
Club Council AgendaThe Student Union Den | 1:00 pmJanuary 23, 2015CALL TO ORDER 1:11pmAPPROVAL OF AGENDA – amended to add PC KRUA and VEX.APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING’S MINUTESNone (New Semester)PERSONS TO BE HEARDUAA Career Services Center – Emma, events this month:Resume review Feb. 5: in the SU lounge. Have your resume looked over and reviewed.Etiquette lunch Feb. 13: talk to businesses that are in business/engineering.City Wide Career and Job Fair: in the Student UnionWalk by Wednesday: multiple dates in SSB or RH, come by and talk to career services about your resumeFederal Employee Education Day: talk to federal employers about your resume/applicationsGlobal Kitchen – Ramal, Sam and Shenji: First time event that will be held by SUCSS to help students connect. It will be held on Feb. 26 4-7pm in the Student Union as a food fair. Clubs can join and bring different types of food from different cultures. Registration packets are at the SU Info Desk starting Monday. Clubs would each get a booth to serve their food items. $249 limit for food purchases. Can accept donations from those who attend, but cannot charge for food. Great way to promote your club. If you have questions, please let the SU Info Desk know. Sending out sign up sheet for committee meetings for those that are interested. Shenji passing around info about daily den. Daily Den wants to invite orgs to come and partner with them to serve food and provide activity for students that come to the daily den. Publicity Center – Nicole, back after a semester off. PC works for clubs and Greeks to do advertising – print at cost. Fliers, handbills, buttons, and lots of free advertising opportunities. Also can do banners for your club. Special for next week: ? handbills: 100 handbills for $5. Office in SLL 218 hours M-F 1-4:30 PM. Can pick up request forms from the office or online. KRUA – Michael – free service: PSAs for events. To do one, submit request 2 weeks in advance. Request forms can be found online on KRUA website. KRUA office is in the PSB.BUDGET REPORT Current Club Council Budget – JT – business manager position is open. $11,973 available for funding requests. USUAA Report – JT – Office of IT services, ePortfolio services similar to co-curricular transcript but for class work. If you have questions about this, please see Jonathon or the office of IT services.A number of board positions are open; if you are interested in being on a board, please see JT. USUAA meeting is today at 3pm, all are welcome to come. LEADERSHIP COORDINATOR – SIF next Wednesday 1/28 11-1pm in the SU. Still have spots open to register through the SCGL website. Confirmation emails sent out, if you didn’t get one, please see us. If you are new and want to be on the list server please see us after the meeting. If you have new officers this semester, please have the president and treasurer complete officer orientation in the clubs office. KRUA forms are also in our office for you all. And Career Services events will be put into next weeks MITTEE REPORTSCampus Programming Board - Ashleigh R. – no report, no communication.Student Union & Commuter Student Services Board – Vacant – first meeting will be Feb. 6 at 9:30 am. Group will meet to discuss how SUCSS can represent/serve all students that use the SU. Special Projects Fund - Jeanette S. – 2 funding requests put in for $600 each for Psi Chi and Psychology Club, still waiting on approval.Concert Board - Amy R. – Charles Bradley on Friday Feb 20, blues/soul sound. See the Concert Board website for more details.Diversity Action Council - Enetta W.NEW BUSINESSAttendance Waivers - noneFunding RequestsPsychology – Jeanette and Leah. BSCN conference, opportunity for students to present their research and get feedback from professionals from the community. Students gain educational credits as well for presenting. Professionals will also benefit from seeing the new research that is happening in the universities. Conference is open to the public. Child behavioral issues within the community will be discussed, which will be beneficial for parents in the community. Requesting $1370 for each club (Psi chi and Psychology). Dr. Howard and Dr. Bachman are here to answer questions about the conference. Admission is free but they do accept donations, no way to track how many people usually come to this event but they have completely filled LIB 307 with past conferences. BSCN has been going on for 25-30 years. A lot of the student presenters are undergrads. If you didn’t get funding, do you have a back up plan? Yes, both clubs are trying to fund raise from other sources. Motion to vote, seconded. 39 yes, 7 no, 3 abstain. Full funding for Psychology club.Psi Chi – joint presentation with Psychology Club. Straight to voting. 