombay, August 31, 1969 |

| |72 |The Greatest Obstacle to our Economic Development, unpublished manuscript, n.d. |

| |73 |GRI: An Experiment in University Education, GRI News, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1977 |

| |74 |Growth and Characteristics of India's Population, The Scientific Monthly, September 1943 |

| |75 |Growth and Characteristics of Population--The Island of Mauritius: 1767-1987, undated typescript |

| |76 |Growth of Population, undated typescript |

| |77 |Growth of World Population, typescript of lecture, undated |

| |78 |Handbook of India in America, undated typescript |

| |79 |Health and Family Planning, n.d. |

| |80 |Health Problems and Health Services in India, Stanford Lecture, April 22, 1980, manuscript |

| |81 |The Hindu and Muslim Views, undated typescript |

| |82 |Hindu Joint Family, Social Forces, March 1943 |

| |83 |The Hindu View of Family Planning and Abortion, Population Review, 1984 |

| |84 |Hindu View of Population, typescript 1 of 3 |

|75 |25 |Hindu View of Population, typescript 2 of 3 |

| |26 |Hindu View of Population, typescript 3 of 3 |

| |27 |Hindu View of Population, a synopsis |

| |28 |Hindu View of Self and its Political and Social Implications for India, undated typescript |

|27 |85 |History of Birth Control in India, typescript |

| |86 |History of India's Birth Control Movement, 1880-1977, n.d. |

| |87 |History of the Canadian Legislation with Respect to Immigration from India, Plural Societies XVI, 1986 |

|28 |1 |A History of United States Legislation with Respect to Immigration from India, n.d. |

| |2 |Homeopathy in India, The Socialist Congressman, September 1, 1968 |

| |3 |Homo Sapiens in Numberland, summary of a lecture delivered at Bangalore University November 27, 1978 |

| |4 |How India is Tackling her Population Problem, reprinted from Foreign Affairs, October 1968 |

| |5 |How to avoid India's Demographic Disaster (undated manuscript and typescript) |

| |6 |Hunger and Numbers, The Mail, March 17, 1963 |

| |7 |Hungry People and Empty Lands, partial manuscript |

| |8 |I meet Henry Wallace, typescript, 1946 |

| |9 |I meet Lin Yutang, The Aryan Path, October 1946 |

| |10 |I meet Margaret Sanger, paper, January 7, 1947 |

| |11 |I meet Pearl Buck, TheAryan Path, January 1946 |

| |12 |I meet the Mahatma, The Crisis, October 1942 |

| |13 |The Impact of the Women's Liberation Movement and the Permissive Revolution on the American Birth Rate |

| |14 |Imperative Need for Family Planning, reprint from Swasth Hind, December, 1966 |

| |15 |Importance of Demography, unidentified newspaper, October 4, 1959 |

| |16 |Inaugural Address: All India Ambulance Competitions, Indore, India, May 24, 1968 |

| |17 |Inaugural Address: Cast Iron Spun Pipe Manufacturers' Association of India, Second Annual General |

| | |Meeting, New Delhi, India, December 23, 1968 |

| |18 |Inaugural Address: Central Health Education Bureau, Workshop for Mass Education and Information Officers,|

| | |New Delhi, India, August 25, 1969 |

| |19 |Inaugural Address: Central Health Education Bureau, Workshop on Health and Population Education, New |

| | |Delhi, India, December 1, 1969 |

| |20 |Inaugural Address: Central Health Transport Organization, First Fleet Management Training Course, New |

| | |Delhi, India, March 25, 1969 |

| |21 |Inaugural Address: College of Home Science, Summer Institute in Human Nutrition, University of Udaipur, |

| | |Udaipur, India, May 10, 1970 |

| |22 |Inaugural Address: Conference of Deans and Principals of Medical Colleges, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, |

| | |India, August 29-31, 1967; and reprint from The Indian Journal of Medical Education, October 1967 |

| |23 |Inaugural Address: Conference on Anti-Food Adulteration, Bombay, India, October 17, 1968 |

| |24 |Inaugural Address: Conference on Cancer under Join Auspices of Delhi Medical Association and Delhi Cancer|

| | |Society, Delhi Medical Association Hall, Delhi, India, October 10, 1968 |

| |25 |Inaugural Address: Exhibition of Hungarian Medical Instruments, New Delhi, India, January 17, 1969 |

| |26 |Inaugural Address: Fifth Annual Meeting of the Composite Drugs Research Project and Annual Scientific |

| | |Meetings of the Post-Graduate Institute of Indian Medicines, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, |

| | |October 28, 1968 |

| |27 |Inaugural Address: Fifth Asian Conference on Occupational Health, Family Planning Seminar, Society for |

| | |the Study of Industrial Medicine, India, Bombay, November 17, 1968 |

| |28 |Inaugural Address: Fourteenth Delhi State Medical Conference, December 8, 1967 |

| |29 |Inaugural Address: Hospital Exhibition and Medical Check Up, Coimbatore, India, August 17, 1968 |

| |30 |Inaugural Address: Indian Medical Association, Lucknow Branch Regional Medical Conference, Lucknow, |

| | |India, November 20, 1969 |

| |31 |Inaugural Address: Integrated Training Course in Reproductive Biology, n.d. |

| |32 |Inaugural Address: Indian Medical Association, Seventh Orientation-Cum-Training Course, New Delhi, India,|

| | |March 9, 1969 |

| |33 |Inaugural Address: Indian Pharmaceutical Association Delhi Branch, National Pharmacy Week, New Delhi, |

| | |India, November 16, 1969 |

| |34 |Inaugural Address: Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association, Twenty-first Conference, and Silver |

| | |Jubilee Celebrations of the Panjab University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chandigarh, India, |

| | |December 29, 1969 |

| |35 |Inaugural Address: Kavi Sammelan inauguration, March 14, 1969 |

| |36 |Inaugural Address: Orientation Training Course in Family Planning for Doctors, Ahmedabad, India, June 20,|

| | |1969 |

| |37 |Inaugural Address: Private Medical Practitioners Association of India, Andhra Pradesh Branch, |

| | |Visakhapatnam District Unit, Second Annual Regional Conference, Vizianagaram, India, October 23, 1969 |

| |38 |Inaugural Address: Private Medical Practitioners Association of India, Mysore Branch, First Annual Family|

| | |Planning Conference, Bangalore, India, April 13, 1969 |

| |39 |Inaugural Address: Fortification Conference, Calcutta, India, February 15, 1969 |

| |40 |Inaugural Address: Punjab State Homoeopathic Conference, Fifth Session, Amritsar, India, March 8, 1969 |

| |41 |Inaugural Address: R. Sankar Shashtiabdapurthi Celebrations, Medical Conference, Quilon, India, May 2, |

| | |1969 |

| |42 |Inaugural Address: Refresher Course in Problems of General Practice, College of General Practitioners, |

| | |Hyderabad, March 22, 1969 |

| |43 |Inaugural Address: St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, Seminar on the Role of Behavioural Sciences in |

| | |Education, Banglaore, India, July 4, 1969 |

| |44 |Inaugural Address: Sangli & Miraj Medical Associations, Tenth Maharashtra State Medical Conference, |

| | |Sangli, India, November 14, 1969 |

| |45 |Inaugural Address: Searle (India) Ltd. Chemical Factory, Bombay, India, November 8, 1968 |

| |46 |Inaugural Address: Second Course of Training for Municipal Officers, National Centre for Training and |

| | |Research in Municipal Administration, n.d. |

| |47 |Inaugural Address: Second Foundation Week, Demographic Research Centre, Department of Economics, Lucknow |

| | |University, Lucknow, India, September 9, 1968 |

| |48 |Inaugural Address: Second International W.H.O. Staff Orientation Course, New Delhi, India, April 20, 1970|

| |49 |Inaugural Address: Seminar on Family Planning and the Status of Women in India, New Delhi, August 10, |

| | |1969 |

| |50 |Inaugural Address: Seminar on "Man and his Environment," June 12, 1970 |

| |51 |Inaugural Address: Seminar on Radiation Protection, Bombay, India, December 9, 1968 |

| |52 |Inaugural Address: Seminar on Urban Population of India, Dharwar, Maharashtra, India, March 20, 1968 |

| |53 |Inaugural Address: Seminar on Water Pollution and Industrial Waste Treatment, Bangalore, India, December |

| | |13-14, 1969 |

| |57 |Inaugural Address: Setting up of Clinical and Pathological Laboratories by the Blood Bank Organisation, |

| | |New Delhi, May 25, 1968 |

| |55 |Inaugural Address: Seventeenth M.P. State Medical Conference, Indian Medical Association, Pachmarhi, |

| | |India, November 2, 1968 |

| |56 |Inaugural Address: Sixth Biennial Conference of the Teluga Association of North America, n.d. |

| |57 |Inaugural Address: Summer Institute in Human Nutrition for Teachers in Home Science Colleges, Coimbatore,|

| | |India, May 28, 1968 |

| |58 |Inaugural Address: Symposium on Food and Population in India in Seventies, India International Centre, |

| | |New Delhi, November 20, 1969 |

| |59 |Inaugural Address: Symposium on the Population Problems of India, Indian Science Congress, Bombay, India,|

| | |January 6, 1969 |

| |60 |Inaugural Address: Tamil Nad Homoeopathic Congress, Pollachi, India, August 18, 1968 |

| |61 |Inaugural Address: T.B. Centre, Ambilikai, India, June 10, 1969 |

| |62 |Inaugural Address: Thirty-fifth Punjab Medical Conference, Rajpura, India, December 7, 1968 |

| |63 |Inaugural Address: Twenty-second Madras State Medical Conference, Indian Medical Association, Tanjore, |

| | |India, October 1968 |

| |64 |Inaugural Address: World Health Organisation, Training Course on Organisation of Maternal and Child |

| | |Health Field Practice Programmes in Medical Colleges, New Delhi, India, March 11, 1969 |

| |65 |Incentives in Birth Planning, co-authored with Edward Pohlman, preliminary draft of eleven chapters, |

| | |June-August 1968, typescript |

| |66 |India: A Quarter Century of Freedom: Readings, Introduction |

| |67 |India and the War: People vs. Empire, The Call, October 11, 1941 |

| |68 |India: Half a Century of Freedom, typescript |

| |69 |India Meets Challenge of Population Growth, The Indian Journalist, Family Planning Supplement, February |

| | |1969 |

| |70 |India Since Independence, outline |

| |71 |The Indian Community in the United States, Far Eastern Survey, June 6, 1945, and manuscript |

| |72 |Indian Demographer Looks at World Population Problems, Unesco Courier, February 1949 |

| |73 |Indian Emigration to Borneo, unidentified newspaper, March 2, 1951 |

| |74 |Indian Immigration in America, Far Eastern Survey, July 26, 1944 |

| |75 |Indian Immigration to America, The Crisis, March 1943 |

| |76 |Indian Village in Transition, n.d. |

| |77 |Indians in America: A Case of Prejudice and Tolerance, unidentified publication, May 1, 1982 |

| |78 |Indians in America: Reversing a Stand, unidentified publication, May 11, 1982 |

| |79 |Indians in South Africa, Asia and the Americas, February 1945 |

| |80 |Indians in South Africa, United Asia, n.d. |

| |81 |Indians in South Africa: A Survey, n.d. |

| |82 |India's Abortion Experience, typescript of book |

| |83 |India's Family Planning Program, manuscript, n.d. |

| |84 |India's Family Planning Programme, Nutrition, January 1970 |

| |85 |India's Family Planning Programme: Progress and Prospects, n.d. |

| |86 |India's First Five-Year Plan and the Population Problem, manuscript |

| |87 |India's Money, Asia and the Americas, November 1944 |

| |88 |India's Most Important Problem, typescript for Capital Annual, Calcutta, 1971 |

| |89 |India's New Population Policy, Convocation Address, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh,|

| | |India, February 10, 1968 |

| |90 |India's New Population Policy, Rotary Club, Bombay, India, June 1968 |

| |91 |India's New Population Policy: The Socio-Economic and Administrative Implications, Indian Administrative |

| | |and Management Review, October-December, 1968 |

| |92 |India's Population and Food Problem, The Bharat Jyoti, September 28, 1958 |

| |93 |India's Population and Food Problem and the Role of Indian Universities, n.d. |

| |94 |India's Population Crisis, typescript, n.d. |

| |95 |India's Population Crisis and Contraceptive Technology, Dr. A.L. Mudalier Memorial Fourth Lecture, Indian |

| | |Institute of Technology, Madras, India, November 23, 1978 |

| |96 |India's Population Explosion: Fact, Problem, and Solution, n.d. |

| |97 |India's Population: Fact, Problem, and Policy, chapter from S. Chandrasekhar, Asia's Population Problems,|

| | |1967 |

| |98 |India's Population: Fact, Problem, and Policy, paper presented at 55th Annual Meeting of the Pacific |

| | |Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, University of California, Irvine, |

| | |California, June 17, 1974; and Blaisdell Institute Journal, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, |

| | |California, 1975 |

| |99 |India's Population: Fact, Problem, and Policy, State Conference of College Planning Forums, Madras, |

| | |India, January 5-7, 1967 |

| |100 |India's Population: Fact, Problem, and Policy, typescript |

|29 |1 |India's Population: Fact, Problem, and Policy, typescript |

| |2 |India's Population: Fact, Problem, and Policy, unidentified version |

| |3 |India's Population Growth, Hindu, February 5, 1961 |

| |4 |India’s Population Policy, unidentified paper, ca. 1975 |

| |5 |India’s Population Policy, Indian Express, December 23, 1969 |

| |6 |India's Population Policy: The Need for an Element of Compulsion, Sri Venkateswara Endowment Lecture, Sri |

| | |Venkateswara University, April 9, 1976 |

| |7 |India's Population Problem, series of three articles that appeared in Commerce, July & August, 1966 |

| |8 |India's Population Problem and Development Strategy, n.d. |

| |9 |India's Population Problem and Family Planning Efforts, n.d. |

| |10 |India's Population Problem and Policy, n.d. |

| |11 |India's Population Problem and Policy, Shri Avinashalingam Shastiabdapurty Endowment Lectures, Coimbatore,|

| | |n.d. |

| |12 |India's Population Problem: Fact, Problem, and Policy, undated typescript |

| |13 |India's Population Problem: What is the Way Out? Commerce, December 1950 |

| |14 |India's Population Problem I: Rate of Growth Bound to be Even Higher, Commerce, July 23, 1966 |

| |15 |India's Population Problem III: Women Should Plan Families, Commerce, August 27, 1966 |

| |16 |India's Public Health Problems, The Mail (Madras), March 20, 1964 |

| |17 |India's Teeming Millions, n.d. |

| |18 |India's Villages: Population Problems, n.d. |

| |19 |India's Women through the Ages, undated typescript |

| |20 |Indira Gandhi: A Tribute, Socialist Congressman, December 15, 1967 |

| |21 |Indo-Pakistan Population Transfers, Indian Finance (Calcutta) Annual, 1947 |

| |22 |Infant Mortality in India, 1901-1951, n.d. |

| |23 |Infant Mortality in Madras City, United Nations World Population Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, |

| | |August/September 1965; and unidentified reprint |

| |24 |Infant Welfare and Survival in India, reprinted from Madras Medical College Magazine, November 1958 |

| |25 |Inter-Caste Marriages and National Integration, n.d. |

| |26 |Introduction to Colloquial Tamil (by S.S. Pani, Chandrasekhar's father, a photocopy also in this file) |

| |27 |Introductory Remarks: Inauguration Ceremony of the First Train Bearing Family Planning Publicity on her |

| | |Locomotive, New Delhi Railway Station, New Delhi, India, September 12, 1968 |

| |28 |Investment in Human Researches: How Does a Nutritionist Look at Family Planning Programme, Summer |

| | |Institute on Foods and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, India, June 2, 1969 |

| |29 |Investment in Human Resources: How does a Family Planner Look at Nutrition?, typescript, n.d. |

| |30 |Is India a Nation? Asia and the Americas, May 1944, and notebook |

| |31 |Is India's Fertility Declining? The Realist, June 1969 |

| |32 |Is India's Population Increasing Too Rapidly? The Voice of India, December 1944. |

| |33 |I.U.D. Method of Family Planning, undated typescript |

| |34 |Janata's Population Policy, 1974 |

| |35 |Japan's Population Problem, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 1952; and The Economic|

| | |Weekly, October 6, 1951 |

| |36 |Japan's Population Problem, series of two articles that appeared in The Statesman, September 8, 1951 |

| |37 |Joint Guaranty for India? New York Herald Tribune, August 24, 1942 |

| |38 |Kanchi: Ancient Town is Admiration of Townplanners, unidentified newspaper, December 22, 1940 |

| |39 |Key Address: Seventheenth Annual Town & Country Planning Seminar, New Delhi, India, October 29, 1968 |

| |40 |Keynote address: State Level Legislators' Conference, Karnataka, Bangalore, India, April 3, 1987 |

| |41 |Keynote address: Third World Conference on General Practice, Special Plenary Session III, New Delhi, |

| | |India, November 26, 1968 |

| |42 |Lecture notes |

| |43 |A Legislative History of Asian Indian Immigration to the United States of America: 1800-1980, n.d. |

| |44 |A Legislative History of Indian Emigration to the United States of America, n.d. |

| |45 |Letters to the editor |

| |46 |Life in a Commune in China: Japan to be India's Model, Amrita Bazar Patri Ka, April 9, 1959 (third of a |

| | |three-part series entitled "Co-operatives, Collectives & Communes). |

| |47 |Life in These United States, n.d. |

| |48 |Linguistic States and National Unity, The Hindu, October 31, 1956 |

| |49 |The Long-Range Goals of the Family Planning Programme in India, undated typescript |

| |50 |The Maharaja Sayajirao Memorial Lectures (The Problems of Indian Nationhood, Geographical Unity |

| |51 |Major Threats to Human Survival, Swadajya, December 17, 1978 |

| |52 |Malthus: Father of Demography |

| |53 |Management of India's Water Resources, n.d. |

| |54 |Mandu the 'City of Joy': Rupmati-Baz Bahadur Romance, The Hindu, March 31, 1940 (one in a series entitled |

| | |"Sketches in Indian History") |

| |55 |Mangadu: A Demographic Study of an Indian Village, Population Review, July 1957 |

| |56 |Mangai, undated typescript |

| |57 |Mao's War with the Family, The New York Times Magazine, May 17, 1959 |

| |58 |Margaret Sanger, n.d. |

| |59 |Marital Reform, undated manuscript |

| |60 |Marx, Malthus, and Mao: China's Population Explosion, Current Scene, February 28, 1967 |

|30 |1 |Memorial Pillar of Bobbili: Monument to the Brave who Fell in a Battle, The Hindu, October 15, 1939 (one |

| | |in a series entitled "Sketches in Indian History") |

| |2 |A Message from Gandhi, Journal North, June 22, 1997 |

| |3 |Mexico's Population: Fact, Problem and Policy, outline |

| |4 |Minister's Address: Workshop of Communication Action Research Workers Head at CFPA |

| |5 |Modern Methods of Family Planning in India, Indian Express, November 8, 1968 |

| |6 |Modernization of Traditional Societies, lecture notes, SDSU, January 28, 1981 |

| |7 |The Movement of Asian People--A Challenge to the Churches, paper presented at World Conference on Problems|

| | |of International Migration and the Responsibility of the Churches in a Strange Land, Leysin, Switzerland, |

| | |June 11-16, 1961 |

| |8 |The Mughal Cordelia: Jahan Ara Begum, unidentified newspaper article, n.d. |

| |9 |The Nagarathars |

| |10 |The Nagarathars of South India: An Essay and Bibliography on the Nagarathars in India and South-East |

| | |Asia, 1980 |

| |11 |The Nagarathars or the Chettiars, The Sunday Statesman (Delhi), October 30, 1977 |

| |12 |The Nagarathars: The Land, the People, and their Marriage Registration System, n.d. |

| |13 |A National Population Policy Wanted, Hindu, February 11, 1968 |

| |14 |Nationalism in the Space Age, Kennedy Memorial Lecture, Bombay, India, June 1969 |

| |15 |The Nation's Number One Problem: Hurdles on Way, Amrita Bazar Patri Ka, April 7, 1959 (first of a |

| | |three-part series entitled "Co-operatives, Collectives & Communes). |

| |16 |Nayaks of Madura: The Great Past of the City and its Temple, The Hindu, July 23, 1939 (one in a series |

| | |entitled "Sketches in Indian History") |

| |17 |Need for Public Support for Family Planning, Madhya Pradesh Chronicle (ED) Bhopal, July 11, 1969 |

| |18 |New Method of Family Planning, January 24, 1965 |

| |19 |A New Population Policy for India, Jayaprakash Narayan Birthday Memorial Lecture, n.d., and unidentified |

| | |printed version. |

| |20 |Noble Role of Red Cross, Swasth Hind, February 1969 |

| |21 |Not so Simple Mathematics, n.d. |

| |22 |A Note on Demographic Statistics in India, n.d. |

| |23 |A Note on the Provisional Results of India's 1991 Census |

| |24 |Notes on Demography, manuscript, September 18, 1952 |

| |25 |Notion of a Small Family Catching Up, The Hindu Sunday Magazine, August 10, 1969 |

| |26 |Nutrition, n.d. |

| |27 |Objectives of Population Policy, undated manuscript |

| |28 |One Answer to India's 'Explosion.' Washington Post, February 5, 1961 |

| |29 |Our Population Explosion, n.d. |

| |30 |Our Population Problem, Illustrated Weekly of India, n.d. |

| |31 |Our Population Problems, undated manuscript |

| |32 |Our Refugees, unidentified newspaper article, n.d. |

| |33 |Pace of Development Hindered: Population Growth Tells of Indian Economy, The Mail, n.d. (third of a |

| | |three-part series entitled "Analysis of 1961 Census") |

| |34 |A Pallava Port, The Hindu, February 9, 1939 |

| |35 |Personal Perspectives on Untouchability, foreword to The Untouchables in Contemporary India, by J. Michael|

| | |Mahar, Ed. |

| |36 |Philosophy and Policy of India's Programme, Free India, September 17, 1967 |

| |37 |Planned Families for India, n.d. |

| |38 |Planned Parenthood, undated manuscript |

| |39 |Planned Parenthood for India, The Statesman, Independence Day Supplement, August 15, 1951 |

| |40 |Planning and Strategy of India's Family Planning Programme, December 1967 |

| |41 |Planning Commission's First Five-Year Plan and Planned Parenthood for India, People's Health, August, 1951|

| |42 |Poetry, various |

| |43 |Political and Military Dangers of the Population Explosion in China, Supplement to Capital, December 20, |

| | |1962 |

| |44 |Population and Economic Growth, The Realist, April 1968 |

| |45 |Population and Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Swasth Hind, March 1970 |

| |46 |Population and Food Supply in India's First Five year plan, Fourth International Conference on Planned |

| | |Parenthood, August 1953 |

| |47 |Population and Law, undated manuscript |

| |48 |Population and Law in India, book, proof pages |

| |49 |Population and Law in India, Presidential Address, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India, September |

| | |10-12, 1976 |

| |50 |Population and Planned Parenthood in India, 2nd revised edition, proofs |

| |51 |Population Census and Vital Statistics in India, draft |

| |52 |Population Control, Hindustan Times (New Delhi), August 23, 1982 |

| |53 |Population Control and Nutritional Levels, n.d. |

| |54 |Population Control in India, typescript, n.d. |

| |55 |Population Control: Problems in India, The Hindu, January 31, 1971 |

| |56 |Population Control: Sterilization Only Answer, The Hindu (Madras), August 15, 1963 |

| |57 |Population Control: The Need, Policy and Measures, n.d. |

| |58 |The Population Dilemma, The Hindu, September 4, 1978 |

| |59 |Population Dilemma, The Mail, August 15, 1962 |

| |60 |Population Education: An Inter-Disciplinary Approach, Swasth Hind, March 1970 |

| |61 |Population Education in School and College, The Indian Express (Madras), November 29, 1976 |

| |62 |Population Explosion, typescript of speech delivered at the Law and Freedom Day Symposium, California |

| | |State College Hayward, April 29-30, 1965 |

| |63 |Population Explosion and Problem of Hunger, Associated News and Features, n.d. |

| |64 |Population Explosion: The Greatest Menace to our Economy, n.d. |

| |65 |The Population Factor in Indian Economic Development, n.d. |

| |66 |Population Growth, Illustrated Weekly of India, May 11, 1969 |

| |67 |Population Growth and Economic Development in India, chapter in Chakrabarti, Atulananda, ed., India Since |

| | |1947, and typescript |

| |68 |Population Growth and Economic Development in Japan, n.d. |

| |69 |Population Growth and Economic Progress, The Mail, May 30, 1961 (first of a three-part series entitled |

| | |"Analysis of 1961 Census"). |

| |70 |Population Growth and Family Planning in Andhra Pradesh, n.d. |

| |71 |Population Growth and Family Planning in India, unpublished manuscript and typescript, n.d. |

| |72 |Population Growth and Food Supply, Deccan Chronicle, Secunderabad, September 30, 1958; and unidentified |

| | |newspaper, October 5 & 6, 1958 |

| |73 |Population Growth and Food Supply in India, The Mail, October 17, 1958; and typescript |

| |74 |Population Growth and Food Supply in India, The Modern Review (Calcutta), February 1959 |

| |75 |Population Growth, Economic Development and Family Planning in India, reprinted from Khadi-Gramodyog, |

| | |October 1963. Also in Oxygen News, Vol. 2 no. 4, Autumn 1962. |

| |76 |Population Growth in Relation to Economic Development, statement made at Second World Food Congress, June |

| | |24, 1970 |

| |77 |Population Growth, Levels of Living and Birth Control in India, undated typescript |

| |78 |Population Growth Necessitates Desert Reclamation, Capital, December 1964 |

|31 |1 |Population Policy, unidentified newspaper article |

| |2 |Population Policy and Family Planning in India: A Compilation of Statements of Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, |

| | |typescript |

| |3 |Population, Policy and Programme, undated typescript |

| |4 |A Population Policy for a Free India, undated typescript |

| |5 |A Population Policy for Asia, undated typescript |

| |6 |A Population Policy for India, Address given to the Vivekananda College Union Society, n.d.; and |

| | |manuscript |

| |7 |A Population Policy for India, Journal of the Annamalai University, July 1951 |

| |8 |A Population Policy for India, The Statesman, August 15, 1950 |

| |9 |A Population Policy for India, unidentified reprint |

| |10 |Population Policy Perspectives in Communist China, Population Review, January-December 1975 |

| |11 |Population, Poverty, and Pollution, The Dillingham Lecture Series, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 6, 1977 |

| |12 |Population, Poverty and Pollution, summary of three lectures delivered at Karnataka University, The Hindu |

| | |(Madras), February 2, 1977 |

| |13 |Population, Power, and Peace, J.F. Kennedy Memorial Lecture, 1969 |

| |14 |Population Pressures and the Consumption Explosion, undated typescript |

| |15 |Population Problem and Its Impact, Inaugural Address at the Indian Medical Association Sixth |

| | |Orientation-Cum-Training Course, New Delhi, September 22, 1968 |

| |16 |Population Problem in India, Address to Progressive Group, Bombay, India, August 31, 1969 |

