


Co/Org Agriculture Western Cape

Name Bothma, JS, Mr

Mail to P O Box 227, Paarl, 7620

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 872 1618/9, 021 872 3388, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 01-Oct-01 | |Dear Ms Bowler |Faxed to Karin Bowler 11/10/01 |

| | | | |

| | |CSP: Integrated Env Mngmnt Legislation - ROD |K Bowler: Spoke to Mr. Bothma - he understood that he had the RODs for the |

| | | |four projects confused with the 765kV and had not read the contents of the |

| | |Your letter dated 1 October refers. |letter very well. He will inform his members accordingly. He will wait for |

| | | |the next documentation and feed through to his members again. Also discussed|

| | |Agri West-Cape has forwarded all correspondence received from |the ERF meeting with him and he was happy with the process and outcomes. |

| | |your office to the various farmers-associations for their | |

| | |involvement in the process. We are however aware that the | |

| | |farmers in the Karoo area (Beaufort West) indicated that they | |

| | |are not satisfied with the planned route of the Eskom Powerlines| |

| | |that are envisaged. This is due to bad experience with the | |

| | |present powerlines of Eskom Misbehave on private land. | |

| | |Furthermore that the roads that give access to the powerlines | |

| | |for Eskom are not repaired properly and erosion took place. | |

| | | | |

| | |We suggest that you made direct contact with Mr. Pieter Lund at | |

| | |Tel: 023 416 1685 whom is Agri Wes-Cape Regional Representative | |

| | |for the Beaufort West area to get more information on their | |

| | |unhappiness. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours faithfully | |

| | | | |

| | |JS Bothma | |

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Beaufort West Boere Unie

Name Esterhuizen, Piet, Mr.

Mail to Posbus 1169, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 412 1665, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Ceres Distrikse Landbou

Name du Toit, Heinie, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 67, Koue Bokkeveld, 6836

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 317 0685, 023 317 0896, 083 229 9132,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 23-Jul-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Mnr du Toit het geskakel met die vraag of dit in die haak sal |Het mnr du Toit verseker dat solank hulle verteenwoordig word is alles in |

| | |wees indien net hy die vergadering kan bywoon aangsien daar 'n |die haak. |

| | |veiligheids vergadering daardie selfde dag aan is in Ceres | |

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Dept of Agriculture

Name Louw, Antony, Mr.

Mail to P O Box 146, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2265, 022 487 2331, , antonyl@wcape.agric.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Oct-01 | |1.Is spraying under the powerlines safe? |These issues have been raised by other I&APs, issues have been addressed in |

| |Notes by Doug Jeffrey on |2.What about dust around the powerlines and shorting - will dust |Impact Tables. |

| |interviewing Mr Louw |generated by farm vehicles e.g. tractors cause shorting - he has | |

| | |seen it happen on smaller power lines. 3.He mentioned a Wine | |

| | |Cellar somewhere near the lines – I am going to see if I can | |

| | |find it on Wednesday - would let you know what I find. | |

Co/Org Malmesbury

Name van Aarde, Theunis G, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 147, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2029, 022 482 2029, 072 153 2034,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

| 18-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Subject: 765 kV EIA Draft EIR - Malmesbury Farmers Ass |Subject: 765kv EIA draft EIR - I&AP feedback |

| | |Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:08:12 +0200 |Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:29:37 +0200 |

| | |From: "Karin Bowler" |From: "Karin Bowler" |

| | |To: "Suzette Hattingh" |To: |

| | |CC: "Stuart Dunsmore", "Nadia Mol", |CC: "Stuart Dunsmore", "John Geeringh", "Nadia Mol", "Koos van der |

| | |"Koos van der Merwe", "Danie Boshoff", "Carol Streaton" |Merwe", "Danie Boshoff" , "Carol Streaton", "suzette hattingh" |

| | |Hi Suzette | |

| | |June referred Mr. van Aarde to me: |Geagte Mnr van Aarde |

| | | | |

| | |My telephonic discussions with Mr. van Aarde, Malmesbury |Te bevestiging van ons telefoniese gesprek van vandag: |

| | |Association on 18th April 2002 refer: |Die Malmesbury Landbouvereniging het gisteraand 'n vergadering gehou waar |

| | |1. Please amend his spelling on the database from van Aade to van|die Eskom 765 kV projek bespreek is. Die lede het die volgende versoek: |

| | |Aarde. |1. Die 1:250 000 kaarte wat deel vorm van die verslag is nie aanvaarbaar nie|

| | |2. Mr. van Aarde will be reporting back to his member’s i.t.o. |- dit wil voorkom asof hulle uitgedateer is: baie van die plaasgrense het |

| | |progress on the 765 kV EIA at the Association's meeting (18 April|verander. |

| | |2002). Our discussions focused on this. |a. Dit sal waardeer word indien meer opgedateerde kaarte verskaf kan word. |

| | |3. I informed him that letter has been sent to everyone on the |Boere wil graag vooruitbeplan. |

| | |database, including him. |b. Kaarte wat +/- 30 km noord en suid van Malmesbury strek word ook benodig|

| | |4. He acknowledged he had been at the meeting with Eskom |om 'n beter idee te kry van die omvangs van die lyn. |

| | |Transmission negotiators last year. |c. Lugfotos word ook benodig. |

| | |5. He had a set of maps from that meeting. |2. Meer duidelikheid word benodig i.t.v die bestuur van die serwituut. |

| | |6. I encouraged him to obtain the latest set of maps from either |a. Daar is verduidelik dat die spesifieke reelings persoonlik met boere |

| | |the municipality or library for the purposes of the meeting and |getref word, i.v.m. die finale plasing van die lyn. Die word nie as deel |

| | |to return them tomorrow. |van EIA gedoen nie. Eskom Transmissie is hiervoor verandwoordelik. |

| | |7. I also informed him that the response date on the Draft EIR is|b. Die lyn sal nie gebou kan word totdat die hele servituut onderhandel is |

| | |19th April 2002. |nie. |

| | |8. Mr. van Aarde will contact me if he has any further queries. |3. Dit sal waardeer word dat daar nog gesprekke gehou sal word i.v.m. die |

| | |Please enter this info onto the database and confirm. |lyn . Dit word voorgestel dat Eskom Transmissie so gou as moontlik vir die |

| | | |Boere kontak om gesprekke te reel. |

| | |Regards |4. Daar is deur die lede gese dat die verslag te lywig was en dat dit in |

| | | |Engels is. Een van die lede is ingelig oor die onkoste van die druk en |

| | |Karin Bowler |vertaling van die verslag, en dat die verhoed dat vertaling wel gedoen |

| | | |word. |

| | | |5. Ek het onderneem om skriftelik (per e-pos) ons gesprek te bevestig. Ek |

| | | |ook verduidelik dat die kwessies wat u geopper het, deel van die finale |

| | | |verslag wat aan die Department Omgewingsake sal vorm. |

| | | | |

| | | |Indien daar enige inligting is wat u nog wil byvoeg, laat weet so gou |

| | | |moontlik asseblief. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Groetnis |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

Co/Org Riebeeck Boerevereniging

Name de Jager, Pieter, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 78, Riebeeck-Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 461 2950, , 083 284 2294,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Sutherlandse Landbou

Name van der Merwe, Koos, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 39, Sutherland, 6920

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 571 1001, 023 571 1297, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Jul-01 | |Phoned The Ko-op in regards to Agricultural Union Society meetings | |

| | |scheduled for 19 July 2001 (Have been unsuccessful at getting hold | |

| | |of Mr. Vlok & Mr. Lambrecht). | |

| | | | |

| | |Mr. van der Merwe suggested that he will be getting in contact with| |

| | |both these chairman to discuss the matter and notify them, taking | |

| | |all the details. | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussed the fact that we need to forward them maps for the | |

| | |proposed transmission line route in preparation for the meeting, | |

| | |and he requested a set to be sent to them. | |

Co/Org Swartberg

Name Mitchell, L, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 140, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1285, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Tulbagh Boerevereniging

Name Theron, Patrys, Mnr

Mail to Panorama, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0770, , 082 892 9985,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Victoria-Wes

Name van Heerden, Gawie, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 17, Victoria-Wes, 7070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 6912 ask 3621, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Wolseley

Name Muller, Enrich (LEM), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 170, Wolseley, 6830

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 231 1439, 023 231 1439, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |



Name de Waal Nigrini, A, Mr.

Mail to Post Office, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6201225100088 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000016900005 | |

Name Kirk, FCF, Mr.

Mail to 14 Heseldon Road, Rondebosch, 7700

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 685 3903, 021 685 3903, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |

| | |Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 09:22:39 -0800 |Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 08:58:29 +0200 |

| | |From: "tkirk" |From: suzette.hattingh@acerafrica.co.za |

| | |To: |Organization: ACER (Africa) |

| | | |To: tkirk |

| | |Dear Sir, | |

| | | |Dear Mr. Kirk |

| | |Please note that I am no longer the Mountain Club Representative.| |

| | |Please in future email all your correspondence to Mr. H |Thank you for the notification. Unless you would still like to be informed |

| | |Nieuwmeyer at mailto:hnieuw@ |regarding this project (please let me know if so), your name has been taken |

| | | |off the project mailing list. |

| | |F C F Kirk 14 Heseldon Rd, Rondebosch 7700 Tel/Fax 021-6853903, | |

| | |Cell 072-237 8203 |Kind Regards |

| | | |Suzette Hattingh |

Name Zeeman, JS, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 144, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 02-Jan-02 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Co/Org Almari Trust

Name , ,

Mail to 120 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |29/98 | |

Co/Org C. J. Petersen Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 206, Wellington, 7655

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000006400000 | |

Co/Org c/o J.P. Alberts

Name Heyns, J, Mr.

Mail to P O Box 37, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1819, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6008075003001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000016300000 | |

Co/Org D.H. Bothma Boerdery CC

Name , ,

Mail to Paul Sauer Str. 10, Stellenbosch, 7600

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1989/008638/23 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000016100001 | |

Co/Org Dept of Minerals & Energy

Name Landman, Karel, Mr.

Mail to Private Bag X59, Pretoria, 0001

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 012 317 9313, 012 320 2187, 082 447 2387,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |03 April 2002 FAX RECIEVED | |

| | | | |

| | |You are hereby requested to forward all correspondence to the | |

| | |Northern Cape Region and Western Cape Region specifically the | |

| | |addresses of which are enclosed for your perusal. | |

| | | | |

| | |Mr. G Agenbach | |

| | |Mr. L Selekane | |

Co/Org Du Toit Eindomme PTY Ltd -

Name Wege, Gys, Mnr

Mail to , ,

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 3136, 023 316 1229, , farming@

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |199200159607 | |

Co/Org F.J. Smuts Trust

Name , ,

Mail to 6 Cheviot St., Florida Hills, 1709

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |24 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000078300001 | |

Co/Org Henri N.R. du Plessis Trust

Name du Plessis, Henry NR, Mr.

Mail to p/a P Steenkamp P O Box 6268, Uniedal, 7612

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 917/96 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036600012 | |

Co/Org Injectaplas Pty Ltd

Name Jackson, PE, Mr.

Mail to P O Box 8948, Hennopsmeer, 0046

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |86/70230/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000022600000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000022500000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000022400003 | |

Co/Org Kareedoring Kraal Boerdery

Name Visser, JJ, Mnr

Mail to Voortrekkerweg 26, Velddrif, 7365

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |87/00480/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004200002 | |

Co/Org Klipvlei Land Pty Ltd

Name Stoch, PAL, Mr

Mail to P O Box 2785, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |89/06727/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000004100001 | |

Co/Org Lekkersukkel PTY Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 62, Worcester, 6849

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |197900409307 | |

Co/Org Lushof Family Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 15072, Vlaeberg, 8018

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1218/99 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000002000000 | |

Co/Org M & N Mostert Family Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 333, Citrusdal, 7340

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 791/95 | |

Co/Org National Portland Cement

Name , ,

Mail to c/o Ernst & Young, P O Box 4807, Weltevreden Park, 1715

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |05/11369/06 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000023400000 | |

Co/Org Pioneer Voedsel Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 153, Riversdal, 6700

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |195700063407 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000099300003 | |

Co/Org Pugg Inv Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 257, Paarl, 7620

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |


Name May, J, Ms

Mail to P O Box 1930, Kimberley, 8300

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 831 2537, 053 833 1435, , sahra-nc@

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 18-Jul-01 | | |Dear Ms May |

| | | | |



| | | | |

| | | |Increased demand in the Western Cape region for a reliable supply of |

| | | |electricity has necessitated that Eskom Transmission improves the reliability |

| | | |and capacity of the transmission network to the Western Cape. As part of a |

| | | |strategy to do this, Eskom Transmission has proposed to develop a 765kV |

| | | |transmission line between the proposed Gamma (Victoria West) and Omega |

| | | |substation (Koeberg) sites. |

| | | | |

| | | |PD Naidoo & Associates, PBA International and ACER (Africa) have been |

| | | |appointed by Eskom Transmission to undertake the environmental impact |

| | | |assessment (EIA) for the proposed 765kV Transmission line between the Gamma |

| | | |and Omega sites. |

| | | | |

| | | |The scoping phase of the EIA has commenced and a draft scoping report has been|

| | | |prepared. A summary of this draft report has been forwarded to your |

| | | |organization for your comment. It is proposed that two environmental review |

| | | |forum workshops will be held in the week 13th to 17th August 2001 to discuss |

| | | |the draft scoping report. An invitation has been forwarded to you in this |

| | | |regard. |

| | | | |

| | | |The EIA study was initiated in 1999 and after a period of some 12 months on |

| | | |hold is now being continued with the issue of the draft Scoping Report. At the|

| | | |same time we are updating our database of interested and affected parties |

| | | |(I&AP’s) particularly where new authorities, municipal demarcation areas, etc.|

| | | |have come into being. As a result, and given the location and extent of the |

| | | |proposed development, we would like to have the opportunity to discuss the |

| | | |project with you. There are a number of opportunities for this including; |

| | | |comment on the draft Scoping Report (see attached list of venues where this |

| | | |may be viewed), attendance at our Environmental Review Forums to which you |

| | | |will be specifically invited, or we would be happy to meet with you |

| | | |separately, preferably before or during the Environmental Review Forum |

| | | |meetings (13 to 17 August). |

| | | | |

| | | |As this is our first point of contact, we will be contacting you |

| | | |telephonically in this regard. However, your early thoughts on the matter |

| | | |would be appreciated. |

| | | | |

| | | |Should you have any additional information requirements or queries at this |

| | | |stage, please do not hesitate to contact either Stuart Dunsmore or Nadia Mol |

| | | |telephonically at (011) 486 4730 or (011) 482 2123 respectively. |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol |

| | | |PD Naidoo & Associates |

| | | |Cc Stuart Dunsmore PBA International |

| | | |Karin Bowler ACER (Africa) |

Co/Org Technikon Pretoria

Name Haffter, Catherine, Ms

Mail to Private Bag X 680, Pretoria, 0001

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 012 318 6226, 012 318 6354, , haffterc@techpta.ac.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 15-Aug-01 |E-mail Received | |Telcon refers > |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for completing the I&AP registration form and for the interest shown|

| | | |in this project. |

| | | | |

| | | |As agreed the following: |

| | | |-You will receive an e-mail copy of the Draft Impact Table summarising all the|

| | | |issues identified during the Scoping Phase. |

| | | |-You can access the Draft Scoping report for this project on Eskom's website: |

| | | |eskom.co.za/story/omega.htm |

| | | | |

| | | |The Environmental Impact Assessment for the above project has been completed |

| | | |and we are waiting for the Record of Decision. |

| | | | |

| | | |As you are registered on our database for this project, you will automatically|

| | | |receive a letter informing you when this has occurred. |

Co/Org Theron Family Trust

Name Lategan, PJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 138, Porterville, 6810

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |384/92 | |

Co/Org Uitsig Plase Pty Ltd

Name van Tonder, D (le Roux), Mr

Mail to P O Box 22, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 8003, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |90/02838/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000004400001 | |

Co/Org Western Cape Nature

Name van Deventer, Jaco, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 26, Porterville, 6810

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0759, 023 230 0228, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 13-Aug-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Interested to see map depicting route. Requested rerouting |Refered him to the Draft SR for Map. Invited him to the ERF Meeting. |

| | |letter addressed to PF Viljoen. | |

Co/Org Witzenberg Landbou

Name Bredell, Anton (AW), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 237, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3182, 023 313 3114, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

|19-Apr-00 |Draft EIR Comments |19 April 2002 |These comments have been addressed in the Comments and Response Table in |

| | |Ref: 99041 |the Addendum to the Draft EIR. |

| | | | |

| | |Gamma-Omega 765 kV Transmissielyn Omgewings Impak Studie | |

| | | | |

| | |Verwys na konsep omgewings impak verslag gedateer Maart 2002. | |

| | | | |

| | |Volgens die inligting wat ons ontvang en tot ons beskikking het, | |

| | |word daar beoog om ‘n transmissie lyn deur die Witzenberg vallei | |

| | |to laat loop. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons het nog geen besoek van enige persone vir inligting in die | |

| | |verband in die vallei ontvang nie. Die kaart wat ons na gekyk het| |

| | |wys dat die beoogde lyn deur | |

| | |bestaande geboue en boerdery ondernemings sal loop. | |

| | | | |

| | |Die Witzenberg vallei is geleë in die Kouebokkeveld sowat 30 km | |

| | |vanaf Ceres. In die vallei word hoofsaaklik geboer met uitvoer | |

| | |vrugte van hoe gehalte. Die vrugte word verbou en in die | |

| | |binneland en buiteland bemark. Om so ‘n lyn op te rig sal | |

| | |beteken dat daar ‘n groot hoeveelheid van die vrugte bome | |

| | |uitgetrek moet word. | |

| | | | |

| | |Die plantegroei (fona & flora) wat hier aangetref word is baie | |

| | |skaars en volgens natuurbewaring is hier sekere plant soorte wat | |

| | |net hier voorkom. Van die skaars plantegroei is in die middel van| |

| | |die beoogde lyn. Gebied. Natuurbewaring is al reeds besig, in | |

| | |samewerking met die eienaars, om die as ‘n reservaat te verklaar.| |

| | | | |

| | |Op die kaart wat ons na gekyk het word sekere dele as erosie | |

| | |aangedui, maar in die werklikheid vind daar volskaalse boerdery | |

| | |aktiwiteite plaas. | |

| | |Die vallei het werklik nie plek vir so ‘n groot kraglyn nie. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons sal dit waardeur as u vir ons kan besoek en self vir u kan | |

| | |vergewis van hoe die vallei lyk. Op die kaart wat u het kan u nie| |

| | |die volle omvang van die vallei kry nie. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons verstaan dat daar ‘n lyn gebou moet word, maar om ‘n kraglyn | |

| | |deur so ‘n gebied te laat loop is nie omgewings vriendelik nie. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons aanbeveling is dat u die lyn langs die bestaande lyn laat bou| |

| | |waar die natuur al reeds versteur is. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons sal dit waardeer as u ons asseblief in die verband kan | |

| | |kontak. | |

| | | | |

| | |By voorbaat dank. | |

| | |Mnr A W Bredell | |



Name Baecker, Albin (AAW), Dr

Mail to 37 David McLean Drive, Westville, 3630

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 031 266 8719, 031 266 8719, , albin@biotrans-

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 20-Jul-01 | |20 Jul 01 |Forwarded 3 copies to Karin Bowler (copies for both PBAI & ESKOM). Original |

| | |Documentation Received (25 Jul 01) |kept in the I&AP DSR correspondence file. |

| | | | |

| | |The Enclosed Documentation is for |8 August 01 |

| | |1) circulation to all I&APs, and |Telephonic discussion: (Karin Bowler) |

| | |2) inclusion in the Scoping Report, along with |- Thanked him for the trouble of submitting the reports. |

| | |3) the resultant correspondence, minutes, debate explanations in|- Explained that the only timber poles that would be used would be during the |

| | |writing. |stringing of the cables where these were crossing roads and needed to be |

| | | |temporarily kept off the ground. These structures are of a temporary nature. |

| | |Re: EAP – Cape Strengthening Programme Gamma-Omega 765 kV |- At no other time are timber poles used. |

| | |Transmission Line |- In response to his statement, it was explained that no distribution lines can|

| | | |be fed off a 765 kV Transmission Line. This line was also going directly from |

| | |As one of the registered I&APs, I hereby declare from the onset |Victoria West to Koeberg and was at no time distributing electricity. |

| | |my scientific and commercial interest in wood preservation, and |- If asked if there were any further questions, Dr Baecker said that "it would |

| | |therefore, in the project. My written comment in response to the|be pointless". |

| | |Scoping Report is hereby submitted as presented in the following|- I told him that I had passed the copies on to the project manager as well as |

| | |points, and I look forward to reading your Project Team’s formal|to Eskom for their information. |

| | |account of this submission in the Scoping Report (SR). | |

| | | | |

| | |1. The local parastatal known as ESKOM uses creosoted wooden | |

| | |poles widely in its utility operations. | |

| | | | |

| | |2. Creosote leaches from the poles and attempts have been made | |

| | |for years to prevent this (see 1984 document attached as App.1) | |

| | |because poles which have lost their creosote rot and collapse. | |

| | |In spite of such attempts, as recently as 1999 the problem | |

| | |seemed to have intensified (see 1999 document attached hereto | |

| | |as: App. 2). | |

| | | | |

| | |3. In spite of many creosote manufacturers, wood treaters’ | |

| | |committees and end-users’ committees since then (see 2000 | |

| | |document: App. 3) to alter creosote composition in ways that | |

| | |were hoped to prevent it from leaching, the poles still rot. | |

|4. The poles are still rotting | |regarding modern creosote (see App). | |

|and collapsing because | | | |

|evidence to date shows that, even| |4 attached hereto, dated as recently as July 2001), it still | |

|in spite of claims made | |leaches from the poles (see App5, which is a current photograph | |

| | |taken recently at Eskom’s own Cato Ridge test facility, showing | |

| | |significant losses of creosote into soil from pole shortly after| |

| | |having being planted in it). | |

| | |All the above weakens electricity poles and renders then | |

| | |physically dangerous, and I am both concerned and indirectly | |

| | |affected by that – for example, a storm last year was the | |

| | |catalyst that caused a line of weakened electricity poles to | |

| | |collapse in the Karoo, causing veldt fires and losses of | |

| | |livestock to such an extent that affected farmers’ livelihoods | |

| | |were threatened. However, in addition to physical dangers and | |

| | |financial losses such as these, the following points regarding | |

| | |the toxicity and health hazards of pole preservatives set out | |

| | |below also both greatly interest and directly affect me. | |

| | | | |

| | |5. Apart from their unfortunate lack of permanence as wood | |

| | |preservatives when in ground contact, the health hazards | |

| | |directly attributable to the toxic nature of the preservatives | |

| | |used in utility poles by parastatals have been the subject of | |

| | |world-wide investigation for decades. Such concerns have | |

| | |intensified since Scandinavian countries restricted the use of | |

| | |CCA in wood structures in children’s playgrounds many years ago | |

| | |(for the present readers information, CCA is | |

| | |chopper-chrome-arsenic, which, unlike blackened creosoted poles,| |

| | |is the preservative present in the green-tinted poles also | |

| | |familiar to all South Africans). | |

| | | | |

| | |6. The toxic and hazardous natures of the of the preservatives | |

| | |used to treat utility poles have been of such concern to all | |

| | |stakeholders that they were documented by the United nations in | |

| | |1993 (see App. 6) and many European Directives have been issued | |

| | |to restrict the use of these preservatives in the environment. | |

| | | | |

| | |7. Then, the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides| |

| | |(Ncamp) in 1997 established an objective database on the world | |

| | |wide web with regard to the dangers associated with the use of, | |

| | |inter alia, CCA and creosote in wooden poles in Northern | |

| | |America. | |

| | | | |

| | |8. In the year 2000, arising from the widespread public concerns| |

| | |such as those now documented here, the use of CCA in | |

| | |constructions of the Olympic Village in Sydney, for example, was| |

| | |banned when players discovered the hazards of CCA, because those| |

| | |Olympics had been declared as the “Green Olympics.” Similarly, | |

| | |the use of creosote has been banned in the Netherlands, and in | |

| | |the same vain, as of 3 years ago, a North American utility | |

| | |company has been taking steps to alleviate the leaching of | |

| | |creosote from its poles to the environment (see App. 7). | |

| | | | |

| | |However, in direct contrast to the above mitigating steps taken | |

| | |to responsibly deal with the problems associated with wood | |

| | |preservatives in various countries around the globe, when the | |

| | |existence of Ncamp’s web site was reported in the South African | |

| | |press 3 years ago (see App 8), the dismissive response of the SA| |

| | |Wood Preservers’ Association to the concerns of that report, | |

| | |which dismissive response was subsequently published, was in | |

| | |fact independently appraised as amounting to “no more than the | |

| | |subjective knee-jerk reaction of certain local stakeholders who | |

| | |have vested interests in the continuing sale and use of third | |

| | |rate chemicals in third world countries.” That the attitudes of | |

| | |such stakeholders should manifest themselves in such reactions | |

| | |is both alarming and breathtaking as far as this Interested and | |

| | |affected Party is concerned particularly in the light of the | |

| | |following points. | |

| | | | |

| | |9. In contrast to the above mentioned attitudes of certain local| |

| | |stakeholders, and in spite of their dismissive reaction to the | |

| | |toxicity of the pole preservatives used here, SA in general has | |

| | |always had admirable environmental concerns (as illustrated by | |

| | |every South African’s constitutional right to an environment | |

| | |that is not harmful to health), and, since taking the right | |

| | |environmental road in 1996 (see App 9), this country now enjoys | |

| | |world-class environmental legislation (regulated by Acts such as| |

| | |the National Water Act 36 of 1998 and the National Environmental| |

| | |Management Act 107 of 1998), to the extent that legal action can| |

| | |be taken against the relevant Minister in the event that he/she | |

| | |fails to ensure that parastatal organisations comply with such | |

| | |legislation after breaches of it are brought to his/her | |

| | |attention. Indeed the legislation even extends to private | |

| | |organisations, and it seems to have teeth in that the operations| |

| | |of a privately-owned SA creosoting plant have recently been | |

| | |suspended for allegedly polluting the atmosphere with emissions | |

| | |(see App. 10). Furthermore, ESKOM has committed itself to such | |

| | |ideal, as evidenced from its own Environmental Pledge, which is | |

| | |attached hereto as App. 11 for ease of reference. | |

| | | | |

| | |As a self-declared I&AP in the present process, I do not want to| |

| | |be left believing that Eskom’s Environmental Pledge could be | |

| | |reduced to an example of a parastatal merely paying lip service | |

| | |to our legislation. Indeed, in the present process I have a | |

| | |right to be given written assurance to the contrary. However, I | |

| | |remain very, very confused by certain stakeholders’ conflicting | |

| | |opinions that have been put to me on this matter, and to be | |

| | |convinced by your efforts that my concerns herein are unfolded, | |

| | |I consequently write in this regard to ask for an effort from | |

| | |your Project Team to include in the Scoping Report in considered| |

| | |analysis of the three following concerns (A,B and C) that have | |

| | |troubled me deeply for years:- | |

| | | | |

| | |A. In light of all above documentation, and as is my right as a | |

| | |self-declared and registered I&AP, I wish to see, written in | |

| | |your Project Team’s Scoping Report, Eskom’s rationale whereby it| |

| | |is convinced that its continued use of creosoted poles does not | |

| | |render it liable to action from its own employees under Acts | |

| | |such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and/or| |

| | |the Compensation of Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 | |

