Information Sheet

Industry Information Sheet 0nn

October 2009


The Competition Commission Order DOMESTIC BULK LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS MARKET INVESTIGATION (METERED ESTATES) Paragraph 11.0 (b) requires a conversion rate to be provided by UKLPG.

The conversion rate(s) are:

For metric meters (measurement in m3)

1m3 vapour = 3.85 litres liquid

For imperial meters (measurement in ft3)

1 cu ft vapour = 0.109 litres of liquid

The Metric Meter Calculation:

The “conversion rate” can then be calculated as:

(1000/270) * ((1042.14 * 288.15) / (1013.25 * 285.35))

Which means 1 m3 of vapour = 3.85 litres of liquid.

The Imperial Meter Calculation:

35.135 cu ft =1000 litres (1000/28.33)

so 35.315 cu ft vapour = 3.85 litres of liquid

so 1 cu ft vapour = (3.85/35.315) = 0.109 litres of liquid.

UKLPG has, for many years, published physical data on LPG in its Codes of Practice. These imply that at normal temperature and pressure (NTP: 15 °C (288.15 K), 1013.25 mbar) that 1 volume of liquid propane will expand to between 268 and 277 volumes of vapour depending on the composition. A recent revision of the data table (Code of Practice 1 part 1: January 2009) gives a figure of 270 but stresses that this is an approximate figure.

Vapour meters inevitably operate at a temperature other than 15 °C (288.15 K). Ofgem publishes an average meter temperature in the UK of 12.2 °C (285.35 K). Equally on LPG they operate at a pressure of 37 mbar above the “normal” pressure of 1013.25 mbar but this is reduced by a factor dependent on the altitude of the meter. Ofgem publishes an average height of meters in the UK of 66 m, this corresponds to a reduction of 8.11mbar.

The TSMT considered that bearing in mind all the variables the Ofgem and COP 1 part 1 values should be used in developing a single “conversion rate” but that the final figure should be quoted to no more than three significant figures.


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