
Building Reading SkillsTask 1 - UnderstandingRead these 2 descriptions from the Taylor Swift song “Blank Space”. You will need to read the passage carefully, because some of the information isn't relevant. Work out exactly what these two impressions of the character looks like. When you are sure you have found all the necessary details, draw each of the people.First:"Cherry lips, crystal skiesI can show you incredible thingsStolen kisses, pretty liesYou're the king, baby, I'm your queen"Then:"Screaming, crying, perfect stormI can make all the tables turnRose gardens filled with thornsKeep you second guessing"Post your pictures on teams or email to Joanna.Sutherland@.uk Examine each other's drawings to check if got the right details in.Task 2 – Own WordsRead each of the following sentences so that you are not using the same words as the original. The first sentence has been reworded as an example.In her spare time, Pam liked to paint.= One of Pam’s hobbies was painting.David said he’d be happy to look after the dog.The boy struggled to climb the hill.She was very hungry.The teacher was delighted with the pupil’s work.The nurse rubbed his eyes with exhaustion.The wind howled through the trees. Mira made a mental note to buy some fruit.Nico took his bike out for a few hours.The baby gurgled happily.Now let’s have a go at answering a couple of own words questions.Read the extract below about fake news.HoaxesSome people consider it funny to ‘trick’ people with fake news stories. They publish ridiculous stories to see who falls for them. Many people will realise that these posts are untrue, but may share them anyway, as they find them funny. Some people, though, will be fooled. Answer the following questions about this extract, using your own words. A hint has been given beneath each one. What do people who ‘trick’ others with fake news so, and why? Hint: Look closely at the second sentence: ‘They publish ridiculous stories to see who falls for them.’Explain why people share fake news stories, even if they realise that they are not true. Hint: Look closely at the third sentence: ‘Many people will realise that these posts are untrue, but may share them anyway, as they find them funny.’Read the passage and answer the questions that follow, using your own words as far as possible.The questions go in order throughout the passage, so the answer to the first question should appear first in the passage.MusicalsMusicals are a very exciting and popular form of theatre. They are plays that contain singing and dancing as an essential part of the action, as well as spoken dialogue. Musicals combine many elements that are aimed at delighting audiences. These often include catchy songs that might be solo songs, duets (songs for two people) or choruses for all of the performers to sing together. In a musical there will also usually be fabulous costumes, dance sequences and dazzling spectacles that will amaze the audience. The Lion King, Matilda, Les Miserables and Cats are all very popular musicals. How are musicals different from other plays?Explain what different types of songs feature in musicals.What other aspects of musicals impress audiences.Send you answers to Joanna.Sutherland@.uk or upload them to teams or SMHWTask 3 – Giving EvidenceLet's see how well you can answer some questions that ask you to find evidence from the passage. The following passage is about vampires.Some hints to remember:The paragraphs have been numbered to help you.Close reading questions are asked in the order that the answers come up in the passage.When quoting evidence from the text, you should use quotation marks at the start and the end of a quotation.Add a little bit of explanation to your evidence to make sure that you have answered the question fully.Passage1. On a cold day during the 1 700s, a group of people gathered around the grave of a man named Peter Plogojowitz. They were there to dig up his dead body. When he was uncovered, the crowd was stunned. One account of what they saw reported that:2. 'The hair and beard, even the nails the old ones had fallen away — had grown on the corpse; the old skin, which was somewhat whitish, had peeled away, and a new fresh one had emerged underneath it ... Not without astonishment, I saw some fresh blood in his mouth, which, according to the common observation, he had sucked from the people killed by him.'3. These signs convinced the crowd that Plogojowitz was a vampire, a dead person who comes back to life and then survives by drinking the blood of the living.Questions1 Quote the words in paragraph 1 that describe what the weather was like. 2 Which expression in paragraph 1 tells us about the reaction when Peter Plogojowitz's body was uncovered?3. What is described as having happened to Plogojowitz’s hair, beard and nails in paragraph 2?4. What word in paragraph 2 tells us that the witness's reaction was one of shock?5. Quote an expression from paragraph 3 that explains what a vampire is.Send you answers to Joanna.Sutherland@.uk or upload them to teams or SMHWTask 4 - SummarisingFirst, read the passage below. The paragraphs have been numbered to