| | |of 1993. | |

| | | | |

| | |B. In light of all above documentation, and as is my right as a | |

| | |self-declared and registered I&AP, I wish to see, written in | |

| | |your Project Team’s Scoping Report, your Project Team’s | |

| | |satisfactory explanation of Eskom’s justification of its | |

| | |continued use of creosoted poles that pollute soil, because I | |

| | |have never seen such justification articulated anywhere. In | |

| | |other words, I want to see a written explanation of why ESKOM | |

| | |continues with this practice, and I believe that I have the | |

| | |right to see in the SR. | |

| | | | |

| | |C. In light of all above documentation, and as is my right as a | |

| | |self-declared and registered I&AP, I wish to see, written in | |

| | |your Project Team’s Scoping Report, Eskom’s explanation of why | |

| | |it is sure that its continued use of creosoted poles does not | |

| | |make it liable to legal action under the national Environmental | |

| | |Management Act 107 of 1998. | |

| | | | |

| | |The above concerns are not put as questions – they are concerns | |

| | |that enquire your expertise and your considered response. My | |

| | |last point however is indeed a direct question that I require a | |

| | |direct and objective answer to. It is this: | |

| | | | |

| | |Question – Is ESKOM certain that its creosoted poles are not | |

| | |poisoning the groundwater and river water being drunk by the | |

| | |very people to whom it is delivering electricity? If ESKOM is | |

| | |certain of this fact, I require to see the proof thereof, as | |

| | |properly documented evidence, that can be scrutinised by | |

| | |independent third parties in the SR under discussion. | |

| | | | |

| | |With due respect, I am obliged to make the point that | |

| | |correspondence and communication in this matter to date has been| |

| | |rather erratic. In order to timeously take any steps that I may | |

| | |have to take after reading it, I hereby request that you inform | |

| | |me of the date when the SR will be posted on the internet. | |

| | | | |

| | |Sincerely | |

| | |AAW Baecker | |

|08-Aug-01 | | |Dr Alvin A W Baecker |

| | | |37 David McClean Drive |

| | | |Westville |

| | | |3630 |

| | | | |

| | | |8 August 2001 |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Dr Baecker |

| | | | |

| | | |Re: Eskom Cape Strengthening Programme: Gamma- Omega 765 kV Transmission Line |

| | | |Environmental Impact Assessment |

| | | | |

| | | |I refer to your letter dated 20 July 2001. This serves as confirmation of our |

| | | |telephone discussion on 7 August 2001. |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for the trouble taken in submitting the reports on the potential |

| | | |dangers of the use of creosoted poles. As discussed, the only time any poles |

| | | |will be used during this transmission line project, is during the |

| | | |“construction” phase. This is specifically limited to where the lines have to |

| | | |be kept off the ground surface during the stringing process to avoid |

| | | |infrastructure on the ground and poles are temporarily planted into the ground |

| | | |for this purpose. |

| | | | |

| | | |Also, the only time wooden structures are used is for low voltage cables such |

| | | |as 33kv and 11kv distribution lines. According to Eskom, the tendency these |

| | | |days is to use concrete type structures for 66 kV distribution lines as opposed|

| | | |to wooden structures. |

| | | | |

| | | |I have provided copies of your reports to Mr Stuart Dunsmore, the project |

| | | |manager and also to the Eskom official on this project. |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you once again for participating in this process. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind regards |

| | | |Yours sincerely |


| | | |Public Involvement Programme Leader |

| 17-Aug-01 | |Subject: Your decision to exclude my Submission from the Scoping|Dr A A W Baecker |

| | |Report of the EIA for Eskom's Cape Strengthening Programme |37 David McClean Drive |

| | |Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 21:29:35 +0200 |Westville |

| | |From: "Albin Baecker" |3630 |

| | |To: "Suzette Hattingh" | |

| | |CC: "Jeremy Ridl" |17 August 2001 |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Ms. Hattingh |Dear Dr Baecker |

| | | | |

| | |Your telephonic message to tell me of the above is noted with |Eskom Cape Strengthening Programme: Gamma-Omega 765 kV Transmission Line |

| | |regret. By your own admission, creosoted poles are used in the |Environmental Impact Assessment – Scoping |

| | |stringing procedures, and your comment to the effect that the | |

| | |"temporary" nature of such procedures precludes their |I note with concern your e-mail to Ms Hattingh on 14 August 2001. It seems as |

| | |consideration in the present exercise reveals the fact that you |though there has been a misunderstanding regarding our telephonic discussion of|

| | |have not read my submission properly. It is therefore necessary |7 August 2001 and a significant misunderstanding of the environmental |

| | |to draw your attention to App. 5 of my submission, which states |assessment process. |

| | |clearly that the creosote contamination of the soil illustrated | |

| | |therein occurred within one month's service of that Eskom pole, |Transmitted herewith is a letter dated 8 August 2001 in which I have confirmed |

| | |which time period is comparable with any periods that you could |our telephone discussion and in which I have indicated to you that your |

| | |want to describe as "temporary" in this matter. |submission has been passed on to the right people within the project team to be|

| | | |addressed as part of the environmental assessment for this proposed project. |

| | |With all due respect, but also most unfortunately, your attitude|However, I acknowledge that you may not have received this letter prior to your|

| | |to my concern in this matter is all too typical of what I have |email of 14 August 2001. Nevertheless, it is important that I confirm a number |

| | |come to expect. However, I do not intend to be fobbed off with |of matters: |

| | |platitudes perhaps designed to "pour oil over troubled waters" | |

| | |and make life easy for folk. That attitude holds no place in |Your input to the scoping process was received after the Draft Scoping Report |

| | |modern South Africa - it is entirely regrettable that it seems |was compiled. By implication, there is no way that your input could have been |

| | |that I have to point out to you that the good news for South |included in the Draft Scoping Report. |

| | |Africa was its recent ascension to levels of environmental |Arising from the above, it is, therefore, incorrect to assert that we have |

| | |awareness comparable with the rest of the world in terms of |decided to exclude your submission from the Scoping Report. Equally, it is |

| | |environmental legislation, and I hereby notify you that I for |totally unnecessary to make a host of allegations about our integrity. Indeed, |

| | |one do not intend to stand by and watch folk in positions of |I take the strongest exception to you implying that this office, viz. the |

| | |influence abuse that hard-won position. |Public Participation Office, in any way filters the inputs of Interested & |

| | | |Affected Parties. We reject all the allegations you have made, which we know |

| | |Therefore, in the first instance I ask again that you give due |are totally without foundation. |

| | |consideration to my submission as requested in the covering |What is true is that this office has received your inputs, your inputs have |

| | |letter of it. I have the right to make this request, However, if|been acknowledged with thanks, and we have tried to provide you with an |

| | |you decide to again refuse to accede to that very reasonable |explanation regarding the use of creosote poles on this project. Moreover, |

| | |request, please inform me in writing (at this E-mail address), |your inputs have been captured on the project data base, your inputs have been |

| | |before close of business this coming Friday, stating in full |included in the Draft Comments and Response Report (a living document that is |

| | |your reasons for refusal. |only finalised at the end of the assessment process), and your inputs have been|

| | | |forwarded to the EIA Project Manager in order that, collectively with the |

|and moreover, I have the right to| |Sincerely, |inputs of other Interested & Affected Parties, issues, notably key issues, can |

|see it attended to. | |Albin A W Baecker |be formulated in order to guide the investigative and assessment processes. It |

| | | |is only at the assessment stage that potential impacts arising from the use of |

| | | |creosote poles will be addressed and evaluated. |

| | | | |

| | | |With regard to your specific request to include copies of your documentation in|

| | | |the Final Scoping Report, the inclusion of documentation received during the |

| | | |course of the study is the decision of the EIA Project Manager taking due |

| | | |consideration of the boundaries and framework of the environmental assessment. |

| | | |Nevertheless, as stated previously, your comments will be taken up in the |

| | | |compilation of the Final Scoping Report and the Environmental Impact Report as |

| | | |per the requirements of Government Regulation No. R. 1183 Section 6(1)(e), |

| | | |1997). |

| | | | |

| | | |Please contact Stuart Dunsmore, PBAI (011-486 4730 or 082 579 9149) or I if you|

| | | |have any further questions. |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours sincerely |


| | | |Public Involvement Programme Leader |

| | | |Copy: Prof J Ridl |

| 22-Aug-01 | |Subject: Concern | |

| | |Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 16:08:36 +0200 | |

| | |From: "Albin Baecker" | |

| | |To: "Suzette Hattingh" eskomcsp@acerafrica.co.za | |

| | |CC: "Jeremy Ridl" | |

| | |Att:- Ms. Karin Bowler | |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Ms. Bowler, | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your E-mailed message of 17 inst. Your suggestion | |

| | |that there is on this part any misunderstanding of the | |

| | |environmental assessment process belies the fact that your | |

| | |organisation ought to be aware of the fact that your | |

| | |organisation and this were both part of the IOF EIA two years | |

| | |ago. Moreover, your message obliges me to make a few points very| |

| | |clear to you. | |

| | | | |

| | |1) Your telephonic message to me did not convey the | |

| | |information that my submission will be "addressed as part of the| |

| | |environmental assessment for this proposed project" as you now | |

| | |claim, and furthermore, your follow-up letter of 8 inst., that | |

| | |you refer to and which I have now received, does not make this | |

| | |point either. I therefore object to your most recent statements | |

| | |to the contrary. | |

| | | | |

| | |2) My submission to the scoping process was received after | |

| | |the Draft Scoping Report was compiled, simply because I was | |

| | |never invited to submit to it and indeed the first time I heard | |

| | |that the Report had been compiled was when I received your | |

| | |organisation's statement to that effect. It seems very necessary| |

| | |to point out that the following account records the timetable of| |

| | |the only communication your organisation has made with me: | |

| | | | |

| | |a) February 2000 - I saw the obligatory EAP advertisement in one| |

| | |of the newspapers; | |

| | |b) 16 Feb., 2000 - I wrote to your organisation to register as | |

| | |an I≈ | |

| | |c) 2 Nov., 2000 - your organisation wrote to me, with my name | |

| | |not spelt correctly, to inform me that the capturing of issues | |

| | |raised by stakeholders was what I could term a "fait accompli" -| |

| | |and I insist that this was the only communication I had received| |

| | |from your organisation since the previous February; | |

| | |d) in June 2001 I saw an advertisement in the newspaper | |

| | |informing me that the Draft Scoping Report was available, and | |

| | |hot on its heels I received a letter to the same effect from | |

| | |your organisation (dated 28 June 2001). | |

| | | | |

| | |If you call the above a good record of communication, well, | |

| | |that's up to you, but when you also falsely accuse me of making| |

| | |"a host of allegations" that I never made, and if that is | |

| | |typical of how the other I & AP's (who may well have been | |

| | |vociferous in commenting on the standard of communications well | |

| | |I can) have been treated in this process, well, perhaps you have| |

| | |been oversensitised and I could then imagine why you doth | |

| | |protest too much in my own case. | |

| | | | |

| | |Notwithstanding the above, when I saw the advertisement of June | |

| | |2001, I prepared and sent you my submission, and I fully | |

| | |expected it to be treated respectfully (which it was) and | |

| | |properly. | |

| | | | |

| | |My submission addresses a very serious issue - for example, I | |

| | |suggest you read pages 44 and 45 of July 16th's (2001) "Time" | |

| | |magazine, and, after reading it, you may also be interested to | |

| | |know that the wood preservers' association in this country is | |

| | |treating the hazardous aspects of wood preservation in much the | |

| | |same dismissive way as that in which tobacco companies dismissed| |

| | |the hazards of cigarette smoking until very recently. Indeed, if| |

| | |you want to hear rash and untrue allegations which are not in | |

| | |step with mainstream thinking overseas, and which contribute to | |

| | |the endangerment of us all as far as wood preservation in South | |

| | |Africa is concerned, that is who you should consult with - see | |

| | |the South African Wood Preservers' Association's newsletter of | |

| | |31 July 2001, which purports to respond to the Time article I | |

| | |quote here. | |

| | | | |

| | |All I have ever asked for in this process was that my submission| |

| | |be considered according to the regulations that exist for this | |

| | |purpose. Your message of 18 inst. goes further than before, in | |

| | |that it does state that my comments will be "taken up" in the | |

| | |compilation of the Final Scoping Report (and I reject as untrue | |

| | |your intimation that this is "as stated previously"). May I dare| |

| | |to ask you to explain what you might mean by "taken up" as this | |

| | |seems to be the key point at this stage? | |

| | | | |

| | |In closing Ms. Bowler, I do know that, under the circumstances | |

| | |that operate, the work you have been charged with amounts to a | |

| | |very difficult task, requiring great organisational skills, | |

| | |patience, diplomacy, and a host of other skills that I myself do| |

| | |not possess. I take my hat off to folk such as yourself, and I | |

| | |wish to state for once and for all that I do not seek to get | |

| | |confrontational with you or anyone else at Acer Africa and I | |

| | |never intended to. I am just asking for a fair hearing in this | |

| | |extremely important matter. | |

| | |With best regards, | |

| | |Sincerely, | |

| | |Albin A W Baecker | |

| 05-Sep-01 |E-mail Received |Subject: Eskom Cape Strengthening - Scoping Report | |

| | |Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 13:01:22 +0200 | |

| | |From: "Albin Baecker" albin@biotrans- | |

| | |To: "Suzette Hattingh" | |

| | |Att:- Ms. Karin Bowler | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your message of 31 ult., in which you advised me | |

| | |that Stuart Dunsmore would telephone me this week. He did so | |

| | |today, and one of the things he told me was that my submission | |

| | |to the EIA would be included in the Scoping Report. Would you | |

| | |please ensure that I receive a copy of it when it is released? | |

| | | | |

| | |Re the IOF EIA that we were all involved in - I mentioned it to | |

| | |give you some comfort in your apprehension that I may not be | |

| | |familiar with the EIA process. Your last message indicates that | |

| | |ACER Africa would not have interfaced with me in that process | |

| | |because I was not at grass roots level. | |

| | | | |

| | |I remain unclear about that - I was acting on behalf of IOF's | |

| | |neighbour CTC, and CTC were involved because IOF's fallout was | |

| | |killing the roots of their grass, and I submitted several | |

| | |photographs showing that phenomenon. That is why, in the present| |

| | |matter, I have submitted photographs of creosoted Eskom poles | |

| | |polluting the soil - to be included in the Scoping Report - as | |

| | |documentary evidence supporting the countermeasures to pollution| |

| | |that will be specified in the Environmental Management Plan that| |

| | |will evolve, which is all parties' ultimate objective. | |

| | | | |

| | |Sincerely | |

| | |Albin A W Baecker | |

| 05-Sep-01 | |28 August 2001 |Telcon with Stuart Dunsmore |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Dr Baecker |- Dr Baecker acknowledged he has received the letter dated 29 August and |

| | | |is satisfied that his concerns regarding the use of creosote and creosote|

| | |Re: Eskom Cape Strengthening Programme: Gamma-Omega 765 kV |poles in the construction process have been recognised. |

| | |Transmission Line Environmental Impact Assessment – Scoping |- Dr Baecker stated that he would be responding to Karin Bowler to thank |

| | | |her for the correspondence. |

| | |Your e-mail dated 22 August 2001 has reference. In an attempt to |- I confirmed that we are still in the process of compiling our final |

| | |gain some level of understanding between us with regard to our |Scoping Report, and that there had been many issues raised during the |

| | |communication on this project, I should like to revisit and clarify |comments period. Therefore I could not comment on the detail of this |

| | |process, timeframes, and issues raised thus far in this project. I |particular issue at this stage. |

| | |have documented these in the following table: |- I noted that there are a number of different Eskom Transmission |

| | | |projects underway at present, and that our team is only dealing with one |

| | |Project Cape Strengthening Programme: |of them. |

| | |10 Project Components: |- We briefly discussed my relationship with Eskom, and I confirmed that I|

| | |(Listed in the BID, “Announcement of Revised Programme” sent to you |am not an employee of Eskom, but an independent consultant appointed to |

| | |on 2 November 2000) |undertake the EIA for the Cape Strengthening Programme alone. I asked Dr |

| | |## |Baecker if he was concerned about our independence in this study and he |

| | |January 2000 |stated that he is not concerned about that. |

| | |Scoping Commences |- I stated that Dr Baecker would be notified of the issue of our Final |

| | |Key stakeholder and Authority interaction Initial meeting with key |Scoping Report document. |

| | |stakeholders & authorities to discuss project and process |- Should he then, or at any stage, wish to contact the EIA team he should|

| | |## |do so preferably via ACER as the first point of contact, but that he is |

| | |Fax received from Dr Baecker in response to one of the |also welcome to contact me directly. |

| | |advertisements requesting registration as an Interested Party – main| |

| | |interest soil pollution from creosoted poles in soil contact. This | |

| | |comment, the project team understood at the time, referred mainly to| |

| | |the 765 kV Transmission Line | |

| | |## | |

| | |21 February – 3 March 2000 | |

| | |Public engagement | |

| | |Public Open days | |

| | |Round of 11 Public Open Days in Study Area | |

| | |## | |

| | |November 2000 | |

| | |Eskom revises its strategy and makes the decisions as spelled out in| |

| | |the “Revised Programme” BID Public notification of Eskom’s revised | |

| | |strategy and EIA programme | |

| | | | |

| | |Invitation to stakeholders in areas relevant to four projects to | |

| | |comment on Draft Scoping Report Letter and BID sent to I&APs | |

| | |informing them of change of project configuration and revised | |

| | |programme A copy of this BID accompanied the I&AP letter sent to Dr | |

| | |Baecker in November 2000 | |

| | |## | |

| | |February 2001 | |

| | |Record of Decision | |

| | |Public comment included in Scoping Reports | |

| | |Four Scoping Reports submitted for Record of Decision | |

| | | | |

| | |In the process of receiving decisions on all projects | |

| | |## | |

| | |Consultants instructed to cease work on project once the Final | |

| | |Scoping Reports of four projects were handed to the Authorities. | |

| | | | |

| | |No further communication was considered necessary as the revised | |

| | |programme had been explained in the BID mentioned above. | |

| | |Furthermore, I&APs will be informed of the four Records of Decision | |

| | |once these become available for the relevant projects. | |

| | |## | |

| | |Cape Strengthening Programme: 765 kV Transmission 28 June 2001Line | |

| | |Scoping for 765 kV recommences | |

| | |Project announcement Letter and BID sent to I&APs explaining | |

| | |recommencement of EIA and inviting participation | |

| | |National, regional and local advertisements placed (the | |

| | |latter in study area) | |

| | |Letter and BID sent to Dr Baecker | |

| | |## | |

| | |18 July – 18 August 2001 | |

| | |Publication of Draft Scoping Report for Public comment | |

| | |Comment period | |

| | |Draft Scoping Report (For your convenience I refer you to pages 21 | |

| | |to 25 (of 63) where the technical aspects, construction, operation | |

| | |and decommissioning activities are described) | |

| | |- 20 July 2001 | |

| | |ACER receives from Dr Baecker a covering letter and various | |

| | |supporting documents | |

| | |- 7 August 2001 | |

| | |Telephonic discussion between Dr Baecker and Ms Bowler. Ms Bowler | |

| | |acknowledged receipt of Dr Baecker’s correspondence and stated that | |

| | |it had been handed to the Project Manager (a standard process with | |

| | |all IA&P issues received during Scoping) | |

| | |- 8 August 2001 | |

| | |Letter from Ms Bowler confirming telephonic discussion | |

| | |- 14 August 2001 | |

| | |E-mail from Dr Baecker to Ms Hattingh | |

| | |- 17 August 2001 | |

| | |Ms Bowler provided a response by e-mail to Dr Baecker’s e-mail | |

| | |## | |

| | |22 August 2001 | |

| | |Dr Baecker responded by e-mail | |

| | |## | |

| | |14 & 16 August 2001 | |

| | |Key stakeholder and Authority interaction | |

| | |Environmental Review Forum Workshops in study area | |

| | |Draft Scoping Report is discussed. Additional issues to be | |

| | |incorporated in Final Scoping Report. | |

| | | | |

| | |The Final Scoping Report will be used by the Specialists as a | |

| | |basis, for their Terms of Reference for their studies | |

| | |## | |

| | |September/October 2001 | |

| | |Final Scoping Report submitted for Public comment | |

| | |Comment period | |

| | |A draft Impact Table indicating issues, responses and proposed | |

| | |actions has been updated and will be submitted with the Final | |

| | |Scoping Report. This includes your issue regarding the use of | |

| | |creosoted poles. | |

| | |## | |

| | |October – December 2001 | |

| | |Impact Assessment Phase | |

| | |Draft Environmental Impact Report will be produced for public | |

| | |comment I&APs will be notified accordingly Dr Baecker will receive a| |

| | |letter notifying him of the availability of the Draft Environmental | |

| | |Impact Report for comment. | |

| | | | |

| | |In addition to the report submitted by you, we have on record the | |

| | |following articles/reports: | |

| | | | |

| | |-Time Magazine, 16 July 2001, Pages 44 & 45, “Toxic Playgrounds”. | |

| | |-SAWPA newsletter dated August 2001: “The safety of CCA Treated | |

| | |Timber”. | |

| | |-The scientific paper by Kenneth M. Brooks dated September 2000: | |

| | |“Assessment of Environmental Effects Associated With Wooden Bridges | |

| | |Preserved With Creosote, Pentachlorophenol, or Chromated Copper | |

| | |Arsenate.” | |

| | |-Websites visited: : | |

| | |> | |

| | |> http:// safety/reserch_list.html | |

| | | | |

| | |At no time has the issue you have raised, been treated with any less| |

| | |consideration than issues raised by other stakeholders. As indicated| |

| | |in the table above, issues and relevant literature that are raised | |

| | |by stakeholders during the Scoping Phase are automatically passed on| |

| | |to the Project Manager who evaluates the relevance of the material. | |

| | |Thus, “taken up” means: | |

| | | | |

| | |Recorded in the Comment & Response Document as an issue raised. | |

| | |Evaluated by the Project Manager as to its relevance to this | |

| | |project. | |

| | |A response is provided as to how this matter will be considered, if | |

| | |relevant to the project, i.e. does it require | |

| | |further investigation? Is it necessary to write the issue into the | |

| | |Environmental Management Plan? | |

| | | | |

| | |With regard to your reference to Acer’s involvement on the Indian | |

| | |Ocean Fertiliser Project, please note that Manyaka, Greyling & | |

| | |Meiring (MGM) were the consultants appointed to conduct the public | |

| | |participation process as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment| |

| | |undertaken by CWG. ACER, sub-contracted by MGM, was responsible for | |

| | |community consultation at “grass roots level”. By implication, | |

| | |consultation with stakeholders not classified as “grass roots level”| |

| | |would have been undertaken by MGM. Therefore, although I provide | |

| | |clarity on the matter, I remain unclear as to the relevance of the | |

| | |IOF project to this one. | |

| | | | |

| | |I sincerely hope that we can lay to rest issues related both to | |

| | |process, in terms of the project, and also as to how your specific | |

| | |issue will receive attention as part of the EIA. Also, a belated | |

| | |apology for the initial incorrect spelling of your name. | |

| | | | |

| | |Once again, please contact Stuart Dunsmore, PBAI (011-486 4730 or | |

| | |082 579 9149) or myself if you have any further questions. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours sincerely | |


| | |Public Involvement Programme Leader | |

| 26-Mar-02 |Draft EIR |Subject: Gamma-Omega - Draft EIR |Subject: Electronic copies of the 765 kV Transmission line EIR |

| |Correspondence |Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:33:04 +0200 | |

| | |From: "Albin Baecker" |Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:38:43 +0200 |

| | |To: "Suzette Hattingh" |From: Nadia Mol |

| | | |To: albin@biotrans- |

| | |Dear Ms. Hattingh |Dear Interested and Affected Party |

| | | | |

| | |Thanks for your E-mail of even date re the errors in the table of |Thank you for your recent e-mails requesting further information on the |

| | |venues at which the above is available for inspection. Is the report|draft EIR for the proposed Eskom 765 kV Transmission line between Gamma |

| | |not also available electronically? Is there not a website at which I|and Omega. A CD of this report is currently being fast-mailed to you. |

| | |can access it for my own perusal? Failing that, may I ask for a copy| |

| | |to be mailed to me? |Please contact Suzette Hattingh (ACER, Africa) should you have any |

| | | |further queries. Her contact details are as follows: |

| | |I apologise for any inconvenience, but as committed environmentalist| |

| | |I am gratified to say that at the age of 51 I have still never |Tel (035) 340 2715 |

| | |driven a vehicle with an internal combustion |Fax (035) 340 2232 |

| | |engine and I instead always use public transport when the occasion |E-mail: Suzette.Hattingh@acerafrica.co.za |

| | |demands, so in South Africa I cannot easily get to the venues listed| |

| | |in your table. |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol - PD Naidoo & Associates |

| | |Sincerely, | |

| | |Albin A W Baecker | |

Co/Org Botanical Society of SA

Name Maze, Kristal, Miss

Mail to Private Bag X10, Claremont, 7735

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 797 2284, 021 761 5983, 082 890 0188,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 14-Aug-01 |E-mail Received |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |Subject: Eskom 765 kV Transmission Line Scoping Phase |

| | |Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 17:03:23 +0200 |Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 23:23:26 +0200 |

| | |From: "Kristal Maze" |From: Karin Bowler |

| | |To: |To: Kristal Maze |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Karin Bowler |Good day Kristal |

| | | | |

| | |We are unable to send a representative of the Botanical |Thank you for taking the trouble to respond, and to forward |

| | |Society to your meeting in Ceres on 16 August 2001. Please keep us|the FCC guidelines. I have forwarded same to the Project Manager as |

| | |informed of the progress on this project. Attached you will find a |well as the Ecologist appointed to the project. |

| | |short summary of our role as I&AP's in landuse proposals. | |

| | | |Apologies for the delay in response, we are currently in the field |

| | |Kind regards |and e-mail opportunities are limited. |

| | |Kristal Maze | |

| | |+++ |Kindest regards |

| | |Since the promulgation of the Environmental Impact Assessment |Karin |

| | |regulations on 5 September 1997, the conservation staff and | |

| | |branches of the Botanical Society of South Africa have been |Subject: Karin Bowler - Cape Strengthening Programme |

| | |increasingly called upon to provide input and comment on a range of|Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:39:25 +0200 |

| | |landuse proposals. The Flora Conservation Committee of the Society |To: "Kristal Maze" |

| | |has decided to make known the nature of our involvement in the IEM |From: |

| | |process, as well as our guidelines on what should be covered in a | |

| | |botanical specialist’s assessment. |Dear Ms Maze |

| | | | |

| | |OUR ROLE AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY |Thank you for the documentation you sent yesterday. |

| | |The Botanical Society has indigenous flora conservation as its core| |

| | |interest in landuse proposals. As it is impossible for either staff|Regarding your request for the Botanical Specialist report, I have |

| | |or members to respond to all requests for input, the society has |forwarded this to the Project managers well as the FCC document. |

| | |adopted a general set of guidelines that it believes proponents and| |

| | |authorities need to consider. Where possible we make inputs as an |Kind regards |

| | |interested and affected party at both the scoping and EIA review |Suzette Hattingh |

| | |stages. The proponent and the appropriate authority are | |

| | |nevertheless ultimately responsible for adequately assessing flora | |

| | |conservation issues. It is not our general policy to get involved | |

| | |in management of areas or plant rescue activities, however, we can | |

| | |advise on these. | |


| | |In order to ensure that botanical assessments are of value to | |

| | |decision makers it is imperative that flora conservation concerns | |

| | |are professionally assessed in landuse proposals. The following set| |

| | |of guidelines is based on the principles for a National | |

| | |Environmental Policy, as outlined in Chapter 1 of the Draft | |

| | |National Environmental Management Bill (Government Gazette Notice | |

| | |1195 of 1998): | |

| | |Based on these principles we recommend that any appointed botanical| |

| | |specialist should:- be qualified in plant ecology and have proven | |

| | |knowledge and experience of the flora likely to occur on the | |

| | |affected site. | |

| | |- be independent of the proponent as required by EIA regulations | |

| | |(i.e. no financial or other interest in the proposal). | |

| | |- collect appropriate information on the flora from the proposed | |

| | |site, and in addition note aspects such as: | |

| | |- unique attributes or sensitive areas (e.g. threatened species, | |

| | |protected species, catchment areas, important links with other | |

| | |natural areas, wetland habitats, etc.). | |

| | |- condition of the site (e.g. past land use, veldt condition, | |

| | |degree of alien infestation, etc.). Please note that it is often | |

| | |incorrectly assumed that the presence of alien vegetation is | |

| | |sufficient reason to disregard any conservation value of a site. | |

| | |- assess the relative botanical importance of the site, and | |

| | |possible impacts of the proposal, which should be placed in a | |

| | |local, regional, national and global context. | |

| | |- where applicable, clearly spell out the conservation management | |

| | |requirements and mitigatory measures for the site. | |

|15-Aug-01 | |Subject: Cape Strengthening programme |Subject: Fw: CSP - Botanical Soc 2 |

| | |Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 11:54:47 +0200 |Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 23:30:57 +0200 |

| | |From: "Kristal Maze" |From: Karin Bowler |

| | |To: |To: Kristal Maze |

| | | |CC: suzette hattingh , Stuart|

| | |Dear Karin |Dunsmore , Nadia Mol , |

| | | |Doug Jeffery |

| | |Further to my email yesterday, I wish to enquire whether it is |Good day Kristal |

| | |possible for you to forward us a copy of the botanical specialist | |

| | |report once it is completed. Our input in this | |

| | |process would be based mainly on botanical grounds. |Thank you once again for your e-mail and your interest in this |

| | | |project. The Draft Scoping Report contains the findings of the |

| | |Regards |specialists during the Scoping Phase. Although the comment phase for|

| | |Kristal |the Draft Scoping Report Has lapsed, you may still wish to read |

| | | |through same for interest. |

| | | | |

| | | |I will enquire as to whether this report can be sent to you |

| | | |electronically of if it will be necessary to direct you to the Eskom |

| | | |website where the whole Draft Scoping Report is available. |

| | | | |

| | | |I will inform you within the next day or two. |

| | | |In terms of the Environmental Impact Report that will contain the |

| | | |complete specialist report for the Environmental Impact Assessment |

| | | |Phase, it is currently envisaged that this should be available |

| | | |towards the end of the year. You will also be informed of this by |

| | | |mail. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kindest regards. |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

