914400-2286004800600-228600CancerCancer – a group of diseases in which cells grow and divide out of controlIt results from a change in the DNA that prevents the cells from staying in interphase for the normal amount of timeOne or more of the checkpoints fails so the cell and all its subsequent daughter cells continue to divide uncontrollablyThe uncontrolled growth and division may create a rapidly growing mass of cells that form a lump or tumour. This mass of cells has no function.Benign tumour – a tumour that does not affect surrounding cells other than by physically crowding them. These cells are not cancerous but can grow very large.Malignant tumour – a tumour that interferes with the functioning of surrounding cells. These cells are considered cancerous and may even destroy surrounding tissues.Metastasis is the process of cancer cells breaking away from the original (primary) tumour and moving to another part of the body establishing another (secondary) tumour. This is one of the reasons why cancer is such a dangerous disease.Causes of CancerEvery time a cell divides, its DNA is duplicated and the daughter cells are exactly the same as the parent cell. However, random changes occur in DNA and are called mutations. Very rarely, the change occurs in the DNA that controls cell division. Once the DNA starts behaving abnormally, the cells may become cancerous and divide uncontrollably. They multiply until all nutrients are exhausted.The causes of cancer are not completely understood. But some mutations are caused by carcinogens (environmental factors that cause cancer). Some known carcinogens are:3657600175895114300762005600700908051714500205105 Viruses Tobacco Smoke(HPV & Hep B) Radiation Toxic Chemicals (X-rays & UV rays) (Plastics & organic solvents)114300-114300Some cancers appear to be at least partly hereditary (breast & colon cancer). A genetic link makes it more likely that you will develop a particular type of cancer, but does not guarantee that you will get cancer.114300085725194310019050Cancer ScreeningScreening is especially important for people who have a family history of certain cancers. It is also beneficial for others who are exposed to carcinogens at work or for those who have a poor lifestyle.Screening can be done at home, as part of a routine medical check-up, or with a special appointment.Some examples of cancer screening are:5372100205105Breast self-examinations (breast cancer)Pap test (cervical cancer)Testicular self-examinations & PSA blood test (testicular cancer)Skin/mole checks (skin cancer) “ABCD of Moles” pg. 50AsymmetryBorderColourDiameter5257800-114300Reducing Your Risk of CancerYou cannot change your family history and some aspects of the environment are out of your control. However, certain lifestyle choices will have a big impact on your likelihood of getting cancer.Avoid tobacco smokeEat a lot of fruits and veggies and less fatty meatMaintain a healthy weightEat lots of “super foods” that contain substances that help your body protect itself from cancer(tomatoes, carrots, avocados, grapefruit, red grapes, broccoli, garlic, raspberries, nuts, cabbage, figs)Diagnosing CancerThe earlier a cancer is diagnosed, the better the chances of it being successfully treated. If suspected, blood tests and special imaging techniques are ordered to investigate further.Imaging TechnologiesEndoscope – fibre-optic cable with light and a camera that sends images to a screen; inserted into the colon through the rectum and is used mostly to screen for colon cancerX-Ray Imaging – view parts of the body such as bones and lungs (mammogram images breast tissue); can cause DNA damage (especially to rapidly dividing cells such as in a growing fetus)Ultrasound Imaging – uses ultra-high-frequency sound waves to create a digital image; view soft tissues like the heart or liverCT Scan – multiple x-rays of the body from many angles are assembled by a computer to form more detailed images then that of the regular x-ray scanMRI – radio waves and a strong magnetic field create 3D images with more detail than a CT scanIf any of these medical tests or images show abnormalities, then a biopsy (a sample of surgically removed tumour cells) is taken and viewed under a microscope. This is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of cancer.2743200121285Treatments for CancerThe GOAL: slow down the growth of tumours or destroy as many cancer cells as possibleThere are three main methods and a cancer treatment plan may consist of one or a combination of these methods.Surgery – physically removing the cancerous tissue; the preferred way if tumour is easily assessableChemotherapy – using drugs to slow or stop cancer cells from dividing and spreading; drugs are taken orally or injected; side effects include: hair loss, nausea, fatigue; usually the 1st stage of treatment which travels throughout the body and reaches almost all tumours (even those undetectable)2857500887095Radiation – since cancer cells divide rapidly they are easily damaged by radiation, the DNA in the cancer is damaged and cells can no longer divide; either a beam of radiation is focused on the location or a radioactive source is implanted into the tumour914400-2286004800600-228600CancerTextbook pages 48-55Cancer – It results from a change in the ______ that prevents the cells from staying in _________________ for the normal amount of timeOne or more of the checkpoints fails so the cell and all its subsequent daughter cells continue to divide ___________________________The uncontrolled growth and division may create a rapidly growing mass of cells that form a lump or __________________. This mass of cells has no function.