Companies that have provided responses to the Business ...

Positive human rights initiatives by companies featured in our Weekly Updates

Section 1: Companies beginning with A-B

(10 Feb 2005 – 9 Dec 2009)

This chart lists positive steps by companies that have been featured in our Weekly Updates. Our website links to hundreds of other reports of positive initiatives.

This section of the chart covers individual companies with names beginning A-B; the other alphabetical sections, and a section for initiatives that involve a large group of companies, are here:


Our free Weekly Updates include the latest news and reports on companies’ human rights impacts: positive steps they are taking, and alleged abuses. Over 7500 opinion leaders worldwide have registered for the Updates. You can sign up to receive Updates at: Updates

When we plan to include reports about allegations of misconduct by a company in a Weekly Update, we invite the company to provide a response to include alongside the allegations. A chart of companies we have invited to respond – indicating the issue raised, and whether or not the company responded – is available here: Documents/Update-Charts

|Company |Country |Date of our |Initiative |

| | |Update | |

|ABB |Tanzania |8 Aug 2007 |ABB assists rural villages with sustainable electrification to foster social & economic |

|(Sweden) | | |development. Click here [French only] |

|ABB |Sudan |10 Jan 2007 |ABB suspends business activities in Sudan - says its human rights projects there will |

|(Sweden) | | |continue. Click here |

|ABB |India |7 Dec 2005 |ABB & other companies win award for facilitating employment opportunities for people with |

|(Sweden) | | |disabilities in India. Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Global |15 Oct 2008 |Major drug firms including Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, Glaxo, Pfizer, agree with Ban |

|(USA) | | |Ki-Moon to invest more in AIDS treatments & diagnostics for poor regions. Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Africa |22 Apr 2009 |Pfizer & Abbott promise more anti-retrovirals for Africa. Click here [French only] |

|(USA) | | | |

|Abbott Laboratories |Burma |14 May 2008 |Burma cyclone: Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Johnson & Johnson and |

|(USA) | | |others give medical aid to victims. Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Global |11 Apr 2007 |Abbott Laboratories agrees to cut price of AIDS drug Kaletra in over 40 countries following |

|(USA) | | |pressure from Thailand. Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Global |21 Mar 2007 |IBLF report on how company employee initiatives are helping increase access to education, |

|(USA) | | |water, health, housing – refers to initiatives by companies including Abbott Laboratories. |

| | | |Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Latin America |17 Aug 2005 |26 pharmaceutical firms, including Abbott Laboratories, agree with governments of 11 Latin |

|(USA) | | |American countries on price reductions of up to 66% for anti-HIV/AIDS drugs. Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Mexico |16 Feb 2005 |12 companies operating in Mexico, including Abbott Laboratories, launch National Business |

|(USA) | | |Council on AIDS, aimed at eradicating HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in the Mexican |

| | | |workplace. Click here |

|Abbott Laboratories |Global |20 Jun 2007 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria awards companies including Abbott. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Abercrombie & Kent |Burma |14 May 2008 |Burma cyclone: CSR Asia describes steps by Exotissimo, Lonely Planet, Abercrombie & Kent, |

|(USA) | | |Asia TransPacific Journeys, Google, Microsoft, Intrepid Travel. Click here |

|ABN Amro |Global |16 Jan 2008 |CERES ranks finance firms on climate strategies: HSBC, ABN Amro score highest. Click here |

|(Netherlands) | | | |

|ABN Amro |Global |23 May 2007 |Clinton Global Initiative: 5 banks including ABN Amro to raise US$5 billion to make buildings|

|(Netherlands) | | |more energy efficient in cities worldwide. Click here |

|ABN Amro |Global |7 Mar 2007 |Dutch Commission on Sustainable Research creates "Millennium Development Goals Scan" to |

|(Netherlands) | | |benchmark companies' contributions – companies passing the scan include ABN Amro. Click here |

|ABN Amro |Brazil |13 Sep 2006 |NGOs & companies including ABN Amro launch organisation to reduce negative social & |

|(Netherlands) | | |environmental impacts of soy production. Click here |

|ABN Amro |Global |24 May 2006 |16 banks shortlisted for Financial Times & IFC “sustainable banking” awards: ABN Amro in all |

|(Netherlands) | | |5 categories. Click here |

|ABN Amro |Global |8 Feb 2006 |Survey of banks’ social & environmental policies finds 8 with public human rights policies, |

|(Netherlands) | | |including ABN Amro. Click here |

|ABN Amro |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including ABN Amro, to |

|(Netherlands) | | |promote responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine to|

| | | |retail). Click here |

|ABN Amro (Netherlands) |India |30 Aug 2006 |Business Week article says domestic & multinational banks including ABN Amro increasing their|

| | | |provision of microloans for the poor. Click here |

|ABN Amro do Brasil |Brazil |14 June 2006 |ABN Amro do Brasil is “emerging markets bank of the year” in Financial Times sustainable |

|(Netherlands/ Brazil) | | |banking awards. Click here |

|Abraaj Capital |Middle East |2 Dec 2009 |Financial Times report on "emerging trend" of corporate social responsibility in the Middle |

|(UAE) | | |East - refers to positive steps by Abraaj Capital, Aramex. Click here |

|Abu Dhabi Natl. Energy |Global |15 Apr 2009 |"Doing Business in a Multicultural World" report by UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN Global |

|(UAE) | | |Compact - describes positive initiatives by Abu Dhabi Natl. Energy, American Express, BMW, |

| | | |HSBC, Manpower, Titan Cement, TUI, others. Click here |

|Accenture |China |13 Sep 2006 |World Economic Forum launches China Health Alliance, a partnership against TB and AIDS - |

|(UK) | | |companies involved include Accenture. Click here |

|Acciona Energía |Spain |12 Dec 2007 |Acciona Energía promotes renewable energy sources for reducing CO2 emissions. Click here |

