
Energy WebQuest

Essential questions:

How do people make use of resources to power their everyday energy needs?

How does the use of these resources impact the environment?

What are steps we can take to lessen the impact of energy production and use on the planet?

Part 1

Energy Webquest: Introduction to Energy and Nonrenewable Energy Sources

Go to this website

Energy Basics

1. Define energy

2. List 7 forms of energy.

3. What are the two types of energy?

4. Compare pie chart to the right (2010) to

the one online from 2014. Name one source

that went up and one that went down.



Energy Calculators

1. What does Btu stand for?

2. List the unit primarily used for each type of energy - listed first on each “calculator”

a. Coal-

b. Electricity-

c. Natural gas-

d. Crude oil-

e. Gasoline-

f. Diesel fuel and heating oil-

Energy Sources – first page

1. What percent of U.S. energy comes from nonrenewable energy sources?

2. List the four categories of nonrenewable energy sources.

Click on the major heading “Renewable”

1. The five renewable sources used most often are:

2. Why don’t we use more renewable energy sources?

Go back to Energy Sources – first page, click on Electricity

1. What does it mean to say that electricity is a secondary energy source?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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