Taliesin’s MARVEL UNIVERSE Vol. 1

[Pages:81]Taliesin's MARVEL UNIVERSE

Vol. 1

Abomination ? Absorbing Man ? Adam Warlock ? Angel ? Annihilus ? Apocalypse Archangel ? Ares ? Banshee ? Baron Zemo ? Batroc the Leaper ? Beast ? Bishop Black Bolt ? Black Cat ? Black Knight ? Black Panther ? Black Widow ? Blink Blob Bullseye ? Captain America ? Cloak ? Cyclops ? Dagger ? Daredevil ? Dazzler Deadpool ? Doc Samson ? Doctor Doom ? Doctor Octopus ? Doctor Strange Electro ? Elektra ? Emma Frost ? Galactus ? Gambit ? Green Goblin ? Havok Hawkeye ? Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) ? Human Torch ? Iceman ? Invisible Woman Iron Fist ? Iron Man ? Iron Patriot ? Lizard ? Loki ? Mach IV ? Machine Man ? Magik Magma ? Magneto ? Mister Fantastic ? Moon Knight ? Nightcrawler ? Polaris Quasar ? Sandman ? Scarlet Witch ? Scorpion ? Shatterstar ? She-Hulk ? Shocker Spider-Man ? Spider-Woman ? Storm ? Sunspot ? Super-Skrull ? Thing ? Toad Ultron ? Vision ? War Machine ? Wasp ? Wolverine ? Wonder-Man ? X-23 ? X-Man

ABOMINATION (Emil Blonsky)


The Abomination might be as strong as a calm Hulk, but not having the same adrenaline surge as the Hulk means that he is not nearly as formidable, and his healing factor isn't as robust. At the time of its creation, the Abomination was actually as strong as an enraged Hulk, but he has been significantly nerfed since. To keep the Abomination from being simply Hulk-lite, I gave him a little different feat selection and also the power of Suspended Animation, which activates automatically when he is exposed to conditions too deadly for even him to withstand.


STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA +16 +0 +16 +1 +3 +1 42/12 10 42/12 12 14 12









Bluff 8 (+9), Computers 8 (+9), Disable Device 8 (+9), Gather Information 8 (+9), Intimidate 12 (+15), Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 4 (+5), Knowledge [Streetwise] 8 (+9), Knowledge [Tactics] 4 (+5), Languages 2 (English, Russian; base: Yugoslavian), Notice 8 (+10), Pilot 8 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 10 (+6), Survival 4 (+6)


All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Crushing Pin, Improved Grab, Power Attack, Startle, Track


Wealth (Base wealth only +4)


Attack +9 [+8; size] Damage +16 (Unarmed) Defense +9 [+8; size] (+4 flat-footed) Initiative +0


Enhanced Strength 22 (22pp) Enhanced Constitution 26 (26pp) Growth 4 (Extra: Continuous [+1]; Flaw: Permanent

[-1]; 12pp) Immunity 3 (Disease, Environmental Conditions 2 [Cold, Heat]; 3pp) Impervious Toughness 12 (12pp) Leaping 9 (x1,000; 9pp) Regeneration 12 (Recovery Rate 9 [Bruised 1, Injured 2, Disabled 3, Unconscious 1, Staggered 2], Ability Damage 3; Feats: Diehard, Persistent, Regrowth ; 15pp) Super-Strength 4 (Heavy Load: ~100 tons; Power

Feats: Groundstrike, Super-Breath, Thunderclap ; 11pp) Suspended Animation (Extra: Reaction [when reduced to unconscious or dying condition; +4]; Flaw: Uncontrolled [-1]; 5pp)

Growth Effects Size: Large, Mass x8, Base movement +5 feet, Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.; Strength +8, Constitution +4, Carrying Capacity +5; -1 Attack and Defense bonus, Grapple +4, Stealth -4, Intimidate +2

Abilities 12 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 115 + Combat 36 + Saves 0 ? Drawbacks 1 = Total 194

