CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Cincinnati

Updated 10/2014 CURRICULUM VITAE Christopher J. Sullivan ________________________________________________________________________ University of Cincinnati School of Criminal Justice P.O. Box 210389 5331-B, Campus Recreation Center Cincinnati, OH 45221-0389 513-556-3851 (Phone) EDUCATION 2005 Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey, Newark Doctor of Philosophy, Criminal Justice Dissertation Title: Emotional health and delinquency: a longitudinal assessment of early emotional and behavioral problems as risk factors for delinquent behavior. 2000 University of Massachusetts, Lowell Master of Arts, Criminal Justice 1998 University of Massachusetts, Lowell Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice CURRENT POSITION 2014- Graduate Program Director School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati 2012- Associate Professor School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati PREVIOUS POSITIONS 2009-2012 Assistant Professor School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati 2005-2009 Assistant Professor Department of Criminology, University of South Florida 2003-2005 Senior Research Associate, Data Analyst National Development and Research Institutes, Center for Integration of Research and Practice 2000-2005 Research Associate School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University 1998-2000 Research Assistant Department of Criminal Justice, University of Massachusetts-Lowell BOOKS McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., & Kennedy, L. [eds.] (2011). When crime appears: The role of emergence. New York: Routledge. REFEREED PUBLICATIONS ^With Graduate Student (s) Sullivan, C.J., & Newsome, J. (Forthcoming). Psychosocial and genetic risk markers for longitudinal trends in delinquency: an empirical assessment and practical discussion. Criminal Justice Studies. Sullivan, C.J., Ousey, G.C., & Wilcox, P. (Forthcoming). Similar Mechanisms? A Comparative Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Violence and Victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence Reid, J., Piquero, A.R., & Sullivan, C.J. (2014). Exploring the impact of alcohol and marijuana use on commercial sexual exploitation among male youth using parallel-process latent growth curve modeling. Journal of Crime and Justice. Online First DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2014.965588 ^Sullivan, C.J., Blair, L., Latessa, E., & Coen Sullivan, C. (2014). Juvenile drug courts and recidivism: results from a multisite outcome and process study. Justice Quarterly. Online First DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2014.908937 Sullivan, C.J., & Loughran, T. (2014). Investigating the functional form of the self controldelinquency relationship in a sample of serious young offenders. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Online First DOI: 10.1007/s10940-014-9220-y Wilcox, P., Sullivan, C.J., Jones, S., & van Gelder, J.L. (2014). Personality, low self-control, and situational opportunity: an integrated approach to offending and victimization. Criminal Justice and Behavior. Online First. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813520603 Newsome, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2014). Resilience and vulnerability in adolescents: genetic influences on differential response to risk for delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43, 1080-1095. ^McGloin, J.M., Sullivan, C.J., & Thomas, K. (2014). The interdependence of friendship groups, schoolmates and network density in predicting substance use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43, 1436-1452. Sullivan, C.J., & McGloin, J.M. (2014). Looking back to move forward: some thoughts on measuring crime and delinquency in the past 50 years. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 51, 445-466. Sullivan, C.J. (2014). Individual, social, and neighborhood influences on the launch of adolescent antisocial behavior. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 12, 103-120. Welsh, B.C., Braga, A.A., & Sullivan, C.J. (2014). Serious youth violence and innovative prevention: on the emerging link between public health and criminology. Justice Quarterly, 31, 500-523. Gebo, E., & Sullivan, C.J. (2013). Comparing risk profiles of gang and non-gang youth in schools. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. Online First. DOI: 10.1177/1541204013495900 Sullivan, C.J., (2013). Enhancing translational knowledge on developmental crime prevention: The utility of understanding expert decision making. Criminology & Public Policy, 12, 343-351. Reitler, A., Sullivan, C.J., & Frank, J. (2013). The effects of legal and extralegal factors on federal detention and release decisions. Justice Quarterly, 30, 340-368. Listwan, S., Sullivan, C.J., Agnew, R., Cullen, F.T., & Colvin, M. (2013). The pains of imprisonment revisited: The impact of strain on inmate recidivism. Justice Quarterly, 30, 144-168. Childs, K., & Sullivan, C.J. (2013). Adolescent problem behavior: an investigation of underlying structure and possible transitions. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40, 57-79. Sullivan, C.J., Piquero, A., & Cullen, F. (2012). Like before, but better: the lessons of developmental, life-course criminology for contemporary juvenile justice. Victims & Offenders, 7, 450-471. Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Guest editor’s introduction to “Development and Juvenile Justice”. Victims & Offenders, 7, 361-363. Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Unraveling victim-offender overlap: Exploring profiles and constellations of risk. Victims & Offenders, 7, 327-360. ^Yarbrough, A.M., Jones, S., Sullivan, C.J., Sellers, C., & Cochran, J. (2012). the conditional influence of criminological constructs on juvenile delinquency: an examination of the moderating effects of self-control. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56, 191-202. Sullivan, C.J., & Hirschfield, P. (2011). Problem behavior in late elementary school: an assessment of the social development model. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48, 566-593. **Reprinted in McGee, R. & Mazerolle, P. (Forthcoming). Ashgate Library of Essays in Theoretical Criminology. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing. McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., Piquero, A.R., Blokland, A., & Nieuwbeerta, P. (2011). Marriage and offending versatility: Expanding the impact of turning points and the process of desistance. European Journal of Criminology, 8, 361-376 ^Childs, K., Dembo, R., Belenko, S., Sullivan, C.J., & Cochran, J. (2011). A group-based modeling approach to examining sociodemographic variation in the association among risky sexual behavior, drug use, and criminal involvement in a sample of newly arrested juvenile offenders. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 9, 313-332. Sullivan, C.J. (2011). The utility of the deviant case in the development of criminological theory. Criminology, 49, 905-920. Sullivan, C.J., & Latessa, E.J. (2011). The co-production of outcomes: An integrated assessment of youth and program effects on recidivism. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 9, 191-206. ^Childs, K., Sullivan, C.J., & Gulledge, L. (2011). Examining the shifting salience of key risk factors for delinquency and drug use during adolescence. Deviant Behavior, 32, 64-100. Sullivan, C.J., Wilcox, P., & Ousey, G.C. (2011). Trajectories of victimization in early to mid adolescence. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38, 85-104. Piquero, A.R., Sullivan, C.J., & Farrington, D.P. (2010). Assessing differences among offenders who offend a lot over a short time period compared to offenders who offend a little over a long time period. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37, 1309-1329. ^Sullivan, C.J., Dollard, N., Sellers, B., & Mayo, J. (2010). Rebalancing response to school-based offenses: a civil citation approach. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 8, 279294. ^Jones, S., Sullivan, C.J., Caudy, M., & Mieczkowski, T. (2010). Exploring the utility of an estimation procedure to reveal drug use among arrestees: Implications for service delivery. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 37, 374-384. Sullivan, C.J., & Piquero, A.R. (2010). Stability and change in substance use and criminal activity: evidence from a synthesized longitudinal modeling approach. Journal of Drug Issues, 40, 63-91. ^Sullivan, C.J., & Livelsberger, T. (2010). Censored regression in response to distributional realities of crime and justice measures. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 21, 197-208. **Reprinted in (2011). Advancing Quantitative Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice. edited by T.C. Pratt London, UK: Taylor and Francis. Welsh, B.C., Sullivan, C.J., & Olds, D. (2010). When early crime prevention goes to scale: a new look at the evidence. Prevention Science, 11, 115-125. Sullivan, C.J., Childs, K., & O’Connell, D. (2010). Adolescent risk behavior subgroups: an empirical assessment with applications to prevention programming. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39, 541-566. Gibson, C.L., Sullivan, C.J., Jones, S., & Piquero, A. (2010). Does it take a village?: the role of neighborhood context in child and adolescent self-control. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 47, 31-62. ^Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., Caudy, M. & Ray, J. (2009). Detecting specialization in offending: comparing analytic approaches. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25, 419441. ^Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2009). Model of vulnerability factors for adult sexual victimization: the impact of poor mother/child attachment, child neglect, juvenile sexual victimization, and scarred sexuality. Violence and Victims, 24, 485-501. ^Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2009) A latent class typology of juvenile victims and exploration of risk factors and outcomes of victimization. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36, 10011024. Dembo, R., & Sullivan, C.J. (2009). Cocaine use and delinquent behavior among high-risk youths: a growth model of parallel processes. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 18, 274-301. McGloin, J.M., Sullivan, C.J., & Piquero, A.R. (2009). Aggregating to versatility? Transition among offender types in the short term. British Journal of Criminology, 49, 243264. ^Carson, D., Sullivan, C.J., Cochran, J., & Lersch, K. (2009). General strain theory and the relationship between early victimization and drug use. Deviant Behavior, 30, 54-88. Sullivan, C.J., & Mieczkowski, T. (2008). Bayesian statistics, evaluation, and the accumulation of evidence in crime and justice intervention studies. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 4, 381-402. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., & Piquero, A.R. (2008). Treating the deviant y* in criminology: an examination of the assumptions of censored normal regression and some potential alternatives. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 24, 399-421. Sullivan, C.J. (2008). Childhood emotional and behavioral problems and prediction of delinquency: a longitudinal assessment of an empirically-identified latent profile. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice 4 (Online). McGloin, J.M., Sullivan, C.J., Piquero, A.R., & Bacon, S. (2008). Investigating the stability of co-offending and co-offenders among a sample of youthful offenders. Criminology, 46, 155-188. ^Harrison, M.L., Jones, S., & Sullivan, C.J. (2008). The gendered expression of self-control: Manifestations of noncriminal deviance among females. Deviant Behavior, 29, 19-43. Junger, M., Feder, L.,…Sullivan, C.J. et al. (2007). Preventing violence in seven countries: global convergence in policies. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 13, 327356. Sullivan, C.J., McKendrick, K., Sacks, S., & Banks, S. (2007). Modified therapeutic community treatment for offenders with mica disorders: substance abuse outcomes. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 33, 823-832. Sullivan, C.J., & Hamilton, Z. (2007). Exploring careers in deviance: a joint trajectory analysis of criminal behavior and substance use in an offender population. Deviant Behavior, 28, 497-523. Sullivan, C.J., Veysey, B.M., Hamilton, Z., & Grillo, M. (2007) Reducing out of community placement: diversion of youth with mental health and substance abuse disorders from the justice system. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 51, 555-577. Sullivan, C.J., Sacks, S., McKendrick, K., Banks, S., Sacks, J.A.Y., & Stommel (2007). Modified therapeutic community treatment for offenders with mica disorders: mental health outcomes. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 45, 227-248. **Reprinted in (2007). Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System, edited by D.W. Phillips. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc. McGloin, J.M., Sullivan, C.J., Piquero, A.R., & Pratt, T.C. (2007). Explaining qualitative change in offending: revisiting specialization in the short-term. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 44, 321-343. Hamilton, Z.K., Sullivan, C.J., Veysey, B.M., & Grillo, M. (2007). Diverting multi-problem youth from juvenile justice: investigating the importance of community influence on placement and recidivism. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 25, 137-158. Mieczkowski, T., & Sullivan, C.J., & Kruger, M. (2007). The use of Bayes coefficients to assess the racial bias-hair analysis conjecture for detection of cocaine and cocaine metabolites in hair samples. Forensic Science Communication, 9 (2). McKendrick, K., Sullivan, C.J., Banks, S., & Sacks, S. (2006). Modified therapeutic community treatment for offenders with mica disorders: antisocial personality disorder and treatment outcomes. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 44, 133-159. Sullivan, C.J. (2006). Early adolescent delinquency: assessing the role of childhood problems, family environment, and peer pressure. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4, 123. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., Pratt, T.C., & Piquero, A.R. (2006). Rethinking the "norm" of offender generality: investigating specialization in the short-term. Criminology, 44, 205-240. Sellers, C.L., Sullivan, C.J., Veysey, B.M., & Shane, J.M. (2005). Responding to persons with mental illnesses: police perspectives on specialized and traditional practices. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 23, 647-657. Perrone, D, Sullivan, C.J., Pratt, T.C., & Margaryan, S. (2004). Parental efficacy, selfcontrol, and delinquent behavior: a test of a general theory of crime on a nationallyrepresentative sample. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 48, 1-15. Sullivan, C.J., & Maxfield, M.G. (2003). Examining paradigmatic development in criminology and criminal justice: a content analysis of research methods syllabi in doctoral programs. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 14, 269-285. Sullivan, C.J., Veysey, B.M., & Dorangrichia, L. (2003). Examining the relationship between problem history and violent offending in high-risk youth. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 38, 17-39. CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS ^With Graduate Student (s) ^Sullivan, C.J., Blair, L., Lux, J., & Coen Sullivan, C. (Forthcoming). Juvenile drug courts: A forward looking review. In Koetzle, D. (Ed), Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Sullivan, C.J. (2013). Simulation for experimental testing and development of criminological theory. In Welsh, B, Bruinsma, G., & Braga, A. (Eds), Experimenting with Crime and Criminal Justice: Prospects for Advancing Science and Public Policy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ^Sullivan, C.J., & McCafferty, J. (2013). “...One of those at risk children”: Adolescent development, juvenile delinquency, and system response in The Wire. In Brody, D., & Collins, P. (Eds), Crime and Justice In the City as Seen Through the Wire. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Sullivan, C.J. (2013). Change in life-course offending: Theory and research. In Cullen, F.T., & Wilcox, P. (Eds), Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Sullivan, C.J., & Jolliffe, D. (2012). Peer influence, mentoring and crime prevention. In Welsh, B.C. & Farrington, D.P. (Eds), Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention. New York: Oxford University Press. Sullivan, C.J. (2011). Measurement and analysis of the emergence of crime. In McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., & Kennedy, L. (Eds), Crime Emergence. New York: Routledge. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J., & Kennedy, L. (2011). Moving past the person or the context: Thinking about crime as an emergent phenomenon. In McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., & Kennedy, L. (Eds), Crime Emergence. New York: Routledge. Sullivan, C.J., & Piquero, A.R. (2011). Investigating latent variable modeling approaches to the study of criminal careers. In MacDonald, J. (Ed), Measuring Crime and Criminality, Advances in Criminological Theory, Vol. 17. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. ENTRIES IN ENCYCLOPEDIAS/REFERENCE BOOKS ^Sullivan, C.J., & Gann, S. (2013). Dimensions of active criminal careers: crime frequency, specialization, progression, and sequencing. In G. Bruinsma & D. Weisburd (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: Springer. Childs, K. & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Problem Behavior Syndrome. In R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence. New York: Springer. Sullivan, C.J. (2010). Social Development Model. In F.T. Cullen & P. Wilcox (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Sullivan, C.J. (2009). Criminal Specialization. In J.M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook (pp. 658-665). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. WORK IN PROGRESS ^With Graduate Student (s) ^Gann, S., Sullivan, C.J., & Ilchi, O. (Under Review). Elaborating on the Effects of Early Offending: A Study of Factors that Mediate the Impact of Onset Age on Long-term Trajectories of Criminal Behavior. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology ^Sullivan, C.J., Childs, K., & Gann, S. (Under Review). Peers. In D. Farrington, L. Kazemian, & A. Piquero (Eds). Oxford Handbook of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press. Sullivan, C.J., & Welsh, B.C. (Under Review). Methodological advances in crime prevention research. In B. Teasdale, & M. Bradley-Engen (Eds), Advances in Prevention Science, Vol. 2: Preventing Crime and Violence. New York: Springer. ^Sullivan, C.J., & Lugo, M. (Under Review). Criminological Theory and Deterrence. In D. Nagin, F.T. Cullen & C.L. Jonson (Eds), Deterrence Choice and Crime: Contemporary Perspectives, Advances in Criminological Theory. New York: Springer. Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (Revised and Resubmitted) Dyadic Taxonomy of Delinquent Youth: Exploring Risks and Outcomes Associated with Maternal-Youth Reporting Discrepancies of Delinquent Behavior. Journal of Early Adolescence ^Manchak, S., Sullivan, C.C., Schweitzer, M., & Sullivan, C.J. (Revise and Resubmit). Juvenile drug court effectiveness: youth with co-occurring or substance use-only disorders. Criminal Justice Policy Review. FUNDED RESEARCH Latessa, E., & Sullivan, C.J. (Co-Principal Investigator). Risk Assessment Implementation And Youth Outcomes: A Multi-Method Study Spanning the Juvenile Justice System. Submitted to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Amount Funded$910,045 (1/15-12-17) Sullivan, C.J., Bauman, A., & Schwartz, J. (Principal Investigator). Evaluation of Kansas Senate Bill 123. Kansas Sentencing Commission, Amount Funded-$50,000 (12/13-9/14) Sullivan, C.J., Engel, R., Latessa, E., & Wooldredge, J. (Principal Investigator). Ohio Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Assessment. Submitted to Ohio Department of Youth Services. Funded-$742,000 (5/12-12/15) Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator). Assessing Individual and Contextual Effects on Trajectories of Adolescent Antisocial Behavior. Submitted to National Institute of Justice, Amount Funded-$37,474 (12/09-11/11) Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator). Evaluation of Hillsborough County’s Anti-Gang Initiative. Submitted to Hillsborough County, FL (October 2007), Amount Funded-$20,000 (2 yrs). Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator), w/N. Dollard (FMHI). Evaluation of Hillsborough County’s Civil Citation-Equal Justice Program. Submitted to USF Collaborative on Children, Families, and Communities (March 2007), Amount Funded-$15,000. Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator). Investigating Latent Variable Modeling Approaches to the Study of Criminal Careers. Submitted to USF Internal Awards Program (Fall 2006, Resubmitted Spring 2007), Amount funded-$8,800. Peters, R., & Sullivan, C.J. (Co-Principal Investigators). Evaluation of Sarasota County Community Alternative Residential Treatment Initiative (CART): VIP Program. Submitted to Sarasota County (FL), Amount Funded-$49,604 (10/05-4/07). Sullivan, C.J. Attendance at Center for the Advancement of Longitudinal Drug Abuse Research (CALDAR), UCLA (Summer 2008), Funded-$500. Sullivan, C.J. Attendance at Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods Workshop. Submitted to ICPSR (Summer 2008), Funded-$1,200. Sullivan, C.J. Attendance at Hierarchical Linear Modeling Workshop to Enhance Research and Teaching with Advanced Analytical Approaches. Submitted to USF CAS Faculty Research & Development Award Program (Spring 2006), Funded-$1,000. Sullivan, C.J. Attendence at MPlus Statistical Modeling Short Course. Submitted to MPlus/Johns Hopkins (October 2006). Funded-$500. SUBMITTED GRANT PROPOSALS Sullivan, C.J., Manchak, S., Latessa, E.J., & Pratt, T. (Principal Investigator). Formal, Informal, and Situational Influences on Offender Decision-Making: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Serious Juvenile Offenders and the Desistance Process. Submitted to National Institute of Justice, Amount Requested-$650,989 (submitted 5/14)-Not Funded Sullivan, C.J., Manchak, S., Latessa, E.J., & Piquero, A.R. (Principal Investigator). Examining Informal and Formal Mechanisms in Serious Youth Offenders: Ohio Juvenile Reentry and Desistance Study. Submitted to National Institute of Justice, Amount Requested-$963,198 (submitted 5/13)- Not Funded Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator). A Youth and agency level study of juvenile reentry reform in Ohio: a collaboration of the University of Cincinnati and the Department of Youth Services. Submitted to National Institute of Justice, Amount Requested-$371,000 (5/12)- Not Funded Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator), & Latessa, E. Moving to more developmentallyfavorable juvenile justice settings: effects on organizational environment and youth outcomes. Submitted to William T. Grant Foundation, Amount Requested-$345,000 (1/12)WT Grant Requested full proposal based on letter of Inquiry. Sullivan, C.J. with Hillsborough County, FL (Evaluator). Evaluation of Hillsborough County Anti Gang Initiative-Prevention. Submitted to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Requested-$25,000 for evaluation (5/08)-Not Funded Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator). Peers and Delinquency: From Theory to Practice. Submitted to the Smith Richardson Foundation-Requested-$56,000 (6/08)-Not Funded Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator). Disentangling Recent Trends in Crime and Delinquency: A Holistic Case Study Investigation in Hillsborough County, FL. Submitted to the Smith Richardson Foundation-Requested-$45,000 (6/06)-Not Funded Sullivan, C.J. with Hillsborough County, FL (Evaluator). Evaluation of Hillsborough County Juvenile Civil Citation Diversion Project. Submitted to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Requested-$25,000 for evaluation (5/06)-Not Funded Sullivan, C.J. with Sarasota County (Evaluator). Evaluation of Sarasota County Community Alternative Residential Treatment Initiative (CART): VIP Program Expansion. Submitted to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Requested$40,000 for evaluation (4/06).