|(Spain) | | |[Spanish only] |

|Accor |Malaysia |18 Mar 2009 |ACCOR Hotels pushes Interhill to respect standards on social issues in hotel construction, |

|(France) | | |following a campaign by Bruno Manser Fonds. Click here [French only] |

|Accor |Global |22 Aug 2007 |Over 600 companies, including Accor, sign code of conduct against child sex tourism. Click |

|(France) | | |here [French only] |

|Accor |Argentina |27 Jun 2007 |Network of companies against child labour created – companies include Accor. Click here |

|(France) | | |[Spanish only] |

|Acindar (Argentina) |Argentina |25 Apr 2007 |Agreement signed between the government, UNICEF, ILO & companies to eradicate child labour – |

| | | |Signatory companies include Acindar. Click here [Spanish only] |

|Aetna |USA |21 Jan 2009 |Faith-based investors strengthen call for companies to support health care reform - Over 12 |

|(USA) | | |US firms now do so publicly, including Aetna. Click here |

|Addeco (Switzerland) |Argentina |27 Jun 2007 |Network of companies against child labour created – companies include Addeco. Click here |

| | | |[Spanish only] |

|adidas |Brazil |12 Aug 2009 |Footwear brands including adidas demand moratorium on leather from farms involved in |

|(Germany) | | |deforestation, linked to climate change - Greenpeace welcomes move. Click here |

|adidas |Honduras |5 Aug 2009 |Letter from adidas, Gap, Knights, Nike to US Secretary of State calls for "restoration of |

|(Germany) | | |democracy". Click here [also available in Spanish] |

|adidas |China |20 May 2009 |Guangdong Environmental Partnership includes environmental health & safety academy and energy|

|(Germany) | | |efficiency projects - corporate sponsors include adidas. Click here |

|adidas |Global |9 Jul 2008 |Unions, NGOs & companies including adidas, New Balance, Nike, Speedo, Umbro form group to |

|(Germany) | | |improve respect for labour rights. Click here |

|adidas |Darfur, Sudan |7 May 2008 |Dream for Darfur gives higher marks to Adidas, McDonald's, Kodak for publicly urging action |

|(Germany) | | |on Darfur; poor marks to 16 other Olympic sponsors. Click here |

|adidas |China/ Tibet |19 Mar 2008 |Olympic sponsors concerned over Tibet unrest & violence - comments by companies including |

|(Germany) | | |adidas. Click here |

|adidas |Global |16 Jan 2008 |adidas publishes list of its global suppliers - global textile union welcomes move. Click |

|(Germany) | | |here |

|adidas |Cambodia |14 Sep 2005 |Cambodia: adidas and other apparel companies pledge financial support for ILO factory |

|(Germany) | | |monitoring & improvement programme. Click here |

|Advance Agro |Thailand |21 Nov 2007 |Advance Agro develop a method of producing paper that reduces environmental impacts, and |

|(Thailand) | | |provides supplementary income to villages. Click here [French only] |

|Advanced Micro Devices |USA |3 May 2006 |Advanced Micro Devices comes 3rd in Business Ethics’ “100 Best Corporate Citizens” ranking. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|Agbar |Global |8 Apr 2009 |New book: “Can companies contribute to the Millennium Development Goals?” – refers to best |

|(Spain) | | |practice by companies including Novartis, Agbar, BBVA, Gas Natural, Telefónica. Click here |

| | | |[Spanish only] |

|Agilent |USA |3 May 2006 |Agilent comes 5th in Business Ethics’ “100 Best Corporate Citizens” ranking. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Agility International |Global |30 Jan 2008 |Private sector engagement in humanitarian relief - Agility, TNT, UPS launch joint emergency |

|(UK) | | |response initiative. Click here |

|Agrícola Perichán |Spain |19 Aug 2009 |Agrícola Perichán is first small & medium company to implement an equality plan between men |

|(Spain) | | |and women in Murcia. Click here [Spanish only] |

|AirAsia (Malaysia) |Global |8 Aug 2007 |AirAsia to provide for disabled travellers after dialogue with NGOs. Click here |

|Air France/KLM |Global |8 Apr 2009 |Air France/KLM, BAA, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic propose global |

|(France) | | |greenhouse gas scheme with climate NGO. Click here |

|Air France (France) |France |18 Oct 2006 |Air France wins an award for its steps to promote equal opportunities for women and men. |

| | | |Click here. |

|Akzo Nobel (Netherlands) |Global |7 Mar 2007 |Dutch Commission on Sustainable Research creates "Millennium Development Goals Scan" to |

| | | |benchmark companies' contributions – companies passing the scan include Akzo Nobel. Click |

| | | |here |

|Alcan |Indonesia |3 Jan 2006 |Alcan provides solar cookers to 1000 rural families in Banda Aceh under UN "clean development|

|(Canada) | | |mechanism" programme. Click here |

|Alcan |Global |8 Nov 2006 |Alcan adopts indigenous peoples policy. Click here |

|(Canada) | | | |

|Alcan |Global |12 Jul 2006 |“Crossing boundaries”: Country-visits by business leaders to witness social, environmental |

|(Canada) | | |impacts of their companies (report by IBLF). Companies featured include Alcan. Click here |

|Alcan |Global |21 Jun 2006 |Alcan joins Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights. Click here |

|(Canada) | | | |

|Alcan |USA |15 Feb 2006 |Alcan & other firms endorse Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s comprehensive plan to |

|(Canada) | | |reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Click here |

|Alcatel |Sub-Saharan Africa|16 Nov 2005 |World Summit on the Information Society: Alcatel & infoDev publish report on how business can|

|(France) | | |address needs of the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa. Click here |

|Alco |Argentina |17 Sep 2008 |Companies take part in programme to eliminate child labour on vineyards Click here [Spanish |

|(Argentina) | | |only] |

|Alcoa |Brazil |2 Apr 2008 |Alcoa invests in social projects near its Brazil mine - Wall St. Journal says this marks |

