Men's Sheds

4892675-5026300Message from UK Men’s Sheds AssociationNew restrictions on Lockdown update14th September 2020As you are aware changes to advice and regulations regarding Lockdown is an ongoing challenge for Sheds. There are differences in each home country and even though announcements of changes are made, we have found that the fine print can change hours after publication.Navigating this is a quandary and we are actively trying to keep you up to date in a clear and concise way.The institute for government provide a comparison across each nation. This is a helpful checklist and one you might want to review on a regular basis.What has changed?The British government announced changes to how many people could meet up on the 9th September. This was followed by further clarification that was then subsequently revised. In each home nation restrictions were also revised. Not all changes are the same.People in all four parts of the UK are now permitted to meet others outside their household, as long as they maintain social distancing. However, the rules are different in each nation.If you were opening your Shed under the guidance of your home nation government and you are Covid Secure then it would seem you can still do this. The table below summarises the new rules.?EnglandScotlandWalesNorthern IrelandMeeting friends and family outdoorsThe government advises that up to six people from different households or two households of any size can meet. The maximum permissible gathering in law is 30 people.From 14 September, the legal maximum number of people from different households that can meet will be six people.Five households can meet, up to a maximum of 15 (two households if one or both are shielding) but one household cannot meet more than four households in a day, except for under 18s?for whom there is no limit.From 14 September a maximum of six people from two households will be able to meet (children under 12 not included).Up to 30 people can meet outdoors with no limit on the number of households from 3 August.Up to 15 people from different households can meet.Meeting friends and family indoorsFrom 4 July, two households can meet indoors with social distancing. Gatherings of over 30 people are restricted by law.From 14 September, the legal maximum number of people from different households that can meet indoors will be six people.From 10 July three households, up to a maximum of eight people,?can meet indoors, including overnight stays.From 14 September a maximum of six people from two households will be able to meet (children under 12 not included).From 19 June, people who live alone, non-cohabiting partners or single parents with children under 18 will be able to form an ‘extended household’ and meet indoors with one other household without social distancing.From 22 August, four households permitted to join together to form one extended household to meet indoors. Each household can only form a 'bubble' with the same household(s).From 14 September, a legal maximum of six people from an extended household may meet indoors.People should not enter each other’s homes outside extended household.Indoor visits to care homes permitted from 29 August.???From 24 July up to six people from two different households can meet indoors.From 13 June people who live alone can form a ‘small support unit’ with one other household and meet indoors without social distancing.For any further information refer to your independent government guidance pages. The Institute for Government website where comparisons can be found is - ExemptionsIt states in the English guidance that one area of exemption for the 6 people limit is with voluntary and charitable organisations. This guidance however is we believe contradictory in the same document and our very strong advice is – ‘if you do intend to have more than six (6) people at your Shed in England at any one time, get agreement from your local authority in writing’. This advice is to protect you as Shedders and your Shed. The link to the new guidance is - in any doubt we advise you take caution.The opportunity for some to open on more days is being seen as Sheds begin to open and we see a mix across the UK. It is always humbling to see, that no matter whether Sheds are physically open or closed – the Shed communities are still talking and staying in contact.Stay safe. ................

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