help you.1. A good friend of mine used to tell me that she wanted to be famous. She wanted to be in films. Star Wars in particular. But she knew that breaking into a major Hollywood movie from her bungalow in Reading wasn't going to be easy. So she decided to start the process with a part in the school Christmas nativity.2. It was all set to be a great night. Her parents, my parents and I sat together in the front row. Emma was playing Second Camel. She had five lines. Two of them had to be sung. There were four camels in total. Camel 1 was the main camel. She had eight lines. Camel 3 and Camel 4 didn't have any lines. I wasn't really sure what the point of them was, to be honest.3. Halfway through the show, the moment arrived. The music built, Camel 1 sang her lines at perfect pitch and then it was Emma's turn. But she looked at me just as she was about to open her mouth and I could tell that something was seriously wrong. I could see the terror in her eyes and I just knew she couldn't remember the words. Like a maniac I started furiously mouthing them back at her.4. But the lights were dazzling her eyes and she couldn't see my frantic offer of help. So she froze. Standing completely still in front of 200 people, three other camels, Joseph and Mary... the works. The music teacher played the tune again, to give her another chance. But Emma had lost her nerve. She was overcome with fear.5. Camel 1 came to her rescue and belted out the lines and the song moved on. Most of the audience hardly noticed. But Emma was so upset. The dream of Hollywood stardom was looking a lot less likely nosv. And at the end of the scene she raced off stage so fast she crashed into the lighting tower. All in all, it wasn't a great night for her.6. Emma really took it to heart. She felt like a fool. A failure. It was a whole month before she could even bring herself to look Camel 1 in the eye. Camel 4 couldn't stop himself from telling her that he would have done a much better job. In fact, that was almost Emma's last foray into show business. She found it really hard to think about ever getting up on stage again, let alone dressing up.7. But she was determined that wouldn't be the end of it. The following year, the school production was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, so Emma put her fears to one side and went to the audition. She wanted the big part, the one with the fancy coat, but annoyingly Camel 4 got that She got back out there, though, and faced her fears. And this time, she nailed it.Now answer this question:Q Identify, using your own words as far as possible, four things that went wrong for Emma.Task 5 – Bringing it all togetherIt is time to use all the skills, you have been working on, in one taskStart by reading the passage carefully. The paragraphs have been numbered to help you.Passage1. For many years scientists believed animals didn't have feelings such as fear, anger and pride. But more recently they have begun to study this intriguing topic and they've come up with some freaky results. For example, baby elephants suffer from nightmares. Babies who have seen their parents killed by hunters wake up in the night crying. When they grow up these elephants sometimes attack humans as if seeking revenge. Is it because they 'never forget'?2. It's also said that elephants cry. There's a story that a circus elephant burst into tears after being hit by her cruel trainer. But boring old scientists point out that elephants' eyes water a lot anyway. Crocodiles weep too but for them it's a way of getting rid of unwanted salt. That's why we'll say someone is crying 'crocodile tears' when they're just pretending to be sad.3. Animals can feel happy. Gorillas supposedly sing when they're in a good mood. A singing gorilla sounds like a whining dog so it won't cheer up anyone else. Goats dance around and leap for joy when they are feeling chuffed. Perhaps instead of saying 'happy bunny' we should say 'happy goat'.Questions1. Look at paragraph 1.a) In your own words, explain what scientists have discovered about baby elephants.b) Explain why baby elephants do this. Use your own words as far as possible.2. Which expression in paragraph 2 explains why crocodiles cry?3. Explain, in your own words, what a singing gorilla sounds like.4. Identify, using your own words as far as possible, four ways in which animals show emotion.Send you answers to Joanna.Sutherland@.uk or upload them to teams or SMHWTask 6 – Strengthening your skillsNow try this more challenging understanding task. The passage is longer, there are more questions, and you have to remember the helpful hints you were given before.First, read the passage:1. Children who eat a balanced diet in the morning and during the day are in far better shape mentally and physically to get the most out of school.2. Breakfast An extra 10 minutes in bed is NOT going to stand you or your kids in better stead than something decent to eat at the beginning of the day. If time is tight, tiY just a banana and a small yoghurt to provide energy and a good mix of nutrients - even whizzed into a smoothie if that's the deal-breaker