-Not Funded Christy, A., & Sullivan, C.J. (Co-Investigator). Acute Mental Health Care: Interaction of the Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems. Submitted to USF Internal Awards ProgramInterdisciplinary Research Development Grant (Spring 2006), Amount Requested-$49,440, Not Funded (one of three finalists based on pre-proposal) Sullivan, C.J. (Principal Investigator) Cross-Domain, Multi-Level, and Mixed-Method Longitudinal Instrumentation: Formation of an Instrument Appropriate to Multiple Prosocial and Antisocial Outcomes in Youth and Adolescence. Submitted to USF Internal Awards Program (Fall 2005), Amount Requested-$9834.00, Not Funded. TECHNICAL REPORTS Sullivan, C.J., Engel, R., Latessa, E., & Wooldredge, J., Gann, S., Sams, T., & Spiegel, S. (2013). Ohio Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Assessment: Preliminary Report. Submitted to Ohio Department of Youth Services Latessa, E.J., Sullivan, C.C., Blair, L., Sullivan, C.J., & Smith, P. (2013) Outcome and Process Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts: Final Report. Submitted to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Assessing Individual and Contextual Effects on Trajectories of Adolescent Antisocial Behavior. Submitted to National Institute of Justice. Sullivan, C. (2009). Evaluation of Hillsborough County’s Anti-Gang Initiative. Submitted to Hillsborough County, FL Sullivan, C., & Dollard, N. (2009). Civil Citation Equal Justice Project: Evaluation. Submitted to USF Collaborative on Children, Families, and Communities and CCEJ Working Group. Peters, R., Sullivan, C., & Engelhardt, M. (2007). CART First Year Evaluation Report. Submitted to Sarasota County, FL. Wexler, H.K., Sacks, S., Stommel, J., Sims, L., Peters, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2002). Aftercare Services for Dually Diagnosed Justice Clients. Submitted to Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Veysey, B.M., Sullivan, C.J., & Grillo, M. (2004). Reducing out of community placement: diversion of youth with mental health and substance abuse disorders from the justice system. Proceedings of the Louis De La Parte Florida Mental Health Institute Research and Training Center Annual Research Conference, Tampa, FL, 16, 159-162. INVITED PRESENTATIONS Sullivan, C.J. (2011). Simulation for Experimental Theory Testing and Development. NSCR Workshop on Advances in Experimental Criminology. Amsterdam, NL. Sullivan, C.J. (2008). Stability and Change in Substance Use and Criminal Activity: Evidence from a Synthesized Longitudinal Modeling Approach. University of Florida, November. RECENT PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS (2005- Present) ^With Graduate Student (s) ^Rojas, C., Sullivan, C.J., Feldmeyer, B., & Wilcox, P. (2014). Explaining the Adoption of Street Code Attitudes among Latinos and its Effects on Criminal Offending. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA ^Ilchi, O., Mueller, D., & Sullivan, C.J. (2014). A Longitudinal Test of the Mediating Effect of Substance Use on the Relationship Between Social Bonds and Offending. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA Sullivan, C.J., Engel, R., Latessa, E., & Wooldredge, J. (2014). Ohio DMC Assessment: Study Aims and Methods. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA ^Mueller, D., McManus, H., Sullivan, C.J., & Engel, R. (2014). Disproportionate Minority Contact at the System’s Front End: Officer Perceptions and Implications for Justice Practice American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA ^Gann, S.M., Sullivan, C.J., & Wooldredge, J. (2014). The Effect of Race on Degree of Penetration into the Juvenile Justice System: A Matched Analysis of Case Outcomes. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA ^Spiegel, S., & Sullivan, C.J. (2014). Considering Disproportionate Minority Contact in Context: Race, Juvenile Justice Processing, and Family. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA ^Shafer, J., Gann, S.M., & Sullivan, C.J. (2014). Understanding Disproportionate Minority Contact: A Place-Based Glimpse at Youth Arrest Patterns. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA. ^Sullivan, C.J., & Lugo, M. (2014). Criminological Theory and Deterrence. Academy of Criminal Justice Science, Philadelphia, PA ^Sullivan, C.J., Gann, S., & Ilchi, O. (2013). Elaborating on the Effects of Early Offending: A Study of Factors that Mediate the Impact of Onset Age on Long-term Trajectories of Criminal Behavior. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA ^Manzo, A., Sperber, K., Sullivan, C.J., Martinuic, A. (2013). A Comparison of Methadone and Buprenorphine for Opiate Addiction: A Meta-analysis. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA ^Gormsen, L., Sullivan, C.C., Latessa, E., Sullivan, C.J. (2013). Factors associated with drug court success. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA ^Thielo, A., Sullivan, C.C., Latessa, E., Sullivan, C.J. (2013). The Nature of Participant Drug Use in Determining Juvenile Drug Court Outcomes. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA Weerman, F., Wilcox, P., & Sullivan, C.J. (2013). Peers, Activities and Short-term Changes in Delinquency and Substance Use: An Analysis of Bi-weekly Data. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA Sams, T., Sullivan, C.J., Engel, R., & Spiegel, S. (2013). Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System: Police Officers’ Perceptions and Decision-Making. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA Sullivan, C.J., & Newsome, J. (2013). Genetic markers and behavioral risk measures as predictors of trajectories of adolescent antisocial behavior: relative utility and potential for integration. International Academy of Law and Mental Health, Amsterdam, NL Sullivan, C.C., Manchak, S., Sullivan, C.J., Blair, L., Latessa, E., Smith, P. (2013). Juvenile drug court effectiveness: youth with co-occurring or substance use-only disorders. International Academy of Law and Mental Health, Amsterdam, NL ^ McCafferty, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). “...One of those at risk children”: Adolescent development, juvenile delinquency, and system response in The Wire. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Examining the latent class structure of delinquency across informants. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL Gebo, E., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Comparing risk profiles of gang and non-gang youth in schools. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL. ^Newsome, J., Sullivan, C.J., and Benson, M. (2012). Risk, Resilience, and Antisocial Behavior: An investigation of the Orchid Hypothesis. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL. ^Sullivan, C.C., Blair, L., Latessa, E., Smith, P., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Preliminary Findings from the OJJDP-Funded Outcome and Process Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL. Engel, R.S., Skubak-Tillyer, M., Corsaro, N., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Opening the Focused Deterrence Black Box: Further Examination of the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL. Sullivan, C.J., Ousey, G.C., Wilcox, P. (2012). Similar mechanisms? a comparative longitudinal study of adolescent offending and victimization. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J., & Thomas, K. (2012). Unpacking peer influences on adolescent delinquency. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New York, NY Sullivan, C.J., & Loughran, T. (2012). Describing trajectories of adolescent antisocial behavior with accelerated longitudinal data: analytic and matching methods. Society for Research in Child Development, Developmental Methodology, Tampa, FL Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2012). Unraveling victim-offender overlap: Exploring profiles and constellations of risk. Society for Research in Child Development, Developmental Methodology, Tampa, FL ^McCafferty, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2011). Juvenile justice actors as street-level bureaucrats. American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., & Kennedy, L. (2011). Moving past the person or the context: Thinking about crime as an emergent phenomenon. American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC Sullivan, C.J. (2011). Measuring and analyzing the emergence of crime. American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC. Sullivan, C.J. (2011). Individual propensity and social influences on trajectories of antisocial behavior in adolescence. American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC. Sullivan, C.J. (2011). Investigating individual and social influences on trajectories of antisocial behavior in adolescence. National Institute of Justice Annual Conference. Arlington, VA. Sullivan, C.J. (2010). Change in life course offending. American Society of Criminology San Francisco, CA. Sullivan, C.J. (2010). Trajectories of antisocial behavior with an accelerated, multiple cohort growth modeling approach. American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, CA. Childs, K., & Sullivan, C.J. (2010). Adolescent problem behavior: a longitudinal investigation integrating categorical and dimensional perspectives. American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, CA. ^Reitler, A., Frank, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2010). A re-examination of the relationship between presentence detention and sentence severity in U.S. district courts. American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, CA. ^Moore, K., Wright, J.P., Sullivan, C.J., & Newsome, J. (2010). Sex differences in the acquisition of language and self-control. American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, CA. Wilcox, P., Sullivan, C.J., & Ousey, G.C. (2010). Trajectories of victimization from early- to mid-adolescence. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Diego, CA. Sullivan, C.J., Piquero, A.R., & Farrington, D.P. (2010). Are there differences among offenders who offend a lot over a short time period or a little over a long time period? Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Diego, CA. McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., Piquero, A.R., Nieuwbeerta, P., & Blokland, A. (2010). Limited opportunities and the offending repertorie: specialization as part of desistence. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Diego, CA. ^Kremling, J., Mieczkowski, T., Sullivan, C.J., Cochran, J., Lersch, K., & Fogel., S. (2009). An Analysis of the influence of sampling methods on the estimation of drug use prevalence and patterns among arrestees in the United States. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA. ^Childs, K., Dembo, R., Cochran, J., Belenko, S., & Sullivan, C.J. (2009). A group-based latent variable approach to the study of relationships among problem behaviors. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA. Welsh, B.C. & Sullivan, C.J. (2009). Quantifying the scale up penalty for early prevention programs. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA. Sullivan, C.J., & Welsh, B.C. (2009). Theory and challenges of taking early crime prevention to scale. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA. Sullivan, C.J., Childs, K., O’Connell, D. (2009). Latent subgroups of risky behavior in youth. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts. Sullivan, C.J., Dollard, N., & Mayo, J. (2009). Civil Citation-Equal Justice: evaluation findings. The Louis De La Parte Florida Mental Health Institute Research and Training Center Annual Research Conference, Tampa, FL. ^Reid, J., & Sullivan, C.J. (2008). Model of vulnerability factors for adult sexual victimization: the impact of poor mother/child attachment, child neglect, juvenile sexual victimization, and scarred sexuality. American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, Missouri. Sullivan, C.J., & Piquero, A.R. (2008). Stability and change in substance use and criminal activity: evidence from a synthesized longitudinal modeling approach. American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, Missouri. ^Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., Caudy, M. & Ray, J. (2008). Examining approaches for measuring and assessing criminal specialization. American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, Missouri. Sullivan, C.J., & Piquero, A.R. (2008). Stability and change in substance use and criminal activity: evidence from a synthesized longitudinal modeling approach. CALDAR Institute (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., & Piquero, A.R. (2008). Aggregating to versatility? Transition among offenders in the short-term. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Cincinnati, OH. Sullivan, C.J., & Mieczkowski, T. (2007). Bayesian inference, program evaluation, and the accumulation of evidence in crime and justice intervention studies. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia. ^Carson, D., Sullivan, C.J., Cochran, J., & Lersch, K. (2007). Using Agnew’s general strain theory to explain the relationship between early victimization and deviant behavior. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia. ^Yarbrough, A.M., Jones, S., Sellers, C., Cochran, & Sullivan, C.J. (2007). The conditional influence of criminological constructs on juvenile delinquency: an examination of the moderating effects of self-control. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia. ^Jones, S., Sullivan, C.J., Caudy, M., & Mieczkowski, T. (2007). Illuminating dark figures: examining an alternative approach for estimating prevalence in crime and drug use. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia. ^Gulledge, L., Childs, K., & Sullivan, C.J. (2007). Examining the shifting salience of key risk factors for delinquency and drug use during adolescence. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia. McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., & Piquero, A. (2007) Aggregating to offending versatility? Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, Washington. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., & Piquero, A.R. (2006). Treating the deviant y* in criminology: an examination of censored normal regression and some alternatives. American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. ^Ray, J., Jones, S., & Sullivan, C. (2006). Acquiring behavioral and emotional self-control: the differential role of parental attachment and control. American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. Cass, A., Sullivan, C.J., Hodge, J., & O’Connell, D.J. (2006). Delinquency among youth: a test of low self-control, opportunity, and peer associations. American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. Gibson, C.L., Sullivan, C.J., Jones, S., & Piquero, A. (2006). The role of context in childhood and adolescent self-control: do neighborhoods matter? American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. ^Harrison, M.L., Jones, S., & Sullivan, C.J. (2006). The gendered expression of self-control: manifestations of noncriminal deviance among females. American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. O’Connell, D.J., Farley, E.J., Sullivan, C.J., Martin, S.S., & Gealt, R. (2006). Are all prescription drug abusers created equal? an investigation into the motivations for unauthorized adolescent prescription drug use and their effect on other risk behaviors. American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. ^Carson, D., & Sullivan, C.J. (2006) Using General Strain Theory to examine the relationship between early physical assault, binge drinking, and drug use. (Poster). American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. ^Yarbrough, A. & Sullivan, C.J. (2006) Family violence and adolescent delinquency: examining the relationship between witnessing family violence in childhood and antisocial behavior. (Poster). American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California. Sullivan, C.J. (2006). Modified Therapeutic Community for mica offenders: Mental health outcomes. (Poster). National GAINS Center for Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System, Boston, MA. Sacks, S.S., McKendrick, K., Sullivan, C.J., & Stommel, J. (2006). Modified Therapeutic Community for mica offenders: Treatment outcomes. National GAINS Center for CoOccurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System, Boston, MA. Sullivan, C.J., & McGloin, J.M. (2006). Classification And specialization: An assessment of the relevance of conviction offense as a means of defining offenders. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, MD. Sullivan, C.J. (2006). Childhood emotional and behavioral problems and prediction of delinquency: a longitudinal assessment of an empirically-identified latent profile. The Louis De La Parte Florida Mental Health Institute Research and Training Center Annual Research Conference, Tampa, FL. Sullivan, C.J., McGloin, J.M., & Piquero, A.R. (2005). Explaining qualitative change in offending: revisiting specialization in the short-term. American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada. McGloin, J., Sullivan, C.J., & Pratt, T.C. (2005). Offender specialization in the short-term. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, IL. COURSES TAUGHT Developmental, Life-Course Criminology (Graduate Seminar) Longitudinal Data Analysis (Doctoral) Criminal Justice Research Methods (Doctoral, Masters, Undergraduate) Criminal Justice Statistics (Doctoral, Masters, Undergraduate) Juvenile Justice System (Graduate Seminar, Graduate Distance Learning) Introduction to Data Analysis with MPlus (Graduate Workshop) Introduction to Data Management and Analysis with Stata (Graduate Workshop) Introduction to Data Management and Analysis with SPSS (Graduate Workshop) Research Methods/Internship in Youth Development (For Quinlan HS Scholars Program) Quantitative Methods in Criminology III (Graduate) Quantitative Methods in Criminology II (Graduate) Alternative Sanctions and Community Corrections-Seminar, Lecture Research Methods in Criminology/Criminal Justice (Graduate) Research Methods in Criminology/Criminal Justice (I, II) Introduction to Social Research II-Statistics Introduction to Social Research I-Research Methods Introduction to Criminal Justice GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEES University of Cincinnati Billy Henson-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 8/11) Kristin Swartz-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 6/12) Rachel Brushett-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 3/13) Jamie Newsome- Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 4/13) Angela Reitler-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 7/13) James McCafferty- Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Chair (Completed 