
Report by a Non-Governmental Organization Accredited to Act in an Advisory Capacity to the Committee on its Contribution to the Implementation of the Convention

Deadline 15 February 2019











|NGO-90119 |







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|Address: |

|P. O. BOX 18062-00100, NAIROBI-KENYA |

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|Telephone number: |

|+254 733 748 411 |

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|Email address: |

|info@ |

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|Website: |

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|Other relevant information: |


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|A.3. Contact person for correspondence |

|Provide the complete name, address and other contact information of the person responsible for correspondence concerning this report. |

|Title (Ms/Mr, etc.): |

|Ms. |

| |

|Family name: |

|Ciombaine |

| |

|Given name: |

|Easter |

| |

|Institution/position: |

|Executive Secretary |

| |

|Address: |

|P.O. Box 18062-00100, NAIROBI-KENYA |

| |

|Telephone number: |

|+254 722 316 250 |

| |

|Email address: |

|ciombaine@ |

| |

|Other relevant information: |

|Alternate email address: ciombaine@ |

| |

| |

|B. Contribution of the organization to the implementation of the Convention at the national level (Chapter III of the Convention)[1] |

|Distinguish between completed activities and ongoing activities. If you have not contributed, this should be indicated. Also describe any |

|obstacles or difficulties that your organization may have encountered in such participation. |

|B.1. Describe your organization’s participation in State efforts to develop and implement measures to strengthen institutional capacities for |

|safeguarding intangible cultural heritage (ICH) (Article 13 and Operational Directive (OD) 154), e.g. in the drafting of ICH-related policies |

|or legislation, in the establishment of national ICH committees or in other government-led processes. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|ACRI’s MOU with National Museums of Kenya (NMK) collaborates in implementing 2003 Convention; thus, workshop in 2014 sensitized County |

|governments on 2003 Convention. Currently, ACRI is working with NMK to promote food-ways of marginal communities of Mount Kulal Biosphere |

|Reserve, El Molo location, and Pokomo Area. Request for International Assistance, signed by Department of Culture, was submitted in 2017. |

|Purpose is to help communities appreciate traditional food-ways, and safeguard the culture. Those targeted are local communities and those in|

|diaspora. We have promoted Kisii soapstone sculpturing tradition through various symposia at the local level in Kisii, where ACRI collaborated|

|actively. In cooperation with NMK and the renowned Kenyan Sculptor Gerard Motondi, ACRI co-organized training session for children sharing |

|traditional sculpturing skills with modern input from 13-15 December 2018 at Uhuru Gardens Nairobi. With Kenya National Commission for UNESCO |

|(KNATCOM), ACRI facilitated in Stakeholders’ Workshop on Development of National Policy on Sustainable Development of National Heritage Sites |

|in Kenya from 16th to 17th March 2016 at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and presented on “Culture Statistics and Data – Assessing |

|the Impact of Culture on Socio-economic Development”; took part in Culture Symposium from 3rd – 5th August 2016, to promote “Peace, National |

|Cohesion and Development through Culture”; participated in Fourth Stakeholders’ Forum, 28th March – 1st April 2017 in Mombasa, Continental |

|Hotel, to raise awareness on progress of new SDGs and opportunities available in UNESCO for promoting Kenya's realization thereof by 2030 & |

|input on revised KNATCOM Strategic Plan (2014-2018) for finalization and printing. |

|B.2. Describe your organization’s cooperation with competent governmental bodies for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage (Article|

|13), including existing institutions for training on and the documentation of ICH (OD 154). |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|Apart from working with Kenya national Commission for UNESCO, the Department of Culture, National Museums of Kenya, Kenya National Bureau of |

|Statistics, ACRI has found it crucial to go scholarly in anchoring culture and heritage at University level. Thus, ACRI has established its |

|position at KCA University as Culture Consultant. Little by little ACRI has convinced the university of the need to teach culture and related |

|courses at university. Hence, from 2014, having demonstrated to the students and staff of KCA University that there is value in culture and |

|arts, live performance extravaganza was done and was impressive. Thus, Performing Arts Program was launched in January 2015. This has evolved |

|to the current level in 2018 involving the following subjects: Bachelor of Film Technology and Performing Arts; Bachelor of Journalism & |

|Digital Media; in addition, Diplomas and Certificates in the same areas. Chairman of the Department is a Member of ACRI and understands the |

