Dennis Craig Coates

Home Address: Office Address:

428 Westside Boulevard UMBC, Department of Economics

Catonsville, MD 21228 1000 Hilltop Circle

Baltimore, MD 21250

(410) 747-1224 (410) 455-3243

Citizenship: USA

Languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese

Professional Positions:

Research Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics-Perm, Russia, 2014-

Adjunct Lecturer, German Sport University, Cologne, Winter Term 2010-2017

Adjunct Lecturer, Paderborn University, Winter Term 2009-2017

Full Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2001-

Associate Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1997-2001

Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1995-1997

Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina, 1988-1995


University of Maryland, Ph.D. 1988

University of Arizona, M.A. (Economics) 1983

University of Arizona, M.A. (Latin American Studies) 1982

SUNY at Albany, B.A. (History) 1979

Teaching Interests:

Sports Economics, Microeconomics, Public Economics, Econometrics

Published Papers:

“The fans’ perception of competitive balance and its impact on willingness-to-pay for a single game”, with Georgios Nalbantis and Tim Pawlowski, forthcoming, Journal of Sports Economics.

“Superstar Salaries and Soccer Success: The Impact of Designated Players in Major League Soccer”, with Bernd Frick and Todd Jewell, forthcoming, Journal of Sports Economics.

“Why were voters against the 2022 Munich Winter Olympics in a Referendum?”, with Pamela Wicker, International Journal of Sport Finance, 10(3) :267-283.

Published Papers (continued):

“The effect of a four-week fitness program on satisfaction with health and life,” with Pamela Wicker and Christoph Breuer, forthcoming, International Journal of Public Health, 25(55):864-868.

“Beyond retrospective assessment sport event economic impact studies as a management tool for informing event organization,” Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa, with Angel Barajas and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez.

”A Compensating Differential Approach to Valuing the Social Benefit of Minor League Baseball”, with Nola Agha, Contemporary Economic Policy, 33(2):285-299.

“A bivariate probit examination of financial and volunteer problems of non-profit sport clubs”, with Pamela Wicker, Christoph Breuer and Svenja Feiler, International Journal of Sport Finance 9(3):230-248, 2014.

“Outcome Uncertainty, Prospect Theory and Live Game Attendance,” with Brad R. Humphreys and Li Zhou, Economic Inquiry, 52(3):959-973, 2014.

“An Examination of the Effects of the Recent Economic Crisis on Major League Baseball (MLB) Attendance Demand,” with Sungil Hong and Michael Mondello, International Journal of Sport Finance, 2013.

“Is Hispanic Population Dispersion into Rural Counties Contributing to

Local Economic Growth?”, with Tim Gndling, Contemporary Economic Policy, 31(4):649-648, 2013.

“Game Attendance and Outcome Uncertainty in the National Hockey League,” with Brad R. Humphreys, Journal of Sports Economics 13(4):364-377, 2012.

“Mega-Events: Is the Texas Baylor Game to Waco what the Super Bowl is To Houston?”, with Craig Depken, Journal of Sports Economics, 12(6):599-620, 2011.

“The Effect of Professional Sports on the Earnings of Individuals: Evidence from Microeconomic Data,” with Brad Humphreys, Applied Economics, 43(29):4449-4459, 2011.

“Mega-Events and Housing Costs: Raising the Rent while Raising the Roof?”, with Victor Matheson, The Annals of Regional Science 46(1):119-137, 2011.

“Special-Interest Groups and Growth,” with Jac C. Heckelman and Bonnie Wilson, Public Choice, 147(3-4): 439-457.

“Week to Week Attendance and Competitive Balance in the National Football League,” with Brad Humphreys, International Journal of Sport Finance 5(4):239-252, 2010.

Published Papers: (cont.)

“The Political Economy of Investment: Sclerotic Effects from Interest Groups,” with Jac C. Heckelman and Bonnie Wilson, European Journal of Political Economy 26(2):208-221, 2010.

