
HYPERLINK "" Week Four Assignment One Chapter 182. What two factors are needed to cause a fire?Two factors needed to cause a fire a source of heat and material ignited CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).5. What types of burn indications can be examined by the arson investigator to assist in determining whether a fire is accidental or incendiary in nature? Types of burn indications that can be examined by the arson investigator to assist in determining whether a fire is accidental or incendiary in nature are alligatoring, depth of char, breaking glass, collapsed furniture springs, distorted light bulbs and Temperature determination CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).6. What are some of the most commonly used ignition and timing devices in the commission of arsons? Some of the most commonly used ignition and timing devices in the commission of arson are attached matches attached to a cigarette, books of paper matches and cigarettes CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). 7. Why can items missing from the fire scene be as valuable as things remaining at the scene?Items missing from the scene can be as valuable as things remaining in the scene because they can be a telltale sign to arson CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). 8. What are some of the most common motives for arson?Some of the most common motives for arson are financial stress, satisfaction of legal and illegal debt, purely fraud schemes, elimination the competition, extraction of extortion payments, labor management grievances and revenge CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). Chapter 191. What major drugs of abuse are derived from opium?The major drugs of abuse derived from opium are morphine, heroin and codeine CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).3. What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?The acute and chronic affects of cocaine use are irritation to the nostrils and nasal mucous membranes, congestion or a runny nose and chronic nasal congestion CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). 5. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, what are drug traffickers attempting to accomplish by introducing Strawberry Quick meth onto the market?According to the DEA, drug trafficker are attempting to recruit new users and making them think that this version of drug is less harmful CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).10. What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?The signs of a Marijuana grow house operation are the lack of time spent by resident in their home, radio or television left on all day and night, visitations at odd times, entry into other areas such as garage or back door, boarded up or covered windows, bright lights coming from the windows, condensation on windows, large equipment used to grow is carried in, sounds of construction, exterior is not well kept and unchecked mail CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). 11. What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?The major exceptions to searching without a search warrant are consent to search, vehicle searches, open field searches, exigent circumstances, plain view searches, stop and frisk searches and searches incident to arrest CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).Chapter 201. How does the FBI define terrorism?According to the book the FBI defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or prop-erty to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).5. What types of events are associated with the Palestinian group known as HAMAS? Events such as suicide bombings are events associated with the Palestinian group known as HAMAS. 6. Explain the Christian Identity movement in America. How does this movement relate to right-wing terrorism?The Christian Identity movement is a movement with the idea that Jews are of demonic lineage and want to destroy the Aryan race. In American the movement views the federal government to evil. Incidents such as Oklahoma city bombing have been linked. This movement relates to right wing terrorism in that they follow rules to racial supremacy and have an antigovernment sentiment CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).7. What is ecoterrorism? Name two important special-interest groups associated with ecoterrorism that are active in the United States.The book states that Ecoterrorism is “the use, or threatened use, of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally oriented, national group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, which is often chosen for its symbolic nature” CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).Two important special interest groups associated with ecoterrorism that are active in the United States are ALF and ELF CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). Chapter 211. During an ongoing criminal investigation, what factors must the criminal investigator consider in deciding whether to make an arrest and when to make it?During ongoing criminal investigations, investigators must consider the establishment of probable cause, if the suspect is likely to flee, the potential of danger to others and the hardships imposed on the accused when deciding whether to make an arrest and when to make it CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).6. Describe the manner in which circumstantial evidence is used in a criminal prosecution.According to our reading circumstantial evidence is used in a criminal prosecution “by inferring from a series of known facts the existence of an unknown fact” CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009).8. What is the hearsay rule, and why does it exist?Hearsay rule is testimony is testifying to a second version of what actually happened. It exist because stories can be changed so reliability may not be there CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). 12. What is the role of the investigator as a witness? The role of the investigator as a witness is to present the evidence with quality and effectiveness to a court and jury CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009) . 16. What is the function of cross- examination?Function of cross-examination is for the defense attorney to confuse a point raised on direct examination CITATION Cha09 \l 1033 (Swanson, Chamelin, & Territo, 2009). Works CitedSwanson, C., Chamelin, N., & Territo, L. (2009). Criminal Investigation. Columbus: Mcgraw-Hill. ................

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