M. Leonor Monreal

ANTHRO 107- Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft & Religion


• Witchcraft ( Lehmann p.252) & Wicca (lecure)

- Types of Wicca traditions, history of witchcraft, witch hunts and trials, etc.

- Guest Speaker- Janel Mort “Reclaiming Tradition”

- Articles:

1. Brain- An Anthropological…


- Burning Times

• Divination lecture


- Malinoswki

- Gmelch- Baseball Magic

• Death, Souls & Ghost Power of the Dead


1. Barber- The Real Vampire

2. Brown- Voodoo

- Films:

- Secrets of Voodoo

- Serpent & the Rainbow

• Revitalization Movements

1. Wallace- Revitalization Movements

2. Kehoe- Ghost Dance Religion

• Religion as Global Culture lecture

- “Scapes”


- Hoodfar- The Veil…

- Juergensmeyer- The Global Rise of Religious Nationalism

- Dalton- Homer the Heretic


-God’s Warriors, Christian & Muslim


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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