UltiPro Time Management Instructions for Managers


Accessing UltiPro Time Management (UTM)

1. From your UltiPro homepage, mouse-over "My Team" in the menu bar. 2. Click on "Time Management." It will open up a new window.

NOTE: Turn off the Pop-Up Blocker on your Internet Browser

John Doe


Navigating the Summary Page

1. Upon opening Time Management, you will see the Summary page. 2. Verify the "Date Selection" is for the pay period you want to view. It defaults to the Current

Pay Period.

3. Using the "Employee Search" field, you can look up an employee by last name.

4. If you manage multiple departments, specify the department you want to view using the "Group/Filter By" option. The default option is "All", allowing you to view all your employees, even if they work in different departments.

5. The Summary table contains columns which you can use to sort information. Click on the column heading you wish to sort by (1 click for Ascending order, click again for Descending order). For example, you could sort by Missed Punches, so all time sheets with missed punches are sent to the top of the list. 8


Viewing and Editing an Employee's Time Sheet

When you click on an employee's name, it will bring you to their timesheet. Here you can view the employees hours and make any necessary edits. On the left side of the screen is a summary listing the rest of the employees in your department. This allows you to move quickly to another employee's time sheet without having to click back to the Summary tab. You can collapse this sidebar by clicking the X in the top right corner.

Doe, Jane


Missed Punch - Adding an IN or OUT time

A missed punch is indicated by a red block in either the "IN" or the "OUT" column. We can see that this employee has a missed "OUT" punch on Friday, Nov. 23. 1. Click into the red block and type in the correct punch time. Best practice is to enter military

time to avoid accidentally entering an A.M. time for a P.M. time. Here I entered 1600 for 4:00 P.M.

2. When you tab or click over into another column, the military time automatically reformats to the correct A.M./P.M. time.

3. The final step is to click "Save," and the hours for that day will be entered and calculated on the employee's time sheet. Always click "Save" after making ANY changes to an employee's timesheet, otherwise your change will not take affect.

Doe, Jane

Adding a Complete Shift


What if an employee did not clock in OR out? In that case we need to add a new shift from scratch. 1. Click a blank field under the "Date" column. If you have run out of extra lines on the

timesheet, click "Add Record" at the bottom of the sheet to add another line. 2. Select the date the employee worked.

3. Click into the next column to select "Pay Code". 4. For regular worked hours, select 0[WORK HOURS].


Adding a Complete Shift Continued...

5. Enter the IN and OUT times that the employee worked using military time.

6. Click "Save" and the employee's default Job, Department, Division, and Outlet will auto-populate.

Doe, Jane


Adding a Missed Lunch

A 30-minute unpaid break is automatically deducted after an employee has worked 4.5 hours. If an employee was unable to take their break, you need to add the missed lunch to their timesheet. 1. A missed lunch is added like a new shift. Select the date of the missed lunch. 2. For Pay Code, you will select 8[NO LUNCH TAKEN]

3. In the "Reg" hours column, you will enter 0.5 to add back in the 1/2 hour that was auto-deducted. You do not enter an IN or OUT time. 4. Click "Save" in the upper left corner. Again, the default Job, Department, Division, and Outlet will auto-populate.


Adding a SHOW UP PAY

Adding Show Up Pay for an employee is very similar to adding a Missed Lunch. Our policy is to give show-up pay to employees if they are called off work and were notified after 12:00 p.m. on the previous day.

1. Select the date to add show up pay 2. For Pay Code, select 9[SHOW UP PAY] 3. In the "Reg" hours column, enter "2" for 2 hours. You do not enter an IN or OUT time. 4. Click Save.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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