Standard 1 Foundations of Government RubricEach Standard must be mastered with 70% or better overall. Strands that are not assessed maintain a ‘0’ until assessed. All standards can be retested to raise your score. You must do one of the interventions in order to retest. You may also develop your own intervention with the teacher.Strand with interventionMastery (7 or above)S1a. Student can identify up to five specific10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0purposes for government.- Copy the notes from the presentation on specific purposes for government- Write a paragraph about 5 specific purposes for government- Find a picture for 5 specific purposes for governmentS1b. Student can identify five specific roles that 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0citizens play in civic life.Find a picture for each 5 specific roles that citizens play in their life.Write a paragraph that explains five specific roles that citizens play in their lives.Interview your parents and ask them to explain how they are involved in civic life. (You may record them with your ipad)S1c. Student can identify five different types of 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0governments and a characteristic for each.Create a prezi, powerpoint, chart etc… that highlights the type of government and characteristics of each.Watch 5 youtube videos on different types of governments. Take notes on each of them.Find Hollywood movies that represent 5 different types of governments.give the movie and the characteristics of the government shown in the movie.S1d. Student can identify 3 different types of 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0economic systems and 2 characteristics of each.Create a prezi, powerpoint, chart, etc… that highlights the type of economic system and three characteristics of each.Write the definition of each type of economic system and find a country that has each of the type. Explain the characteristics of the economic system in that country.Find an article for each type of economic system. Highlight the parts of the article that tell about the characteristics of that economic system.S1e. Student can explain the difference between 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0representative democracy and direct democracy.Draw a picture for each to represent the two types of democracies.Write a paragraph to explain the differences between the two types.Define them and find two examples in the U.S.S1f. Student can identify world leaders and the countries 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0they rule or have ruled in the past.Create a prezi, powerpoint, chart, etc… that explores the world leaders given.Find 2 websites that talk about the world leaders given and their countriesCreate a crossword puzzle that involves the world leaders and their countries.S1g. Student can identify world leaders and the 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0type of governments they had.Make a video of yourself identifying world leaders and their governmentFind 2 articles for each world leader and highlight the type of government they describe in the article.Find pictures of each world leader given and make up 3 questions you would ask them about their type of government.S1h. STudent can identify a specific action/feature/10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0characteristic/ event about each world leaders governmentFind 2 youtube videos for each world leader. Write down the URL. Explain two major identifiable features of that governmentCreate a prezi, pp, chart, etc… that links an event with the government and its leader.Find 3 websites for each world leader and highlight the major action of that government.S1i. Student can identify who has power in a confederal, 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0federal, and unitary system of government.Draw a basic diagram of each type of government complete with color and explanations.Make a video of you explaining who holds power in each system of government and how each relates to the U.S., if at all.Find examples of each system in the world at some point in history. S1j. I can explain the purpose of politics and why it 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0is necessary.Do a short interview with your parents to see what they think is the purpose of politics. Record it on your ipad.Write the definition of politics down and explain how it affects you in your life now and how it will affect you in the future. Be specific.Explore the meaning of politics and its origins. How did it apply in the early societies. Explain.S1k. I can read charts and graphs based on10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0government.Interview 5 people. Ask them their political party, and their opinion about the job the president is doing. Create a bar chart and a pie graph from your findings. Use color.Find 5 charts/graphs online about government. Summarize the findings of each.Find five different types of charts/graphs about government online. What type of information do people use graphs for? Explain.S1l. I can answer questions related to all aspects of 10 9 8 7 / 6 5 0unit 1.Do the quizlet for unit 1 and get 80% or better. Show proof.Do the quizlet for unit 1 and get 90% or better. Show proof.Do three different types of quizzes using quizlet and get 90% or better on each. Show proof.Overall __________________/120 (Mastery= 84/120 or higher)Final score must be 70% or above to pass the unit. If you fail to get 70% for the unit you must go back and get reassessed in the areas you did not master. No reassessment may occur without doing one of the interventions. ................

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