Co/Org Institution of Nuclear

Name Longden-Thurgood, RM, Mr

Mail to 5 Nerina Street, Milnerton, 7441

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 552 6634, 021 552 6634, , mikethurgood@yebo.co.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Jul-01 |E-mail Received |Please let me know where the nearest copy of the draft |Subject: ESKOM 765 kV Transmission line - Website |

| | |scoping report for the Eskom omega project is available to be |Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 20:19:03 +0200 |

| | |read, relative to Milnerton, Cape Town. |From: Suzette Hattingh |

| | | |To: mikethurgood@yebo.co.za |

| | |Please note that the web site as given in the public notice |Dear Mr Longden-Thurgood |

| | |appears not to be available - my server is unable to access it. | |

| | | |Thank you for your interest shown in this project. Unfortunately the |

| | |Do you not have a list of the I&AP's who were involved in the |voluminous and technical nature of the Draft Scoping Report precludes us |

| | |meetings held at the Koeberg Visitors Centre about three years |from sending out electronic copies or additional hard copies. However, the |

| | |ago? |salient issues have been summarised into a Draft Impact Table, which we are |

| | | |in a position to forward electronically. |

| | |R M Longden-Thurgood | |

| | | |Should you wish to peruse the full Draft Scoping Report, we attach a list of|

| | | |the venues at which this Report is available. |

| | | | |

| | | |Eskom has informed us that technical difficulties are currently being |

| | | |experienced with the website. We apologise for the inconvenience and we |

| | | |sincerely hope that this will be sorted out in due course. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind Regards |

| | | |Suzette Hattingh |

| 24-Jul-01 |Telephonic Discussion | |- Represents the environmental interests of the members of the Institute of|

| | | |Nuclear Engineers. |

| | | |- Was involved in the consultation process, meetings and site visits for |

| | | |the proposed Omega sub station nearly four years ago. |

| | | |- Read the Draft Scoping Advert in the Sunday Times. Thought that the 765 |

| | | |kV was part of this project |

| | | |- Discussed the 765 kV project in broad terms. |

| | | |- Understands that the two projects are separate issues. |

| | | |- Will continue to try and access the Eskom website. If unsuccessful, will|

| | | |go to a public venue to peruse report. |

| | | |- He makes a point of reading the report cover to cover. - Is interested in |

| | | |attending the ERF. |

| | | |- ACER will forward an ERF invitation, Draft Impact tables and list |

| | | |of DSR viewing venues. |

| | | |- Non project related: What is current status of the Omega site? |

| | | |- KB reported back on discussion with J Geeringh: |

| | | |- EIA process has been completed. Eskom has purchased and rezoned the farm|

| | | |Groot Olifantshoek. Situated on the western side of the N7. Power lines |

| | | |already run through this farm. Farm is |

| | | |situated between the N7 and the lane of historic trees on the way to |

| | | |Malmesbury. |


Name August, Ianda, Ms

Mail to P O Box 1930, Kimberley, 8300

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 831 2537, 053 833 1435, , sahra-nc@

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 26-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Request electronic copy |Copy sent 09 April 2002. |

Name Hart, D, Mr

Mail to P O Box 4637, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 462 4502, 021 461 0738, , dhart@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 18-Jul-01 | | |Dear Mr Hart |

| | | | |



| | | | |

| | | |Increased demand in the Western Cape region for a reliable supply of |

| | | |electricity has necessitated that Eskom Transmission improves the |

| | | |reliability and capacity of the transmission network to the Western Cape. |

| | | |As part of a strategy to do this, Eskom Transmission has proposed to |

| | | |develop a 765kV transmission line between the proposed Gamma (Victoria |

| | | |West) and Omega substation (Koeberg) sites. |

| | | | |

| | | |PD Naidoo & Associates, PBA International and ACER (Africa) have been |

| | | |appointed by Eskom Transmission to undertake the environmental impact |

| | | |assessment (EIA) for the proposed 765kV Transmission line between the Gamma|

| | | |and Omega sites. |

| | | |The scoping phase of the EIA has commenced and a draft scoping report has |

| | | |been prepared. A summary of this draft report has been forwarded to your |

| | | |organization for your comment. It is proposed that two environmental review|

| | | |forum workshops will be held in the week 13th to 17th August 2001 to |

| | | |discuss the draft scoping report. An invitation has been forwarded to you |

| | | |in this regard. |

| | | | |

| | | |The EIA study was initiated in 1999 and after a period of some 12 months on|

| | | |hold is now being continued with the issue of the draft Scoping Report. At |

| | | |the same time we are updating our database of interested and affected |

| | | |parties (I&AP’s) particularly where new authorities, municipal demarcation |

| | | |areas, etc. have come into being. As a result, and given the location and |

| | | |extent of the proposed development, we would like to have the opportunity |

| | | |to discuss the project with you. There are a number of opportunities for |

| | | |this including; comment on the draft Scoping Report (see attached list of |

| | | |venues where this may be viewed), attendance at our Environmental Review |

| | | |Forums to which you will be specifically invited, or we would be happy to |

| | | |meet with you separately, preferably before or during the Environmental |

| | | |Review Forum meetings (13 to 17 August). |

| | | |As this is our first point of contact, we will be contacting you |

| | | |telephonically in this regard. However, your early thoughts on the matter |

| | | |would be appreciated. |

| | | | |

| | | |Should you have any additional information requirements or queries at this |

| | | |stage, please do not hesitate to contact either Stuart Dunsmore or Nadia |

| | | |Mol telephonically at (011) 486 4730 or (011) 482 2123 respectively. |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol |

| | | |PD Naidoo & Associates |

| | | |Cc Stuart Dunsmore PBA International |

| | | |Karin Bowler ACER (Africa) |

| 20-Jul-01 |Fax Received |Thank you for your letter of 16 July 01 and attached |Fax forwarded to PBA Int. & PDNA. |

| | |documentation. In terms of the National Heritage Resources Act | |

| | |(Act 25) of 1999, the heritage issues relating to the project |Telephonic discussion - Karin Bowler |

| | |must be addressed in the EIA to the satisfaction of SAHRA. | |

| | | |1. Mr Hart is pleased that we are making every effort to involve SAHRA. |

| | |Given the magnitude of this project, and the potential of such a|2. He is not sure if his diary will allow him to attend the ERF. |

| | |power line to severely negatively impact the heritage value of |3. Has acknowledged that he has received a letter from SJD & NM. |

| | |its surrounding area, it is requested that a recognised heritage|4. Has indicated that he would prefer a "one-on-one" discussion with |

| | |practitioner form part of the team dealing with the EIA. The |yourselves. |

| | |heritage issues picked up in your document will need expansion |5. Agreed to my request that he responds to the ERF invitation by |

| | |for the entire length of the proposed line, and involved issues |completing the response form provided, for record-keeping purposes. |

| | |ranging from archaeology, palaeontology, the built environment, | |

| | |the cultural landscape, visual impacts, sense of place, scenic | |

| | |routes as well as possible issues around cultural or spiritual | |

| | |association. | |

| | | | |

| | |It would be appreciated if a meeting could be set up in the near| |

| | |future to address the handling of the heritage component of this| |

| | |project. | |

| 20-Aug-01 | | |From: Nadia Mol |

| | | |Sent: 20 August, 2001 3:32 PM |

| | | |To: 'DHart@.za' |

| | | |Cc: 'stuartjd@icon.co.za' |

| | | |Subject: Meeting regarding the 765 kV transmission line |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Mr Hart |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for your response. My e-mail has been out of order for about a |

| | | |week and therefore I did not receive your message until today. |

| | | | |

| | | |Unfortunately we are already back in Johannesburg and are therefore unable |

| | | |to meet with you this week. We are in the process of finalising the scoping|

| | | |report (you should have received a summary report thereof) and will |

| | | |thereafter be drafting the terms of reference for the specialist |

| | | |investigations. |

| | | | |

| | | |Could you please confirm that you have received a summary of the draft |

| | | |scoping report? We have forwarded a summary electronically to Ms Kirsten |

| | | |van Tonder who I believe is also in the Western Cape office of SAHRA. We |

| | | |would appreciate it if you could review this and provide any comment on |

| | | |this document to us as soon as possible (by the end of this week). |

| | | | |

| | | |The primary sources of impact from an archaeological perspective are likely|

| | | |to be the pylons and access roads. Because the locations for the proposed |

| | | |pylons and access roads have not yet been determined, we are proposing that|

| | | |the archaeological investigation at this stage will entail a desk top study|

| | | |to identify areas that are sensitive and management recommendations. |

| | | |Following more detailed design, an archaeological specialist will be |

| | | |required to go into the field to survey the proposed locations for the |

| | | |pylons and access roads. The more detailed work will be undertaken |

| | | |following the completion of the EIA. |

| | | | |

| | | |We are happy to forward you a copy of the terms of reference for the |

| | | |archaeological study (for your comment). Please could you let us know if |

| | | |you require this and if you have any further information requirements at |

| | | |this stage. |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol |

Name van Tonder, Kirstin, Ms

Mail to P O Box 4637, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 462 4502, 021 462 4500, , kvantonder@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 02-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |Archaeological Phase 1 - will be needed. |Telephoned Ms van Tonder to check whether she will be attending the ERF |

| | | |Workshop and within commented (have not read the DSR at that time) the above.|

| | | |*** |

| | | |Forwarded the electronic Draft SR Summary copy for her records by post at her|

| | | |request and e-mail. |

| | | |*** |

| | | |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |

| | | |Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:37:13 +0200 |

| | | |From: Suzette Hattingh |

| | | |To: KvanTonder@.za |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Miss van Tonder |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for your comment submitted regarding the Archaeological phase one |

| | | |investigation. |

| | | | |

| | | |Your comments have been recorded and sent on to the Project Team, they are |

| | | |currently engaged in the Environmental Review Forum Workshop and will so in |

| | | |due course reply as soon as possible. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind Regards |

| | | |Suzette Hattingh |

| | | |*** |

| | | |15/08/01 |

| | | |Forwarded comments to Karin Bowler. |

| 22-Aug-01 |E-mail Received |From: Kirstin van Tonder |Subject: EIA for proposed Eskom 765 kV transmission line |

| | |[mailto:KvanTonder@.za] |Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:54:40 +0200 |

| | |Sent: 22 August, 2001 12:33 PM |From: Nadia Mol |

| | |To: Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za |To: "'KvanTonder@.za'" |

| | |Subject: Re: EIA for the proposed Eskom 765 kV |CC: Karin Bowler, Stuart Dunsmore, Suzette Hattingh |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Nadia |Dear Kirsten |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your response. It is quite in order for Mr Hart |Thank you for your comment on the need for an archaeological investigation. |

| | |to be the spokesperson for SAHRA: Western Cape in this respect.|Please could you clarify what a "phase one" investigation is. |

| | |The proposed work crosses the boundaries of the assistant | |

| | |regional managers in this office. |We have previously been involving Mr Hart from your offices. He was invited |

| | | |to attend the Environmental Review Forum Workshops that were held last week |

| | |Besides Mr Hart, who runs the office as well as his own region,|and has been communicating with me with regard to the project. He has also |

| | |there are three other people running a sub-region. Besides |received a summary of the draft scoping report. |

| | |myself there are Miss Joanna Marx and Miss Beverley Crouts - | |

| | |just for your information. Please communicate with Mr Hart and|Please could you indicate if you wish to be personally involved in this |

| | |ask him to copy info to us, as we all need to be kept up to |project or if further communication needs to be with Mr Hart as the |

| | |date with this proposal. I also saw his letter - unfortunately |representative for the Western Cape SAHRA office. Should |

| | |only once I had already sent off mine - and his letter puts our| |

| | |position very clearly. |you wish to be personally involved, we will add you to our public involvement|

| | | |database and forward project documentation to you in the future. |

| | |As far as the definition of a phase one archaeological | |

| | |investigation goes, I gladly attach a definition given to me by|I would appreciate it if you could come back to me regarding the definition |

| | |our previous archaeologist, Dr Janette Deacon. |of a "phase one" investigation and your involvement in the future. My contact|

| | | |details are as follows: |

| | |With best wishes |Tel (011) 482 2123 Fax (011) 482 4717 |

| | |Yours sincerely |Yours faithfully |

| | |Kirstin |Nadia Mol |

| 22-Aug-01 |E-mail Received |From: Kirstin van Tonder |Subject: Eskom CSP - Municipal details |

| | |[mailto:KvanTonder@.za] |Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 12:28:36 +0200 |

| | |Sent: 22 August, 2001 3:24 PM |From: Suzette Hattingh |

| | |To: Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za |To: KvanTonder@.za |

| | |Subject: EIA for Eskom line |CC: Karin Bowler, Nadia Mol, Stuart Dunsmore |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Nadia |Dear Kirstin |

| | | | |

| | |Would you kindly describe the area to me again which will |Herewith please find attached, detailed list of Municipal Offices as per our |

| | |be impacted upon/covered by the proposed Eskom line, as I |data base, for your information. |

| | |cannot find your original document. I need to decide to which | |

| | |municipal area-files to copy our correspondence. |I will fax you the Projects Background Information Document for your records. |

| | | | |

| | |Also please confirm whether your project is at all linked to |ACER (Africa) Environmental Management Consultants |

| | |the Eskom Cape Strengthening programme, documentation for which|Suzette Hattingh |

| | |I received from Suzette Hattingh (Tel 035-340-2715). | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you very much! | |

| | |With best wishes | |

| | |Yours sincerely | |

| | |Kirstin | |

| 23-Aug-01 | |From: Kirstin van Tonder |Subject: Municipal areas within which the 765 kV falls |

| | |[mailto:KvanTonder@.za] |Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:32:15 +0200 |

| | |Sent: 23 August, 2001 11:52 AM |From: Nadia Mol |

| | |To: Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za |To: "'KvanTonder@.za'" |

| | |Re: Municipal areas within which the 765 kV falls |CC: "Stuart Dunsmore (E-mail)" , |

| | |23 Aug 2001 |suzette.hattingh@acerafrica.co.za |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Nadia |Dear Kirstin |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your reply. Now things are falling nicely into |Thank you for your e-mail yesterday. |

| | |place and I trust we will see this project moving effectively | |

| | |from here on. It is great when all role players get to know |We are on the same team as Suzette Hattingh - she (ACER Africa) is one of the |

| | |who is who and what has to happen when! |public involvement consultants. |

| | | | |

| | |Looking forward to receiving the info from your colleagues, but|With regard to the municipal areas within which the project falls, Bongi |

| | |thanks, I do have a map showing the main towns from a document |Shinga will be forwarding you these details as we have them already (I hope |

| | |Suzette e-mailed me. |that this helps you). Bongi or Suzette will also be forwarding you a copy of |

| | | |the latest background information document which may also be of some help. |

| | |With best wishes | |

| | |Yours sincerely |You can also refer to the draft scoping report: a summary of which has been |

| | |Kirstin |forwarded to you and Mr Hart. There are, however, copies of the full report |

| | | |available in public places and on Eskom's website. Please let me know if you |

| | | |require further details in this regard. |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol |

| 03-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Comments |3 April 2002 |Forwarded by Fax to Karin Bowler. |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Karin | |

| | | | |

| | |ESKOM CSP – 765kV Transmission Line | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your letter of 20 March 2002 with respect to the | |

| | |above project. In terms of the National Heritage Resources Act | |

| | |(Act 25) of 1999, the heritage issues relating to the project | |

| | |must be addressed in the EIA to the satisfaction of SAHRA. | |

| | |Given the magnitude of this project, and the potential of such | |

| | |a powerline to severely negatively impact the heritage value of| |

| | |its surrounding area, it is requested that a recognised | |

| | |heritage practitioner form part of the team dealing with the | |

| | |EIA. The heritage issues that need to be addressed involve | |

| | |issues ranging from archaeology, palaeontology, the built | |

| | |environment, the cultural landscape, visual impacts, sense of | |

| | |place, scenic routes as well as possible issues around cultural| |

| | |or spiritual association. | |

| | | | |

| | |It would be appreciated if a meeting could be set up in the | |

| | |near future to address the handling of the heritage components | |

| | |of this project. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours sincerely | |

| | |pp K van Tonder | |

| | |Provincial Manager, Western Cape | |


Co/Org Beaufort Wes Munisipaliteit

Name van Staden, Roelof, Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X582, Beaufort-Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 415 2121, 023 415 2121 ext 244, 083 415 8461,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Name Welgemoed, DE, Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X582, Beaufort-Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 415 2121, 023 415 2121, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Blaauwberg Administration

Name Hollis-Turner, Trevor, Mr

Mail to P O Box 35, Milnerton, 7435

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 550 1091, 021 550 7517, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Boland Distrik Munisipaliteit

Name Cordier, A, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 91, Worcester, 6849

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 347 0945, 023 342 8766, 082 444 7424,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 27-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |Telcon with Mr Cordier. | |

| | |They have no further comments, will stand with what was given | |

| | |through at the ERF meeting. | |

Name Nieuwoudt, Ben, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 91, Worcester, 6849

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 347 0945, 023 342 8766, 083 454 3500,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Breede Vallei Munisipaliteit

Name Mercuur, Niel, Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X3046, Worcester, 6849

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 348 2800, 023 347 3671, 082 807 2112,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | |

Co/Org Cape Town Administration

Name Hyde, M J, Mr

Mail to P O Box 82, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 400 3158, 021 421 7697, , mhyde@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 27-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |File: 818 |Mr M J Hyde |

| | |Ref: 01/9913ltr Dev/mab |Interim Convenor: Electricity |

| | | |City of Cape Town |

| | |2001-08-24 |P O Box 82 |

| | | |Cape Town 8000 |

| | |Att: Karin Bowler |Tel : 021 400 3158 |

| | | |Fax: 021 421 7697 |

| | |Cape Strengthening Programme EIA Comment on Draft Scoping | |

| | |Report |29 August 2001 |

| | | | |

| | |With reference to your letter dated 2001-06-28 inviting comment |Dear Mr Hyde |

| | |on the merits and impacts of the proposed Gamma Omega 765 kV | |

| | |Transmission line, I would comment as follows. |Cape Strengthening Programme EIA - Comment on Draft Scoping Report |

| | | | |

| | |The interests of the City of Cape Town would be best served by |Your ref: File 818, 01/9913ltrDev/mab |

| | |developing the transmission system supplying | |

| | |the Cape Metropolitan area in a least cost manner so as to |Thank you for your comment received on 27 August 2001. Your response has |

| | |minimise the eventual impact on the cost of bulk supply to the |been captured on the database and your letter forwarded to the EIA Project |

| | |area. |Management Team for a response from Eskom and inclusion in the final |

| | | |Scoping Report. |

| | |The findings of the Feasibility Study on a 1 000 – 2 000 MW CCGT| |

| | |in the Cape Metropolitan area have been presented by Camala to |We will inform you in due course as to the availability of this report in |

| | |Eskom, the Dept of Minerals & Energy , and the National |the public domain. We appreciate your participation in this process. |

| | |Electricity Regulator. This study shows that there is | |

| | |significant merit in establishing a base load power station in |Kindest regards. |

| | |the Western Cape. The anticipated impact on the Eskom |Yours sincerely |

| | |transmission system would be to postpone the need for |KARIN BOWLER |

| | |constructing the 765 kV power line, to reduce the electrical |Public Involvement Programme Leader |

| | |losses incurred in transmitting power to the Western cape and to| |

| | |improve system stability. | |

| | | | |

| | |The study indicates that the present value of the avoided costs | |

| | |resulting from deferment of the transmission system investment | |

| | |and the reduction in electrical losses, taken over the 20 year | |

| | |study period, is estimated to be US$ 440 million with the CPP | |

| | |power station operating as a base load power station. The PV of | |

| | |the savings in deferred investment in the transmission system | |

| | |alone is in the range of US$ 242 million to US$ 290 million | |

| | |depending on the capacity of the power station. | |

| | | | |

| | |The case for the Cape Power Project is very strong and the | |

| | |project is accordingly being pursued actively. | |

| | | | |

| | |Reference is made in the draft scoping report to the proposed | |

| | |Cape Power Project as a strategic consideration. Phase 1 of the | |

| | |strengthening programme has to be completed by 2005. As the Cape| |

| | |Power Project would not be in place by then, there is no | |

| | |objection to this proceeding. However, I am strongly of the | |

| | |opinion that no further decision to invest in the 765 kV power | |

| | |line should be made untill very close attention has been given | |

| | |to the benefits that would accrue from the proposed CCGT power | |

| | |station. In considering such a decision equal weight should be | |

| | |given to the construction of a power station in the Western Cape| |

| | |as to strengthening of the transmission system. | |

| | |Yours faithfully | |

| | |Mr M J Hyde | |

| | |Interim Convenor: Electricity | |

| | |City of Cape Town | |

Co/Org City of Cape Town

Name Poolman, Adrian A, Mr

Mail to P O Box 82, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 671 3086, , 083 635 8890,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Jul-01 | |1 > Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the Draft |1 > Thank you for your interest, I will pass your request over to |

| | |Scoping Report ? At present we here at the City of Cape Town Control |Project Management, and will advise you as soon as I hear what |

| | |Centre (situated in Newlands) do not have access to the Internet so I|arrangements can be made. |

| | |am unable to download. | |

| | | |The Scoping Report [SR] may be too big to e-mail, and will be available|

| | |2 > Thank you for your prompt response to my request. I shall access |as of tomorrow, at the following venues: |

| | |the SR at the Civic Centre. |Cape Town Library, Cape Town Administration * Civic Center, 12 Hertzog |

| | | |Blvd, 8th Floor, and CMC Administration * 44 Wales St. |

| | | |Please advise if one of these is in your reach. |

Co/Org CMC Administration

Name Ebrahim, AG, Mr

Mail to P O Box 16548, Vlaeberg, 8018

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 487 2701, 021 487 2255, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Name Jackson, Joanne, Ms