|imperatives of Living Human Heritage promoted by 2003 and 2005 Conventions. Chairman participated in ACRI research of 2012: “Unearthing the |

|Gems of Culture, Mapping Exercise for Kenya’s Creative Cultural Industries”. The 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics guides very |

|well on domains of culture, which include subjects we have begun to teach at KCA University. For 2019, we are targeting introducing a unit on |

|ICH that we proposed earlier, including natural heritage. Once this starts, we shall source lectures from Department of Culture, National |

|Museums of Kenya and National Commission for UNESCO, among others. |

|B.3. Describe your organization’s involvement in or contribution to the drafting of the State’s Periodic Report (OD 152). |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|African Cultural Regeneration Institute (ACRI) is always available to help compile the State’s Periodic Report. We are always prompt whenever |

|we are requested to do so. |

|B.4 Describe your organization’s participation in the preparation of nominations to the Urgent Safeguarding List or Representative List, |

|requests for International Assistance or proposals of Good Safeguarding Practices. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|From the experience of 2011 when ACRI accompanied team members to nominate Njurincheke, the traditional council of elders of the Meru |

|community, ACRI learnt that the exercise of facilitating nomination is an expensive affair. Under the circumstances, only when resources are |

|made available and invitation is made can a team decide to go for nomination. The expedition of 2011 was financed by KNATCOM and a vehicle was|

|provided by the Ministry for the 3 days. Whenever, therefore, such invitation is given, ACRI participates with gladness, but when resources |

|are not provided, it becomes difficult to participate. With regard to making a proposal for international assistance, ACRI is currently |

|working with the National Museums of Kenya and the Department of Culture, which represent State Party, to request international assistance for|

|“Integrating ICT in promoting African food-ways through awareness raising and transmission of ICH for a more environmentally conscious and |

|food secure societies: The case of Mt Kulal, El-molo and Pokomo communities of Kenya”. The request made in 2017 to ICH fund aims at |

|safeguarding traditional food-ways of Kenya by demonstrating through public media (TV) for wide outreach and impact both within Kenya as well |

|as though-out East African Community and Africa at large / To encourage the youth to find value in ICH through safeguarding their environment |

|and cultural heritage / A favourable response from UNESCO for the international assistance is still expected by December 2018. |

|B.5. Describe your organization’s participation in the identification, definition (Article 11.b) and inventorying of ICH (Article 12, OD 80 |

|and OD 153). Explain, in particular, how your organization cooperates with communities, groups and, where relevant, individuals. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|ACRI got involved in requesting the Meru people, though their Council of Elders, to identify elements that they wanted safeguarded and |

|nominated for inscription into UNESCO lists. The community proposed a big list to the national inventory. The people were given the Text of |

|the 2003 Convention (Blue Book) plus copies of the Convention for their guidance. Resulting from the work ACRI is currently doing with the |

|National Museums of Kenya and the Department of Culture, the work for which we are requesting international assistance since 2017, we expect |

|to succeed getting the communities of Mount Kulal Biosphere Reserve, El Molo, and Pokomo to identify elements of their food ways that should |

|be included in the national inventory. This will give inspiration to other communities to do the same. ACRI has helped when requested by the |

|State Party to compile the nomination dossiers for the elements already submitted for inscription. |

|B.6. Describe your organization’s participation in other safeguarding measures, including those referred to in Article 13 and OD 153, aimed |

|at: |

|promoting the function of ICH in society; |

|fostering scientific, technical and artistic studies with a view to effective safeguarding; |

|facilitating, to the extent possible, access to information relating to ICH while respecting customary practices governing access to specific |

|aspects of it. |

|Explain, in particular, how your organization cooperates with communities, groups and, where relevant, individuals when participating in such |

|measures. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|Apart from giving lectures on the importance of ICH and its safeguarding, ACRI has concentrated on education through written word. Therefore, |

|ACRI has written, or caused to be written, information that is educative to many, locally and abroad. Contribution to the UNESCO landmark |

|publication “Agree to Differ”, cerebrating the International Decade for Cultural Rapprochement launched by Irina Bokova, Director-General of |

|UNESCO, at the Baku Forum in May 2015, is a case in point. See Digital edition at: . In 2017,|

|ACRI published a book entitled: Wake Up Kenya! Wake Up Africa! On Cultural Valorisation within imperatives of UNESCO Conventions on Living |