|(USA) | | |shift in relations between mining firms & local communities in developing countries. Click |

| | | |here |

|Alcoa |Global |9 Jan 2008 |WorldWatch "State of the World 2008" highlights environmental initiatives by companies. |

|(USA) | | |Article refers to steps by companies including Alcoa. Click here |

|Alcoa |USA |24 Jan 2007 |Coalition of companies & environmental orgs. urges govt. to set limits on carbon emissions – |

|(USA) | | |companies include Alcoa. Click here |

|Alfa-Bank |Russia / UK |12 Jul 2006 |CEOs of Russian companies, including Alfa-Bank, meet in London to discuss “responsible |

|(Russia) | | |business practices”. Click here |

|Alliance One |Argentina |3 Jan 2007 |"Porvenir" programme involving companies including Alliance One aims to remove 700 children |

|(USA) | | |from work on tobacco plantations. Click here [Spanish only] |

|Allianz (Germany) |India |19 Mar 2008 |Allianz & CARE team up on microinsurance project for vulnerable people in tsunami-hit south. |

| | | |Click here |

|Allianz (Germany) |Global |28 Mar 2007 |SustainAbility report on business partnerships with social entrepreneurs: How they can help |

| | | |solve social & environmental problems - refers to initiatives by companies including Allianz.|

| | | |Click Here |

|Altos Hornos |Mexico |1 Mar 2006 |Mexican Govt. recognises companies for reporting on greenhouse gas emissions, including Altos|

|(Mexico) | | |Hornos. Click here |

|Amanco |Latin America |19 Jul 2006 |Amanco project provides irrigation microcredit for low-income peasants in Latin America. |

|(Brazil) | | |Click here |

| |Global |20 Jul 2005 | names 10 finalists for $1 million Nonprofit Innovation Award – NGOs addressing |

|(USA) | | |education, poverty, health, gender equality. Click here |

|American Eagle |Uzbekistan |30 Sep 2009 |US Senator Tom Harkin op-ed on forced child labour in Uzbek cotton industry - refers to |

|(USA) | | |positive steps by 25 brands & retailers including American Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap, JC |

| | | |Penney, Kohl's, Levi Strauss, Limited Brands, Nike, Nordstrom, Timberland, TJX, Phillips-Van |

| | | |Heusen, Target, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney. Click here |

|American Eagle |Philippines |8 Aug 2007 |8 intl. apparel firms, including American Eagle, urge President Arroyo to stop attacks on |

|(USA) | | |workers in export processing zone. Click here |

|American Eagle |Philippines |15 Nov 2006 |Seven apparel companies, including American Eagle, join chambers of commerce in expressing |

|(USA) | | |concern to Philippines President about political killings and violent attacks against |

| | | |striking workers. Click here |

|American Express |Global |15 Apr 2009 |"Doing Business in a Multicultural World" report by UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN Global |

|(USA) | | |Compact - describes positive initiatives by Abu Dhabi Natl. Energy, American Express, BMW, |

| | | |HSBC, Manpower, Titan Cement, TUI, others. Click here |

|American Express |USA/ Africa |18 Oct 2006 |Product RED launched in USA: Part of profits from products sold by American Express & others |

|(USA) | | |will benefit fight against AIDS in Africa. Click here |

|American Express |Global |24 May 2006 |American Express among Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS’ 2006 winners of awards for |

|(USA) | | |business excellence. Click here |

|American Express |Global |22 Mar 2006 |American Express a founding participant in the Tourism and Human Rights Initiative, launched |

|(USA) | | |by the UN World Tourism Organization & Intl. Business Leaders Forum. Click here |

|Anadarko |USA |30 Mar 2005 |Six US companies, including Anadarko, take steps on climate change following shareholder |

|(USA) | | |demands. Click here |

|André Maggi |Brazil |13 Sep 2006 |NGOs & companies including André Maggi launch organisation to reduce negative social & |

|(Brazil) | | |environmental impacts of soy production. Click here |

|Andreani |Argentina |2 Sep 2009 |Meeting on the role of the private sector in the prevention and elimination of child labour |

|(Argentina) | | |is supported by companies such as Andreani, Arcor, Cargill, Nestlé, Telefónica. Click here |

| | | |[Spanish only] |

|Anglo American |So. Africa |11 Jun 2008 |Anglo American approves country-wide roll-out of its AIDS drugs programme to treat families |

|(UK) | | |of its 75,000 workers. Click here |

|Anglo American |South Africa |23 Apr 2008 |Anglo American ties managers' promotions to safety record, in initiative to achieve zero |

|(UK) | | |deaths at its mines. Click here |

|Anglo American |Africa |5 Mar 2008 |Anglo American, Rio Tinto require Chinese joint venture partners in Africa to pledge |

|(UK) | | |adherence to human rights & environmental standards. Click here |

|Anglo American |Colombia |19 Mar 2008 |Assessment by company-commissioned independent panel of Cerrejón Coal mine's social impacts |

|(UK) | | |flags concerns & positive elements. Anglo American, BHP Billiton, Xstrata commit to |

| | | |implementing recommendations. Click here |

|Anglo American |Global |24 Oct 2007 |WBCSD report on how companies can contribute to poverty alleviation & sustainable |

|(UK) | | |development. With case studies on companies including Anglo American. Click here |

|Anglo American |Global |8 Aug 2007 |New Anglo American boss says company's safety record "not acceptable", pledges improvements. |

|(UK) | | |Click here |

|Anglo American |Chile |6 Jun 2007 |Anglo American and Fondo Esperanza launch microcredit program, hoping to reach to 6700 poor |

|(UK) | | |people. Click here [Spanish only] |

|Anglo American |Global |21 Mar 2007 |IBLF report on how company employee initiatives are helping increase access to education, |