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []

ABSORBING MAN (Carl "Crusher" Creel)


+4 +0 +4 -1 -1 -1

18 10 18












*Up to +15 with Object Mimicry


Climb 4 (+8), Disable Device 7 (+6), Intimidate 14 (+13), Knowledge [Streetwise] 7 (+6), Stealth 4


All-Out Attack, Fearsome Presence 8, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Startle, Tough 2, Weapon Break


Device 1 "Ball and Chain" [Easy to Lose] (3pp) Object Mimicry 15 (Extra: Living Subjects [+1]; Flaw: Tainted [-1]; Drawback: Full Power; 89pp) Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1 [unless form is dispersed]; Power Feat: Regrowth; 2pp)


In some strange way, Absorbing Man is a lot like Plastic Man; both are built with a Variable power simulating their ability to change into various forms. For Creel, this involves touching an object or creature. His power gives him incredible diversity and combines both Object Mimicry and Mimic in that he can also copy the power of a superhero such as the Hulk by touching him.

Absorbing Man's weaknesses are two-fold. First, he acquires any drawbacks that his subject has and must use Object Mimicry to its full power, so if he copies a diamond, he gains its vulnerability to bludgeoning attacks, and if he touches the Hulk, Creel will revert back to his human form if he's not raging. Second, Creel is really dumb and easily tricked into mimicking something with an exploitable drawback.

Ball and Chain (pp total) Strike 2 (Power Feats: Extended Reach, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [same as Mimicked Object]; 5pp)


Attack Attack +7 Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Ball and Chain), +15 (Object Mimicry) Defense +6 (+3 flat-footed) Initiative +0

ilities 10 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 94 + Combat 24 + Saves 14 ? Drawbacks 0 = 166

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []




Adam Warlock is about as cosmic as it gets. His own powers and physical traits are impressive, most notably his ability to form a cocoon around himself within which he can regenerate and accumulate his powers (Boost) in greater safety. With the Karmic Staff in hand, Warlock exhibits a finer degree of control over Cosmic Energy and can use it to stunt Deflect and Telekinesis. Adam Warlock's control over his own life force is such that he always resurrects if ever he dies.

The Soul Gem in Warlock's possession is one of the most powerful items in the Marvel Universe, offering him nearly total control over life. He can drain souls by storing them in the Soul Gem's Dimensional Pocket. Warlock can access the knowledge and memories of those trapped in the gem. Furthermore, he has mastered its use and can project energy blasts, create force constructs, and karmic stun blasts with the gem. However, the Soul Gem is possessed of a malevolent intelligence that feeds upon the souls of those it has captured or, in their absence, the life essence of its wielder. Use of the gem also interferes with Warlock's Cosmic Energy Control, probably due to this symbiotic relationship.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA +9 +8 +9 +3 +4 +5 28 26 28 16 18 20







*+9 Imperivous (+17 Impervious in coccon)



Bluff 8 (+13), Concentration 12 (+16), Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 8 (+11), Notice 6 (+10), Pilot 4 (+12), Stealth 6 (+14)


Evasion, Leadership, Trance


Attack +13 Damage +9 (Unarmed) / +12 (Cosmic Energy Control) /

+15 (Soul Gem Blast) // +2 (Boost) Defense +8 (+4 flat-footed) Initiative +8

Soul Gem (Minion Rank 4)

Abilities: Str --, Dex --, Con --, Int 24, Wis 30, Cha 10 Powers: Drain Wisdom 10 (10pp); Shrinking 20 (Extra: Continuous [+1];

Flaw: Permanent [-1]; Power Feat: Innate; 21pp) Combat: Attack +12 (size), Damage --, Defense +12 (size),

Initiative +0 Saves: Toughness +30 (as Device), Fortitude --, Reflex --, Will +10 Drawbacks: Disability (Immobile; Very Common, Major; -5pp)

Abilities 34 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Powers 31 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 - Drawbacks 5 = 60


