Regular Meeting

July 29, 2011

12:00 p.m.

Kerckhoff Hall Staterooms

PRESENT: Christian Alfaro, Jacob Ferrari, Karleen Giannitrapani, Sandi Gillespie (Recorder), Abdallah Jadallah, Mike Jedlicka, Amy Liu, Hironao Okahana, Mark Reyes, Ryan Roberts, Maggie Thornton, and Bob Williams

LATE: Pam Viele,

ABSENT: Paul Lanzillotti, Dave Lowenstein, and Mikaela Saelua


GUESTS: Andrew Alexah, UCLA Academic Planning and Budget

Cindy Bolton, ASUCLA Director of Food Operations

Robin Broudy-Johns, UCLA Store Operations Director

Roy Champawat, ASUCLA Student Union Director

Rich Delia, ASUCLA Chief Financial Officer

Jan Griwach-Ronci, UCLA Store General Manager/Director of Computers/Supply Division & Hilltop Shop

Patrick Healey, UCLA Store General Manager/Director, Apparel/Accessories/LuValle Commons/Health Sciences Store

Karen Noh, ASUCLA Special Projects Director

Lisa Perez, ASUCLA Marketing Director


Mr. Jadallah called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.


Mr. Williams asked to add an action item “Approval of Temporary Executive Committee” and an Executive Session to the agenda.

Mr. Jadallah called for consent to approve the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors July 29, 2011, Regular Meeting Agenda as amended. There being no objections, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.


Mr. Jadallah called for consent to approve the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors May 20, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes. There being no objections, the motion was approved

by unanimous consent.


Mr. Jadallah explained that at the Board Retreat it was recognized that during the month of July there would be only one Executive Committee member. The Committee voted to appoint a temporary committee that includes Pam Viele and Karleen Giannitrapani.

Mr. Jadallah stated the Executive Committee is recommending that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors approve the temporary committee. Mr. Jadallah called for a vote. The motion was approved by a vote of 8 yeas and 0 nays.


Mr. Jadallah stated that the Nominating Committee is recommending that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors approve the following officer nominations for the 11-12 Board term:

Chair Mark Reyes

Vice-Chair Karleen Giannitrapani

Secretary Dave Lowenstein

Mr. Jadallah called for a secret ballot. The motion was approved by a vote of 8 yeas and 0 nays.


Mr. Jadallah stated that the Nominating Committee is recommending that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors approve the following standing committee nominations for the 11-12 Board term:

Executive Committee:

The newly elected officers of the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors were appointed as members of the Executive Committee by virtue of their positions as outlined in Bylaw 4.5.

Finance Committee:

Jacob Ferrari-Chair Undergraduate Representative

` Ryan Roberts Graduate Representative

Mike Jedlicka Non-Student Representative

Dave Lowenstein Non-Student Representative

Services Committee:

Mikaela Saelua Undergraduate Representative

Maggie Thornton Undergraduate Representative

Amy Liu-Chair Graduate Representative

Hironao Okahana Graduate Representative

Dave Lowenstein Non-Student Representative

Paul Lanzillotti Non-Student Representative

Personnel Committee:

Mark Reyes Undergraduate Representative

Hironao Okahana- Chair Graduate Representative

Pam Viele Non-Student Representative

Dorothy Wiley Non-Student Representative

Mr. Jadallah called for a secret ballot. The motion was approved by a vote of 8 yeas and 0 nays.


Mr. Jadallah stated that the Nominating Committee is recommending that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors approve the following ad hoc committee nominations for the 11-12 Board term:

New Media

Jacob Ferrari Undergraduate Representative

Mikaela Saelua Undergraduate Representative

Ryan Roberts-Chair Graduate Representative

Michael Jedlicka Non-Student Representative

Mr. Jadallah called for a secret ballot. The motion was approved by a vote of 8 yeas and 0 nays.