|(UK) | | |water, health, housing – refers to initiatives by companies including Anglo American. Click |

| | | |here |

|Anglo Coal |Global |8 Jul 2009 |Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - 8 firms receive business |

|(South Africa) | | |excellence awards, including Anglo Coal. Click here |

|Anglo American |So. Africa |10 Aug 2005 |Large So. African companies including Anglo American step up HIV/AIDS testing & treatment for|

|(UK) | | |workers. Click here |

|AngloGold Ashanti |Dem. Rep. of Congo|23 Jul 2008 |AngloGold Ashanti partners local communities develop social projects. Click here [French |

|(So. Africa) | | |only] |

|Anglo Platinum |Global |15 Nov 2006 |Anglo Platinum among top 5 reports in SustainAbility's bi-annual survey of corporate social &|

|(So. Africa) | | |environmental reporting. Click here |

|Apache |USA |30 Mar 2005 |Six US companies, including Apache, take steps on climate change following shareholder |

|(USA) | | |demands. Click here |

|APG Investments |Global |10 Dec 2008 |Dutch pension fund APG Investments supports appeal for companies to adopt human rights |

|(Netherlands) | | |policies. Click here |

|Apollo Tyres |India |16 Aug 2006 |Steps that companies are taking to address HIV/AIDS in India, including Apollo Tyres. Click |

|(India) | | |here |

|Apple |Global |14 Oct 2009 |Environmental NGOs praise Apple, Sony Ericsson for removing toxic chemicals from their |

|(USA) | | |products. Click here |

|Apple |Global |22 Oct 2008 |Greenpeace praises Apple for efforts to reduce toxic materials in its products. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Apple |Global |9 May 2007 |Apple announces an improved environmental policy – Greenpeace welcomes move but wants |

|(USA) | | |improvements in company's recycling policy. Click here [in French] |

|Apple |USA/ Africa |18 Oct 2006 |Product RED launched in USA: Part of profits from products sold by Apple & others will |

|(USA) | | |benefit fight against AIDS in Africa. Click here |

|APRIL |Global |15 Jul 2009 |Report urges forestry industry to address conflicts with local people - provides examples of |

|(Singapore) | | |steps taken by companies including APRIL. Click here |

|Arab Insurance Group |Burma |27 Aug 2008 |Arab Insurance Group (Arig) ceases insuring companies in Burma, following NGO report. Click |

|(ARIG) | | |here |

|(Bahrain) | | | |

|Aracruz |Global |15 Jul 2009 |Report urges forestry industry to address conflicts with local people - provides examples of |

|(Brazil) | | |steps taken by companies including Aracruz. Click here |

|Aramex |Middle East |2 Dec 2009 |Financial Times report on "emerging trend" of corporate social responsibility in the Middle |

|(UAE) | | |East - refers to positive steps by Abraaj Capital, Aramex. Click here |

|Arcor (Argentina) |Argentina |2 Sep 2009 |Meeting on the role of the private sector in the prevention and elimination of child labour |

| | | |is supported by companies such as Andreani, Arcor, Cargill, Nestlé, Telefónica. Click here |

| | | |[Spanish only] |

|Arcor (Argentina) |Argentina |23 Apr 2008 |Arcor's social responsibility with suppliers program deals with social and economic |

| | | |inclusion. Click here [Spanish only] |

|Arcor (Argentina) |Argentina |27 Jun 2007 |Network of companies against child labour created – companies include Arcor. Click here |

| | | |[Spanish only] |

|Arcor (Argentina) |Argentina |25 Apr 2007 |Agreement signed between the government, UNICEF, ILO & companies to eradicate child labour – |

| | | |Signatory companies include Arcor. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Arcelor |Global |22 Feb 2006 |UNEP & companies including Arcelor launch Sustainable Building & Construction Initiative, |

|(Luxembourg) | | |aimed at “greening” the industry. Click here |

|ArcelorMittal |Senegal |19 Aug 2009 |ArcelorMittal projects support health of local populations in Kédougou. Click here [French |

|(Luxembourg) | | |only] |

|ArcelorMittal |Senegal |10 Jun 2009 |Social programme funded by Arcelor Mittal, MDL & Oromin will now be managed at local level. |

|(Luxembourg) | | |Click here [French only] |

|ArcelorMittal |Global |11 Jun 2008 |ArcelorMittal signs global agreement with unions on health & safety. Click here |

|(Luxembourg) | | | |

|ArcelorMittal |Orissa, India |27 Feb 2008 |ArcelorMittal pledges $250 million to resettle villagers who will be displaced by its planned|

|(Luxembourg) | | |steel plant. Click here |

|Arent Fox |Afghanistan |19 Dec 2007 |US law firms including Arent Fox in partnership with US & Afghan Govts. to reform Afghan |

|(USA) | | |judiciary. Click here |

|Areva |Niger |2 Sep 2009 |Areva presents its education, health care initiatives to the media; some NGOs judge them |

|(France) | | |inadequate. Click here [in French] |

|Areva |Global |1 Jul 2009 |Areva, Sherpa, Médecins du Monde sign agreement to establish health watchdogs near Areva's |

|(France) | | |mining sites. Click here |

|Areva |Niger, Gabon |24 Jun 2009 |Areva creates an observatory on health impacts, in cooperation with NGOs. Click here [French |

|(France) | | |only] |

|Areva |Gabon |6 May 2009 |Areva will evaluate & monitor health & environmental impacts of its former mining operations |

|(France) | | |at Mounana. Click here [French only] |

|Areva |Niger |7 Jan 2009 |Areva to explore largest uranium mine in Africa – says it will support socio-economic |

|(France) | | |initiatives. Click here [French only] |

|Areva |France/ Global |28 Mar 2007 |8 companies, including Areva, launch francophone “Business Leaders Initiative for Human |

|(France) | | |Rights”. Click here [French only] |

|Arizona Public Service |USA |31 May 2006 |Environmental Protection Agency recognises companies for action on climate change, including |