Alternate Form 7 "Cocoon" (Drawback: Temporary Disability [immobile; Common, Major; -4pp]; 31pp)

Cosmic Energy Control 12 (Dynamic; 25pp) DAP: Flight 6 (5,000 MPH) and Space Travel 12 (2pp) Device 1 "Karmic Staff" (Easy to Lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted [to those with Cosmic Energy Control]; 5pp) Device 28 "Soul Gem" (Hard to Lose; Flaw: Side-Effect [Nullify Cosmic Energy Control; -2]; 56pp); Linked Power: Enhanced Feat 2 (Minions 4 [Indifferent; -1]; 2pp) Immunity 10 (Life Support, Precognition; 10pp) Impervious Toughness 9 (9pp) Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1; Extra: True Resurrection [+1]; 2pp) Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement [to Soul Gem's dimension]; 2pp) Super-Senses 2 (Cosmic Awareness [mental]; 2pp) Super-Strength 4 (Heavy Load: ~12 tons; 8pp)

Cocoon Form (35pp total) Boost 4 (all powers at once; Flaws: Action [Full; -1],

Personal [-1]; Drawback: Action [20 minutes; -3pp]; 5pp) Protection 8 (Extra: Impervious [+1]; 16pp) Regeneration 12 (Recovery Rate: Bruised 3, Injured 3,

Disabled 3, Ability Damage 3; Extra: Duration [Sustained; +0]; Power Feats: Persistent, Regrowth; 14pp)

Karmic Staff (5pp total) Power Feat [Cosmic Energy Control]: Precise (1pp) DAP [Cosmic Energy Control]: Deflect 8 (all ranged; 2pp) DAP [Cosmic Energy Control]: Telekinesis 13 (2pp)

Soul Gem (114pp total) Comprehend 3 (Languages 3; 6pp) Dimensional Pocket 15 (Extras: Duration [Continuous

(Lasting); +3], Range [+1]; 90pp) AP: Blast 15 (1pp) AP: Force Constructs 15 (1pp) AP: Stun 15 (Extra: Alternate Save [Will; +0], Range

[+1]; 1pp) Mind Reading 15 (Flaw: Limited [to those captured within

Soul Gem; -1]; 15pp)

Abilities 76 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 154 + Combat 42 + Saves 14 ? Drawbacks 0 = 300

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []

ANGEL (Warren Worthington III)

STR DEX CON +4 +7 +4 18 24 18





INT WIS CHA +2 +2 +2 14 14 14








Attack +10, +14 (Airborne) Damage +4 (Unarmed) Defense +10, +14 (Airborne) (+5 flat-footed) Initiative +7

Acrobatics 12 (+19), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Knowledge [Business] 12 (+14), Knowledge [Physics] 4 (+6), Notice 4 (+6), Pilot 4 (+11), Search 8 (+10), Sense Motive 4 (+


Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attractive, Benefit 5 (Wealth 5), Environmental Adaptation (High Altitude), Elusive Target, Evasion, Fast Overrun, Favored Environment [Airborne] 8, Move-By Action, Power Attack



Angel is heavily-dependent on his Favored Environment bonus, although he is quite a competent combatant even when not airborne. Warren's secondary mutation affords him a healing factor that he can confer upon others through his blood, so long as his blood type matches that of his target. He has also used his blood to raise the newly dead. Angel can use his wings to simulate the Super-Breath power feat.

