Scholarship Database - Education

Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink | |

|Commonwealth Scholarships | | | |

|Australian Government Aged Care Nursing |Australian Government: Dept. |$5000/semester up to $30000 |Demonstrate commitment to Aged Care, preference given|More Information |

|Scholarships |of Health and Ageing | |to students from rural areas | |

|Foundation For Young Australians |Private |Indigenous students - secondary |Indigenous |More information |

|Grants |Grants Link |Funding to assist students |All students access |More information |

|Indigenous Staff Scholarship |Australian Government: DEST |Coverage of academic fees |Need to encourage indigenous students to attend |More Information |

| | | |further education and demonstrated leadership on | |

| | | |indigenous issues in higher education | |

|Public Sector management scholarships |QLD Government |Public Sector Management Program |Students only - no teachers |More Information |

|School Education programs |DEST |All assistance |All students receiving assistance |More Information |

|Student support access |Centrelink |Fares Assistance |All students receiving assistance |More information |

|Private Providers | | | | |

|Access Scholarships |Australian Theatre for Young |Workshop fees plus food and travel allowances |Financial need |More Information |

| |People/Deutsche Bank Australia|to attend holiday theatre workshops | | |

|Australian Institute of Sport Scholarships |The Australian Institute of |Entry into the Institute |Australian resident, athletic ability |More Information |

| |Sports | | | |

|Bensen Family Foundation |Bensen Family Foundation |Funding up to $10000 |financial need |More Information |

|Bill Ritchie Family Trust Scholarships |Mary MacKillop Foundation |Undergraduate Scholarships |Indigenous, financial need |More Information |

|Children's Cancer Institute Australia |Children’s Cancer Institute |$1200 plus summer vacation employment |Must completed at least 2 years of a biological |More Information |

|Summer Vacation Scholarship |Australia |opportunities |science course | |

|Clontarf Academy Program |Clontarf Foundation |Place in Academy to pursue sporting goals |Sporting and Academic merit |More Information |

|Doxa Cadetship Program |Doxa Youth Foundation |Work Experience plus funding |Year 12 with leadership and academic capabilities |More Information |

|Elevate |PriceWaterhouse |Leadership Program/Camp |Various |More Information |

| |Coopers/Mission Australia | | | |

|Ellen Violet Brown Scholarship Trust |Perpetual Trustees Australia |Funding for an Aboriginal student to study |Occasionally awarded, Academic Merit |More Information |

| |Ltd. |Educational | | |

|Further Education Bursaries |Vision Australia |Funding towards courses Cert IV or greater |Resident of Victoria, ACT, NSW or NT, vision |More Information |

| | | |impaired, financial need | |

|Indigenous Health Scholarships |Australian Rotary Health |Funding for studies in Health |Studying in a health related field, indigenous. |More Information |

| |Research Fund | |Academic merit | |

|Indigenous Peoples' Medical Scholarship |Australian Medical Association|Funding up to $9000/year |Abstudy claimant, strong academic record, community |More Information |

|Trust Fund 2007 | | |involvement | |

|Lady Mollie Askin Ballet Travelling |Trust Company of Australia |Funding for study, maintenance and travel |Ages: 17-30 Shows outstanding ability and promise in |More Information |

|Scholarship |ltd, | |ballet | |

|Learning for life |Smith Family |Various means of support |Financial need |More Information |

|Marten Bequest Scholarships |Trust Company of Australia |Funding towards an Education in the Arts |Ages:21-35 (17-35 ballet) Merit based |More Information |

| |ltd, | | | |

|MECU Ecolink Scholarship |MECU |$500 contribution towards being able to visit |Schools |More information |

| | |ECOLINK | | |

|Neville Bonner Memorial Scholarship |Australian National University|Payment of Award Costs |Post Graduate Indigenous student |More Information |

|Pallottine Aboriginal Scholarship Trust |Pallottine Organization |Payment of fees |Post-secondary course at an approved institution. |More Information |

|Programs |BHP Billiton |Scholarships and initiatives | |More information |

|Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship |Royal College of Nurses |Up to $15000/year for duration of studies |enrol in the study of Nursing, Medicine, Certificate |More Information |

| | | |III and IV or Diploma and Advanced Diploma Aboriginal| |

| | | |Health Worker Course, Health Management, Allied | |

| | | |Health | |

|Qantas Indigenous Cadet Pilot Scholarship |Qantas |Flight Training and Accommodation Costs |Academic Merit |More Information |