| |17 |The Population Problem of India, n.d. |

| |18 |Population Problems and International Tensions, International Social Science Bulletin, 1949 |

| |19 |Population: Problems and Prospects, Eastern Economist, Annual Number 1970, December 26, 1969 |

| |20 |Population Problems in a Developing Economy, Population Review, July 1962; and Vital Speeches and |

| | |Documents of the Day, September 1, 1962 |

| |21 |Population Problems of Asia, reprinted from Population Review, January 1963 |

| |22 |The Population Problems of India and Pakistan, reprinted from Eugenics Review, July 1949 |

| |23 |The Population Problems of India and Pakistan, Unesco Courier, April & May, 1949 |

| |24 |Population race too fast to end poverty, The Hindu Weekly Magazine, November 7, 1976 |

| |25 |Population Trends and Housing Needs in India |

| |26 |The Position of Women in India, The Hindu, January 29, 1978 |

| |27 |Poverty and Population in India, Convocation Address, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu, |

| | |India, March 26, 1970 |

| |28 |Poverty: The Central Problem of the Indian Economy |

| |29 |Preface to a volume of essays on Asian and Australian population problems, n.d. |

| |30 |Presidential Address: Family Planning Fortnight, meeting organized by Family Planning Centre under |

| | |Central Government Health Scheme at Ramakrishnapuram, New Delhi, India, December 12, 1968 |

| |31 |Presidential Address: Second All India Conference of the Indian Rationalist Association, Tenali, Madras, |

| | |India, February 9-10, 1952 |

| |32 |Prevention is Better than Cure, Convocation Address, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, |

| | |January 31, 1970 |

| |33 |The Problem of Abortion in India, draft |

| |34 |The Problem of American War Surpluses, typescript, October 5, 1945 |

| |35 |The Problem of the Deaf in India, undated typescript |

| |36 |The Problem of Tuberculosis in India, XX International Tuberculosis Conference, New York City, September |

| | |1969 |

| |37 |Problems of an Over-Sized Population, The Hindu, July 4, 1958 |

| |38 |The Problems of Water Supply and Sanitation, n.d. |

| |39 |The Programme, Now Government's, Must Become People's, Yojana, September 15, 1968 |

| |40 |Public Health as a Factor in Economic Development, undated typescript |

| |41 |A Purposeful Population Policy, Yojana, October 16, 1966 |

| |42 |Raja Raja Narendra: Rajahmundry in History and Legend, The Hindu, October 1, 1939 (one in a series |

| | |entitled "Sketches in Indian History") |

| |43 |A Rationalist on Religious Education, Service, April 3, 1952 |

| |44 |Red China Hushes Up Birth Control Drive; Psychology is Bad (unidentified newspaper, n.d.) |

| |45 |Readings in Economic Development, undated typescript |

| |46 |Reflections on Indo-Israeli Relations and Related Topics, undated article |

| |47 |Reflections on National Integration, n.d. |

| |48 |Regional Variations in Infant Mortality in India, 1901-59, undated typescript |

| |49 |Remedies to Check National Decay, The Illustrated Weekly of India, February 25, 1951 |

| |50 |Resistance to Change: Some Problems Involved in the Implementation of Policies for Moderating Fertility |

| | |with Special Reference to Family Planning, undated typescript |

| |51 |Role of Communication and Public Relations in the Family Planning Programme in India, Central Family |

| | |Planning Institute, New Delhi, India, n.d.; and Fourth Public Relations World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, |

| | |October 1967 |

| |52 |Role of Legislators in Population Control and Economic Development, n.d. |

| |53 |The Role of Pharmacists in India's Health Services, Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Industry, |

| | |November/December 1967; and inauguration speech for National Pharmacy Week, Bombay, India, November 19, |

| | |1967 |

| |54 |Role of Women in Family Planning, n.d. |

| |55 |The Roots of Liberty, Forum, Summer-Autumn 1964 |

| |56 |Rural Universities for India, Seventeenth Convocation, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam, India, April 7,|

| | |1978 |

| |57 |Rural Universities Needed, Swarajya, December 31, 1978 |

| |58 |Science and Population Control, n.d. |

| |59 |Shifts in Canadian Policy, The Hindu, June 30, 1985, (second of a three-part series on immigration from |

| | |India to Canada) |

| |60 |A Short Note on Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Madras, undated typescript |

| |61 |Should We Legalize Abortion?, n.d. |

| |62 |Should We Legalize Abortion in India?, n.d. |

| |63 |Should We Raise the Age of Consent?, Seminar on Demographic, Social and Psychological Implications of |

| | |Raising the Female Age at Marriage, Demograph Training and Research Centre, Chembur, Bombay, September 16,|

| | |1967 |

| |64 |Six Laws of Population Control, Address to the Students and Staff of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, |

| | |February 25, 1970. |

| |65 |A Social Survey of Baroda City, undated manuscript |

| |66 |The Socio-Economic Situation, The Population Problem, and Proposed Solutions (sections from an |

| | |unidentified book, undated typescript |

| |67 |Some Aspects of Infant Mortality in India, 1901-59, All India Seminar on Population, March 12-14, 1964 |

| |68 |Some Jewish Population Census and Migration Statistics for World, Palestine/Israel and India, undated |

| | |typescript |

| |69 |Some Observations on Marriage, Dating, Parent-Child Communication and Language, Conference on Indian |

| | |Family and Youth, Anaheim, California, August 30-31, 1986 |

| |70 |Some Observations on Marriage, Family, and Youth, undated typescript |

| |71 |Some Random Thoughts on the Future Rule of the International Red Cross in War and Peace, undated |

| | |typescript |

| |72 |Some Reflections on Population and Peace (undated manuscript) |

| |73 |South African Indians: A Survey, Modern Review (Calcutta), August 1940 |

| |74 |The Soviet Union's Population Problem, unpublished manuscript and typescript, n.d. |

| |75 |The Spark that Kindled Malthus' Essay on Population, n.d. |

| |76 |Speech, Association for Voluntary Sterilization National Conference, n.d. |

| |77 |Speech, Demographic Training and Research Centre, Bombay, India, June 7, 1968 |

| |78 |Speech, Fifth Meeting of the Central Family Planning Council, Nainital, India, April 17, 1968 |

| |79 |Speech, Governing Body of the Demographic Training & Research Centre, Bombay, India, June 7, 1968 |

| |80 |Speech, Graduation Night, American International School, New Delhi, India, May 17, 1968 |

| |81 |Speech, Indian Red Cross Society Annual General Meeting, New Delhi, India, April 18, 1969 |

| |82 |Speech, Pharmacy Week, Calcutta, India, November 24, 1968 |

| |83 |Speech, Round Table on "The Red Cross as a Factor of Peace in the World," January 21, 1969 |

| |84 |Speech, St. John Ambulance Association (India), Annual General Meeting, New Delhi, April 18, 1969 |

| |85 |Speech, Thinkers Forum, Shri K. Kamaraj 61st birthday celebration, August 5, 1963 |

| |86 |State's Power to Restrict Families, The Hindu (Madras), June 4, 1976 |

| |87 |Strategy of Planned Parenthood: Peculiarity of India's Demographic Trend, unidentified newspaper, n.d. |

| |88 |Summary of Address: Sixth All-India Conference on Family Planning, Chandigarh, India, November 30, 1968 |

| |89 |Third World's Population Problems and Family Planning and Abortion, undated typescript and manuscript |

| |90 |Thoughts on National Integration,.The Illustrated Weekly of India, September 2, 1962, and unidentified |

| | |keynote address, n.d |

| |91 |Too Many People: Is India Facing Disaster? An Interview, reprinted from U.S. News & World Report, April |

| | |3, 1967 |

|32 |1 |Too Much Cry for Food Self Sufficiency, M.P. Chronicle (Bhopal), August 28, 1964 |

| |2 |Towards Population Control in India, n.d. |

| |3 |Towards Small Family as a Social Norm, n.d. |

| |4 |Transfers of Population, The Hindu, December 7, 1947 |

| |5 |A Tribute to Mrs. Ellen Watumull |

| |6 |Unesco & India, The Indian Express, Republic Day Supplement, January 26, 1950 |

| |7 |Unidentified address, delivered January 12, 1968 |

| |8 |Unidentified article, New York Times, n.d. |

| |9 |Unidentified interview, n.d. |

| |10 |Unidentified introductions |

| |11 |Unidentified paper on Tuberculosis, October 1, 1968 |

| |12 |Unidentified speeches |

| |13 |Unidentified talks, n.d. |

| |14 |U.S. Aid to Indian Agriculture, 2nd & 3rd of a series of three articles that appeared in Commerce, |

| | |February 1964 |

| |15 |U.S. Help for our Family Planning Programme, Eastern Economist, July 25, 1969 |

| |16 |The Unplanned Millions, Manchester Guardian, August 15, 1961 |

| |17 |Valedictory Address: Fifth Short Training Course for Key Trainees, Central Family Planning Institute, New|

| | |Delhi, India, March 20, 1969 |

| |18 |Valedictory Address: First Short-Term Training Course for Trainers, New Delhi, India, August 26, 1968 |

| |19 |Valedictory Address: Home Science Association of India, IX Biennial Conference, Coimbatore, India, |

| | |December 20, 1968 |

| |20 |Valedictory Address: National Conference on Population Policy and Programme, India International Centre, |

| | |New Delhi, India, December 23, 1969 |

| |21 |Valedictory Address: National Nutrition Research Laboratories Annual International Certificate Course and|

| | |the Diploma Course in Nutrition, Hyderabad, India, February 27, 1969 |

| |22 |Vellore Fort and Temple, The Hindu (Madras), October 9, 1938 |

| |23 |Vellore history |

| |24 |The Vellore Mutiny, The Hindu (Madras), May 21, 1939 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in South Indian |

| | |History") |

| |25 |Vital Registration, The Hindu, February 21, 1960 |

| |26 |Vital Statistics, People's Health, May 1951 |

| |27 |Vital Statistics in an Indian Village, undated typescript |

| |28 |Vital Statistics in India: Collection Machinery Needs Overhauling, unidentified newspaper,September 4, |

| | |1955 |

| |29 |Water Pollution and Industrial Waste Treatment, National Herald, December 15, 1969 |

| |30 |Water Supply and Sanitation: Integrated Approach, , October 18, 1968 |

| |31 |Way to a Happy Married Life: Family Planning: Dr. S. Chandrasekhar's Interview with Periyar E.V. |

| | |Ramaswamy, Akashvani, May 24, 1970 |

| |32 |We Use Every Gimmick--Even Elephants' (an interview), Horizons, Vol. XIX, No. 3 |

| |33 |What Does Iowa Know of India and China? Asia and the Americas (New York), June 1944 |

| |34 |What is a Demographic Survey?, undated typescript |

| |35 |What is Behind China's Aggression?, n.d. |

| |36 |What is Demography?, undated typescripts and manuscript |

| |37 |What law can do to solve population problem, The Hindu, November 14, 1976 |

| |38 |When Does Life Begin? n.d. |

| |39 |Where British Empire was Begotten: The Founding of Chandragiri and Treaty of 1639, The Hindu, January 28,|

| | |1940 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in Indian History" |

| |40 |Where Buddha was Born: Lummini in Nepal, The Hindu, June 23, 1940 (one in a series entitled "Sketches in |

| | |Indian History") |

| |41 |Whither Family Planning in India, typescript, n.d.- |

| |42 |The Why and How of Family Planning, Socialist Congressman, January 1968 |

| |43 |Why are Indians so Poor? Asia and the Americas, January 1942 |

| |44 |Why Collective Farming Failed in Soviet Russia, Amrita Bazar Patri Ka, April 8, 1959 (second of a |

| | |three-part series entitled "Co-operatives, Collectives & Communes). |

| |45 |Why This Student Indiscipline? |

| |46 |William Carey: Pioneer Orientalist and Missionary, (unidentified newspaper), n.d. |

| |47 |World Health Day Message, Family Planning News, May 1967 |

| |48 |World Population Crisis: The Catastrophe that can Still be Averted, undated manuscript |

| |49 |World Population Growth, undated manuscript |

| |50 |World Population Growth and Desert Development, undated typescript |

| |51 |World Population Growth and Desert Reclamation, outline |

| |52 |World Population Problems: an Interview with S.C., 1976 |

| |53 |World Population Problems with Special Reference to India and China, n.d. |

| |54 |The World's Hunger, Indian Finance Annual, 1948; and typescript |

| |55 |Youth and the Problems of the Developing Countries, 1964 |

| |56 |Bound volume of writings, includes: |

| | |Is Kautilya the Indian Machiavelli?, February 1937 |

| | |The Problem of Federation in India, February 1938 |

| | |Some Observations on Infant Mortality in India: 1901-1951, |

| | |Eugenics Review, January 1955 |

| | |Family Planning in an Indian Village: Motivations and |

| | |Methods, paper presented at the Sixth International Conference |

| | |on Planned Parenthood, New Delhi, India, February 14-21, |

| | |1959 |

| | |Population Problems of Asia, Population Review, January 1963 |

| | |Family Planning Needs Vigorous Efforts, Swasth Hind, February |

| | |1970 |

| | |Cultural Barriers to Family Planning, The Hindu (Madras), July |

| | |27, 1957 |

| | |A Demographer looks at Southern California, speech delivered |

| | |at the Society for General Systems Research AAAS Meeting, |

| | |Berkeley, California, December 28, 1965 |

| | |India's Population: Fact, Problem and Policy, State Conference |

| | |of College Planning Forums, Madras, India, January 5-7, 1967 |

| | |Infant Mortality in Madras City |

| | |Infant Mortality in Madras City, United Nations World Population Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, August/|

| | | |

| | |September 1965 |

| | |U.S. Support for Family Planning Programme, Swasth Hind, |

| | |June 1968 |

| | | |

| | |B. Book reviews, press summaries, and publisher's blurbs |

| | | |

| |57 |Abortion in a Crowded World |

| |58 |American Aid and India's Economic Development |

| |59 |Asia's Population Problems |

| |60 |Brief History of Immigration |

| |61 |Census and Statistics in India |

| |62 |China's Population: Census and Vital Statistics |

| |63 |Communist China Today |

| |64 |A Decade of Mao's China |

| |65 |Demographic Disarmament for India: A Plea for Family Planning |

| |66 |A Dirty, Filthy Book |

| |67 |From India to America |

| |68 |From India to Australia |

| |69 |From India to Canada |

| |70 |From India to Israel |

| |71 |From India to Mauritius |

| |72 |From India to Singapore |

| |73 |Homo Sapiens in Numberland |

| |74 |Hungry People and Empty Lands |

| |75 |India's Abortion Experience |

| |76 |India's Population and Food Problem and the Role of Indian Universities |

| |77 |India's Population, Fact and Policy |

| |78 |India's Population: Facts, Problem and Policy |

| |79 |Infant Mortality in India |

| |80 |Infant Mortality, Population Growth, and Family Planning in India |

| |81 |The Nagarathars of South India |

| |82 |Norman Borlaug's Green Revolution and India's Population Problem |

| |83 |Population and Law in India |

| |84 |Population and Planned Parenthood in India |

| |85 |Population Review |

| |86 |Red China: An Asian View |

| |87 |Reviews from Illustrated Weekly of India |

| |88 |Bound volume of book reviews. Includes reviews of: |

| | |China's Population: Census and Vital Statistics |

| | |Communist China Today |

| | |Hungry People and Empty Lands |

| | |Infant Mortality in India |

| | |Population and Planned Parenthood in India |

| | |Red China: An Asian View |

| | |Report on South Indian Reading Habits |


| | | |

| | |A. Photographs |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

|33 |1 |Aboard ship from New York, NY, to London, England, & "Dutch lady," n.d. |

| |2 |"Achauma," n.d. |

| |3 |All India Dental Conference, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Jan. 28, 1978 |

| |4 |All India Population & Family Planning Conference, Bombay, India, 1951 |

| |5 |Ambulance, n.d. |

| |6 |American Embassy reception, 1969 |

| |7 |Anderson, Margaret, 1946 |

| |8 |Animals, n.d. |

| |9 |"Anita & Prita," dance of, Madras, India, ca. 1976 |

|77* |5 |Annamalai University, Final Honours Economics, 1949-50 |

|77* |6 |Annamalai University, Post Graduate Hostel, Hostel Day, Mar. 22, 1977 |

|77* |7 |Annamalai University, Womens' Student Hostel, 1976 |

|33 |10 |Arundale family, 1952 |

| |11 |Asian Seminar, World Assembly of Youth, n.d. |

| |12 |Asokan Pillar, Lummini (Lumbini), Nepal, 1993 |

| |13 |Bancroft, Mrs., n.d. |

| |14 |"Barbara," 1961 |

| |15 |Besant, Annie Wood, and photo of the cover of her book The Law of Population |

| |16 |"Bina," 1941 |

| |17 |Bixby, Paul, Ruth, & family, n.d. |

| |18 |Bradlaugh, Charles |

| |19 |Broad, M.G. (The Hindu), ca. 1939 |

| |20 |Brubaker, Donna, San Diego, CA, 1981 |

| |21 |Bryan Manor College, 1944 |

| |22 |Burbank, Luther, & Miss Prabha Chandra, Santa Rose, CA, 1925 |

| |23 |Burroughs, Betty & Billy, ca. 1940 |

| |24 |Calcutta, India, 1969 |

| |25 |Casellac, Paula, 1985 |

| |26 |Chandrasekhar, Ann Downes, various dates |

| |27 |Chandrasekhar, Prema, various dates |

|77* |13 |Chandrasekhar, Prema |

|33 |28 |Chandrasekhar, Radha, various dates |

| |29 |Chandrasekhar, Sheila, various dates |

| |30 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1930's |

| |31 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1940's |

|79* |1 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1940's |

|33 |32 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1950's |

|77* |14 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1950's |

|33 |33 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1960's |

|77* |15 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1960's |

|33 |34 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1970's |

|79* |2 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1970's |

|33 |35 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1980's |

|79* |3 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1980's |

|33 |36 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati, ca. 1990's |

| |37 |Chandrasekhar, Sripati & Ann, family, various dates |

| |38 |Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan |

| |39 |"Chandrum, Lulu, & Jay Neima," n.d. |

| |40 |Chartraud family, 1950 |

| |41 |Chattopadyay, Madam Kamaldevi, (includes photo of Paul Robeson) |

| |42 |Cherian, Miss, n.d. |

| |43 |Chettiar, P. PR. S. |

| |44 |Chettiar, Rajah Sir Muthiah, Madras, India, 1975 |

| |45 |Chettiar's Temple, Singapore |

| |46 |Christmas, Annamalai University, staff children, 1976 |

| |47 |Circumpolar Health Conference, Anchorage AK, 1984 |

|77* |8 |Congress Party in Parliament, 1966 |

|33 |48 |Convocation Address, Demographic Training and Research Center, Bombay, India, 1969 |

| |49 |Convocation Address, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam State, India, 1978 |

| |50 |Convocation, Annamalai University, 1975 |

| |51 |Convocation, Punjabi University, 1977 |

| |52 |Dancer, unidentified |

| |53 |"David & Gito," 1960 |

|77* |9 |Demographic Training and Research Centre Convocation, June 6, 1969 |

|33 |54 |Demography Class, Delhi University, 1969 |

| |55 |Devi, V.L.K. Tara, n.d. |

| |56 |Dhampathal, Amithal, n.d. |

| |57 |Dinner in honor of "Dr. Lanka," Biltmore Hotel, n.d. |

| |58 |Downs, Lemel & Pramila, 1969 |

| |59 |"Elders Greaves, Ballcom, Thomson, Buckland, Ulloa, & Donna," San Diego, CA, 1981 |

| |60 |Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, Balto, MD, 1942 |

| |61 |Fifth Meeting, Family Planning Council, 1968 |

| |62 |Film & Literature for Family Planning Campaign, 1967 |

| |63 |Filming the "Mahurat" of "Khilaune," New Delhi, India, 1969 |

|79* |4 |First All India Family Planning Conference, 1951 |

|33 |64 |Foreign Student Counselors Conference, 1985 |

| |65 |Forum of Free Enterprise, Bombay, India, 1958 |

| |66 |Forum of Free Enterprise, Bombay, India, 1966 |

| |67 |Founders' Day, Annamalai University, 1976 |

| |68 |Fourth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Stockholm, Sweden, 1953 (Includes photos of Margaret|

| | |Sanger and Lady Dhanvanti Rama Rau) |

| |69 |Fourth Meeting, Family Planning Council, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, 1967 |

| |70 |Frazier, Robert E., n.d. |

| |71 |Gaines/Ginsburg, Irving, various dates, & Lois Gaines, 1993 |

| |72 |Gandhi, Indira, various dates |

| |73 |Gandhi, Mohandas, with Margaret Sanger, n.d. |

| |74 |Gonzales, Betty |

| |75 |"Greta," 1954 |

| |76 |Grieser, Rev. & Mrs., Whitestone, NY, 1942 |

| |77 |"Halemane," 1983 |

| |78 |Hartman, E., Dr. Stanley Jhones, & E. Revett, 1941 |

| |79 |Haydel, Belmont & Nina, Arizona, 1990 |

| |80 |Hindustani classes, 1943 & 1944 |

| |81 |Hinkle, Gisela, Monica, & Brian, 1957 |

| |82 |Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of the Pacific, special convocation at Bangalore, Feb. 2, 1970 |

| |83 |Honorary M.D., Academy of Medical Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 1969 |

| |84 |Horii, Ayako, 1977 |

| |85 |House in Madras, India |

| |86 |Husain, Zakir (President of India, 1967-69) |

| |87 |Inaugural Speech, Searle India Factory, 1968 |

| |88 |Inauguration Ceremony, Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) Dispensary, 1969 |

| |89 |Inauguration, Institute of Demographic Studies, Nallamutha Gounder Mahalingam College, 1962 |

| |90 |Inauguration, Kakinada Camera Club, 1969 |

| |91 |India League of America Honor Award, Chicago, IL, 1975 |

| |92 |Indian farmers with Caterpillar tractor in California |

| |93 |Indian National Commission for UNESCO, Paris, France, 1948 |

| |94 |Indian Youth Congress, 1992 |

| |95 |International Association for Voluntary Sterilization, elected president, 1968 |

| |96 |International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Asian Regional Organisations, 1977 |

| |97 |International Conference on World Population & Resources, London, England, 1948 |

| |98 |International House, New York, NY, 1941 |

| |99 |Interview with Ramaswamy E.V. Periyar, Madras, India, 1970 |

| |100 |Interview with Sri C.V. Narasimhan, n.d. |

| |101 |"Isabelle," 1941 |

| |102 |Israel desert reclamation |

| |103 |Japan, 1940 |

| |104 |Jawaharlal Nehru (JN) Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 1968 |

| |105 |Jesudason, Dorothy, ca. 1940 |

| |106 |"Joan," n.d. |

| |107 |Johnson, Lyndon B. (U.S. President), meeting with, 1968 |

|77* |16 |Johnson, Lyndon B. (U.S. President), meeting with Sripati Chandrasekhar, 1968 |

|33 |108 |Kasiviswanathan, Rm., S.V. Money, & R. Ramanathan, n.d. |

| |109 |Kathmandu, 1992 |

| |110 |Kaufman Award with James George, Canadian High Commissioner, Aug. 1969 |

| |111 |Kaufman, Jean, & Lakshmi Menon, 1955 |

| |112 |Kesteloof, Genevieve, 1971 |

| |113 |Ketid, Harold Torlsvald, 1943 |

| |114 |Knowlton, Charles |

| |115 |"Lalisha, Anupama, Anil, & Vikram," Murphy Dome, Alaska, 1983 |

| |116 |Lawrence, Megan, 1941 |

| |117 |Leppakulam, Vishnu Temple, n.d. |

| |118 |Levinson, Bernard, n.d. |

| |119 |Lewis & Clark International Affairs Symposium, Portland, Oregon, 1971 |

| |120 |"Lois," n.d. |

| |121 |Lundkvist, Artur, n.d. |

| |122 |Madras, 1979 |

|77* |10 |Madras Presidency College, Honours School of History and Economics, 1935-38 |

|33 |123 |Madurai Institute of Social Work, ca. 1976 (Note: Includes photos of T.P. Meenakshisundaram) |

| |124 |Madurai Institute of Social Work, ca. 1990 |

| |125 |Mahabadhi Society, 1970 |

| |126 |"Mallika," 1978 |

| |127 |Mark, Shelly, ca. 1941 |

| |128 |Mathias Church, Budapest, Hungary |

| |129 |McCrutchen, Alfreda, 1941 |

| |130 |McNeil, Jesse Jai Jr., 1946 |

| |131 |Metzger, Laura, 1945 |

| |132 |Mills College Founders' Day Assembly, Oakland, CA, 1961 |

| |133 |"Mithilesh, Nagamoni, & Jayasree," 1977 |

| |134 |Mohanrangiah, P.S., 1962 |

| |135 |"Mrinahini," 1942 |

| |136 |M.S. Tatuta Maru |

| |137 |Muthiah Polytechnic Student's Association, n.d. |

| |138 |Naidu, Sripati Sarangapani |

| |139 |National Press Club Luncheon, 1968 |

| |140 |Nehru, Jawaharlal, various dates |

| |141 |Office of Sripati Chandrasekhar, LaJolla, CA |

| |142 |Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1979 |

| |143 |Perkins, E.F. & Edith, 1948 |

| |144 |Prakashananda, Swami, & Prativaq Kimar Ghosh, Hindu Temple, San Francisco, 1923 |

| |145 |Radhakrishnan, (Dr.) Sarvepalli, President's Palace, New Delhi, India, 1967 |

| |146 |Raju, Ann |

| |147 |Ramachandran, Tara, 1969 |

| |148 |Ranganadha, Sripati & Sita, various dates |

| |149 |Rao, S. Sushila Bhaskara, 1946 |

| |150 |Rao, Sri P.V. Narasimha, n.d. |

| |151 |Rao, Sripati Bhaskara & Sripati Ranganadha, ca. 1955 |

| |152 |"Rashmi," n.d. |

| |153 |Regents Lectures, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 1975 |

| |154 |Romney, George W. (Governor of Michigan), New Delhi, India, 1968 |

| |155 |"Rowena," 1942 |

| |156 |Ruthmaswamy, Louisa, 1948 |

| |157 |Sanger, Margaret, with Mohandas Gandhi, n.d. |

| |158 |Schein, (Sgt.) Ellis, 1943 |

| |159 |Schmidt, Gertrude, 1944 |

| |160 |Schonbrun, Leon, family, 1944 |

| |161 |Seciudembar, Lahtha Balasuhamuyan, 1970 |

| |162 |Second Quarter Class, California State University, Hayward, 1979-80 |

| |163 |Seminar: The Role of Youth in Demographic Problems of Asia, Melbourne, Australia, 1963 |