Flight 4 (100 MPH; Drawback: Power Loss [when wings immobilized; Common, Minor]; 6pp) Healing 3 (Flaws: Empathic [-1], Limited [to same blood type; -1], Limited to Others [-1]; 1pp) Healing 3 (Extra: Resurrection [+1]; Flaw: Tiring [-1]; Power Feat: Progression 2 [20 minutes/rank]; 8pp) Regeneration 3 (Recovery Rate 3 [Bruised 1, Injured 1, Disabled 1]; 3pp) Super-Senses 2 (Normal Sight 2 [Extended 2]; 2pp) Super-Strength 1 (Heavy Load: 600 lbs.; Power Feat: Super-Breath; 3pp)

Abilities 42 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 22 + Powers 23 + Combat 40 + Saves 13 ? Drawbacks 0 = Total 154

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []



A good chunk of Annihilus' cost comes from his resources in Minions and Wealth as well as his spawning power; upon his death, Annihilus spawns several immature clones of himself, each built with 195pp. One of these eventually becomes the next Annihilus. The other item of interest is his Cosmic Control Rod, without which Annihilus becomes very mortal and very vulnerable but with which he has conquered many worlds. He can Boost any of his traits up to his PL caps.

Recently during the Annihilation event, Annihilus killed Quasar and took his Quantum Bands. At this moment, this is a temporary Device and may or may not become part of Annihilus' arsenal:


STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA +11 +3 +4 +4 +1 +4 32 16 18 18 12 18










Craft [Mechanical] 15 (+19), Intimidate 14 (+18), Knowledge [Technology] 15 (+19)



Weakness (when deprived of Cosmic Control Rod; Uncommon, Major, -1 to all ability scores each day, lethal; -1pp)


Attack +11 Damage +11 / +15 (Cosmic Energy Control) Defense +10 (+5 flat-footed) Initiative +3

Benefit 5 (Wealth 5), Inventor, Minions 20 POWERS

Device 12 "Cosmic Control Rod" (Easy to Lose) (36pp) Duplication 13 (Extras: Horde [+1], Survival [+1]; Flaw: Immature clones [-1]; Power Feats: Progression 3 [10 duplicates], Triggered [upon death]; 43pp) Flight 4 (100 MPH; 8pp) Protection 10 (10pp) Super-Strength 5 (Heavy Load: ~24 tons; 10pp)

Cosmic Control Rod (60pp total) Cosmic Energy Control 15 (Dynamic; 30pp) DAP: Animate Objects 10 (2pp) DAP: Boost 15 (any trait; 2pp) DAP: Flight 15 (2pp) DAP: Transform 5 (non-living matter; Extra:

Continuous [+1]; 2pp) Enhanced Fortitude 10 (10pp) Immunity 10 (Aging, Life Support; 10pp) Space Travel 2 (medium interstellar; 2pp)

Quantum Bands

Device 20 (Hard to Lose; Drawbacks: Power Loss [against magical effects; Common, Minor; -2pp]; 78pp)

Quantum Bands (100pp total) Immunity 19 (Life Support, Psionic effects; 19pp) Dazzle 15 (Dynamic; Visual; 30pp) DAP: Blast 14 (Variable Descriptor [electromagnetic]; 2pp) DAP: Create Object 14 (Extra: Continuous [+1]; Flaw:

Distracting [-1]; Power Feat: Stationary; 2pp) DAP: Drain 15 (any one energy power; 2pp) DAP: Flight 15 (2pp) DAP: Light Control 14 (Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial; 2pp) DAP: Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Movement 2; 2pp) DAP: Teleport 15 (2pp) Protection 15 (Extra: Impervious [+1]; 30pp) Space Travel 3 (fast interplanetary; 3pp) Super-Senses 3 (Detect Energy 3 [mental, Ranged, Tracking]; 3pp)

Abilities 54 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 26 + Powers 107 + Combat 42 + Saves 13 ? Drawbacks 1 = 252

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []


STR DEX CON +8 +4 +15 26 18 40




*+15 Impervious

INT WIS CHA +5 +5 +4 20 20 18






Craft [Mechanical] 16 (+21), Diplomacy 12 (+16), Intimidate 12 (+16), Knowledge [History] 16 (+21), Knowledge [Life Sciences] 16 (+21), Knowledge [Technology] 16 (+21), Pilot 8 (+12)



