
Ms. Gulitti Name_________________________

English I Period_________________________

“The Scarlet Ibis”

Level #7: Intertextuality Project

Directions: Intertextuality is the application of other works that are similar in theme or in characters or situations to the story being studied. Think about “The Scarlet Ibis” and choose one of the attached poems/songs to write a comparative paper as described in “Assignment.” This will serve as the title page of your assignment.

Title: _________________________________


Important Note: You must provide an annotated copy of the work that you chose to compare. This means that you should underline lines from the work that are pertinent, and next to each line, write how it is similar or different to “The Scarlet Ibis.” Attach the copy of this material to this cover sheet.

Assignment: Clearly explain in at least three paragraphs how this work reminds you of “The Scarlet Ibis.” Each paragraph should be devoted to at least one specific point of comparison between the story and the work of your choice. This work must be typed and double-spaced. You should quote lines from the song or poem and explain how they clearly connect to the short story (For ex, who in the story might this line relate to? Why?). Be very specific! Create a venn diagram or outline to help you before you begin writing. Attend extra help if you need assistance. You must fill out the check list on the back of this assignment before submitting.


***Please note: If you would like to find a poem or song of your own, you must show the lyrics or poem to me for approval before the final due date. You will then submit an annotated copy of that in the final project.

Check list:

1. Did you fill out this cover sheet properly? yes no

2. Did you annotate the copy of the poem/song you chose? yes no

3. Did you attach this copy to your cover sheet? yes no

4. Did you include three clear points of comparison? yes no

5. Did you clearly paragraph in your work? yes no

6. Did you make specific references to “The Scarlet Ibis” AND yes no

your chosen work of comparison?

7. Did you provide transitions between each point of comparison? yes no

8. Did you type and double space your work? yes no

9. Did you proofread your work to make sure you did not break yes no

any of the grammar rules that we reviewed at the beginning

of the year?

10. Did you staple everything in the following order? yes no

a. cover sheet

b. copy of annotated lyrics/poem

c. your typed paragraphs

Possible Choices

Choice A: He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother

The road is long with many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where, who knows where

But I’m strong, strong enough to carry him

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother

So on we go, his welfare is my concern

No burden is he to bear, we’ll get there

For I know he would not encumber me

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother

If I’m laden at all, I’m laden with sadness

That everyone’s heart isn’t filled with the gladness

Of love for one another

It’s a long, long road from which there is no return

While we’re on the way to there, why not share?

And the load doesn’t weigh me down at all

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother

--The Hollies


Choice B: I Want to Say…

I want to say I’m sorry for many reasons left unsaid.

I want to say I miss you and the life that we once led.

I want to be forgiven and forgive myself as well.

I want to hold my head up high and no longer sit and dwell.

How do you learn to love yourself after perfecting self-hate?

I want to shout “I miss you so,” yet knowing I’m too late.

So much time has already passed, but one thing remains:

the thought of you brings warmth to me and that will never change.

We all make mistakes in life; Lord knows I’ve made a few.

Please know that doesn’t change the fact I truly cared for you.

The love we shared may have been brief, and now it’s just our past.

But the impact that you have left on me will forever last.

No matter where we go from here, no matter where we’ve been.

What I miss most of all…is my friend.

--Lisa M. Tate (In memory of my sister, April)


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