“The Length and Success of NBA Careers: Does College Production Predict Professional Outcomes,” with Babatunde Oguntimein, International Journal of Sport Finance 5(1):4-26, 2010.

“Do College Football Games Pay for Themselves?: The Impact of College Football Games on Local Sales Tax Revenues,” with Craig Depken, Eastern Economic Review 35(4):531-547, 2009.

“Do Economists Reach a Conclusion for Sports Franchises, Stadiums, and Mega-Events?”, with Brad R. Humphreys, Econ Journal Watch 5(3):294-315, September 2008.

“NASCAR as a Public Good,” with David Gearhart, International Journal of Sport Finance, 3(1):42-57, February 2008.

“Determinants of Interest Group Formation”, with Bonnie Wilson and Jac C. Heckelman, Public Choice, 133(3-4):377-391, December 2007.

“Interest Group Activity and Long-Run Stock Market Performance”, with Bonnie Wilson, Public Choice, 133(3-4):343-358, December 2007.

“Stadiums and Arenas: Economic Development or Economic Redistribution?”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 25(4):565-577, October 2007.

“Special-Interest Groups and Volatility,” Economics Bulletin, 15(18):1-13, 2007.

“Ticket Prices, Concessions and Attendance at Professional Sporting Events” with Brad Humphreys, International Journal of Sport Finance, 2(3):161-170, 2007.

“Marking the 25th Anniversary of Mancur Olson’s The Rise and Decline of Nations: Editors’ Introduction”, with Jac C. Heckelman, Southern Economic Journal, 74(1): 1-3, 2007.

“The Tax Benefits of Hosting the Super Bowl and the MLB All-Star Game: the Houston Experience”, International Journal of Sport Finance, 1(4):239-252, 2006.

“Compensating differentials and the social benefits of the NFL - A Comment”, with Brad Humphreys and Andrew Zimbalist, Journal of Urban Economics, 60(1):124-131, 2006.

“Proximity Benefits and Voting on Stadium and Arena Subsidies,” with Brad Humphreys, Journal of Urban Economics, 59(2):285-299, 2006.

Published Papers: (cont.)

“Novelty Effects of New Facilities on Attendance at Professional Sporting Events,” with Brad R. Humphreys, Contemporary Economic Policy, 23(3):436-455, 2005.

“Baseball Strikes and the Demand for Attendance”, with Thane Harrison, Journal of Sports Economics, 6(3):282-302, 2005.

“No Significant Distance between Face-to-Face and Online Instruction: Evidence from Principles of Economics,” with Brad Humphreys, John Kane, and Michelle Vachris, Economics of Education Review, 23:533-546, 2004.

“More Evidence that University Administrators are Utility Maximizing Bureaucrats” with Brad Humphreys and Michelle Vachris, Economics of Governance, 5(1):77-101, 2004.

“Professional Sports Facilities, Franchises and Urban Economic Development,” with Brad R. Humphreys, Public Finance and Management, 3(3):335-357, 2003.

“Education Production Functions Using Instructional Time as an Input”, Education Economics, 11(3):273-292, December 2003.

“Interest Groups and Investment: A Further Test of the Olson Hypothesis,” with Jac C. Heckelman, Public Choice, 117(3-4):333-340, December 2003.

“An Inventory of Learning at a Distance in Economics,” with Brad Humphreys, Social Science Computer Review, 21(2):196-207, Summer 2003.

“The Effect of Professional Sports on Earnings and Employment in the Services and Retail Sectors in U.S. Cities”, with Brad Humphreys, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33(2003):175-198.

"School Performance Evaluation Using Data Envelopment Analysis," with Douglas Lamdin, Public Finance and Management, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2002.

“The Economic Impact of Postseason Play in Professional Sports” with Brad Humphreys, Journal of Sports Economics, 3(3):291-299, August 2002.

“The Supply of University Enrollments: University Administrators as Utility Maximizing Bureaucrats,” with Brad Humphreys,, Public Choice, 110(3-4):365-392, March 2002.