Mail to P O Box 16548, Vlaeberg, 8018

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 487 2184, 021 487 2255, , jjackson@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 13-Jun-01 | |Subject: Contact details |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |

| | |Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:38:39 +0200 |Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:40:22 +0200 |

| | |From: "Joanne Jackson" |From: Suzette Hattingh |

| | |To: |To: Joanne Jackson |

| | | | |

| | |Hi Suzette, |Dear Mrs. Jackson |

| | | | |

| | |Details as promised: The switchboard number for the City of Cape|On behalf of the Project Team, I thank you for you valuable input. |

| | |Town is 021 - 400 1111. If you need address information, I'm | |

| | |sure they could direct you to an |Kind Regards |

| | |appropriate person to ask (if they can't help themselves.) |Suzette Hattingh |

| | | | |

| | |The Mayor (Cllr Peter Marais) | |

| | |City of Cape Town, Private Bag X9181, Cape Town, | |

| | |8000. | |

| | |Interim Manager : Planning and Environment (Mr David | |

| | |Daniels) 20th Flr, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Blvd, Foreshore , | |

| | |Cape Town , 8000. | |

| | |Executive Councillor : Planning and Environment (Cllr Brian | |

| | |Watkyns) Paul Sauer Building, 1 Adderley St, Cape Town, 8000. | |

| | | | |

| | |All Executive Councillors would have the same address. The | |

| | |Executive Councillor for Trading Services (which includes | |

| | |Electricity) is Cllr David Erleigh. | |

| | | | |

| | |The City Manager's address is the same as the Mayor's. | |

| | | | |

| | |Electricity Services address is Po Box 82, Cape Town, 8000. | |

| | | | |

| | |Neil Croucher is the Director. | |

| | | | |

| | |Hope this helps. | |

| | |Regards | |

| | |Joanne | |

|24-Aug-01 | |Subject: Fwd: Att : Suzette Hattingh |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |

| | |Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:40:37 +0200 |Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 04:32:19 +0200 |

| | |From: "Joanne Jackson" |From: Suzette Hattingh |

| | |To: |To: Joanne Jackson |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Suzette, |Dear Ms Jackson |

| | | | |

| | |As requested the posters advertising the Cape Strengthening |Thank you for your feedback. |

| | |Programme 765 kV Transmission Line draft Scoping Report were | |

| | |placed in the CMC Administration. |No, it will not be necessary for you to return the DSR viewing register if |

| | | |it is empty Regarding the I&AP registration, I find this all |

| | |No members of the public requested to review the report. The |in order. |

| | |register is hence empty - do you still wish that it be |Kind Regards |

| | |returned to you? |Suzette Hattingh |

| | |For future reference for other processes you may run, the CMC | |

| | |Administration's 44 Wale Street office, is generally one that the| |

| | |public does not visit - i.e. not an office at which the public | |

| | |would, for example, pay rates / electricity accounts etc. This | |

| | |may account for the fact that no persons requested the report. | |

| | | | |

| | |re. the IAPs forms that you requested to be returned by 24 August| |

| | |2001. Unless other people in our organization have returned them | |

| | |indicating they specifically do not wish to be on the IAP list, I| |

| | |suggest you continue to keep them on the IAP mailing list. | |

| | | | |

| | |Please contact me if you have any queries | |

| | | | |

| | |Regards | |

| | |Joanne | |

Name Weinronk, Eileen, Ms

Mail to P O Box 16548, Vlaeberg, 8018

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 487 2133, 021 487 2255, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 15-Aug-01 |Draft SR Correspondence |Request extension of comment date. |Subject: Eskom 765 kV Transmission Line - Draft Scoping Report |

| | | |Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 23:06:04 +0200 |

| | | |From: Karin Bowler |

| | | |To: eweinronk@.za |

| | | |CC: suzette.hattingh@acerafrica.co.za, Stuart Dunsmore |

| | | |, Nadia Mol |

| | | | |

| | | |Good evening Eileen |

| | | | |

| | | |We are currently in the field and have only today completed the Environmental|

| | | |Review Forum Workshops at which additional issues were raised. These will |

| | | |need to be incorporated into the Final Scoping Report over the next two |

| | | |weeks. As such, I do not foresee a problem in you providing additional |

| | | |comment by the end of next |

| | | |week. |

| | | | |

| | | |I would like you to confirm by return e-mail if you are comfortable with this|

| | | |arrangement. |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for participating in this project and for making the effort to |

| | | |comment. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind regards |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| 30-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |Ref:M17/9/71/1 | |

| | |Date:30 August 2001 |These issues were incorporated in the Addendum to the Draft Scoping Report. |

| | | | |

| | |Attention Karin Bowler | |

| | |Public Involvement Programme Team Leader | |

| | |Acer (Africa) | |

| | |PO Box 503 | |

| | |Mtunzini 3867 | |

| | | | |

| | |Fax 035 340 2232 | |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Ms Bowler | |

| | | | |


| | | | |

| | |We thank you for this opportunity to comment and for the | |

| | |extension to the review period that you have granted us. | |

| | | | |

| | |However, as discussed with you telephonically, these comments | |

| | |are preliminary technical comments from the City of Cape Town. | |

| | |It must be appreciated that a 30 day comment period is not | |

| | |adequate for this organization to prepare an informed and | |

| | |integrated comment on a proposal of this significance. Issues | |

| | |raised below could change with a more considered evaluation of | |

| | |the proposal as presented. This organization reserves the right| |

| | |to add to, subtract from, alter and review the issues raised and| |

| | |contained herein. | |

| | | | |

| | |A letter from this organization to DEAT regarding comment period| |

| | |on the proposed PBMR is attached for your information. | |

| | | | |

| | |The contribution from our CMC Administration Spatial Planning is| |

| | |attached as submitted. Some of the issues raised therein have | |

| | |been included in the comments below in our early attempts to | |

| | |integrate the comments received. | |

| | |Comment was also received from the Economic and Social | |

| | |Development Department CMC Administration as well as from the | |

| | |Blaauwberg Administration Spatial Planning and Environmental | |

| | |Management. These comments have been incorporated into the | |

| | |following comments. | |

| | | | |

| | |Comment on this proposal is restricted to the portion of | |

| | |the proposed power-line that falls within the boundaries | |

| | |of the City of Cape Town area. | |

| | | | |

| | |Anticipated issues relating to the proposed transmission | |

| | |line deal with both the conceptual approach to the EIA | |

| | |and role of the proposed transmission line as well as site | |

| | |specific environmental impacts. | |

| | | | |

| | |It is critical that the Western Cape has sufficient and | |

| | |diverse electricity supply,infrastructure and network to | |

| | |meet current and future demands that support the Western | |

| | |Capes competitiveness as a business location. Therefore, | |

| | |the costs of not ensuring this continued and improved | |

| | |supply must be considered in an evaluation of the impacts. | |

| | |In terms of the EIA authorization process, the | |

| | |anticipated impacts of the “no-go” option need to be | |

| | |assessed. While the “no-go” option is mentioned in the | |

| | |DSR, it gives a rather simplistic view of the anticipated | |

| | |impacts. It is recommended that these impacts are further | |

| | |defined so that these impacts can be evaluated against the | |

| | |anticipated impacts of the proposed line. | |

| | | | |

| | |The energy generation sector is being broadened to ensure scope for| |

| | |the generation of electricity by independent providers. While it | |

| | |is accepted that electricity generation it is not within the scope | |

| | |of this study, within the above mentioned framework and approach, | |

| | |it is critical to ensure that the proposed transmission line can | |

| | |receive and will purchase additional electricity requirements from | |

| | |local independent producers. This co-operative integrated and | |

| | |holistic approach to the proposed transmission line is essential to| |

| | |its acceptability and to the mitigation of anticipated impacts | |

| | |within the City of Cape Town area. | |

| | | | |

| | |The DSR does also give some indication of alternatives, ie: above | |

| | |ground or below ground transmission. Below ground transmission is | |

| | |summarily dismissed as too expensive. However, there might be | |

| | |areas where the visual impact of the line is too onerous and where | |

| | |the scenic beauty would be compromised beyond an acceptable | |

| | |situation. In these instances, it might be useful to have some | |

| | |alternative proposal. | |

| | | | |

| | |It is recommended that the below ground installation be retained as| |

| | |an option in special circumstances. | |

| | | | |

| | |In conclusion to the debate on alternatives, the transmission line | |

| | |is presented as a fait a compli and the DSR focuses its attention | |

| | |on mitigating measures in order to limit environmental impacts. | |

| | |The adequacy of this approach is questioned. It is recommended | |

| | |that the section on alternatives be further unpacked as described | |

| | |above. | |

| | | | |

| | |The draft Scoping Report clearly states that the proposed project | |

| | |will rely on additional capacity being “transported” on the network| |

| | |transmission line in order to ensure a more even and enhanced | |

| | |electricity supply to the Western Cape. According to the DSR, this| |

| | |additional | |

| | |supply is available from excess capacity being produced in | |

| | |Mpumalanga. | |

| | | | |

| | |This statement in the DSR is of concern as is it in direct | |

| | |contradiction with information contained in the DSR for the | |

| | |proposed PBMR, the motivation for which is the fact that the | |

| | |Mpumalanga power supply is inadequate to meet the electricity | |

| | |demand in the short to medium term. It is anticipated that a | |

| | |number of the major and larger power stations will need to be | |

| | |overhauled or closed down within the near future. If, in the | |

| | |light of this apparent contradiction, the additional capacity in | |

| | |Mpumalanga is only anticipated to be short term, the costs of | |

| | |this investment and its anticipated impacts cannot be justified. | |

| | | | |

| | |This contradiction in information arising out of the same | |

| | |organization is to be clarified and IAPs advised thereof. | |

| | | | |

| | |At this stage, it need to be noted that the generation | |

| | |electricity from renewables is consistent with PAWC’s White Paper| |

| | |on Economic Development. There are currently a number of | |

| | |electricity generation proposals currently being investigated in | |

| | |the Western Cape. Some of these proposals utilize renewable | |

| | |resources. It is recommended that every opportunity for the | |

| | |utilization and absorption of this additional local capacity be | |

| | |made and that this intention be stated clearly in the relevant | |

| | |and supporting documentation. | |

| | | | |

| | |The draft Scoping Report makes reference to previous EIA’s for | |

| | |the proposed sub stations undertaken prior to the implementation | |

| | |of the EIA regulations. This statement is misleading and unclear.| |

| | |It is anticipated that these EIA’s were done as part of in-house | |

| | |investigations and feasibility studies and have no authorization | |

| | |status. This statement needs to be confirmed and clarified and | |

| | |IAP need to be advised/informed. | |

| | | | |

| | |Visual impacts: | |

| | |It is noted that the site for the proposed Omega station is | |

| | |located at the southern gateway to the City of Cape Town on the | |

| | |N7, one of the significant scenic routes identified | |

| | |in the Scenic Drive Network Management Plan. This Plan must be | |

| | |utilised in the visual impact assessment. A complete and | |

| | |thorough visual impact assessment is required before this | |

| | |proposed site can be considered for support by this organization.| |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Extent of the Work proposed: | |

| | |There are concerns that the availability of increased supply will| |

| | |have a knock on effect and existing transmission lines into the | |

| | |city from the Omega site as well as the transmission line | |

| | |between Omega and Koeberg will be upgraded. The extent of work | |

| | |anticipated in the medium term needs be affirmed and the public | |

| | |and relevant authorities informed. Proper and complete | |

| | |description of proposed development is required. It is also a | |

| | |requirement of the EIA authorization application process that | |

| | |cumulative impacts be addressed. | |

| | | | |

| | |It appears as though the proposed site of the Omega Station is | |

| | |the same as one of the sites for the proposed Eskom Wind | |

| | |Electricity Generation project. This point needs to be clarified| |

| | |and if correct, included for public and authority information | |

| | | | |

| | |Botanical issues: | |

| | |It is noted that the botanical core area identified on Farm | |

| | |Schoongezicht is one of the 37 Core Flora Sites within the City | |

| | |of Cape Town. This information needs to be reflected in the | |

| | |documentation for public and authority information. | |

| | | | |

| | |It is proposed that The conservation of indigenous vegetation | |

| | |within the power line servitude area should be promoted. A fire | |

| | |management plan for this servitude should be developed. Recent | |

| | |experience in the City of Cape Town area has not been | |

| | |satisfactory. Therefore it is recommended that this plan should | |

| | |be reviewed by other relevant stakeholders which must include the| |

| | |Cape Flats Flora Core Conservation Sites Working Group and the | |

| | |Environmental Management Department of the | |

| | |Blaauwberg Administration. | |

| | |Other issues: | |

| | |It has been suggested that the following be submitted for | |

| | |Council’s consideration. The erection of the powerline structures| |

| | |will need to comply with any relevant legislation. A list of | |

| | |this legislation should be included in the DSR. | |

| | | | |

| | |Confirm that the West Coast Biosphere Reserve Management Board | |

| | |and local Ward Councillor has been contacted : | |

| | | | |

| | |The impact of the development on the existing road | |

| | |infra-structure. A more detailed review of new access points and| |

| | |roads required for the development are required for an informed | |

| | |comment in this regard. It is recommended that these | |

| | |requirements need to be reflected in the description of the | |

| | |proposed activity and of the affected environment | |

| | | | |

| | |A detailed Environmental Management Plan and Decommissioning plan| |

| | | | |

| | |We trust you find the above in order and look forward to your | |

| | |response | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours faithfully | |

| | |Eileen Weinronk | |

| 30-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |Late Comments arrive by fax 30 Aug 2001 |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme - comments on the Draft Scoping report |

| | | |Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 11:19:52 +0200 |

| | |Dated 3 Sept 2001 |From: Karin Bowler |

| | |Ref: 30/15/5/2 |To: Eileen Weinronk |

| | | |CC: suzette hattingh ,Stuart Dunsmore |

| | |For Acting Head : Spatial Planning Department |, Nadia Mol |

| | | | |

| | |Filed I&AP Draft Scoping Comment section. | |

| | | |Good day Eileen |

| | | | |

| | | |Apologies for not acknowledging your e-mail earlier - I have been without a |

| | | |landline in Pretoria. The comments have been faxed to the Project Management|

| | | |Team and we will be incorporating the final comments into the Final Scoping |

| | | |Report. |

| | | |I have as yet not been able to view the comments due to the landline problem,|

| | | |but will be communicating with the project team on Monday. |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for your participation in this project to date. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kindest regards. |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| | | |Copies forwarded to |

| | | |S Dunsmore - PBA Int |

| | | |N Moll - PDNA |

| | | |K Bowler - ACER (PTA - MBB) |

| 25-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme |Subject: Report back on CMC contact |

| | |Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 13:00:13 +0200 |Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:30:33 +0200 |

| | |From: |From: Nadia Mol |

| | |To: |To: , "Karin Bowler (E-mail)" |

| | |CC: , |karinbow@ |

| | | |CC |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your letter dated 15th March received today , 25th |Dear Suzette and Karin |

| | |March . | |

| | | |I have tried to contact Eileen (CMC) telephonically, but she is away until |

| | |In this correspondence you state that the EIA is available from |8th April 2002. Instead I spoke to her colleague, Suzette to let them know |

| | |the CMC administration. However, it is not clear which |that a copy of the report has been forwarded to Mr Tomalin (CMC) along with |

| | |department this has been forwarded to. I confirm that we have |an electronic version of the report. She stated that she will let Eileen know|

| | |not received this document and hereby request a full copy as soon|of this - but I will also e-mail Eileen to answer this |

| | |as possible. | |

| | |It is noted in your correspondence that the deadline for comment |query as well as her others. Will copy the e-mail to both of |

| | |in 19th April 2002. This period of time for a co-ordinated and |you. |

| | |integrated comment from ourselves is not adequate and we request | |

| | |an extention of time to at least 60 days for a technical comment |Regards |

| | |and additional 30 days for processing this comment through our |Nadia |

| | |political cycle. | |

| | | | |

| | |In August 2001 we commented on the draft scoping report. We note | |

| | |that we have not received confirmation of receipt of these | |

| | |comments, nor any notification of a record of decision regarding | |

| | |the scoping report and are hence perplexed that the EIA is | |

| | |already out for comment. | |

| | | | |

| | |Please respond to these queries and requests as soon as possible | |

| | |Many thanks | |

| | | | |

| | |Eileen Weinronk | |

| | |Review Co-ordinator | |

| | |Environmental Management Department | |

| | |Cape Metropolitan Council Administration | |

| | |City of Cape Town | |

| 15-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence | |Subject: Draft EIR 765 kV Transmission line |

| | | |Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:46:43 +0200 |

| | | |From: Sebola Shaka |

| | | |To: |

| | | |CC: , , |

| | | |, |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Eileen |

| | | | |

| | | |This serves as a record of the discussion that was held between Shaka Sebola |

| | | |and Eileen Weinronk on 10th April 2002 regarding the request for extension of|

| | | |the review period. |

| | | | |

| | | |* The Cape Metropolitan Council has requested that the |

| | | | |

| | | |current 30-day review period be extended to 60-days on the basis that they |

| | | |find it difficult to get hold of their Councillors who should ratify the |

| | | |comments that the council raise regarding the reports they normally review. |

| | | |* the CMC sought clarity as to how the concerns and comments raised are |

| | | |addressed following the closure of the comments period. |

| | | |* The CMC also feels that the 2-week period following the closure of the |

| | | |comments period and the submission of the final report to NDEAT may be |

| | | |inadequate to address issues raised. |

| | | |* The basis for this argument is that they forwarded comments during the |

| | | |review of the draft scoping report and never got a copy of the final scoping |

| | | |report to determine if the issues raised were addressed. |

| | | |* Additional electronic copies are not desired. |

| | | | |

| | | |In response to the above the following were highlighted: |

| | | |* extension of the review period cannot be granted on the basis that the |

| | | |Project team has made a commitment to the client to submit the final EIR on |

| | | |the 30th April 2002. |

| | | |* the reports that are issued to the public (serving as a record of the |

| | | |findings of the study, including discussion with interested and affected |

| | | |parties) are in draft form- implying that the IAPs are granted an opportunity|

| | | |to determine whether the issues they raised are correctly captured. Following|

| | | |the closure of the comments period the issues that have been raised are |

| | | |incorporated into the final reports and then submitted to the authorities. |

| | | |* regarding the adequacy of the incorporation period, is difficult to say |

| | | |whether the feeling is true because the nature of the issues that may be |

| | | |raised is unknown. The study team, however, believes that this is a |

| | | |sufficient period to address any issues- assuming that all major issues have |

| | | |been raised during the scoping phase and prior to the compilation of the |

| | | |draft EIR report. |

| | | |* The final scoping report was not made available for public comment and |

| | | |issues detailed on the draft scoping report were recorded in the draft EIR. |

| | | |* Additional electronic copies of the draft EIR can be forwarded to the CMC |

| | | |if required to speed up the comments period. |

| | | |regards |

| | | |Shaka Sebola |

| | | |For PD Naidoo & Associates |

| 17-Apr-02 |Draft EIR |Subject: Re: Draft EIR 765 kV Transmission line | |

| |Correspondence |Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 13:30:00 +0200 | |

| | |From: | |

| | |To: | |

| | |CC: , | |

| | |, , | |

| | |, | |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Sebola | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your email in which you confirm your understanding of| |

| | |our discussion. | |

| | | | |

| | |There are a number of issues contained therein that appear to have | |

| | |been misunderstood. Unfortunately I do not have the time at this | |

| | |stage to respond to each point therein. | |

| | | | |

| | |However, there is one issue in particular that requires urgent | |

| | |correction. | |

| | | | |

| | |The City of Cape Town is one legal entity and is governed by legal | |

| | |processes and delegations. These processes and delegations must be| |

| | |respected in the course of all our work including review. | |

| | | | |

| | |Thus the problem of submitting political comment within the given | |

| | |time period is not an issue of making contact with Councillors but | |

| | |rather with respect to Council's legal processes and delegations, | |

| | |supported by the approvals of relevant Heads. The request for | |

| | |comment from relevant sectors of the organization, review period, | |

| | |integration of comments received, responding to queries and | |

| | |concerns from relevant Heads and gaining their approval precedes | |

| | |processing of the comment through acknowledged legal processes of | |

| | |this Council. | |

| | | | |

| | |I trust that this clarifies for you our requirement of sufficient| |

| | |time to review and comment. | |

| | | | |

| | |Please note that the CMC (Cape Metropolitan Council) no longer | |

| | |exists. The correct name is the City of Cape Town (CCT). The | |

| | |CMC is now an Administration of the CCT and is referred to as the| |

| | |Cape Metropolitan Council Administration (CMCA) of the CCT. | |

| | | | |

| | |Issues regarding the incorporation and response to comments are | |

| | |unfortunately not particular to this application process and will| |

| | |be raised both in our comments on this process and with the | |

| | |authorizing agency at both a local and provincial level. | |

| | | | |

| | |The reason for not extending the deadline is inadequate - the | |

| | |agreement between the consultant and their client has no bearing | |

| | |on the issue raised by us regarding formal comment. This has a | |

| | |bearing on the adequacy of the process and is of concern to us. | |

| | |We trust that this clarifies our situation to some extent. | |

| | | | |

| | |As requested in our telephone discussion, please confirm that you| |

| | |will be able to receive comment up until 30th April as confirmed | |

| | |with Mr Tomalin and myself telephonically last week. | |

| | | | |

| | |Trust in order | |

| | |Regards | |

| | |Eileen Weinronk | |

| 17-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence | |Subject: RE: 765kV Gamma-Omega |

| | | |Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 12:45:38 +0200 |

| | | |From: "Karin Bowler" |

| | | |To: "Eileen Winlock" , "John Gearing"|

| | | | |

| | | |CC: "Carol Streaton" , "Ernest Grunewald" |

| | | |, , ,|

| | | |"suzette hattingh" |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear John & Eileen |

| | | | |

| | | |Thanks for sending this information through to me, I will ensure that same |

| | | |is recorded on the database. |

| | | | |

| | | |Eileen, to confirm, my e-mail to you earlier this week becomes irrelevant, |

| | | |thus not requiring direct response from you. However, should you still |

| | | |wish to comment on its contents, please feel free. |

| | | | |

| | | |I will also ensure that Suzette Hattingh effects the necessary changes on |

| | | |the database i.r.o CMC changing to Cape Metropolitan Council |

| | | |Administration, City of Cape Town. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind regards |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| | | |PBA International |

| | | |Cell: 082 809 7624 |

| | | |-----Original Message----- |

| | | |From: John Geeringh [mailto:John.Geeringh@eskom.co.za] |

| | | |Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:53 AM |

| | | |To: Eileen.Weinronk@.za] |

| | | |Cc: Carol Streaton; Ernest Grunewald; karinbow@; |

| | | |pbai@; Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za |

| | | |Subject: 765kV Gamma-Omega |

| | | | |

| | | |Hallo Eileen, thank you for your time on the phone this |

| | | |morning. This is just to confirm our discussion and hopefully |

| | | |address your concerns. |

| | | | |

| | | |We would like to thank you for meeting us halfway with the comments period |

| | | |and would like to stress that your final comments are welcome even after the |

| | | |date of 30 April 2002. We will submit the EIA report to DEAT and they |

| | | |normally take approximately 60 days to respond, therefore some time will |

| | | |still be available. They are also dependant on receiving in[put from the |

| | | |provincial authority from the Western Cape as well as the Northern Cape. Your|

| | | |comments and concerns will be forwarded to DEAT but I can assure you that we |

| | | |will respond to them directly to you. Our responses to your comments will |

| | | |also be forwarded to DEAT at the same time. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind regards and please say Hallo to Steven Granger for me. |

| | | | |

| | | |John |

| 17-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence | |From: stuart [mailto:stuartjd@icon.co.za] |

| | | |Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 1:47 PM |

| | | |To: Nadia Mol; Karin Bowler |

| | | |Subject: Fw: Draft EIR 765 kV Transmission line Importance: High |

| | | | |

| | | |Hi, After seeing this I'm even more keen that one of you please contact |

| | | |Eileen Weinronk to see that she is satisfied with things. I'd feel more |

| | | |comfortable that the queries raised by CMC are addressed with a bit more |

| | | |depth. As Karin's name is on the letter issued with the reports, I suggest |

| | | |she be the first to make contact (ASAP!). Any PIP issues can be dealt with at|

| | | |the same time. If there are any technical issues, then Nadia should take |

| | | |over. This will hopefully give CMC the level of attention they want at the |

| | | |moment. They will be an important commentator on our draft EIR and I'd rather|

| | | |they comment with a positive attitude. If they think we are being hardnosed |

| | | |about it all they will be more aggressive. |

| | | | |

| | | |Please let me know what transpires. |

| | | | |

| | | |thanks |

| | | |stuart |

| 02-May-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |From: Eileen Weinronk |1. |

| | |[mailto:Eileen.Weinronk@.za] |From: Nadia Mol [mailto:Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za] |

| | |Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 2:28 PM |Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:47 AM |

| | |To: Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za |To: 'Eileen.Weinronk@.za' |

| | |Cc: Keith Wiseman; karinbow@; stuartjd@icon.co.za |Cc: Stuart Dunsmore (E-mail); Karin Bowler (E-mail) |

| | |Subject: Re: Comment on the draft EIR for the Eskom 765kV |Subject: Comment on the draft EIR for the Eskom 765 kV Transmission line |

| | |Transmission line | |

| | | |Dear Eileen |

| | |Nadia hi | |

| | | |This is just a reminder that we are still waiting for comment from the CMCA |

| | |Thanks for your email and tel conversation |on the draft EIR for the proposed Eskom 765 kV Transmission line. The |

| | | |extended comments period closed on Tuesday 30th April 2002 and we are now |

| | |This confirms earlier email correspondence with your |required to finalise the draft report. Please could you forward any comments |

| | |organization that we will submit to you directly ASAP - but |that you may have on this document to us urgently. |

| | |not necessarily before 30th | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | |Also please note that this comment is from the City of Cape |Nadia Mol (PD Naidoo & Associates) |

| | |Town and not CMCA. | |

| | | |2. |

| | |trust of value |From: Nadia Mol [mailto:Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za] |

| | |Eileen |Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:33 AM |

| | | |To: Stuart Dunsmore (E-mail); Karin Bowler (E-mail); John Geeringh (E-mail) |

| | | |Cc: 'Eileen.Weinronk@.za' |

| | | |Subject: Comment on draft EIR |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Stuart, Karin and John |

| | | | |

| | | |I have just chatted to Eileen and she has mentioned that she has circulated |

| | | |the draft EIR to the necessary internal departments and to date has only |

| | | |received one comment back. She is thus anticipating that she will only be |

| | | |able to get the CMCA's comments through to us in a weeks time. |

| | | | |

| | | |She is aware of our previous submission date and I stated that we would |

| | | |prefer to include the CMCA's comments in our addendum report rather than |

| | | |forward these individually to DEA&T following submission. |

| | | | |

| | | |Regards |

| | | |Nadia |

Co/Org Drakenstein Municipality

Name Carstens, J, Mr

Mail to P O Box 1, Paarl, 7622

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 807 4500, 021 872 8054, , ceo@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Name Knaggs, Jimmy, Mr