| |164 |Seringapatam Mosque |

| |165 |Shalizi, Abdul S., 1942 |

| |166 |Shamiengar family,1961 |

|34 |1 |Ship, N.Y.K. line (postcard) |

| |2 |Shorter, Diane, ca. 1973 |

| |3 |Shove, Beatrice, n.d. |

| |4 |Shridevi, (Dr.) S., various dates |

|79* |5 |Singapore |

|34 |5 |Sixth Annual Convocation, Kurukshetra University, 1969 |

| |6 |Southern Illinois University, ca. 1985 |

| |7 |Soviet Embassy, 1968 |

| |8 |Sri Meenakshi Temple, Pearland, TX |

| |9 |Stocking, Emily, ca. 1945 |

| |10 |Subramanya Temple, Kuala Lumpur, 1977 |

|77* |11 |Suddhi Movement Inauguration, May 5, 1958 |

|34 |11 |"Suresh, Vanaja, & Ravi," n.d. |

| |12 |Suttress, Francis, n.d. |

| |13 |Tatkon, Julie, n.d. |

| |14 |Television Program, Mexico City, Mexico, 1974 |

| |15 |Tokyo, Japan, 1955 |

| |16 |Tokyo, Japan, n.d. |

| |17 |Tree planting ceremony, 1977 |

| |18 |Tubectomy Camp, n.d. |

| |19 |UNESCO, 1948 |

| |20 |Unidentified events, ca. 1940's |

| |21 |Unidentified events, ca. 1950's |

|77* |12 |Unidentified events, ca. 1950's |

|34 |22 |Unidentified events, ca. 1960's (1 of 3) |

| |23 |Unidentified events, ca. 1960's (2 of 3) |

| |24 |Unidentified events, ca. 1960's (3 of 3) |

| |25 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (1 of 7) |

| |26 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (2 of 7) |

| |27 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (3 of 7) |

| |28 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (4 of 7) |

| |29 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (5 of 7) |

| |30 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (6 of 7) |

| |31 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's (7 of 7) |

|79* |6 |Unidentified events, ca. 1970's |

|34 |32 |Unidentified events, ca. 1980's |

|79* |7 |Unidentified events, ca. 1980's |

|34 |33 |Unidentified people, ca. 1940's (1 of 3) |

| |34 |Unidentified people, ca. 1940's (2 of 3) |

| |35 |Unidentified people, ca. 1940's (3 of 3) |

| |36 |Unidentified people, ca. 1950's |

| |37 |Unidentified people, ca. 1960's |

| |38 |Unidentified people, ca. 1970's |

| |39 |Unidentified people, ca. 1980's |

| |40 |Unidentified people, ca. 1990's |

| |41 |Unidentified people, n.d. |

| |42 |Unidentified places |

| |43 |United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD), Israel Delegation, 1968 |

| |44 |University of North Texas, Denton, 1994 (Note: Include photographs of Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Johnson) |

| |45 |University of Redlands, Honorary Doctorate |

| |46 |University of Washington, Battelle Research Center Think Tank, 1971 |

| |47 |Vaijayanlh, T. 1977 |

| |48 |Vienna Parliament, Vienna, Austria |

| |49 |Visit to Janata Vidyalaya Mirag, 1968 |

| |50 |Vohra, R.B., n.d. |

| |51 |VonEssen, Medhi, dance of, 1972 |

| |52 |Washington, DC, 1968 |

| |53 |Wedding photographs, S. Chandrasekhar & Ann Downes, 1947 |

| |54 |Wellesley College, 1942 |

| |55 |Women's Seminar on Family Planning, Madras, India, 1968 |

| |56 |World Assembly of Young, Amherst, MA, 1964 |

| |57 |World Population Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965 |

| |58 |World Youth Congress, Washington, DC, 1942 |

| |59 |Yeowkhoon, Foo, n.d. |

| |60 |Zaki, Abdul, Columbia University, 1941 |

| |61 |Zurich, Switzerland, 1938 |

| |62 |negatives |

| | | |

|Box |Album |B. Photo Albums |

| | | |

|34 |1 |Visit to Children's Montessori High School, April 15, 1967 |

|35 |1 |Inauguration, First Annual General Meeting, Oppi, April 29, 1967 |

|34 |2 |Opening of Orthoptic Building, Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad, Oct. 19, 1967 |

| |3 |Unidentified event, ca. 1967 |

|35 |2 |Visit to G. Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital, April 13, 1968 |

| |3 |Inauguration of Pathological and Clinical Laboratories, Institute of Hematology, May 25, 1968 |

| |4 |Visit to TV's guest house, Madurai, Oct. 2, 1968 |

| |5 |St. John's Ambulance Brigade, ca. 1968 (note: includes photos of Zakir Husain) |

| |6 |Unidentified event, ca. 1968 (note: includes photos of Indira Gandhi & Zakir Husain) |

| |7 |Unidentified event, ca. 1968 |

| |8 |Visit to Hungary, Jan., 1969 |

| |9 |Sixth Annual Convocation, Kurukshetra University, March 6, 1969 |

| |10 |Address, April 16, 1969 |

|36 |1 |Medicor Exhibition, New Delhi, India, 1969 |

| |2 |Unidentified event, ca. 1969 |

|35 |11 |Unidentified event, ca. 1969 |

|36 |3 |Tubectomy Camp, Faridkot, Feb. 19, 1970 |

|35 |12 |Unidentified event, ca. 1970 |

|36 |4 |Inauguration, Annamalai University Alumni Association, Aug. 3, 1977 |

| |5 |Ananda Coomaraswamy Centennial Lecture, Madras, India, Aug. 22, 1977 |

| |6 |Convocation Address & receiving Honorary L.L.D. degree, Punjabi University, 1977 |

| |7 |Republic Day Celebration, Annamalai University, Jan. 26, 1978 |

| |8 |Inaugurations of various academic and social activities at P.C. Dental and Nurses Colleges, Bangalore, Nov.|

| | |21, 1992 |

| | | |

|Box |Folder |C. Audio-Visual Material |

| | | |

| | |Film: |

|36 | |Chandrasekhar interview on Today Show with Joe Garagiola & Hugh Downes, February 12, 1969, 16 mm film |

|36 | |Chandrasekhar interview on Today Show with Joe Garagiola & Hugh Downes, February 12, 1969, VHS videotape, |

| | |(3 copies) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Audio tape: |

|75 |42 |Dr. Chandrasekhar's speech at the Population Crisis Committee, Washington, DC, January 12, 1968, |

| | |reel-to-reel audiotape, parts 1 & 2 |

| | | |

|Box |Folder |S5. PRINTED MATERIAL |

| | | |

| | |A. Newspaper Clippings |

| | | |

|37 |1 |Abortion 1 of 2 |

| |2 |Abortion 2 of 2 |

| |3 |Abuse, Rape, & Incest |

| |4 |Afghanistan |

| |5 |Africa |

| |6 |African Americans |

| |7 |Aging |

| |8 |Alaska |

| |9 |Alcohol |

| |10 |Algeria |

| |11 |Anderson, Marian |

| |12 |Andhra Pradesh, India |

| |13 |Animals |

| |14 |Arab World |

| |15 |Arid lands |

| |16 |Arizona |

| |17 |Asia |

| |18 |Asian Americans |

| |19 |Australia |

| |20 |Averages and Normalcy |

| |21 |Bali |

| |22 |Bangladesh |

| |23 |Bhopal, India/Union Carbide |

| |24 |Bhutan |

| |25 |Bikes and bicycling |

| |26 |Biographical Articles, Various People |

| |27 |Birth Control |

| |28 |Birth Defects and Prenatal Testing |

| |29 |Black Holocaust |

| |30 |Book Reviews |

| |31 |Books & Publishing |

| |32 |Bosnia-Herzegovina |

| |33 |Brazil |

| |34 |Buck, Pearl S. |

| |35 |Buddhism |

| |36 |Burma |

| |37 |Calcutta, India |

| |38 |California |

| |39 |Cambodia |

| |40 |Canada |

| |41 |Cancer |

| |42 |Caribbean |

| |43 |Catholicism & Pope |

| |44 |Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (astrophysicist) |

| |45 |Chettiars |

| |46 |Chile |

| |47 |China 1 of 2 |

| |48 |China 2 of 2 (bound volume) |

| |49 |Christianity and Papacy |

| |50 |Circumcision |

| |51 |Clinton, Bill |

| |52 |Columbus, Christopher |

| |53 |Contraceptives |

| |54 |Crime |

| |55 |Cultural Issues |

| |56 |Dance |

| |57 |Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) |

| |58 |Death, Murder, and Euthanasia |

| |59 |Desai, Morarji |

| |60 |Disarmament |

| |61 |Disease Control |

| |62 |Divorce |

| |63 |Dowry |

| |64 |Economics |

| |65 |Education |

| |66 |Egypt |

| |67 |Elephants |

| |68 |England |

| |69 |English Language |

| |70 |Environmental Concerns |

| |71 |Ethiopia |

| |72 |Europe |

| |73 |Exercise and Fitness |

| |74 |Family Planning |

| |75 |Fatherhood/Paternity |

| |76 |al-Fayed, Mohammed |

| |77 |Fertility |

| |78 |Fiji |

| |79 |Firewalking |

| |80 |First aid |

| |81 |Florida |

| |82 |Food Production |

| |83 |Foundations |

| |84 |France |

| |85 |Fuller, Buckminster |

| |86 |Gabon |

| |87 |Galbraith, John Kenneth |

| |88 |Galileo |

| |89 |Gandhi, Indira |

| |90 |Gandhi, Mahatma |

| |91 |Gandhi, Rajiv |

| |92 |Genetics |

| |93 |Germany |

| |94 |Greece |

| |95 |Guadalajara, Mexico |

| |96 |Gun Control |

| |97 |Gypsies |

|38 |1 |Hare Krishnas |

| |2 |Hawaii |

| |3 |Health |

| |4 |Health Care |

| |5 |Heart Disease |

| |6 |Heimlich Maneuver & choking |

| |7 |The Hindu (newspaper) |

| |8 |Hinduism |

| |9 |History, human and world |

| |10 |Holocaust |

| |11 |Homeless |

| |12 |Hong Kong |

| |13 |Houston, Texas |

| |14 |Human rights |

| |15 |Hungary |

| |16 |Hunger |

| |17 |Husain, Zakir |

| |18 |Iceland |

| |19 |Immigration & Migration |

| |20 |Impotence and Infertility |

| |21 |India--Aboriginal Peoples |

| |22 |India--Abortion |

| |23 |India--Adoption |

| |24 |India--Art |

| |25 |India--Astrology |

| |26 |India--Banks |

| |27 |India--Birth Control |

| |28 |India--Bombay |

| |29 |India--British Raj |

| |30 |India--British rule |

| |31 |India--Business and Industry |

| |32 |India--Caste system |

| |33 |India--Census & Demographic Survey |

| |34 |India--Contraceptives |

| |35 |India--Cows |

| |36 |India--Divorce |

| |37 |India--Dowry |

| |38 |India--Economy |

| |39 |India--Education |

| |40 |India--Electric power |

| |41 |India--Environment and Pollution |

| |42 |India--Family Planning 1 of 2 |

| |43 |India--Family Planning 2 of 2 |

| |44 |India--Family Planning Programme |

| |45 |India--Family Welfare |

| |46 |India--Female mortality |

| |47 |India--Five-Year Plans |

| |48 |India--Food and nutrition |

| |49 |India--Foreign aid |

| |50 |India--Health and Medicine |

| |51 |India--History and Culture |

| |52 |India--Housing |

| |53 |India--Human Rights |

| |54 |India--Hunger |

| |55 |India--Immigration and migration |

| |56 |India--Infant Mortality |

| |57 |India--Kerala |

| |58 |India--Labor |

| |59 |India--Land reform |

| |60 |India--Language |

| |61 |India--Literacy |

| |62 |India--Marital Age |

| |63 |India--Military |

| |64 |India--Miscellaneous 1 of 3 |

| |65 |India--Miscellaneous 2 of 3 |

| |66 |India--Miscellaneous 3 of 3 |

| |67 |India--Monkeys |

| |68 |India--Nationalism |

| |69 |India--Personalities |

| |70 |India--Politics |

| |71 |India--Population 1 of 4 |

| |72 |India--Population 2 of 4 |

| |73 |India--Population 3 of 4 |

| |74 |India--Population 4 of 4 |

| |75 |India--Poverty |

| |76 |India--Punjab |

| |77 |India--Registration of births and deaths |

| |78 |India--Religion |

|39 |1 |India--Riots, 1992 |

| |2 |India--Sex Education |

| |3 |India--Sterilization |

| |4 |India--Superstition |

| |5 |India--Trade |

| |6 |India--Travel and Tourism |

| |7 |India--Tribals |

| |8 |India--Weather |

| |9 |India--Women |

| |10 |Indonesia/Java |

| |11 |Infant Mortality |

| |12 |Infanticide |

| |13 |International House |

| |14 |Iraq |

| |15 |Iran |

| |16 |Ireland |

| |17 |Islam |

| |18 |Israel 1 of 2 |

| |19 |Israel 2 of 2 |

| |20 |Italy |

| |21 |Jainism |

| |22 |Jamaica |

| |23 |Japan |

| |24 |Jews |

| |25 |Jordan |

| |26 |Kashmir, India |

| |27 |Kenya |

| |28 |Korea |

| |29 |Kosovo |

| |30 |Kuwait |

| |31 |La Jolla, California |

| |32 |Landers, Ann, columns |

| |33 |Languages |

| |34 |Latin America |

| |35 |Law and justice |

| |36 |Lebanon |

| |37 |Leprosy |

| |38 |Liberia |

| |39 |Literacy |

| |40 |Longevity, Retirement, Social Security, & Sr. Citizens |

| |41 |Madagaskar |

| |42 |Madras, India |

| |43 |Malaria |

| |44 |Malaysia |

| |45 |Maldives |

| |46 |Malta |

| |47 |Malthus, Thomas |

| |48 |Marketing & Sales |

| |49 |Marriage |

| |50 |Mauritius |

| |51 |Memory |

| |52 |Mexico |

| |53 |Miscellaneous |

| |54 |Mongolia |

| |55 |Mother Teresa |

| |56 |Motherhood/Maternity |

| |57 |Mount Everest |

| |58 |Mountbattens |

| |59 |Muslim polygamy |

| |60 |Narayan, Jayaprakash |

| |61 |Native Americans |

| |62 |Natural resources |

| |63 |Nehru, Jawaharlal |

| |64 |Nepal |

| |65 |Netherlands |

| |66 |New York University |

| |67 |New Zealand |

| |68 |Nicaragua |

| |69 |Nobel Prize and Prize Winners |

| |70 |Norway |

| |71 |Obituaries, various people 1 of 2 |

| |72 |Obituaries, various people 2 of 2 |

| |73 |Oman |

| |74 |Organ Transplants |

| |75 |Origin of Life |

| |76 |Pakistan |

| |77 |Palestine |

| |78 |Panama |

| |79 |Papau, New Guinea |

| |80 |Peace |

| |81 |Personal Health Issues |

| |82 |Peru |

| |83 |Philippines |

| |84 |Planned Parenthood (organization) |

| |85 |Poland |

| |86 |Pollution |

| |87 |Polygamy |

| |88 |Portugal |

| |89 |Poverty |

| |90 |Prostitution |

| |91 |Public Health and Health Issues |

| |92 |Quakers |

| |93 |Racism |

| |94 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli |

| |95 |Reagan, Ronald |

| |96 |Reddy, Neelam Sanjeeva |

| |97 |Religion (World) |

| |98 |Russell, Sir E. John |

| |99 |Russia |

| |100 |Saudi Arabia |

| |101 |Scudder, Ida |

| |102 |Seychelles |

| |103 |Sexually Transmitted Diseases |

| |104 |Shastri, Lal Bahadur |

| |105 |Shaw, George Bernard |

| |106 |Sikhs |

| |107 |Singapore |

| |108 |Slavery |

| |109 |Smoking |

| |110 |South Africa |

| |111 |South America |

| |112 |Soviet Union |

| |113 |Spain |

| |114 |Sri Lanka (Ceylon) |

| |115 |Sterilization |

| |116 |Stroke |

| |117 |Swamis & Gurus |

| |118 |Sweden |

| |119 |Switzerland |

| |120 |Taiwan |

| |121 |Tamil |

| |122 |Thailand |

| |123 |Tibet |

| |124 |Togo |

| |125 |Travel |

| |126 |Trinidad |

| |127 |Tucson, Arizona |

| |128 |Turkey |

| |129 |Ukraine |

| |130 |United Kingdom |

| |131 |United Nations |

|22 |14 |U.S. 1 of 2 |

| |15 |U.S. 2 of 2 |

| |16 |University of Texas |

| |17 |Van Buren, Abigail, columns |

| |18 |Vasectomy |

| |19 |Vietnam |

| |20 |Violence & Gun Control |

| |21 |Waste |

| |22 |Water |

| |23 |Women |

| |24 |World health |

| |25 |World Health Organization |

| |26 |World Population |

| |27 |World War II |

| |28 |Zambia |

| | | |

| | |B. Newsletters |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

|40 |1 |Abortion Research Notes; May 1974; February & May 1975; January & April 1976 |

| |2 |AIINA, Asian Indians in North America; March 1983 & Spring 1988 |

| |3 |The Asia Bulletin; September & December 1960; March & April 1961 |

| |4 |The Asia Foundation Program Bulletin; June & September 1957; September 1964; & June 1966 |

|75 |31 |Association for the Study of Abortion (ASA) Newsletter, Spring 1966, Winter 1967, Fall and Winter 1968, Fall|

| | |1969 |

|40 |5 |Association for Voluntary Sterilization Newsletter; Spring 1967; Fall-Winter 1970; Summer 1971; March & |

| | |Summer 1973; February & October 1974; March, October, & December 1975; May 1976; January 1978 |

| |6 |Association of Indian Economics Studies; April, June, & November 1979; July & November 1980 |

| |7 |The Atheist; March-April & July-August 1979; August 1980 |

| |8 |Bharati, The India Association of San Diego; November 1961, January 7, 1972, & January 19, 1973 |

| |9 |The Booster, Exchange Club of University-Riverside; October 19, 26, & November 2, 1965 |

| |10 |Bulletin, The Pacific News Commonwealth; July 1 & October 1, 1969 |

| |11 |Canadian International Development Agency, Contact; April & November 1975 |

| |12 |Center for Migration Studies (CMS) Newsletter; Winter 1982, Winter 1983, Summer 1985, Winter & Summer 1986, |

| | |Spring 1992, Winter 1993, Winter & Spring 1996, Spring 1998, Spring 1999 |

| |13 |Centre Calling, 1966, November & December |

| |14 |Centre Calling, 1967, April, May, & December; bound volume containing February, March, & June-November |

| |15 |Centre Calling, 1968, March, May, June, July, October, & December; bound volume containing January-December |

| |16 |Centre Calling, January-November, 1969, January-May, July, August, & December; bound volume containing |

| | |January-November |

| |17 |Centre Calling, 1970, January, March, & May-December |

| |18 |Centre Calling; January-June 1971; January, March, May-December 1972; April, August, September, & November |

| | |1974; January, April, May, July-September, & November 1975; January, April, & July 1976; July 1977; August |

| | |1992 |

| |19 |Challenge, India Junior Chamber, May-October 1970 |

| |20 |China News Analysis, November 26, 1954 & March 20, 1959 |

| |21 |Concern News; Fall 1975 & Spring 1979 |

| |22 |Consortium of Indians at San Diego Newsletter, June & November 1989 |

| |23 |Demographic Training and Research Centre Newsletter; April 1960, August 1962, December 1963, April & |

| | |December 1964, April 1965, April 1966 |

| |24 |Dharma, Society for Rapid Advancement of India, May/June & September 1972 |

| |25 |Diabetes Wellness Letter, February & March 1998 |

| |26 |Excerpts; Spring/Summer 1991, Fall/Winter 1992, Spring 1997 |

| |27 |Family Planning Digest, November 1974 & January 1975 |

| |28 |Family Planning Quarterly, September & December 1969, March & December 1970, September 1973, September 1974,|

| | |June 1975 |

| |29 |FIA News, Spring 1993 & April/June 2000 |

| |30 |Focus, KW International, Inc., ca. 1994 & July 1996 |

| |31 |Focus on South Africa; July/August 1988; May & September 1989; February-March, August, & October-December |

| | |1990; April & September 1991; May 1992; & n.d. |

| |32 |Gleams, Glaucoma Research Foundation, Winter & Summer 1998, Winter 1999 |

| |33 |The Healing Line, March & May 1994, July 1995 |

| |34 |Health After 50: The Johns Hopkins Medical Letter; February, June, & September 1998 |

| |35 |IIPS Newsletter, International Institute for Population Studies, April & July 1979, January & April 1980 |

| |36 |IMCH Newsletter, July, August, October, & December 1986 |

| |37 |India Association of Rochester; February, April, June, & July 1973; May & December 1982; & January-June 1983|

| |38 |India To-day, August 1941 & April 1944 |

|78* | |Indian & Foreign Review; January 15 & June 1, 1970; February 1, 15, March 1, April 1, June 1, July 1, & |

| | |August 15, 1971;January 1, July 1 & October 15, 1972; March 1 & April 1, 1973 |

|40 |39 |Insight, December 22, 1978; April 10, May 8, & August 14, 1981 |

| |40 |Intercom; October & November 1973; May & October 1979 |

| |41 |International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Newsletter; Vol. 6 No. 4 (1982); Vol. 7 Nos. 2-4 (1983); |

| | |Vol. 8 No. 2 (1984); Vol. 9 Nos. 2-3 (1985); Vol. 10 Nos. 1-2 (1986); & May 1992 |

| |42 |International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Medical Bulletin; October & December 1969; February, |

| | |April & August 1970; August 1974; August 1975 |

| |43 |International Planned Parenthood News; March/April & June 1971; June 1972; May 1973; & January-March 1974 |

| |44 |International Project Newsletter; June & September 1979; July 1980; & February 1981 |

| |45 |Kernels from Rice, The Ford Foundation, June & July 1968 |

| |46 |Madras Birth Control Bulletin; September-December 1931; September-December 1932; July/August 1934; & |

| | |July-September 1938 |

| |47 |The Malthusian, February-August 1879; April-September & December 1880; January, March-September, & November |

| | |1881; January-February, June & November 1882 |

| |48 |The Malthusian; October-December 1949; January-June & August-December 1950; January-December 1951; |

| | |January-December 1952 |

| |49 |The Malthusian (Supplements), December 1949-May & Sept-November 1950, January-April 1951 |

| |50 |Miscellaneous newsletters, A-I |

| | |ADC Paper, The Agricultural Development Council, Inc., December 1966 |

| | |AHA News, Association for Humane Abortion, Inc., Vol. 1, No. 1, n.d. |

| | |Air and Water News, July 8, 1968 |

| | |ALRA Newsletter, Abortion Law Reform Association, Summer/Autumn 1969 |

| | |ASA Newsletter, Association for the Study of Abortion, Spring 1970 |

| | |Asian American Focus, Summer/Fall 1989 |

| | |ASPAC Newsletter, Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast |

| | |Brotherhood, 1959 |

| | |Bulletin of Information between organisations and individuals in contact with the International Liaison |

| | |Committee of Organisations for Peace, March-April, 1951 |

| | |Canada Weekly, June 6, 1984 |

| | |Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies Review, Fall 1979 |

| | |CHEC News, Newsletter of the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, January 1975, No. 2 |

| | |Christian Medical Association of India Family Planning Project News, February 9, 1970 |

| | |Closer to Teachers, Vol. III, 1984 |

| | |Department of State Newsletter, August 1974 |

| | |The Dial WGAR, Summer 1955 |

| | |DISC Report, A Report for the Development of Interculturally Skilled Counselors, Summer 1985 |

| | |Family Planning Association of Hong King Quarterly Bulletin, 3rd Quarter 1956 |

| | |Family Planning News, June 30, 1969 |

| | |Focus on Health, Vol. 3, Issue 2, n.d. |

| | |Footnotes, American Sociological Association, November 1983 |

| | |Forum Service, Congress for Cultural Freedom, n.d. |

| | |Forward in Europe, June/July 1968 |

| | |FPPB Newsletter, Singapore Family Planning & Population |

| | |Board, December 1975 |

| | |Freeze Breeze, San Diego Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, Vol. 1, No. 3, n.d. |

| | |HBAVS News, Human Betterment Association for Voluntary Sterilization, Inc., n.d. |

| | |Hindu Digest, n.d. |

| | |Human Betterment Society Newsletter, n.d. |

| | |I House World Newsletter, A letter for former members of the International House, 500 Riverside Drive, New |

| | |York, NY, Vol. 5, No. 3, n.d. |

| | |IATE, Indian Association of Teacher Educators, February 1970 |

| | |IIAS Newsletter, Indian Institute of Advanced Study-Shimla, 1968-1987 |

| | |Indiagram, January 14, 1980 |

| | |The Indian American, Indian American Forum for Political Education, Winter 1986 |

| | |The Indian Council for Child Welfare News Letter, April 1963 |

| | |The Indian P.E.N., March 7, 1934 |

| | |Information Service, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, October 13,|

| | |1956 |

| | |International Center Newsletter, February 1972 |

| | |ITEMS, Social Science Research Council, March 1979 |

| |51 |Miscellaneous Newsletters, K-Z |

| | |Kerala Demographic Newsletter, Demographic Research Centre, Bureau of Economics and Statistics, October 1968|

| | |KIS Newsletter, Kodaikanal International School; August 2000 |

| | |Kodai Connection |

| | |Liberty, Monthly Bulletin of 'K' Ward District Youth Congress Committee, July 1968 |

| | |Library Notes, The Asia Foundation, September 15, 1966 |

| | |Minnesota Consortium for South Asian Studies Newsletter, March 31, 1981 |

| | |News from Israel, October 15, 1968 |

| | |Notes on World Events, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, August 1955 |

| | |Oberlin Alumni Magazine, February 1959 |

| | |Out Patient Termination of Pregnancy, Population Dynamics, May 1975 |

| | |Pathways, The Pathfinder Fund, Winter 1987 |

| | |Phoenix Friend Meeting Monthly Bulletin, July/August 1990 |

| | |Planned Parenthood Center of El Paso, June 1985 |

| | |Planning, July 12, 1954 |

| | |Planning for Health, Kaiser Permanente Member News, 1995 |

| | |Population, July 1986 |

| | |Population and Social Development, February 1978 |

| | |Population Bulletin, August 1941 |

| | |Population Chronicle, Population Council, May 1972 |

| | |Population Studies Centre News Letter, January-April 1975 |

| | |Pre-Investment News, United Nations Development Programme, September 1970 |

| | |Quinacrine Sterilization Newsletter, July 1996 |

| | |The Registrar General's Newsletter, April 1968 |

| | |Rostsca Bulletin, Unesco Regional Office of Science and Technology for South and Central Asia, June 1978 |

| | |SAGE Report, Services and Activities in Geriatric Education, Winter/Spring 1994 |

| | |San Diego Indian American Society Newsletter, April 1994 |

| | |Sandglass, The Heritage Club, No. X:30, n.d. |

| | |Shri Mandir Communicator, February 1996 |

| | |South Africa Update, No. 4 1991 |

| | |South Pacific Perspective, June 1965 |

| | |Statistical Bulletin, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, March 1955 |