|Program | | | | |

|Realise Your Dream |British Council Australia |Work experience program in the UK |Ages: 19-26 involved in Creative Industries |More Information |

|Regional Performance Scholarship |Bell Shakespeare Performance |Opportunity for students to take part in |Year 11 or 12 Student in a regional area. |More Information |

| |Company |rehearsals and workshops at the company | | |

|Sir Robert Askin Operatic Travelling |Trust Company of Australia |Funding for study, maintenance and travel |Ages: 18-30 Shows outstanding promise and ability as |More Information |

|Scholarship |ltd, | |a male operatic singer | |

|Sneddon, Hall and Gallop Legal Studies |Sneddon Hall and Gallop |$6000 over 3 years for undergraduate law |Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarship | |studies and work experience | | |

|Success Through Educational Excellence |The Fogarty Foundation |Various scholarships |Financial need/Academic merit |More Information |

|Scholarships | | | | |

|The Great Barrier Reef Research Foundation |The Great Barrier Reef |$750 Prize |Highest grades in 3rd year of a Tropical Marine |More Information |

|Telstra Country Wide Prize |Research Foundation | |Network Major | |

|Thelma Afford Theatre, Stage, TV or Film |Trust Company of Australia |Funding for studies in visual arts and theatre |Ages 17-30 years students of drama and/or art |More information |

|Costume Design Award |ltd, | | | |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Scholarships | | | |

|Bid O'Sullivan Teaching Scholarships |Queensland Government |Funding towards studies in Education |Year 12 students from a rural area |More Information |

|Pearl Duncan Teaching Scholarship |Queensland Government |Funding towards studies in Education |Academic Merit |More Information |

|Main Roads Education to Employment Scheme |Queensland Government |Provision of Scholarships and work experience |Year 9 students |More Information |

| | |opportunities | | |

|Higher Expectations Program |Cape York Institute |Funding and Work Experience opportunities |Year 7 students of Cape York |More Information |

|Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in |Queensland Government |Funding |Academic merit |More Information |

|Science | | | | |

|TJ Ryan Scholarship |Queensland Government |Funding towards studies in Education for up to |Year 12 student with high academic |More Information |

| | |5 years |achievement and community involvement | |

|Educational Providers Scholarships | | |

|Australian South Sea Islander Scholarship |James Cook University |Up to $5000/semester to assist with expenses |Student at JCU, not receiving ABSTUDY, |More Information |

| | | |academic success, not receiving any other | |

| | | |scholarships | |

|Bursaries & Scholarships |Australian Catholic university |All Faculties |All students |More Information |

|Hugh Alexander Grierson Trust Bursary |James Cook University |Awarded over duration of degree as money, |Full time aboriginal students |More information |

| | |books, equipment or accommodation payments | | |

|Indigenous Postgraduate Scholarship |Queensland University of Technology |$4000 to support studies |Post-graduate student in information |More information |

| | | |technology or information management | |

|Lloyd Fourmile Junior Bursary |James Cook University |$2500 to assist with expenses |Full time student from: Yarrabah, Palm |More information |

| | | |Island, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Hopevale,| |

| | | |Pomporrow, Arukun, Wugul Wugul, | |

|Scholarships & Prizes |University of Queensland |Support for all students |Undergraduate and post graduate information |More Information |

|Scholarships & Prizes |University of Southern Queensland |All Faculties |All students |More Information |

|Scholarships & Prizes |Bond University |Undergraduate |Financial/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships & Prizes |Central Queensland University |Undergraduate |Financial/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships & Prizes |University of the Sunshine Coast |Undergraduate |Financial/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships and Awards |Griffith University |Various support for students |Undergraduate and post graduate information |More Information |

|Year 12 Scholarship |Australian College of Natural |1 full scholarship and 1 half scholarship |Year 12 students |More Information |

| |Medicine | | | |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Scholarships | | | |

|Jim Anderson Scholarship |NSW Government |$5,000 |Completing year 12 at eligible NSW High School |More Information |

| | | |and intending to continue onto the University | |

| | | |of Western Sydney or TAFE NSW | |

|Teaching Scholarships |Department of Education and Training |Payment of HECS plus study allowance and |Attending NSW/ACT Higher educational |More Information |

| | |employment opportunities |institution, need to accept job in nsw public | |

| | | |school | |

|Educational Providers | | | |

|A P Elkin Fund for the Assistance of |University of Sydney |Grants for special purposes |Enrolled at the University of Sydney |More Information |