|(USA) | | |Arizona Public Service. Click here |

|ArmorGroup |USA |9 Apr 2008 |ArmorGroup calls for US regulation of private military contractors. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Asda/Wal-Mart (UK) |Uzbekistan |3 Jun 2009 |Uzbek Govt. signs ILO conventions after retailers including Tesco, Asda/Wal-Mart, Marks & |

| | | |Spencer, Gap pull out over forced child labour in cotton industry. Click here |

|Ashok Leyland |India |17 Aug 2005 |Steps that Indian companies, including Ashok Leyland, are taking to address HIV/AIDS. Click |

|(India) | | |here |

|Asia TransPacific |Burma |14 May 2008 |Burma cyclone: CSR Asia describes steps by Exotissimo, Lonely Planet, Abercrombie & Kent, |

|Journeys | | |Asia TransPacific Journeys, Google, Microsoft, Intrepid Travel. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|ASN |Israel/ Occupied |6 Dec 2006 |ASN divests from Veolia over its involvement in Jerusalem's light rail system, saying the |

|(Netherlands) |Territories | |project does not comply with UN resolutions on settlements. Click here |

|AstraZeneca |Global |25 Mar 2009 |World TB Day: AstraZeneca and British Red Cross partnership to help combat tuberculosis in |

|(UK) | | |the developing world. Click here |

|AstraZeneca |Global |4 May 2005 |Addressing neglected diseases such as malaria & tuberculosis: Details of partnerships between|

|(UK) | | |non-profits, governments & drug companies, including AstraZeneca. Click here |

|AstraZeneca |Global |6 Apr 2005 |UK Government launches framework for good practice in pharmaceutical industry on increasing |

|(UK) | | |access to essential medicines in developing countries: with input from companies including |

| | | |AstraZeneca. Click here |

|AT&T |USA |18 Mar 2009 |DiversityInc's "Top 50 Companies for Diversity" 2009 |

|(USA) | | |- Johnson & Johnson, AT&T, Ernst & Young, Marriott lead. Click here |

|AT&T |USA |29 Aug 2007 |American Rights at Work profiles successful labour rights initiatives - examples include |

|(USA) | | |AT&T. Click here |

|AT&T |USA |28 Mar 2007 |DiversityInc announces "Top 50 companies for diversity" – top 5 companies include AT&T. Click|

|(USA) | | |here |

|AT&T |USA |2 Aug 2006 |Companies support renewal of voting rights law for minorities - including AT&T. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Augura Bananera |Colombia |4 Nov 2009 |3 companies receive an award for their contribution to peace, including Augura Bananera. |

|(Colombia) | | |Click here [in Spanish] |

|Aviatur |Colombia |12 Aug 2009 |Agreement between International Migration Organization and Aviatur to sell products made by |

|(Colombia) | | |displaced people, demobilized combatants and victims of the conflict. Click here [Spanish |

| | | |only] |

|Avon |Global |5 Mar 2008 |UNIFEM, Avon in partnership to tackle violence against women & promote women's empowerment. |

|(USA) | | |Click here |

|AXA |France |23 Aug 2006 |Financial firms including AXA take steps to diversify workforce. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|AXA |Global |9 Nov 2005 |Development agencies & companies including AXA launch $75 million fund for |

|(France) | | |micro-entrepreneurs. Click here |

|BAA |Global |8 Apr 2009 |Air France/KLM, BAA, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic propose global |

|(UK) | | |greenhouse gas scheme with climate NGO. Click here |

|Babajob |India |31 Oct 2007 |Local & global firms including Babajob develop technological products & services for the |

|(India) | | |poor. Click here |

|Boehringer Ingelheim |Global |15 Oct 2008 |Major drug firms including Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, Glaxo, Pfizer, agree with Ban |

|(Germany) | | |Ki-Moon to invest more in AIDS treatments & diagnostics for poor regions. Click here |

|Bajaj Auto |India |12 Jul 2006 |“Crossing boundaries”: Business leaders visit social & environmental projects (report by |

|(India) | | |IBLF). Companies featured include Bajaj Auto. Click here |

|Bajaj Auto |India |17 Aug 2005 |Steps that Indian companies, including Bajaj Auto, are taking to address HIV/AIDS. Click |

|(India) | | |here |

|Baleària |Colombia |27 Aug 2008 |Baleària promotes development of companies that benefit society & the environment. Click here|

|(Spain) | | |[Spanish only] |

|Banamex (part of |Mexico |14 June 2006 |Banamex is the “sustainable deal of the year” (with Citigroup & Financiera Compartamos) in |

|Citigroup) | | |Financial Times sustainable banking awards. Click here |

|(Mexico) | | | |

|Banamex (part of |Mexico |16 Feb 2005 |12 companies operating in Mexico, including Banamex, launch National Business Council on |

|Citigroup) | | |AIDS, aimed at eradicating HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in the Mexican workplace. Click |

|(Mexico) | | |here |

|Bancaja |Spain |21 Feb 2007 |Bancaja becomes the first Spanish financial entity to incorporate environmental risks into |

|(Spain) | | |its credit decisions. Click here [Spanish only] |

|Banco Bradesco |Global |4 Nov 2009 |IFC & Global Reporting Initiative launch guide on gender & sustainability reporting - full |

|(Brazil) | | |report includes examples of reporting practices by Banco Bradesco. Click here |

|Banco Bradesco |Latin America |13 Apr 2008 |Innovest & Inter-American Development Bank launch index of companies that address needs of |

|(Brazil) | | |the poor - top firms in initial ranking include Banco Bradesco. Click here |

|Banco Galicia (Argentina)|Argentina |28 Mar 2007 |Banco Galicia becomes the first South American bank to adhere to the Equator Principles. |