| | |Supreme Court Journal, January 1957 |

| | |Technical Manpower, February 1970 |

| | |Texas Institute for Research and Education on Aging Newsletter, November 1993 |

| | |UNICEF News, World Population Year 1974 |

| | |United Nations Conference on the Human Environment Information Letter, November/December 1971 |

| | |University of California, San Diego, Neighborhood News, Fall 1990 |

| | |Weekly German News, Bulletin of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, February 18, 1967 |

| | |Women's Studies Research Center News, University of |

| | |Wisconsin-Madison; Spring 1990 |

| | |World Education Issues, July 1974 |

| | |World Education Projects, May 1973 |

| | |World Fertility Survey Newsletter, July 1974 |

| | |World Health Organization Newsletter, April 1949 |

| | |World Policy Forum, Fall 1983 |

| | |World Union, June 1976 |

| | |Zero Population Growth, Northern California, September 1969 |

| | |Zero Population Growth, Seattle, September 1971 |

| | |Zero Population Growth, Tri-Cities Chapter News, January 1972 |

| |52 |National Federation of Indian-American Associations (NFIA) News; January-April, July-August, & |

| | |November-December 1991;July-August 1992; Spring 1995 |

| |53 |News of Population and Birth Control; March-April, June, & September-December 1952; January-February, |

| | |May-June, & Sept-November 1953; January-June & September 1954; March 1955; October-November 1956; |

| | |April-June, September-December 1957; January-June, & September-November 1958; January 1959; |

| | |September-October 1960 |

| |54 |NPG Newsletter, Negative Population Growth, Inc.; March 1976; Summer & August 1997; August, October, & |

| | |November 1998; July/August 1999; & n.d. |

|78* | |Nutrition, July 1967, January & April 1968 |

|40 |55 |Oberlin Shansi Memorial Newsletter, Fall 1958 & Spring 1959 |

| |56 |Opinion; September 15 & December 8, 1970; January 5, 1971 |

| |57 |The Orient and USA, April & May 1944 |

| |58 |PAA Affairs, Population Association of America, Inc.; 1981 & Summer 1982 |

| |59 |P/AAMHRC Research Review, Pacific/Asian American Mental Health Research Center; 1982-1984 & January/April |

| | |1985 |

|41 |1 |Planned Parenthood, Monthly Bulletin of the Planned Parenthood Association of India; July 1953-December 1957|

| |2 |Planned Parenthood, Monthly Bulletin of the Planned Parenthood Association of India; January 1958-December |

| | |1964 |

| |3 |Planned Parenthood, Monthly Bulletin of the Planned Parenthood Association of India; January 1965-July 1970 |

| |4 |Planned Parenthood, Monthly Bulletin of the Planned Parenthood Association of India; May 1976; April, June, |

| | |& August 1978, December 1981-October 1986 |

| |5 |Planned Parenthood Association of San Diego Newsletter; November/December 1974 & March 1975 |

| |6 |Pop Cen Newsletter, India Population Project; December 1977; August/September 1979; July-October 1981 |

| |7 |Popline: World Population News Service; January & September 1979; July & August 1980; August 1982 |

| |8 |Population Centre Bangalore Newsletter; September/October 1977; March-October 1979 |

| |9 |Population Crisis, Population Crisis Committee; June & October 1968; April & September 1969; May-June 1970; |

| | |July-August 1973 |

| |10 |Population Education in Asia Newsletter; October 1974, April 1975, & August 1978 |

| |11 |Population Headliners, 1979, January-November |

| |12 |Population Headliners, 1980, January-October & December 1980 |

| |13 |Population Headliners, 1981, January-July |

| |14 |Population Management Feedback; 2nd-4th Quarters, 1978; No. 2 1979 |

| |15 |Population Newsletter; March, June, & December 1971 |

| |16 |Population Report; May & July 1974; March 1976 |

| |17 |Population Reports; Series J No. 37, 38, 39, 47, & Supplement; Series M No. 10; Series L No. 11 |

| |18 |PRB Report; July 1966, June 1967, December 1968, October 1969, February 1975 |

| |19 |PSI Newsletter, Population Services International; November 1973 & Summer 1974 |

| |20 |Southern Africa Review; July 1991; September-December 1993 |

| |21 |Souvenir, Nos. 13 & 14, 1963 |

| |22 |The Spirit of Devotion; September 1992; July 1993; June/July 1994; July/August 2000 |

| |23 |Suvannabhumi, Newletter of the Program for Southeast Asian Studies at Arizona State University; December |

| | |1990; May & December 1991; May & December 1992 |

| |24 |United Towns Newsletter; November-December 1979; March-April 1980; October/November 1981 |

| |25 |University News; May 16, 1977; August 1 & 15, 1978 |

| |26 |University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter; October & November 1994; January-September 1995; June |

| | |1998 |

| |27 |University Report; March 2 & April 27, 1984 |

| |28 |World Education Reports; Fall 1972; Summer, Fall, & Winter 1973; Winter 1974; April 1977 |

| |29 |World Population Society Newsletter; January 1975 & September 1978 |

| |30 |Zero Population Growth of San Diego Newsletter; August & October-December 1972; March, May-December 1973; |

| | |January-March, September, & November 1974 |

| | | |

| | |C. Pamphlets & Booklets |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

| |31 |Abortion |

| |32 |Africa |

| |33 |Aging |

| |34 |Alaska |

| |35 |Anaemia |

| |36 |Andhra Pradesh (state), India |

| |37 |Annamacharya Prachara Parishodhana Kendram |

| |38 |Annamalai University |

| |39 |Arid lands |

| |40 |Ashram, Sri Aurobindo |

| |41 |Asia Foundation |

| |42 |Australia |

|78* | |Australia |

|41 |43 |Bahadur, Shri Raja Meka Rangayyapparow |

| |44 |Bangladesh |

| |45 |Bengal Women's Union |

| |46 |Birth control |

| |47 |Book publishing |

| |48 |Brush Foundation |

| |49 |Bucharest, Romania |

| |50 |Canada--Ecological Issues |

| |51 |Caste system |

| |52 |Catalina |

| |53 |Catholicism |

| |54 |Center for Population Planning |

| |55 |Central Family Planning Institute |

| |56 |Ceylon/Sri Lanka |

| |57 |China |

| |58 |Contraceptives |

| |59 |Communication |

| |60 |Council on Religion & International Affairs |

| |61 |Cousins, James & Margaret |

| |62 |Early populations |

| |63 |East-West Center, Dillingham Lecture Series |

| |64 |Economic development |

| |65 |Education |

|42 |1 |Environment 1 of 2 |

| |2 |Environment 2 of 2 |

| |3 |Eugenics Society |

| |4 |Family Life Institute |

| |5 |Family planning 1 of 3 |

| |6 |Family planning 2 of 3 |

| |7 |Family planning 3 of 3 |

| |8 |Family Planning Association of India |

| |9 |Family Planning Foundation |

| |10 |Family Planning--Islamic view |

| |11 |Fertility regulation |

| |12 |Finland |

| |13 |Food and nutrition |

| |14 |Ford Foundation |

| |15 |Foundations (miscellaneous) |

| |16 |Free enterprise |

| |17 |Fulbright Program |

| |18 |Galbraith,. John Kenneth, speeches |

| |19 |Gandhi, Indira (Includes the Nov. 12, 1984, issue of Time, featuring a story about her assassination) |

| |20 |Global Energy Centre |

| |21 |Guggenheim, John Simon, Memorial Foundation |

| |22 |Gujarat (state), India |

| |23 |Health |

| |24 |Healthcare |

| |25 |Hearing |

| |26 |Heimlich maneuver |

| |27 |Hindustan Latex Ltd. |

| |28 |Homosexuals |

| |29 |Human ecology |

| |30 |Human rights |

| |31 |Karnataka (state), India |

| |32 |India--Aborigines |

| |33 |India--Agriculture |

| |34 |India--Art |

| |35 |India--Birth control |

| |36 |India--Census |

| |37 |India--Colleges and universities |

| |38 |India--Community development |

| |39 |India--Contraceptives |

| |40 |India--Cows |

| |41 |India--Culture & history |

| |42 |India--Economy |

| |43 |India--Education |

| |44 |India--Educational Institutions |

| |45 |India--Electric power |

|78* | |India--Electric power |

|42 |46 |India--Emergency |

| |47 |India--Energy |

| |48 |India--Family planning 1 of 2 |

| |49 |India--Family planning 2 of 2 |

|43 |1 |India--Family Planning Programme |

| |2 |India--Food |

| |3 |India--Foreign trade |

| |4 |India--Geological survey |

| |5 |India--Industry |

| |6 |India--Language |

| |7 |India--Law and legal system |

| |8 |India--Madras |

| |9 |India--Media |

| |10 |India--Medicine |

| |11 |India--Miscellaneous |

| |12 |India--Miscellaneous |

| |13 |India--Miscellaneous |

| |14 |India--Natural resources |

| |15 |India--Planned parenthood |

| |16 |India--Politics and government |

| |17 |India--Population |

|78* | |India--Population |

|43 |18 |India--Rural areas |

| |19 |India--Science and technology |

| |20 |India--Sterilization |

| |21 |India--Tamil Nadu |

| |22 |India--Transportation |

| |23 |India--Travel |

| |24 |India--Tribes |

| |25 |India--Vellore |

| |26 |India--Women |

| |27 |Indian associations |

| |28 |Indian Institute of Advanced Study |

| |29 |Indian Institute of Economics |

| |30 |Indians in the U.S. |

| |31 |Infant mortality |

| |32 |Institutes and programs |

| |33 |International Catholic Migration Commission |

| |34 |International development |

| |35 |International House |

| |36 |International Institute for Educational Planning |

| |37 |International Planned Parenthood Federation |

| |38 |International Union for the Scientific Study of Population |

| |39 |Israel |

| |40 |Japan |

| |41 |Johnson, Lyndon B. |

| |42 |Kennedy, John F. |

| |43 |Kodaikanal School |

| |44 |Kuwait |

| |45 |Liberia |

| |46 |Madras Neo-Malthusian League |

| |47 |Malaria |

| |48 |Malaysia |

| |49 |Maldives |

| |50 |Mauritius |

| |51 |McNamara, Robert S., speech |

| |52 |Mehta, Asoka, lectures and speeches |

| |53 |Mental health |

| |54 |Migration |

| |55 |Miscellaneous organizations |

| |56 |Miscellaneous population study centers |

| |57 |Mongolian People's Republic |

| |58 |Mudaliar, A.L., Memorial Lecture |

| |59 |Muslims |

| |60 |Nagarathars |

| |61 |Naidu, P.N. Ramaswami, Memorial |

| |62 |Natal |

| |63 |Nehru, Jawaharlal |

| |64 |Netherlands |

| |65 |New Guinea |

| |66 |New Zealand |

| |67 |Norway |

| |68 |O'Hare, Cardinal, Memorial Lecture |

|44 |1 |Pakistan |

| |2 |Peace |

| |3 |Periyar, Rameswamy |

| |4 |Pest management |

| |5 |Planned parenthood |

| |6 |Planned Parenthood Association of San Diego |

|78* | |Polar regions |

|44 |7 |Pollution |

| |8 |Population |

| |9 |Population control |

| |10 |Population crisis |

| |11 |Population--Economic development |

| |12 |Population education |

| |13 |Population policy |

| |14 |Population programs |

| |15 |Population Reference Bureau |

| |16 |Poverty |

| |17 |Prayer |

| |18 |Race |

| |19 |Racism |

| |20 |Regional Family Planning Training Centre, Adyar, Madras |

| |21 |Religion |

| |22 |Rural life |

| |23 |Sahitya Akademi Awards |

| |24 |San Francisco, California |

| |25 |Sanger, Margaret |

| |26 |Sex |

| |27 |Sex education |

| |28 |Sierra Club |

| |29 |Sikhism |

| |30 |Social service |

| |31 |South Africa |

| |32 |Sterilization |

| |33 |Stress |

| |34 |Technical Cooperation Mission |

| |35 |Thailand |

| |36 |Trinidad/Tobago |

| |37 |Unemployment |

| |38 |United Nations |

| |39 |United Nations World Population Year 1974 |

| |40 |United States |

| |41 |Violence |

| |42 |Watumull Foundation |

| |43 |Wildlife |

| |44 |Women |

| |45 |World Association of Writers, The P.E.N. |

| |46 |World Bank Group |

| |47 |World hunger |

| |48 |World population 1 of 2 |

| |49 |World population 2 of 2 |

| |50 |World population organizations |

| |51 |World Population Year |

| |52 |World urbanization |

| | | |

| | |D. Reprints |

| | | |

| |56 |Abortion 1 of 2 |

| |57 |Abortion 2 of 2 |

| |58 |Aging |

| |59 |Alaska |

| |60 |Arid lands |

| |61 |Asia |

| |62 |Australia |

| |63 |Biography |

| |64 |Birth control |

| |65 |Cambodia--Population |

| |66 |Canada |

| |67 |Capitalism |

|45 |1 |Census |

| |2 |Ceylon |

| |3 |China |

| |4 |Circumpolar populations |

| |5 |Communities |

| |6 |Contraceptives |

| |7 |Economics |

| |8 |Elephants |

| |9 |Environmental issues |

| |10 |Ethnicity |

| |11 |Europe--Population |

| |12 |Evolution |

| |13 |Family |

| |14 |Family planning |

| |15 |Fertility |

| |16 |Food & nutrition |

| |17 |Foreign aid |

| |18 |Gender roles |

| |19 |Gender selection |

| |20 |Germany |

| |21 |Government |

| |22 |Great Britain |

| |23 |Group dynamics |

| |24 |Handicapped |

| |25 |Hawaii |

| |26 |Heimlich maneuver |

| |27 |Higher education |

| |28 |Hormones |

| |29 |Hunger |

| |30 |Illegitimacy |

| |31 |Immigration and migration |

| |32 |India--Andhra Pradesh |

| |33 |India--Birth control |

| |34 |India--Caste system |

| |35 |India--Census |

| |36 |India--Culture |

| |37 |India--Demographic survey |

| |38 |India--Education |

| |39 |India--Ethnicity |

| |40 |India--Family planning |

| |41 |India--Family Planning Programme |

| |42 |India--Fertility |

| |43 |India--Food |

| |44 |India--Fourth Five-Year Plan |

| |45 |India--Health |

| |46 |India--Industrialization |

| |47 |India--Labor |

| |48 |India--Language |

| |49 |India--Leadership |

| |50 |India--Literacy |

| |51 |India--Law |

| |52 |India--Marriage |

| |53 |India--Migration |

| |54 |India--Minorities |

| |55 |India--Miscellaneous |

| |56 |India--Mortality |

| |57 |India--Nationalism |

| |58 |India--Politics |

| |59 |India--Population |

| |60 |India--Registration of births |

| |61 |India--Religion |

| |62 |India--Statistics |

| |63 |India--Sterilization |

| |64 |India--Tribal villages |

| |65 |India--Urbanization |

| |66 |India--Violence |

| |67 |India--Weather |

| |68 |India--Women |

| |69 |Industrialization |

| |70 |Infant & childhood health problems & mortality |

| |71 |Internet |

| |72 |Islam |

| |73 |Labor force |

| |74 |Latin America |

| |75 |Leprosy |

| |76 |Malnutrition |

| |77 |Malthusian Theory |

| |78 |Man and nature |

| |79 |Marriage |

| |80 |Mate selection |

| |81 |Miscellaneous |

| |82 |Museums |

| |83 |Music |

| |84 |New Zealand |

| |85 |Northern development |

| |86 |Nuclear war |

| |87 |Nursing students |

| |88 |Pacific community |

| |89 |Pakistan |

| |90 |Peace |

| |91 |Population control |

| |92 |Population education |

| |93 |Population research |

| |94 |Population statistics |

| |95 |Religion |

| |96 |Reproduction |

| |97 |Scientists |

| |98 |Sex education |

| |99 |Small group dynamics |

| |100 |Social ecology |

| |101 |South Africa |

| |102 |Soviet Union |

| |103 |Statistics |

| |104 |Sterilization |

| |105 |Tamil Nadu--Population |

|46 |1 |Technology |

| |2 |United States |

| |3 |Vasectomy |

| |4 |Vital statistics |

| |5 |Women |

| |6 |World population |

| |7 |World population |

| | | |

| | |E. Government Publications |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

| |8 |Action Plan for Revamping the Family Welfare Programme in India, ca. 1992 |

| |9 |Annual Report of Planning Forums Colleges and Universities, Madras State, 1964-65 |

| |10 |Annual Report of the Directorate General of Health Services, 1958 |

| |11 |Aspects of the Fourth Plan, Family Planning Commission, Apr. 1969 |

| |12 |Attitude to Family Planning Part-1 (Report on the Pilot Survey conducted in Trivandrum City, The Demographic|

| | |Research Centre, Department of Statistics, Trivandrum, Government of Kerala |

| |13 |Australian Immigration, Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, Department of Immigration, Jan. 1962 |

| |14 |Census of India 1961, Instructions for Filling up the Houselist |

| |15 |Census of India 1961, Instructions to Enumerators |

| |16 |Census of India, Price List of Publications, Office of the Registrar General India, 1956 |

|48 |1 |Central Arid Zone Research Institute Scientific Progress Report 1963-64, Government of India, Ministry of |

| | |Food and Agriculture, July 1964 |

|46 |17 |The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, Act XIX of 1929 (as modified up to the 1st March, 1953), Ministry of|

| | |Law, Government of India |

| |18 |Cities of Mainland China: 1953 and 1958, by Morris. B. Ullman, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the |

| | |Census, Aug. 1961 |

| |19 |Decisions on the Recommendations of the NCC Evaluation Committee, Government of India, Ministry of Defense |

|48 |2 |Draft Tabulation Plan for 1961 Census, Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Officer of the |

| | |Registrar General, India |

|46 |20 |Eighth Five Year Plan, 1992-97, Vol. II, Sectoral Programmes of Development, Government of India, Planning |

| | |Commission, New Delhi |

| |21 |Estimates and Projections of the Population of Mainland China: 1953-1986, U.S. Department of Commerce, |

| | |Bureau of the Census |

| |22 |Evaluation of the Family Planning Programme, Draft Interim Report, Government of India, New Delhi, April |

| | |1969 |

| |23 |Facts and Figures on Family Welfare, Government of India, Department of Family Welfare, October 1978 & |

| | |January 1979 |

| |24 |Family Planning Day Souvenir, Director of Information and Publicity, Government of Madras, December 18, 1959|

| |25 |Family Planning in India: Programme Information (1969-70) |

| |26 |Family Planning in Parliament: Selected Questions and Answers, Budget session, 1970 |

| |27 |Family Planning: Plan & Progress, 1956-1959, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health , |

| | |Government of India, New Delhi |

| |28 |Family Planning Programme in India (1951-1966), Report, March 1967, Department of Family Planning, Ministry |

| | |of Health and Family Planning, Government of India |

| |29 |Family Planning Programme in India: A Brief Account, Department of Family Planning, Government of India |

| |30 |Family Planning Programme in India: Bio-Medical Research |

| |31 |Family Planning Programme in India: Extracts from Fourth Five Year Plan 1969-74 |

| |32 |Family Planning: Questions and Answers, Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, |

| | |Government of India |

| |33 |Family Planning Survey, Department of Family Planning, Government of India |

| |34 |Family Welfare Planning in India Yearbook, 1972-73 |

|48 |3 |Family Welfare Programme in Tamil Nadu, 1986, Government of Tamilnadu, Madras, India |

|46 |35 |Foreign Affairs Record, May 1971 |

| |36 |Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Family Planning Programme in India |

|48 |4 |Government of Madras, Abstract, Family Planning-Panchayat Administration and Intensive Scheme for the |

| | |popularization of surgical methods-Instructions-Issued, January 30, 1961 |

|46 |37 |Government of Madras, G.O. No. 1714, May 26, 1958, Family Planning--Popularization of surgical |

| | |methods--Public Employees Family Welfare Scheme--Sanctioned |

| |38 |Handbook of Family Planning for Peripheral Units, Records and Returns |

| |39 |Health, Education and Local Administration Department, Government of Madras, G.O. No. 1714, May 26, 1958 |

| |40 |The Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Bill 1966, Bill No. XV of 1966, by Shri R.K. Bhuwalka, M.P., as introduced in|

| | |the Rajya Sabha |

| |41 |India: Family Planning Programme since 1965, Ministry of Health, Family Planning and Urban Development, |

| | |Department of Family Planning, Government of India |

| |42 |India's Population: Demographic Scenario |

| |43 |Inpatient Deaths in Hospitals in Punjab State (Study of Causes of Deaths Medically Certified by Qualified |

| | |Doctors in Hospitals), 1972, Directorate, Health & Family Planning, Punjab, Chandigarh |

|78* | |Integrated Rural Development Project, Poolam Village, Nanguneri Block, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, |

| | |Part III, 1978 |

|46 |44 |International Assistance, Family Planning Programme in India, Department of Family Planning, Government of |

| | |India |

| |45 |Intra-Uterine Contraception, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Government of |

| | |India, New Delhi |

| |46 |List of Officers in the Ministry of External Affairs, August 1992 |

| |47 |Madras Act No. V of 1954, An Act to provide temporary relief to indebted agriculturists |

| |48 |Madras Act No. XXIV of 1956, An Act to provide for the payment of Fair Rent by Cultivating Tenants in |

| | |certain areas in the State of Madras |

| |49 |Madras Indebted Agriculturists (Repayment of Debts) Act, 1955, Act No. I of 1955 |

| |50 |Manual for Medical Record Units (State Hospitals), Punjab State, 1977, Director, Health & Family Planning, |

| | |Punjab, Chandigarh |

| |51 |Mass Surgical Camps in Punjab State, 1975, Director, Health & Family Planning, Punjab, Chandigarh |

| |52 |Mauritius, Foreign Economic Trends and Their Implications for the United States, June 1986, U.S. Department |

| | |of Commerce, Washington, DC |

| |53 |Mortality Trend in Punjab State, 1973, (Study of Causes of Deaths amongst indoor patients in Hospitals in |

| | |Punjab State), Directorate, Health & Family Planning, Punjab, Chandigarh |

| |54 |Migration Act, 1958, The Commonwealth of Australia |

| |55 |Monthly Statistics on Family Welfare Programme, April-October 1986 |

| |56 |Muslim Views on Family Planning, State Family Planning Bureau, Mysore |

| |57 |A New Life for the Country: The Report of the President's Task Force on Rural Development, Mar. 1970 |

| |58 |National Population Policy, Statement by Dr. Karan Singh, Minister of Health and Family Planning, April 16, |

| | |1976, New Delhi |

| |59 |Ninth Five Year Plan |

| |60 |Paper Describing the Implementation or Non-Implementation of the Recommendations Contained in the Report of |

| | |the U.N. Mission in 1965, Department of Family Planning, Ministry of Health, Family Planning and Urban |

| | |Development, New Delhi |

| |61 |Plan of Operation for the All India Hospital (Post-Partum) Family Planning Programme |

| |62 |Population Problem of India, Department of Family Planning, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, |

| | |Government of India |

| |63 |Proceedings of the Conference on First Pretest of the 1971 Censes Questionnaire held in Nirman Bhawan, New |

| | |Delhi, January 23-27, 1968, Office of the Registrar General, India |

| |64 |Proceedings of the First Meeting of the National Integration Council, June 2-3, 1962 |

| |65 |Progress of Family Planning Programme in India, 1968 & 1969 |

| |66 |The Prohibition of Bigamous Marriage Bill 1966, Bill No. XIX of 1996, by Shri D.L. Sen Gupta, M.P., as |

| | |introduced in the Rajya Sabha |

| |67 |Proposal for setting up of "Central Family Planning Corporation," April 2, 1968 |

| |68 |Quarterly Bulletin of Documentation in Urban and Regional Planning, June 1969, Ministry of Health, Family |

| | |Planning, Works, Housing & Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi |

| |69 |Record Note of the Meeting of the Programme Committee of the State Family Planning Board held on the 14th |

| | |August 1962, Government of Madras |

| |70 |Report for the Quarter ending June 30, 1968, on the Utilization of PL-480, Section 104(H) grant required |

| | |under Project Agreement 149, Supplement No. 2 Between the Government and U.S. Aid, Government of India, |

| | |Ministry of Health, Family Planning, and Urban Development |

| |71 |Report of the Sub-Committee of the National Nutrition Advisory Committee on Nutritional Requirements of |

| | |Working Class Families |

| |72 |Sample Registration Bulletin, Registrar General, India; September & October 1968; March-July 1969; November |

| | |1969-March 1970; October 1975 |

| |73 |Sample Registration in India, by B.L. Agrawal, Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Office of the |

| | |Registrar General, India, 1969 |

| |74 |Sample Registration in India, Report on Pilot Studies in Urban Areas 1964-67, Vital Statistics Division, |

| | |Office of the Registrar General, India, 1969 |

| |75 |Sixth Five Year Plan, 1980-85, Government of India Planning Commission |

| |76 |The Size, Composition, and Growth of the Population of Mainland China, by John S. Aird, U.S. Department of |

| | |Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1961 |

| |77 |Small Family Norm Committee, Report 1968 |

| |78 |Statement issued by the National Integration Conference, September-October 1961 |

| |79 |Statement on the Population of Kerala, State Family Planning Bureau, Kerala, Trivandrum, 1974 |

|48 |5 |Status of Family Welfare Programme in Karnataka, Government of Karnataka, March 1987 |

|46 |80 |The Sterilization of the Unfit Bill, Bill No. XVII of 1964, as introduced in the Rajya Sabha |

| |81 |Strategy for Integrated Rural Development, C. Subramaniam, March, 1976 |

|48 |6 |A Study on Age at Marriage, by Dr. Sampoornam and A. Shanmugasundaram, Health and Family Planning Training |

| | |Centre, Egmore, Madras, 1974, Government of Tamil Nadu |

|46 |82 |Tamil Nadu--An Economic Appraisal 1976 |

|48 |7 |Tamil Nadu's Changing Population Structure, 1977, Department of Statistics, Madras, India |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |F. Conference Materials |

| | |(++ indicates Dr. Chandrasekhar participated in conference) |

| | | |

|46 |83 |All India Conference on Family Planning, Chandigarh, India, Nov. 30-Dec. 5, 1968, Welcome Address by |

| | |Shrimati Indira Chakravarti |

|48 |8 |All India Seminar on Population, March 12-14, 1964, schedule, list of participants, list of papers, and |

| | |paper presented ++ |

|46 |84 |All-India Women's Conference, Madras, India, Presidential Address, Nov. 12, 1938 |

| |85 |All India Women's Conference, Annual Report, 1992-94 |

| |86 |Asian Conference on Occupational Health, November 1968, Society for Industrial Medicine, Bombay, India ++ |

| |87 |Asian Population Conference (Second), Tokyo, Japan, November 1-13, 1972 |

| |88 |Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, A Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, California |

| | |State University Hayward, June 19-21, 1980 ++ |

|48 |9 |British Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting August 30-September 6, 1967, paper |

| | |presented |

| |89 |Central Council of Health, Oct. 16, 1968, List of Participants ++ |

| |90 |Community Conference on Food and Population, St. Louis, Missouri, n.d., paper presented |