|Aboriginal Education | | | | |

|Alice Mary Wingrove Bursary |University of Sydney |Up to $300 |Full time undergraduate student, satisfactory |More Information |

| | | |progress, financial need. | |

|Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait |University of Sydney |Funding of full time study at University of |Enrolled at the University of Sydney |More Information |

|Islander Scholarship | |Sydney or a Secondary School to be able to | | |

| | |study at the university of Sydney | | |

|Awards and Prizes |UNSW |All student access | |More Information |

|Bernard Lee Scholarship for Indigenous |University of Sydney |Up to $5000 |Under 35 years old, making satisfactory |More Information |

|Australian Students | | |progress in degree | |

|Blue Mountains Hotel School Hospitality and|Blue Mountains Hotel School |$15000 towards study costs |Academic Achievement and involvement |More information |

|Tourism Management Scholarship | | | | |

|College of Humanities and Social Sciences |University of Sydney |$1000 towards educational expenses |first year student in: Arts, Economics and |More Information |

|Scholarship | | |Business, Education & Social Work, Law, Sydney | |

| | | |College of the Arts, and Sydney Conservatorium | |

| | | |of Music with high results | |

|College of Sciences and Technology |University of Sydney |$1000 towards educational expenses |First year student in: Agriculture, Food and |More Information |

|Scholarship | | |Natural Resources, Architecture, Engineering, | |

| | | |Science, or Veterinary Science with high | |

| | | |results | |

|Dr Charles Perkins Prize |University of Sydney |Prize |Final year undergraduate or honours student |More Information |

| | | |with outstanding academic results | |

|Duncan Fund |University of Sydney |Up to $100 |Enrolled at the University of Sydney in a |More Information |

| | | |Diploma of Education (Aboriginal) | |

|General Scholarships |Campion College |Undergraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Poppy Harris Bursary |University of Sydney |Up to $1000 |Full time undergraduate student, satisfactory |More Information |

| | | |progress, financial need. | |

|Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney |Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney |Secondary Education |Financial Need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Robert Flloyd Marshall & Essen Marshall |University of Sydney |Up to $2000 |Full time undergraduate student, satisfactory |More Information |

|Scholarship | | |progress, financial need. | |

|Scholarship Scheme |University of Western Sydney |Students in selected courses |Under graduate and Post graduate courses |More information |

|Scholarships |Australian College of Physical Education|Undergraduate courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships |Australian Film, Television and Radio |Various courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

| |School | | | |

|Scholarships |Southern Cross University |Undergraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships |University of Wollongong |Undergraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships and Financial Assistance |Wesley Institute |Undergraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships and Financial Assistance |Australian Catholic University |Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships and Financial Assistance |Charles Sturt University |Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More information |

|Scholarships and Financial Assistance |Avondale College |Various courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships At NIDA |Various organisations |Various amounts |Potential NIDA students with financial need |More Information |

|Scholarships At UNE |UNE |All student access |Under graduate & Post graduate students |More Information |

|Scholarships for High School Leavers |Macquarie University |Undergraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|Special Admissions Scheme |Southern Cross University |Funding for all courses on offer |Under graduate and Post graduate courses |More Information |

|St Josephs Hunters Hill |St Josephs Hunters Hill |Secondary Education |Financial need/Academic Merit |More Information |

|University Scholarships |University of Wollongong |Various amounts |Under graduate & Post graduate students |More Information |

|Victoria Gollan Scholarship |University of Sydney |$1,500 |Enrolled in Bachelor of Law |More Information |

|Private Organisations | | | | |

|Sisters of Charity Foundation Indigenous |Sisters of Charity Foundation |Funding for an Aboriginal student to attend |Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarship | |secondary school in Sydney | | |

|Young Achiever Program |Freemasons NSW and ACT |$2000 Award |13-18, has made significant contribution to |More Information |

| | | |community | |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Scholarships | | | |

|A guide to Funding Sources for indigenous |Victorian Government |All students access information |Indigenous students |More Information |

|students in Victoria | | | | |

|Department Scholarships |Victorian Government |Various Amounts |Academic Merit/Financial need |More Information |

|Educational Providers | | | |

|A New School of Thought |Victoria University |Access to all areas of study |TAFE, Under Graduate & Post Graduate, Research |More information |

