Personal Injury Claims for Uber and Lyft Accidents ...

[Pages:29]Presenting a live 90-minute webinar with interactive Q&A

Personal Injury Claims for Uber and Lyft Accidents: Navigating Complex Liability and Insurance Coverage Issues

TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 1pm Eastern | 12pm Central | 11am Mountain | 10am Pacific

Today's faculty features: Jeanine D. Clark, Partner, Margolis Edelstein, Mount Laurel, N.J. Stan M. Doerrer, Owner, Law Office of Stan M. Doerrer, Alexandria,Va.

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Personal Injury Clams Involving Rideshare Services

Jeanine D. Clark, Esquire Margolis Edelstein


Stan M. Doerrer, Esquire stan@

Rental Cars Zip Cars, Car2Go, Enterprise Uber, Lyft, Via Uber Eats, Grub Hub, emerging services

Rideshare concepts.


Services versus Products

How the Apps Work and what the Ride Share Services are Actually Selling.

Software companies selling use of an APP (licensing) that links service provider and client for a fee.

Technology Companies versus Transportation Services and Rental The economy continues to be driven by technology aimed at

market disruption. Partnerships with product manufacturers and other services


Quick tutorial on how it all works

Electronic Dispatcher? Traditional Dispatcher Conflict between old and new.... Different types of services Ancillary services Product partnerships and additional PRP's and coverage issues.



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