Two weeks notice resignation letter pdf

Two weeks notice resignation letter pdf

Starting a new jobHow to Give Two Weeks' Resignation Notice (With Examples)By Indeed Editorial TeamUpdated May 19, 2022 | Published September 11, 2018Updated May 19, 2022Published September 11, 2018Related: How To Quit a Job: Leaving on Good TermsWe share strategies for providing verbal resignation notice to your employer, composing a resignation letter and preparing coworkers for your departure.A two weeks' notice resignation letter is your opportunity to leave a job professionally and positively. This letter is seen as a common courtesy and in some cases, a requirement to formally resign your position. In this article, we explain what it means to give two weeks' notice, why and when you should write a resignation letter and how to get started using provided examples. Related: How to Write a Resignation LetterImage descriptionTwo Weeks Notice Letter FormatStart by including the recipient's company and address (name optional)State your resignation with the date of your last dayAdd a statement of gratitudeWrap-up with next stepsClose with your signatureThere are many reasons why you may want or need to leave your current job. When you leave, it is customary to give at least two weeks' notice to your employer about your upcoming departure. This gives you time to complete current work obligations, inform your managers and coworkers about some of your job duties once you're gone, and say goodbye to colleagues professionally and positively. It also gives your employer time to post an opening to fill your job or make other arrangements.It is important to review your employment contract before giving notice in case your company has other resignation guidelines. Depending on the terms of your contract, a two weeks' notice letter may be required as part of the formal process. Why should you write a two weeks' notice letter?There are two main reasons why you should write a two weeks' notice letter. First, it is a respectful way to inform your employer that you are leaving your current position. It's normal for people to leave their jobs and move on to new ones. During this process, make sure your employer can speak positively about your exit. For example, quitting your job suddenly and without notice could leave your employer in a difficult situation. This could limit your ability to use that employer as a reference for future jobs or risk a potential employer learning about your unprofessional exit.In many cases, your notice will give your employer time to settle any accounts in your name or ensure you have final financial information such as retirement accounts or back pay. Your employer may also need the time to post your former job and find the right candidate as a replacement.The second reason you should provide two weeks' notice is so you have a written record of your decision to resign. This document can be used by your current employer for various purposes such as understanding why employees choose to leave or for legal records.How you leave your job could also have an impact on your future job success. No matter your reason for leaving, you should avoid leaving a bad impression throughout the resignation process. How to resign in 3 stepsWhen you leave a job, it's customary to provide a resignation letter two weeks before your final day of work. Here are several things to consider before you submit that letter: 1. If possible, find a convenient time to meet with your employerIt's best to resign from your job in person. If you need to, you can also have this conversation via phone or video conference. In most cases, this meeting should take place with your direct supervisor. It is a courtesy to your manager that helps avoid unexpected news and provides more time for them to prepare. It also allows you to have a personal conversation to thank them for the opportunity.To avoid your manager hearing about your resignation from someone else, make sure you speak to them before telling any of your colleagues.Remember that your goal is to part on good terms. Try to schedule this meeting at a convenient time for your manager, write your two weeks' notice letter beforehand and prepare to address their questions about when you'll be leaving.If there is some reason you cannot speak to your direct supervisor, you could meet with an HR representative. It's important not to wait too long. Once you've decided to leave your job, you should tell your employer as soon as possible to agree on an exit plan together. 2. Prepare for your conversation and focus on the positiveTalking about resigning can be a difficult conversation. As with many such conversations, it's good to prepare ahead of time. This preparation can calm your nerves and make it easier to say what you need to say.Be honest but don't go into unnecessary detailWhen thinking about how to discuss your intention to leave, it can be helpful to know ahead of time what you want to divulge. For example, you might be leaving because you've found a new job with more growth opportunities. Depending on your situation, you might choose to tactfully explain this to your employer. You may also decide that it's better to only tell them you're pursuing a new opportunity that's a good fit for your future goals. While you may be asked about your next opportunity, it is your decision whether to give your employer this information based on what makes you feel most comfortable.Be prepared to let them know the date of your last dayYour employer may inquire about a few pieces of information to get ahead of your departure as best they can, including the date of your last day. Two weeks' notice is common.You should have a few words mapped out ahead of time thanking your employer for the opportunity at the company. This can include resources they provided for your continued growth, exceptional management, the opportunity to work on certain projects or simply gained experience in the industry.If you were an exceptional and well-liked employee, your manager may attempt to offer you a pay raise or other perks to keep you on board, if they have the resources. You should be prepared ahead of time with exactly what they can offer for you to stay or whether you want to engage with a counter-offer at all. If you do choose to stay, be prepared for a potentially awkward relationship moving forward. You can decline a counter-offer with a simple, respectful statement like, "Thank you very much for the offer. While I highly value my time at this company, the next opportunity will be the best option for me moving forward."3. If you can't meet in person, send an emailIf you can't resign in person or speak to your supervisor via phone or video conference, you have the option of sending an email. In this case, you should give your email a clear subject line, keep the body of your email brief and positive, and attach your two weeks' letter as an attachment. Here's an example of what your email might look like:Subject: Resignation Letter ? Elaine ChuDear Mr. Watts,Please accept this as my formal resignation from XYZ Company. My last day will be June 15, two weeks from today. I am grateful for all of your support during my time here and deeply appreciate all of the valuable experiences I have gained. It has been a pleasure working with you and the team.Please let me know how I can help during this transition and make it as smooth as possible. I wish you all the best.Best wishes, and thank you for everything,ElaineHow to write a simple two weeks' notice letterAs you begin to draft your letter of resignation, consider the following guidelines:Start by