Mr. Jadallah stated that the Nominating Committee is recommending that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors approve the following ad hoc committee nominations for the 11-12 Board term:

Health Sciences

Maggie Thornton-Chair Undergraduate Representative

Karleen Giannitrapani Graduate Representative

Pam Viele Non-Student Representative

Dorothy Wiley Non-Student Representative

Mr. Jadallah called for a secret ballot. The motion was approved by a vote of 8 yeas and 0 nays.

Mr. Jadallah passed the responsibilities of Chair to Mr. Reyes.


Mr. Williams offered the Executive Director’s Report to the Board.

A. Financial/Operational Items

1. May

Financial results in May were strong with a positive variance of $215,000 in sales and $110,000 in net income versus budget. The Store sales positive variance was primarily the result of a very strong month in the Computer Store. The Bookzone also had a very strong sales month and the Health Sciences Store was also positive. Overall, the Store exceeded its contribution targets by $40,627.

Food Service had another very strong cost control month. Despite being very close to plan in sales, they were able to exceed their Contribution targets by $23,876. The positive other income results from strong third party sales, catering and good cost control across the board led to these figures.

The Services Division fell short of plan due slower Domestic Licensing results while the Student Union Division was on plan with solid event income. A & SS was very close to plan and savings were seen in utilities and depreciation leading to a very solid month.


June was an even a stronger month than May. The Store experienced a significant positive variance in sales of almost $1.2 million led by a positive variance of more than $1 million in the Computer Store. In addition, there were positive variances in Bearwear, Textbooks, Bookzone, and the Health Sciences Store. Overall Contribution for the Store for June exceeded budget by $137,086.

Food Service continued its pattern of falling slightly off their aggressive sales budget but as the result of good sales mix, excellent other income, wage and good cost control, were able to exceed their contribution plan. Overall for June, Food Service exceeded its budgeted contribution by $25,496. Several units had good months including the third party operations, North Campus, LuValle, the Cooperage, and Catering.

The Services Division was closer to plan than in May but still missed plan with another shortfall in Domestic Licensing although overall yearly totals are still well ahead of plan. The Student Union Division had a very strong month with a positive variance in contribution of over $30,000. The events area was very strong although part of their positive variance is due to a positive variance in waiver pool for the month. The Post Office also saw good results. Smaller positive results were seen in A & SS, Maintenance, Utilities and Depreciation.

An additional factor for the month was the non-recurrent income which was booked as a result of the TGIF grant offset somewhat by the writing off of Pauley assets due to construction.

Overall, June was a fantastic month from a financial perspective. The Association exceeded its gross income targets and saw a positive variance in net income of $381,000. For the year, the Association currently stands at a total net income of $1,246,000 which is a positive variance to budget of $1,132,000 and is tracking ahead of last year’s solid results by $305,000.

July Projections

July sales trends are more in line with last year but are expected to be close to plan for the month.

B. *Our Independent Bookstore

1. Academic Master Plan

Mr. Yamaguchi and the Store management team are continuing management and operational restructuring plans to move the new academic master plan strategy into action. There will be retraining and job assignment changes required which will take some time.

C. *Campus Partnerships

1. DIA Revenue Sharing Agreements

The process to extend ASUCLA’s existing licensing and store revenue sharing agreements with DIA has begun. Management believes the existing agreements are fundamentally sound and support a good working partnership with DIA but have some minor adjustments that will clarify some sponsorship/licensing boundaries.

2. SA/ASUCLA Space Planning

Management has reviewed the draft Brailsford and Dunlavey student space planning presentation with the Services Committee. The committee raised several questions that will be conveyed to the team for clarifications. A final presentation will be shown to the full Board at a later date.

3. Ackerman Loading Dock

Management has met with Capital Programs and the firm doing the new engineering project to talk about the impact to the loading dock. The idea of a tunnel to the dock has now been put on the back burner and is now discussing how to go from two entrances down to one larger entrance and whether the trucks will be able to maneuver successfully into the loading dock. A firm that looks at these types of issues has been brought in to study what will work successfully based on the types and sizes of trucks that the Association deals with in the dock. It is Mr. Williams’sWilliams’ expectation that any required modifications to the dock area will be covered by the engineering project.

