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Ubuntu/Linux ExperimentYou Name: Your Station: Your Computer: You Partners: Date: ObjectivesLearn & practice Linux using Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI)Write simple scripts in LinuxIntroductionIn this experiment, we would like to practice the basic Linux commands on a Terminal window available in Ubuntu OS. Linux commands are used in the configuration of the data networking devices such as computers, switches and routers. The PCs in Salazar 2006 can boot in Windows 7 or Ubuntu Operating system. Please use Ubuntu for this experiment. If you want to use your laptop/Macbook, you need to install Ubuntu on a Flash drive & boot your laptop/Macbook from the Flash drive. Note that some of the Linux commands may require admin access for which you need to use the command sudo –l & the password provided by the instructor.ProcedurePlease do this experiment on your own. Each student must submit her/his report on this experiment to Canvas for grading. For your report, first save a copy of this instruction sheet in your flash memory or Ubuntu Document folder with the file name “YourLast_Linux_Lab.docx” & fill in the answers to the questions for submission. Power on the computer & keep touching the Up arrow until the computer displays the list of the OSes (Ubuntu, Ubuntu backup, & Windows 10) for you to choose. If this did not work, use the procedure at the end *.If you use your laptop (Macbook), usually touching the function key F12 (Option key) can display the list of the OSes on the screen. At this time, select Ubuntu (NOT Ubuntu Backup) & hit enter for the Ubuntu OS to boot up. Now open a Terminal page to enter the Linux commands & write the address for the prompt displayed on the screen that identifies your working directory.your working directory State the operation and explain the differences between the “cd” vs “cd ..” vs “cd /” & "ls" vs "ls -l" mandState the Operationcdcd ..cd /lsls -lPractice the following commands, state their operations, and test mandState the Operationlocate xyzls -l > ls-l.txtsort –r namescat my_filecat list1 > list2cat list1 >> list2cat > list2good morning^dtail -5 myfilecat /etc/shellswhatis xyzvim smithgedit smithifconfigifconfig –aecho 1, 2, 3, 4sudopwdGiven the operation in the left column, what will be the Linux command in right column?OperationWhat is the Command?list files & directories.list all files & directories including the hidden ones.make a sub-directory called “goodboy” in the working directory.go to working directory. Assume you are in “folder1” directory.show the path for where you are in the directory.read the manual page of command “xyz”list the contents of the working directory, no matter where you are.copy “file1” to “file2”.delete folder1 subdirectory.rename file1 to file2.display the content of a file called my_file1redirect the output to list1?count the number of lines, words, & characters in my_file1?count only the number of lines in my_file1?count only the number of words in my_file1?count only the number of characters in my_file1?display all lines of list1 & list2 containing the letter “p” & sort the result.find out about “sort”.display the names of all files in directory “ubuntu” & their permissions.remove directory “trash”Write the commands to create a directory called “Music” that includes a file called “song_list”. The file has a line that reads “This file contains great songs to hear.”. Test your command lines including the text editor line & the “cat” command to display the line. Show all the commands and your results. Assume “$” is your prompt in your working directory.Use vim or gedit to make a file called, my_file, then change the file name to your_file, allow your_file to have full access for yourself and only read access for everybody including the group. Then display the name of the file and the permission status of your_file with the date and time. Test your command lines & show the results below & to the instructor.Make a new file named “smith” with “Class room is Salazar 2006” on the first line, followed by he date of the day and the calendar of the month. Allow smith to provide full access for yourself and the group & only read access for everybody else. Make it executable and run it. Test your command lines & show the results below & to the instructor.Use grep command to find all lines with ipv4 addresses in the output of the ifconfig command.Please provide your feedback & report any typos/mistakes, your comments & observations on this instruction sheet, lab, & equipment below.In the remaining time practice the “Practice” slides at the end of “Intro to Linux” slide set. This Linux_Tutorial can be helpful.Report Type in your name, group, station, & the computer at the top of the report & all your responses to the questions in the tables above including your observations & comments neatly & submit your report by the due datePlease make sure to RESTART your PC so that it would be asleep in Windows for the automatic updates, but power off all other devices.* Instruction to boot the Ubuntu: Power On or Restart, Keep the Escape key to see the Start Menu, Press Function key F9, to see the Boot Menu,In Boot Menu select and press Boot from file, In Select File System page select and press the second entry Pci/PciRoot, In the next Select File page select and press EFI, In the next Select File page select and press Ubuntu, In the next Select File page go down to second and press grub x 64.efi, Finally, select and press Ubuntu quickly to boot for the Ubuntu OS. If you did not select and press soon enough, the computer will go to Windows 10 automatically. ................

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