|Box Hill Institute Scholarships |Box Hill Institute of Tafe |Course Funding |Academic Merit and Financial need |More Information |

|Champion De Crespigny Scholarship |Trinity College, University of |College Fees with mentoring and work experience|Academic, attendance at Melbourne Uni, |More Information |

| |Melbourne | |contribute to awareness of indigenous culture | |

| | | |in college | |

|Evelyn Boekemann Scholarships |RMIT |$500 for general education and living costs |Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student at|More Information |

| | | |RMIT | |

|George Alexander Foundation Grant |RMIT |$1000 to help with education and living costs |Full time RMIT student with no outstanding fees|More Information |

| | | |that may be caring for a child under five | |

|George Alexander Foundation Scholarships |RMIT |$5000 to help with education and living costs |Full time RMIT students with no outstanding |More Information |

| | | |fees | |

|Oodgeroo Scholarship |Trinity College, University of |Payment of college fees |Academic, attendance at Melbourne Uni and |More Information |

| |Melbourne | |Trinity College | |

|Prospective Students Scholarships and |Ballarat University |Awards and Scholarships |Academic Merit and Financial need |More Information |

|Awards | | | | |

|RMIT Indigenous Fee Equity Scholarships |RMIT |Payment of HECS fees |Attending RMIT full time and experiencing |More Information |

| | | |financial difficulties | |

|Rural Grants |RMIT |$5000 to help with education, living and |Full time RMIT student from a farming |More Information |

| | |transport costs |background with financial disadvantage | |

|Scholarships |Oceania Polytechnic Institute |Full Scholarships |Academic Merit and Financial need |More Information |

| |of Education | | | |

|Scholarships and Awards |University of Melbourne |Funding for courses |Both Under Graduate & Post graduate Courses |More Information |

|Scholarships and Awards |Deakin University |Funding for courses |Undergraduate and Postgraduate students |More Information |

|Scholarships and Awards |Australian Institute of Public |Discount on fees |Current Students, based on Academic merit |More Information |

| |Safety | | | |

|Scholarships and Awards |Marcus Oldham College |Undergraduate Students |Academic Merit |More Information |

|Scholarships and Prizes |LaTrobe University |Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses |Academic Merit and Financial need |More Information |

|Student Scholarships |Monash University of Australia |Funding for courses |Undergraduate student * Post graduate |More Information |

|Study Grants |North Melbourne Institute of |financial grants, prizes or resources relevant |Open to all full time students |More Information |

| |Tafe |to the course. | | |

|Swinbourne Scholarships |Swinbourne University of |Access to all areas of study |Academic Merit and Financial need |More Information |

| |Technology | | | |

|The Awumpum Scholarship |Trinity College, University of |Payment of college fees |Academic, attendance at Melbourne Uni, |More Information |

| |Melbourne | |contribute to awareness of indigenous culture | |

| | | |in college | |

|Year 12 Scholarship |Australian College of Natural |1 full scholarship and 1 half scholarship |Year 12 students |More Information |

| |Medicine | | | |

|Yorta Yorta Scholarship |Trinity College, University of |Payment of college fees |Academic, Student of Trinity College, Can make |More Information |

| |Melbourne | |worthwhile contribution to Trinity | |

|Other Providers | | | | |

|Legal Policy Internship Program |Victoria Law Foundation |Internship with a public sector organisation |Academic Merit |More Information |

|Opportunity Scholarships |Education Foundation |Funding for school approved costs |Enrolled in a Victorian school, nominated by |More Information |

| | | |teacher, recipient of Youth Allowance, Abstudy | |

| | | |or Education Maintenance Allowance | |

|Reginald and Isabell Blamey Scholarships |Deaf Children Australia |Financial assistance |Students in transition from primary to |More Information |

| | | |secondary education | |

|The Alpine School Scholarship |Mecu |Contribution towards cost of attending Alpine |Year 9 Students |More Information |

| | |School | | |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Scholarships | | | |

|ACT Junior Secondary Bursary Scheme |ACT Government |Funding towards educational Costs |14-15 year old students. Application needs to |More Information |

| | | |be made by parents | |

|Individual Athlete Scholarship Program |ACT Government |Sporting |ACT resident with Athletic ability |More Information |

|Higher Education Institutions | | | |

|Forestry Department Scholarship for an |Australian National |Funding, no less than $1000 |Academic merit, Studying Bachelor of Science |More Information |

