Mental DisordersMental illness is a medical disease or disorder that affects the mind & prevents a person from leading a healthy life. People who suffer from such afflictions are identified by their inability to cope w/life issues & problems. Types of Mental DisordersThere are 2 general types:I. Organic Disorders: occur as a result of some physical/biochemical disorder of the brain or nervous system.II. Functional Disorders: occur as a result of psychological disorders – no brain malfunction or disorders are involved these disorders are the result of not being able to cope w/such things as stress, death, or emotions.Anxiety DisordersWe all get anxious from time to time but they do not prevent us from carrying on normal life activities. Anxiety disorders in which real or imagined fears prevent a person from functioning in life. There are 4 types.1. Phobia: a fear of something – anything, which limits or prevents normal functioning. These fears may arise from past experience or may not to seem to have an origin at all.2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: OCDA person has an unreasonable need to think or act in a certain way. Obsessions are constant thoughts or ideas that keep the person from thinking about other things: eg. a person who constantly thinks/worries about dying. Compulsions are urgent, constant, repeated behaviors. Eg. the need to make sure the doors are always locked & checking every 5 min. locks you have just checked & know are locked.3. General Anxiety Disorderwhen one constantly feels anxious, fearful, or upset for no specific reason this could lead to what is called panic disorders: a sudden attack of fear/terror, trembling, heart racing, breathing problems. Can happen anywhere/anytime. (Analyze This)4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: (PTSD)a condition when a person has experienced a traumatic event & still feels the effects of it. Eg 9/11, survivors, war vets, rape victims. Symptoms can include vivid dreams of the event, guilt feeling for surviving, insomnia, & others. Condition can be brief or long lasting.Somatoform DisordersCondition in which a person complains of disease symptoms but has no phys’l cause of them. Hypochondria: fear of a presumed disease is an eg of this disorder. Affective Disorder: severe, extreme mood swings – from happiness to sadness - & lasting a long time; when they interfere w/everyday living, it is said to be an affective disorder b/c it affects your life.Clinical Depression: this is not normal depression which we all get @ times this is a total feeling of sadness or hopeless that last a long time – more than a few weeks - & interferes w/our daily life & fxns. It can be the result of a single event or it can be about life in gen’l.Manic-Depressive: extreme mood swings from great happiness or euphoria – manic stage – to depression. Between these episodes the person may behave normally. Although the exact cause for depression is unknown, it does tend to run in families; any kind of emotional loss, loneliness, a death, can trigger it. A healthy person looks for ways – friends, family, faith, a counselor – to cope w/their feelings. When they cannot, they may feel so desperate & depressed & think of suicide.Teen Suicide: The direct, intended taking of one’s own life. This is an increasing problem in the U.S.; its now the 2nd leading cause of death amongst teens 15-19 & has nearly tripled in the last 30 yrs. There are many possible causes of teen suicide. Teens, who attempt, may be looking to relieve whatever pain they feel from something; most often the attempt is a cry for help. There are often signs of potential suicide: p. 52 D. Personality Disorders: these, unlike anxiety disorders, have no apparent distinct signs or symptoms an individual continues to fxn, may respond inappropriately or interfere w/others’ interaxns.Antisocial Personality Disorders displayed by a person’s constant conflict w/society; such people may display behavior that’s cruel, uncaring, irresponsible, & impulsive. These people CAN distinguish right from wrong; they just do NOT care. Therefore, they’re often in trouble w/the law.Passive-Aggressive Disorder: People w/this disorder are often uncooperative w/others. They resent being told what to do, but show this indirectly. Eg. If told they have to be somewhere @ a certain time, they won‘t say no, they just may not show up & say they forgot about it.Schizophrenia: means split mind. It affects ~ 1-2% of the pop., most frequently those 15-35. Schizo’s are severely disturbed; they exhibit abnormal emotion responses or no response at all. Some w/draw, often losing a sense of time & space; others talk to themselves, in an odd manner, or neglect to care for themselves. Those w/paranoid schizo. mistrust others & are suspicious that people are “out to get them”, watching them, etc. Some Drs. Believe the disorder is a phys’l one; other’s think its genetic. The disorder can come & go thru-out life & can be helped thru medication.Knowing When Someone Needs Help The severity of disorders varies greatly.Sometimes, specific symptoms of mental disorders are difficult to identify.Signs of Mental Health Problems: any feelings or behavior that persists over a period of days or weeks, & begin to interfere w/other aspects of daily living, could be a sign that something is wrong. No 1 symptom means a person is mentally ill. However, any one or more may be an indication. it’s hard to do your own mental health exam; sometime others are needed. A friend may offer emotional aid; however, this does not take the place of mental health professionals.Psychiatrist: deals w/emotional, mental, & behavioral issues A psyc. has completed medical school in addition to psychology curriculum, & therefore can prescribe medication. A psyc. may use various therapies to treat a patient. Health Care Services for Mental HealthB. Neurologist: is a physician who specializes in organic disorders of the brain & nervous system. Such Drs. Have usually received training in psychiatry. Those who’ve specialized in surgery are neurosurgeons. They may be called in for people whose mental problems may be caused by an organic cause.C. Clinical Psychologist: diagnose & treat emotional & behavioral disorders. Such persons may have one of several college degrees – usually a PhD in psychology. They can have various practices: group therapy, individual counseling, marriage, etc. Unlike psyc. they are not physicians & cannot prescribe medication.D. Pastoral Counselor: the clergy – priest, nun, youth minister – help, listen, refer, those w/problems religious, emotional, social work, & behavioral issues. Many have completed courses in various areas & may even be psychologist or have advanced degrees in such areas. E. Social Worker: provides a link between the med’l service center & the client & their family. F. Occupational Therapist: Evaluates a person’s ability in light of their mental &or phys’l handicap. They usually work in a hospital involved in work, recreational, & creative activities. G. Behavioral Therapist: works w/patients to help them change their habits such as giving up smoking, drinking, getting over phobias. ***End For Exam ................

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