“Issues in Price Discrimination: Reply”, with Kathleen Carroll, Southern Economic Journal, 68(1):187-189, July 2001.

“Evaluation of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Principles of Economics”, with Brad Humphreys, Educational Technology and Society, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2001. ()

Published Papers: (cont.)

“The Economic Consequences of Professional Sports Strikes and Lockouts,” with Brad Humphreys, Southern Economic Journal, 67(3):737-747, January 2001.

“Voting on Welfare Reform: The Decision Calculus of Legislators”, Economics of Governance, 1(3):233-259, December 2000.

“Teaching Price Discrimination: Some Clarification”, with Kathleen Carroll, Southern Economic Journal, 66(2):466-480, October 1999.

“The Growth Effects of Sports Franchises, Stadia and Arenas,” with Brad Humphreys, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Fall 1999, 18(4):601-624.

“Social Security and Saving: A Comment,” with Brad Humphreys, National Tax Journal, 52(2):261-268, June 1999.

"The Effects of Campaign Spending on Electoral Outcomes: A Data Envelopment Analysis", Public Choice, 99 (1-2):15-37, April 1999.

“Public Sector Crowding Out of Private Provision of Public Goods: The Influence of Differences in Production Costs”, Public Finance Review, 26(5):460-479, September 1998.

"Additional Incumbent Spending Really Can Harm (At Least Some) Incumbents: An Analysis of Vote Share Maximization," Public Choice, 95(1-2):63-87, April 1998.

"A Diagrammatic Demonstration of Public Crowding Out of Private Contributions to Public Goods," Journal of Economic Education, 27(1): 49-58, Winter 1996.

"Measuring the 'Personal Vote' of Members of Congress," Public Choice, 85(3-4): 227-248, 1995.

"Electoral Support and the Capture of Legislators: Evidence from North Carolina's Vote on Radioactive Waste Disposal," Rand Journal of Economics, 26(3): 502-518, 1995.

"Win, Lose, or Withdraw: A Categorical Analysis of Career Patterns in the House of Representatives, 1948-1978," with Michael Munger, Public Choice, 83(1-2): 95-111, 1995.

"Strategizing in Small Group Decision-Making: Host State Identification for Radioactive Waste Disposal Among Eight Southern States," with Michael Munger, Public Choice 82(1-2):1-15, 1995.

"Legislative Voting and the Economic Theory of Politics," with Michael Munger, Southern Economic Journal, 61(3):861-872, 1995.

Published Papers: (cont.)

"Not Equitable, Not Efficient: U.S. Policy on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal," with Victoria Heid and Michael Munger, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 13(3):526-538, 1994.

"Tax Competition Among Jurisdictions with Public and Private Employment," National Tax Journal, 46(2):177-189, 1993.

"Property Tax Competition in a Repeated Game," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 23:111-119, 1993.

"Guessing and Choosing: A Multicriterion Decision on a Disposal Technology for Low-Level Radioactive Waste," with Michael Munger, Journal of Public Policy, 11(3):275-290, 1992.

"Capital Utilization and the Taxation of Corporate Capital," National Tax Journal, 44(1):79-91, 1991.

"Capital Utilization in General Equilibrium Tax Models," Public Finance, 2:241-259, 1990.


Collective Choice: Essays in Honor of Mancur Olson, Jac C. Heckelman and Dennis Coates, editors, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Book Chapters:

“Financial Management,” in The SAGE Handbook of Sport Management, Russel Hoye and Marina M. Parent, editors, 2016.

“The Economic Impact of the Women’s World Cup,” in “The Economics of Women’s Sports,” Eva Marikova Leeds and Michael Leeds, editors, 2013.

“Not-so-Mega Events,” in International Handbook of Economics of Mega Sporting Events, Andrew Zimbalist and Wolfgang Maennig, editors, Edward Elgar, 2012.

