
?Present Members: Shadi Omranian, Abigail Joseph, Jessica Ashe, Katiushca Moya, Casey Harloe, Joshua Beckmann, Angela Luedeke, Christopher DziekanAbsent Members: Vice PresidentMeeting initiated:3:00 PmMeeting adjourned:4:00 PmWelcome to our 11th meeting!-The meeting began with an introduction of the executives and members including name, major, and position in SG. This was followed by a quick icebreaker of “If you could do anything in the world as your career, what would you do?”Officer ReportsPresident-Shadi Omranian-Working on programming and co-sponsoring ?-Going to email CAPS (counseling and psychological services) for stress relief programs?-Gathering the team members and brainstorming for more ideas?-Looking for a capable, competent Vice President – emailed those who are interested in the role ?-Using the exec's feedback in regard to their expectation towards me to improve as a person and a leader ?Contact information: Omranisf@mail.uc.eduSecretary- Abigail Joseph-If you feel as if there should be something added to my minutes sent please let me know! ?-Emailed David Bostic to have minutes updated.?-Casey recommended that I add our slides to the minutes so I will be working on that! ?Contact information: josephai@mai.uc.eduTreasurer-Jessica AsheBudget Report-Beginning balance was $900?-Spent $63 of the $270 allotted for Incentives?-Remaining and Current Balance $837?-Still awaiting approval for CAPS funding.?Incentives?-Picked up 20 T-shirts yesterday (5 each of sizes S, M, L, and XL) ?-Purchased 3 aluminum water bottles and 2 tumblers from UCBA Bookstore?-Also have 10 Masks with UC logo.?-Need to get with Josh to get word out about our incentive program.??Contact information: schlotj@mail.uc.eduSenator A- Casey Harloe-Happy Inauguration Day!?-"While democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated" - Amanda Gorman?-DON and Kindercare inquiries?-Attending DON New Member Orientation Jan. 31st?-Implicit bias workshop?-Promotional video?-Local Ad - The Office US - Bing video?-Changed office hours: Monday 5-6pm?-Office Hours: Mondays 5pm-6pm (or email for other time/day)Contact information: harloech@mail.uc.eduSenator B- Katiuscha Moya-Talked about the admissions process? from the senate meeting and how it could be made easier. -Office hours are Tuesdays from 5-6Contact information: moyaalkn@mail.uc.eduPublic Relations Coordinator- Joshua Beckmann-Social media account is created!?-Link: link to UCBASG homepage?-Added InstaTV video?-Sent email to Josh Monson (Thursday Announcement)?-Poll for secondary social media platform?-Information on mask/t-shirt incentives?-Emailed David Bostic ?-Updated UCBASG homepage?-Updated meeting minutes on CampusLINK?-Submitted Tribunal events via CampusLINK up to 3/10/2021?-Idea for students to tag Instagram page with videos?-CampusLINK: information: beckmaju@mail.uc.eduAdvisor- Chris Dziekan-Reminder – SOL Applications are due by 11:59pm on Friday, January 22, 2021?-UC Blue Ash Leadership Retreat is Saturday, January 30, 2021 from Noon – 3pm; R.S.V.P. on CampusLink if you are interested in attending?-Been meeting with SG executive officers to help them get started on projects for spring semester?-Remember to use UC Blue Ash resources as needed (i.e. tutoring, mental health resources, etc.) to be successful this semester!?Old and new business-Vice President's application form is due on the 22nd?at noon ?-Look forward to giveaways, fun game nights and ?more here at UCBA!!!??Issues and Discussion ................

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