|Human Heritage, ISBN 978-620-2-27487-6. See poster at EUE_poster_%20978-620-2-27487-6. The book is available on-line @ . When funds |

|will be available the book will be launched. Additionally, a member of ACRI has done a book highlighting importance of Council of Eders in |

|Meru. The book is entitled “The Ameru History and the Rise of Njuri-Ncheke: Kenya (Role Perspective)”. The book, yet to be published, is an |

|enlightenment on the importance of traditional governance. ACRI insists on documenting the elements and publishing studies thereof. We also |

|think that the inclusion of cultural heritage studies at university level will create fundamental awareness because graduates will go to the |

|field grounded in cultural heritage. With regard to the project we have in Mt Kulal, El Molo, and Pokomo communities of Kenya, we have been |

|careful in dealing with the bearers of elements: We held meetings with elders and youth in this regard. |

|B.7. Describe your organization’s involvement in measures to ensure greater recognition of, respect for and enhancement of ICH, in particular |

|those referred to in Article 14, ODs 105 to 109 and OD 155: |

|educational, awareness-raising and information programmes aimed at the general public, in particular young people; |

|educational and training programmes within the communities and groups concerned; |

|capacity-building activities for the safeguarding of ICH; |

|non-formal means of transmitting knowledge; |

|education for the protection of natural spaces and places of memory whose existence is necessary for expressing ICH. |

|Explain, in particular, how your organization cooperates with communities, groups and, where relevant, individuals when participating in such |

|measures. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|ACRI organizes and participates in many seminars and workshops and engages in numerous one-to-one discussions on culture and safeguarding. |

|For a country to develop sustainably it must be firmly based on its culture and heritage, which give it confidence to implement endogenous |

|development strategies. Internationally, ACRI has published information that brings ICH to the fore and expresses the need for cultural |

|regeneration and safeguarding. For example, see ACRI’s contribution to UNESCO landmark publication of 2015 entitled: “Agree to Differ”, for |

|digital edition see |

| . |

|See another publication at |

|Volume 8, Number 1 / January-June 2011 of Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology |

| . |

|The book published by ACRI in 2017 is in this direction, to inform and educate on imperatives of UNESCO conventions on Living Human Heritage. |

|See ISBN 978-620-2-27487-6. A book being written by a member of ACRI is entitled: "The Ameru History and the Rise of Njuri-Ncheke: Kenya", by |

|Zaccheus Murianki, currently being edited for publication. Other documents are in mother tongue entitled: "Utuuro bwa Ameru Karaaja: Kuuma |

|Gakenke mwanka Ntindiri", (Life of the Ameru Long ago: From Infancy to Old Age) by Michael Gitobu; translation into English is on course for |

|wider communication. The cultural courses that ACRI is initiating at KCA University are aimed at making ICH and heritage studies more |

|relevant for sustainable development. The manner in which we are dealing with marginalized communities at Mount Kulal, El Molo, and Pokomo, |

|illustrate the respect we have for the people. |

| |

|C. Bilateral, sub-regional, regional and international cooperation |

|Report on any activities carried out by your organization at the bilateral, subregional, regional or international levels for the |

|implementation of the Convention, including initiatives such as the exchange of information and experience, and other joint initiatives, as |

|referred to in Article 19 and OD 156. You may, for example, consider the following issues: |

|sharing information and documentation concerning shared ICH (OD 87); |

|participating in regional cooperation activities including, for example, those of category 2 centres for ICH established under the auspices of|

|UNESCO (OD 88); |

|developing networks of NGOs, communities, experts, centres of expertise and research institutes at subregional and regional levels to develop |

|joint and interdisciplinary approaches concerning shared ICH (OD 86). |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|ACRI is convinced that ICH will gain great mileage once courses in ICH and heritage are accepted at University level. In 2014, ACRI proposed a|

|unit on culture at KCA University, Nairobi, where Prof. Francis Gichuru, ACRI founder and chairman is Culture Consultant. The Unit, which was |

|to be taught as core for all students, went to the departmental board for consideration, but was recommended for further discussion and |

|refinement. By a demonstration performance, a course promoting 2005 Convention was accepted since 2014, thus establishing a Performing Arts |

|Department, teaching various dimensions of cultural creativity. In 2018 we are reorganizing Faculty of Education and Arts into a College of |

