

Some Helpful notes when you are ready to go to your appointed exchange center:


Dress in nice neat, clean clothes (doesn't have to be a suit) but dress like you would if you are going to meet any professional banker or other professional person.

Arrive with currency, gift receipts, gift or loan letters, and all relevant existing accounts, LLC or trust documents in hand.

Provide two forms of personal identification (with picture is preferred).

Explain exactly what you want to accomplish: your hopes, dreams and ​humanitarian ​projects (include job creation and new business)​.

Exchange currency at the highest sovereign/negotiated rates available.

Sign a contract that will act as a ​Non Disclosure Agreement.

Schedule follow-up wealth management meeting (if desired).

Have cashiers checks cut ​and wire deposit ​new funds ​into existing checking accounts. Can be done at wealth management meeting.

Leave redemption location with not more than $9,500 to $10,000 in physical cash currency.

Don't share experience with friends or family as not to violate your NDA. NDA violation can result in the bank clawing back your funds. If somebody asks where you got all those funds to buy that new house and car you can just say "An investment paid off or I came into some unexpected funds" All else in none of anyone else’s business. It is recommended you give/gift anonymously through your LLC, trust or other fund holding structure.

Enjoy your blessing, and share it ​humbly​ with others who are less fortunate (anonymously is best).

Remember, this event​ ​is a ​banking transaction ​and just one aspect of a much larger spiritual transition.

Some Additional Advice that was Posted on Dinar Chronicles RV Blog 9-2-16

In my last post (Link Below) it was stated that you MUST ASK for the super high Sovereign/Negotiable Rates in order to get them. In fact if you failed to ask, their existence would not be revealed to you, nor would you be offered them.

According to this newest Intel, you also have to call the 800#s within 48 hours to qualify for these extra high rates. This is very important!!!! If you don’t call as soon as you get the 800#s (With-In 48 hours after the 800#s come out) you will not be able to get the extra high rates EVEN IF YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM AND SPECIFICALLY ASK FOR THEM. Let's go over this so that you will know EXACTLY what to do. First, here is the latest Intel:

When setting your redemption appointment, know you'll have the first 48 hours only to qualify for redeeming at the Sovereign or Negotiable Rates, as well as receive an extended three week sovereign redemption period should you have current travel or medical issues.

However, it is highly recommended that everyone make their redemption appointment ASAP as well as complete their exchange without delay--unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Meaning, get in, get out, and keep your trap shut afterwards due to the NDA.


What I think this means is that you need to MAKE THE CALL AND SET YOUR APPOINTMENT WITHIN 48 HOURS. This doesn't mean that you must Exchange that quickly, although it would be great if you could. They are also saying that if you call right away, you can make arrangements for a later appointment date due to travel or medical issues.

Clearly, they want to give the super high Sovereign/Negotiable Rates to the currency holders that are really paying attention to this event. In other words, if you are really keeping up with this, you will have already called the 800 number and scheduled your appointment within the first 48 hours. However, after 48 hours, they know that the others (General Public UN-Informed Types) will begin to find out about this and call in to make an appointment. While that will be O.K., they would rather not give them the Sovereign/Negotiable rates.

So, the bottom line is that if you call immediately (Within 48 hours) to set your appointment (No matter the actual date of the appointment itself) you are probably one of the well informed Internet Group who are really paying attention. You are the ones who will then "Qualify" (Be allowed) if you ask, to get the higher rates.

However, if you wait too long to make that call (Beyond the first 48 hours), you are not paying attention, or are not serious, or may be the regular public, and therefore should not, and will not, get the higher Sovereign/Negotiable Rates even if you ask for them.

What To Do Step By Step

Step #1) Call the 800# as soon as you get it (With-In 48 Hours), and set your appointment. According to this newest Intel, that will "Qualify" you to be ABLE to get the high rates. While they do want you to get in and exchange as soon as possible, it seems that the most important thing is to SET THE APPOINTMENT as quickly as possible.

Also, as pointed out in this latest Intel, is that if you call right away, within the 48 hours time frame, you can also ask for a "Later Appointment Date" due to illness or travel issues. Seemingly, once you call in quickly, you not only "Qualify" for the Higher rates, but you also are "Eligible" to ask for a later Appointment Date, beyond the 9 days, we have been given to exchange.

Of course, the best case is to not only call in quickly (With-In the 48 hours), but also go in quickly as well (As soon as you can).

Step #2) Then, when you are at the Exchange Appointment (no matter what that date and time is), Ask for the Higher Sovereign/Negotiable Rates. Be prepared to talk about what you want to do for Humanity. This is easy to consider because this will be more money than you can spend on anything, anyway. In fact, you will find it hard enough just trying to give away the interest alone.

To Review These 2 Most Important Intel Points

#1) Call in quickly (With-In 48 Hours), to Qualify for the Higher Rates, and also to be allowed/permitted to set later Appointments (Beyond the 9 days) due to your personal circumstances such as travel issues, and/or medical reasons (If Needed).

#2) Then at your appointment, specifically ask for the Higher Sovereign/Negotiated Rates and be prepared to talk about some Humanitarian Ideas. Note: The Bank will be willing to help you find places to help Humanity.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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