________________ tumour – a tumour that does not affect surrounding cells other than by physically crowding them. These cells are ________ cancerous but can grow very large.________________ tumour – a tumour that interferes with the functioning of surrounding cells. These cells are considered ___________________ and may even destroy surrounding tissues.______________________ is the process of cancer cells breaking away from the original (primary) tumour and _______________ to another part of the body establishing another (secondary) tumour. This is one of the reasons why cancer is such a dangerous disease.Causes of CancerEvery time a cell divides, its DNA is _______________________ and the daughter cells are exactly the ______ as the parent cell. However, random changes occur in DNA and are called _____________________. Very rarely, the change occurs in the DNA that controls cell division. Once the DNA starts behaving abnormally, the cells may become _____________________ and divide uncontrollably. They multiply until all ____________________ are exhausted.The causes of cancer are ______ completely understood. But some mutations are caused by carcinogens (____________________________ factors that cause cancer). Some known carcinogens are:3657600175895114300762005600700908051714500205105 114300-114300Some cancers appear to be at least partly __________________ (breast & colon cancer). A genetic link makes it ____________________ that you will develop a particular type of cancer, but does not guarantee that you will get cancer.114490587630194310019050Cancer ScreeningScreening is especially important for people who have a ____________________________ of certain cancers. It is also beneficial for others who are exposed to carcinogens at ___________ or for those who have a poor _______________________.Screening can be done at home, as part of a routine medical check-up, or with a special appointment.537210096520Some examples of cancer screening are:5257800-114300Reducing Your Risk of CancerYou cannot change your family history and some aspects of the environment are out of your control. However, certain lifestyle choices will have a big impact on your likelihood of getting cancer.Avoid ________________ smokeEat a lot of ___________________________ and less fatty ___________Maintain a healthy ______________Eat lots of “super foods” that contain substances that help your body protect itself from cancerDiagnosing CancerThe _______________ a cancer is diagnosed, the better the chances of it being successfully ______________. If suspected, blood tests and special imaging techniques are ordered to investigate further.Imaging Technologies________________ – fibre-optic cable with light and a camera that sends images to a screen; inserted into the colon through the rectum and is used mostly to screen for colon cancer_______________________ – view parts of the body such as bones and lungs (mammogram images breast tissue); can cause DNA damage (especially to rapidly dividing cells such as in a growing fetus)_______________________________________ – uses ultra-high-frequency sound waves to create a digital image; view soft tissues like the heart or liver________________ – multiple x-rays of the body from many angles are assembled by a computer to form more detailed images then that of the regular x-ray scan_______ – radio waves and a strong magnetic field create 3D images with more detail than a CT scanIf any of these medical tests or images show abnormalities, then a ______________ (a sample of surgically removed tumour cells) is taken and viewed under a microscope. This is the only way to _______________ a diagnosis of cancer.2743200121285Treatments for CancerThe GOAL: There are ___________ main methods and a cancer treatment plan may consist of one or a _______________ of these methods.___________________ – physically removing the cancerous tissue; the preferred way if tumour is easily assessable_________________________ – using drugs to slow or stop cancer cells from dividing and spreading; drugs are taken orally or injected; side effects include: hair loss, nausea, fatigue; usually the 1st stage of treatment which travels throughout the body and reaches almost all tumours (even those undetectable)2857500887095______________________ – since cancer cells divide rapidly they are easily damaged by radiation, the DNA in the cancer is damaged and cells can no longer divide; either a beam of radiation is focused on the location or a radioactive source is implanted into the tumour ................

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