“Salary Caps and Luxury Taxes,” with Bernd Frick, in Handbook of Sports Economics, volume 1, Leo Kahane and Stephen Shmanske, editors, Oxford University Press, 2012.

“Does Violence Pay in Professional Hockey?: Cross Country Evidence from Three Leagues”, with Marcel Battre and Christian Deutscher, in Violence and Aggression in Sporting Contests, R. Todd Jewell, editor, Springer: New York, 2011

“A Brief History of Violence and Aggression in Spectator Sports,” with R. Todd Jewell and Afsheen Moti, in Violence and Aggression in Sporting Contests, R. Todd Jewell, editor, Springer: New York, 2011.

Other Publications and writings:

“Growth Effects of Sports Franchises, Stadiums and Arenas: 15 years later,” Mercatus Center Working Paper, September 2015.

“On the Shoulders of a Giant: The Legacy of Mancur Olson,” with Jac Heckelman, in Collective Choice: Essays in Honor of Mancur Olson, Jac Heckelman and Dennis Coates, editors, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

“Absolute and Relative Effects of Interest Groups on Economic Growth,” with Jac Heckelman, in Collective Choice: Essays in Honor of Mancur Olson, Jac Heckelman and Dennis Coates, editors, Springer-Verlag, 2003.

"Jobs vs. Wilderness Areas: The Role of Campaign Contributions," chapter 4 in The Political Economy of Environmental Protection, edited by Roger Congleton, University of Michigan Press, 1996.

“World Cup Economics: What Americans Need to Know About a US World Cup Bid”, June 2010.

A review of “The Baseball Economist: The Real Game Exposed”, by J.C. Bradbury, Journal of Sports Economics.

“The Real Impact of the Ravens and M and T Bank Stadium”, Sept. 6, 2007, The Baltimore Examiner.

A review of The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You’ve Heard About Gun Control is Wrong, by John R. Lott, Jr., Public Choice, 125(3-4):477-480.

A Stadium Deal for Suckers, Nov. 7, 2004, B08.

Caught Stealing: Debunking the Economic Case for D.C. Baseball, Cato Institute Briefing Paper, no. 89, October 27, 2004.

A review of To Form a More Perfect Union, by Robert A. McGuire, Journal of Economic Literature, December, 2004, 42(4):1149-1150.

A review of Microeconomics of Market Failure, by Bernard Salanie, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2001.

“Sports Arenas: Should the public pay anything for them?”, Bergen Record, Sunday, September 10, 2000, Page RO-1.

“Pay to Play”, with Brad R. Humphreys, Washington Post, Sunday, July 30, 2000, page B08.

Other Publications: (cont.)

“The Stadium Gambit and Local Economic Development,” with Brad R. Humphreys, Regulation, 23(2):15-20, June 2000.

A review of Economic Politics: The Costs of Democracy, by William R. Keech, Public Choice, 102(1-2):178-182, January 2000.

A review of The Theory of Institutional Design, Robert E. Goodin, editor, Public Choice, 95(1-2):214-218, April 1998.

A review of Reconceiving Decision-Making in Democratic Politics: Attention, Choice, and Public Policy by Bryan D. Jones, Public Choice, 92(1-2):211-214, July 1997.

A review of Minority Representation and the Quest for Voting Equality, by Bernard Grofman, Lisa Handley, and Richard G. Niemi, Public Choice, 79(3-4):384-387, June 1994.

"Financial Ruin for New York?" a review of Economic Growth and Fiscal Planning: New York in the 1990s by Roy Bahl and William Duncombe. Growth and Change, 23(3), Summer 1992.

"The Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste in America: Gridlock in the States," with Victoria Heid and Michael Munger, Center for the Study of American Business, Washington University, St. Louis, Occasional Paper 119, December, 1992.

"The Economics of Coastal Zone Management," with Michael I. Luger, chapter 9 of Evaluation of the National Coastal Zone Management Program, National Coastal Resources Institute Publication number NCRI-W-91-003, February, 1991.