Mail to P O Box 12, Paarl, 7622

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 807 4707, 021 872 8054, , jimmy@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 11-Aug-01 |E-mail Received |I will be attending the Ceres (ERF) meeting but need some |Thank you for your interest shown in this project. Unfortunately the |

| | |background Information, especially a proposed route map. |voluminous and technical nature of the Draft Scoping Report precludes us from|

| | | |sending out electronic copies or additional hard copies. However, the salient|

| | | |issues have been summarised into a Draft Impact Table which we are in a |

| | | |position to forward electronically. |

| | | | |

| | | |Should you wish to peruse the full Draft Scoping Report, with has a detailed |

| | | |1 : 250 000 Map included depicting the proposed route & corridor. (I attach a|

| | | |list of the venues at which this Report is available.) |

| 17-Aug-01 | |> From: Jimmy Knaggs |Subject: Re: ESKOM route |

| | |> To: |Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 09:35:19 +0200 |

| | |> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 10:36 AM |From: IMAGIS |

| | |> Subject: ESKOM route |To: Jimmy Knaggs |

| | |> ** Reply Requested by 8/20/2001 (Monday) ** |CC: Nadia Mol, "PBAI (network)", Suzette Hattingh, Karin Bowler |

| | | | |

| | |> Hi |Good Morning Jimmy |

| | | | |

| | |> Just to remind you about the electronic info for the route for|Following my message to you earlier this morning, it appears as though I have|

| | |the new 765kV line. We need at least the section from Tulbagh to|bypassed standard protocol in my frustration with MWEB's sloppy service. |

| | |the Berg River. |There are particular requirements regarding the recording of all |

| | |> It would be useful if it was in WGS 84 and a Shape file. |communications in a public participation process that need to be addressed. |

| | |Please include the existing 400kV line route if possible. | |

| | |> |The deadline for comments from the stakeholder workshops is 24 August 2001. |

| | |> Regards |This deadline needs to be met as the independent consulting team has to |

| | |> Jimmy |collate all stakeholder issues shortly thereafter for the final draft scoping|

| | | |report. Please note, however, that this is by no means the last opportunity |

| | | |that your organisation will have to make comment as this project will go into|

| | | |the next phase where stakeholders will again play an important role. As you |

| | | |will see above, this message has been copied to both the project managers and|

| | | |the public participation coordinators. Should the Drakenstein Municipality |

| | | |identify any potential conflicts with the proposed alignment of the 765kV |

| | | |line and their current and proposed planning initiatives, please would you be|

| | | |so kind as to forward these issues to Karin Bowler at the email address |

| | | |provided above. Karin will ensure that any issues are discussed with |

| | | |yourself and appropriately collated into the scoping report. As discussed |

| | | |with yourself at the workshop in Ceres on Thursday last week, I appreciate |

| | | |that the current planning initiative of the Interim Integrated Development |

| | | |Plans (IDPs) is embryonic at this stage. I sincerely hope that the digital |

| | | |data provided to you may facilitate the identification of any potential |

| | | |conflicts observable in previous planning exercises undertaken by the |

| | | |Municipality. Be assured, however, that your organisation will have the |

| | | |opportunity to make further input to this process once you have had the time |

| | | |to firm up on your IDP. I have been involved in many IDPs around the country|

| | | |and fully appreciate your frustration with the current status of interim |

| | | |planning that the newly demarcated Municipalities have been thrown in to. If|

| | | |there is any way that I could be of assistance to you or your organisation, |

| | | |please do not hesitate to call. |

| | | | |

| | | |Once again, on behalf of the team, thank you for your very valuable input to |

| | | |the Ceres workshop. We look forward to future collaboration. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind regards |

| | | |Chris Whyte |

| | | |PS - I have also attached the existing power network as you requested to |

| | | |assist in orientation. |

| | | | |

| | | |----- Original Message ----- |

| | | |From: IMAGIS |

| | | |To: Jimmy Knaggs |

| | | |Cc: PBAI (network) |

| | | |Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 7:48 AM |

| | | |Subject: Re: ESKOM route |

| | | | |

| | | |> Morning Jimmy |

| | | | |

| | | |> Sorry about not replying yesterday, but it appears as though MWEB, my |

| | | |service provider, is currently undergoing upgrades and shut down the server |

| | | |from about 12pm yesterday. As you can imagine, this caused havoc with my |

| | | |plans yesterday. |

| | | |>> Herewith the proposed line you saw at the workshop, plus the two |

| | | |alternative routes identified at the workshop. These files are in shapefile |

| | | |format in the Clarke 1880 ellipsoid - your guys can project these directly |

| | | |into their system. Call me if you need any help |

| | | |>. Thanks for all your input to the workshop. If you see any red flags |

| | | |regarding these line alignments and your current planning, please let the |

| | | |team know ASAP. Thanks again |

| | | |> |

| | | |> Kind regards |

| | | |> Chris |

Co/Org Karoo Hoogland

Name van Sittert, Aletta, Mev

Mail to Posbus 24, Sutherland, 6920

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 571 1020, 023 571 1089, 082 460 4317,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Laingsburg Munisipaliteit

Name Visser, Fanie (SA), Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X4, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1019, 023 551 1019, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 06-Jul-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Mr Visser were interested to know where the line where going |Invited Mr Visser to the Laingsburg Farmers' Assoc. meeting. |

| | |to run. | |

| | | |Received route details from Koos van der Merwe (Eskom), and in a returned |

| | | |call explained to Mr Visser that the proposed line will be from Victoria West|

| | | |to Beaufort West following the current line and up to Komsberg near |

| | | |Sutherland close to the Capacitor Substation and from there to Ceres with a |

| | | |five meter flexibility. |

| | | |Mr Visser was satisfied with information given |

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Swartland Munisipaliteit

Name Janse van Rensburg, C, Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X52, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2996, 022 482 2935, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Tulbagh Munisipale Kantoor

Name Bezuidenhout, Gert, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 3, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 1020, 023 230 1250, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Ubuntu Munisipaliteit

Name Nothnagel, Emil, Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X329, Victoria-Wes, 7070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 621 0026, 053 621 0368, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Witzenberg Munisipaliteit

Name Schuurman, JW, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 44, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 316 1854, 023 316 1877, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Witzenberg Munisipaliteit

Name Swanepoel, Johan, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 44, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3545, 023 313 3688, 083 457 2375,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 22-Apr-00 | |Draft EIR Comments 19 April 2002 |These comments have been incorportated in the Addendum to the Draft EIR. |

| | |Ref: 16/3/4 | |

| | | | |

| | |Gamma-Omega 765 kV Transmissielyn: Omgewings Impak Studie - Beswaar:| |

| | |Witzenberg Munisipaliteit | |

| | | | |

| | |Hiermee kommentaar en beswaar op Konsep Omgewings Impak verslag | |

| | |gedateer Maart 2002. | |

| | | | |

| | |Daar word kennis geneem van die verskillende opsies van roetes wat | |

| | |in die verslag voorgele word. Hierdie munisipaliteit het reeds in | |

| | |die vorige skrywe beswaar gemaak teen die voorgestelde roete, | |

| | |“Alternate Central Route” & “Preferred Alignment”. Daar word | |

| | |volstaan by die vorige kommentaar en besware van hierdie | |

| | |munisipaliteit soos vervat in raadsbesluit 10.7 van 26 September | |

| | |2001. | |

| | | | |

| | |Die volgende verdere kommentaar en beswaar op die nuwe “Preferred | |

| | |Alignment” soos vervat in die dokument:- Dit word gemerk dat die | |

| | |roete suid van Gydopas en dan deur munisipale meentgronde beweeg. | |

| | |Ingevolge die plaaslike Struktuurplan is hierdie gronde geoogmerk | |

| | |vir toekomstige nywerheids, behuising en natuur area. Die | |

| | |Transmissielyn met gepaardgaande serwituut sal hierdie areas | |

| | |tragmenteer wat toekomstige onwikkeling sal ontwrig en kostes soos | |

| | |byvoorbeeld van infrastruktuur sal verhoog. | |

| | | | |

| | |- Dit word ook gemerk dat die roete oor Hugo’s Berg in ‘n westelike | |

| | |rigting beweeg. Dit word genoem dat aan die westekant van Hugo’s | |

| | |Berg nog ‘n bergreeks loop bekend as die Skurweberg alvorens die lyn| |

| | |in die Witzenberg Vallei in beweeg. | |

| | |Twee redelike hoe bergreekse moet derhalwe gekruis word tussen | |

| | |Prince Alfred’s Hamlet en die Agter-Witzenberg Vallei wat | |

| | |onprakties en nie koste-effektief is. | |

| | | | |

| | |Met bogenoemde ingedagte asook vorige besware in ag geneem volstaan| |

| | |hierdie munisipaliteit by sy vorige aanbeveling van ‘n roete, | |

| | |naamlik langs die bestaande 400 kV lyne, of soos in die konsep | |

| | |genoem, die “Alternative Southern Route” | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons dank u vir die geleentheid om kommentaar te lewer en glo dat | |

| | |die besware en aanbevelings ter harte geneem sal word. | |

| | | | |

| | |Die uwe | |

| | |JH Swanepoel | |


| 23-Aug-01 | | |Subject: Summary report and issues table for 765 kV |

| | | |Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:21:21 +0200 |

| | | |From: Nadia Mol |

| | | |To: pahamlet@.za |

| | | |CC: Stuart Dunsmore, Karin Bowler, Suzette Hattingh |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Mr Swanepoel |

| | | | |

| | | |Please find the attached summary document including the issues table that|

| | | |you requested at the Environmental Review Forum workshop in Ceres. We |

| | | |would appreciate your comment on this document by the end of this week if|

| | | |possible). |

| | | | |

| | | |Please contact me telephonically at (011) 482 2123, by fax at |

| | | |(011) 482 4717 or by e-mail: nadia.mol@pdna.co.za, should you have any |

| | | |queries. |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol |

| 29-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |Subject: Comments on Draft Scoping Report: Eskom Cape |Subject: Comments on Draft Scoping Report |

| | |Strengthening Programme: Objection/Comments Witzenberg |Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 09:01:42 +0200 |

| | |Municipality |From: Karin Bowler |

| | |Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 16:49:23 +0200 |To: pahamlet@.za |

| | |From: "pahamlet" |CC: suzette hattingh , Stuart Dunsmore |

| | |To: |,Nadia Mol |

| | |CC: "Dana Du Plessis" | |

| | | |Dear Johan |

| | |Suzette Hattingh / Karin Bowler | |

| | | |Thank you for your comments received on 29 August 2001. |

| | |The Draft Scoping Report dated July 2001 as well as discussions | |

| | |at a workshop held on 16 August 2001 at Ceres regarding above |I have forwarded your comments to Stuart Dunsmore and Nadia Mol to ensure |

| | |mentioned, refers. |that all the issues are captured in the Final Scoping Report. Your letter|

| | | |serves to confirm many issues that were raised during our discussions |

| | |The issue was discussed at a meeting of the Development and |around the maps during the second session. |

| | |Planning Committee, Witzenberg Municipal Council, on 21 August | |

| | |2001. It was decided to raise an objection against the proposed |The Witzenberg Municipality will indeed be receiving a copy of the Final |

| | |route selected. The reasons are as follows: |Scoping Report. However, it is normally requested that this be made |

| | |- The route crosses the slopes of the Waboomsberg in the Ceres |available to the public for viewing, does this create a problem for you |

| | |valley which are habitat to the Geometric Tortoise (PSAMMOBATES |and would it be necessary to arrange for an additional copy? |

| | |GEOMETRICUS). It is the only South African land tortoise that | |

| | |appears on the International Red Datalist. This type of tortoise |May I also take this opportunity to thank you for attending the ERF |

| | |are very specific regarding it's habitat and are not found in any|meeting at Ceres. The contribution made by key stakeholders proved |

| | |other type of habitat. |valuable. |

| | |- The route crosses the upper slopes of Gydo Pass, Agter | |

| | |Witzenberg Pass, Witzenberg Valley as well as the Breede River |Kindest regards |

| | |Valley, 1km south of Tulbagh. On this route the line will have a |Karin Bowler |

| | |huge visual impact against the surrounding rural and natural | |

| | |areas. Ceres is well known for its natural beauty and the line | |

| | |along this route will not only have a negative impact on tourism | |

| | |but will also create a loss of place for the local inhabitants. | |

| | |Tourism is regarded as a strong upcoming industry and the region | |

| | |is in the beginning phases of exploiting this market. Snowfalls | |

| | |attracts tourists by the thousands each year and the area just | |

| | |above Gydo Pass is a favorite visiting place. The proposed line | |

| | |crosses Tulbagh just a kilometer to the south, the town is well | |

| | |known as a tourist attraction with a historical background and | |

| | |buildings. | |

| | |It is proposed that the new line follow the existing routes of the| |

| | |two 400 kV lines crossing the Witzenberg Municipal area as the | |

| | |existing lines already creates a visual impact. | |

| | | | |

| | |Please send us a copy of the final draft when finished. For more | |

| | |information you can contact Johan Swanepoel at Witzenberg | |

| | |Municipality. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours truly | |

| | |Johan Swanepoel | |

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org Wolseley Administrasie

Name Strydom, A, Mnr

Mail to Privaatsak X4, Wolseley, 6830

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 231 1021, 023 231 1361, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 29-Oct-01 |1:250 000 MAP | | |

Co/Org WPK

Name Walters, A, Mnr

Mail to van der Stell Str 195, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 1076 /7, 023 230 0942, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 06-Jan-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Questioned the information requested on the Registration form. |Made arrangements to delivering 1: 25 000 MAP to him. He decided to rather |

| | | |look at this to see where the line will run to forward us landowner names. |


Co/Org Dept of Mineral & Energy

Name Agenbagh, GA, Mr

Mail to Private Bag X9, Roggebaai, 8012

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 419 6105, 021 419 6260, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 23-Apr-00 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Request map of route for the Western Cape. |Phoned Karin Bowler, sent details for fastmail through to Pbai. |

Co/Org Ministry of Agriculture,

Name van Rensburg, HG, Mr

Mail to Private Bag X9179, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 483 4700, 021 483 3890, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 01-Nov-01 | |Dear Ms Bowler | |

| | | | |

| | |CSP: Integrated Env Mngmnt Legislation - ROD | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your letter dated 1 October with regards to | |

| | |the Records of Decision. | |

| | | | |

| | |We are satisfied with the mentioned process, and do not have any| |

| | |queries. | |

| | |Kind regards | |

| | |HG van Rensburg | |

Co/Org Ministry of Health

Name Meyer, P, Mr

Mail to P O Box 2060, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 483 2171, 021 483 2217, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 27-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |27 March 2002 | |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Ms Bowler | |

| | | | |

| | |The CSP 765 kV Transmission line: draft EIR | |

| | | | |

| | |By direction of Mr P Meyer, MPP, Minister of Health, I | |

| | |acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20 March 2002. | |

| | | | |

| | |Kindly note that the above mentioned documentation has been | |

| | |referred to Mr Malatsi, Minister of Environmental Affairs & | |

| | |Development Planning, for his attention and finalisation. | |

| | | | |

| | |Kind regards | |

| | |Herman van der Westhuizen | |


Co/Org Dept of Land Affairs

Name Smit, David, Mr

Mail to Private Bag X5007, Kimberley, 8300

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 831 4090, 053 831 4095, 082 822 5102,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 26-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Request hard copy |Subject: RE: 765 draft EIR |

| | | |Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:18:29 +0200 |

| | | |From: "Karin Bowler" |

| | | |To: |

| | | |CC: "Nadia Mol" |

| | | | |

| | | |I spoke to David Smit this morning: |

| | | | |

| | | |He understood that the copies are too expensive to reproduce. He was happy |

| | | |with the suggestion that he contacts Mr Edwin Segole at the Northern Cape |

| | | |Dept of Agric, Nature Conserv, Land Reform & Env to have access to their hard|

| | | |copy. I also suggested that he tries to establish if this dept has |

| | | |electronic facilities available so that he may access the CD version. |

| | | | |

| | | |Regards |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

Co/Org Minister of Environmental

Name Malatsi, DM, Mr

Mail to P O Box 15653, Vlaeberg, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 483 3915, 021 483 6081, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 09-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |09 April 2002 | |

| | | | |

| | |CSP Gamma-Omega 765 kV Transmission Line | |

| | | | |

| | |By direction of Mr DM Malatsi, Minister of Environmental Affairs | |

| | |and Development Planning, I acknowledge receipt of your letter | |

| | |dated 20 March 2002, the contents of which have been noted. | |

| | | | |

| | |The matter is receiving attention. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours faithfully | |

| | |Mariaan Meyer | |

| | |Appointed Secretary | |

Co/Org National Electricity

Name Ellman, MJ, Dr

Mail to P O Box 785080, Sandton, 2146

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 011 884 0118, 011 884 4355, , michaele@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 24-Oct-00 | |The NER has not been informed about this proposed 765kV project | |

| | |from Bloemfontein to Cape Town (announced earlier this year) | |

| | |which has major implications for the South African transmission | |

| | |network. These are projects which could impact on Eskom | |

| | |Transmission’s bottom line and the NER would need to decide | |

| | |whether this project is in the interest of the ESI – before it is| |

| | |implemented! | |

| | | | |

| | |Did you also handle the EIA for this project? I would appreciate | |

| | |it if you could send me a comprehensive and detailed information | |

| | |pack on the EIA as soon as possible, preferably by fax or e-mail.| |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Dr Ellman | |

| 04-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence | |Subject: Electronic copies of the 765 kV Transmission line EIR |

| | | |Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:38:43 +0200 |

| | | |From: Nadia Mol |

| | | |To: michaele@.za |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Interested and Affected Party |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for your recent e-mails requesting further information on the |

| | | |draft EIR for the proposed Eskom 765 kV Transmission line between Gamma and|

| | | |Omega. A CD of this report is currently being fast-mailed to you. |

| | | | |

| | | |Please contact Suzette Hattingh (ACER, Africa) should you have any further |

| | | |queries. Her contact details are as follows: |

| | | |Tel (035) 340 2715 |

| | | |Fax (035) 340 2232 |

| | | |E-mail: Suzette.Hattingh@acerafrica.co.za |

| | | | |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol - PD Naidoo & Associates |

Co/Org Office of the Premier

Name , ,

Mail to Private Bag X20538, Bloemfontein, 9300

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 051 405 5799, 051 405 4803, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 27-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Office of the Premier | |

| | |Free State Office – Bloemfontein. | |

| | |27 March 2002 | |

| | | | |

| | |Acknowledgement of receipt of letter: The CSP 765 kV Transmission| |

| | |line: draft EIR | |

| | | | |

| | |We hereby wish to acknowledge with appreciation receipt of your | |

| | |correspondence dated 15 March 2002, with regards to the above | |

| | |mentioned subject, the contents of which have been noted. | |

| | | | |

| | |Please be informed that your correspondence has been referred to | |

| | |the MEC, entrusted with Environmental, Tourism & Economic | |

| | |Affairs, Ms TS Balot, for his attention. | |

| | | | |

| | |However we suggest that you make follow up with his office at | |

| | |this number 051 403 3728. | |

| | | | |

| | |We hope you find the above in order. | |

| | | | |

| | |With kindest regards | |

| | |Thabo Masukela Administrative Secretary to the Premier | |

Co/Org Western Cape Nature

Name Gerber, Gerhard, Mnr

Mail to Private Bag 5014, Stellenbosch, 7800

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 889 1560, 021 889 1523, , gerberg@cncjnk..za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 20-Aug-01 |Fax Received |Ref: JNO17/8/3 Cape Strengthening Programme |Subject: Eskom Cape Strengthening Programme - 765 kV Transmission Line |

| | | |Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 15:11:25 +0200 |

| | |20 August 2001 |From: Karin Bowler |

| | | |To: gerberg@cncjnk..za |

| | |Att: Karin Bowler |CC: Stuart Dunsmore , Nadia Mol |

| | | |, suzette hattingh |

| | |The Cape Strengthening Programme: Gamma – Omega 765 kV | |

| | |transmission Line Environmental impact Assessment: Scoping Phase | |

| | |Continuation |Good day Dr/Mr Gerber |

| | | | |

| | |Your Ref No.: ECSL3.01 |Thank you for your fax of 20 August 2001. Apologies for the delay in |

| | |In response to you letter to Dr Kas Hamman dated 28 June 2001. |response. I have tried today to contact you by telephone 14: 29pm, 29 |

| | |PRIMARY I&AP |August 2001, unfortunately there was no reply. |

| | |With the establishment of the Western Cape Nature Conservation | |

| | |Board on 1 April 2000, the Board came to separate entity from the|This e-mail serves to acknowledge your letter and to respond to the |

| | |Department of Environmental & Cultural Affairs and Sports |following: |

| | |(DECAS). Whereas in the past members of Cape Nature conservation | |

| | |used to assist the Environmental Impact Management Unit of the |1. Thank you for emphasising the role of the Cape Nature Conservation |

| | |Department with development application evaluation and |Board. |

| | |authorisation, the Board will no longer be an authorising body, |2. Although this is considered by DEA&T to be a national project, We have |

| | |but rather one of the primary interested and affected parties |since the start of this project with Paul Hardcastle (now, as you know, |

| | |that will have to be consulted during the Scoping Process of the |with DECAS) and have sought his advice on various issues. |

| | |IEM procedure. |3. We would like to amend our database according to your request, I would |

| | | |however like you to confirm whether we should DELETE or MAINTAIN the |

| | |Herewith then the Board would like to request that it is |following individuals: |

| | |registered as an I&AP for the CSP. |a. Dr Hamman |

| | | |b. Mr F P Viljoen |


| | |With a number of different employees of the Board |d. Mr D Laidler |

| | | |e. Mr H Stadler |

| | |Having received the I&AP registration form, it would be best that|4. Mr van Deventer was invited to attend the Environmental Review Forum |

| | |all correspondence is routed through Scientific Services. We will|workshop held on 16 August 2001 in Ceres at which the summary of the Draft |

| | |then consult with Operational Services and co-ordinate the Boards|Scoping Report was discussed. Unfortunately he was unable to attend. |

| | |Input. |However he received a copy of the Draft Impact Table which summarizes all |

| | | |the issues identified during the Scoping Phase. |

| | |Being a primary I&AP, we also request our own copy of the Draft |5. Although the comment period has closed for the Draft Scoping Period, |

| | |Scoping report (and other documentation). |copies of the report are available at the Cape Library and the |

| | | |Bloubergstrand Library (we have requested that the librarians catalogue the |

| | |Gerhard Gerber |report), and from the Eskom Website: eskom.co.za/story/omega.htm. |

| | |The Manager: Scientific services |6. If you are comfortable with this, approach, I would suggest that you |

| | | |respond to the Final Scoping Report that will be available during September |

| | | |(dates to be confirmed). It will also be available for public viewing at |

| | | |selected libraries and municipal offices and the Project Team would welcome |

| | | |your comment. Although none of the other key stakeholders (apart from the |

| | | |DECAS, Northern Cape DEA&T & National DEA&T) are receiving their own copy, I|

| | | |will put this request forward to the study team. (as per a database copy of |

| | | |your original fax attached hereto). |

| | | | |

| | | |Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me |

| | | |directly on 082 809 7624. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kindest regards |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| | | |Public Involvement Programme Leader |

| 30-Aug-01 | |From: Gerhard Gerber < |Subject: Eskom Cape Strengthening Programme |

| | |gerberg@cncjnk..za> |Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 08:44:29 +0200 |

| | |To: Karin Bowler |From: Karin Bowler |

| | |Date: 30 August 2001 07:06 |To: Gerhard Gerber |

| | |Subject: RE: Eskom Cape Strengthening Programme – 765kV |CC: suzette hattingh suzette.hattingh@acerafrica.co.za>, Nadia Mol |

| | | |, Stuart Dunsmore |

| | |Hi Karin Bowler | |

| | |With reference to my fax of 20 August 2001 and in response to |Morning Gerhard Gerber |

| | |your e-mail of 29 August 2001, the following: | |

| | |I&AP Registration |Thanks for your quick and informative response. It is not always easy |

| | |In response to your point 3 the following - |weaving our way through the intricate web of departments.... much |

| | |a. Dr Hamman - DELETE |appreciated. |

| | |b. Mr F P Viljoen - DELETE | |

| | |c. Mr J van Deventer - DELETE |I will instruct my office as per this e-mail to make the necessary changes |

| | |d. Mr D Laidler - Dennis Laidler & Paul Hardcastle are both with |to the database as instructed by you. (Suzette Hattingh - Please confirm |

| | |the Sub-Directorate: Environmental Impact Management of the |when these changes have been made.) |

| | |Department of Environmental and Cultural Affairs and Sport (EIM: | |

| | |DECAS) |A Draft Impact Table will be forwarded by e-mail to Mr Shaw. (Suzette |

| | |e. Mr H Stadler - DELETE |Hattingh - Please confirm when this has been done). |

| | | | |

| | |The Western Cape Nature Conservation Board should thus only be |I am also forwarding this e-mail to the Project Team Manager to request a |

| | |listed once, with Kevin Shaw being the contact person (e-mail: |individual copy for the Board. |

| | |shawka@cncjnk..za ; tel: 021-8891560 & fax: | |

| | |021-8891523). |It is important that the Final Scoping Report be available on the Eskom |

| | |Draft Impact Table |Website as many stakeholders accessed it via this means. |

| | |Please forward a copy of the "Draft Impact Table" mentioned in |Stakeholders will be informed of the address as soon as it becomes |

| | |your point 4 to Kevin Shaw. |available. |

| | |Copy of Final Scoping Report | |

| | |Although the Board would like its own copy of the final report, |Kindest regards |

| | |we trust that a copy will also be available on the Eskom Website.|Karin Bowler |

| | |Kind regards, | |


Name Shaw, Kevin, Mnr

Mail to Private Bag 5014, Stellenbosch, 7800

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 889 1560, 021 889 1523, , shawka@cncjnk..za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 24-Oct-01 | |Phoned regarding his concern as to if the final Scoping Report |Subject: Eskom 765 kV - Final Scoping Report |

| | |has been made available. |Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 21:42:57 +0200 |

| | | |From: Karin Bowler |

| | | |To: Stuart Dunsmore , Nadia Mol |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Nadia and Stuart |

| | | | |

| | | |Suzette has been contacted by Mr Kevin Shaw from the Western Cape Nature |

| | | |Conservation Board phoned regarding his concern as to if and when the Final |

| | | |Scoping Report have been or may be made available. The following comment: |

| | | | |

| | | |1. I get this uncomfortable feeling that we are headed for some trouble in |

| | | |the public domain if DEA&T doesn't fulfil their duties shortly, we may be |

| | | |presented with some difficulties. |

| | | |2. One of us should phone Mr Shaw and explain that we will be bringing out |

| | | |the Revised Impact Tables – in stead of the Final Scoping Report. |

| | | | |

| | | |Please advise. |

| | | |Karin |

| 30-Oct-01 | | |Subject: Cape Strengthening Programme: EIA |

| | | |Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 09:22:11 +0200 |

| | | |From: "PBAI (network)" |

| | | |To: shawka@cncjnk..za |

| | | |CC: Karin Bowler , Suzette Hattingh |

| | | |, Nadia Mol Nadia.Mol@pdna.co.za |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Mr Shaw, |

| | | | |

| | | |I am the project manager for the EIA for Eskom's proposed 765kV Transmission |

| | | |line between the Omega and Gamma sub-stations (Koeberg and Victoria West |

| | | |respectively), and I have been asked by the Public Involvement Consultant |

| | | |(ACER Africa) to contact you regarding the issue of the Scoping Report for |

| | | |the study. I apologise that I didn't get back to you last Friday as promised,|

| | | |and I understand from your office that you are on leave this week. |

| | | |The Scoping Report has been finalised and is due for delivery to National |

| | | |DEA&T and the provincial offices this week. Although it is not intended to |

| | | |print and release the full document in the public domain, extracts of the |

| | | |document are being sent to all the key stakeholders who were invited to the |

| | | |Environmental Review Forum meetings in Beaufort West and Ceres in August. |

| | | |There are some 200 of these, and I believe you have a list of them. Your |

| | | |organisation is on the list and you should be receiving the document in the |

| | | |next few days. The content of the document is comprehensive in terms of the |

| | | |issues and their levels of impact, as well as what is intended for study in |

| | | |the EIA phase. |

| | | | |

| | | |I hope that this will be sufficient for your needs at this stage. Iwill be |

