
Cold WarUS/World History II – Unit V outlineEssential Questions:1) How did the end of World War II lead to the start of the Cold War?2) How and why did communism spread around the world?3) What did the U.S. do to stop the spread of communism?4) What was the impact of the Cold War on various places around the world?5) How did the Cold War end?HomeworkTh5Winter Break Lore and new Unitnone-get your life together Fri6End of WWII – start of Cold War 10-15 sentences on Cold WarMon9U.S. foreign policy - 4 choicesGreen 932-937, 942-949Tues10 Truman DoctrineGreen 1075 – 1079, Intro. QuestionWed11Civil war in China (Late Start)noneTh12China – Great LeapMao readingsFri13China – Cultural RevolutionBlue 662-665Mon16NO SCHOOL MLK DAYTues17Korean Warproject: step 1Wed18Korean WarBlue 668-674Th19U.S. in the 1950’s: Cold War cultureBlue 718,725-726Fri20Space RaceCold War tensionsMon23Cuban Missile Crisis backgroundOct. 1962Tues24Cuban Missile Crisis activityVietnam packet: part IWed25Vietnam: origins – colonialism 1900 – 1954 Vietnam packet: part IITh26Vietnam: origins – cold war 1954-1965 Vietnam packet: 4 optionsFri27Vietnam: 4 choices in 1965 Vietnam packet: part IIITh28Vietnam: U.S. fighting 1965-1975 Vietnam packet: parts V, VI, Fri29Cold War examples: Angola, Nicaragua project step 2 andAfghanistanbegin project step 3Mon30Project Work Dayproject: step 3Tues31ALL PROJECTS DUE!!!Green 977-981Wed11989 – dramatic changes (Late Start)Green 981-986Th2Fall of Soviet Unionstudy for testFri3Cold War Teststudy for testThe Project for Unit 5Cold WarFor this unit project, students will be encouraged to identify and analyze various forms of propaganda. Our class will consider the use of propaganda during World War I and II as a means of review and study propaganda during the Cold War as a major tool of foreign policy and government influence on the society. You must find three examples of propaganda from these three historical time periods and produce two additional examples on your own. Your two productions can look like or be modeled after other pieces of media, but you must construct them with aspects of your own creativity or originality (they can’t just be copied). For your two examples, you can select any historical time period in the 20th century and any current topic in the news. Of the five examples for this project, one must take the form of a visual poster, one will be a written piece and one will be an example of a video. You will have to do an analysis on each piece of propaganda!!! (at bottom of page)Types of propaganda to be analyzed (must have one of each)Poster/ visual, written work, video-filmHistorical time periods that must be covered (must have one of each)Step one: World War I and World War II (1 piece for WWI and 1 piece for WWII)Step two: The Cold War (1 piece)Step three: your choices (must have 2 additional topics or time periods. These can be either poster/visual, written work, video/film, etc.)Rubric for unit V project (15 points per example X 5 = 75 points)______ out of 25 Examples of each piece of propaganda (5 points each)______ out of 50 Analysis Answer the following questions: (10 points each)1) What is topic? What is the creator of this piece of propaganda saying about the topic?2) What is the message? How did the creator intend to spread this message?3) Analyze the techniques (see Page 4) observed in this example. Describe how at least two techniques are used and why they would be used to spread this message?________ out of 75 (total of 5 propaganda examplesPropaganda Overviewpro-pa-gan-da {n}Congregatio de propaganda fide-Congregation for propagating the faith established in 1623 by Pope Gregory XV1. cap: a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions2. the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an instituio, a cause, or a person3. ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or damage an opposing cause; a public action to such an effect.It seems strange to suggest that the study of propaganda has relevance to our contemporary world. After all, when most people think about propaganda, they imagine enormous campaigns that were generated by Hitler or Stalin or they remember the “Red Scare” of the 1950s in the United States. Since nothing comparable is being disseminated in our society today, many people assume that propaganda is no longer an issue.However, propaganda can be as blatant as a swastika or as subtle as a joke. Its persuasive techniques are regularly applies by politicians, advertisers, journalists, radio personalities, and others who are interested in influencing human behavior. Some people get paid a lot of money to change the way we think! Propaganda messages can be used to accomplish positive social ends, as campaigns to reduce drunk driving, but they are also used to win elections and sell malt liquor.Propagandists love short cuts – particularly those which evade rational though. They encourage this by agitating emotions, exploiting insecurities, capitalizing on the ambiguity of language and by bending the roles of logic. As history shows, they can be quite successful. With the growth of communication tools like the Internet, the flow of persuasive messages has been accelerated, while the time for intellectual thought, analysis and judgment has been reduced.