Submitted Papers and Work in Progress:

“Flame goes out: Hamburg’s Failed Olympic Referendum,” with Pamela Wicker, under review at Contemporary Economic Policy.

“Determinants of Government Financial and Organizational Support for Russian Companies,” with Iuliia Naidenova and Petr Parshekov.

“Regional Economic Freedom in the Russian Federation,” with Irina V. Mirkina and Vivek Moorthy.

“Economic Freedom and Corruption Perceptions,” with Adrienne Taylor.

“Team vs. Individual Tournaments: Evidence from Prize Structure in eSports,” with Petr Parshakov, under review at Strategic Management Journal.

Work in Progress

“The habit for voting, “civic duty” and travel distance””, with Tim Pawlowski.

“Determinants of Russian Football Club Brands,” under review at International Journal of Sport Finance, with Iuliia Naidenova and Petr Parshekov.

“Behavioral and Sports Economics” with Brad Humphreys, under review as an invited book chapter, edited by Vic and Carol Tremblay.

“The perceived financial situation of nonprofit sports clubs,” with Svenja Feiler, Pamela Wicker and Christoph Breuer.

Honors, Fellowships, and Grants:

Summer Faculty Fellowship, UMBC, 2001.

Charles Koch Foundation, 2014

Maryland Comparative Tax Study, 2000, funded by the Maryland Economic Development Commission.

Summer Faculty Fellowship, UMBC, 1999.

University System of Maryland, Web Initiative in Teaching Fellow, 1998-99.

Summer Faculty Fellowship, UMBC, 1997.

Duncan Black Prize 1995, for the best paper in Public Choice in 1995.

Institute for Research in Social Sciences Summer Faculty Stipend, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1993.

University Research Council Grant, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1992.

Junior Faculty Development Award, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1992.

"Voting for the Southeast Interstate Low-Level Waste Management Compact: A Comparative Micro-Analysis of Eight State Legislatures," (with Michael C. Munger) funded by Resources for the Future.

Professional and Service Activities and Affiliations:

Programme Committee, International Conference on Applied Research in Economics, New Research University, Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russia 2014

Professional and Service Activities and Affiliations: (cont.)

Chair, Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2011-12.

President, University of Maryland Baltimore Campuses Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, 2010-2011

University Faculty Review Committee, UMBC 2010-2011

Book Review Editor, Journal of Sports Economics, 2007-2015

President, North American Association of Sports Economists, 2007-2009

Council of University System Faculty, 2006-2008

Chair Junior Faculty Search Committee, Department of Economics, 2004-2005, 2007-2008

Investments Committee, National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 2001-2007

DRIF SRIS Committee, UMBC, 2001-2005

President, University of Maryland Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, 2001-2002

Academic Planning and Budget Committee, UMBC, Spring 2001

Coordinator, Economics Department Seminar Series, UMBC, 1999-2005

Chair of Steering Committee, University System of Maryland Distance Education Fellows, 1999

Vice President, President-elect, University of Maryland Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, 1999-2001

Recruitment Committee, Department of Economics, 1998-1999

Master’s Program Curriculum Committee, 1998-1999

Awards Committee, Department of Economics, 1997-2003

Faculty Affairs Committee, UMBC, 1998-2000

University System of Maryland, Council of University System Faculty 1998-2001

Awards Committee, University of Maryland Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi 1997-1999

Baltimore County Council, Spending Affordability Committee 1997-2000

Departmental Curriculum Committee, UMBC, 1997-1999

Faculty Senator, UMBC 1996-1998, Fall 2001

Editorships and Editorial Boards: Public Choice, Journal of Sport Management, Public Finance and Management, Southern Economic Journal, International Journal of Sport Finance, Journal of Sports Economics.

Editor, Journal of Sports Economics

Book Series Editor: Sports Economics, Management and Policy, Springer-Verlag.

9 volumes published

Member of: American Economic Association, National Tax Association, Southern Economic Association, Western Economic Association, International Association of Sports Economists, and the Public Choice Society.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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