
Research Infrastructure (RI): national consortia round 2021-2022Grant application proposal formInstructions for filling out the grant application formPlease adhere to the following rules when filling out this grant application form:Remove the examples and comments (all text in italic; including italic text below table, and including this page) before converting the application to PDF and submitting itThe mandatory font is Calibri, 9,5 point font size, except for references to the literature, which may be given in 8.5 point. Use line spacing 1. (do not change line spacing and margins)The width of table rows may be changed, but the total width of tables may notDo not mention H-indexes, impact factors, total citation or any type of metric that does not refer to a single output itemThe completed grant application form must not exceed 30 pages A4Adhere to the structure of the grant application format (unless noted otherwise) so that referees and committee members know where to find the information they seek The completed grant application form and required attachments should be submitted via NWO’s grant application system ISAAC. Ensure that the form and attachments are saved in PDF format (please see the call for which attachments are required)Please be concise and specific. Provide only information that applies to the application and its objectives.Please take into account that the application will be assessed by both expert referees as well as a broadly composed selection committee (members with a scientific and/or societal/industrial background)Please read the Call for Proposals before completing this formIt is important that both referees and selection committee are able to read the proposal easily. Abbreviations and acronyms should therefore be explained at least once. This can be done in the text itself or in a separate list. Restrict the use of abbreviations in summaries to a minimumMost sections correspond to particular assessment (sub)criterion described in call section 4.2. The call states aspects on which that section will be assessed. Please look at these to make sure you provide the information relevant to assess that criterion. You can also mention other relevant aspectsAlso note:Referees only receive this application, they do not receive any of the other documents related to the application; make sure the application is understandable to them on its ownThe closing date for the submission of your application can be found in the call. The date and time of submission are registered in ISAAC. This timestamp is considered as the legal moment of submissionIt is advisable to start on time with submission of your application in ISAAC, especially because you will be asked to enter all participants you list below as co-applicants in the system1. General informationApplication titlePlease provide a concise title for the grant application. Add acronym in parentheses after the title, if applicable. E.g. “Smart New Infrastructure Project” (SNIP)”Responsible institution and other involved institution(s)e.g. University of The Hague, Faculty of Science – responsible institutioneg. University of Harderwijk, Faculty of Science – involved institutionMain applicantThe main applicant must comply to the rules for applicants as stated in the NWO Grant Rules section 1.3 and must be entered in ISAAC.Name (Titles, First name, Initials, Surname) Address for correspondenceEmailPhone numberWebsiteParticipants In the table below please list the all the people involved in preparing the application. It is not intended to include here users that would probably use the RI but you have not contacted and have not been involved.All participants that conform to the rules for (co-)applicants as stated in the NWO Grant Rules section 1.3 are considered to be a co-applicant and must be entered in ISAAC.Title, first name, initials, surname Affil.Research field(s)ExpertiseORCID/websiteRole(s) ISAAC (y/n)??Prof.dr. E. (Edward) ExampleTUDRUGOperations researchQueueing theory?0000-0000-0000-0000 WP3 leaderyDr. V. (Vera) VorschlagRUGComputer systems, architectures, networksPeer-to-peer networks,Data science WP2 contributory?V. (Victor) VoorbeeldPhilipsFusion physicsCooling liquids?groupvb Facility usernResearch field(s): choose as specific as possible from: Expertise: ondicate specific expertise relevant to the application that could not be found in the NWO research fieldsORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID. If not available, use own website. Make sure it is a clickable blue link.Role(s): choose one or multiple roles: “co-applicant”, “work package [x] leader/contributor”, “user”, “member executive board”, “member steering committee”, “member advisory committee”, “consortium coordinator”, “manager”, etc. Please add roles as necessary. In ISAAC: have you entered this person in ISAAC?KeywordsMax. 5 keywords. Main field of researchPlease state the code of the discipline group which, in your opinion, best corresponds to your application. The discipline group should be selected from the NWO discipline code list: a code is a compulsory part of the application. If your application is interdisciplinary you can enter more than one code.Code/Field of research:Main field of research:Kies een item.Other field(s) of research (if applicable):Kies een item.Kies een item.Kies een item.Relevant NWO-Domain(s)Please select the relevant NWO-domain(s).?Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES/TTW) ?Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH/SGW)? Science (ENW)? ZonMWAbstract (max 500 words)Please also upload this summary under “abstract” in ISAAC.Popular project title and public summary NLVul hier de populaire project titel inPubliekssamenvatting (50-100 words)ENGFill in popular project title herePublic summary (50-100 words)2. Research Infrastructure (RI)Describe the requested RI. Please use the provided subheadings and tables. You can add others if deemed necessary.2.1 GoalPlease summarize the goal of the RI. What scientific, societal and/or economic problem(s) are targeted?2.2. Description of the RIPlease describe the proposed Research Infrastructure. Note that specific services and access policy should be described in section 3.RI componentsDescribe the components of the RI. With “components” we mean here the elements of an RI listed in the definition (section 2.3 of the call). I.e. this refers to the components of the RI when it is up and running. So this section should not include other aspects of the application, such as personnel costs for setting up the RI, or services that the RI offers when it is operational. These should be described elsewhere. Start this section with the table as a summary, and add further descriptions below the table. Component DescriptionTypee.g. MRI 7TModel x obtained from company y with capability zEqe.g. Museum archive x1.000 paintings, statues, and booksColle.g. sample library 1.000 tissue samplesColle.g. computer xWith x speed and y storageE-infrType: Eq (scientific equipment), Inst (collection of instruments), Coll/Arch/Data (knowledge-based resource such as collections, archives, or scientific datasets), E-infr (E-infrastructure such as (coupled) data files, computer systems or communications networks), Oth (other unique infrastructure of crucial importance for excellence in research and innovation),Coherence of RI componentsPlease describe the coherence of the components of the requested investment. How do they contribute to a common, clearly defined goal? Is each component necessary? What is the added value beyond the separate components?2.3 Scientific innovation and breakthroughsPlease describe the scientific innovation of the RI itself. Also describe the expected scientific breakthroughs (if possible, in research questions). Describe the expected research activities or proposed research programme.2.4 ConsortiumInvolved researchers, research groups and other partnersPlease describe consortium and the quality of the researchers, research groups and (if present) other partners. Expand on their roles as already listed in section Participants. Fit of consortium to the infrastructure and breakthroughs.Please describe the fit of the consortium to the infrastructure. Also describe the fit of the consortium to expected breakthroughs. Refer clearly (e.g. by an abbreviation or number) to the breakthroughs defined in National strategy and embeddingPlease describe the national strategy and embedding in this section. The table below is an optional suggestion to provide a summary. Please include all agendas you also mention in the text. Please include, if applicable, the fit within (parts of) one or more routes of the NWA (more info on the NWA routes can be found here) and/or the connection to topsectors/TKI’s/KIA’s (see here and here). Please include, if relevant, one or more Roadmap Group.Agenda/strategyExplanation Institute X Strategy Theme YNational strategy Example researchNWA Route WaterTopsector LogisticsTKI Urban EnergyKIA 4-SecurityRoadmap Group XOther research groupsName research groups in The Netherlands that do comparable research, or could profit from usage of the RI, but are not part of the consortium. Do these groups have similar equipment or expect to obtain such equipment?Fit to Roadmap Large-Scale Research Infrastructure 2021Please motivate the fit to the Group(s) (mentioned in the optional table above) OR motivate why there is no fit.2.6 International strategy and embeddingPlease describe the national strategy and embedding in this section. The table below is an optional suggestion to provide a summary. Please include, if applicable, the fit with (parts of) international agendas such as Horizon Europe, ESFRI, UN Sustainable Development Goals, etc. Agenda/strategyExplanation e.g. UN SDG 7This RI will contribute to affordable/clean energy, because …Other infrastructuresDescribe other international infrastructures that are comparable to or overlap with the requested RI. 3. Impact3.1 Access policyDescribe the access policy (who can do what when), including a procedure for submitting and assessing access requests, and a strategy for attracting (new) scientific users. Start this section with the table as a summary, and add further descriptions below the table. Describe the expected groups of users as well as possible. If no or not all user groups can be identified now, motivate. Please also provide information on (expected) user fees. Please be aware that, as stated in the call, users have to pay a market price. Please provide, insofar as possible, information on capacities defined for each user group (e.g. max. 20% for industrial users) and users inside/outside the consortium. You may add that directly into the table if so desired.Take into account the rules surrounding access described in the AGVV, and access types described in the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures (see the call).The table may be adapted if it does not fit the characteristics of this RI. E.g. in international RIs only members of an international consortium might be granted (early) access, through one membership fee that covers the consortium. The applicants thus do not control (early) access. Then make sure to describe how the Dutch research community can nevertheless (later) access/benefit from the participation of the consortium in the international RI. User groupCons.User typeAccess policyResearchers in TOPIC at TUD and RUG - GROUPS Y and ZyUniAYoung researchers NL early accessnUniBTNO – measurements QyApplCCompany Z – measurements YnIndDSummarize information on user groups. In case costs are not determined (e.g. because of expected negotiations) provide an estimated range and indicate that it is an estimate.Consortium: indicate if group is part of consortiumUser type: choose: Universities and other knowledge institutes, Appl (TO2-institutes such as TNO), Publ (public body such as ministry), Ind (industry). Access policy: specify an abbreviation for the access policy and explain in description. 