|47 |1 |Conference on Family, Bicultural Socialization, Washington, DC, May 26-27, 1984 |

| |2 |Conference on the Economic Consequences of the Population Explosion, Oct. 22, 1962, New York, New York, |

| | |Program ++ |

| |3 |Ecological Society of America, New York, New York, Dec. 28, 1949, past president's address |

| |4 |Eleventh Indian Conference on Family Welfare and Voluntary Sterilization, Sept. 20-22, 1996, Agra, India, |

| | |paper presented |

| |5 |European Seminar on Family Planning and Social Policy, Kiljava, Finland, May 16-25, 1971, Conclusions |

|48 |10 |Fifth Asian Conference on Occupational Health, Society for Study of Industrial Medicine, India, n.d. |

|47 |6 |Fifth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 1955 |

| |7 |First Convention of Indian Rationalists, Madras, India, Dec. 18, 1949, Presidential Address |

| |8 |First Population Conference of the Development Centre, Paris, France, Dec. 3-5, 1968, Summary Report |

|48 |11 |Forum of Free Enterprise, Seventh Annual General Meeting, Bombay, India, December 1963, India, Presidential |

| | |Address |

|47 |9 |Fourth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Stockholm, Sweden, August 17-22, 1953, Address of |

| | |Welcome and Final Programme ++ |

| |10 |Future Aspects in Contraception, Proceedings of an International Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, September |

| | |5-8, 1984, Proceedings |

| |11 |Higgins Lake Conservation Conference, September 12, 1952, report of Friday evening session |

| |12 |India Consortium Meeting, Statement by the representative of the Government of India and Brief Report, |

| | |Stockholm, Sweden, November 25-26, 1969 |

| |13 |India-Habitat-76, The United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, B.C., May 31-June 11, 1976 |

| |14 |Indian Census Centenary Seminar, October 23-29, 1972, papers presented |

| |15 |Indian Democracy in the Asian Background, World Brotherhood All-India Committee Conference, |

| | |January/February, 1960 |

| |16 |Indian Statistical Conference, January 1940, Madras, India, Welcome Address and Annual Review |

| |17 |Inter-American Seminar on Literacy in Social and Economic Development, Key Biscayne, Florida, April 9-13, |

| | |1972, proceedings |

| |18 |International Colloquium on Democracy and Development, October 1968, paper presented |

| |19 |International Conference and Second Annual Meeting, World Population Society, November 19-22, 1975, |

| | |Washington, DC, Tentative Schedule and Abstracts of Papers |

| |20 |International Conference on Abortion, "Abortion in a Changing World," The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, |

| | |November 17-20, 1968, Conference Program ++ |

| |21 |International Conference on Amino Acid Fortification of Protein Foods, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sept. |

| | |16, 1969, paper presented |

| |22 |International Conference on Integrated Rural Development, Hyderabad, India, Jan. 2-4, 1987, Programme, |

| | |Speech, and Souvenir ++ |

| |23 |International Conference on Underdeveloped Areas, Milan, Oct. 10-15, 1954, Information Bulletin |

| |24 |International Economic Association, Second Congress, August 30-September 6, 1962, Vienna, Austria, Programme|

| |25 |International Industrial Conference, September 1961, National Industrial Conference Board and Stanford |

| | |Research Institute, San Francisco, California, Invitation, Acceptance List, session schedule, booklet, and |

| | |speech ++ |

| |26 |International Planned Parenthood Federation, Second Indian Ocean Region Conference, May 1-4, 1964, |

| | |Kathmandu, Nepal, paper presented |

|48 |12 |International Seminar, Problems of Fertility Control in India, January 1977, Annamalai University, |

| | |Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu, India, Programme, List of Topics, aims and objectives, Estimated Expenditures, |

| | |Resolutions, Press Summary, List of Demographers, notes, and report ++ |

| |13 |International Studies Conference, Xth Session, International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, League |

| | |of Nations, Paris, 1937, Introductory Report |

|47 |27 |International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 10th General Assembly and 11th |

| | |Technical Meeting, New Delhi, India, November 24-December 1, 1969, Programme and Technical Papers |

| |28 |International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, September 1961, New York University, New York, |

| | |NY, 1 of 2, Information Bulletins, papers presented, and schedule |

| |29 |International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, September 1961, New York University, New York, |

| | |NY, 2 of 2, schedule and papers presented |

| |30 |International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, August 21-26, 1967, Sydney, Australia, booklet |

| | |++ |

| |31 |International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, General Conference, August 26-Sept. 1, 1973, |

| | |Leige, Belgium, paper presented |

|75 |30 |International Women's Day workshop, New Delhi, India, March 7, 1986 |

|47 |32 |International Youth Seminar on the Environment, July 11-18, 1971, Vienna, Austria, List of Participants ++ |

| |33 |The Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, August 18, 1971, Jerusalem, Israel, panel paper |

| |34 |Liberal International Congress, 1968, The Hague, September 20-24, 1968, initiatives |

| |35 |Man and Resources Conference, Bulletin |

| |36 |Moral Rearmament Conference, February 15-March 2, 1969, flyer |

| |37 |National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials, Eleventh Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, |

| | |November 20, 1957, Address |

| |38 |National Conference on Population, Demographic Situation in India, Dec. 6-8, 1974, Proceedings and Report |

| | |Series |

| |39 |National Conference on Population Policy and Programmes, New Delhi, India, December 19-23, 1969, brochure |

| | |and papers presented |

| |40 |National Food Congress, 1970, Revised Provisional Programme, Plan, and papers presented |

|48 |14 |National Seminar on Population and Law, Annamalai University, September 10, 1976, Invitation, Programme, |

| | |Keynote Speech and paper presented ++ |

|47 |41 |National Seminar on the Role of Labour Administrations in Population Education and Family Planning for the |

| | |Organised Sector in India, Bangalore, India, July 12-15, 1976, Conclusions and Recommendations |

| |42 |Non-Governmental Organizations Symposium on Population, Paris, France, July 3-5, 1974, Conclusions |

| |43 |Pakistan Statistical Association, Vol. 5 1956, Proceedings |

| |44 |Population Association of America, Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 30, 1966, paper presented |

| |45 |Population Association of America, Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 20, 1974, paper presented |

| |46 |Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs (Twenty-first), Sinaia, Romania, August 26-31, 1971, report |

| |47 |Rehovot Conference on Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Sept. 5-11, 1973, New York, New York, paper |

| | |presented |

| |48 |Research Committee of the Sociology of Education, UNESCO, Paris, France, August 14-17, 1984, Presidential |

| | |Address |

| |49 |Round Table "The Red Cross as a Factor in World Peace," Jan. 1969, Geneva, Switzerland, Provisional Agenda |

| |50 |Second All India Conference on Family Planning, Lucknow University, January 1-4, 1955, Proceedings ++ |

| |51 |Second All India Population and First Family Hygiene Conference, Bombay, India, Apr. 1938, Presidential |

| | |Address |

| |52 |Second Annual Population Conference, Indian Association for the Study of Population, Bangalore, India, |

| | |December 1976, paper presented |

| |53 |Second International Banff Conference, "Man and His Environment," Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 1922, 1974, |

| | |Programme, Advanced Programme, Abstracts, and paper presented ++ |

| |54 |Second International W.H.O. Staff Course, April 20-24, 1970, New Delhi, India, Programme ++ |

| |55 |Second Round Table on "The Red Cross as a Factor of Peace in the World," Sept. 1968, Geneva, Switzerland, |

| | |Note for Participants |

| |56 |Second World Conference on Religion and Peace, Leuven, Belgium, Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 1974, brochures |

| |57 |Second World Food Congress, June 1970, The Hague, The Netherlands, Fact Sheet, Statements, Programme, |

| | |Provisional List of Participants, List of Participants, Reports, speeches, and Record of Proceedings ++ |

| |58 |Seminar: Man and His Environment, Indian National Committee for International Biological Programme and |

| | |North India Programme Office, U.S. Information Service, June 12-13, 1970, Programme Schedule ++ |

|48 |15 |Seminar on Development Aspects of the Tribals of India, Indian Anthropological Association & Indian |

| | |Committee for Cultural Freedom, Nov. 15-16, 1969, Programme, Welcome Address, and papers presented |

|47 |59 |Seminar on Evaluation of Family Planning Programmes, November/December 1969, Economic Commission for Asia |

| | |and the Far East, Bangkok, Thailand, Suggestions |

| |60 |Seminar on Fourth Five Year Plan for Moral and Social Hygiene Programmes, March 1965, Association for Moral |

| | |and Social Hygiene in India, New Delhi, India, proceedings |

|49 |31 |Seminar on Integrated Rural Development, September 11-12, 1976, Tamil Nadu, India, reports |

|48 |16 |Seminar on "Modernization of the Indian Social Structure," India International Centre, New Delhi, India, |

| | |November 15-19, 1969, papers presented |

|47 |61 |Seminar on National Integration, Apr. 16-17, 1958, proceedings |

| |62 |Seminar on Planning for Social Change, March 1968, Council for Social Development, New Delhi, India, |

| | |proceedings |

| |63 |Seminar on Sangam Classics, address |

| |64 |Seminar on Science in the Service of Basic Human Needs, Committee on Science & Technology in Developing |

| | |Countries, International Council of Scientific Unions, August 10-13, 1976, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, India,|

| | |Tentative Programme and Programme ++ |

|48 |17 |Seminar on Self Images, Identity and Nationality, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas, |

| | |Shimla, November 14-18, 1988, papers presented |

|47 |65 |Seminar on the Problems of Post-Graduate Education, Kerala University Teachers' Association, March 3, 1973, |

| | |Proceedings |

| |66 |Seminar on "The Status of Women and Family Planning in India," Central Institute of Research and Training in|

| | |Public Cooperation, August 10-13, 1969, Programmes and papers presented ++ |

| |67 |Seminar on The Tribal Situation in India, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, India, July 6-19, 1969,|

| | |Statement |

|48 |18 |Sixth All India Conference, Chandigarh, India, 1968, papers presented, summaries of papers presented |

|49 |1 |Sixth Family Planning Communication Action Research Workshop, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 1968, papers presented, 1 of 2|

| |2 |Sixth Family Planning Communication Action Research Workshop, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 1968, papers presented, 2 of 2|

| |3 |Sixth International Colloquium, "Democracy and Development," Oct. 21-26, 1968, Coonoor, India, registration |

| | |and papers presented |

| |4 |Sixth International Conference of Social Work, December 14-19, 1952, Madras, India, Souvenir ++ |

| |5 |Sixth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, February 14-21, 1959, New Delhi, India, List of |

| | |Delegates, Preliminary Programme, and instructions |

| |6 |Southern Regional Conference on Population Policy and Programmes, Madras, India, April 29, 1970, Valedictory|

| | |Address and paper presented |

|48 |19 |Southern Vice Chancellor's Conference, Osmania University, Hyderabad, January 28-29, 1978, Minutes |

| |20 |State Conference of College Planning Forums, Madras, India, Jan. 5-7, 1967, Report, papers presented, and |

| | |memo ++ |

|49 |7 |State Family Planning Board, Programme Committee, Record Note of the Meeting held on August 14, 1962, Record|

| |8 |Symposium on Bio-Engineering, Institute of Environmental Sciences, 15th Annual Technical Meeting and |

| | |Equipment Exposition, April 23, 1969, Anaheim, California, Lectures |

|48 |21 |Symposium on Housing and Building Materials, March 7-9, 1956, program |

|49 |9 |Third International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Bombay, India, Nov. 24-29, 1952, Report of Proceedings|

| | |and papers presented ++ |

| |10 |Third World Conference on General Practice, November 24-28, 1968, speech |

| |11 |Tribune Meeting, n.d., remarks |

|48 |22 |Twelfth All India Conference on Moral and Social Hygiene, Bangalore, India, Nov. 22-24, 1968, Welcome |

| | |Address, Inaugural Address, speech, and Programme |

|49 |12 |Twelfth Commonwealth Universities Congress, Association of Commonwealth Universities, Vancouver, B.C., |

| | |Canada, 1978, Programme, Quinquennial Report, Discussion Programme, and Occasional Paper ++ |

|48 |23 |Twentieth World Health Assembly, May 1967, Geneva Switzerland, 1 of 2, Technical Disccusions and notes |

| |24 |Twentieth World Health Assembly, May 1967, Geneva Switzerland, 2 of 2, notes |

|49 |13 |UNESCO Conference on Family Planning and Mass Communication, June 1969, paper presented |

| |14 |The United Nations and the Population Problem: The Proceedings of an International Conference, May 1973, |

| | |Proceedings |

| |15 |United Nations Association of the United States of America Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 20, 1972, |

| | |address |

| |16 |United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, June 5-16, 1972, Declaration, Plan of|

| | |Action, Recommendations, Resolutions |

| |17 |United Nations World Population Conference, Rome, Italy, August 31-September 10, 1954, Amendment to |

| | |Programme, meeting reports, papers presented, and address |

| |18 |United Nations World Population Conference, Bucharest, Hungary, August 19-30, 1974, brochures, Preliminary |

| | |Program, program, speech, Occasional Paper, Statement, Population Tribune, lectures, Draft World Population |

| | |Plan of Action, Country Statement, press release, and Action Taken, 1 of 2 |

| |19 |United Nations World Population Conference, Bucharest, Hungary, August 19-30, 1974, papers presented, 2 of 2|

| |20 |Villa Serbelloni Conference, April 6-8, 1970, paper presented |

| |21 |Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, Annual Meeting, "Population and Peace," October 1944, Address |

| |22 |Workshop in Family Planning Evaluation, Seoul, Korea, January/February 1970, outline |

| |23 |Workshop on Literacy Population/Family Planning Education, April 18-May 2, 1970, New Delhi, India, Programme|

| | |++ |

| |24 |Workshop on Operational Studies Related to Integration of Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning in |

| | |the Overall Context of General Health Services, New Delhi, India, June 28-July 3, 1971, report |

| |25 |Workshop on Sex Education, Washington, DC, June 17-28, 1968, program, program |

| |26 |World Affairs Council of Northern California, 19th Asilomar Conference, "Production versus Reproduction," |

| | |May 7-9, 1965, roster, registration form, & program ++ |

|48 |25 |World Assembly of Youth, Asian Regional Seminar, December 1963, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, |

| | |Programme, Reports, papers presented, 1 of 3 |

| |26 |World Assembly of Youth, Asian Regional Seminar, December 1963, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, |

| | |papers presented, 2 of 3 |

| |27 |World Assembly of Youth, Asian Regional Seminar, December 1963, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, |

| | |reports and papers presented, 3 of 3 |

|49 |27 |World Population and Human Rights Conference, October 25-26, 1974, Schedule ++ |

| |28 |World Population Conference, 1954, Rome, Italy, papers presented |

| |29 |World Population Conference, 1965, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Information Bulletin and papers presented |

| |30 |World Union International, Fifth Triennial Conference, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India, January |

| | |8-10, 1977, Background Papers |

| | | |

| | |G. Journals and Magazines |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

| |32 |Afrika, 1971 |

| |33 |Agenda, May 1978 |

| |34 |American Demographics, July 1990 |

| |35 |American Journal of Economics and Sociology, January 1958 |

| |36 |Arab Concept, June/July 1981 |

| |37 |Asian Affairs: An American Review, May/June & July/August 1975 |

| |38 |Asian and Pacific Population Programme News, 1978, & September 1985 |

| |39 |Asian Population Programme News, 1974 |

| |40 |Asian Studies, February 1962 |

| |41 |Asian Survey, February 1962 |

| |42 |Asian Women Magazine, January 1994 |

| |43 |Backward Classes Review, February 1969 |

| |44 |Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, March 1975 |

| |45 |Canada, December 1970 |

| |46 |Caravan, August 1977 |

| |47 |The Center Magazine, September/October 1971 |

| |48 |Cheshire Smile, Winter 1969-70 |

| |49 |Comment (Simon Fraser University), Summer 1978 |

| |50 |Committee on South Asian Women Bulletin, 1986 |

| |51 |Current Affairs, September 18, 1948; July 23 & August 6, 1949 |

| |52 |Déjà vu, Winter & Summer 1976 |

| |53 |Demography India, October 1972 |

| |54 |Destination India, January 1978 |

| |55 |Die Therapie, Des Monats, Overseas Edition, May 1960 |

| |56 |Ecology Today, May & September 1971 |

| |57 |Economic and Political Weekly, June 23, 1973 |

| |58 |Enlite: The National News Magazine, July 13 & November 30, 1968 |

| |59 |Environmental Child Health, June 1973 (portion) |

| |60 |Environmental Law, Spring 1970 |

| |61 |Equilibrium, July 1973 |

| |62 |Ethnic and Racial Studies, April 1980 |

| |63 |The Eugenics Review, January 1956 |

| |64 |Eugenics Society Bulletin, March 1969 |

| |62 |The Family Planner, January/February 1970 |

|50 |1 |Family Planning Perspectives, October 1972, Spring 1974, January-June & September-December 1975, |

| | |January/February 1976, & November/December 1977 |

| |2 |Family Planning Perspectives, May/June 1977, May/June & September -December 1978, January-June & |

| | |September/October 1979, May/June 1980 |

| |3 |Far Eastern Economic Review, 1971 Yearbook |

| |4 |Finance and Development, December 1973 |

| |5 |Fortunes India, July 1994 |

| |6 |Friends Journal, April 1, 1975 |

| |7 |Himalayan Research Bulletin, Winter 1983 |

| |8 |ICMC Migration News, 1988 |

| |9 |Indher, July/August 1983 |

| |10 |India Currents, April & December 1990 |

| |11 |India Worldwide, October 1994 |

| |12 |India Today, July 17 & September 18, 2000 |

| |13 |Indian Horizons, Vol. 29 No. 4, 1980 |

| |14 |The Indian Journal of Tuberculosis, September 1986 |

| |15 |The Indian Libertarian, December 1, 1966 |

| |16 |The Indian Magazine, September 1988 |

| |17 |The Indo-Canadian, 1971 |

| |18 |Insight on the News, March 8, 1993 |

| |19 |Intercom, July-August 1968 |

| |20 |International Business, May-June 1979 |

| |21 |International Development Review, 1973 no. 2 |

| |22 |International Family Planning Perspectives, September 1986 |

| |23 |Islam and the Modern Age, November 1970 |

| |24 |Journal of American Ethnic History, Fall 1983 |

| |25 |The Journal of Family Welfare, June 1984 |

| |26 |Journal of Gerontology, September 1975 |

| |27 |Journal of the Indian Medical Profession, February 1959 |

| |28 |Journal of World Education, Fall 1974 |

| |29 |Kisan World, August 1978 |

| |30 |Kurukshetra, October 1, 1977 |

| |31 |The Kuwait Digest, 1979-80 |

| |32 |Lawasia, June 1973 |

|78* | |Life, Special Report: Remarkable American Women 1776-1976 |

|50 |33 |Link, October 18, 1959 |

| |34 |Literary Guide, August 1955 |

| |35 |Madras Information, July-August 1968 |

| |36 |Manhattanville Alumnae Review, Winter 1971 |

| |37 |Manushi, July/August 1980 |

| |38 |The Nation, March 9, 1985 |

|78* | |New Society, February 28, 1963 |

|78* | |The New York Times Magazine, May 15, 1983 |

|50 |39 |Pacific Historical Review, November 1984 |

| |40 |Panjab Affairs, October 1980 |

| |41 |People, Vol. 4 No. 3, 1977; Vol. 5 Nos. 2 & 3, 1978; & Vol. 13 No. 3, 1986 |

| |42 |Pomona Today, April 1973 |

| |43 |Population Bulletin (Population Reference Bureau), December 1968, November 1990, & October 1991 |

| |44 |Population Bulletin (United Nations), December 1951 |

| |45 |Problems of Communism, May/June & November/December 1958; January/February 1959; September/October 1961; |

| | |January/February 1963 |

| |46 |Public Affairs, August 1958 |

| |47 |Ramparts, November 1966 |

| |48 |The Realist, August-September 1970 |

| |49 |Reports on Population/Family Planning, January 1974 |

| |50 |San Diego Physician, December 1990 |

| |51 |Science, November 1969 |

| |52 |Science and Public Affairs, January 1972 |

| |53 |Science News, November 25, 1972 |

| |54 |Scientific Monthly, August 1956 |

| |55 |Secular Democracy, July 1970 |

| |56 |Social Policy, November/December 1975 |

| |57 |South Asia, December 1988 |

| |58 |The South India Churchman, January 1973 |

| | |Span, July 1968, March 1969, & September 1975 (located in oversize Box #41) |

| |59 |Studies in Family Planning, June 1967; November 1968; May 1969; May 1970; April 1971; March, June, & |

| | |November 1973; January 1976; February-March 1978 |

| |60 |Sugarcane Documentation News, January 1978 |

| |61 |Sunshine, February1960 |

|51 |1 |Swarajya, 1963 Annual Number |

| |2 |Swarajya, June 4, July 16, October 8, 15 & 29, November 19, December 3, 1978; January 7 & 14, 1979 |

| |3 |Tamil Arasu, September 1978 |

| |4 |TDC The Discovery Channel, July 1989 |

| |5 |Transaction: Social Science and Modern Society, February 1972 |

| |6 |United Asia, September/October 1970 |

| |7 |University News (Association of Indian Universities Publication), April 1, 1977 |

| |8 |Venture: The Traveler's World, December/January 1968 |

| |9 |War on Hunger, September 1975, March-April, August-October, & December 1977 |

| |10 |Way Forum, June 1968 & #79 |

| |11 |The World Renewal, November 1992 |

| |12 |Yojana, December 11, 1966, & January 1983 |

| | | |

| | |H. Newspapers |

| | | |

|48 |28 |The Asian Student; November 6, 1965; February 26, March 5, 12, & 19, 1966; October 14, 1972; April 14, 1973;|

| | |February 2 & 16, 1974 |

| |29 |The Delegates World Bulletin, August 19, 1974 |

| |30 |The German Tribune |

| |31 |The Hindu, November 23, 1985; October 9, 16, 23, & 30, November 6 & 27, 1993; August 23, 1997 |

| |32 |India Abroad; December 20, 1985; June 12, 1998; & May 21, 1999 |

| |33 |India News, scattered issues from 1972-76 |

| |34 |India Tribune, July 10, 1999 |

| |35 |India West, May 1981 |

| |36 |The Indian Voice; September 20 & October 25, 1991; February 21, March 6 & 13, April 24, & May 1, 1992 |

|52 |1 |L.A. India; August 16 & 30, September 13, 20, & 27, 1991 |

| |2 |L.A. India; October 4 & 11, 1991; March 20 & June 4, 1993 |

| |3 |National Reporter, December 1975 & June 1976 |

| |4 |Planet, August 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, & 28, 1974 |

| |5 |Southern Cross, October 10, 1974 |

| |6 |The Statesman Weekly, December 30, 1972 |

| | | |

| | |I. Maps |

| | |(* indicates box is on oversize shelf) |

| | | |

|51 |13 |Airlines route maps |

| |14 |Arizona |

| |15 |Asia |

| |16 |Australia |

| |17 |Burma |

| |18 |Ceylon |

| |19 |China |

| |20 |Great Britain and Northern Ireland |

| |21 |Hawaii |

| |22 |India |

|78* | |India |

|51 |23 |Israel |

| |24 |Japan |

| |25 |Korea |

| |26 |LaJolla, California |

| |27 |Madras, India |

| |28 |Metro Atlas |

| |29 |New Zealand |

| |30 |Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |

| |31 |Singapore |

| |32 |Southeast Asia |

|78* | |Southeast Asia |

|51 |33 |Taiwan |

| |34 |Tunisia |

| |35 |United States |

| |36 |West Indies |

| |37 |World |

| |38 |World Fertility Pattern |

| | | |

| | |J. Foreign Language Material |

| | | |

|52 |7 |Booklets |

| |8 |Clippings |

| |9 |Magazines |

| |10 |Miscellaneous |

| |11 |Newsletters |

|Box |Folder |S6. CAREER FILES |

| | | |

|52 |12 |Andhra Tubectomy Camp |

| |13 |Balan, C.--Correspondence |

| |14 |Books written by Members of Parliament |

|54 |10 |Center for Population Studies--Annamalai University |

|52 |15 |Central Family Planning Institute |

| |16 |Central Health Education Committee |

| |17 |Central Planning Council |

| |18 |Correspondence--General |

|54 |11 |Correspondence--Vice Chancellor, 1970-73 |

| |12 |Correspondence--Vice Chancellor, 1976 |

| |13 |Correspondence--Vice Chancellor, 1977-78 |

|52 |19 |Demographic Advisory Committee |

| |20 |Demographic Research Centre |

| |21 |Demographic Training and Research Centre |

| |22 |Department of Family Planning |

|53 |1 |Family Planning |

| |2 |Family Planning Association |

| |3 |Family Planning Board |

| |4 |Family Planning--Five-Year Plans |

| |5 |Family Planning Publicity |

| |6 |Family Planning Study Advisory Committee |

| |7 |Foreign Aid to India |

| |8 |Health, Education and Local Administration Department |

| |9 |Indian Red Cross |

| |10 |International Red Cross |

| |11 |Legislation |

| |12 |Lok Sabha |

| |13 |Madras--Family Planning Program |

| |14 |Memos |

| |15 |Minutes |

| |16 |Miscellaneous |

|54 |14 |Miscellaneous--Vice Chancellor |

|53 |17 |Monthly Bulletins on Family Welfare Statistics, 1979 |

| |18 |National Board of Adult Education |

| |19 |Nirodh (Condom) Marketing Programme |

| |20 |Notification |

| |21 |Oral Contraceptives |

| |22 |Orders |

| |23 |Organizational Charts |

| |24 |Population Planning in India |

| |25 |Rajya Sabha--Parliament |

| |26 |Reports |

| |27 |Resolutions |

|54 |1 |Service Reports, 1968 |

| |2 |Service Reports, 1969 |

| |3 |Small Family Norm Committee |

| |4 |Speeches |

| |5 |Sterilization |

| |6 |Undated material |

| |7 |USAID |

| |8 |Voluntary Organiations |

| |9 |World Brotherhood All India Committee |


| | | |

| | |A. Indian Institute for Population Studies (IIPS) |

| | | |

|54 |15 |Copyright infringement |

| |16 |Correspondence, 1950-81 |

| |17 |Financial records |

| |18 |History/Objectives |

| |19 |Miscellaneous |

| |20 |Membership list, April 1950-1951 |

| |21 |Promotional flyers and information |

| |22 |Undated material |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |B. Population Review |