10/13) Bobbie Ticknor-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 7/14) Arelys Madero-Hernandez-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 7/14) Shaun Gann-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Chair Lydie Loth-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member Carlos Rojas- Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Chair Derek Cohen-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member Beth Ellefson-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member Kevan Galyean-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member Cara Thompson-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member Hyejin Kim-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member University of South Florida Joan Reid-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Outside Reader (Completed 7/10) Janine Kremling-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 4/10) Kristina Childs-Doctoral Dissertation Committee-Member (Completed 11/08) Jessica Mitchell- Master’s Thesis Committee-Member (Completed 8/09) Lindsey Blumenstein- Master’s Thesis Committee-Member (Completed 7/09) Rhissa Briones-Master’s Thesis Committee-Member (Completed 5/09) William Watkins-Master’s Thesis Committee-Co-Chair (Completed 11/08) Vimbai Mudimu-Master’s Thesis Committee-Member (Completed 8/08) Michael Caudy-Master’s Thesis Committee-Co-Chair (Completed 7/07) Dena Carson-Master’s Thesis Committee-Co-Chair (Completed 3/07) CONTINUING EDUCATION/TRAINING Moderation and Mediation Analysis (Andrew Hayes, Instructor), 7/2014 Methods for Missing Data (Paul Allison, Instructor), 5/2013 Statistical Analysis for Causal Inference (Rubin, Abadie, McCrary), 8/2012 Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Stata (Paul Allison, Instructor), 10/2011 Concepts and Modeling of Complex Systems (NE Complex Systems Institute), 6/2010 Presenting Information, (Edward Tufte, Presenter), 8/2009 Matrix Algebra Review, , (Robert LaBudde, Instructor), 6/2009 Longitudinal Data Analysis in Substance Abuse Research, UCLA, 8/2008 Hierarchical Linear Modeling with PHDCN data, ICPSR, Ann Arbor, MI, 6/2008 Bayesian Analysis of Clinical Trials, , (Vance Berger, Instructor), 11/2007 Latent Variable and Growth Modeling in MPlus, Muthén & Muthén 10/06; 3/07; 8/2007 Advanced SEM, (Randall Schumacker, Instructor), 1/2006 Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Chicago, IL, Scientific Software International, 5/2006 Introduction to SEM with LISREL, Chicago, IL, Scientific Software International, 9/2004 ACADEMIC AWARDS 2011-2012 AY, UC School of Criminal Justice Outstanding Service Award 2001 AY, 2002 AY Rutgers University, School of Criminal Justice Teaching Assistantship 2000 AY Rutgers University, Clayman Excellence Fellowship 2000 NEACJS Student Paper Contest Finalist 2000 UMass-Lowell, Outstanding Graduate Student in Criminal Justice 1998 AY, 1999 AY UMass-Lowell, Department of Criminal Justice Teaching Assistantship 1998 UMass-Lowell, Outstanding Student in Criminal Justice 1997 UMass-Lowell, Academic Achievement Award PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES/SERVICE TO THE FIELD Editorial: Guest Editor (Special Issue on “Developmental Research and Juvenile Justice”)-Victims & Offenders Associate Editor- Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Editorial Board-Deviant Behavior, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Victims & Offenders, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Journal of Drug Issues, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology Editorial Board (Past)-Journal of Criminal Justice Education Ad Hoc Reviewer- Criminology Crime & Delinquency Criminal Justice & Behavior Criminology & Public Policy International Review of Victimology Justice Quarterly Journal of Drug Issues Journal of Criminal Justice Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Journal of Quantitative Criminology Journal of Crime and Justice Journal of Experimental Criminology Journal of Adolescence Pediatrics Social Problems Youth and Society Victims & Offenders Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Oxford University Press Sage Publications Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Routledge Publishers National Science Foundation Professional Organizations: Program Co-Chair-American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, 2015 Member of Statistics Workshop Committee-ASC Annual Meeting, 12-13 Area Chair-ACJS Annual Meeting, 09-10 Invited Chair for “Getting In, Staying In, and Success in Graduate School” ASC 2014 DEPARTMENTAL/UNIVERSITY SERVICE U Cincinnati, Institute for Analytics Innovation, Leadership Team, 14- U Cincinnati, CECH, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, 13-14, 14-15 U Cincinnati, CECH, Research and Development Board, 11-12 U Cincinnati, CECH, Technology Board, 10-11 U Cincinnati, CECH, School of Criminal Justice Director Review Committee, 10-11 U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Graduate Program Director, 14- U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Strategic Planning Committee, 09-10, 10-11 U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Graduate Committee, 09-11, 12-13 U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Faculty Search Committee (Chair), 11-12, 12-13 U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Area Committee U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Criminology Area Committee (Chair), 12-14 U Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, Research Methods/Statistics Area Committee USF College of BCS, Associate Dean for Research Search Committee, 08-09 USF Criminology Faculty Search Committee, Fall 2007, Fall 2008 USF Criminology Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Grading Committee, 07-08, 08-09 USF College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Research Symposium (5/06)-Judge Rutgers University-School of Criminal Justice Faculty Search Committee Rutgers University-School of Criminal Justice Special Lecture Series Committee MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Criminology Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences ................

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