including your name, date, address and subject lineState your resignationInclude the date of your last dayProvide a brief reason of resignation (optional)Add a statement of gratitudeWrap up with the next stepsClose with your signatureWhile each resignation letter is different, it's best to end on a positive note with gratitude or something specific you enjoyed about your time with the company to leave a good impression. Two weeks' notice letter exampleHere is an example of a two weeks' notice letter you could write if you received a job offer from another employer:[Date]John Delaney [Supervisor's Name]ACT LLC [Company Name]173 Up Street, Columbus, Ohio 13456 [Company Address]Dear Mr. Delaney,This letter is to give you two weeks' notice of my official resignation from ACT LLC. My final day as a sales associate with ACT LLC will be [two weeks from today's date].It has been a pleasure working with ACT LLC. I appreciate the time and commitment the company has shown me in helping to develop my sales associate experience and skills.I intend to continue providing ACT LLC with the same high-quality work from now until my last day of employment. If there is anything you need me to do to help during this transition time, please let me know.Sincerely,Elizabeth Smith Whether you just landed a new job or you are moving across the country, when it's time to leave your current job, there are a few key rules of etiquette to follow. One important task will be writing and submitting a two weeks' notice resignation letter.This letter serves an important purpose -- it officially notifies your current employer of your intention to leave and ensures your departure is properly documented.If you are getting ready to put in your two weeks' notice, use the following guide to help you author your letter with our easy-to-follow tips and examples.Who should give a two weeks' notice resignation letter?Before you grab your laptop and start writing your two weeks' resignation letter, you might wonder if you even need to write one. While formal resignation letters are often associated with a professional job setting, the reality is that no matter what your current job position is, you should write this letter.Even if your employer isn't expecting a two weeks' notice letter, it will put you in a good light as you move on to something new. Additionally, practicing writing this letter even when leaving an entry-level job can help you continue to hone your skills as you move into a new role.The right way and the wrong way of going your own way.Resignation letter basics: The do's and don'tsAs you write your two weeks' notice resignation letter, there are a few things you will want to be sure to include and a few things you should leave off. Use the following quick do's and don'ts to help guide what you write.Do includeThe announcement and statement of intent that you are resigning: The first portion of your resignation letter should inform your employer of your upcoming departure. This section should include when you intend to leave and your position with the company.The date of your last day on the job: Be sure to clearly state the date of the last day you will be working for your employer.A thank you section: While you might be moving onto a new, exciting role, you want to take the time to thank your current employer for the opportunities you had. Use this section to quickly highlight how this role helped you become a better employee, teammate, colleague, or manager.A brief highlight of your time with the organization (optional): After saying a quick thank you, you can take the time to go into a little more detail about your time with the company. This section is optional, but you can use it to highlight accomplishments and responsibilities.A section discussing the handoff and transition: One of the best ways to leave a job on a positive note is to help hand off your role to a new hire. You can use this portion of your letter to outline how you plan to assist with the transition and your desire to make the process as seamless as possible.Your personal contact information: Close out your two weeks' notice letter with your personal contact information. This can be helpful in case your boss needs to get a hold of you in the future and can allow you to stay in touch.A closing sentiment and well wishes: Finally, make sure to wish the organization well and wrap up the letter with a closing statement.Don't includeComplaints: Even if you are frustrated with the organization you are leaving, do not use your two weeks' notice letter to discuss these complaints. Keep the letter professional and refrain from being negative.A long-winded story: While you might have a personal relationship with your boss or manager, don't use your two weeks' notice letter to share your life story. Keep the letter short and to the point. You can talk about your plans in person as appropriate, but your resignation letter should only contain relevant details about your departure.Typos: Just because you are leaving doesn't mean you should rush through your two weeks' notice. Ensure that your letter is well written and free of errors. Remember, you never know when you might run into an old manager again or might even need to come back to the same organization you left.Lead by example and learn from good examples.Resignation letter examplesYou can submit your resignation letter either via email or in paper form. If your company does not have a specific policy, you can simply use your discretion. In today's digital world, most businesses are accustomed to receiving these letters via email. It is a good practice to send the letter to both your direct manager and your HR department.As you follow the examples below, be sure to tweak them according to your specific situation. Make sure to double-check the letter for any typos and consider asking a colleague for an extra set of eyes to ensure you have not forgotten anything important.At the top of the letter, be sure to include the date, company name, and address. If you plan to send by email, add an email subject line, such as "Resignation Notice."Resignation notice example #1[Date]Attention: [Company Contact][Company Address]Dear [Manager's Name]:This letter serves as notice of my resignation from my role here at [Company Name]. My resignation is effective [number of weeks or days] from today, with my last day of work on [date].Thank you for the chance to work at [Company Name]. It has been a pleasure to contribute to the team and to grow both personally and professionally during my time here.During my last two weeks here, I'll be happy to assist with my transition by helping to train my replacement. I'll also be on hand to help complete projects in motion and to ensure continuity of business operations.I wish you and the entire team all the best.Sincerely,[Signature][Your Name typed]Resignation notice example #2Subject line: Resignation Notice ? [Your Name]Dear [Manager's Name]:This letter is to inform you of my resignation from my position here at [Company Name]. This resignation is effective [number of weeks or days] from today with my final day of work on [date].Over the past [number of years] here at the organization, I have appreciated all the opportunities you have provided for me. Thank you for the chance to be a part of this team.As I transition out of my role, I will be happy to help train my replacement. Additionally, I'll be on hand to help complete projects, pass on items in motion, and ensure continuity in business operations.I wish you and the team all the best.Sincerely,[Your Name]

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