Headquarters "Celestial Ship" (15ep) Size: Large; Toughness: 20; Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Infirmary, Laboratory, Living Space, Power System, Workshop; Powers: Flight, Space Travel


Attack +9 Damage +8 [+15] (Unarmed) / +15 (Blast) Defense +9 (+5 flat-footed) Initiative +4


Benefit 8 (Wealth 8), Connected, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 3, Inventor, Leadership, Master Plan, Minions 24 (Fanatical; 4 Horsemen, 150pp each)


With Shapeshift, Apocalypse can acquire any physical power he needs, which in combat usually includes some combination of Density, Elongation, Enhanced Strength, Flight, Growth, Insubstantial, Regeneration, and Strike. This pool includes 15pp of his physical ability scores, for a total of 30pp to spend. Apocalypse also gained some measure of mental or psionic ability, usually in the form of force blasts and teleportation. Apocalypse still prefers to wade into melee and no wonder; few beings can challenge him physically, and he always has the versatility to run circles around any physical threat.

Apocalypse's Four Horsemen keeps changing membership, so he essentially gets four 150pp Alpha-level mutants as his minions, usually enough to describe any X-Man he happens to recruit/brainwash. Mister Sinister has betrayed and plotted against Apocalypse so many times that he shouldn't be considered his Sidekick anymore.


Blast 15 (30pp) AP: Teleport 10 (Extra: Attack [+1]; Power Feats: Easy, Progression; 1pp) Comprehend 3 (Languages 3 [speak, understand, read any]; 6pp) Immunity 10 (Aging, Life Support; 10pp) Impervious Toughness 15 (15pp) Shapeshift 3 (24pp)

Abilities 82 + Skills 24 (96 ranks) + Feats 40 + Powers 86 + Combat 36 + Saves 13 ? Drawbacks 0 = Total 280

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []

ARCHANGEL (Warren Worthington III)

STR DEX CON +4 +7 +4 18 24 18





INT WIS CHA +1 +0 +0 12 10 10






Acrobatics 12 (+19), Intimidate 8 (+8), Knowledge [Business] 12 (+13), Knowledge [Physics] 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+4), Pilot 4 (+11), Search 8 (+9), Sense Motive 4 (+4)




Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attractive, Environmental Adaptation (High Altitude), Elusive Target, Evasion, Fast Overrun, Favored Environment [Airborne] 8, Move-By Action, Power Attack


Attack +Attack +8, +12 (Airborne) Damage +4 (Unarmed), +4 (Blast, Autofire), +8 (Strike, 19-20 Crit) Defense +8, +12 (Airborne) (+4 flat-footed) Initiative +7


Archangel is a deadlier, slightly less skilled incarnation of Angel. He does have a higher top speed due to his mechanical wings. Archangel is also able to use his wings to perform slashing attacks, to protect himself and others, and to fire neurotoxintipped feathers.

Container 12 [Techno-Organic Wings] (Drawbacks: Uncontrolled [only if DC 10 Will save failed; Uncommon, Moderate; -2pp]; 56pp) Protection 4 (4pp) Super-Senses 2 (Normal Sight 2 [Extended 2]; 2pp) Super-Strength 1 (Heavy Load: 600 lbs.; Power Feat: Super-Breath; 3pp)

Techno-Organic Wings (60pp total) Blast 4 (Extra: Autofire [+1], Linked [to Paralyze; +1]; 16pp) AP: Strike 4 (Power Feats: Extended Reach,

Improved Critical, Mighty; 1pp) AP: Deflect 5 (all attacks; Power Feat: Extended

Reach; 1pp) Flight 6 (500 MPH; Drawback: Power Loss [if wings immobilized; Common, Minor; -2pp], 10pp) Paralyze 8 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude; +0], Autofire [+1], Ranged [+1]; 32pp)

Abilities 32 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 65 + Combat 32 + Saves 13 ? Drawbacks 0 = Total 173

[Character Write-Up : Taliesin] -- [Layout: Hyborian] -- []


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