3.2 Services to scientific usersSpecify the services that will be offered to scientific users and their impact on scientific users. Start with a table that summarizes the services.3.3 Available capacity in relation to required capacityPlease explain the capacity the RI will make available, describe the capacity required to satisfy the demand of all possible users, and relate this to the size of the total investment in the RI.3.4 Impact on other scientific fields Describe how the infrastructure will contribute to innovation in scientific fields that are not within its primary focus. Include information on concrete activities, and an impact plan. Include, at a relevant position in this section, the following table. Description of activityCollaborators/partnersStatus/timing of collaborationDescription: describe concisely the activity planned, and be as specific as possible. E.g. (number of) meetings for writing application, (frequency of) meetings, project meetings, user committee other project, preparatory workshop planned, outreach to the general public at (specify event or medium), promote the use of the infrastructure (specify event)Status: concisely specify the status and timing of the collaboration. E.g. collaborated in past (other projects), collaborated in preparation for this application, will be approached after setup of RI, etc.3.5 Societal and economic impact Describe how the infrastructure will contribute to societal and economic impact. Include information on concrete activities, involvement and commitment of partners/users in companies and/or society, and an impact plan. Include at a relevant position in this section the table below. Try to look in both the immediate and the distant future. Who might potentially benefit from the research, and which can steps be taken to ensure maximum impact for these parties? How can input from these parties, which may be used to maximize impact, be integrated?Description of activityCollaborators/partnersStatus/timing of collaborationDescription: concisely specify the activity planned, e.g. (number of) meetings for writing application, [frequency of] meetings, project meetings, user committee other project, preparatory workshop planned, outreach to the general public at (specify event or medium), promote the use of the infrastructure (specify event)Status: concisely specify the status and timing of the collaboration. E.g. collaborated in past (other projects), collaborated in preparation for this application, will be approached after setup of infrastructure, etc.3.6 Impact of data generatedHow are data generated by the RI made available for the benefit of impact in science, society and economy? Is there a policy, or specific data sharing requirements posed to users? If useful, it is possible to refer to more detailed descriptions you provide in section Unforeseen opportunities for scientific and/or societal impactDescribe a pro-active policy with which unforeseen opportunities are monitored and followed up on (who in the organisation, how, when are opportunities discussed within the RI’s organisation, etc.).4. Organisational and financial aspects4.1 Organisation and GovernanceDescribe the organisation and governance. Include how relevant Dutch research groups and users are represented and involved in decision making. Organisational bodies, tasks and mandateDescribe the organisational bodies, tasks, and mandate. Include embedding in the applying institutions. Include how relevant Dutch research groups and users are represented Decision-making structureDescribe the decision-making structure. Include how relevant Dutch research groups and users are involved in decision making. Include procedure for budget/time overruns.Procedure for budget- and time overrunsDescribe the procedure for dealing with budget- and time overruns.Strategy for procurement, IP, commercial activitiesDescribe the strategy for procurement, IP, commercial activities.Plan for education and training of usersDescribe a plan for education and training of users.Key Performance Indicators, milestones, deliverablesDescribe the KPIs, milestones and deliverables for the benefit of periodic evaluation, with which also technical and financial realisation can be reported. Use table(s) to summarize and then add information below the table(s). Also provide indicators that help make clear how the exploitation is for the benefit of science, society and economy.4.2 Financial aspectsFinancial overviewGive an overview of the costs and contributions for the duration of the NWO-project (max. 5 yrs). Use the tables. Please note that referees do not receive the Excel budget table. The tables can be a summary compared to the Excel budget table, unless noted otherwise. DescriptionTypeCost in €Cost typeYrs 2 postdocs for calibration of equipmentPers410.201VSNU2-5MRI-scanner type XYZ, from company C1 or C2Eq1.001.000List1Total1.411.000Summary funding requested from NWO (for the duration of the NWO-project of max. 5 yrs)This table summarizes the funding requested from NWO. The Excel budget table should be used for more details. The total costs should match exactly with the Excel budget table. Type: Choose: Pers (personnel), Eq (equipment), Oth (other)Year(s) when cost is made, personnel is active, etc.Cost type: for Type P: choose from VSNU, NFU, Cariben, HOT. For type Eq: choose from List (List price), Est (estimation before negotiation), Neg (already negotiated price).DescriptionTypeContr. in €Cost type Yrs SrcProf. Vorschlag, 0,2 FTE, technical expertisePers100.000VSNU2-5VUContribution faculty of sciencesCash100.000Cash1VUTotal200.000Eligible own contribution (not limited to duration of NWO-project of max. 5 yrs)This table lists the complete own contribution and should match exactly with the budget Excel file. Type: Cash (cash), Pers (personnel), Eq (equipment), Oth (other)Year(s) when cost is made, personnel is active, etc.Cost type: For Type Pers: choose from VSNU, NFU, Cariben, HOT. For type Eq: choose from List (List price), Est (estimation before negotiation), Neg (already negotiated price).Source: institution making the contribution, e.g. “TUD”, “RUG”, etc.Requested from NWOOwn contributionContributions companiesPersonnel€ …€ …€ …Non-personnel€ …€ …€ …Cashn.a.