| | | |away next week, but will be available from the 12th November should you |

| | | |require more discussion on the matter. Please e-mail me or leave a message at|

| | | |my office if need be. |

| | | | |

| | | |Regards |

| | | |Stuart Dunsmore |

| 04-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Subject: Omega - Gamma |Subject: Electronic copies of the 765 kV Transmission line EIR |

| | |Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:05:47 +0200 |Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:38:43 +0200 |

| | |From: "Kevin Shaw" |From: Nadia Mol |

| | |To: |To: shawka@cncjnk..za |

| | | |CC: "Karin Bowler (E-mail)" , "Stuart Dunsmore |

| | |Dear Karin |(E-mail)" , |

| | | | |

| | |I have received your letter CSP EIR.LO7 dated 15/03/2002 |Dear Interested and Affected Party |

| | |today. It will not be possible for me to get to any of the | |

| | |venues stipulated in your letter, before the due date. Would |Thank you for your recent e-mails requesting further information on the draft|

| | |it not be possible to email me a copy the draft EIR, or is it |EIR for the proposed Eskom 765 kV Transmission line between Gamma and Omega. |

| | |not available on the web page. |A CD of this report is currently being fast-mailed to you. |

| | | | |

| | |Regards |Please contact Suzette Hattingh (ACER, Africa) should you have any further |

| | |K.A. Shaw |queries. Her contact details are as follows: |

| | | |Tel (035) 340 2715, Fax (035) 340 2232, |

| | | |E-mail: Suzette.Hattingh@acerafrica.co.za |

| | | |Yours faithfully |

| | | |Nadia Mol - PD Naidoo & Associates |

| 16-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Comments |Western Cape |Subject: Eskom 765 kV EIA Draft EIR comment |

| | |Nature Conservation Board |Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:29:00 +0200 |

| | |Scientific Services |From: "Karin Bowler" |

| | | |To: |

| | |Ref./Verw:JNO 25/4 |CC: , |

| | |Enquiries/Navrae:K.A. Shaw | |

| | |Date/Datum:12 April 2002 | |

| | | |Dear Kevin |


| | |756kV TRANSMISSION LINE |In acknowledgement of the receipt of your comments on the Draft EIR for the |

| | | |abovementioned EIA: |

| | |Comments are restricted to the specialist studies carried out on| |

| | |the effect that the proposed line would have on the avifauna and|Thank you for the effort you have taken in reviewing the Draft EIR, it is a |

| | |ecology, although some comments are relevant to the other |substantial document and demands a great deal of attention from Interested |

| | |studies that were commissioned. |and Affected Parties. |

| | | | |

| | |General |Your response has been forwarded to the various specialists for review and |

| | |1. The report considers the impact of the transmission line on a|additional comment. Your document, together with the specialist comments |

| | |broad scale in that it only considers where the proposed routes |will be incorporated in the final EIR. |

| | |are to be sited and even this is indicated as a 500m corridor. | |

| | |It should therefore be considered as a document, the purpose of |Our appreciation and kind regards |

| | |which is to determine the best route that the transmission line |Karin Bowler |

| | |should follow between Victoria West and Koeberg and the approval|PBA International |

| | |thereof will allow ESKOM to carry out more finer planning along |Cell: 082 809 7624 |

| | |the selected route which will be subjected to further scrutiny | |

| | |by interested and affected parties (I&AP’s). Seen in this light| |

| | |the document fulfils its function. If, however, the purpose of | |

| | |this document is to serve as an environmental impact report of | |

| | |the project in it’s entirety then it has serious shortcomings. | |

| | |Foot prints of pylons (albeit small) and other constructions | |

| | |like access roads and construction camps (which can have major | |

| | |impacts a fact substantiated by most of the specialists in their| |

| | |reports) associated with a development of this nature have not | |

| | |been evaluated by the specialists for the simple reason that | |

| | |they have not been identified on the ground. It is only once | |

| | |these foot prints have been identified and evaluated by the | |

| | |specialists that I&AP’s can truly evaluate whether all | |

| | |issues have been satisfactorily addressed and whether the | |

| | |mitigation and management measures proposed will in fact reduce the| |

| | |expected impact. Figure 1 of Chapter 1 is a table showing the | |

| | |processes that have been followed and gives the impression that | |

| | |this process will end with the approval of this document. If this | |

| | |is the case Western Cape Nature Conservation Board (WCNCB) cannot | |

| | |support the development as it is of the opinion that this document | |

| | |is insufficient to evaluate the entire development. | |

| | |2. It is disturbing to note that a large percentage of the | |

| | |specialists indicated that their evaluation had to be carried out | |

| | |under time and/or budgetary constraints. Considering the magnitude| |

| | |of the development and the possible effect it can have on the | |

| | |social and natural environment, one | |

| | |would have expected that this important aspect (Environmental | |

| | |Impact Report) of the development phase be properly catered for. | |

| | |WCNCB is, however, satisfied that the ecological specialist and the| |

| | |avifaunal specialist has done enough work and provided enough | |

| | |information to be able to make a satisfactory decision as to the | |

| | |correct route. It is, however imperative that the report should be| |

| | |followed by a more detail evaluation once the sites of the pylons, | |

| | |access roads, construction camps, and any other activity associated| |

| | |with a development of this nature have been identified on the | |

| | |ground (i.e. the footprint of the development needs to be | |

| | |physically determined and this also needs to go through the | |

| | |Environmental Impact Assessment process.). | |

| | | | |

| | |Avifauna specialist report | |

| | |1. The report states that there are three types of impacts of power| |

| | |lines on birds: electrocutions, collisions and loss of habitat. | |

| | |The specialist is of the opinion that the two potential impacts | |

| | |that the proposed line would have are collisions and disturbance of| |

| | |nesting Martial Eagles on the nearby 400kV lines. It is unclear | |

| | |from the document whether the activity of clearing servitudes under| |

| | |lines will take place. If the vegetation is reduced either in | |

| | |height or density under these lines the open areas created could | |

| | |attract large terrestrial birds that have a preference to open | |

| | |areas increasing the probability of bird-power line interactions. | |

| | |If clearing below the lines is going to occur it is recommended | |

| | |that the specialist be requested to re-evaluate whether this would | |

| | |have an effect on bird-power line interactions. | |

| | |2. In the light of the fact that power lines are having a bigger | |

| | |impact on birds than what was originally thought (as indicated by | |

| | |the specialist) it is disturbing that only sections 1 and 2 were | |

| | |physically inspected (although not the entire route) and a desktop | |

| | |study plus personal knowledge of the area were used to evaluate | |

| | |sections 3, 4 and 5. | |

| | |This was due to time and budget constraints. WCNCB would to | |

| | |recommend that sufficient time and funding be allocated to the | |

| | |specialist, enabling the specialist to carry out a thorough | |

| | |investigation of the entire line. | |

| | |3. Proactive mitigations methods are recommended by the specialist | |

| | |along certain identified high risk sections of the line, which will| |

| | |definitely reduce the number of collisions. The specialist, | |

| | |however, states that areas, especially in sections 3, 4 and 5 may | |

| | |not have been identified due to the methodology applied to identify| |

| | |high-risk areas. Furthermore it is not possible to identify all | |

| | |high-risk areas. Change of habitat (change of land use, | |

| | |construction of dams) in the future may attract certain bird | |

| | |species to areas presently not utilized by them. New collision | |

| | |sites may therefore be identified once the line has been erected. | |

| | |WCNCB would like a commitment from ESKOM to implement mitigation | |

| | |measures as soon as new sites are identified in order to reduce the| |

| | |number of interactions between power lines and birds. | |

| | |4. The report does not make provision for mitigation measures | |

| | |preventing electrocution of birds. The specialist has recommended | |

| | |the cross-rope suspension type pylon structure, which provides very| |

| | |limited perching sites thus limiting bird electrocutions. | |

| | |Unfortunately this type of structure cannot be used in steep | |

| | |mountainous terrain nor where the route changes at a 3° angle. At | |

| | |these sites it is proposed that a self-supporting tower (Figure 4, | |

| | |Chapter 1) will be used. While the specialist is of the opinion | |

| | |that the structures used on the large lines (275 – 765kV) | |

| | |usually pose no threat to birds the report does not clearly state | |

| | |what the possibilities are of electrocutions occurring on the self | |

| | |supporting structure. It is also interesting to note that the | |

| | |400kV structures (similar in design to the proposed self-supporting| |

| | |765kV structure) near Koeberg have been fitted with mitigation | |

| | |measures preventing birds from perching on them. WCNCB recommends | |

| | |that the specialist evaluate the potential of bird electrocutions | |

| | |on the self-supporting structures and recommend applicable | |

| | |mitigation measures should they be required. | |

| | |5. The specialist has recommended that the line be monitored on a | |

| | |six monthly basis to determine the effectiveness of the mitigation | |

| | |measures (Collision summary (annex B) and assessment (annex F) | |

| | |tables). It should, however, be stipulated that ESKOM must monitor| |

| | |the entire length of the line in order to identify other sites | |

| | |where collisions occur. | |

| | |Ecological specialist report | |

| | |1. The specialist has compiled a very comprehensive report, but | |

| | |unfortunately because the area (500m wide strip between Koeberg and| |

| | |Victoria West) which had to be covered was so large and the fact | |

| | |that the actual foot prints of the development had not (and | |

| | |possibly still have not) been identified it was not possible to | |

| | |provide information as to what the actual effect of the development| |

| | |will be on the environment. In order to compensate for this the | |

| | |specialist has made a number of recommendations which include | |

| | |amongst others, evaluation of the site pictures by an | |

| | |ecologist/botanist once the sites have been identified, the | |

| | |consultation of an ecologist with the placing of pylons and | |

| | |associated developments through sensitive areas, and the | |

| | |incorporation of various procedures and mitigation measures in the | |

| | |EMP. While WCNCB supports the recommendations and insist that they| |

| | |should be implemented, we would like to once again point out that | |

| | |the report does not deal with site-specific issues except in the | |

| | |broader sense and we cannot support the development if it is to be | |

| | |approved based on this EIR report. | |

| | |2. The specialist makes a number of recommendations with regards to| |

| | |rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is incorrect terminology and what | |

| | |the report should be referring to is restoration. Restoration must| |

| | |be implemented in all the areas, which have been affected by the | |

| | |development. These areas must be restored to the same state as that| |

| | |prior to the development. Restoration is a specialist field, and | |

| | |WCNCB recommends that a specialist (possibly two, one for the | |

| | |fynbos and one for the Karoo biome) be employed/contracted in to | |

| | |advise, supervise and monitor | |

| | |the restoration process. Furthermore restoration should be carried| |

| | |out to the satisfaction of the specialist and not the landowner as | |

| | |recommended in the report | |

| | | | |

| | |Concluding remarks | |

| | |WCNCB would like to reiterate that the environmental impact report | |

| | |adequately addresses the proposed and alternative routes of the | |

| | |transmission line. In this regard WCNCB is willing to accept that | |

| | |the Central Route is the route that the transmission line should | |

| | |follow. This acceptance is only valid if the recommendations made | |

| | |by the respective specialists and in this letter are incorporated | |

| | |into the planning/development process. The report, however, | |

| | |provides very little (if any) information illustrating the effect | |

| | |of the development footprint on the environment. WCNCB can | |

| | |therefore not recommend that the proposed development be approved | |

| | |in its entirety while the actual footprint (site of pylons, | |

| | |construction camps, access roads, etc) of the development has not | |

| | |been subjected to the EIA process. | |

| | | | |

| | |For: Manager (Scientific Services) | |

| | |Nms. Bestuurder (Wetenskaplike Dienste) | |

Co/Org Western Cape Provincial

Name Ozinsky, Max, Mr

Mail to P O Box 648, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 483 3238, 021 483 3883, 082 414 7147,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Jul-01 |E-mail Received |Could you please email me a copy of the Draft Scoping report, |Emailed explaining time availability applies and that if he need further |

| | |and also register the ANC Western cape Env. Desk as an I&AP. |assistance at later stage he should let me know. |

| | | | |

| | | |23 Aug 2001 |

| | | |Checked whether Mr ozinsky has been able to access the website. |

| 23-Aug-01 | |Mr Ozinsky telephonically requested an copy of the DSR to be |Subject: ESKOM 765 kV Transmission line - Website |

| | |e-mailed to him |Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 20:19:03 +0200 |

| | | |From: Suzette Hattingh |

| | | |To: mozinsky@pawc..za |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Mr Ozinsky |

| | | | |

| | | |I would like to extend this invitation to the Environmental Review Forum |

| | | |Workshop to you. |

| | | | |

| | | |Please find attached: |

| | | |Invitation & Agenda |

| | | |Preamble and draft SR Summary |

| | | |Invitation and I&AP list |

| | | | |

| | | |We look forward to your participation. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind Regards |

| | | |Suzette Hattingh |


Co/Org ABB (South Africa)

Name Ravera, Claudio, Mr

Mail to Private Bag X37, Sunninghill, 2157

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 011 236 7230, , , claudio.n.ravera@za.

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Jul-01 | |Saw advert in Sunday Times. |Phoned ACER, Karin Bowler Contact him/got hold of 18 July 2001. |

| | |Visited the website and read through report. | |

| | |Company constructs towers. | |

| | |Commented on footprint and noted that visual impacts and | |

| | |footprints should be considered for different farming | |

| | |activities, as this could have negative impact. | |

| | |Would like to be kept informed of the project. | |



Name du Toit, Calla (CVDM), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 17, Prince Albert Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3190, 023 313 3708, 082 445 4483,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 20-Aug-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Phoned regarding not being included in the ERF Workshop at Ceres. |21 Aug 01 |

| | | |Karin Bowler’s telcon with Mr du Toit - the main points: |

| | | | |

| | | |1.Explained that the ERF was at a representative level. |

| | | |2.The following issues he raised with me, have been recorded |

| | | |in the Comment & Response Document and are part of the Draft Scoping |

| | | |Report: |

| | | |- The historical cannon. |

| | | |- The historical walls that were destroyed during the construction of the |

| | | |400 kV lines. |

| | | |- There is a lane of historical trees under the existing 400 kV line that |

| | | |were damaged during construction. These should be avoided with the 765kV |

| | | |He has not yet seen the Draft Scoping Report & will make the effort to do |

| | | |so. I have asked him to inform ACER in writing if he is not satisfied with|

| | | |the manner in which we have captured the issues in the C&R document. |

| | | |3. He also brought to my attention the following: |

| | | |- The area over the Witzenberg mountains where the 400 kV currently runs |

| | | |and where the 765kV was originally planned, is considered to be of |

| | | |historical significance. For this reason alone, he feels that the route |

| | | |should be reconsidered. |

| | | |- The route over the Witzenberg mountains should also be avoided from a |

| | | |visual and ecological perspective. He says that there are many sensitive |

| | | |plant species in this area. |

| | | |- The access route to construct the 400kV was never rehabilitated properly |

| | | |and concrete slabs which should have been removed, are still there. |

| | | |- He is concerned that the EMPs are of no value as these are not properly |

| | | |managed by either Eskom or the contractor. |

| | | |4. I explained that Eskom had held a special round of talks with the |

| | | |farmers' associations, but that these had not been very well attended. He |

| | | |concurred that this may have been as a result of the holidays. |

| | | | |

| | | |Mr du Toit belongs to the Ceres farmers' association, the current chairman |

| | | |is Mr Anton Bredel. |

| | | | |

| | | |The following was agreed: |

| | | |- Mr du Toit will send in written comment together with photographs of the |

| | | |areas of concern. |

| | | |- He understands that there will be additional opportunity to comment in the|

| | | |future. |

| | | |- He would appreciate a meeting with the Eskom negotiators during the next |

| | | |phase. |

| | | |- It may be best that Eskom attends the association's meeting. |

| 17-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Mr Calla du Toit telephoned. | |

| | | | |

| | |- Unhappy with route. (- Giving up land used for fresh fruit.) | |

| | |- Extend invitation to project team to visit for a meeting with | |

| | |the Farmers Association and to have a proper Site Visit. | |

| | |- Will fax comments and objections in writing. | |

Name du Toit, Retief (RC), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 150, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3242, 023 313 3594, , RC91@mweb.co.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6903115076084 | |

Name Engelbrecht, JJ & MH, Mnr & Mev

Mail to Posbus 339, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 2504, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1601275025082 | |

Name Lombard, J, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 46, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0784 /5, 023 230 0740, , lombardfam@xsinet.co.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5301315101086 | |

Name Loubser, Nico, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 205, Riebeech Kasteel, 7307

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , 083 412 3113,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 27-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Mr Loubser called regarding getting clarity of where the line |Mr Daniel boshoff from ESKOM contacted Mr H Truter regarding this matter. |

| | |would run and/or if it would be crossing his property. |Suzette Hattingh informed Mr Loubser to contact Mr Truter. |

Name Reitz, FHW, Mr

Mail to Posbus 29, Wolseley, 6830

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 231 0904, 023 231 0904, 082 411 3795,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3901045065188 | |

Name Smuts, Johan (JB), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 272, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2074, 022 482 2074, 082 452 9482,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Aug-01 |Draft SR Comment |Toekomstige Toerime Atraksie - weens natuurskoonheid | |

| | |Broeiplek - kruisarend | |

| | |Verskeie advertensie aanbiedinge | |

| 19-Sep-01 |Swartland Farmers |Issues Raised: | |

| |Meeting |1.In the low point where we propose the line crosses the | |

| | |Porseleinberg there is a Black Eagles nest - this should be | |

| | |confirmed during the avifaunal study. | |

| | |2.The low point through the Porseleinberg is a preferred route | |

| | |for racing pigeons. | |

| | |3.They were concerned that the terrain was not suitable for a | |

| | |power line - I explained that the terrain seemed suitable but | |

| | |that this would be confirmed during the EIA phase. | |

| | |4.The line passes close to the houses and “werf” of Dassenheuwel | |

| | |and Tweekuil - this is true but I explained that the line can be | |

| | |finally placed behind the houses as well. | |

| | |5.They indicated that the area was used for filming adverts - my | |

| | |answer was that if the line had to be placed | |

| | |across the Swartland this may be a problem along all routes. | |

| | |6.There is a 4X4 route on the Porseleinberg at this point - it | |

| | |seems that this route is very seldom used and I do not | |

| | |necessarily see this as a highly significant issue. | |

| | |7.Health - EMR | |

| | |8.A power line through their wheatlands will be problematic for | |

| | |crop sprayers (aeroplanes) | |

| | |9.There is a crop sprayer landing strip on Tweekuil close to the | |

| | |proposed route. | |


| | |they attended the open day at Malmesbury and filled in the | |

| | |attendance list/or had their names and addresses taken but have | |

| | |not received any notifications since and were not notified of the| |

| | |availability of the scoping report. they say there are a number | |

| | |of farmers who still don't know of the proposed line. | |

| | | | |

| | |Acknowledged that a power line has to cross somebody’s property | |

| | |but feel that they have legitimate reasons why the route is not | |

| | |entirely satisfactory. Alternative possible routes | |

|-Sept 2001 | |1.Realign the route from once the line crosses the Berg River | |

| | |near Gouda, southwards to link up with our alternative from the | |

| | |existing line below Voëlvlei Dam across below the Porseleinberg. | |

| | |2.Cross the Porseleinberg just north of the proposed route | |

| | |somewhere. The line will then be visible as it crosses the | |

| | |mountain but this may be better than a long way around the bottom| |

| | |of the mountain range. | |

Name Venter, Jan (JH), Mr

Mail to P O Box 405, De Aar, 7000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 631 0821, 053 631 1155, 083 722 1818,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4808135074088 | |

Co/Org Ouplaas Trust

Name du Toit, Josua (JJ), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 17, Prince Albert Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3190, 023 313 3708, 082 445 4483,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3811245017089 | |

Co/Org Tweekuil Plase

Name Louw, Albertus (AJ), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 1, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 3057, 022 482 3057, 082 321 1681,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |7007295015083 | |

| 19-Sep-01 |Swartland Farmers |Issues Raised: | |

| |Meeting | | |

| | |1.In the low point where we propose the line crosses the | |

| | |Porseleinberg there is a Black Eagles nest - this should be | |

| | |confirmed during the avifaunal study. | |

| | |2.The low point through the Porseleinberg is a preferred route for | |

| | |racing pigeons. | |

| | |3.They were concerned that the terrain was not suitable for a power| |

| | |line - I explained that the terrain seemed suitable but that this | |

| | |would be confirmed during the EIA phase. | |

| | |4.The line passes close to the houses and werf of Dassenheuwel and | |

| | |Tweekuil - this is true but I explained that the line can be | |

| | |finally placed behind the houses as well. | |

| | |5.They indicated that the area was used for filming adverts - my | |

| | |answer was that if the line had to be placed across the Swartland | |

| | |this may be a problem along all routes. | |

| | |6.There is a 4X4 route on the Porseleinberg at this point - it | |

| | |seems that this route is very seldom used and I do not necessarily | |

| | |see this as a highly significant issue. | |

| | |7.Health - EMR | |

| | |8.A power line through their wheatlands will be problematic for | |

| | |crop sprayers (aeroplanes) | |

| | |9.There is a crop sprayer landing strip on Tweekuil close to the | |

| | |proposed route. | |


| | |they attended the open day at Malmesbury and filled in the | |

| | |attendance list/or had their names and addresses taken but have not| |

| | |received any notifications since and were not notified of the | |

| | |availability of the scoping report. they say there are a number of | |

| | |farmers who still don't know of the proposed line. | |

| | | | |

| | |Acknowledged that a power line has to cross somebody’s property but| |

| | |feel that they have legitimate reasons why the route is not | |

| | |entirely satisfactory. Alternative possible routes | |

|-Sept 2001 | |1.Realign the route from once the line crosses the Berg River near | |

| | |Gouda, southwards to link up with our alternative from the existing| |

| | |line below Voëlvlei Dam across below the Porseleinberg. | |

| | |2.Cross the Porseleinberg just north of the proposed route | |

| | |somewhere. The line will then be visible as it crosses the mountain| |

| | |but this may be better than a long way around the bottom of the | |

| | |mountain range. | |

Co/Org Witzenberg Properties (Pty)

Name du Toit - Die Bestuurder, Francois (FJ), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 293, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3347, 023 313 3729, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |Co Reg No.: 1954/000760/07 | |

Name Prins - Plaasbestuurder, Johan (JB), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 120, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3110, 023 313 3532, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |Co. Reg. No.: 1954/000760/07 | |

Name Theron - Plaasbestuurder, Jannie (JO), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 92, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3108, 023 313 3486, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |Co Reg No.: 1954/000760/07 | |


Co/Org ESKOM - Transmission

Name Willemse, Douw, Mr

Mail to P O Box 1047, Oakdale, 7530

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 915 9279, 021 915 9285, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 22-Apr-00 |Draft EIR Correspondence |>>> Douw Willemse 04/19/02 02:32PM >>> |From: John.Geeringh@eskom.co.za |

| | |Hallo John, |Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 8:45 AM |

| | | |To: Douw Willemse |

| | |Skakel my asb. dringend ivm die EIA en die kommentare. |Cc: karinbow@ |

| | | |Subject: Re: Cape Strengthening EIA |

| | |Die tyd was min om te kyk na die dokument. Kan jy asb verseker | |

| | |dat die huidige bird interactions en die talle foute wat tans op|Ek kan vir jou 'n afskrif van die EIR op 'n CD kry as jy sou belangstel. 'n|

| | |die bestaande lyne voorkom, ingesluit is in die verslag. Dit |Hard copy kos meer as R1000-00 om te verkry. Die inligting rakende die |

| | |lyk vir my of ons ernstig moet kyk na die foute voordat ons |interactions sal nog verdere detail studie kry, ons probeer 'n ROD kry vir |

| | |sommer gaan en die lyne in dieselfde korridors plaas. |'n korridor sodat ons kan negotiate. Detail studies vir Argeologie, |

| | | |plantegroei en voëls sal ook nog tydens die EMP fase gedoen word, met |

| | |Verder wil ek hoor of ons 'n verslag op 'n stadium onder oë kan |spesifieke mitigation. |

| | |kry. En het julle met Distribusie ook gesels, veral oor die | |

| | |uitbreidings wat hulle in die Ceres gebied doen? Soos ek sê, ek|Laat weet maar of jy 'n CD wil hê. |

| | |kon nie daarby uitkom om 'n dag of twee daar by die biblioteek |John |

| | |te gaan sit en die document deurwerk nie. | |

| | | | |

| | |Maar skakel my asb, miskien kan ek jou Dinsdag daar bo sien, | |

| | |alhoewel my dag redelik vol is. | |

| | | | |

| | |Groete uit 'n warm Kaap; ek dink dis die hoogdruk voor die koue | |

| | |front. | |

| | | | |

| | |Douw G Willemse | |

| | |Senior Environmental Advisor | |

| | |Transmission Western Region | |

Co/Org National Electricity

Name Boeije, Willie, Mr

Mail to P O Box 785080, Sandton, 2146

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 011 263 9820, 011 884 4355, , willie@.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 22-Nov-01 |Draft SR Comment |Subject: Cape Strengthening | |

| | |Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 12:32:17 +0200 | |

| | |From: "Willie Boeije (Senior Manager IRP)" | |

| | |To: "'eskomcsp@acerafrica.co.za'" | |

| | |21 November 2001 | |

| | | | |

| | |Per Email to eskomcsp@acerafrica.co.za | |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Karin | |

| | | | |


| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your letter dated 29 October. Herewith some | |

| | |further comments on the documents provided. | |

| | | | |

| | |Strategic Alternatives | |

| | |The conclusion of item 1.1 cannot be considered in isolation. | |

| | |The transmission licensee has the obligation to transmit subject | |

| | |to minimum standards on quality of supply. If the quality of | |

| | |supply standards can no longer be guaranteed, the transmitter | |

| | |will either have to invest in new transmission capacity or | |

| | |encourage the entry of generation, or both depending on the | |

| | |economics at the time. If agreements cannot be reached in time | |

| | |the transmitter has to commit to those options under his control.| |

| | |There may, however, be options other than the construction of the| |

| | |765 kV line. | |

| | | | |

| | |Comments on Table of Issues | |

| | |- Tariffs | |

| | |My understanding of the proposed Transmission Tariff under the | |

| | |Wholesale Pricing System would mean that the cost of the 765 kV | |

| | |line would allocate a larger proportion of Transmission’s | |

| | |operating costs to power being taken off in the Western Cape Zone| |

| | |and would provide a greater incentive to generation in that zone.| |

| | |These tariffs are not | |

| | |yet approved or implemented, but must be considered in the | |

| | |long-term decisions. | |

| | |- Alternatives: Strategic considerations | |

| | |The response to the item on further strategies for when 765kV is | |

| | |no longer sufficient raises further questions. The 765 kV line | |

| | |will have a very high power transfer capability and its life | |

| | |extends beyond the planning horizon. We can thus assume that | |

| | |this will be the last transmission line to the sensitive Western | |

| | |Cape area for a very long time. Eskom need to state when the | |

| | |next line be required as it has strategic implications for | |

| | |whether this ‘last opportunity’ should not be applied | |

| | |differently. Some further key questions are: Would there not be | |

| | |a long-term need for strengthening the western part of the | |

| | |Northern Cape, using 400 kV and other new routes? How would this| |

| | |affect the utilisation of the proposed 765kV line(s)? Is it | |

| | |planned to construct the line for 765kV operation and to operate | |

| | |it at 400kV? If so, when is will the line be operated at 765 kV?| |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |With all the uncertainties around potential development in the | |

| | |Western Cape, the recommendation that the need for construction | |

| | |of the line be continually reviewed is supported. Other | |

| | |incremental options must, however, be considered to maintain the | |

| | |reliability of supply to the Western Cape. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours sincerely | |

| | |Willie Boeije | |

Co/Org Shell S.A. (Pty) Ltd

Name Fortune, David, Mr

Mail to P O Box 2231, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 408 4073, 021 408 4643, 082 800 0477,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Dear Ms Bowler | |

| | | | |

| | |The CSP 765 kV Transmission Line - EIA | |

| | | | |

| | |Thank you for your letter dated 15 March and the CD of the draft | |

| | |EIR. At this stage we have no comments. | |

| | | | |

| | |I do however request that you keep us on your list, so that we | |

| | |can be advised of any further developments. | |

| | | | |

| | |Yours sincerely | |


| | |David Fortune | |


Co/Org CEN Integrated

Name Cohen, Mike, Dr

Mail to 36 River Rd, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 041 581 2983, 041 581 2983, , steenbok@

