

Install vmware player or vmware workstation .

Step 2:

Open ubuntu.zip

Step 3:

Open vmware player


click here

Open ubuntu-labs.vmx file


Play the virtual machine

[pic] click here to play vm

U will get the screen

Login with password



Open terminal (crtl+alt+t //shortcut for terminal)

satish@ubuntu: java –version //check java version

go to work folder

satish@ubuntu:~$ cd work

satish@ubuntu:~/work cd hadoop-1.0.4

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4 cd conf

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf ls

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf gedit hadoop-env.sh

change java path

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf gedit mapred-site.xml

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf gedit hdfs-site.xml

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf gedit core-site.xml

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf gedit masters

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf gedit slaves

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/conf cd ../bin

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin ls

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin ./hadoop namenode -format

(for first time installation only)

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin jps

1202 jps

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin ./start-all.sh

(enter your password wen it will ask paasword)

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin jps

1230 jps

1402 datanode

1302 namnode

1869 secondary namenode

1885 tasktracker

1987 jobtracker

(Check u r all processers r running r not)

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin ls

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin gedit test.txt

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin cat test.txt

hello world welcome to hadoop

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin ./hadoop dfs -put test.txt test.txt

satish@ubuntu:~/work/hadoop-1.0.4/bin ./hadoop dfs -ls /



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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