|Indigenous Student |University | |(Forestry) | |

|Joseph and Lindsey Croft Scholarship |Australian National |Academic |Past academic performance |More Information |

| |University | | | |

|Neville Bonner Memorial Scholarship |Australian National |Funding for Honours in Political Science |Undergraduate student with acceptance into |More Information |

| |University | |Honours program. | |

|Nugget Coombs Scholarship for Indigenous |Australian National |Funding for fieldwork/research in Northern |Academic Merit. |More Information |

|Australian Students |University |Australia | | |

|Rotary - Alf Gillespie Scholarship for an |Australian National |Academic, $2000. Renewable |enrolled full-time in the second or subsequent |More Information |

|Indigenous Australian |University | |year of an archaeology or anthropology degree | |

| | | |program. Taking courses related to Indigenous | |

| | | |Australian culture history and/or linguistics. | |

|Scholarships and Financial Assistance |Charles Sturt University |Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses |Financial need/Academic Merit |More information |

|Student Services Awards |University of Canberra |Academic |Under Graduate, Post graduate, International, |More Information |

| | | |Indigenous | |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Scholarships | | | |

|Ray Richardson University Scholarship in |Tasmanian Government |Financial Support and Work Experience |Complete year 12 at eligible high schools |More Information |

|Education | | | | |

|Educational Providers | | | |

|Scholarships and Bursaries |University of Tasmania |Student access for all courses |Commencing, Under Graduate, Post Graduate & |More Information |

| | | |Honours students | |

|Private Providers | | | | |

|Scholarship Information |Australian maritime College |Undergraduate Scholarships |Academic need/Financial Merit |More Information |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Providers | | | |

|ASMS Scholarships |SA Government |Full and partial scholarships |Academic Merit/Financial Need |More Information |

|Country Teaching Scholarships |SA Government |$2500/year |Live in rural area, studying education and |More Information |

| | | |will teach in rural area after graduation | |

|Dame Roma Mitchell Scholarship |SA Government |$2000 over two years |Year 10 aboriginal Students |More Information |

|Educational Providers | | | |

|ICHM Entry Scholarships |International College Of Hotel |Full Scholarships |18-20 years old, year 12 completion |More Information |

| |Management | | | |

|Scholarships |University of Sth Australia |Commencing students |All courses |More Information |

|University Scholarships |University of Adelaide |Funding for all student courses |Under graduate and Post Graduate students |More Information |

|University Scholarships |Flinders University |Access for all students |Under graduate and Post Graduate students |More Information |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Programs | | | | |

|Aboriginal Cadetships |Department of Education |Funding and Work Experience |Reside in Western Australia, studying |More Information |

| | | |in an education related field. Pass | |

| | | |police checks | |

|Office of Aboriginal Health Scholarship program |Department of Health |Funding |Aboriginal student studying in a |More Information. |

| | | |health related field | |

|Scholarships and Awards |WA Government |Funding for all areas of study |Academic Merit and Financial Need |More Information |

|Higher Education Providers | | | | |

|Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship Program |Curtin University of |Funding for all areas of study |Academic Merit and Financial Need |More Information |

| |Technology | | | |

|FCJ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship |University of Notre Dame |Funding for HECS, accommodation and living |Full time Notre Dame student with |More Information |

| | |costs |references. | |

|Peter Cameron Memorial Fund |University of Notre Dame |Funding |Studying in the fields of spiritual or|More Information |

| | | |physical health | |

|Scholarships Office |University of Western |Funding for all areas of study |Academic Merit and Financial Need |More Information |

| |Australia | | | |

|Undergraduate Scholarships |Edith Cowan University |Funding for all areas of study |Academic Merit and Financial Need |More Information |

|Other Providers | | | | |

|The Fogerty Dance Scholarship |The Fogarty Foundation |Full scholarship for years 8-12 at the Graduate|Dancing ability |More Information |

| | |College of Dance | | |

|Scholarship Name |Provider |Type of Scholarship |Criteria |Weblink |

|Government Scholarships | | | |

|Arts Scholarship Scheme |Northern Territory Government |Funding towards education in arts related |Under 26 years of age |More Information |

| | |disciplines | | |

|Higher Education and VET Scholarships for |Northern Territory Government |$3500 towards undergraduate studies |Academic merit |More Information |

|School Leavers | | | | |

|Educational Institutions | | | | |

|CDU Scholarships |Charles Darwin University |All faculties and courses |All student access |More Information |


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