University of California, San Diego

#Process NameIssue Description1Budget and Staffing processesThe Budget and Staffing paper report distribution process is slow and labor intensive. Paper based, delay in receipt in dept. Timing of updates, format of data, staffing process, merit/range funding (costing), provision updates, frozen payroll.2Closeout/Realign funds Each fund manually adjusted at closeout.3Interlocation Transfer of Funds Date is key entered by department, printed and mailed to CBO, then keyed onto OP system and keyed into local ledger system by GA.4Invoice Approvals Disbursements pay upon receipt of a paper invoice for PayAuths, PO's, Entertainment, Registrations, Foreign Travel, etc. Need to complete work that was begun in RPR I. 5Overdraft Report Write offs.6Entertainment/Event PlanningPayment Authorizations require the submission of original documentation, which delays payment due to campus mail, causes receipts to be "lost" because of poor custody practices, and forces Disbursements to duplicate effort already done at the department. Entertainment reimbursement is still processed on paper forms. Conferences, seminars, retreats, student events are complex. 7STIP Distribution Process - (Quick win) The DOS Paradox system that supports the STIP Distribution Process is no longer functioning adequately. The needs of the campus have already exceeded its capabilities and the accountants must manually calculate adjusting journal entries to correct the deficiencies. 8Unrelated Income Tax WorksheetsManual process is used to gather data. 9Coeus conversion/upgrade process - Accelerated The campus has been evaluating an upgrade from an older version of Coeus, our sponsored project research administration system, for the past 12 months. Upgrading to the current version of Coeus will provide new many new functions/features that are desperately needed.10Extramural Support Form - ERES Ability for Departments to efficiently and accurately process Request for Extramural Support forms electronically.11Grant ProposalsCurrent internal practice of HSSPO and OCGA sending final copies of grant proposals back to Dept 12Travel Finding info on the Travel tab is difficult. Fully web-based system like MyTravel would be ideal. MyTravel can only be used for certain categories of travel. Only domestic travel can be processed in MyTravel. Currently cannot process Travel Card entertainment reimbursements electronically. Excessive entertainment expenses and process inefficiencies.13Travel - Insurance (UC BUSINESS TRAVEL)This process is redundant - employees are already required to establish a trip number when on university travel.14Cashier's RecapsUnable to view cashier's entry data15Deposit Advice/Petty CashPaper based, error prone, time consuming process.16Conservation EffortsCampus Landscape Irrigation - Reduce use of water in landscape overall. In some areas, water runs off from over-irrigation. Water rates are projected to increase substantially in the coming years.Energy Consumption Savings - Increasing energy costs; A renewed effort to conserve power campus-wide would reduce our overall energy cost. Many individuals use electric heaters and more lighting could be controlled automatically. The campus could do more to reduce energy usage.Restroom Hand Drying - Electric paper towel dispensing may not be the most economic method when full life-cycle costs are determined. Vehicle Fueling - New Federal regulations will require diesel engines for on-road vehicles greater than 14,000 pounds and manufactured between 1960 and 2006 (UCSD has 55 such vehicles) to be replaced or have control devices installed by 12/31/2009. (13 CCR 2020, 2022, and17Construction Project Documents (Quick win)Shutdown notices are currently sent by the General Contractor to several people and Inspector of Record who adds info and forwards to 3 to 5 persons some of which already have a copy. Only the IOR knows status of the request. 18Key RequestsPaper based, error prone, time consuming.19Tenant Improvement coordination for 3rd parties on campusNo field condition verification completed prior to start of construction and Coordination of Tenant Improvement overall process.20E-NPET'sOne of the biggest redesign projects now would be ENPETs and being able to change, correct and alter them. Currently if there is a problem and the ENPET is not approved by OPAFS, the email addresses, justifications, etc need to be completely reentered. 21MyFunds Module Features of MyFunds need to be expanded. Additional features are already in the programming queue, so project would need to be given higher priority.22Calendar Scheduling – University wide Calendaring software for the entire university, many emails are sent back and forth to check for availability, all parties involved in one meeting need to check their availability and then formulate a response. 