
IE – Fall 2019 – Week 6 & 7

“TV” – Listening, Discussion, and Writing

Part A – Listening

First, read the paragraph below. Then listen to the recording and correctly fill in the gaps with the missing vocabulary. The audio is available on the class blog.

New research shows that binge-watching television can (1) _______________ affect your health. Binge-viewing involves (2) _______________ watching of back-to-back TV shows in a single sitting. It has become prevalent across the world with the (3) ____________ of online streaming and downloading (4) _______________. Researchers from the University of Michigan in the USA and the Leuven School for Mass Communication Research in Belgium (5) ____________ 423 people aged 18-25 on their TV-viewing habits. Their research found that binge-viewing greatly (6) ____________ sleep patterns. Co-author Professor Jan Van den Bulck said: "Our study (7) ____________ that binge-viewing is prevalent in young adults and that it may be (8) ____________ to their sleep." The researchers asked (9) ____________ about their sleep quality, levels of fatigue and prevalence of (10) ____________. They also enquired about their frequency of binge-watching programs on televisions, (11) ____________ and desktop computers. Over 80 per cent of the participants reported binge-watching, with 20 per cent doing so (12) ____________ times a week. Binge-watchers are 98 per cent more likely to experience (13) ____________ sleep quality. A researcher said: "Binge-able TV shows have plots that keep the (14) ____________ tied to the screen. We think they become intensely involved with the (15) ____________ and may keep thinking about it when they want to go to sleep." She said this caused people (16) ____________ when trying to sleep.

Part B – Listening Comprehension and Research (15 minutes)

Answer the questions buy referring to the completed paragraph in Part A, or research online to correctly answer the questions in complete sentences.

How does new research say binge-watching TV can affect your health?

How many sittings does binge-watching TV involve?

How many young people did researchers look at?

What did researchers say binge-viewing greatly interrupted?

In what kind of people is binge-viewing prevalent?

What percentage of participants reported binge-watching TV?

What do "binge-able" TV shows tie viewers to?

|Objectives: This blog paragraph will focus on demonstrating your comprehension of a variety of verb tenses. Some of the |

|tenses reviewed are: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect. Refer to the class blog or search online for a |

|more detailed review of verb tenses. |

Part C – Group Discussion

In small groups of 3 or 4, ask and answer questions about TV and your overall viewing habits.

What is/was your favorite TV show?

When is/was it on?

What kind of show is/was it?

What is/was it about?

How often do/did you watch it?

Who does/did it star?

What do/did you like about it?

How much time do you spend watching TV, or streaming content, every day? Every Week?

How do you watch TV? ( Where do you watch, and what do you usually while watching TV?)

What English TV / Youtube channels or programs do you watch?

How can you use TV, Youtube, or streaming services like Netflix to improve your English?

What shows did you like to watch as a kid?

What shows did /do you love that everyone else hated/hates? (OR What is your guilty pleasure?)

What is the longest you have ever gone without TV or the internet?

What TV / internet / smartphone rules did your parents have for you when you were young?

What media (screen) rules would you impose on your children?

What would you like to see more or less of on TV?

Who is the most important person on TV these days?

Do older and younger people have different TV preferences and habits? If so, why?

Part D – Paragraph Writing – You and Screens

Due Date – 1st draft due - Monday, April 22nd

TOPIC - Your viewing habits, opinions, and favorite show.

Based on your class discussion, write a first draft paragraph about your viewing (TV, streaming, movies) habits (questions # 8 to 16), opinions (#13 to 19) and write about your favorite show ( #1 to 8).

Be sure to include a video clip in your blog post.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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