|Education, Arts, and Culture, where we intend to create a Unit named Culture and Heritage, which all students at KCA University will take as |

|core requirement. ACRI explains that, for sustainable development to occur, a country must be based on its culture and heritage in the spirit |

|of Hangzhou Declaration of 2013. ACRI believes that once ICH, cultural diversity, and heritage studies are established at KCA University other|

|institutions of learning within Kenya and outside Kenya will come to learn from the example. ACRI has talked to GULU Theatre Artists, Uganda, |

|of the possibility of collaborating in theatre studies at university level. ACRI has also talked to Prof. Slimane Hiachi, Director of |

|CRESPIAF, Category 2 institution for Africa, based in Alger, on possibility of pushing together the agenda of promoting university education |

|in Culture and Heritage as proposed by ACRI. |

| |

|D. Participation in the work of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage |

|D.1 Has your organization participated in the Committee meetings or those of the General Assembly? If so, please indicate which meetings you |

|attended and describe the nature of your contribution to the Committee’s work. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|Since ACRI was accredited in 2009, the organization has participated in all intergovernmental committee meetings, serving in the Consultative |

|Body in 2011-2012. ACRI facilitated in the founding of the ICH-NGO Forum during the igc of 2010 in Nairobi, acting as the first co-president |

|of the ICH-NGO FORUM, and establishing the guiding philosophy of the FORUM as commitment with the work of the State Parties and cooperating in|

|the implementation of the ideals of the Convention. |

|The only igc meeting ACRI failed to attend was in Namibia due to failure to get support, perhaps due late request for assistance from the ICH |

|fund. In all other subsequent igc meetings, ACRI has been participant in all sessions, including those of the ICH-NGO Forum were ACRI was a |

|member of electoral board in 2017. ACRI was engaged in the deliberations of the ICH-NGO Forum, including the drafting of its statements to the|

|igc meetings. |

|D.2 Has your organization served as a member of the Evaluation Body (OD 26 to 31), or as a member of the Consultative Body (between 2012 and |

|2014)? If so, please indicate the period. |

|Not to exceed 100 words |

|No |

|D.3 In what way(s) has your organization provided advisory services to the Committee (OD 96) or in what way(s) do you foresee that it might |

|provide such services in the future? |

|Not to exceed 500 words |

|African Cultural Regeneration Institute (ACRI) has provided services to the committee within the Consultative Body during 2011-2012 and is |

|ready in future to give services when requested by the Committee or organs of the Committee, including serving in any capacity as requested by|

|UNESCO. In particular, we propose the following services that accredited NGOs could offer to the Committee, over and above evaluation of |

|nomination files: |

|1. Taking ACRI as an example, we would recommend that the accredited NGOs act as real partners of UNESCO out there in the field. Given, for |

|example, that an NGO would be founded on the same convictions as those of UNESCO, then a formula should be found to fully utilize the NGO to |

|promote the ideals of UNESCO, which, by conviction, the NGO would be committed to. For instance, ACRI was founded before the Convention 2003,|

|clearly to safeguard the best of the African culture and use it for development. Where the ICH Convention wishes to go to detail at the local|

|level, or sub-regional level, then the NGO should do that on behalf of UNESCO, as both institutions would be convinced of the same thing. This|

|may mean commissioning the NGO to do the task, be it research, evaluation, capacity building, advocacy, and so forth. This would cost UNESCO |

|much less than currently, and achieve more and better results. All that the NGO requires in this respect are terms of reference, on the one |

|hand, and financial support, on the other. |

|2. Accredited NGOs could be agents of UNESCO, and ICH Convention in particular, in providing management and coordination services at the local|

|and sub-regional levels. For instance, if there is a need to organize a workshop or conference at the local or sub-regional level, the NGO |

|would be the best agent. This would be due to the fact that the NGO is better connected at the local level and would do the task without the |

|stress of other duties at international level. For example, currently ACRI is coordinating the organization of a regional workshop on Culture |

|Statistics by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) together with the KCA University, to be held in Kenya. Financial support has not been |

|provided as yet. In the mind of ACRI, this is embracing the concept of culture for sustainable development as promoted by the Hangzhou |

|Declaration of May 2013. The workshop on Culture Statistics will capacity-build the states to appreciate the contribution of culture to |

|development. |

|E. Capacities of your organization to evaluate nominations, proposals and requests (as described in OD 27 and OD 96): |