| | | |Click here [Spanish only] |

|Banco Provincia |Argentina |19 Nov 2008 |Banco Provincia starts the first microcredits bank in Argentina. Click here |

|(Argentina) | | | |

|BancoReal |Brazil |15 Apr 2009 |Financial institutions including HSBC, Banco Real, Unibanco support campaign to eradicate |

|(Brazil) | | |forced labour. Click here [Spanish only] |

|BancoReal/ |Brazil |10 May 2006 |Companies, including BancoReal/ABN Amro, receive awards for contribution to UN Millennium |

|ABN Amro | | |Development Goals, presented by UNDP, ICC, IBLF. Click here |

|(Brazil/ Netherlands) | | | |

|Banco Río (Argentina) |Argentina |25 Apr 2007 |Agreement signed between the government, UNICEF, ILO & companies to eradicate child labour – |

| | | |Signatory companies include Banco Río. Click here [Spanish only] |

|Banco Sabadell |Guatemala |3 Jun 2009 |Banco Sabadell to open 15 “communal credit” companies to benefit 2500 small entrepreneurs. |

|(Spain) | | |Click here [Spanish only] |

|Banco Santander |Spain |24 Oct 2007 |Banco Santander becomes the first financial entity to sign a plan for equality between men |

|(Spain) | | |and women. Click here (Spanish only) |

|Bancolombia |Global |28 Jan 2009 |Bancolombia first Colombian financial institution to sign Equator Principles. Click here |

|(Colombia) | | |[Spanish only] |

|Bank of America |USA |28 Mar 2007 |DiversityInc announces "Top 50 companies for diversity" – top 5 companies include Bank of |

|(USA) | | |America. Click here |

|Bank of America |USA |14 Mar 2007 |Bank of America launches $20 billion initiative to reduce greenhouse gases. Click here |

|(USA) | | | |

|Banorte |Mexico |7 Nov 2007 |Banorte says it will duplicate donations made to the victims of floods in Tabasco. Click here|

|(Mexico) | | |[Spanish only] |

|Baosteel |China |26 Jul 2006 |Companies including Baosteel receive corporate responsibility awards. Click here |

|(China) | | | |

|Barclays |East Africa |26 Aug 2009 |Barclays supports programme by NGO Digital Links to increase schools’ access to information |

|(UK) | | |technology. Click here [in French] |

|Barclays |UK |7 Jan 2009 |Top 5 firms in Stonewall's workplace equality index ranking gay-friendly employers: Lloyds |

|(UK) | | |TSB, Ford, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Barclays. Click here |

|Barclays |Global |17 Jan 2007 |New climate change initiative launched by Confederation of British Industry - members include|

|(UK) | | |Barclays. Click here |

|Barclays |Global |8 Feb 2006 |Survey of banks’ social & environmental policies finds 8 with public human rights policies, |

|(UK) | | |including Barclays. Click here |

|Barloworld |So. Africa |12 Nov 2008 |60th anniversary of Universal Declaration: Human rights initiatives by BASF, Barloworld, |

|(So. Africa) | | |Novartis, Ketchum, Titan. Click here |

|Barrick Gold |Chile |12 Nov 2008 |Barrick Gold announces partnership with 3 NGOs to address poverty in Atacama region. Click |

|(Canada) | | |here |

|Barry Callebaut |West Africa |30 May 2007 |World Cocoa Foundation partners with USAID to promote farm safety, reduce children's exposure|

|(Switzerland) | | |to unsafe labour practices, improve education - supported by contributions from companies |

| | | |including Barry Callebaut. Click here |

|BASF |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Carbon Disclosure Project finds improved disclosure of emissions among world's largest |

|(Germany) | | |companies - BASF, Bayer, Chevron, HSBC, Wal-Mart lead all firms. Click here |

|BASF |Global |17 Jun 2009 |6 seed firms, including BASF, outline approach to tackling child labour in agriculture. Click|

|(Germany) | | |here |

|BASF |Kenya |12 Nov 2008 |60th anniversary of Universal Declaration: Human rights initiatives by BASF, Barloworld, |

|(Germany) | | |Novartis, Ketchum, Titan. Click here |

|Baxter |USA |31 May 2006 |Environmental Protection Agency recognises companies for action on climate change, including |

|(USA) | | |Baxter. Click here |

|BASF |Global |17 Jun 2009 |6 seed firms, including Bayer, outline approach to tackling child labour in agriculture. |

|(Germany) | | |Click here |

|Bayer |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Carbon Disclosure Project finds improved disclosure of emissions among world's largest |

|(Germany) | | |companies - BASF, Bayer, Chevron, HSBC, Wal-Mart lead all firms. Click here |

|Bayer |USA |11 Jan 2006 |Bayer presented with US Presidential Award for Corporate Leadership for its science education|

|(Germany) | | |initiative. Click here |

|Bayer |USA |21 Dec 2005 |Bayer comes 3rd in Low Carbon Leaders Award for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. |

|(Germany) | | |Click here |

|Bayer |India |23 Nov 2005 |Bayer & Monsanto affiliates prepare plan with local NGOs in Andhra Pradesh, India, to address|

|(Germany) | | |child labour in cottonseed production. Click here |

|Bayer |China |7 Sep 2005 |Steps that companies, including Bayer, are taking to address HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(Germany) | | | |

|Bayer |Latin America |17 Aug 2005 |26 pharmaceutical firms, including Bayer, agree with governments of 11 Latin American |

|(Germany) | | |countries on price reductions of up to 66% for anti-HIV/AIDS drugs. Click here |

|BBVA |Global |8 Apr 2009 |New book: “Can companies contribute to the Millennium Development Goals?” – refers to best |

|(Spain) | | |practice by companies including Novartis, Agbar, BBVA, Gas Natural, Telefónica. Click here |

| | | |[Spanish only] |

|BBVA |Global |12 Nov 2008 |BBVA announces will deny credit to any client polluting the environment. Click here |