| | | |

|54 |23 |Correspondence, 1949-50 |

| |24 |Correspondence, 1955 |

| |25 |Correspondence, 1956 |

| |26 |Correspondence, 1957 |

| |27 |Correspondence, 1958 |

| |28 |Correspondence, 1959 |

| |29 |Correspondence, 1960 |

| |30 |Correspondence, 1961 |

| |31 |Correspondence, 1962 |

| |32 |Correspondence, 1963 |

| |33 |Correspondence, 1964 |

|55 |1 |Correspondence, 1965 |

| |2 |Correspondence, 1966 |

| |3 |Correspondence, 1967 |

| |4 |Correspondence, 1968 |

| |5 |Correspondence, 1969 |

| |6 |Correspondence, 1970 |

| |7 |Correspondence, 1971 |

| |8 |Correspondence, 1972 |

| |9 |Correspondence, 1973 |

| |10 |Correspondence, 1974 |

| |11 |Correspondence, 1975 |

| |12 |Correspondence, 1976 |

| |13 |Correspondence, 1977 |

| |14 |Correspondence, 1978 |

| |15 |Correspondence, 1979 |

| |16 |Correspondence, 1980 |

| |17 |Correspondence, 1981 |

| |18 |Correspondence, 1982 |

| |19 |Correspondence, 1983 |

| |20 |Correspondence, 1984 |

| |21 |Correspondence, 1985 |

| |22 |Correspondence, 1986 |

| |23 |Correspondence, 1987 |

| |24 |Correspondence, 1988 |

| |25 |Correspondence, 1989 |

| |26 |Correspondence, 1990 |

| |27 |Correspondence, 1991 |

| |28 |Correspondence, 1992 |

| |29 |Correspondence, 1993 |

| |30 |Correspondence, 1994 |

| |31 |Correspondence, 1995 |

| |32 |Correspondence, 1996 |

| |33 |Correspondence, 1997 |

| |34 |Correspondence, 1998 |

| |35 |Correspondence, 1999 |

| |36 |Correspondence, 2000 |

| |37 |Correspondence, undated |

| |38 |Indus Publishing--Correspondence |

| |39 |Promotional flyers and information |

| |40 |Roberts, Joseph Palmer--Correspondence |

| |41 |Subscription lists |

| |42 |Undated material |

| |43 |Unused articles submitted to Population Review, 1 of 4 |

|56 |1 |Unused articles submitted to Population Review, 2 of 4 |

| |2 |Unused articles submitted to Population Review, 3 of 4 |

| |3 |Unused articles submitted to Population Review, 4 of 4 |

|Box |Folder |S8. RESEARCH FILES |

| | | |

| | |A. Abortion |

| | | |

|56 |4 |Articles |

| |5 |Asian countries |

| |6 |Catholic view |

| |7 |Demographic Training and Research Centre |

| |8 |Ethical/Moral issues |

| |9 |Europe |

| |10 |Family planning |

| |11 |History |

| |12 |India |

| |13 |Legal issues |

| |14 |Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill |

| |15 |Ministry of Health and Family Planning |

|57 |1 |Miscellaneous |

| |2 |Muslim view |

| |3 |Papers |

| |4 |Physicians |

| |5 |Population policy |

| |6 |Reports |

| |7 |Sterilization of the Unfit Bill, 1964, 1 of 2 |

| |8 |Sterilization of the Unfit Bill, 1964, 2 of 2 |

| |9 |United Nations |

| |10 |United States and Canada |

| | | |

| | |B. Alaska |

| | | |

|57 |11 |Agriculture |

| |12 |Bibliographies, 1 of 3 |

| |13 |Bibliographies, 2 of 3 |

| |14 |Bibliographies, 3 of 3 |

| |15 |Chronologies |

| |16 |Demography |

| |17 |Education |

| |18 |Environment |

| |19 |General information |

| |20 |Geography |

| |21 |Government reports |

| |22 |Health information |

| |23 |History |

|58 |1 |Manuscript |

| |2 |Miscellaneous items |

| |3 |Native peoples 1 of 2 |

| |4 |Native peoples 2 of 2 |

| |5 |Oil pipeline |

| |6 |Population |

| |7 |Pre-censal estimates |

| |8 |Petroff, Ivan |

| |9 |Printed material |

| |10 |U.S. census information |

| |11 |Women |

| | | |

| | |C. Birth Control and Family Planning |

| | | |

|58 |12 |Age of consent/marriage |

| |13 |Association for Voluntary Sterilization |

| |14 |Attitudes toward Family Planning and Birth Control |

| |15 |Bagayam Fertility Survey |

| |16 |Beginnings of Birth Control Movement, 1700-1850 |

| |17 |Beginnings of Family Planning in India |

|59 |1 |Birth control |

| |2 |Birth control chronology |

| |3 |Birth control history 1 of 6 |

| |4 |Birth control history 2 of 6 |

| |5 |Birth control history 3 of 6 |

| |6 |Birth control history 4 of 6 |

| |7 |Birth control history 5 of 6 |

| |8 |Birth control history 6 of 6 |

| |9 |Birth control history --Bibliography |

| |10 |Birth control history --India 1 of 3 |

| |11 |Birth control history --India 2 of 3 |

| |12 |Birth control history --India 3 of 3 |

| |13 |Birth control in Independent India, 1947-2000 |

| |14 |Birth control methods |

| |15 |Birth control --Religious views |

| |16 |Birth intervals |

| |17 |Bradlaugh-Besant Trial |

| |18 |Breast feeding |

| |19 |Child brides |

| |20 |Child welfare |

|60 |1 |Contraceptives 1 of 2 |

| |2 |Contraceptives 2 of 2 |

| |3 |Costa Rica |

| |4 |Education |

| |5 |Embryonic Period of Birth Control in India |

| |6 |Evaluation |

| |7 |Family planning |

| |8 |Family planning |

| |9 |Family planning history--India |

| |10 |Family planning incentives |

| |11 |Family planning --India 1 of 2 |

| |12 |Family planning --India 2 of 2 |

| |13 |Family planning Programme |

| |14 |Family planning programs |

| |15 |Female sterilization |

| |16 |Fertility |

| |17 |Fertility control and patterns |

| |18 |Five Year Plans 1 of 2 |

| |19 |Five Year Plans 2 of 2 |

| |20 |Gandhi, Mahatma |

| |21 |Great Britain |

| |22 |History of Birth Control in India |

|61 |1 |History of Birth Control in India--Glossary |

| |2 |Humor |

| |3 |Incentives |

| |4 |India |

| |5 |Indonesia |

| |6 |International Planned Parenthood Federation |

| |7 |Iran |

| |8 |Jamaica |

| |9 |Latin America |

| |10 |Madras Neo-Malthusian League |

| |11 |Malthus, Thomas |

| |12 |Miscellaneous Research materials on Birth Control and Family Planning |

| |13 |Pregnancy History |

| |14 |Programs |

| |15 |Ravenhold, R.M., writings |

| |16 |Reproductive rights |

| |17 |"Safe Period" |

| |18 |Sanger, Margaret |

| |19 |Sanger, Margaret & Gandhi, Mahatma |

| |20 |Semantics of Birth Control |

| |21 |Sex education |

| |22 |Sri Lanka |

| |23 |Sterilization |

| |24 |Sweden |

| |25 |Taiwan |

| |26 |Third World |

| |27 |United Nations Reports on Family Planning in India |

| |28 |United States |

| |29 |The Upanishads and Birth Control |

| |30 |Women |

| |31 |World Fertility Survey |

| |32 |Yugoslavia |

| | | |

| | |D. Hindu View of Population |

| | | |

|73 |26 |Abortion |

| |27 |Ayurveda |

| |28 |Birth control |

| |29 |Caste, community, & nation |

| |30 |Caste system |

| |31 |Charity |

| |32 |Dharmasastras |

| |33 |Family planning and abortion |

| |34 |Four stages of life (four Ashramas) |

| |35 |Health, longevity, and mortality |

| |36 |Hindu death |

| |37 |Hindu family |

| |38 |Hindu glossary |

| |39 |Hindu joint family |

| |40 |Hindu marriage 1 of 2 |

| |41 |Hindu marriage 2 of 2 |

| |42 |Hindu marriage--bibliography |

| |43 |Hindu marriage--law |

| |44 |Hindu medicine |

| |45 |Hindu self |

| |46 |Hinduism |

|76 |1 |Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana |

| |2 |Kama Yoga |

| |3 |Land and people |

| |4 |Manuscript 1 of 2 |

| |5 |Manuscript 2 of 2 |

| |6 |Migration: internal and international |

| |7 |Miscellaneous notes 1 of 4 |

| |8 |Miscellaneous notes 2 of 4 |

| |9 |Miscellaneous notes 3 of 4 |

| |10 |Miscellaneous notes 4 of 4 |

| |11 |Modernization and reform |

| |12 |Polygamy |

| |13 |Population ethics |

| |14 |Poverty |

| |15 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvapalli |

| |16 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvapalli, writings 1 of 2 |

| |17 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvapalli, writings 2 of 2 |

| |18 |Religion |

| |19 |Sanskrit |

| |20 |Sex |

| |21 |Sikhism |

| |22 |Women |

| | | |

| | |E. India |

| | | |

|62 |1 |Aboriginals |

| |2 |Aga Khan |

| |3 |Agriculture |

| |4 |Andra Pradesh |

| |5 |Ango-Indian community |

| |6 |Archaeology |

| |7 |Arcot Mission |

|51 |39 |Art and Indian history |

|62 |8 |Birth control |

| |9 |Brain drain |

| |10 |British rule |

| |11 |Caste system 1 of 3 |

|51 |40 |Caste system 2 of 3 |

| |41 |Caste system 3 of 3 |

|62 |12 |Cattle |

| |13 |Census |

| |14 |Chronology |

| |15 |Civilization |

| |16 |Comparisons of India and China |

| |17 |Crime |

| |18 |Culture |

| |19 |Demography |

| |20 |Economy |

| |21 |Education |

| |22 |Emergency |

| |23 |Environmental issues (one paper on microfiche) |

|73 |20 |Essay on poverty |

|62 |24 |Family planning |

| |25 |Family Planning Programme 1 of 2 |

| |26 |Family Planning Programme 2 of 2 |

| |27 |Fertility control |

| |28 |Fertility patterns |

|63 |1 |Food and nutrition |

| |2 |Ford Foundation |

| |3 |Foreign policy |

| |4 |Fundamental duties |

| |5 |Geography |

| |6 |Government |

| |7 |Health issues |

| |8 |Hinduism |

| |9 |History |

| |10 |Housing |

| |11 |Independence |

| |12 |Industry |

| |13 |Infant mortality |

| |14 |Irish |

| |15 |Land and people |

| |16 |Land distribution |

| |17 |Land speculation |

| |18 |Language 1 of 2 |

| |19 |Language 2 of 2 |

| |20 |Life insurance and mortality |

| |21 |Literature |

| |22 |Madras |

|73 |21 |Madras, population growth |

|63 |23 |Madurai Institute of Social Work |

| |24 |Mangadu 1 of 2 |

| |25 |Mangadu 2 of 2 |

| |26 |Marriage |

| |27 |Miscellaneous |

| |28 |Mysticism |

|64 |1 |Nagarathars 1 of 6 |

| |2 |Nagarathars 2 of 6 |

| |3 |Nagarathars 3 of 6 |

| |4 |Nagarathars 4 of 6 |

| |5 |Nagarathars 5 of 6 |

| |6 |Nagarathars 6 of 6 |

| |7 |National anthem |

| |8 |Nationhood |

| |9 |Nepal |

| |10 |Politics |

| |11 |Population 1 of 2 |

| |12 |Population 2 of 2 |

|73 |22 |Population demographics |

|64 |13 |Population education |

|73 |23 |Population movements, ancient India |

|64 |14 |Population policy |

| |15 |Population problems |

| |16 |Railways |

| |17 |Ramanujan, S. |

| |18 |Registration of births and deaths |

| |19 |Religion |

|65 |1 |Religious shrines |

| |2 |Report on agriculture, economics, and nutrition |

| |3 |Rural development |

| |4 |Science and technology |

| |5 |Social change |

| |6 |Social demography |

| |7 |Tamil Nadu |

| |8 |Tribals |

| |9 |Tuberculosis Association of India |

| |10 |Udahara Gita |

| |11 |United States aid |

| |12 |United States aid |

| |13 |University of Kerala |

| |14 |Urbanization |

| |15 |Vasectomy |

| |16 |Visitors to India 1 of 2 |

| |17 |Visitors to India 2 of 2 |

| |18 |War years, 1941-1945 |

| |19 |Water supply |

| |20 |Women |

| | | |

| | |F. Indian Diaspora |

| | | |

|65 |21 |Acculturation |

| |22 |Age of consent and the law on abortion |

| |23 |Asian Indians |

|66 |1 |Asians in America |

| |2 |Assimilation of immigrants |

| |3 |Australia |

| |4 |Bibliographies |

| |5 |Canada |

| |6 |Caribbean |

| |7 |Chronology of immigration |

| |8 |Demographic information |

| |9 |East Africa |

| |10 |East Indians--Hindus |

| |11 |Eastern Modes in a Western Framework |

| |12 |Ethnic plurality in India |

| |13 |Ethnicity |

| |14 |Fiji |

| |15 |From India to Israel |

| |16 |Ghadar Movement |

| |17 |Great Britain |

| |18 |History |

| |19 |Indian diaspora |

| |20 |Indian emigration |

|67 |1 |Indian immigration to America |

| |2 |International migrations |

| |3 |Italy |

| |4 |Jews in India |

| |5 |Judaism and Hinduism |

| |6 |LaBrack, Bruce |

| |7 |Language/linguistics |

| |8 |Legal aspects |

| |9 |Legislative history of Asian Indian immigration to USA: 1800-1980 |

| |10 |Malaysia 1 of 2 |

| |11 |Malaysia 2 of 2 |

| |12 |Miscellaneous |

| |13 |Modern diasporas in international politics |

| |14 |Philippines |

| |15 |Printed material |

| |16 |Reports |

| |17 |Segal, Aaron |

| |18 |Sikhs |

| |19 |South Africa |

| | | |

| | |G. Miscellaneous Subject files |

| | | |

|67 |20 |Aden |

| |21 |Africa |

| |22 |African Americans |

| |23 |Alexander III the Great |

| |24 |American family |

| |25 |Asia |

| |26 |Assimilation |

|73 |24 |Astrology |

|68 |1 |Australia 1 of 3 |

| |2 |Australia 2 of 3 |

| |3 |Australia 3 of 3 |

| |4 |Baby boom |

| |5 |Bangladesh |

| |6 |Biographies & autobiographies |

| |7 |Birth order |

| |8 |Black demography |

| |9 |Bradlaugh-Besant trial |

| |10 |Buddhism |

| |11 |Burma 1 of 2 |

| |12 |Burma 2 of 2 |

| |13 |Canada--Financial assistance to India |

| |14 |Canada--General information |

| |15 |Canada--Immigration 1 of 2 |

| |16 |Canada--Immigration 2 of 2 |

| |17 |Canada--Miscellaneous items |

| |18 |Canada--Native peoples |

| |19 |Canada--Population problems |

| |20 |Caribbean |

| |21 |Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan |

| |22 |Change |

|69 |1 |Children |

| |2 |China--Bibliographies |

| |3 |China--Census |

| |4 |China--Chronology |

| |5 |China--Economy |

| |6 |China--History |

| |7 |China--Miscellaneous items |

| |8 |China--Population |

| |9 |Circumcision |

| |10 |Circumpolar chronology |

| |11 |Circumpolar population |

| |12 |Daycare |

| |13 |Death |

| |14 |Demography |

| |15 |Dowry |

| |16 |Dry lands research 1 of 3 |

| |17 |Dry lands research 2 of 3 |

| |18 |Dry lands research 3 of 3 |

| |19 |Dubois, Abbe |

| |20 |Economic thought |

| |21 |Egypt |

| |22 |Elderly |

| |23 |Environment 1 of 2 |

| |24 |Environment 2 of 2 |

|70 |1 |Evolution |

| |2 |Fiji |

| |3 |Food and agriculture |

| |4 |Free Thought/Non-Religion |

| |5 |Gandhi, Mahatma |

| |6 |Genetic engineering |

| |7 |Giri, V.V. |

| |8 |Global 2000 Study |

| |9 |Green Revolution |

| |10 |Guyana |

| |11 |Health |

| |12 |Hindu glossary |

| |13 |Hindu science and medicine |

| |14 |Hinduism |

| |15 |Human ecology |

| |16 |Hunger |

| |17 |Immigration and migration |

| |18 |Indian National Congress and Presidential speeches |

| |19 |Indonesia |

| |20 |Industrialization |

| |21 |Infant mortality/Infanticide |

| |22 |Israel |

| |23 |Japan |

| |24 |Jordan |

| |25 |League of Nations |

| |26 |Liberia |

| |27 |Malaysia |

| |28 |Maldive Islands |

| |29 |Malthus, Robert |

| |30 |Mangadu |

| |31 |Marx, Karl |

| |32 |Mehta, Asoka |

|71 |1 |Memory |

| |2 |Mongolian People's Republic |

| |3 |Nagarathars 1 of 3 |

| |4 |Nagarathars 2 of 3 |

| |5 |Nagarathars 3 of 3 |

| |6 |Narayan, Jayaprakash |

| |7 |Nehru, Jawaharlal |

| |8 |Nepal |

| |9 |New Zealand |

| |10 |Nobel Prize |

| |11 |Noise pollution |

| |12 |Nutrition/malnutrition |

| |13 |Pakistan--Family planning |

| |14 |Pakistan--General information |

| |15 |Pakistan--Population |

| |16 |Papau, New Guinea |

| |17 |Peace 1 of 2 |

| |18 |Peace 2 of 2 |

| |19 |Periyar, Ramaswamy |

| |20 |Poetry |

| |21 |Protestantism |

| |22 |Racism |

| |23 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli |

| |24 |Rationalism |

| |25 |Reading habits |

| |26 |Red Cross |

| |27 |Religious movements |

| |28 |Russell, Bertrand |

| |29 |Russia |

| |30 |Sanger, Margaret |

| |31 |Science and technology |

| |32 |Sexuality |

| |33 |Seychelles, Africa |

| |34 |Singh, Gurdial (Paul) |

| |35 |Social diseases |

| |36 |South Africa |

|72 |1 |South America |

| |2 |Sri Lanka/Ceylon |

| |3 |Stockholm, Sweden |

| |4 |Suicide |

| |5 |Taiwan |

| |6 |Tata, J.R.D. |

|73 |25 |Thandavar, Muthu |

|72 |7 |Trinidad |

| |8 |Unemployment and underemployment |

| |9 |United States |

| |10 |Urbanization patters |

| |11 |Violence |

| |12 |War |

| |13 |Water |

| |14 |World politics |

| |15 |World War II |

| |16 |Yoga |

| | | |

| | |H. Population (general) |

| | | |

|72 |17 |Asia |

| |18 |Australia |

| |19 |Behavior |

| |20 |Bolivia |

| |21 |Canada |

| |22 |China |

| |23 |Demographic transition |

| |24 |Economic development |

| |25 |Education |

| |26 |Environment |

| |27 |Ethiopia |

| |28 |Eugenics |

| |29 |Food |

| |30 |Franklin, Benjamin |

| |31 |Germany |

| |32 |Human resources |

| |33 |Humor |

| |34 |India 1 of 3 |

| |35 |India 2 of 3 |

| |36 |India 3 of 3 |

| |37 |International law |

| |38 |International relations |

| |39 |Iraq |

| |40 |Law and population |

| |41 |Longevity |

| |42 |Migration |

| |43 |Miscellaneous |

| |44 |New Zealand |

| |45 |Old Testament |

| |46 |Politics |

| |47 |Population and poverty--five views |

| |48 |Population control |

| |49 |Population explosion |

| |50 |Population growth |

| |51 |Population policies |

| |52 |Population problem |

|73 |1 |Population stabilization |

| |2 |Programs assistance |

| |3 |Psychology |

| |4 |Pugwash Conference |

| |5 |Redistribution |

| |6 |Reproductive health |

| |7 |Rural-urban migration |

| |8 |Russia |

| |9 |San Diego, California |

| |10 |Statistics |

| |11 |Taiwan |

| |12 |Technology |

| |13 |Underdeveloped and developing countries |

| |14 |United States |

| |15 |World Health Organization |

| |16 |World politics |

| |17 |World population |

| |18 |World population |

| |19 |World Population Year 1971 |

| | | |

| | |I. Women |

| | | |

|51 |42 |Ajanta frescoes |

| |43 |All India Womens' Conference |

| |44 |Bibliographies 1 of 4 |

| |45 |Bibliographies 2 of 4 |

| |46 |Bibliographies 3 of 4 |

| |47 |Bibliographies 4 of 4 |

| |48 |Birth control |

| |49 |British Period |

| |50 |Buddha and Buddhist Period |

| |51 |Child bearing |

| |52 |Chronology of India's women 1 of 2 |

| |53 |Chronology of India's women 2 of 2 |

| |54 |Colonialism |

| |55 |Devadasi system |

|74 |1 |Education |

|75 |29 |Employment |

|74 |2 |Expectations |

| |3 |Female pollution |

| |4 |Feminism/equality |

| |5 |Gandhi, Indira |

| |6 |Gandhi, Mahatma, on women |

| |7 |Harijan women |

| |8 |Hindu view of women |

| |9 |Hindu women |

| |10 |History |

| |11 |Hospitals and medical care |

| |12 |Immoral traffic |

| |13 |Indentured labor |

| |14 |Indian Industrial Commission |

| |15 |Indian Women 1 of 2 |

| |16 |Indian women 2 of 2 |

| |17 |Indian women--American view |

| |18 |Indian women--demographic profile |

| |19 |Indian women--role |

| |20 |Indian women--universities and colleges |

| |21 |Indian womens' Franchise |

| |22 |India's independence |

| |23 |India's women--history |

| |24 |Indus Valley civilization |

| |25 |Journals and magazines |

| |26 |Kerala, India |

| |27 |Kjing Udayana's Wives (legend) |

| |28 |Lal Ded |

| |29 |Law & legal resources |

| |30 |Life cycle |

| |31 |Life expectancy |

| |32 |Literacy |

| |33 |Male dominance |

| |34 |Manu |

| |35 |Marriage & remarriage |

| |36 |Maternity leave |

| |37 |Miscellaneous notes |

| |38 |Miscellaneous notes |

| |39 |Missionaries |

| |40 |Motherhood |

| |41 |Mughal period |

| |42 |Muslim women |

| |43 |Noteworthy Women, A: |

| | |Akroyd, Annette |

| | |Ali, Aruna Asaf |

| | |Amani, Mata |

| | |Amirruddin, Begum Mir Sultam |

| | |Ammaiyar, Karaikkal |

| | |Andal |

| | |Anderson, Marian |

| | |Arundale, Mrs. Rukmini Devi |

| | |Ashram, Pondicherry, French mother of |

| | |Auveiya'r |

| |44 |Noteworthy Women, B: |

| | |Bai, Ahalya |

| | |Bai, Maharani Baiza |

| | |Bai, Meera |

| | |Bai, Mira |

| | |Bai, Rani Lakshmi |

| | |Bai, Tara |

| | |Balasaraswati |

| | |Balch, Emily Greene |

| | |Banerji, Sasipade |

| | |Bano, Shah |

| | |Bayi, Sethu Lakshmi |

| | |Begum, Jahanara |

| | |Begum, Roshanara |

| | |Behn, Mira |

| | |Besant, Annie |

| | |Bhosale, Jijabai |

| | |Bibi, Chand |

| | |Blavatsky, Madam Helena Petrovna |

| | |Brown, Dame Edith |

| | |Buck, Pearl S. |

| |45 |Noteworthy Women, C: |

| | |Cama, Madam Bhikji |

| | |Carmichael, Amy |

| | |Carpenter, Mary |

| | |Chattopadhyeya, Mrs. Kamaladevi |

| | |Cousins, Margaret E. |

| |46 |Noteworthy Women, D: |

| | |Das, Kamala |

| | |Deshmukh, Mrs. Durgabai |

| | |Dubois, Abbe |

| | |Dufferin, Lady Harriet Georgina |

| | |Dutt, Toru |

| |47 |Noteworthy Women, E: |

| | |Elizabeth I, Queen |

| |48 |Noteworthy Women, F: |

| | |Friedan, Betty |

| |49 |Noteworthy Women, G: |

| | |Gandhi, Kasturba |

| | |Gil, Amrit Sher |

| | |Gouramma, Princess of Coorg |

| | |Greenstidel, Christina (Sister Christine) |

| |50 |Noteworthy Women, H: |

| | |Hale, Nancy |

| | |How-Martyn, Mrs. Edith |

| |51 |Noteworthy Women, J: |

| | |Jagannadhan, A.W. |

| | |Jahan, Nur |

| | |Jinarajakasa, Dorothy |

| | |Joshee, Dr. Anandibai |

| |52 |Noteworthy Women, K-L: |

| | |Kaur, Amrit |

| | |King, Coretta Scott |

| | |Kote, Durghbai |

| | |Kripalani, Sucheta |

| | |Lakshmipathi, Rukmani |

| | |Lilavati |

| | |Lukose, Dr. Mary Punnen |

| |53 |Noteworthy Women, M: |

| | |Maharani Gayatri Devi |

| | |Mayo, Katherine |

| | |Mead, Margaret |

| |54 |Noteworthy Women, N: |

| | |Naidu, Sarojini |

| | |Nehru, Kamala |

| | |Nivedita, Sister |

| |55 |Noteworthy Women, P: |

| | |Padmini, Prencess of Newar |

| | |Pal, Mrs. Balchandra |

| | |Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi |

| | |Parvati |

| | |Patel, Manibeu |

| |56 |Noteworthy Women, R: |

| | |Rajwade, Rani Lakshmibai |

| | |Rama Rau, Dhanvanti |

| | |Ramabai, Pandita |

| | |Ranade, Ramabai |

| | |Rani, Devika |

| | |Ray, P.K. |

| | |Ray, Renuka |

| | |Razia, Queen of Delhi |

| | |Reddy, Mrs. S. Muthulakshmi |

| | |Roosevelt, Eleanor |

| |57 |Noteworthy Women, S-T: |

| | |St. Denis, Ruth |

| | |Sarada devi, Holy Mother, 1855-1920 |

| | |Saraswati |

| | |Sattianadhan, Kamala |

| | |Schreiner, Olive |

| | |Scudder, Ida |

| | |Sengupta, Mrs. Nellie |

| | |Sengupta, Padini |

| | |Smith, Lillian |

| | |Sorabji, Cornelia |

| | |Subbarayan, Radabai |

| | |Subbulakshmi, M.S. |

| | |Swain, Dr. Clara |

| | |Teresa, Mother |

| | |Tisyaraksita, Queen |

| |58 |Noteworthy Women, U-Z: |

| | |Urmila |

| | |Vachaknavi, Gargi |

| | |Varghese, Dr. Mary |

| | |Victoria, Queen |

| | |Wadia, Sophia |

| | |Wilson, Amrit |

| | |Zebunissa, Princess |

| |59 |Organizations |

| |60 |Oriental view |

| |61 |Poets |

| |62 |Politics |

| |63 |Population profile of India's women |

| |64 |Preferential treatment |

| |65 |Progress of India's Women Since Independence (1947) |

| |66 |Psychology |

| |67 |Purana Period |

| |68 |Quotations on women |

| |69 |Radhakrishnan, Sarvepelli |

| |70 |Round Table Conference |

|75 |1 |Rulers |

| |2 |Saints |

| |3 |Sanger, Margaret |

| |4 |Sati |

| |5 |Schools |

| |6 |Sen, Keshub Chunder |

| |7 |Sex |

| |8 |Sex determination |

| |9 |Sex roles |

| |10 |Sexism |

| |11 |Sikh wedding |

| |12 |Social attitudes |

| |13 |Statistics |

| |14 |Subjugation |

| |15 |Suffering |

| |16 |Taj Mahal |

| |17 |Topics for mini essays on women of India |

| |18 |Vedic Period |

| |19 |Western women in India |

| |20 |Widows |

| |21 |Womens liberation |

| |22 |Working women |

| |23 |Young Womens Silent Revolt for Freedom |

| | | |


| | | |

| | |A: Correspondence |

| | | |

|75 |32 |Correspondence, 1947, 1952, 1954-56, 1958-59 |

| |33 |Correspondence, 1961-69 |

| |34 |Correspondence, 1970-75, 1977-78 |

| |35 |Correspondence, 1980-85, 1987-89 |

| |36 |Correspondence, 1993, 1997-2000 |

| |37 |Correspondence, undated |

| | | |

| | |B: Autobiographical Material |

| | | |

| |38 |Autobiography, Chapter IV |

| |39 |Autobiography, First Christmas |

| | | |

| | |C: Personal material |

| | | |

| |40 |Poetry |

| |41 |Calendar and household expense record, 1968 |

| | | |


| | | |

|76 |22 |Exhibit labels |

|75 |43 |Population Review, 1975 & 1982 |

| | |Books: |

| | |American Aid & India's Economic Development, 1965, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. |

| | |Ananda K. Coomsraswamy, 1977, Bombay, India: Blackie & Son Publishers |

| | |Communist China Today, 1961, Bombay, India: Asia Publishing House |

| | |A Dirty, Filthy Book, 1981, Berkeley, California: University of California Press |

| | |Infant Mortality, Population Growth and Family Planning in India, 1975, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The |

| | |University of North Carolina Press |

| | |India's Abortion Experience, 1994, Denton, Texas: University of North Texas Press (3 copies) |

|76 | |Books: |

| | |The Nagarathars of South India, 1980, Madras, India: Macmillan Company of India Ltd. (2 copies) |

| | |Population and Law in India, 1976, Bombay, India: Blackie & Son Ltd. |

| | |Population and Law in India, Revised Second edition, 1978, Madras, India: Macmillan Company of India Ltd. |

| | |(2 copies) |

| | |The Population of Mauritius: Fact, Problem and Policy, 1990, New Delhi, India: Indus Publishing Company |

| | |Studies in Demography: Essays presented to Professor S. Chandrasekhar on his Fifty-first Birthday, |

| | |compiled by Ashish Bose, P.B. Desai, & S.P. Jain, 1970, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. (2 copies, |

| | |different jackets) |

|Addendum: Additional Materials (donated in 2007) |


|G. Miscellaneous Personal Material |

|Box |Folder | |

|19 |34 |Mortarboards (Indian) (1 black with white tassel,1 red with white tassel) |


|C. Audio-Visual Material |

|75 |44 |“A Population Policy for India Varanaai [sic] By S. Chandrasekhar” (n.d.), audiocassette |

| |45 |Unidentified (n.d.), reel-to-reel audiotape [96 min.] with note |

| |46 |Unidentified (n.d.), reel-to-reel audiotape [96 min.] with note |



Abortion in a Crowded World: With Special Reference to India (The Problems of

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View Series, three John Danz Lectures, at the University of Washington, Seattle,