22Conference Room/Coordination Service Department responsible for ALL available facilities on campus.The non release of available conference rooms throughout the Campus and Hillcrest. The tone of recharging departments who are unable to obtain conference room space on-site.23Delegation of Authority - On-line Unclear, inaccurate, and/or insufficient on-line information regarding current delegation of authority and related policies. No on-line mechanism to process delegation of authority requests and approvals.24Forms LibraryMany departments require form that are sometimes available on Blink in PDF, Excel, or Word format. These forms are usually poorly crafted, hard to use, or cannot be saved as a template.25Policies/Procedures (Quick win) Often policies/procedures are implemented or changed without any campus notification (example: UCSD Catering Recharge approval form).26Records ReductionToo many files (hard and electronic) stored unnecessarily27RPR I Continuation 34 issues were identified in the original RPR I. RPR II should include any of the issues that are still outstanding.28Video ConferencingReduce travel by offering more video conferencing capabilities, before organizing a meeting that might require travel consider if it is necessary for people to be there in person. Time lost traveling to/from Med Center, TPS, Campus, SIO, etc.29Admin Records, Regents and Chancellor items Process is cumbersome.30Gift Processing (Foundation) High volume, low dollar gifts deposited and processed manually.31Central support in preparation of diverse hiring poolsDepts. lack knowledge to implement.32Classification specs for job titles (Quick win)Some on line links through blink, now points to UC Irvine.33Contract Software SupportDo we really get what we pay for in contract support and do we really need it?34Generic Job DescriptionsUnique job descriptions are written for most positions which is very labor-intensive.35New Hire Paperwork HR Paperwork, it is necessary to have some HR functions decentralized. However, for new hires, this may be better suited as a central function. For instance, all required paperwork is filled out and completed on the first day in central HR. As it stands, often HR received unnecessary paperwork and they have to sort, rearrange, and discard paper received from other departments. Paper based, error prone, time consuming.36Non-Standard Work Schedules Currently, flexible schedules and telecommute arrangements are tacked on to existing job descriptions as an afterthought, usually in response to a request from an incumbent staff person. In light of our area’s worsening transportation and parking situation, we could attract a more diverse workforce by proactively identifying jobs/positions that are amenable to flexible work schedules and/or telecommuting arrangements. These standardized flex-time / telecommute positions would provide cost savings for utilities, would reduce demands on parking, and enhance UCSD’s competitiveness for quality employees. And, in light of the current global warming crisis, we have a responsibility to be the vanguard in innovations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 8am to 4:30 work day does not meet the needs of all departments. 37Recruitment/ Skills Assessment The campus currently does not have a standard method of assessing the skills for potential new hires. 38Retiree Utilization Departments find themselves in a bind when experienced employees leave the university leaving a succession gap. 39Service Credit Calculations Service Credit calculation is distinct from Retirement Credit calculation. See: . Departments are responsible to keep a good record of how much service credit each of their employees. Manual, depts. Asked to retrieve info from central units, then resubmit to central units with calculation, current HR training inadequate. Departments calculate service credit manually using information from the data warehouse in order to award employees a service pin at 10 years of service. Additional pins are granted with each additional five years of service.40Staff Turn-OverTurnover is extremely costly. Some studies estimate the cost of replacing an employee at between 30% to 150% of their salary. While all turnover can never be eliminated, turnover caused by chronic supervisory problems can be reduced or improved. 41Staffing Changes -Automatic notices created by department from department selected changes to department selected individuals.Automate new hire/separation summary notices to identified personnel within departments. 