Spelling Word List

one two three at bat cat mat pat rat sat an can fan man pan ran tan cap map nap tap sap bag wag tag rag gag

are ask as or mom and us pad sad an can fan pan ran van bed led red get let jet met net pet set wet den

big dig fig pig wig fin in pin win bid did hid rid if is hip sip tip dip lip hop mop pop top dot got hot

Spelling Word List

her hi bye bee see cow how now bun fun run sun but cut gut hut nut rut bus us cup up pup cub rub tub bug


am dam ham jam ram yam bad dad had mad jar tar by dry my all am

hen men pen ten beg leg peg keg egg bit fit hit it kit mit pit sit

not pot rot ox box fox pox job mob rob sob hi bye bee see is his

dug hug mug rug tug a be he me see she we go so bar car far



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