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trial's repercussions on the birth rate of Britain resulting in a decline in Britain's

birth rate, a course of lectures as Lucie Stern Trustee Professor of Sociology,

Mills College, Oakland, California, 1980) (Berkeley, Los Angeles, New York,

London [sic]: University of California Press, 1981)

American Aid and India’s Economic Development, 1965

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy: A Critical Appreciation (Ananda Coomaraswamy

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Communist China Today, 1961

Communist China Today, reprint with an additional chapter, 1962

Convocation Address (Annamalai University, Chidambarum, Annamalainagar, Tamil

Nadu, March 26, 1970)

Convocation Address (Commencement Address, Marathwada University, Aurangabad),


Convocation Address (Demographic Training and Research Center, Bombay, 1969)

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Jolla, California: Population Review Books, 1992)

From India to Canada: A Brief History of Immigration; Problems of Discrimination;

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From India to Israel (ed. and contrib.) (La Jolla, California: Population Review Books,


From India to Mauritius: A Brief History of Immigration and the Indo-Mauritian

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Some Aspects of Infant Mortality in India 1901-1959, All India Seminar on Population

(Delhi), Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi, March, 1964

Some Aspects of the Family Planning Programme in India, Population Review Vol. 11,

No. 2, July-December, 1967

Some Australian Population and Migration Statistics, in S. Chandrasekhar, ed., From

India to Australia: A Brief History of Immigration: The Dismantling of the “White

Australia” Policy; Problems and Prospects of Assimilation (La Jolla, California:

Population Review Books, 1992)

Some Observations on Infant Mortality in India: 1901-1951, The Eugenics Review

(London), Vol. 46, No. 4, January, 1955

Some Observations on Marriage, Dating, Parent-Child Communication and Language, in

National Federation of Asian Indian Organizations in America, Conference on

Family & Youth (Fourth National Biennial Convention of Asian Indians in

America, August 30th—September 1, 1986)

Some Statistics of Asian Indian Americans in the United States, Population Review, Vol.

25, Nos. 1 and 2, 1981

Some Statistics on Asian Indian Americans in the United States, in S. Chandrasekhar, ed.,

From India to America: A Brief History of Immigration: Problems of

Discrimination; Admission and Assimilation (La Jolla, California: Population

Review Books, 1982). Third printing 1984.

South African Indians--A Survey, The Modern Review (Calcutta), August, 1949

The Soviet Union’s Population Problem, The Illustrated Weekly of India (Bombay),

November 6, 1966

The Special Problem of China, A Paper Presented at the Conference on “The Winds of

Change," World Population Pressures and Resource Materials, Michigan State

University, East Lansing, Michigan, February, 1965

Special Universities for Rural Millions, The Assam Tribune (Gauhati), April 8, 1978

State Radio in Red China, Chicago Sun-Times, February 17, 1959

State’s Power to Restrict Family Size, The Hindu (Madras), June 4, 1976

Status of Women in India, in Report 1969 of A Seminar on Family Planning and Status of

Women in India (New Delhi: Central Institute of Research and Training in Public

Cooperation, 1969)

Sterilization in India, Dr. Chandrasekhar for Incentives for Sterilization, in Garrett

Hardin, ed., Population, Evolution and Birth Control: A Collage of Controversial

Ideas (San Francisco: Freeman and Co., 1964)

Sterilization in India, in Garrett Hardin, compiler, Population, Evolution and Birth

Control: A Collage of Controversial Ideas, 2nd ed. (San Francisco: W.H.

Freeman, 1969)

Still a Long Way to Go, (Andhra Pradesh Population Problems), The Hindu (Madras),

February 15, 1987

Stratege du Planning Familial: Le Cauchemar de la Population en Inde: Quelles

Solutions?, Journal de Geneva (Geneva) February 1-2, 1969

Strategy of India’s Family Planning Program, Southern Economist (Bangalore), Vol. 6,

No. 17, January, 1968

Strategy of Planned Parenthood: Peculiarity of India’s Demographic Trends, The Mail

(Madras), January 29, 1967

Tackling Population Problem, Eastern Economist (New Delhi) Vol. 51, No. 24,

December 13, 1968

Thoughts on National Integration, The Illustrated Weekly of India (Bombay), September

2, 1962

Tidal Wave of Humans, Newsweek, March 2, 1959

Tippu's End at Seringapatam, The Hindu (Madras), July 2, 1939

Too Much Cry for Food Self-Sufficiency: Need for Foolproof Family Planning Methods,

Madhya Pradesh Chronicle (Bhopal, India), August 28, 1964

Top Priority for Health Education, The Hindu, April 28, 1970

Towards Eradication of Smallpox, Assam Information (Gauhati), Vol. 18, No. 8,

November, 1967

Towards Small Families, The Realist (Bombay), Annual Number, 1968

Transfers of Population, The Hindu (Madras), December 7, 1947

Tribal Demographic Research, The Hindu (Madras), August 3, 1958

UNESCO, The Indian Listener (New Delhi), January 29, 1950

UNESCO and India, The Indian Express (Madras), Republic Day Supplement, January

26, 1950

UNESCO and Population Problems, in Proceedings of the International Congress on

Population and World Resources in Relation to the Family, Cheltenham. England,

August 1948. (London: H.K. Lewis Co. for the Family Planning Association of

Great Britain, 1948)

UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy, Annamalai University Journal (Chidambaram,

India), 1949

The Unplanned Millions, The Manchester Guardian Indian Independence Supplement,

August 15, 1961

U.S. Help for our Family Planning Program, Eastern Economist (New Delhi), India-

American Supplement, Vol. 53, July 25, 1969

Vignettes in Indian History: The Vellore Fort and Temple, The Hindu (Madras), October

9, 1938

Vital Registration, The Hindu (Sunday Edition) (Madras), February 21, 1960

Vital Statistics, People's Health (Madras), Vol. 5, No. 8, May, 1951

Vital Statistics in India: Collection Machinery Needs Overhauling—I, The Hindu

(Madras), September 3, 1955

Wanted A Liberal Policy on Abortion [sic], The Hindu (Madras), June 8, 1969

War Against Malnutrition, Explosion Hunger, 1975 (New Delhi), Vol. 1, No. 3, April-

June, 1969

Water Pollution and Industrial Waste Treatment, The National Herald (New Delhi),

December 15, 1969

Water Supply and Sanitation: An Integrated Approach, Civic Affairs (New Delhi), June,


The Way to a Happy Married Life, Dr. Chandrasekhar and Periar E.V. Ramaswamy in a

Radio Interview, Akashavani (formerly The Indian Listener) (New Delhi), May

24, 1970

We Use Every Gimmick—Even Elephants, in Horizons, A special Issue on Family

Planning in Asia (Manila, USIS, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 1967)

We Use Every Gimmick—Even Elephants—Family Planning in India, Horizons (Manila)

Vol. 19, No. 3, 1968

We Use Every Gimmick—Even Elephants (For Family Planning), Horizons (Manila),

Vol. 19, No. 3, 1969

What Does Iowa Know of India and China--A Statistical Analysis of the Gallup Poll,

Asia and the Americas (New York), June, 1945

What is Behind China’s Aggression? Background Material. For Official Use Only.

From the Director General, All India Radio to the Directors of all AIR Stations,

January 16, 1963

What Law Can Do to Solve Population Problems, The Hindu (Madras), November 14,


When Does Life Begin?, Population Review, Vol. 15, Nos. 1 and 2, 1971

The Why and How of Family Planning, Address to the Indian Junior Chamber at

Calcutta, 1968

Why Are Indians Poor? Population and Poverty, Asia and the Americas (New York),

January, 1942

Why Collective Farming Failed in Soviet Russia?—II, Amrit Bazar Patrika (Calcutta),

April 18, 1959

Why India’s Population is Increasing, Family Planning News 3 (New Delhi), November,


Why Is India’s Population Growth so Problematic?, Participant Journal (New Delhi),

April, 1967

Why Liberalize our Abortion Law?, in Saral K. Chatterjee, ed., Legalization of Abortion

(Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1971)

Why This Chinese Aggression?, Swarajya Annual Number (Madras), 1963

Why This Student Indiscipline?, The Illustrated Weekly of India (Bombay), March 13,


William Carey: Pioneer Orientalist and Missionary, The Hindu (Madras), 1939

Women's Emancipation Key Solution to Population Problem, The Hindu, [sic] November

25, 1992

World Health Day, Swasth Hind (New Delhi) Vol. 11, No. 5, May, 1967

World Health Day, Dr. Chandrasekhar’s Message, Family Planning News (New Delhi),

May, 1967

The World Population Conference, Family Planning (London), January, 1955

World Population Growth and Desert Reclamation, Population Review, Vol. 9, Nos. 1

and 2, January-July, 1965

World Problem of Population: Five-fold Plan, The Times of India (Bombay), November

22, 1952

The World's Hunger, Indian Finance Annual Number (Calcutta), December, 1948

World’s Population Problems with Special Reference to India and China, Keynote

Address to the Annual Meeting of Section K (Social Sciences), Pacific Division,

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Irvine, California, June

18, 1974


Address: as Chairman of the Governing Board the Demographic Training and Research

Center [sic], Bombay, June 7, 1968

Address: as Chairman of the Indian Student Delegation, the World Youth Congress

convened by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Joseph P. Lash in Washington, D.C.,

September 4, 1942

Address: as President of Student Union of India, forum group, Sewanhaka High School,

Floral Park, New York, November 28, 1941

Address: Association for Moral & Social Hygiene of India, Twelfth All India Conference

on Moral & Social Hygiene, Bangalore, November 22, 1968

Address: at discussion of “The Present Position of the Indian Workers in the United

States,” The India Benevolent Association, Inc., New York City, January 20,


Address: Bayonne Senior High School, Bayonne, New Jersey, 1942

Address: Central Conference of Private Medical Practitioners, New Delhi, 1967

Address: Central Family Planning Council, Sixth Meeting, Bhopal, November 6, 1969

Address: Conference of Heads of Christian Hospitals on Family Planning, New Delhi,

February 5, 1962

Address: Conference of Heads of Christian Hospitals in India on Family Planning, New

Delhi, 1968

Address: Conference of Regional Representatives of Cooperative for American Relief

Everywhere, New Delhi, June 27, 1968

Address: Conference on “The Economic Consequences of the Population Explosion,”

under the chairmanship of Mr. David Lilienthal, New York, 1962

Address: Conference on “World Resources and Human Ecology,” held at Lewis and

Clark College, Portland, Oregon, 1972

Address: Decennial Celebrations of the Chromepet Public Health and Maternity Center,

Chromepet, Madras, 1967

Address: Fourteenth All-India Obstetrics and Gynecological Congress, Nagpur, Madhya

Pradesh State, 1967

Address: Fourth Meeting of the Central Family Planning Council, Vigyan Bhavan, New

Delhi, 1967

Address: Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Christian Medical College and Hospital,

Vellore, Madras State, 1967

Address: Inaugural meeting, the S.K.P.D. School Teachers’ Association, Madras, July 13,


Address: inauguration of the National Pharmacy Week, Bombay, 1967

Address: Indian community of Rochester, New York, April 24, 1983

Address: Institute of World Affairs Conference on “Population: The Bitter Harvest,” at

San Diego State University, San Diego, 1974

Address: International Homeopathic Congress, concluding session, New Delhi, October,


Address: International Seminar on Problems of Fertility Control in India held at

Annamalai University, concluding session, January 14, 1977

Address: Lions Club of Indraprastha, New Delhi, July 25, 1969

Address: National Seminar on Rehabilitation of the Handicapped, National Seminar on

Rehabilitation Services and Research, sponsored by the Indian Council of

Medical Research and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare of the

United States, Trivandrum, Kerala State, December, 1967

Address: Nursery School Project at the Balar Kalvi Nilayam, Annual General Meeting,

Vepery, June 18, 1960

Address: public meeting under the auspices of the Family Planning Association, Nizam

College, February 15, 1952

Address: Seminar on “The Form and Size of the Human Community” under the auspices

of the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, 1967

Address: “Sixth-Form Conference on `The Colombo Plan,’” Arthur Mellows Village

College, Glinton, England, July 12, 1955

Address: Special Session on Family Planning, Fortieth Annual Conference of the

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi, April 8,


Address: Student Nurses Association of India, Fourth Bienniel [sic] Conference, Lady

Hardinge Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi, October 9, 1969

Address: T.B. Sanatorium Kasauli, Founder’s Day Celebrations, Kasauli, Himachal

Pradesh, May 21, 1969

Address: Tenth All India Nature Cure Conference and Annual Session of the All India

Nature Cure Federation, Bhimavaran, May 18, 1969

Address: three-day Symposium on Women, University of California Medical Center,

January 24, 1965

Address: to The Population Tribune, United Nations Third World Population Conference,

Bucharest, Rumania, 1974

Address: The Tuberculosis Association of India, 30th Annual General Meeting, New

Delhi, April 18, 1969

Address: Twenty-eighth All-India Conference of Surgeons in India, Patiala, Punjab State,


Address: under the auspices of the Madras University Extension Board, Vellore Centre,

Voorhees College, Vellore, August 2, 1965

Address: University of Redlands, Redlands, California under the auspices of the World

Affairs Council of Northern California, 1971

Address: World Assembly of Youth, Thirteenth Annual Conference, Massachusetts

University, Amherst, Massachusetts, August, 1964

Address: World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for South East Asia,

Twentieth World Health Assembly Session, Ulan Bator, Mongolian People's

Republic, August, 1967

Addresses: as Distinguished Fellow at the Battelle Memorial Research Center (Think

Tank), Seattle, Washington, to universities and colleges in Washington and

Oregon States and two universities in British Columbia, Canada, 1971-72

African Demography, lecture, Institute of Colonial Studies, Oxford, England, 1953

Akkambavaru lectures, the Mysore University, 1961

American Aid and Indian Economic Development, Special Endowment [sic: Extension]

Lectures, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh State,

November, 1963

Ananda Coomaraswamy Centennial Lecture under the auspices of the Indo-American

Association, Madras, 1977

Areas of Light and Darkness: A National Antinatalist [sic] Population Policy – An

Interview with Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, Yojana (New Delhi), 1967

Asia’s Population Problems, in Guy Wint, ed., Asia: A Handbook (New York: Frederick

A. Praeger, London: Anthony Bond, 1966)

Avinashalingam Endowment Lectures, University of Madras, Coimbatore Center, Tamil

Nadu State, 1977

Banaili Readership Lectures, University of Patna, Bihar State, 1957

Blaisedale Trust Lectures, Claremont University, Claremont, California, 1974

A Blueprint for World Peace, New York City Town Hall Symposium, New York, 1942

Borlaug's Green Revolution and India's Population Problem, the Dr. Norman Borlaug

Endowment Lecture, at the United States International University, San Diego,

California, 1996

Can India Afford a Billion People?, Shri D.V. Krishna Rao Endowment Lecture at

Literacy House, Andhra Mahila Sabha Educational Campus, Hyderabad, Andhra

Pradesh State, 1993

Can India Win Its Birth Battle? An Interview with Dr. Chandrasekhar, (Harold Sieve),

The Daily Telegraph (London) August 29, 1968

Can Roosevelt Save India?, Baltimore, Maryland, September 25, 1942

Caste, Class, and Color in India, A One Day Conference on World Affairs, “India in

Transition,” Centenary Methodist Church, Beatrice, Nebraska, April 27, 1947

Caste, Class, and Color in India, lecture for The Wallingford Ministerial Association and

The East and West Association, Lyman Hill High School, New York, March 9, 1947

Center Lecture, n. p., December 8, 1970

The Changing American Family: the Impact of the Women's Liberation Movement and

the Permissive Revolution on the American Birth Rate, a paper presented at the

interdisciplinary American Studies Seminar, cosponsored [sic] by the American

Studies Research Center and the U.S. Information Service, (Hyderabad, India),

January 13-15, 1978

Christ and Gandhi, Fellowship of St. Nicholas discussion group, New York, February 2,


The Colonial Demographic Dilemma, paper presented at the Symposium on Colonial

Economics at the Institute of Colonial Studies, Oxford University, (London),

March, 1954

Communist China, lectures under the auspices of the Granary Fund, Boston, before

university and general audiences in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt,

Ethiopia, the Sudan and Canada, 1960

Communist China’s Population Problem, Maharajah of Darbhanga Endowment Lecture

on "World Population Problems" II, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, United

Provinces, India, 1964

Communist China’s Population Problems, course of lectures, the National Defense

College, New Delhi, 1962

Communist China’s Population Problems, National Science Foundation Lecture,

University of California, Riverside, California, November 23, 1964

Communist China’s Population Problems and Expansionism, lecture, presented by The

Economics Seminar, Duke University, November 14, 1960

Conditions in India, the Monday Afternoon Club, Crescent Avenue Church, Plainfield,

New Jersey, April 17, 1944

Contemporary India, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, Summer Session,


Convocation Address, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu State, 1970

Convocation Address, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Punjab State, January 31,


Convocation Address: Demographic Training and Research Centre, Bombay, June 6,


Convocation Address: jointly to the Institute of Home Economics and the New Delhi

Polytechnic for Women, 1968

Convocation Address: Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Harayana State, 1968

Convocation Address: Ninth Convocation of the Demographic Training and Research

Centre, Bombay, June 16, 1967

Convocation Address: the Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab State, March 4, 1977

Convocation Address: Shrimati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey (SNDT) Women’s

University, Bombay, December 9, 1967

Convocation Address: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh State,


Convocation (Commencement) Address, Marathwada University, Aurangabad,

Maharashtra State, 1967

Course on Population with special reference to the Indian diaspora, lectures, Department

of Sociology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1981

Cultural Barriers to Family Planning in Under-developed Countries, paper presented to

Fifth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Tokyo, Japan, October,


A Day With Gandhi, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, September 29, 1993

Death Control, Convocation Address, the University of Poona, Pune, Maharashtra State,

Poona, 1968

Democracy and Demography, First Motilal Nehru Memorial Lecture under the auspices

of the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, India's Parliament,

New Dehli, July 24, 1969

A Democratic and Positive Policy of Population Control, National Science Foundation

Lecture, University of California, Riverside, California, December 14, 1964

A Demographer Looks at Southern California, paper presented at Society for General

Systems Research, Symposium on General Systems Approach in the Public

Sector, American Assn. [sic] for the Advancement of Sciences, annual meeting,

Berkeley, California, December 28, 1965

Demographic Aspects of Social Work, paper presented at The Indian Conference of

Social Work (Calcutta), 1952

Demography and Democracy: The Numbers Game, the Janmabhoomi Endowment

Lectures, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1978

Demography, Ecological Balance and Development, lecture, British Commonwealth

Conference of Development and Human Ecology, Malta, 1970

The Demography of Kerala, three Dr. Ramaswamy Mudaliar lectures for the Kerala

University, December, 1963

Distinguished Lecture of the Year, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1973

Dr. Amarendra Sengupta Memorial Lecture, Fourth Annual A.S.G. Memorial Lecture

Dinner, at the India Community Center of Rochester, Macedon, [sic] New York,

May 2, 1992

Dynamics of Population, speech, University of the South, Winchester, Tennessee, 1975

Economic and Social Conditions in India, Economic Geography class, New School, New

York, New York, December 11, 1945

Economic Development as an Approach to Population Problems, National Science

Foundation Lecture, University of California, Riverside, California, December 7,


Emancipation of Women and Family Planning, Convocation Address, the Shrimat

Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University, Bombay, December 9, 1967

The Emotional Integration of India, M. Rampura Endowment Lectures, the Post-graduate

Center, Karnataka University, Gulbarga, Karnatatka State, 1977

Facing the War and Preparing for Peace, National YMCA Conference, Bordentown, New

Jersey, 1942

Facts About India’s Population: Talk on the All India Radio on the National Program,


Family Planning Development and Communication Aspects, paper, Indian Institute of

Mass Communication Four-Week Orientation Course, New Delhi, August 18,


Family Planning in an Indian Village: Motivations and Methods, paper presented at the

Sixth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, New Delhi, February 14-

21, 1959

Fifth Convocation Address at the Indian Academy of Medical Sciences, Bombay, 1967

First Annual Richard Sanville Memorial Lecture at the School of Public Health,

University of California, Los Angeles, 1974

First Indian Lecture of the Norwegian-India Foundation, Oslo University, Oslo, Norway,


Founder’s Day Address, Mills College, Oakland, California, 1961

Frank Moraes Lecture, Forum of Free Enterprise, Madras, 1976

A Global War on the Population Front: The Key to World Peace and Prosperity, Bombay

Junior Chamber, Junior Chamber International Conference, Bombay, August 31,


Gokhale Endowment Lectures, University of Madras, 1952

The Growth of the World's Population: Is It a Problem?, National Science Foundation

Lecture, University of California, Riverside, California, October 7, 1964

Health Hazards Facing the World’s Children, representing India, Collegiate Church of St.

Nicholas, New York, February 2, 1941

Health Problems and Health Services in India, Stanford University, April 22, 1980

The Hindu View of Population, the Provost Lectures under the auspices of the

Department of Sociology and the School of Theology, Trinity College, Dublin,

Ireland, 1988

The Hindu View of Population, two lectures, under Sri S. Nijalingappa Endowment

(Trust) Lecture Series, Department of Publications and Extension Lectures,

University of Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka State, January 15-16, 1970

History of India, The Iranian Institute and School for Asiatic Studies, New York,

Summer Session, July 7-August 18, 1943

How Nutrition Can be the Best Contraceptive in India, lecture, Lady Irwin College, New

Delhi, 1969

How the Junior Chamber Can Help the Government by Spreading the Family Planning

Message, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Calcutta, 1969

Hungry People and Empty Lands, luncheon address, Chicago Council on Foreign

Relations, Chicago, October 6, 1955

Immigration from India to America, Special Spring Seminar, University of Rochester,


Immigration Problems, Addresses to the Indian communities in New York and New

Jersey, 1983

Inaugural Address: Academic Year 1977-78, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed

University, 1977

Inaugural Address: All India Ambulance Competitions, Indore, May 24, 1968

Inaugural Address, All-India Dental Conference, 32nd Indian Dental Conference (at “Sri

Venkateswara Vignan Mandir”) Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, January 28, 1978

Inaugural Address: at the Inauguration of Bharat Yuvak Samaj, Madras State, at Lady

Willingdon Training College, Vivekananda House, Madras, August 8, 1966

Inaugural Address: Central Health Transport Organisation [sic] First Fleet Management

Training Course, New Delhi, March 25, 1969

Inaugural Address: Conference of Deans and Principals of Medical Colleges, Mysore,

Karnataka State, August 29-31, 1967

Inaugural Address: Conference on Anti-Food Adulteration (Bombay), October 17, 1968

Inaugural Address: Fifth Meeting of the National School Health Council, India

International Centre (New Delhi), February 7, 1968

Inaugural Address: Fifth Asian Conference on Occupational Health, November, 1968

Inaugural Address: Fourteenth Delhi State Medical Conference under the auspices of the

Delhi Medical Association, Delhi, 1967

Inaugural Address: Indian Medical Association, Lucknow Branch, regional Medical

Conference, Lucknow, November 20, 1969

Inaugural Address: Indian Pharmaceutical Association Delhi Branch, National Pharmacy

Week, New Delhi, November 16, 1969

Inaugural Address (Keynote Address) to the Chicago Conference on India's Population

Crisis: Myths and Reality, A Conference Organized by India Development

Service of Midwestern University under the auspices of the India Development

Service, Downers Grove, Illinois, May 27, 1995

Inaugural Address: National Conference on Protein Fortification, Calcutta, West Bengal

State, February 15, 1969

Inaugural Address, National Seminar on Rehabilitation Services and Research,

sponsored by the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, Department of

Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., December 4-6, 1967

Inaugural Address: Orientation Training Course in Family Planning for Doctors,

Ahmedabad, June 20, 1969

Inaugural Address: Private Medical Practitioners Association of India, Andhra Pradesh

Branch, Visakhapatnam District Unit, Second Annual Regional Conference,

Vizianagaram, October 23, 1969

Inaugural Address: Punjab State Homoeopathic [sic] Conference Fifth Session, Amritsar,

March 8, 1969

Inaugural Address: “Refresher Course on Problems in General Practice,” College of

General Practitioners, Hyderabad, March 22, 1969

Inaugural Address: Sangli & Miraj Medical Associations, Tenth Maharashtra State

Medical Conference, Sangli, November 14, 1969

Inaugural Address: R. Sankar Shastiardarurthi Celebrations, Medical Conference, Quilon,

May 2, 1969

Inaugural Address: Second Foundation Week, Demographic Research Center, Lucknow

University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh State, September 9, 1968

Inaugural Address: Second International Staff Orientation Course, New Delhi, 1970

Inaugural Address: Second International WHO Staff Orientation Course, New Delhi,


Inaugural Address: “Seminar on Family Planning and the Status of Women in India” to

“The Central Institute of Research & Training in Public Co-operation,” New

Delhi, August 10, 1969

Inaugural Address: Seminar on Family Planning under the auspices of the Family

Planning Project of the Indian Assembly of Youth, Bombay, December 19, 1969

Inaugural Address: Seminar on India’s Urban Population, Demographic Research Center,

Dharwar, Maharashtra State, 1968

Inaugural Address: "Seminar on `Planning and Productivity,'" n. p., February 4, 1967

Inaugural Address to the Summer Institute in Human Nutrition, College of Home

Science, University of Udaipur (Udaipur, India: May 10, 1970)

Inaugural Address: Symposium on “Food and Population in India in Seventies” under the

ausices [sic] of “Explosion Hunger-1975” at India International center, New

Delhi, November 20, 1969

Inaugural Address: Symposium on The Population Problems of India, Indian Science

Congress, Bombay, January 6, 1969

Inaugural Address: T.B. Centre, Ambilikai, Ambilikai, June 10, 1969

Inaugural Address: to the Private Medical Practitioners’ Association of India (Mysore

Branch), First Annual Family Planning Conference, Bangalore, April 13, 1969

Inaugural Address: “Training Course on Organisation [sic] of Maternal and Child Health

Field Practice Programmes in Medical Colleges, New Delhi,” World Health

Organisation [sic], New Delhi, March 11, 1969

Inaugural Address: “VII Orientation-cum-Training Course,” to Indian Medical

Association, New Delhi, March 9, 1969

Inaugural Address: “Workshop for Mass Education and Information Officers,” Central

Health Education Bureau, New Delhi, August 25, 1969

Inaugural Address: Workshop on Health and Population Education, New Delhi,

December 1-6, 1969

Inaugural Speech: Exhibition of Hungarian Medical Instruments organised [sic] by

Messrs Medicor Works, Hungary with the assistance of the Indian Medical

Association and Messrs Siemens India Ltd., New Delhi, January 17, 1969

Inaugural Speech: Searle (India) Ltd. Chemical Factory, Bombay, November 8, 1968

Inaugural Speech: “Seminar on the role of Behavioural [sic] Sciences in Education,” St.