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Jul-01 |E-mail Received |I should be most grateful if you would let me have a electronic|Explained that the time availability applies. |

| | |copy of the DSR. I am unable to access the document on the web |Checked the 24 Jul 01 if he had been able to access the site, and he had |

| | |address given in the Sunday Times. |been successful. |

| 04-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Subject: Gamma-Omega draft EIR Raport |Subject: Gamma-Omega draft EIR Raport |

| | |Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 05:48:00 +0200 |Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 07:45:52 +0200 |

| | |From: steenbok@ |From: suzette.hattingh@acerafrica.co.za Organization: ACER (Africa) |

| | |To: Suzette.Hattingh@acerafrica.co.za |To: , Karin Bowler |

| | | | |

| | |Suzette |Dear Nadia |

| | | | |

| | |Thanks for the venue table. As I am not in a position to travel|Please forward a cd copy to Mr Cohen as attached. Thank you. |

| | |to any of the venues I would be grateful if you could forward | |

| | |a copy of the EIR to me via email of post it on a website for |Kind Regards |

| | |downloading. |Suzette Hattingh |

| | | | |

| | |Thanks and regards | |

| | |Mike | |

| | | |----- |

| | | |Subject: Gamma-Omega draft EIR Raport - Electronic copy |

| | | |Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 07:49:20 +0200 |

| | | |From: suzette.hattingh@acerafrica.co.za Organization: ACER (Africa) |

| | | |To: Mike Cohen |

| | | | |

| | | |Dear Mr Cohen |

| | | | |

| | | |I have forwarded your request to the Project Team in Johannesburg where they |

| | | |will post a cd copy to you (normally this goes by priority mail). |

| | | | |

| | | |Kind Regards |

| | | |Suzette Hattingh |

| | | |COPY SENT 9 APR 2002 |



Name Basson, Andries Hendrik, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 76, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 3901, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4910095062085 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081400002 | |

Name Basson, Hein, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 79, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0723, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Name Bester, Willem Burger, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 162, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 2506, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5206135046082 | |

Name Botha, PJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 48, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 02062 1113, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5210215044082 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000002000000 | |

Name Bothma, AJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 33, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 02062 1122, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5108255041085 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000001900001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000001500004 | |

Name Burger, Michiel Johannes, Mr

Mail to P O Box 290, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2113, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4208145016080 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081100004 | |

Name Calldo, Douglas J, Mr

Mail to P O Box 75, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1812, 023 551 1812, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5204115040084 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007300001 | |

Name Conradie, Francois Daniel, Mr

Mail to P O Box 137, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1817, 023 551 1817, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5601025051087 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007400001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007500000 | |

Name Conradie, OG, Mr

Mail to P O Box 92, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1821, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6210275121084 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004000002 | |

Name Conradie, Pieter J, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 183, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1711, , 082 966 2189,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5912155054084 | |

Name Conradie, Pieter J, Mr

Mail to P O Box 287, Moorreesburg, 7310

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 433 2549, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3804235029008 | |

| 13-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004000000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07200000000020700003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07200000000020700000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004300000 | |

Name Conradie, Pieter Jacobus, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 90, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1826, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5912155054084 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007300000 | |

Name Conradie, Willem S, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 81, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3256, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |321008 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000032300003 | |

Name Dreyer, Wilhelm, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 50, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 485 7003, 022 485 7003, 083 283 5548,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5404235043089 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081800001 | |

| 25-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Would like further information on the route of the line over his |Subject: Re: 765kV - Landeienaars |

| | |property. Saw maps but can not make out where precisely the line |Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 13:26:02 +0200 |

| | |would run through. |From: |

| | | |To: |

| | | | |

| | | |Ek het Mnr Dreyer vandag geskakel. Hy wou net 'n beter roete plan kry om sy|

| | | |toekomstige druiwe daarom te beplan. Die kaart is gestuur. |

| | | | |

| | | |Groete |

| | | |D Boshoff |

Name Fortuin, Dennis, Mr

Mail to P O Box 720, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3903, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4610275068080 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000016900003 | |

Name Frick, Helena N, Ms

Mail to P O Box 12, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3257, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5005180096004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036500000 | |

Name Geldenhuys, Catharina Jacoba, Me

Mail to P O Box 316, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2093, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |2904150031004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081400006 | |

Name Geldenhuys, Mattheus Lourens, Mr

Mail to P O Box 161, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 2184/312 1582, 023 316 1500, 082 456 9928,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3612045022083 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000024400001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000024400000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000023800000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000034200000 | |

Name Green, Douglas W, Mr

Mail to P O Box 231, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0673, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |2308055046002 | |

Name Hattingh, BS, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 335, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 412 1628, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5601225019082 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000030800008 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000030800007 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000030800004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000029400001 | |

Name Herselman, JS, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 39, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3572, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4407105033008 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000041300000 | |

Name Heyns, Johannes Abraham, Mr

Mail to P O Box 37, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1819, 023 551 1819, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4003055011084 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000016300000 | |

Name Hugo, Daniel P, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 16, Victoria West, 7070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , 082 496 0644,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6007115060080 /05 | |

Name Janse van Vuuren, Josimus P, Mr

Mail to P O Box 264, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | |

Name le Roux, AJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 18, Leeu Gamka, 6960

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 02082 2011, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6402295061081 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000029400000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000028300001 | |

Name le Roux, Gerrit J van Niekerk, Mr

Mail to Posbus 51, Riebeeck Kasteel, 7307

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 448 1805, 022 448 1805, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3701255037087 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000064800000 | |

Name le Roux, Willem J, Mr

Mail to P O Box 18, Leeu Gamka, 6960

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3007095021004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000028200001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000028200002 | |

Name Malherbe, Gideon Jacobus, Mr

Mail to P O Box 38, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 1993, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5611305037003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000024400001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036300003 | |

Name Mans, Antonie W, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 51, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4201045007085 | |

Name Marais, Hendrik (HS), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 181, Victoria-Wes, 7070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 621 0186, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 01-Aug-01 |Fax Received |I am the owner of the farm Phezantekraal. The wall of the road |Forwarded this fax to Karin Bowler whom will take it up to the needed Eskom |

| | |under the existing ESKOM Line is washed away, causing the road |level. |

| | |to be washed away. There are places where erosion holes are | |

| | |forming, and unless something urgently is done about it I might | |

| | |be too late. | |

| 14-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6705015103086 | |

| 14-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3409065017089 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000000100000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000001500000 | |

Name Marais, Johannes Hendrik, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 6, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6107075134004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000026700000 | |

Name Mocke, Anthonie JJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 54, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 501 4034, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5012035004084 | |

Name Mocke, JG, Mr

Mail to P O Box 49, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 02062 vra 2131, 023 501 4112, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4708165051081 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000041600000 | |

Name Muller, Abraham JM/Belia M, Mr

Mail to Voortrekker Str 6, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6006305072002 | |

Name Muller, Johannes CH, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 50, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5602045041009 | |

Name Muller, Johannes Willem, Mr

Mail to P O Box 87, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5709245139002 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000001500005 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000010500000 | |

Name Murray, AGL, Mr

Mail to P O Box 262, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 415 1552, , 082 495 9531,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4102215017088 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000015300003 | |

Name Myburgh, HW, Mr

Mail to P O Box 35, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 02062 1813, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3112045020005 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C009200000000027100001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000027300000 | |

Name Nel, FJ, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 320, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3346, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4711215049006 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000016900004 | |

Name Nel, J, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 388, Beaufort Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3340, , 083 961 5033,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4103085048005 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000016800001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000017000033 | |

Name Niehaus, AS, Mr

Mail to P O Box 214, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 02062 1821, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |390429 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000028100000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000027200000 | |

Name Nigrini, AJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 191, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 416 1683, , 082 789 3037,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4109255131083 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000015500000 | |

Name Nigrini, Chris, Mr

Mail to P O Box 259, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3323 /4 /5, , 082 537 7088,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |2710075011009 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000030500002 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000030500000 | |

Name Oosthuizen, AM, Me

Mail to P O Box 15, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4104280062007 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000026600000 | |

Name Pienaar, JL, Mr

Mail to Danie Theron Str 34, Beauford-Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3355, , 072 225 9812,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Dec-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6903255071085 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000017200000 | |

Name Prins, Lodewyk A, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 20, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 1848 /1684, 023 312 1848, 082 921 4695,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4412185028001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036300000 | |

Name Rautenbach, Lukas J, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 23054, Claremont, 7735

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 683 2958, 021 671 2676, 082 881 1133,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4503215013086 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000033800001 | |

Name Scheun, FHS, Mr

Mail to 31 Murray Street, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 415 1824, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3103295009004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C06100000000000700016 | |

Name Schindler, Klaus Karl Franz, Mr

Mail to P O Box 317, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0659, 023 230 0661, 083 270 3449,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5003045210100 | |

Name Simon, JJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 61, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1915, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3909075031004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004200004 | |

Name Snyman, JP, Mr

Mail to P O Box 4, Merweville, 6940

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |7612215122008 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000026500015 | |

Name Starke, CJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 132, Durbanville, 7551

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 972 1882, 021 972 1882, 082 800 7307,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 21-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4607295025009 | |

Name Theron, Jan Stefanus, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 24, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0631, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4307035046007 | |

Name van Aarde, Cornelius J N, Mr

Mail to P O Box 186, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2198, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4504045015002 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081400001 | |

Name van Aarde, Louis J H, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 87, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 481 3603, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |160912 | |

Name van Aarde, Pieter Abraham, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 87, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 481 3603, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4707235118003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000082700000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C0460000000082800000 | |

Name van der Merwe, Jan Hendrik, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 239, Victoria-Wes, 7070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 612 4704, 053 621 0438, 082 775 9333,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |7011225039080 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000006500003 | |

Name van der Merwe, JH, Mnr

Mail to P O Box 1019, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3353, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4609125013080 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000017200001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000017000010 | |

Name van der Westhuijzen, Petrus J, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 3, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2610, 022 482 3213, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3812245021006 | |

Name Viviers, Frans Gerhardus, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 1144, Beaufort Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Name Walters, Sameul Hendrik, Mr

Mail to P O Box 395, Tulbach, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 232 0335, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6701205021006 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000025400006 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000038300000 | |

Co/Org Akbar Dairy Trust

Name , ,

Mail to 4 Bute Rd., Wineberg, 7824

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000004100002 | |

Co/Org Andbell Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 364, Bellville, 7530

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 950 4102, 021 919 1184, 083 255 4536,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |59/03848/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000023400001 | |

Co/Org Andre Both Family Trust

Name Both, AA, Mr

Mail to P O Box 42, Gouda, 6821

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 232 0322, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |T 3328/96 | |

Co/Org Austroboer Prop Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 597, Malmesbury, 7300

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2835, 022 482 2835, , kretzelp@intekom.co.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 10-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |199400963307 | |

Co/Org Bakenfontein Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 107, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |32/87 | |

Co/Org Basie Geldenhuys Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 161, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 1582, 023 316 1500, 082 456 9928,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5515/97 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000033900000 | |

Co/Org Beaufort Wes Municipality

Name Stroemfer, Petrus, Mr

Mail to Private Bag X582, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 415 2121, 023 415 2121, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000016300001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000018500000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Co/Org Boerskaap Agente CC

Name Brink, Niel (NJM) & C, Mr

Mail to P O Box 69, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3537, 023 313 3537, 082 966 3348,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |CK 88/29218/23 > 7302085023086 | |

| 06-Dec-01 |Fax Received |Meneer |Koos v d Merwe het met Mnr Brink gepraat - die gesprek was net i.v.m |

| | | |onderhandelings vir die servituut. Koos het gesê hy sal die gesprek op die|

| | |Gamma – Omega 765 kV Transmission Line |regte tyd weer vorentoe neem. |

| | | | |

| | |Hiermee erken ek NJM & C Brink die geskrewe van 7 November 2001. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons wil dit weereens onder u aandag bring dat die eiendom spitskop | |

| | |alleenlik deur u lyne gekruis mag word as u die bedrag van Een | |

| | |Miljoen Rand aan ons sal uitbetaal vir die grond gebruik voordat | |

| | |enige persone op die plaas toegelaat sal word. | |

| | | | |

| | |Oor die eiendom Goedgevonden sal onder geen | |

| | |omstandighede toestemming gegee word vir kraglyne nie, omdat daar | |

| | |reeds vyf lyne oor die plaas loop wat ons geweldig baie probleme | |

| | |verskaf. | |

| | | | |

| | |Die ander rede is dat ons vasgestel het dat enige Eskom lyn ‘n | |

| | |geweldige negatiewe effek het op die waardasie van ons | |

| | |eiendom en in die huidige ekonomiese klimaat is dit ondenkbaar dat | |

| | |ons nog lyne sal toelaat. | |

| | | | |

| | |Bogenoemde besware en voorwaardes is ook reeds mondelings aan Mnr | |

| | |Koos van der Merwe gestel. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ons verneem graag verder van u. | |

| | | | |

| | |Baie Dankie | |

| | |NJM & C Brink | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004200003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004200001 | |

Co/Org Boterberg Trust

Name Blake, PR, Mr

Mail to c/o Boch Acc., P O Box 7223, Noorder Paarl, 7623

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 872 9509, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5217/97 | |

| 23-Nov-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Mr Blake phoned requesting more information regarding |Koos v d Merwe phoned Mr Blake explaining the route corridor |

| | |the proposed line. |& negotiation process. |

| | |Is the route decided on. | |

| | |What size corridor will it take up from his land. | |

| | |Will they be compensated. | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000004100000 | |

Co/Org Bothma Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 62, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 4566/96 | |

| 10-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Ms Antoinette Bothma phoned to verify content of letter |Suzette Hattingh ACER (Africa): |

| | |received. |Explained that the draft EIR is out in the public domain for comments. |

| | | | |

| | |Were worried that the line will be built on their farm without |Assured her that negotiations will happen in future before the line can be |

| | |them knowing about it. |built. |

Co/Org Brakfontein Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 8, Hermon, 7308

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3992/98 | |

Co/Org C.H. du Plessis CC

Name Claasen, Jan, Mr

Mail to P O Box 39, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , 072 150 3058,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Name du Plessis, AS, Mev

Mail to Posbus 39, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 3502, 022 482 3502, 072 150 3058,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |CK 85/01597/23 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C08000000000026500000 | |

Co/Org Ceres Cascade Farms Pty

Name Wolfaardt, PJ, Mr

Mail to Posbus 38, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |197101349307 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036500001 | |

Co/Org D Cohen & Sons Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 300, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 317 0662, 023 317 0672, 082 657 0664,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |19053243407 | |

Co/Org Dagbreek Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 10, Riebeeck Kasteel, 7307

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |3720/97 | |

Co/Org Dassenheuwel Trust

Name Lesch, G.J./Kobus & Lida, Mr & Mev

Mail to Posbus 206, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 482 2130, 022 482 2130, gj0828969124,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Aug-01 | |Witkruis Arend Neste | |

| | |4X4 Roete (Toerisme) | |

| 23-Aug-01 | |27/08/01 |Subject: Eskom 765 kV - Response to Lida Lesch - concerned Malmesbury Farmers|

| | | |Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 18:09:45 +0200 |

| | |Mrs Lesch did receive correspondence e-mail dated 23 Aug 01. |From: Karin Bowler |

| | | |To: unitrade@netactive.co.za |

| | | |CC: trust@.za, gbaard@.za, Ernest.Grunewald@eskom.co.za, |

| | | |Peter.Nelson@eskom.co.za, |

| | | |Daniel.Boshoff@eskom.co.za, John Geeringh , Stuart|

| | | |Dunsmore , Nadia Mol , Doug |

| | | |Jeffery , suzette hattingh |

| | | |, chris whyte jwhyte@mweb.co.za |

| | | | |

| | | |Good day Mr Pieter van Heerden. |

| | | |This is in response to your e-mail dated 12 August 2001 sent on behalf of Ms |

| | | |Lida Lesch. With regard to my telephonic discussion with Ms Lesch on |

| | | |Thursday 23rd August 2001, I would like to confirm the following: |

| | | |- Mr & Mrs Lesch had heard about the project during the first phase, but did |

| | | |not attend the Open Day in Malmesbury in March 2001. As there was no further|

| | | |communication in the public domain (and they were not registered on the |

| | | |database), they had assumed the project had come to an end. |

| | | |- However, the chairman of the farmers' association informed them of the |

| | | |meeting at the Malmesbury library held on 3August 2001 with the Eskom team. |

| | | |Mr Lesch attended this meeting. |

| | | |- The concerns raised by Ms Lesch in her e-mail, will be recorded on the |

| | | |database as part of the Public Involvement process. Additionally, Ms Lesch |

| | | |referred to the historical significance of the transport route over |

| | | |Porseleinberg. She suggested that a route along the "vlei area" may be more |

| | | |suitable. I also explained that additional issues such as avoiding |

| | | |construction activities during certain planting and harvesting periods and |

| | | |crop spraying had been raised and would be recorded in the Final Scoping |

| | | |Report. |

| | | |- I explained the next phase of the Environmental Assessment process and that|

| | | |the specialist team would include an ecologist (Mr Doug Jeffery)and an |

| | | |ornithologist (Mr Chris van Rooyen). |

| | | |- Ms Lesch said that they had contacted Mr Koos de Goede for advice on the |

| | | |potential effects of the line on bird life. |

| | | |- It was agreed that it would be ideal if Mr Doug Jeffery could personally |

| | | |contact Ms Lesch to arrange for an appointment to discuss the issues on site.|

| | | | |

| | | |- The most important aspect of the next phase being the Environmental Impact |

| | | |Report that would make recommendations on preferred routes after having |

| | | |investigated all the potential impacts of the transmission line. The public |

| | | |would once again be invited to comment on this report. |

| | | |- I also explained the servitude negotiation process followed by Eskom. |

| | | |- In terms of this I explained that a likely condition of the Record of |

| | | |Decision issued by the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism would be|

| | | |that servitude negotiation with affected landowners would have to be |

| | | |completed before construction could commence. |

| | | |- In general, I thanked Ms Lesch for the interest the farmers had shown in |

| | | |the project by attending the meeting in Malmesbury, as this had not always |

| | | |been the case in other areas. |

| | | | |

| | | |If Ms Lesch feels that I have not captured our conversation accurately, she |

| | | |should please have the freedom to contact me on 082 809 7624 at any time. |

| | | | |

| | | |Thank you for your willingness to participate in this process. The study team|

| | | |always welcomes input from stakeholders and Interested and Affected Parties. |

| | | | |

| | | |Kindest regards |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| 23-Aug-01 |Telephonic Discussion | |Doug Jeffery |

| | | | |

| | | |Mrs Lesch has stressed that she needs to be in on the discussions and if |

| | | |you could take along 1:50 000 maps, it would be appreciated. There was not|

| | | |enough detail on the 1:250 000. |

| | | | |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |699/2000 | |

| 19-Sep-01 |Swartland Farmers |Issues Raised: | |

| |Meeting |1.In the low point where we propose the line crosses the | |

| | |Porseleinberg there is a Black Eagles nest - this should be | |

| | |confirmed during the avifaunal study. | |

| | |2.The low point through the Porseleinberg is a preferred route | |

| | |for racing pigeons. | |

| | |3.They were concerned that the terrain was not suitable for a | |

| | |power line - I explained that the terrain seemed suitable but | |

| | |that this would be confirmed during the EIA phase. | |

| | |4.The line passes close to the houses and werf of Dassenheuwel | |

| | |and Tweekuil - this is true but I explained that the line can be| |

| | |finally placed behind the houses as well. | |

| | |5.They indicated that the area was used for filming adverts - my| |

| | |answer was that if the line had to be placed across the | |

| | |Swartland this may be a problem along all routes. | |

| | |6.There is a 4X4 route on the Porseleinberg at this point - it | |

| | |seems that this route is very seldom used and I do not | |

| | |necessarily see this as a highly significant issue. | |

| | |7.Health - EMR | |

| | |8.A power line through their wheatlands will be problematic for | |

| | |crop sprayers (aeroplanes) | |

| | |9.There is a crop sprayer landing strip on Tweekuil close to the| |

| | |proposed route. | |


| | |that they attended the open day at Malmesbury and filled in the | |

| | |attendance list/or had | |

| | |their names and addresses taken but have not received any | |

| | |notifications since and were not notified of the availability of | |

| | |the scoping report. they say there are a number of farmers who | |

| | |still don't know of the proposed line. | |

| | | | |

| | |Acknowledged that a power line has to cross somebody’s property | |

| | |but feel that they have legitimate reasons why the route is not | |

| | |entirely satisfactory. | |

| | | | |

| | |Alternative possible routes | |

|-Sept 2001 | |1.Realign the route from once the line crosses the Berg River | |

| | |near Gouda, southwards to link up with our alternative from the | |

| | |existing line below Voëlvlei Dam across below the Porseleinberg. | |

| | |2.Cross the Porseleinberg just north of the proposed route | |

| | |somewhere. The line will then be visible as it crosses the | |

| | |mountain but this may be better than a long way around the bottom| |

| | |of the mountain range. | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000078300000 | |

| 25-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Phone call from Mr Kobus Lesch. |1. Requested that he forward any details of neighbours to us so that we |

| | | |inform them of the project to date. |

| | |1. He is aware of a few neighbours that have no idea about |2 & 4. Would be addressed in negotiation process at late stage of project.|

| | |the project. |3. Will see if arrangements can be made. |

| | |2. He is frightened that their voice have not been heard to date.| |

| | |3. Would like to read the draft EIR in Afrikaans. |Suzette Hattingh. |

| | |4. Would like meetings with someone from the project together |Forward conversation details to Karin Bowler |

| | |with other landowners. | |

| | | | |

| | |Will phone if needed in future. | |

| 27-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence | |Telephonic conversation with Ms Lesch |

| | | |1. I apologized for the report not being in Afrikaans, but explained that|

| | | |it is not possible to translate it. |

| | | |2. Encourage her to read same, even if were the most important chapters |

| | | |and to look at the maps. I also encouraged her to contact me if there were|

| | | |any issues that needed clarifying. |

| | | |3. Other issues were once again raised: |

| | | |- That some of the neighbours knew nothing of the line and |

| | | |when farmers attended previous meetings, they left when they saw the line |

| | | |was far from their property. |

| | | |- The Lesch’s don’t read newspapers on a daily basis and never saw the |

| | | |adverts. This applies to other people in the area. |

| | | |- She also said that the Farmers’ Associations don’t always inform their |

| | | |members on these issues and also, farmers don’t attend all the meetings. |

| | | |- She confirmed that a meeting had taken place with Doug Jeffery and that |

| | | |a bird specialist had been to see them regarding the nesting eagles. |

| | | |4. I explained to here how issues raised during Scoping had been |

| | | |incorporated in the Draft EIR. |

| | | |5. I also reiterated that the EIA and the negotiation process is separate |

| | | |and that I cannot accept any responsibility for discussing process and |

| | | |land values. This would be done by Eskom. |

| | | |6. She says that their family farm is very small and that they crop spray,|

| | | |a line would make it economically unviable and they would not be able to |

| | | |plant and spray new crops. Mrs Lesch is also of the opinion that the |

| | | |compensation should not be once –off as the negative impact would extend |

| | | |indefinitely. |

| | | |7. I explained that these issues had been captured in the report and that |

| | | |i.t.o. the Eskom negotiation process, these issues are discussed in detail|

| | | |with the affected Landowners |

| | | |8. Mrs Lesch is a pharmacist and her family is prone to cancer.She is |

| | | |concerned about the EMF emissions and the potential to cause cancer. We |

| | | |discussed this matter in much detail and I explained the precautionary |

| | | |principle followed i.t.o. the 80 m servitude. However, Mrs Lesch says that|

| | | |it is not her choice to expose herself to these lines and if in a few |

| | | |years she gets cancer, |

| | | |she is of the opinion that it would be hard for her to prove and that |

| | | |Eskom would shrug its shoulders. I provided her with an e-mail address of|

| | | |jmoulder@its.mcw.edu, the author of an article on EMFs & Human Health |

| | | |(Power lines & Cancer FAQs) which appeared on the internet. |

| | | | |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

Co/Org DB Conradie Trust /Ceres

Name Conradie, Dirk Brasler, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 91, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 1221/97 | |

Co/Org Doornfontein Trust

Name Basson, JH, Mr

Mail to c/o C de Jager, P O Box 504, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 487 2046, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |707/92 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081400000 | |

Co/Org Doringbos Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 82, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , 083 231 1730,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |549/90 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036600002 | |

Co/Org Du Toit Groep (Edms) Bpk

Name du Toit, Gys C, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 236, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 3136, 023 316 1229, 082 491 7214, gys@

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 24-Aug-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Mr JL du Toit phoned Acer |27 / 08 / 01 |

| | | | |

| | |Not being able to make the ERF meeting requested summary and |Telcon |

| | |final outcome feedback. | |

| | | |K Bowler provided a summary of the ERF meeting and the outcomes. The |

| | | |following was discussed: |

| | | | |

| | | |1. An updated Impact Table and Map will be sent to I&APs who attended or |

| | | |apologised for not attending the ERF. |

| | | |2. The final Scoping Report will be distributed to the Municipal offices and |

| | | |also the libraries for public comment. |

| | | |3. Letters will be sent to all I&APs on the database. |

| | | |4. The Specialists will commence their studies after the Scoping Report has |

| | | |been accepted by DEA&T. |

| | | |5. The EIR will also be available for public comment. |

| | | |6. Eskom will meet with landowners at the various Farmers' Association |

| | | |meetings. |

| | | |7. Mr du Toit will contact K Bowler if necessary. |

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000037900004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000031600000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000032300001 | |