with your child! Ideal breakfasts include oats and protein dishes like eggs. Make sure you're not skipping breakfast whilst running around after eveyone else. You'll feel better for eating and you'll be setting a good example for your children.3. School lunches - a hot and healthy meal School lunches have many benefits. Getting your children to eat school lunches will save you time, as there's no need to shoehorn food prep into your morning routine. They are also healthy: school lunches have to be nutritionally balanced to provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals and a limited amount of saturated fats, salt and so on. Homemade packed lunches rarely have such high nutritional value. If your children will be going straight from lessons to after school clubs and activities, it's good to know they ate well at lunchtime. Studies also show that at key times like starting in a new class or school, children prefer school lunches because they can be part of a group activity and make friends. These meals can even make children more adventurous. If your child sees friends eating chili con carne or fish pie they are much more likely to give it a go themselves. Packing them off with the same cheese sandwich every day doesn't encourage a well-rounded eater.4. Packed lunches - a homemade healthy alternative The advantage of giving your child a packed lunch is that you know what they're eating. If you include food you know your child enjoys you'll avoid hungry days if there isn't anything on the school lunch menu he or she likes, packed lunches can help you save money too. School dinners are costed to be as affordable as possible, but at secondary' school children can often buy their own combinations, and the cost soon adds up. Avoid giving them pre-packed snacks and drinks and you will save even more money Bringing lunch from home also cuts out waiting. School canteens often have long queues but packed lunch eaters can sit down straight away.5. If you are making packed lunches, try to keep them varied, nutritious and fresh. carrot and cucumber sticks in a pot if your child gets bored with apples, and a thermos flask of soup or even pasta instead of sandwiches five days a week. Proteins help keep your child feeling full for longer and have a slower sugar release than carbs - try egg, tuna, lean ham, cheese or chicken.6. After school Older children and those who eat dinner late with the family will need something to keep them going after school. Make sure there's always a bowl of fruit out and encourage kids to snack on this whenever they like. Other things that will keep them going without too many 'empty calories' include wholemeal pitta and hummus, and yoghurt.7. In the evening A substantial meal in the evening is a good idea because you don't know how much your child ate of his or her lunch when they were eating at school. Younger children should eat by 6 p.m. so their body has time to digest the food before bedtime. Even picky kids can enjoy hearty food.8. Pass it on — good brain food Carbohydrates are the brain's favourite fuel - bread, cereals (not sugared), pasta, couscous, rice, root vegetables and things like baked beans. Vitamin C — which can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries, sweet peppers and leafy greens - boosts the brain's ability to learn.First, answer the following questions about the writer's use of topic sentences.A topic sentence is a sentence, usually at the start of a paragraph, that tells the reader what a paragraph will be about. The sentence tells you the topic – subject – of the paragraph. The rest of the paragraph should follow on from and build upon this idea that was introduced in the topic sentence.Identify the topic sentence in paragraph 3.Identify the topic sentence in paragraph 5.Now you are going to answer a series of questions to show your understanding of the text above. The questions go in order throughout the passage, and the marks are an indication of how much information you need to give.Read paragraph 1. In your own words, explain why Children should eat a balanced diet. 2 marksRead paragraph 2.Which words show that the writer understands that parents are often in a hurry in the morning? 1 markWhich word shows that a breakfast with oats or protein is the best kind? 1 markRead paragraph 3. The writer says that school lunches 'have many benefits'. Using your own words as far as possible, list the main benefits of these lunches. 5 marksRead paragraph 4. Using your own words as far as possible, list the reasons why packed lunches can be a good option. 4 marksRead paragraph 5. Explain two ways parents can make packed lunches varied. 2 marksRead paragraph 7.Which two separate words used in this paragraph both show that an evening meal should make people feel full? 2 marksExplain why younger children should eat early in the evening. 2 marksRead paragraph 8. Which expression shows that parents should share this healthy eating information with others? 1 markSend you answers to Joanna.Sutherland@.uk or upload them to teams or SMHW ................

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