John’s Medical College, Bangalore, July 4, 1969

Inauguration, The Introduction Course for Overseas Students (Indian Council for Cultural

Relations), the International Centre, Madras, July 14, 1961

India, American Legion, Advertising Men’s Post No. 209, New York City, 1943

India, Health Hazards Facing the World’s Children, Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting of

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York, January 22, 1946

India Against the Axis, Workers Fellowship, Inc., a group of the Society for Ethical

Culture, New York, March 12, 1941

India Alive, Student Union Activities Board’s 13th International Forum, University of

Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, February 17, 1972

India and China, Y.M.-Y.W.H.A. lecture sponsored by the Paterson section, National

Council of Jewish Women, Paterson, New Jersey, February 24, 1943

India and Pakistan: A Time of Agony (India-Pakastan [sic] Relations), The University of

Redlands and World Affairs Council of Inland Southern California, October 21,


India and the War, The Advertising Club of New York, New York, March 3, 1943

India and the War, American Legion, Advertising Men’s Post No.209, Monday

Luncheon Meeting, New York City, December 14, 1942

India and the War, Celebrity Series, Lazarus “Assembly Center,” New York, October 29,


India and the War, Local No. 26 of the Ethiopian World Federation, Inc., New York City,

March 15, 1942

India and the War, New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, New Jersey, May 7, 1944

India and the War, South Presbyterian Church, Yonkers, New York, 1941

India and the War, Twenty-First Annual Conference of National Federation of Temple

Sisterhoods District No. 8, Baltimore, Maryland, November 2, 1942

India and the War, YWCA, Newark, New Jersey, 1944

India Faces China, Allegheny County League of Women Voters, Monthly Conference,

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 7, 1961

Indian Demography, lectures, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State,


Indian Nationalism, Public Meeting on American Citizenship Rights for Natives of India,

New York, February 16, 1941

Indian Population Problem, The United States State Department half hour audio-visual

interview of Chandrasekhar, Los Angeles, California, 1978

An Indian’s View of India, Rotary Club, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, October 17, 1946

An Indian View of Empire, A One Day Conference on World Affairs, “India in

Transition,” Centenary Methodist Church, Beatrice, Nebraska, April 27, 1947

India's Case for Freedom, staff and the community of the New York State Psychiatric

Institute and Hospital, 1941

India’s Experiment in Non-Violence, A One Day Conference on World Affairs, “India in

Transition,” Centenary Methodist Church, Beatrice, Nebraska, April 27, 1947

India's Five Year Plans, a special lecture to the staff of the Prime Minister's Department

of Economic Development, Government of Mauritius, Port Louis, Mauritius,


India's Forthcoming Independence, lecture tour for Pearl Buck's East West Association

before universities and colleges across the United States of America, 1946

India’s Government Population Policy, lectures, Mexico City, Mexico, 1971

India’s Human Resources, Inaugural Address, the Literary Association (English Section),

Pachaiyappa’s College-School, Madras, July 7, 1961

India’s New Population Policy, special lecture, before the Rotary Club, Bombay, 1968

India’s Population Dynamics—A Comparison with China, lecture in Distinguished

Lecture Series, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, November 21, 1986

India’s Population: Fact, Problem and Policy, A Paper for Discussion at State Conference

of College Planning Forums, Loyola College (Madras), January 5-7, 1967

India’s Population Policy, lecture to a largely foreign audience with Richard B. Gregg in

the chair, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu State, 1957

India’s Population Policy, paper presented as participant in the Villa Serbeloni

Rockefeller Foundation Conference on World Population Problems, Lake Como,

Italy, 1970

India’s Population Policy and Programme, Valedictory Address, The National

Conference on Population Policy and Programmes, The India International

Center, New Delhi, December 23, 1969

India’s Population Problem, three talks on the National Programme of All India Radio,

July, 1966

India’s Population Problem, Lecture Two, The Problems of Population Growth and

Methods of Controlling Population from Abstinence to Abortion in India, World

Population Problems: An Indian View Series, John Danz Lecture, at the

University of Washington, Seattle, August 10, 1971

India’s Population: Problem and Policy, Croyden Family Planning Association, Sixth

Annual Meeting, Croydon, England, June 14, 1955

India’s Population Problem and the Need for a Small Family, lecture before The

Seminar on Small Family [sic], under the auspices of the National Council of

Women in India, Women’s Indian Association and the Indian Conference of

Social Work, and the Madras Government Health Department, Madras,

January 20, 1967

India’s Population Problem, Asian Civilization, University of Redlands, California,

October 20, 1971

India's Population Problems, lecture, before the Hungarian Academy of Medical

Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 1969

India’s Population Problems, lecture, under the auspices of the Mayling Soong

Foundation and the Wilson Lecture Fund, Wellesley College, Wellesley,

Massachusetts, 1970

India’s Population Problems, National Science Foundation Lecture, University of

California, Riverside, California, November 30, 1964

India’s Population Problem: the Neo-Malthusian vs. the Marxist Point of View, special

address to the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1967

India’s Position To-Day, The Saturday Forum Luncheon Group, New York, April 4,


India’s Postwar Economic Reconstruction, paper presented at Research Bureau for

Postwar Economics, and Its Cooperating Institutions—Latin American Economic

Institute, Russian Economic Institute and Committee on Postwar Population

Resettlement, Conference on Reconstruction Problems of Asia, Hotel Roosevelt,

February 3, 1945

India’s Story, Forum, Sewanhaka High School, Franklin Square, New York, October 15,


India: Ten Years of Freedom, Kiwanis Club of Omaha, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska,

November 15, 1957

India Today, City College, New York City (Downtown center), 1941

India Today, Eta Kappa Nu Association, New York Alumni Chapter, New York, 1942

India Today, lectures before eleven Canadian universities from Quebec to British

Columbia, under the auspices of the Sastri India-Canada Institute, Ottawa,

Canada, 1984

India Today, National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Zeta Chapter, New York, May 31,


Infant Mortality in India, address to the United Nations World Population Conference,

Rome, Italy, 31 August to 10 September 1954

Infant Mortality in Madras City, paper presented at the United Nations World Population

Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 30th August-10th September, 1965

Interview, “The Population Explosion” CBS Report television program with Howard K.

Smith, broadcast November 11, 1959

Interview, “Today Show” NBC-TV program, New York, February 12, 1969

Interview with U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, the White House, Washington, D.C.,

January 19, 1968

Introduction: discussion at Round Table Conference on India’s Post-War Economic

Problems, the Institute of World Economics, the Library, New York, April 21,


Investment in Human Researches: How Does a Nutritionist Look at Family Planning

Programme [sic], Summer Institute on Foods and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College,

New Delhi, June 2, 1969

Is India a Nation?, Maharajah Sayaji Rao Endowment Lectures, Baroda University,

Baroda, Gujarat State, 1969

Jayaprakash Narayan's View of our Population Problem, the Jayaprakash Narayan

Memorial Lecture at the Gandhi Institute of Social Work, Varanasi (Benares),

Uttar Pradesh State, 1993

John F. Kennedy Memorial Lecture, Indo-American Association, Bombay, 1968

Lecture: Arhus University, Denmark, 1955

Lecture: Asilomar Conference on “World Population Problems,” Asilomar, California,


Lecture, as India's delegate before the International Conference of the World Federation

of the U.N. Associations, St. Cergue, Switzerland, 1948

Lecture, as UNESCO delegate before the International Conference on World Population

and Resources, Cheltenham, England, 1948

Lecture: Blue Executives Club, Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Kentucky, 1943

Lecture: Copenhagen University, Denmark, 1955

Lecture: dinner meeting of the Fort Wayne Executives Club, Fort Wayne Country Club,

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1943

Lecture: Fourth International Conference on Planned Parenthood, Stockholm, Sweden,

August 1953

Lecture: Methodist Church, Hackensack, New Jersey, 1943

Lecture: students from various New York colleges under the auspices of the New York

Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1941

Lecture: students of Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, 1942

Lecture: under auspices of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs before McGill,

Montreal and fifteen other Canadian universities and colleges, 1955

Lecture: under auspices of the Population Crisis Committee, New York City, 1968

Lecture: University of California Conference on “Birth Control in the World Today,” Los

Angeles, California, 1966

Lecture: University of Monrovia, Liberia, 1972

Lectures: before Michigan, North Carolina and Johns Hopkins Universities, U.S.A., 1968

Lectures: before sixteen American universities, 1965

Lectures: before universities, Taiwan, Formosa, 1959

Lectures: Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, December 3-4, 1975

Lectures: Cornell, Rochester and Brockport State Universities and Fredonia College in

New York State, and at Rutgers University in New Jersey, 1983

Lectures: under auspices of the Asia Foundation, the University of Hong Kong, Hong

Kong, June, 1959

A Legislative History of Indian Immigration to the United States of America, paper

presented at the Pacific Coast Conference of the American Association for Asian

Studies, Hayward, California, June 20, 1980

Maharajah Kameshwar Prasad [sic: Maharajadira] of Dharbanga Endowment Lectures,

Allahabad University, Uttar Pradesh State, December, 1963

McBride Trust Lectures, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1954

Methods of Controlling Population: From Abstinence to Abortion, Lecture Three, The

Problems of Population Growth and Methods of Controlling Population from

Abstinence to Abortion in India, World Population Problems: An Indian View

Series, John Danz Lecture, at the University of Washington, Seattle, August 12,


Moslems in India: Cooperation or Independence?, panelist, at Sixth Peoples Congress of

East and West Association, “Minority Peoples and Problems: A World View,”

New York, March 4, 1947

Motivation for Family Planning, A Broadcast Talk on the All-India Radio from New

Delhi, Indian Listener (New Delhi), September 15, 1968

The Nagarathars of South India, three lectures, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia, under the auspices of the All-Malaya Nattukkottai Chettiar Endowment

Fund, 1978

A National Population Policy, Institute of Asian Studies & City Central Library, City

Central Library, Ashoknagar, Hyderabad, August 11, 1976

The Nation's Adult Education and Women's Emancipation in India, lecture at Literary

House, Indian Institute of Management, Lakdi-Ka-Pool, Hyderabad, Andhra

Pradesh State, 1992

Needed: A Population Policy in Andhra Pradesh, the Nawab Ali Yavar Jung Endowment

Lectures at the Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State, 1987

Need for Population Statistics, A Paper Read Before the Research Scholars Association,

University of Madras, Madras, January, 1940. (Mimeographed)

The New India—Why Not British Democracy, British Empire Trip, Methodist Institute

Leaders Trip, New York, January 23, 1941

Nijalingappa Trust Lectures, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka State, 1967

Opening Address to the Central Council of Health, Ministry of Health and Family

Planning, Sixteenth Meeting, 1967

Our Population Problem, inaugural address, Economics Association, Voorhees College,

Vellore, August 22, 1958

Panel member, “Annual Pre-Christmas Peace Panel,” The Bronxville Community Forum,

“Are We Winning the Peace?,” Bronxville, New York, December 17, 1945

Paper presented before the Pacific Division of the American Association for the

Advancement of Science, University of California, Irvine, California, 1974

Participant at Seminar on “Self-Images, Identity and Nationality,” (n. p.), November 14-

18, 1988

Participant in a mini conference on "The Asian Immigrant Experience," under the

auspices of the Asia Society (Rockefeller Foundation), New York City, 1986

Participant, “Population Problems and Freethought” with J. Cotereau and Prof. J.V.

Duhig, Thirty-second International Congress of Freethinkers, World Union of

Freethinkers, Paris, France, September 9, 1957

Peace and the New Millennium Focusing on India and China, lecture, Museum of Fine

Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 29, 1999

Pioneering Work Done by the Indian Red Cross, Chairman Chandrasekhar’s Broadcast,

All India Radio (New Delhi), October 31, 1967

The Political Crisis in India, India’s Political, Social, Religious and Economic Problems,

the Ginter Park Woman’s Club, the Lewis Ginter Community House, Richmond,

Virginia, November 4, 1943

Population, Humanities 170—The Humanities and Modern Man: A Crisis in Ideas

(Humanities Lecture Series, 1973 Summer Session, Term I, California State

University, San Diego) July 2, 1973

Population and Politics in India Today, lecture, Corvallis, Oregon State University, April

1, 1979

Population Control and Nutritional Levels, paper presented at the Pacific Science

Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961

Population Control: An Indian Experience, Ohio University, June 2, 1995

Population Control, Contraceptive Technology and Economic Development, Dr. Sir A.L.

Mudaliar Memorial Lecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, November

23, 1978

Population Education in our Colleges and Universities, the Dr. C.R. Reddy Endowment

Lecture at Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh State, 1977

The Population Factor in Indian Economic Development, Dr. S. Chandrasekhar’s maiden

speech in the Indian Parliament, the Upper House (Rajya Sabha), New Delhi,

April 25, 1964

Population Growth and the Destruction of the Environment, Keynote Address,

International Youth Seminar on Environment under the auspices of the World

Assembly of Youth, International Population & Pollution Conference, Vienna,

Austria, July 11-18, 1971

Population Growth and National Food Supply, lecture delivered under the auspices of

The Forum of Free Enterprise in Bombay, September 22, 1958

Population Growth in Relation to Economic Development—Nutrition as a Contraceptive,

paper presented at the F.A.O.’s Second World Food Conference, The Hague,

Netherlands, June 24, 1970

Population Policy, lecture, Battelle Memorial Institute, Seattle, November, 1970

Population Policy and Economic Development in India, The United States Information

Library, Madras, May 3, 1956

A Population Policy at the State Level, Venkateswara Endowment Lectures, at Sri

Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh State, 1976

A Population Policy for Sri Lanka, the Justice Ratnayake Memorial Lecture, at Colombo,

Sri Lanka, 1977

Population, Poverty and Ecology, public lecture presented by the Faculty of

Environmental Ethics and “The Earth Eagles Environmental Society” of the

University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, March 31, 1994

Population, Poverty and Pollution, Dillingham Lectures at the East-West Center,

Honolulu, Hawaii, April 6, 1977

Population, Poverty and Pollution, paper presented at the Second International Banff

Conference on Man and His Environment, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 20, 1974

Population Problem in India, Progressive Group, Bombay, August 31, 1969

Population Problems, at The Third International Conference on Planned Parenthood

under the auspices of The Family Planning Association of India, Third Plenary

Session, Bombay, November 26, 1952

Population Problems, lecture, The Convocation Address, Cal Western Campus, USIU,

December 3-4, 1970

Population Problems, lecture, Fort Wright College of the Holy Names [sic], Spokane,

January 9, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, Joint Center for Graduate Study, Richland, February 1,


Population Problems, lecture, Linfield College, McMinnville, April 26, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, Rotary Club International Service Day Lecture, Seattle,

March 31, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, San Diego State College, University of California at San

Diego, U.S. International University, San Diego, May 14-16, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 12,1971

Population Problems, lecture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,

January 29-30, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 18-19, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, April 15-16,


Population Problems, lecture, Washington State University, Pullman, January 8, 1971

Population Problems, lecture, Western Washington State College, Bellingham, December

7, 1970

Population Problems in a Developing Economy, three radio talks broadcast from the All

India Radio in the National Program on August 1, 8, 22, 1962

Population Trends and Housing Needs in India, paper presented at a Symposium on

Housing organized by the Ministry of Housing, Government of India, Proceedings of the Symposium on Housing and Building Materials, Vol. 3. Population and Housing Needs (New Delhi: National Buildings Organization, 1958)

Practicality of Population Control Within the Limits of Good Nutrition, paper presented

at the Tenth Pacific Science Congress, “Nutrition and Population Control

Section,” Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961

Presidential Address, First All-India Population and Family Planning Conference, The

Family Planning Association of India, Bombay, November 30-December 2, 1951

Presidential Address: the Indian National Seminar on “Law and Population,” under the

auspices of the Government Law College, Pondicherry and Annamalai

University, Tamil Nadu, 1976

Presidential Address, Second All-India Rationalist Conference for Social Reform at

Tenali, Andhra Pradesh State, February 9-10, 1952

Privileges and Responsibilities of University Teachers: A Code of Ethics, Inaugural

Address (Madurai), Madurai University Teachers Conference, March 21, 1976

The Problem of Tuberculosis in India, XX International Tuberculosis Conference, New

York City, September, 1969

Problems of Population Control in India, University of California Medical School,

February 5, 1971

The Problems of Population Growth and Methods of Controlling Population from

Abstinence to Abortion in India, World Population Problems: An Indian View

Series, three John Danz Lectures, at the University of Washington, Seattle,

August 9, 10 and 12, 1971

The Rate of Criminality in India, paper presented at the Statistical Section, The Indian

Science Congress (Calcutta), 1952

Recent Trends in the Growth of Population, lecture, The Southern India Chartered

Accountants Students’ Association, Madras, August 12, 1961

Reconstruction Problems in Asia, conference, Hotel Roosevelt, New York City,

February, 1945

Red China and World Peace, Chapel Assembly Program 1971-72, Seattle Pacific

College, November 17, 1971

Red China: Myth vs. Reality, lectures, summer course at the University of California, San

Diego, 1971

Red China Today: Reality vs. Myth, six lectures, Muir College, UCSD, La Jolla,

California, July 10, 12, 17, 19, 24 and 25, 1973

The Red Cross as a factor of peace in the world (The Red Cross and World Peace),

Second Round Table Conference of the International Red Cross, Geneva,

Switzerland, January 21, 1969

Religion in India Yesterday and Today, current series of the Wiers Club on “World

Religions of Yesterday and Today,” Unity Church, Unitarian, Montclair, New

Jersey, February 16, 1941

Role of Communication and Public Relations in India’s Family Planning Programme,

Public Relations World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1967

The Role of Population in the Economic and Social Development of Asia, Keynote

Address delivered before the International Seminar on “The Role of Youth in

Demographic Problems of Asia,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,

December 3, 1963

Rural Universities for India, Convocation (Commencement) Address, Seventeenth

Convocation, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam State, April 7, 1978

The Second Five Year Plan, three talks on the All India Radio, August, 1957

Seminar on Organised [sic] Sector—A Most Strategic Front for India’s War on

Population, Indian Junior Chamber, Calcutta, August 23, 1969

Sir Ramaswamy Mudaliar Lectures, Kerala University, Trivandrum, Kerala State, 1968

Sir William Mayer Endowment Lectures at the University of Madras, India, 1974

Six Laws of Population Control, Students and Staff of the Lady Hardinge Medical

College, February 25, 1970

Special Lectures, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 1955

The Special Problem of China, paper presented at the Conference on “The Winds of

Change," World Population Pressures and Resource Potential, Second Annual

Seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, February 7, 1965

Speech: American International School, Graduation Night, New Delhi, May 17, 1968

Speech: as delegate to International Student Assembly, Washington, D.C., September 4,


Speech: as a Ranking Cabinet Minister of one of the world’s largest countries, Rotary

Service Session, District 534 Conference, “Come to Coronado,” n .p., April 6-8,


Speech: as representative of the All-India Student Federation, American Youth Congress,

Seventh Annual Convocation, Town Meeting of Youth, Washington, D.C.,

February 7-9, 1941

Speech: at Unveiling [of] the Portrait of Gopalakrishna Gokhale by His Excellency the

Governor of Madras Sri P. Chandra Reddy, Luz, Mylapore, June 17, 1966

Speech: Chandigar, July 15, 1969

Speech: the Exchange Club of University, Riverside, California, 1965

Speech: the Fireside Group, a youth organization, Washington, D.C., 1942

Speech: First Planned Parenthood Bay Area kickoff luncheon, San Francisco, California,

February 10, 1966

Speech: Indian Red Cross Society Annual General Meeting at Rashtrapi Bhavan of the

Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi, April 18, 1969

Speech: On the Theme “Of One Blood,” A Brotherhood Service on Race Relations

Sunday, The Rutherford Methodist Church, New York, February 14, 1943

Speech: Panel Discussion on “Advertising for a New World,” Annual International Day

Program and Tea, Hillsdale Presbyterian Church, Orange, New Jersey, April 23,


Speech: Paterson Zonta Club monthly dinner meeting, Paterson, New Jersey, February

24, 1943

Speech: Stamp Club of Gimbel Brothers, New York, December, 1941

Speech: St. John Ambulance Association (India) Annual General Meeting at Rashtrapati

Bhavan, New Delhi, April 18, 1969

Speech: World Affairs Council of Northern California, Nineteenth Annual Conference,

Asilomar Conference Grounds, Monterey Peninsula, California, May 7-9, 1965

Standards of Living and Levels of Fertility and Mortality, National Science Foundation

Lecture, University of California, Riverside, California, November 9, 1964

Students and National Integration, keynote address, Madras City Students Conference,

Madras Christian College, Tambaram, September 28-30, 1962

Tagore Memorial Lecture, Asian Studies Center, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,

under the auspices of the Taraknath Das Foundation, 1972

Talk: at 1966-67 Inaugural Meeting of Vepery Y's Men's Club at the Y.M.C.A., Vepery,

September 21, 1966

Talk: Conference of Secretaries of State TB Associations, The Tuberculosis Association

of India, April 18, 1969

Thanks Giving [sic], Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College, Coimbatore, February

26, 1978

Too Many People – Is India Facing Disaster?, An interview with Dr. S. Chandrasekhar,

India’s New Minister of Health and Family Planning, U.S. News and World

Report (Washington, D.C.), April 3, 1967

The U.S. Immigration Policy with special reference to India, the Taft Endowment

Lecture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1986

Valedictory Address: “Annual International Certificate Course and the Diploma Course

in Nursing,” National Nutritional Research Laboratories, Hyderabad, February 27,


Valedictory Address: “Fifth Short Training Course for Key Trainees” of the Regional

Family Planning Centers, New Delhi, to Central Family Planning Institute, New

Delhi, March 20, 1969

What Can American Educators Do to Better Relationships between America and Asia?,

faculty symposium, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1943

What’s Happening in India?, The Cleveland Advertising Club, Cleveland, Ohio, August

24, 1945

Will India Bar Japan’s Road to Empire?, Reconciliation Trips, Inc., New York, July 19,


World Conservation Through World Cooperation, lecture, Lewis & Clark College,

Portland, May 17-18, 1971

The World Food Problem and the Role of the Universities, Twelfth (British)

Commonwealth Universities Congress, University of British Columbia,

Vancouver, Canada, 1978

World Population Growth, Lecture One, The Problems of Population Growth and

Methods of Controlling Population from Abstinence to Abortion in India, World

Population Problems: An Indian View Series, John Danz Lecture, at the

University of Washington, Seattle, August 9, 1971

World Population Growth, Maharajah of Darbhanga Endowment Lecture on "World

Population Problems" I, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, United Provinces,

India, 1964

World Population Policy, lecture, Revelle College, University of California, La Jolla,

January 27, 1972

World Population Problem: A Plea for a World Peace Corps, paper presented at the Fifth

General Assembly of the World Assembly of Youth, University of Massachusetts,

Amherst, August 5, 1964

World Population Problems: An Indian View, Convocation, University of Redlands,

California, October 21, 1971

World Population Problems—With Special Reference to India and China, University of

Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, December 4, 1975

World’s Population Problems with Special Reference to India and China, Keynote

Address to the Annual Meeting of Section K (Social Sciences), Pacific Division,

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Irvine, California, June

18, 1974

World Population Problems with Special Reference to India and China, presented by

UCSB Arts & Lectures 1985, November 5, 1985

World Population Problems with special reference to India and China, the Senator E.L.

"Bob" Bartlett Memorial Lectures at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and

Anchorage campuses, as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Asian Demography,

University of Alaska, Fairbanks, September 26, 1984

World Population Problems with Special Reference to India and China, speech at “World

Population Day,” University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, October 27, 1993

World Population Problems with special reference to India and China, two lectures

before the Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, under the auspices of the

Indian Embassy, Nepal, 1992

World Population Problems with special reference to the Bradlaugh-Besant trial's

repercussions on the birth rate of Britain resulting in a decline in Britain's birth

rate, a course of lectures as Lucie Stern Trustee Professor of Sociology, Mills

College, Oakland, California, 1980

Zero Population Growth, lecture, Linfield College, Seattle, May 6, 1971

Supplemented with material from Sheila S. Rao, A Bibliography of Sripati

Chandrasekhar’s Writings 1937-2000 (La Jolla, California: Population Review

Books, 2000)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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