|E.1. Nominations, proposals and requests are available for evaluation only in English or French. Do members of your organization or your staff|

|have a very good command of English or French? If so, please indicate which language(s) and the number of those members or staff. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|Our NGO has capacity to evaluate files and documents in ENGLISH. Certain members are literate in French and some other languages. These are: |

|Prof. Francis Xavier Gichuru, PhD. /Undergraduate studies in the Nairobi University, and higher studies in France / fluent in French; Prof. |

|Agnes Gathumbi, Ph.D. / Undergraduate studies in Nairobi University/ higher studies in England; Easter Ciombaine, B.Ed. Kenyatta University / |

|working knowledge of French; Prof. Justus Mbae, Ph.D. /Undergraduate Studies in Kenyatta University / further studies in Athens / Speaks and |

|writes Greek; Dr. Anne Karimi Kinyua, Ph.D. / first and second degrees in Kenyatta University, and Ph.D. from University of Nairobi; Mr Lamech|

|Angila, Head of Arts Department, KCA University, graduate of Kenyatta University, pursuing Masters course in Copyright (Harvard law school), |

|Mr. Caleb Wandera Obwora, Research Officer with ACRI, graduate in Anthropology from Nairobi University, 2013 CPI Participant ‘Joint Research |

|for Research Officers in the Field of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI) with Korea Cultural Heritage |

|Foundation (CHF) / Topic of Research: Examining the intersection of traditional cuisines: kimchi of Korea and ugali of Kenya. He has Some |

|knowledge of Korean language; Jesse Muriuki Ithai, Research Officer with ACRI, graduate in Anthropology from Nairobi University, 2014 CPI |

|Participant in ‘Joint Research for Research Officers in the Field of Intangible Cultural Heritage in CPI with Korea CHF / Topic of Research: |

|Performing Arts in Society: A Comparative Analysis of Kenya’s Ncungu and Korea’s Nongak / He has some knowledge of Korean language. |

|E.2. Does your organization have experience in working across several ICH domains? Please describe your experiences. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|Yes. ACRI is envisioned to work and operate in all domains of ICH, that is, cultural and natural heritage, performance and celebrations, |

|visual arts and crafts, books and press, audio-visual and interactive media, design and creative abilities. Indeed, to achieve the |

|regeneration of African culture, as the name of ACRI suggests, it is imperative for us to be concerned about all the domains of cultural |

|heritage. Thus, we have found ourselves working with traditional councils of elders – which implies understanding their philosophies and |

|beliefs, including knowledge about the universe, and their conception of society and cohesiveness, all of which must be safeguarded without |

|falling into the trap of fossilization and freezing of values; we have found ourselves working with audio-visual artists and crafts people, |

|e.g. the stone carvers of Kisii soapstone in the context of African Stones Talk Symposium of Kisii; or the musician Kamanu who works on |

|safeguarding the Kimeru music – we have found ourselves helping him to introduce digital art into his creations; we have found ourselves |

|working with fashion designers and architects where we have encouraged them to get inspiration from the African traditions; we have found |

|ourselves working with writers of prose, poetry and songs when we have encouraged them to base themselves and get inspiration from the African|

|culture. It is imperative that we ensure the safeguarding of our heritage, both natural and cultural, in order to guarantee lasting and |

|sustainable advancement. |

|E.3. Describe the experience of your organization in evaluating and analysing documents such as proposals or applications. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|ACRI has already proven its capacity to evaluate and analyse documents by serving effectively as a member of the first Consultative Body of |

|UNESCO-ICH between 2010 and 2012. The institute has its origination from scholarship and realization that unless the academic world takes |

|culture seriously, then the valuable heritage of our peoples will be lost due to modernization. Hence, many of the leading lights in ACRI are |

|firmly rooted in the erudite world, understanding written and spoken word. In consequence, therefore, there are capable personnel in ACRI to |

|evaluate and analyse documents and proposals as required. This type of engagement is routine in the academic world due to the many documents |

|and proposals encountered by professors, lecturers, and graduates in their quest for academic qualifications. |

|E.4. Does your organization have experience in drafting synthetic texts in English or French? Please describe your experience and indicate in |

|which language(s) and the number of those members or staff. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|The content of E3 above explains this predicament: the personnel of ACRI has capacity and experiences in drafting synthetic texts in ENGLISH. |