€ …€ …Total€ …€ …€ …% … %… %… %Totals These totals should match exactly with budget Excel file. If there are no contributions from companies, you may exclude the last column.DescriptionTypeContr. in €Cost type Yrs SrcProject management, 1p/0,2FTEPers100.000VSNU2-6RUGAdapting buildingOth100.000Est1UvTTechnical support, 2p/0,1 FTEPers100.000VSNU2-10TUTotal300.000Ineligible own contributionThis table lists the complete own contribution. The information should match with the budget Excel file. See table above for explanation of the columns.DescriptionTypeContr. in €Cost typeYrs SrcUse of machine M, 100 hrs x 100 €Eq10.0001-2PhilipsTotalContributions from companiesIf there are no contributions from companies you may exclude this table.Financial feasibility and sustainabilityIn the previous section, you have provided a complete overview of the financial aspects for the duration of the NWO-project (max. 5 yrs; below referred to as year x, where x = 0 - 5). In this section, you are asked to provide an overview of the years after that. Include financial sources and how these will be tapped. Including commercial exploitation, expected capacity and capacity utilisation, and costs to users. Describe the financial commitment of involved parties and how is this commitment is guaranteed. Include the costs for dismantling (if relevant for this RI).Firstly, provide an overview for the years x – 10. This is obligatory. Secondly, provide an overview for the years after that (years 11 – z, where you choose the value of z yourself). This second overview is optional. This overview should be separate from the first overview (i.e. in different tables).You are free in the form you use to provide the overview(s). The tables below are a suggestion; you may deviate from the suggested format.DescriptionTypeContr. in €Yrs SrcTotalCosts for year x+1 – 10DescriptionTypeContr. in €Yrs SrcTotalIncome for years x+1 – 10DescriptionTypeContr. in €Yrs SrcTotalCosts for year 11 – zDescriptionTypeContr. in €Yrs SrcTotalIncome for years 11 – z5. Technical aspects5.1 Technical feasibilityDescribe a plan for the technical implementation. Include tables that provide an overview of milestones, deliverables and roles of the different parties. The tables below are suggestions that can be included at a relevant position of this section.Milestone or deliverableDescriptionRolesTechnical challengeDescriptionSolution(s) and expertise5.2 ICT-infrastructure including data and softwareDescribe the (relevance of) the required ICT-infrastructure and an ICT-implementation plan. This includes a description of data and software aspects, layed down in a software- and datamanagementplan. What is the policy towards FAIR? How are users motivated to conform to FAIR w.r.t. the data they generate? Are there sufficient guarantees in place for required external capacity (including SURF)?5.3 Risk analysisProvide a risk analysis, including risk likelihood, impact, actions to prevent occurrence of the risk, contingency plan to mitigate effects of occurrence, and effects on the scientific ambitions of the RI if the risk actually occurs. Start this section with a table as a summary. The table below is a suggestion. Add further descriptions below the table. Describe the track record on comparable technical solutions of the party that will execute the technical solution. Provide an overview of the phases of the realization and financing (e.g in a table), and then describe the phases with (if possible) S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).Risk specificationLSRPreventive actionsContigency planList the important risks of the project. Analyse these risks by giving each risk a score on likelihood (L), impact (S) and risk level (R). Impact and likelihood range over the values 1 (low) through 5 (high); impact and likelihood together result in a risk level by multiplying their values, resulting in a range of values between 1 and 25. The higher the score the more important the monitoring of the risk is.6. DatamanagementThis is a standard section that is part of all NWO applications. In filling in this section, you may refer to other specific parts of the application for more detailed information compared to the information you provide here.Will this project involve re-using existing research data?? Yes: Are there any constraints on its re-use??No: Have you considered re-using existing data but discarded the possibility? Why?If no, please briefly explain why; if yes, state any constraints on re-use of existing data if there are any. Will data be collected or generated that are suitable for reuse? ? Yes: Please answer questions 3 and 4.?No: Please explain why the research will not result in reusable data or in data that cannot be stored or data that for other reasons are not relevant for reuse. After the project has been completed, how will the data be stored for the long-term and made available for the use by third parties? Are there possible restrictions to data sharing or embargo reasons? Please state these here.4. Will any costs (financial and time) related to data management and sharing/preservation be incurred?? Yes: Then please be sure to specify the associated expenses in the budget