“Every day we are bombarded by one persuasive communication after another. These appeals persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate, but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better or worse, our information age is an age of propaganda.”-Pratkanis and Aronson, Media WarsPropaganda Techniques (Pages 4 and 5)Word Games1) Name calling- intends to imply a rejection or condemnationex: commie, fascist, pig, yuppie, counterculture2) Euphemisms- makes an unpleasant reality more acceptableex:War Department now called Department of DefenseMX-Missile was renamed “The Peacekeeper”dead civilians are referred to as “collateral damage”3) Glittering Generalities- seeks to make us accept and approve the broad notion ex:Fight the Good Fight for FreedomFor the good of scienceOperation Enduring FreedomFalse Connections1) Transfer- when something we respect and revere is carried on to something elseex:Jeep commercial landing on Normandy Beachimages of U.S. flag and Uncle Sam to sell anything2) Testimonial- individuals not qualified to make judgments about an issueex:Michael Jordan says Wheaties is good for youRichard Gere protests for a Free TibetBono wants to save AfricaSpecial Appeal1) Plain Folks- association with the common, convince us that their ideas are oursex:Ron Paul – “Wake Up America!”Rosie the Riveter: “We Can Do it!”2) Bandwagon- everyone else is doing it, so should youex:“Join your fellow Americans in donating to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund”“Join millions of Americans who have already switched to Verizon Wireless”3) Fear- appeal to basic human fearex:commercial for seat belts showing car crashes“Stop the Huns from invading with War Bonds”Logical Fallacies1) Poor Logic- drawing illogical conclusions from statements of factex:Barack Obama supported legalized health care in 2008.All socialist regimes in the 21st Century legalize health care.Barack Obama is a socialist.2) Unwarranted Extrapolation- making huge conclusions or predictions based on a small amount of informationex:New airport rules will take away our human rights“Donate scrap and we’ll kill a Jap”World War I PropagandaBritain and the U.S.Soon after the outbreak of World War I, the British government set up the British War Propaganda Bureau, as a means of competing with a similar German propaganda agency, which was disseminating false information about the war. To support British interests in the war, twenty-five well-known British writers such as Arthur Conan Doyle, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, and H.G. Wells were organized in secrecy to write pamphlets and books, which could promote the governments’ ideas about the war. Photographers and cartoonists were later added to increase the information as the war dragged on.History books, war images, newspaper articles and international wire services were all part of the British means of promoting information, encouraging morale at home and demonizing the enemy.The absence of public unity was a major concern when the U.S. entered the war. National support was obviously crucial and Woodrow Wilson wanted to ensure complete cooperation back at home. On April 13, 1917, (just 7 days after entering the conflict), Wilson created the Committee on Public Information to promote the war domestically while publicizing American war aims abroad. The CPI blended advertising techniques with a sophisticated understanding of human psychology, and its efforts represent the first time that a modern government disseminated propaganda on such a large scale. It is interesting to note that phenomenon, often linked with totalitarian regimes, emerged in democratic states.Triumph of the Will“The most awesome, frightening, and powerful film ever made”according to the International Society of Historical FilmsThe subject of the documentary is the 1934 session of the Nazi Party Congress and the enormous rallies involving thousands of German followers. Included are unbelievable scenes depicting the Nuremberg rallies and exclusive speeches by Adolph Hitler. The film is an extraordinary blend of inspired art, direction, and may have been designed the most effective propaganda machine, convincing millions of educated Germans to follow their inhumane cause of death and persecution.Directed by Leni Riefenstahl, a German woman who claimed to be unassociated with the Nazi party, it is considered by some historians to be the greatest feat of Nazi propaganda. Riefenstahl was haunted by the powerful work after the