|Apart from the work done in the universities, ACRI has been able to research and make a report as on the following link: |

| which reported the results of the research done |

|for the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) of UNESCO, under the title Unearthing the Gems of Culture: Mapping Exercise for |

|Kenya’s Creative Cultural Industries. In the same vein, the following reference may serve as an example for competence and experience: |

| where a discourse is made in the Volume 8, Number 1 / January-June 2011 of Cultura. |

|International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology. Without having to insist on this, ACRI demonstrated capability during membership|

|to the Consultative Body in 2011-2012. At least eight (8) members of ACRI are competent in this regard. |

|E.5. Does your organization have experience in working at the international level or the capacity to apply local experience to an |

|international context? Please describe such experience. |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|The design of ACRI was to work both at local and international levels, the reason for which it was named “African Cultural Regeneration”, |

|aiming at the whole of Africa, to make it felt at international level. With more funding, ACRI will operate significantly at international |

|level. ACRI has the capacity to work at local, national and international levels. Participation in the work of the Consultative Body |

|(2011-2012) was a drive in this direction. ACRI got funding in 2011-2012 from UNESCO (IFCD) to do a study entitled: Unearthing the Gems of |

|Culture – Mapping Exercise for Kenya’s Creative Cultural Industries, the report whereof was submitted to UNESCO-cultural diversity. The |

|objective of the study was to demonstrate that Africa is vibrant with creative cultural industries that development promoters in Africa can |

|ride on to spur advancement. In pursuit of that study, ACRI wishes to drive home that culture has great impact for development if well |

|harnessed. In that respect, therefore, ACRI partnered in 2013 with the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) to capacity build the countries of|

|East Africa about Culture Statistics, the understanding of which may allow the governments of the region to allow better budgets to the |

|culture sector. We have not yet got funding to implement this initiative. Following the proposed training, a course will be started at KCA |

|University to train the EAC countries on Culture Statistics, underlining the 2009 UNESCO Framework for Culture Statistics. ACRI needs funding |

|support to achieve objectives. |

| |

|F. Cooperation with UNESCO |

|Report on activities carried out by your organization in cooperation with UNESCO (both direct cooperation with UNESCO as well as activities |

|carried out under the auspices of UNESCO or for which you have received the authorization to use the emblem of UNESCO/of the 2003 Convention, |

|or financial support, such as funding from the Participation Program). |

|Not to exceed 250 words |

|African Cultural Regeneration Institute (ACRI) was founded in January 2003 to safeguard the best of African culture and for use in |

|development. In October, UNESCO adopted the 2003 Convention for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind. ACRI thus found a |

|natural partner in the promotion of human cultural heritage. ACRI was eventually accredited by UNESCO-ICH in 2009. Cooperation with UNESCO is |

|thus natural since then. Apart from serving the IGC in the first Consultative Body during 2010-2012 period, ACRI continued to participate in |

|all the IGC meetings, except in Namibia because of failure to get sponsorship. Apart from other tangible commitments and operations, ACRI has |

|continued to contribute literature and scholarship for awareness raising in matters of culture and safeguarding. In 2015 ACRI contributed to |

|the UN landmark publication “Agree to Differ” |

|See Digital edition: |

|cerebrating the International Decade for Cultural Rapprochement launched by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, at the Baku Forum in May|

|2015: for details see: |

| |

|In 2017, ACRI published a book entitled: Wake Up Kenya! Wake Up Africa! On Cultural Valorisation within imperatives of UNESCO Conventions on |

|Living Human Heritage, ISBN 978-620-2-27487-6. See poster at EUE_poster_%20978-620-2-27487-6. The book is available on-line @ . When|

|funds are available it will be launched in Kenya. ACRI has established Courses in Performing Arts and Filming at KCA University & is currently|

|designing a core unit for 2019 in ICH for all students, assuming culture to be key for sustainable development, according to Hangzhou |

|declaration of 2013. |

| |

|G. Signature |

|The report must include the name and signature of the person empowered to sign it on behalf of the organization. |

|Name: |

|Francis Xavier Gichuru |

| |

|Title: |

|Founder / Chairman |

| |

|Date: |

|23rd December, 2018 |

| |

|Signature: |

| |

| |


[1]. In case your organization operates in several States, please indicate clearly which State or States are concerned by your answers when filling in parts B, C and E.


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