4. Alumni Association Meeting

Management has met with the Alumni Association to talk about various programs and have agreed to support two Alumni Association events (Bay Area Bruin Bash in October and Leaders Conference in October) with coupons to the Store.

5. All Staff UCLA Picnic

The Association supported the All Staff Picnic with a 20% off coupon and a free beverage with any $3 purchase in any of the ASUCLA food operations.

D. *Championship Service

1. Televisions on Avenue A

Mr. Champawat has developed a plan to add two TV’s in the Avenue A dining area so that all areas can watch key sporting and news events. The plan which was reviewed by the Services Committee calls for the installation of two 55 inch televisions on the column to the left of the large TV which will face the southwest corner and the area blocked off by the column.

E. *Your Student Association

1. Ackerman Nights

Mr. Champawat and his staff continue planning for the expanded Ackerman operations, layout and marketing. A plan is being put together and will be brought to the Services Committee and the Board for initial review and discussion in August. The plan will expand hours to be more consistent with the Wooden Center hours and will create different floor atmospheres for student socializing and studying.

2. Graduate Students Welcome Brochure

Management has completed the Graduate Student Welcome Brochure. In addition to a generic brochure, there are targeted pieces for TFT, Law Dentistry, Anderson, Medicine and Nursing. Extraneous information was removed to make them more concise, and relevant. A coupon was also added that can be redeemed for some free goodies at the new Kinross store.

The main differences between the brochures is the title, the Bearwear coupons are specific to programs and when appropriate we have highlighted the Health Sciences Store where appropriate in the stay connected area,

F. *ASUCLA Benefits U

1. ASUCLA Benefits U 1.5

Management has been developing a new, more personalized outreach idea for the ASUCLA Benefits U program. While there are many ideas in development management is waiting to engage with the new ad hoc committee on specific ideas and strategies.

Management has learned that the strategy of creating one loyalty program throughout the Association with rewards based on sales is very complicated. Technical issues and pricing issues make this very difficult.

G. *Building Towards the Future

1. YRL

The YRL café looks great and is fully outfitted and ready to go into operation. The latest opening projection is sometime in August.

2. Stage Canteen

The Stage Canteen project is getting close to completion and is expected to open the first week of August.

3. Court of Sciences Student Center

The Court of Sciences Student Center will not be completed for the opening of school. The truck service will continue until the facility can open.

4. Cart Program

The facelift on the carts that were purchased from UCLA Dining is in progress and will be added into the inventory for the cart service program. Ms. Bolton is in discussions with various people on campus for potential locations.

5. Ackerman Interior Design / Patio Project

Management has been in discussion with Capital Programs regarding the best approach to the Ackerman interior space project and is looking at other similar projects to determine a better cost estimate. A project scope and overview document has been developed. The next step will be the development of a Request for Proposal that will go out to potential firms.

I. *Target Zero Waste

1. Solar Panel Project

A revised Solar Panel project has been submitted and approved.

J. *Space, Outreach, and Services            

1. Health Sciences Project

Mr. Adams and Mr. Williams met with Joyce Fried from the Med. Center to discuss ASUCLA’s potential interest in partnering with them. She gave an indication of their current plans and the timeframe needed to develop a plan for her consideration. She also indicated that she would be a great first point of contact where she could outline some of the goals and expectations they have regarding the types of products and services they are expecting. Although, it was clear that several plans are already in development, she was willing to talk and review any ideas the Board and management have developed. The next step is the formation of the Health Science Ad Hoc Committee so they can begin looking at potential approaches and return on investments figures.

2. New Media

Management has begun to develop some new marketing plans in the area of “new media” Ms. Noh and Mr. Williams met with Arvli Ward who is interested in showing ASUCLA some of their development in this area for consideration. The next step will be to schedule an ad hoc committee meeting.