38 yes, 7 no, 2 abstain. Full funding for Psi Chi club.SAE Baja – SAE Baja completion that challenges to design, build, and race a vehicle by themselves. UAA 5th year in competition. Going to Portland, Oregon in May. This benefits UAA by augmenting UAA student education in engineering and wielding, etc. Also the prestige of competing and showing the program to a national audience. Students can also network with professionals in the engineering community. Budget is 22k, most to get team and car to OR. Currently raised 18k and the vehicle is completely funded. Trying now to solidify travel funds to get people to go. We are requesting $1717 to help complete that 22k total. They would like to send as many people as possible and feel that it is a worthy cause. UAA has placed in the middle of the pack in past years for a multitude of reasons. We are working on placing better but are realistic and setting goals of improving standings from past years. UAF does not participate in the competition. How are you targeting underclassmen? Utilizing Dr. Peterson to recruit the underclassmen. It is hard, but they put forth the effort to attract them. 100 vehicles are allowed per competition, with three competitions. No discussion. Motion to vote, seconded. Voting: 39 yes, 9 no, 2 abstain. Full funding approved.UAA Judo and Jiu Jitsu – Jonathon and Nick – open mat BBQ event on Saturday. Free food to promote club/membership. Represent university in state competitions, trying to gain membership to better the club and better represent UAA in competitions. Asking for $46. Is this open to all? Open to all, because they are trying to recruit members. When is it? Tomorrow from noon to 2pm at Greatland Martial Arts. Motion to vote, seconded. Voting: 50 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Full funding approved.ASME – Alex – ASME conference competition. Have been designing and building a vehicle for the competition that will be able to deliver aid to hard to reach areas. As a club, they have been growing and becoming more active, want to compete and keep the growth of the club going. This will be the first time they are able to compete if they get the funding. In the past year club has grown by 20 people, which is a big change and has allowed them to design and build for the competition. Believes this will be beneficial for UAA as a whole to showcase the ME department and their education. Travel is the biggest part of their budget right now. So far they have raise $2000 for this competition and are continuing to fund raising. Have you looked into getting local businesses to sponsor you? Yes, we have been sending out flyers asking for sponsors. Have you applied for travel grants? Working on completing a few to turn in for the next travel grant. AK Airlines has a lot of people who donate miles for things like this, so you should contact AK Airlines to see if they can help you. Comp is March 10, so they want to get as much funding as possible before then to send as many people as they can. If they don’t raise enough they will only send the one person. Discussion: none. Motion to vote, seconded. Voting: 48 yes, 1 no, 4 abstain. Full funding approved of $1717.00.New ClubsMBA – Heather – Started as MBA student advisory council, and decided to reorganize. Changed so they can have committees and get more students involved. Provide networking opportunities for students and looking to hold forums with administration. Request seed money of $100. Q? none.VEX robotics – Megan – club is focused on competing in VEX U. Competing in robotics competitions. Club would build robot to compete in a game, which changes every year. Club wants to organize teams to compete in the program. Right now they only have enough people for one team, but looking to expand that. Q? none. Request seed money of $100.CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS/FOR THE GOODNominations for Business Manager – Jilene has had to resign. Nomination from JT: Sean Eby. Sean accepts nomination. No other nominations. Sean: Served as chair and vice chair previously. Voting: (51% needed to pass): 44 yes, 0 no, 3 abstain. Sean is new business managerBC@UAA – just posted link to video. Short film – news feed on UAA LifeBlack History month prep, Valentine’s Day dance coming up with catering, multiple speakers will be coming up. Events will be all throughout the month of Feb. If you have any questions, please contact us (BSU)Alpha Eta Rho – meetings Thursday at 7. Having bake sale 9 -12 on Monday in the Student Union, please come by.Seawolf Student Filmmakers – new leadership – film promos for UAA and community, if you want to act or be a part of it you can join or club, we meet on Saturdays in the PSB at 2pm.Glee club – tomorrow are auditions from 12-4 in Fine arts building.Veterans clubs – asking everyone if you see a veteran let them know that next Friday will have a meeting at the Moose’s tooth at 6pm.Anthropology club – Dept will be holding conference March 4-7 looking for student volunteers to come help setup. Firms from all around the state will be coming in to present. Volunteers will get free admission to the conference, with 4 hours of volunteering.AE club – wolf run next Saturday 9:22 and 10:22 start times for the run (2 groups). Selling raffle tickets right now – 1 for $6, 5 for $20 will be selling next week in the SU. Trying to recruit members as well, meetings on Tuesdays. ADJOURNMENT 2:39pm ................

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