Co/Org Eikelaan Landgoed Pty Ltd

Name Willers, LJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 57, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |75/1414 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000083400006 | |

Co/Org Eljolet Family Trust

Name Visser, JA, Mr

Mail to P O Box 366, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 1714, 023 230 1714, 082 925 4232,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4510305069084 | |

Co/Org Engen Petroleum Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 35, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |198900375406 | |

| 23-Jan-02 |Telephonic Discussion |Mr Jimmy Kilfoil contacted the ACER office and requested a more | |

| | |specific area because of the large amounts of property they own. | |

| | | | |

| | |Was happy with route description and would contact if further | |

| | |assistance is needed. | |

| | | | |

| | |Cell: 083 627 2890 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000004100007 | |

Co/Org Erdams Farm CC

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 327, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 316 1264, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |CK 96/52776/23 | |

Co/Org F D Conradie Trust

Name Conradie, F D, Mr

Mail to P O Box 4, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3531, 023 313 3689, 083 261 6190,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 125/95 | |

Co/Org Fairview Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 2293, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4112/95 | |

Co/Org FJ Nel Bothma Trustees

Name Gallerini, , Mev

Mail to 36 Madeira Street, Rugby, 7441

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000004900000 | |

Co/Org G.J. Viviers Boerdery Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 72, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 416 1682, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |727/98 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000007300001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000012300001 | |

Name Vivier, G, Mr

Mail to p/a Loubser, du Plessis, P O Box 920, Stellenbosch, 7599

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 883 8181, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |727/98 | |

Co/Org GJV Esterhuise Family Trust

Name du Plessis, CA, Mr

Mail to 40 Richelieu Str, Everglen, Durbanville, 7550

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |740/94 | |

Co/Org Gouda Boerdery CC

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 138, Porterville, 6810

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |CK 95/45907/23 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000007300005 | |

Co/Org Hartebeesfontein Boerdery

Name Basson, A L, Mr

Mail to P O Box 981, Stellenbosch, 7600

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 416 1639, 021 887 3875, 082 572 5272,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 11-Dec-01 | |FAKS |20 December 2001 |

| | |AAN: Die Publieke Betrokkenheidsbeampte: ESKOM | |

| | |VAN: A L Basson |Mnr Basson |

| | |Hartebeesfontein Boerdery | |

| | |Posbus 981, Stellenbosch, 7600 |Ek verwys na u brief gedateer 11 Desember 2001 en ons telefoongesprek op 20|

| | | |Desember 2001. Ek antwoord graag op u brief en bevestig ook die inhoud van |

| | |DATUM: 11 Desember 2001 |ons telefoongesprek. |

| | | | |

| | |1) Ek verwys na Karin Bowler se brief gadateer 7 November 2001 |1) Dit is belangrik om die onafhanklikheid van die |

| | |wat ek eers op 4 Desember onvang het aangesien ek uitstedig was. |omgewings-assesseringsproses en die grondeienaar-onderhandelingsproses te |

| | |2) In die agtergrondskrywe van bogenoemde brief melt u dat |beklemtoon: |

| | |“uitgebreide samespreking met deelhebbers en belanghebbende en |- Eskom Transmissie het die reg om ten enige tyd met ‘n grondeienaar vir ‘n|

| | |geaffekteerde partye gehou is en voorts dat skriftelik kommentaar|servituut te onderhandel. Maar as deel van die organisasie se goeie |

| | |nie later nie as 18 Augustus 2001 ingedien moet word”. |omgewingspraktyk, gee Eskom Transmissie instrukies dat ‘n |

| | |3) Ek dra geen kennis van enige onderhandelinge nie. Bogenoemde |omgewings-assesseringsproses terselfdetyd uitgevoer moet word. |

| | |brief is die eerste wat ek van die voorgestelde projek verneem |- Die omgewings-assesseringsproses word deur onafhanklike konsultante |

| | |het. |behartig. Dit is die konsultante se taak om seker te maak dat alle impakte |

| | |4) Daar is tans drie transmissie lyne oor my plaas, met |(beide positiewe en negatiewe) wat die 765 kV Transmissie lyn kan hê op die|

| | |gapaardgaande gronderosie en vernietiging van weiding. Geliewe |sosiale en natuurlike omgewing, geïdentifiseer en inageneem is wanneer die |

| | |kennis te neem dat ek nie beried is om die konstruksie van |verskillende alternatiewe roetes evalueer word. Dit sluit in dat ons al die|

| | |verdere transmissie lyne oor my plaas toe te laat nie. Ek was ook|grondeienaars (sowel as ander belangehebbendes) se kommentaar op rekord |

| | |nie in staat om my besware voor die sperdatum van 18 Augustus |plaas). |

| | |2001 in te dien nie omdat u my eers op 7 November 2001 van die | |

| | |onheilsplanne verwittig het. | |

| | |5) Die gewysigde databasis vorm is hierby ingesluit: |- Die servituut-onderhandelingsproses word deur ‘n Eksom Transmissie |

| | | |beampte behartig. Soos verduidelik, sal Mnr Koos van der Merwe u direk |

| | |Die uwe |skakel. |

| | |A L Basson |- Die konsultante kan ‘n roete aanbeveel maar neem nie die finale besluit |

| | |Afskrif aan: Klantediens Area Bestuurder |nie, dié word in samewerking met die onderhadeling span gedoen. |

| | |ESKOM |2) U kan van die agtergrond inligtingsdokument aflei dat die studie verlede|

| | |Posbus 2015 |jaar begin het en vir ‘n tyd lank tot stilstand gebring is en eers weer in |

| | |GEORGE |Julie hierdie jaar hervat is. Die proses om grondeienaars te identifiseer |

| | |6350 |is ‘n lang proses en word deur die verloop van die studie gedoen en dit is |

| | |Aandag : Tobie Nortje |heel moontlik dat al die eienaars nie teen die eiende van die studie |

| | | |gekontak is nie. Dit is te wyte aan die feit dat addresse baie moeilik |

| | | |bekombaar is nadat inligting deur die Akte Kantoor verskaf is. U is een van|

| | | |die grondeienaars wie se inltigting eers in Oktober 2001 bekom is. |

| | | |Inligting is onmiddelik aan u uitgestuur. |

| | | |3) Alhoewel die Omvangsbepalingsfase voltooi is en die versper datum vir |

| | | |terugvoer verby is, is drie punte belangrik: |

| | | |- ACER (Africa) plaas u faks (en gewysigde inligting) van 11 Desember 2001 |

| | | |op rekord. |

| | | |- The EIA is not yet complete….. |

| | | |- Daar is nog ‘n Konsep Omgewingsimpakverslag wat ten einde Januarie 2001 |

| | | |in verskillende publieke plekke vir publieke kommentaar beskikbaar sal |

| | | |wees. U sal binnekort hiervan in kennis gestel word. |

| | | |- Die serwituut onderhandelingsproses moet tussen Eskom Transmissie en die |

| | | |grondeienaars nog plaas vind. |

| | | |Alhoewel daar seker maalpyle is in die studie wanneer belanghebbende partye|

| | | |amptelik moet reageer op verslae, kan u enige tyd vir die studiespan kontak|

| | | |om u kwessies te opper en op rekord te plaas. |

| | | |4) Soos bespreek, is gronderosie en die vernieting van weiding gedurende |

| | | |konstruksie deur ander grondeienaars geopper en hierdie sake word in die |

| | | |Konsep Omgewingsimpakverslag bevat. |

| | | | |

| | | |Soos ooreengekom, stuur ek hierdie brief per spoedpos aan u Mosselbaai |

| | | |adres en ek het ook vir Mnr van der Merwe van die datums van 11 & 12 |

| | | |Januarie 2002 verwittig, indien hy vir u op die plaas wil besoek. |

| | | |Indien u enige verdere inligting wil bekom, skakel weer gerus vir my. |

| | | | |

| | | |Groete. |

| | | |Die uwe |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| 03-Jan-02 | |Subject: The Cape Strengthening Programme - |Subject: 765kV Transmissie Lyn - Gamma-Omega - |

| | |Gamma-Omega 765kV Transmission Line |Hartebeesfontein Boerdery |

| | |Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 22:15:36 +0200 |Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 09:25:17 +0200 |

| | |From: "Mari Carstens" |From: "Karin Bowler" |

| | |To: |To: |

| | |CC: |CC: "Nadia Mol" , "Stuart Dunsmore" |

| | | |, "suzette hattingh" |

| | |Vir Aandag:Me Karin Bowler/Suzette Hattingh | |

| | | |Geagte Mnr en Mev Carstens |

| | |Ek verwys na u skrywe gedateer 20 Desember 2001 in antwoord op | |

| | |die skrywe van mnr AL Basson van Hartebeesfontein Boerderye, |Dankie vir u e-pos van 3 Januarie 2002. |

| | |gedateer 11 Desember 2001. | |

| | | |Ek verneem julle is ook van Hartebeesfontein Boerdery, dit sal waardeer word |

| | |In u skrywe van 7 November 2001 verwys u na "a Final Issues |indien u vir ons rekord doeleindes kan verwitting of u, tesame met Mnr A L |

| | |Report" wat op aanvraag beskikbaar is. Sal u asb So vriendelik |Basson, vennote is van Hartebeesfontein Boerdery. In terme van die |

| | |wees om die verslag aan ons te e-mail.(maric@mweb.co.za) Ek |Omgewingsimpakstudie en die publieke konsultasie proses is dit is belangrik |

| | |plaas voorts op rekord dat daar in terme van die |dat ek u aandag vestig op 'n paar punte in my brief aan Mnr Basson: |

| | |omgewingsregulasies, soos afgekondig gedurende September 1997, | |

| | |nie geleentheid aan ons gebied is om Enige kwessies aan u oor |Punt no 2. |

| | |te dra nie, ten spyte van die feit dat die korekkte adres |Die identifiseering van belanghebbendes (belangrik hier is die grondeienaars)|

| | |beskikbaar was. Ons behou dus die reg voor om volledige insette|is 'n proses wat regdeur die studie geskied en soos die inligting bekom is, |

| | |te lewer sodra die verslag aan ons gestuur is. Ek sal dit ook |is die betrokke partye ingelig oor die projek. Addisioneel tot die "akte |

| | |waardeer indien u 'n meer duidelike kaart van die voorgestelde|kantoor roete" wat in die brief verduidelik is, is dit belangrik om kennis te|

| | |roete kan e-mail. |dra van die volgende feite: |

| | | |- Die projek is ook geadverteer is in verskeie media |

| | |Ek verneem ook graag tot watter mate die betrokke plaaslike |- Daar is besprekings met boereverenings al langs die roete |

| | |owerhede betrokke is by die proses aangesien | |

| | |die voorgestelde kraglyn 'n afwyking van die normale |gehou. Die voorsitters is gevra om al hulle lede te verwittig van die |

| | |landbougebruike is? |projek en om inligting van die geafekteerde grondeienaars aan ons te |

| | | |verskaf. |

| | |By voorbaat dank | |

| | |PG Carstens |Ten spyte van die bogenoemde is daar altyd 'n kans dat grondeienaars nie |

| | |nms Hartebeesfontein Boerdery |deur hierdie roetes ingelig kan word oor die Omgewings Asessesering |

| | | |Studie(EIA) nie. |

| | |From: Mari Carstens [mailto:maric@mweb.co.za] | |

| | |Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:44 PM |Soos verduidelik in die brief, is die serwituut onderhandelingsproses 'n |

| | |To: Karin Bowler |onafhanlike proses en word alleenlik deur Eskom behartig. Indien u |

| | |Subject: |belangstel, kan ek onder 'n aparte e-pos (ongelukkig in Engels) inligting |

| | | |aangaande die onafhanklike verhouding tussen die EIA en die serwituut |

| | |Beste Me |onderhandelings proses vir u stuur. |

| | | | |

| | | |Ek wil ook graag u aandag daarop vestig dat ons as onafhanklike konsultant |

| | |Baie dankie vir 'n spoedige en volledige reaksie. Nou u e-pos: |'n study korridor vir die lyn evalueer, die finale lyn word direk tussen |

| | |1. Ek, Mev Carstens & Mnr en Mev Basson is venote in die |Eskom en die grondeienaars onderhandel. Soos verduidelik, sal 'n Eskom |

| | |Hartebeesfontein boerdery. |beampte, as deel van sy program, direk vir u skakel. |

| | |2. Ek sal dit waardeer indien die planne na Posbus 981, | |

| | |Stellenbosch, 7599 gestuur kan word. |Punt no 3. |

| | |3. Enige verdere inligting (hetsy dit Afrikaans of Engels) tov |Die kommentaarfase om die "Final Issues Report" mag wel verby wees, maar u |

| | |die Eskom proses sal waardeur word. |en ander partye het nog 'n kans om op die Draft Environmental Impact Report |

| | | |(Draft EIR) kommentaar te lewer. Die dokument behoort einde Januarie 2002 in|

| | |Die uwe |die publiek te wees en u sal wel hiervan per pos verwittig word. Dit is |

| | | |baie belangrik vir ons as onafhanklike konsultante, dat u geskrewe |

| | | |kommentaar binne die |

| | | |kommentaartydperk lewer. |

| | | | |

| | | |Betrokke Plaaslike owerhede: |

| | | |Aangesien die Transmissie lyn oor twee provinsies sal gebou sal word, is die|

| | | |Nasionale, Noordkaap en Weskaap se betrokke omgewingsdepartemente van die |

| | | |begin van die studie af betrokke. Die departemente word regdeur die studie |

| | | |op hoogte gehou van die vordering en sal almal betrokke wees by die finale |

| | | |evalueeringsproses as deel van die amptelike Besluitnemingsproses (Record of |

| | | |Decision) |

| | | | |

| | | |Ek verneem van ACER (Africa), Me Suzette Hattingh dat daar nog een stel |

| | | |kaarte beskikbaar is en sy sal reel dat die per spoedpos aan u gestuur word. |

| | | |Verwittig haar asseblief van die adres waarheen dit gestuur moet word. |

| | | | |

| | | |Indien u enige verdere vra het, voel asseblief vry om my direk te skakel. |

| | | | |

| | | |Alles van die beste |

| | | |Groete |

| | | |Publiekebetrokkenheids programleier |

| | | |Karin Bowler |

| | | |PBA International |

| 31-Jan-02 | | |Mnr Basson (Hartbeesfontein plaas) het by Mnr Tobie Cronje (Eskom, George) 'n|

| | | |draai gemaak en navraag gedoen oor opvolg gesprekke oor die projek, spesifiek|

| | | |dink ek i.v.m. kontak met die onderhandelaar. |

| | | | |

| | | |Ek het vir Koos v.d. Merwe (Eskom) vanoggend geskakel met Mnr Basson se |

| | | |kontak nommers en hom verwittig dat ons ook met Mev Mari Carstens (Mnr Basson|

| | | |se vennoot) ekorrespondeer het. Ek het ook vir Koos gesê dat ons 1:250 000 |

| | | |kaarte aangestuur het. |

| 04-Feb-02 | | |From: Koos Van Der Merwe [jjvdm@eskom.co.za] |

| | | |Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:28 AM |

| | | |To: karinbow@ |

| | | |Subject: Mnr. Basson |

| | | | |

| | | |Hi Karin |

| | | |Ek het vanoggend met Mnr. Basson gepraat. Sy probleem is dat hy alreeds 3 |

| | | |kraglyne oor sy eiendom het en voel dis baie beter dat die lyn oor sy buurman|

| | | |se grond gaan. Hy sê ook dat hy self die erosie moes regmaak maar as 'n |

| | | |nagedagte het hy darem na 'n ruk bygevoeg dat Eskom hom betaal het daarvoor. |

| | | | |

| | | |Ek het aan hom gesê om alles aan julle te gee aangesien julle onafhanklik is |

| | | |en dit sal in die EIA gedokumenteer word. |

| | | |Koos van der Merwe |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000006500001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000006800000 | |

Co/Org Herman de Vries Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 115, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 414 3392, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 4582/95 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000017800000 | |

Co/Org J C Liebenberg & G J van

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 33, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0667, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4212225103008 | |

Co/Org J S Zeeman Trust

Name , ,

Mail to Posbus 244, Tulbagh, 6820

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 230 0657, , 082 775 3057,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |IT 5115/97 | |

Co/Org Jakhals Nest Farm Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 99, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |96/01906/07 | |

Co/Org Karoo Ochse Kaap

Name , ,

Mail to Posbus 1816, Bedfordview, 2008

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 10-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |65/00480/07 | |

Co/Org Keert de Koe Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 5, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1909/99 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000007500001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000007800000 | |

Co/Org Kleinfontein Boerdery - Joan

Name Rogers, JF, Mrs

Mail to 2nd Floor Attwell House, Belmont Rd, Rondebosch, 8001

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |764/98 | |

Co/Org Kleinfontein Boerdery Trust

Name de Jager, LA, Mr

Mail to P O Box 83, Koringdal, Aderdeen, 6270

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 049 846 9033, 049 846 9033, 082 825 6483,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000006500004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000006500000 | |

Co/Org Koelfontein Family Trust

Name Conradie, FD, Mr

Mail to P O Box 4, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3531, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1196/94 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000026300000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000026300003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000032300010 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000032300000 | |

Co/Org Kulumela Pty Ltd

Name van Breda, DJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 1088, Stellenbosch, 7599

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 881 3077, 021 881 3247, 082 850 6101,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |73/07159/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000064900008 | |

Co/Org Laastedrif Boerdery

Name Cillié, Pieter (PR), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 135, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 316 1330, 023 312 2091, 082 453 1486,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 07-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |6408285171087 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000034300002 | |

Co/Org le Roux Familie Trust

Name le Roux, FJH & Jacobus J, Messrs

Mail to Posbus 30, Laingsburg, 6900

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 551 1904, 023 551 1910, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4201195025002 | |

| | |793/94 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000003000000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000003200000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000003100000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007100000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007400000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007400003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007500001 | |

Co/Org Leeuwenfontein Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 93, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4593/97 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036100013 | |

Co/Org Lomina Agtien Pty Ltd

Name Young, M, Mr

Mail to Posbus 1069, Beaufort Wes, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , 082 421 1984, mjyoung@worldonline.co.za

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Jul-01 | |Ask James Bredenkamp about 11kV railway transformer & link 3 | |

| | |phase from rail supply. (Spoke to Mrs Smit) | |

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |199700093007 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000017300000 | |

Co/Org Mooi Nooientjies Trust

Name Matthee, Christo J, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 57, Stellenbosch, 7600

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 883 2828, 021 883 8861, 082 568 3002,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |46 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04300000000007600001 | |

Co/Org Olyvenhoek Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 8, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4151/94 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000081800000 | |

Co/Org Ossedo PTY Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 300, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 317 0662, 023 317 0672, 082 657 0664,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |19691108507 | |

Co/Org Ouplaas Trust

Name du Toit, MH, Mnr

Mail to p/a vd Ahee, P O Box 12246, Stellenbosch, 7600

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 887 1011 /3 /4, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |869/99 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000037900002 | |

Name du Toit, MH, Mr

Mail to P O Box 12246, Stellenbosch, 7600

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |869/99 > 421011026003 | |

Co/Org Pembrey Trust

Name Vadas, PS, Mr

Mail to P O Box 2130, Knysna, 6570

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Co/Org Pick 'n Gro Pty Ltd

Name Joubert, AP, Mr

Mail to P O Box 3, Koelenhof, 7605

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |80/10009/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000095300000 | |

Co/Org Pieter de Bod Family Trust

Name de Bod, Pieter Andries, Mr

Mail to P O Box 9047, Klein Drakenstein, 7628

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 021 862 2194, 021 862 2537, 082 779 5581,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1322/93 | |

| 14-Nov-01 | |Mr Dian Dreyer Phoned (Member of the Pieter de Bod Family Trust): |Koos v d Merwe (ESKOM) het Mnr Dreyer gekontak en die volgende bespreek. |

| | | |Die kontakpersoon is Johan Lech in Worcester maar dis 'n privaat lyn wat |

| | |Requested a Final issues report > Emailed same to |die naaste aan die Reservaat is. Johan het met Dian gepraat en die storie |

| | |info@naturereserve.co.za |aan hom verduidelik. (Distribusie se samewerking en hulle houding teenoor |

| | | |die publiek het nogal baie met die projek te doen en dis vir my belangrik |

| | |Requested someone to speak to regarding local distribution. |dat hulle, soos in hierdie geval, goeie terugvoer aan die publiek gee.) |

| | |> Forwarded request & details to Koos van der Merwe. | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000023400002 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000026100000 | |

Co/Org Pioneer Voedsel Pty Ltd

Name Malherbe, DJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 153, Riversdal, 6700

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |195700063407 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C07500000000038900000 | |

Co/Org Portuplaas Pty Ltd

Name Brink, PJ, Mr

Mail to P O Box 85, Paardeneiland, 7420

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |71/13474/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000106700000 | |

Co/Org Raywilgo Farms Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 146, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |79/00876/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000037900001 | |

Co/Org Rooihoogte Trust

Name Smuts, WB, Mr

Mail to 14 Hoof Str, Riebeeck Kasteel, 7307

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |T 1396/94 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000064900004 | |

Co/Org Sabre Trust

Name de Jager, Julian, Mr

Mail to P O Box 1025, Beaufort West, 6970

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 416 1684, 023 416 1684, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000012200001 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000012200011 | |

Co/Org Sandkamp Boerdery Pty Ltd

Name Kriel, Hermanus J, Mr

Mail to P O Box 186, Wolseley, 6830

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 312 1487, 023 231 0538, 082 924 4937,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |197301328907 | |

Co/Org Sheersprops 1025 / 25 Pty

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 137, Prince Alfred Hamlet, 6840

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1997/003168/23 // 97/17357/07 | |

Co/Org Skaaprivier Plaas Pty Ltd

Name Mouton & Wolfaardt, A & AJ, Messrs

Mail to Posbus 34, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |199701097307 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000036300002 | |

Name Wolfaardt, AJ, Mr

Mail to Posbus 34, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 18-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |199701097307 | |

Co/Org South African Preserving Co

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 1587, Somerset West, 7129

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |60/01918/07 | |

Co/Org Swartdam Trust /

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 2510, Paarl, 7620

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 03-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1753/93 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000066100008 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000066700002 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000066100012 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C04600000000066700000 | |

Co/Org Swellengift Pty Ltd

Name Loubser, PE, Mr

Mail to P O Box 3, Durbanville, 7551

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |199901174007 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01600000000143300000 | |

Co/Org Truter Beleggings

Name Truter, Hennie, Mr

Mail to P O Box 11, Riebeeck Kasteel, 7307

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 022 448 1811, , 082 772 9183,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4119/2000 | |

| 04-Dec-01 |Telephonic Discussion |Mnr Truter het geskakel en het verduidelik dat hy dink die kaart|Dit is aan Mnr Truter verduidelik dat 'n 1 : 250 000 kaart aan Mnr de Jager |

| | |wat ons vir hom gestuur het is onduidelik. |gestuur is van Riebeek Boerevereniging, en dat hy hom kan skakel indien hy |

| | | |dit sou wou bestudeer. Hy was tevrede en sou so maak. |

| 28-Mar-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |Mr Truter called requesting clarity whether or not the line |Subject: 765 PRLO Phone details #2 |

| | |will be going over his property. The maps are unclear. |Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 13:10:11 +0200 |

| | | |From: |

| | | |To: |

| | | | |

| | | |Hi Suzette |

| | | | |

| | | |Ek het Hennie Truter vandag geskakel. Hy wou weet of die lyn sy grond sal |

| | | |affekteer. Ek het dit bevestig en 'n kaart aan hom gesfaks. Hy beweer die |

| | | |kaart in die biblioteek is nie baie duidelik nie. |

Co/Org Tygerhoogte Farms Pty Ltd

Name Coetzee, CP, Mr

Mail to P O Box 126, Touws River, 6880

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 358 2011, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 20-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

Co/Org Verlorenvlei Inv Pty Ltd

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 578, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 08-Oct-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |98/07399/07 | |

Co/Org Waterbron Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 107, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 16-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |2626/98 | |

Co/Org Welgegund Family Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 248, Malmesbury, 7299

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |4492/96 | |

Co/Org Werner Koster Prop Trust

Name , ,

Mail to P O Box 206, Cape Town, 8000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail , , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 05-Nov-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |5163/96 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000012300003 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000012300004 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C00900000000015400000 | |

Co/Org Witzenberg Properties (Pty)

Name Graaf - Bestuurende Direkteur, Pieter (PJ), Mnr

Mail to Posbus 92, Ceres, 6835

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 023 313 3108 /316 1915, 023 313 3486, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 19-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: |1954/000760/07 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000016200000 | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C01900000000016800006 | |

Co/Org Ysterklip Trust

Name Vlok, Luther, Mnr

Mail to Posbus 46, Victoria-Wes, 7070

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 053 621 0076, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 17-Sep-01 |Trust/ID Nr.: | | |

| 14-Feb-02 |21 Digit Code |C05200000000001500002 | |


Co/Org Petronet

Name Scrooby, Jeff, Mr

Mail to P O Box 3113, Durban, 4000

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 031 361 1343, 031 361 1534, ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 04-Jul-01 | |Your letter ECS3.01 refers. | |

| | | | |

| | |Petronet, being a division of Transnet Ltd, is not affected by | |

| | |the proposal as depicted on your drawing. | |

| | | | |

| | |Your awareness of the existance of Transnet's pipeline | |

| | |servitudes and concern for their integrity is however | |

| | |appreciated. | |

| | | | |

| | |JL Scrooby | |

| 04-Apr-02 |Draft EIR Correspondence |26 March 2002 |27 March 2002 |

| | |Send Cd with draft EIR copy. |Nadia Moll left message on his answering machine that the cd was being |

| | | |mailed to him. |

Co/Org Spoornet

Name Bredenkamp, James, Mr

Mail to P O Box 1276, Joubert Park, 2044

Tel/Fax/Cell/e-mail 011 773 8232, , ,

Date Issue Raised Comment Action

| 20-Jul-01 |E-mail Received |You letter ECSL3.01E dated 28 June 2001 refers. |E-mailed copy of the letter dated 2 November 2000. |

| | | | |

| | |You are kindly requested to furnish this office with the reference | |

| | |number of the correspondence that you are referring to in the first| |

| | |paragraph. | |

| | | | |

| | |Jack Maponya | |

| | |Senior Admin Official | |

| | |011 773 4490 | |

| 08-Jan-02 | |08 February 2002 | |

| | | | |

| | |Dear Madam | |

| | | | |

| | |Cape Strengthening Programme: Gamma - Omega 765 kV Transmission | |

| | |line | |

| | | | |

| | |Your application ECS3.01E dated 28 June 2001 Refers. | |

| | |In principle there is no objection to the proposed subject to the | |

| | |following conditions: | |

| | |- A positive record of decision will be required from the Dept of | |

| | |Environmental Affairs. | |

| | |- A formal application must be submitted by Eskom for final | |

| | |approval. | |

| | | | |

| | |Kind regards. | |

| | |James Bredenkamp | |

| | |Junior manager | |

| | |Copies to: Depot Engineer, P O Box 737, Bergville, 7535. | |


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