K. Food Services-Next Steps            

1. Nutritional Information

Management has developed a plan to begin inputting nutritional information for COSSC using Executive Director Office staff working in coordination with the Food Service management team. They will be tracking time and productivity of an in-house approach as a test for further expansion.

Discussions are ongoing regarding developing the best approach to presenting nutritional information once developed.

L. ASUCLA – Delegations, rights and role on campus

Mr. Williams has asked Mr. Delia to begin pulling together all agreements that ASUCLA and the UCLA Administration have signed or agreed to over the years. Many of these are older agreements which have long been forgotten and many on campus may not be aware of at all. After preparing this report, the Board can discuss next steps.

Ms. Giannitrapani thanked management on a job well done on the Graduates Students Orientation Brochures.


Ms. Giannitrapani stated that the Committee met on July 19 and heard an Executive Director’s Report that included information on YRL, the conference center, and Court of Sciences Student Center. The Committee also served as the Nominating Committee and compiled the nominations for the Officers of the Board, Standing Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees. Finally, the Committee approved a capital expenditure forof the LuValle HVAC system.


Mr. Reyes stated that the Committee met on July to discuss the Communications Board Budget. The July 15 meeting was canceled.


Ms. Liu stated that the Committee met on July 15 and heard an Executive Director’s report. The Committee also chose the logos for the Court of Sciences Student Center food operations. The Committee also heard the draft Bradsford and Dunlavey report. There was also discussion regarding adding a few more televisions to the Avenue A dining room as well as the new digital signage that will be located in Ackerman Union. Finally, the Committee discussed the possibility of having hot breakfast items in the Greenhouse.


Mr. Okahana stated that the Committee has not met.


May Financial Results

The Association was $110,000 better than plan in terms onf net income. In terms of contribution, the Store was $40,000 better than plan as well as the Restaurants by $24,000. Services were negative to plan in contribution by $31,000 due to domestic licensing.

June Financial Results

Mr. Delia explained that June was a fantastic month. In Gross Income, the Store was $1.2 million over plan mostly due to computers. Wages and Benefits are still continuing to be better than plan due to controlling cost and hard work. Overall gross margins were positive by $129,000. Allocated expenses are positive to plan by $49,000.

Year-to-date in terms of net income the Association is better by $1.1 million and better than last year by $305,000.

Regarding the reconciliation, the Computer Store gross income was $1.1 million better than plan, Bearwear $89,000 and Graduation Etc. by $34,000. Total Contribution was better by $137,000.

The Restaurants had an aggressive budget, but due to great cost control and a good performance from catering their contribution was positive by $25,000. Licensing domestic income is below plan due to timing.

Cash is currently at $11 million. During June there was a negative cash flow; however, year-to-day cash flow is positive by $823,000.

Past due accounts are at 2% of the total which is low. Inventory is under $5.5 million and turns are a little over five.

July Preliminary Sales

The Association is $207,629 better than plan and $233,000 negative to last year. New text is still struggling, especially at LuValle. Health Sciences is up by $26,000 due to dental kits. MTW is down to plan, but better than last year by $44,000.

Gross Margin is should be better than plan by close toat $852,,000290.

The Restaurants are $41,617 better than plan in terms of sales. The third party operations are performing extremely well.


Mr. Reyes called for consent for the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors to enter into Executive Session and include Mr. Delia and Ms.Gillespie. There being no objections, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.

The Board entered into Executive Session at 1:00 p.m.

Mr. Reyes called for consent to adjourn the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors Executive Session. There being no objections, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.

The Board adjourned Executive Session at 1:35 p.m.


Mr. Reyes called for consent to adjourn the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors July 29, 2011, Regular Meeting. There being no objections, the meeting was adjourned at 1:36 p.m.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Pursuant to Bylaw 3, section 3.6(d) of the ASUCLA Board of Directors Bylaws, I have reviewed these Minutes and hereby attest to their accuracy.

David Lowenstein

Board Secretary and Administrative Representative


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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