table of this proposal.?No: All the necessary resources (financial and time) to store and prepare data for sharing/preservation are or will be available at no extra cost.Explanatory notesResponsible data management is part of good research. To promote effective and efficient data management, data sharing and data reuse, NWO expects researchers to carefully manage data resulting from NWO-funded research and prospectively plan for which data will be preserved and shared.With the data management section, NWO mainly wants to raise awareness about the importance of responsible data management. The section is therefore not included in a committee's decision about whether or not a proposal should be awarded funding. NWO does, however, submit this section to the committee and referees for advice. It is recommended that you seek advice from a data steward or research support office at your host institution to complete this section. They will be able to recommend suitable storage facilities and repositories for your data, and to advise on data management costs.After a proposal has been awarded funding, grantees are required to elaborate the data management section into a detailed data management plan explaining how research data and other results emerging from the NWO-funded research will be stored and made findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). What does NWO understand as research data?Research data are the evidence that underpin the answer to research questions, and can be used to validate findings. Data can be quantitative information or qualitative statements collected by researchers in the course of their work by experimentation, observation, modelling, interview or other methods, or information derived from existing evidence. For the purpose of NWO’s data management policy, the definition of research data does not include physical objects such as scientific and archaeological collections, physical arts works or biobanks; however, digital information extracted from such objects are to be regarded as research data.Software is also not included in the definition of research data. NWO recognizes that software (algorithms, scripts and code developed by researchers in the course of their work) may be necessary to access and interpret data. In such cases, the data management plan will be expected to address how information about such items will be made available.What data does NWO expects you to share and preserve?Research results should be stored in such a way that they can be retrieved and reused in the long term, also by researchers in disciplines and organisations other than those in which the research took place. The operating principle is that all stored data are, in principle, freely accessible and that access is only limited if needed for reasons such as privacy, public security, ethical restrictions, property rights and commercial interests. NWO expects researchers to preserve the data resulting from their projects for at least ten years, unless legal provisions or discipline-specific guidelines dictate otherwise. As much as possible, research data should be made publicly available for reuse, unless there are valid reasons not to do so. As a minimum, NWO requires that the data underpinning research papers should be made available at the time of the article’s publication. Any tools or software (algorithms, scripts and code developed by researchers in the course of their work) necessary to access and interpret data should be made available alongside the data.The costs of data management can be eligible for funding if conforming to the rules of the call Important factors that determine the costs are: the type of data; the capacity needed for storage and backup; the amount of work needed to allocate metadata and the compilation of other documentation such as codebooks and the queries used in the statistical package; the extent to which the data needs to be protected; the hiring in of external data management expertise or other expertise.7. Literature and other relevant informationLiterature referencesGive a brief summary (author, title, journal etc.) of the literature cited in the proposal. Other relevant informationOptionally provide other relevant information.Number of pagesThe number of pages of this complete application is: __________ pages (max. 30 pages)8. Declarations and signatureFunding elsewhereHave you requested funding for this research infrastructure elsewhere?? No? Yes Please include details of any additional grants you have requested for this research project.Ethical aspectsCheck the relevant fields by adding an X. Note that ethical approval may also be required for research in non-medical contexts. If your grant application is successful, all applicable ethical approval documents will need to be sent to NWO before the start of the RI.Not applicableNot yet applied forApplied forReceivedApproval from a medical ethics review committeeApproval from an animal experiments committeePermission for research with the population screening ActApproval from any other recognised ethics review committee(s)By submitting this form, I declare that:? ??I have completed this form truthfully;? ??I satisfy the nationally and internationally accepted standards for scientific conduct as stated in the ???????? Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity 2018;??? I have submitted non-referees (no more than 3 in total);???I endorse and follow the Code Openness Animal Experiments (if applicable);???I endorse and follow the Code Biosecurity (if applicable);? The consortium partners are aware of the NWO Grant Rules and obligatory establishment of an agreement containing IP&P arrangements and will adhere to this if the proposal is awarded.Initial(s) and surname(s): Place: ?????? Date: ??????? ................

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