world became aware of the holocaust during World War II and never directed another documentary. The film was banned in Europe and the United States for more than thirty years.62293553975German and American Propaganda left635Propaganda was central to Nazi Germany from their control of power in 1933 until the end of the WWII and the downfall of the Fascist regime in May 1945. Propaganda within Nazi Germany was taken to a new and perverse level toward German citizens, minorities who were not considered “Aryan” or “pure,” and enemy nations. Hitler was very aware of the value of good propaganda and did everything in his power to promote the Nazi beliefs. The first poster caption reads: "30 January 1933-1943. One Battle! One Victory!" The theme is a takeoff on one of the Nazi’s pre-1933 posters. This poster was withdrawn after the Battle of Stalingrad. The second 1938 poster was issued shortly after the Anschluss with Austria. The caption: "One People, One Reich, One Fuehrer." The third poster is from later in the war when Allied bombers were constantly over Germany. The text translates as: "The enemy sees your light! Black out!"As we briefly saw in our WWII lesson over women and propaganda the US produced a wide range of posters in more styles and in greater numbers that any other country in WWII. There are quite literally, thousands of WWII posters that range from the home-front economy to fighting the Japanese in the Pacific. As the war began in earnest, America increased the flood of propaganda, utilizing especially the radio and visual media, most specifically posters. German propaganda borrowed the American technique of relying, not so much on words, but on images alone: pictures of handsome German soldiers, sturdy peasants in native costume, and the like. Both sides relied on propaganda to help their respected citizens win not only the war abroad, but the war on the home front as well.Homework Questions 10 – 15 sentences from Identifying the Cold War and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”In your own words – What was the Cold War?Green 932-9371) How did the end of World War II lead to the start of the Cold War?2) What were the results of meetings at Yalta? At Potsdam?Green 942-9491) What country is to blame for the start of the Cold War?2) Define the Truman doctrine.3) What was the Marshall Plan?4) Explain how the policy of containment would be used in the Cold War.5) How did the U.S. respond to the blockade of Berlin?6) Define mutual deterrence.7) How did the Korean War begin?Green 1075 – 10791) Describe the 2 Chinese governments at the end of World War II.2) Why did the communists get so much support at this time?3) What was the Great Leap Forward?4) What was the goal of the Cultural Revolution?ANDIntro. Question1) Of the twelve issues affecting U.S. – Soviet Relations in 1946, which threedo you think are the most important? Why?Mao Zedong Readings1) What does Mao say about revolution?2) What insights does Mao give us about war?3) Does May feel like the peasants are “going too far”?4) Explain the quote: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”.5) What is your reaction to the poem in reading #5?Blue 662-6651) Who was Mao Zedong?2) Where did the Chinese Nationalists flee to?3) How was Korea divided at the end of World War II?4) Did the U.N. support the U.S. side in the Korean War?5) How did this conflict end? What was the result?Blue 668-6741) What was the new Red Scare?2) Who was J. Edgar Hoover?3) Who was Alger Hiss?4) What did the Rosenbergs do?5) Why is Joseph McCarthy so famous in U.S. history?Blue 718, 725-7261) Who was elected president in 1960? How was he different from Eisenhower?2) What were the main issues of the 1960 election?3) Define the Kennedy Mystique.4) What was the Sputnik crisis?5) What is the space race?6) What happened on July 20, 1969?Cold War Tensions1) What two policies were the basis for the Truman Doctrine2) What was the purpose of the Rio Pact?3) Why was Cuba a major concern for the US in the 1950s?4) Who was Fulgencio Batista?5) What was the Bay of Pigs invasion?6) Why did Cuba and the Soviet Union think the US would invade Cuba?October 19621) What did the US leaders think Soviet intentions were?2) Where were U.S. Jupiter Missiles installed?3) What is “ExComm”?4) Pick one of the three choices-why do you think this would be the choice?Vietnam packet – all questions providedGreen 977 – 9811) Define détente.2) What were the foreign policy goals of the Carter administration?3) How did Reagan have a new approach to the Cold War.4) List 3-4 ideas that describe the Brezhnev Era in Soviet history.5) Define perestroika, glasnost. Green 981 – 9861) Briefly describe what happened after the decline of the Soviet Union in each of these following countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Yugoslavia. ................

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