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Doing Jury DutyJuries are made up of everyday citizens like you and me, and make decisions on cases in the criminal justice system. Grand juries are responsible for deciding whether there is enough evidence for a crime to go to trial. Petit juries hear the cases at trial and decide whether the person is guilty or innocent.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Defending the Nation in WarUnlike some other countries, there is no requirement that citizens join the military. But sometimes in our history – including today – the United States has been at war and needed citizens like you and me to help out in the fight.Paying TaxesAmericans pay many different types of taxes to the government. If you have a job, some of the money your wage is taken out before you get it. Even if you don’t, you pay a small tax every time you make a purchase. Once you get older, the amount and types of taxes you will pay increases.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speaking FreelyIn the United States, citizens express their beliefs in a variety of ways, from conversations to signs to protests. Sometimes these expressions are silent, and sometimes they are loud. We have a long history of expression in this country – our founding fathers did it way back in the 1770s, before the United States even existed.Voting in ElectionsThe United States is a democracy, meaning people have a say in their government. Every two years, and sometimes more often than that, registered voters head to the polls to choose who they want to lead us politically. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Respecting Fellow CitizensThis one is more difficult to define, but you know it when you see it. Respecting fellow citizens can take many forms, and for each one of you, something different may come to mind when you think about this. If you want, draw something in the space above to demonstrate what respecting one another means to you.Being Informed (on the Issues)There’s a lot going on politically in the United States. Here we have a freedom of the press, meaning that newspapers and websites can report on what the government does. As citizens, we can read about these political actions and decide if we agree with them or not. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attending SchoolMost children in the United States attend school from age three or four until at least age 18. Many then go onto two- or four-year universities, in order to be more qualified for the workforce. There are many different types of schools in the United States – public, private, charter, religious, homeschools, etc. – but more than 90% of American students still attend public schools.Getting a Fair TrialIf citizens are accused of committing a crime, our Constitution says they should get a “fair trial.” This means that before they can be punished for the crime, they must be given a trial – with a lawyer, witnesses, a judge and a jury of their peers – to first prove they are guilty.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Believing in Your Religion (Or No Religion)In the United States, citizens practice more than 300 religions. Many practice no religion. The Constitution says that people cannot be persecuted for practicing their religion, or for not practicing any religion. Obeying Criminal & Civil LawsThe United States has thousands of laws that citizens are asked to obey, from laws against first-degree murder to destruction of property to everything in between. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Running for Elected OfficeAs long as you meet the age and residence requirements, all citizens can run for elected office in the United States. This means not only can citizens get involved in the electoral process by voting, but also campaigning for the votes of others. ................

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