|(Spain) | | | |

|BBVA |China |28 May 2008 |BBVA donates 1 million dollars for victims of earthquake in China. Click here [Spanish only] |

|(Spain) | | | |

|BBVA |Latin America |14 May 2008 |BBVA and the OEI sign an agreement for improving child education. Click here [Spanish only] |

|(Spain) | | | |

|BBVA |Latin America |19 Mar 2008 |BBVA donates $43 million for social programmes, including education. Click here [Spanish |

|(Spain) | | |only] |

|BBVA |Colombia |5 Mar 2008 |BBVA announces creation of a bank dedicated exclusively to microcredit. Click here [Spanish |

|(Spain) | | |only] |

|BC Hydro |Global |23 Apr 2008 |Stratos analyses 7 leading sustainability reports by Canadian companies: Telus, BC Hydro, |

|(Canada) | | |Enbridge, Syncrude, Suncor, Transalta, Vancity. Click here [French only] |

|Bed Bath & Beyond |Uzbekistan |30 Sep 2009 |US Senator Tom Harkin op-ed on forced child labour in Uzbek cotton industry - refers to |

|(USA) | | |positive steps by 25 brands & retailers including American Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Gap, JC |

| | | |Penney, Kohl's, Levi Strauss, Limited Brands, Nike, Nordstrom, Timberland, TJX, Phillips-Van |

| | | |Heusen, Target, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney. Click here |

|Becton Dickinson (BD) |China |13 Sep 2006 |World Economic Forum launches China Health Alliance, a partnership against TB and AIDS - |

|(USA) | | |companies involved include BD. Click here |

|Beijing Air Catering |China |18 May 2005 |Beijing Air Catering & other companies make commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in China. Click |

|(China) | | |here |

|Ben Bridge (USA) |USA |14 Feb 2007 |Eleven more jewellery retailers commit to No Dirty Gold campaign's social & environmental |

| | | |standards, incl. Ben Bridge. Click here |

|Berong Nickel Co. |Philippines |22 Apr 2009 |Companies & govt. to hold meeting on responsible mining (23-24 Apr) - Natl. Commission on |

|(Philippines) | | |Indigenous People will present "how Berong Nickel Co. partnered with indigenous communities |

| | | |in pursuing responsible mining". Click here |

|Bharat Petroleum |India |7 Dec 2005 |Bharat Petroleum & other companies win award for facilitating employment opportunities for |

|(India) | | |people with disabilities in India. Click here |

|BHP Billiton |Colombia |19 Mar 2008 |Assessment by company-commissioned independent panel of Cerrejón Coal mine's social impacts |

|(Australia) | | |flags concerns & positive elements. Anglo American, BHP Billiton, Xstrata commit to |

| | | |implementing recommendations. Click here |

|BHP Billiton |Global |7 Mar 2007 |Dutch Commission on Sustainable Research creates "Millennium Development Goals Scan" to |

|(Australia) | | |benchmark companies' contributions – companies passing the scan include BHP Billiton. Click |

| | | |here |

|BHP Billiton |Global |6 Jul 2005 |Responsible Jewellery council launched by business orgs. & companies including BHP Billiton, |

|(Australia) | | |to promote responsible social & environmental practices throughout the value chain (from mine|

| | | |to retail). Click here |

|BHP Billiton (Australia) |Global |14 June |NGOs and companies, including BHP Billiton, meet to discuss certification of |

| | |2006 |sustainably-produced metal. Click here |

|Birks |USA |14 Feb 2007 |Eleven more jewellery retailers commit to No Dirty Gold campaign's social & environmental |

|(USA) | | |standards, incl. Birks. Click here |

|BMH Instruments |China |18 May 2005 |Companies including BMH Instruments, make commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(China) | | | |

|BMW |Global |15 Apr 2009 |"Doing Business in a Multicultural World" report by UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN Global |

|(Germany) | | |Compact - describes positive initiatives by Abu Dhabi Natl. Energy, American Express, BMW, |

| | | |HSBC, Manpower, Titan Cement, TUI, others. Click here |

|BNP Paribas |West Africa |17 Jun 2009 |BNP Paribas supports education of women and girls. Click here [French only] |

|(France) | | | |

|BNP Paribas |Global |28 Jan 2009 |BNP Paribas joins with Institut Pasteur to fight infectious diseases. Click here [French |

|(France) | | |only] |

|BNP Paribas |France |23 May 2007 |BNP Paribas is supporting partner for ‘microcredit week’ organised by Association pour le |

|(France) | | |Droit à l'Initiative Economique. Click here [in French] |

|BNP Paribas |France/ Global |28 Mar 2007 |8 companies, including BNP Paribas, launch francophone “Business Leaders Initiative for Human|

|(France) | | |Rights”. Click here [French only] |

|BNP Paribas |France |23 Aug 2006 |Financial firms including BNP Paribas take steps to diversify workforce. Click here |

|(France) | | | |

|Bodega Catena Zapata |Argentina |17 Sep 2008 |Companies take part in programme to eliminate child labour on vineyards Click here [Spanish |

|(Argentina) | | |only] |

|Bodegas Chandon |Argentina |17 Sep 2008 |Companies take part in programme to eliminate child labour on vineyards Click here [Spanish |

|(Argentina) | | |only] |

|Bodegas Chandon |Argentina |21 Mar 2007 |Initiative by Bodegas Chandon to fight against child labour in the wine industry. Click here |

|(Argentina) | | |[Spanish only] |

|Body Shop |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Clinton Global Initiative - positive steps announced by companies including Body Shop on |

|(UK) | | |forced labour. Click here |

|Body Shop |Global |23 Sep 2009 |The Body Shop partners with the NGO ECPAT to fight sex trafficking of children. Click here |

|(UK) | | |[French only] |

|Body Shop |Global |1 Oct 2008 |Body Shop programme "help in trade" works with disadvantaged communities. Click here [Spanish|