42Student Assistant Utilization Recession, budget cuts, potential layoffs and/or reductions in time43Involuntary layoff and reduction in time - online Layoff process is a time consuming paper process44Volunteer Grad Students (Quick win)paper based enrollment unnecessary45Laptops vs. Desktops Department maintains both laptop and desktop workstations.46Shared Systems Related and/or redundant data in fragmented repositories.47AccesslinkToo many security concerns about data that is public information.48Employee Link Enhancements Provide expanded downloading capabilities. Download PPS changed data into existing department spreadsheets and/or Access databases.49Facilities Link Not user friendly. Not properly updated with PI or employee data.50Financial Link - Module (Quick win)Speed up the on-line financial information system (Financial link). All staff working on fiscal issues are required to use it and it has become very slow with frequent errors and crashes. I calculate that personally I waste several hours each month waiting for information to download and if one was to extrapolate the cost of wasted staff hours campus-wide the results would be significant.51Ledgers (Quick win)Printing, distribution, confirmation of receipt, filing, retention, destruction.52NGN, Gen Liability monthly reports distributed to campus depts. (Quick win)Paper distribution.53SDG&E billing (Quick win)A&PS currently receives hundreds of paper bills from SDGE for meters not connected to campus-generated power.54Shipping MemoPaper process.55Timesheets Multiple people manually key entering timesheet date in multiple places (employee into timesheet which is printed for timekeeper to enter into PPS).56Leave Activity - LASR Employees not aware when they are about to reach maximum vacation accrual. Comp time s/b after six months on the books. Timekeepers have to look up leave balances when doing payroll.57Payroll Expense TransfersComplete work begun in RPR I. PET processing is still a paper-driven process. Payroll expense transfer forms are currently completed manually. Ability for Departments to efficiently and accurately process payroll expense transfers, with an approval hierarchy.58Purchase Order - Change Order System (Quick win)Disbursements currently doesn't seem to get the information when a change order is done, resulting in delays in processing invoices, charges to incorrect index numbers, and overdrafts59Chemical Fumes - Shut down unused or seldom used Many chemical fume hoods are seldom used and some are never used, but they continue to run 24/7.60Film Processing Hazardous Waste Disposal Vendor maintenance and service of silver recovery units on automated photo-processing machines is occasionally unreliable, and when not maintained properly the units may discharge hazardous waste illegally and cause plumbing problems. Currently, departments, research groups and PIs all contract individually with vendors for photo-processing silver recovery units.61Hazardous Waste Disposal ContractingThe UC system wide contact for hazardous waste disposal includes a built-in charge for full service lab packing. Other UC campuses utilize full service lab packing, however UCSD does not.62Photocopying (Quick win)Printing for safety committees and training is a substantial reoccurring expense.63Auxiliary (semi) Operations - University Centers AccountingDelays in software implementation.64Financial Statements Manual process is used to gather data for Stmt of Operations, Balance Sheet and Analysis of Reserves.65Recharge Approvals, ProposalsRecharge Approval form for Faculty Club and UCSD Catering. Many departments don’t even do this, therefore from a liability standpoint, is it even necessary. The form is time consuming, it is required for even one faculty club lunch. It then has to be signed by a minimum of three people. Perhaps when a catering or faculty club bill is sent, the department can just sign it acknowledging it was for a legitimate business purpose and keep it for their records. Time consuming process.66Surplus/Deficit BalancesManual process is used to enter the year-end balances to existing worksheet.67Annual "Budget Sensitivity" TrainingLack of broad understanding of budgetary issues, especially controlling expenses and accountability to the public as a state-affiliated organization.68Mandatory (IIPP, Sex Harassment, Ethics) Training E.g. on-line sexual harass training not accessible via on-line to depts., much time spent verifying requirement has been met.69Training Justification and Anticipated Costs (Quick win)Issue identified in RPR I. Too many steps, confusing process.70Training opportunities Sharing of knowledge among process experts and training the next generation of knowledge experts at UCSD is inefficient and could be improved through the use of current available technologies.71Roles Responsibilities DatabaseNo central repository that defines employee responsibilities and assigns appropriate approval, accountability and communication venues. Notes:Yellow highlighted represent selected processes to address.Pink highlighted processes represent Quick win opportunities if addressed. ................

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