|(UK) | | |only] |

|Body Shop |China |26 Oct 2005 |AsrIA publishes report on Impactt’s “Overtime Project”, in which 11 UK retailers, including |

|(UK) | | |Body Shop, each worked with a supplier factory in China to improve working conditions. Click|

| | | |here. |

|Boehringer Ingelheim |Burma |14 May 2008 |Burma cyclone: Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Johnson & Johnson and |

|(Germany) | | |others give medical aid to victims. Click here |

|Boehringer Ingelheim |Africa & Asia |6 June 2007 |Boehringer Ingelheim decides not to enforce patents on its anti-AIDS drug Nevirapine in 78 |

|(Germany) | | |low-income African & Asian countries. Click here |

|Boeing |Global |30 Sep 2009 |Carbon Disclosure Project finds improved disclosure of emissions among world's largest |

|(USA) | | |companies - Boeing, PG&E, Samsung, Spectra lead their sectors. Click here |

|Bon Appétit |USA |6 May 2009 |Florida farmworkers: Bon Appétit & Coalition of Immokalee Workers form agreement on working |

|(USA) | | |conditions - company plans to boycott growers that do not participate. Click here |

|Borealis |Global |27 Aug 2008 |Borealis & Uponor launch initiative to measure water impacts of production of plastics for |

|(Austria) | | |the first time. Click here [French only] |

|BorgWarner |Global |29 Jun 2005 |Merrill Lynch & World Resources Institute partner to identify companies best positioned for |

|(USA) | | |clean car revolution, including BorgWarner. Click here |

|Boston Foundation (USA) |Global |10 Jun 2009 |Investment firms join forces to mitigate adverse effects of foreign investment in conflict |

| | | |areas - include Calvert, Capricorn, Domini, The Boston Foundation. Click here |

|BP |Global |18 Jun 2008 |4 case studies: Companies promoting institution-building in developing countries - refers to |

|(UK) | | |BP, Statoil, Premier Oil, others. Click here |

|BP |Global |24 Oct 2007 |WBCSD report on how companies can contribute to poverty alleviation & sustainable |

|(UK) | | |development. With case studies on companies including BP. Click here |

|BP |USA |24 Jan 2007 |Coalition of companies & environmental orgs. urges govt. to set limits on carbon emissions – |

|(UK) | | |companies include BP. Click here |

|BP |Global |15 Nov 2006 |BP among top 5 reports in SustainAbility's bi-annual survey of corporate social & |

|(UK) | | |environmental reporting. Click here |

|BP |Global |12 Jul 2006 |“Crossing boundaries”: Country-visits by business leaders to witness social, environmental |

|(UK) | | |impacts of their companies (report by IBLF). Companies featured include BP. Click here |

|BP |Global |15 Mar 2006 |BP issues new human rights handbook for managers and staff. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|BP |USA |15 Feb 2006 |BP & other firms endorse Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s comprehensive plan to reduce |

|(UK) | | |greenhouse gas emissions. Click here |

|BP |USA |21 Dec 2005 |BP comes 2nd in Low Carbon Leaders Award for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Click |

|(UK) | | |here |

|BP |Global |21 Sep 2005 |BP Chairman Peter Sutherland says business is essential to protection of human rights. Click|

|(UK) | | |here |

|BP |Global |14 Sep 2005 |BP case study included in World Business Council for Sustainable Development report on |

|(UK) | | |business contribution to UN Millennium Development Goals. Click here |

|BP |China |18 May 2005 |BP & other companies make commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in China. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|Brandix Lanka (Sri Lanka)|Sri Lanka |16 Sep 2009 |Brandix improves water access, sanitation at camps for internally displaced people. Click |

| | | |here |

|Brandix Lanka (Sri Lanka)|Sri Lanka |30 Aug 2006 |Partnership with UNDP, Gap, Mast Industries to improve access to water. Click here |

|Brilliant Earth |Global |12 Mar 2008 |"Ethical diamonds" go beyond conflict-free diamonds (refers to steps by Brilliant Earth, |

|(Canada) | | |Igloo Diamonds). Click here |

|Bristol-Myers Squibb |Burma |14 May 2008 |Burma cyclone: Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Johnson & Johnson and |

|(USA) | | |others give medical aid to victims. Click here |

|Bristol-Myers Squibb |Global |28 Sep 2005 |Bristol-Myers Squibb receives Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS 2005 award for |

|(USA) | | |excellence. Click here |

|Bristol-Myers Squibb |Latin America |17 Aug 2005 |26 pharmaceutical firms, including Bristol-Myers Squibb, agree with governments of 11 Latin |

|(USA) | | |American countries on price reductions of up to 66% for anti-HIV/AIDS drugs. Click here |

|British Airways |Global |8 Apr 2009 |Air France/KLM, BAA, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Virgin Atlantic propose global |

|(UK) | | |greenhouse gas scheme with climate NGO. Click here |

|British Airways |Tanzania |10 Sep 2008 |British Airways-UNICEF programme aims to curb mother-to-child HIV infection. Click here |

|(UK) | | | |

|BT |Global |17 Jan 2007 |New climate change initiative launched by Confederation of British Industry - members include|

|(UK) | | |BT. Click here |

|BT |Global |15 Nov 2006 |BT among top 5 reports in SustainAbility's bi-annual survey of corporate social & |

|(UK) | | |environmental reporting. Click here |

|Bulgari |Burma |14 Nov 2007 |"Gem trade bolsters military regime, fuels atrocities", says Human Rights Watch - calls for |

|(Italy) | | |ban on Burmese rubies & jade, recognises steps taken by companies including Bulgari. Click |

| | | |here |

|Burger King |USA |28 May 2008 |Burger King & Coalition of Immokalee Workers reach agreement to improve tomato pickers' pay &|

|(USA) | | |working conditions. Click here |


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